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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1911)
MORNIHQ ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1911. ZJt: HIOH CLASS TAILORING Of Balling Bid... niand. h Main 1111. Tt M k-. t t 4 . iiiirnuii, jonn fair. ' niiKUHBUi . . U .... ,1 1 n. I . . . ... I.r. of lb. O.l. Mountain ..We. .7 "- " -." ' " o to rld ta Oregon city Taureday gfur- urrB- legend that boon to epnd lb holiday wit rat- 00r UNM ltm ab .tleniled Sun live. In (till rliy. They made the trip day erbool plrnir. I.ut b wa by no of thirty fir mile to Boot! a Mill la uaoaa bleb filar now for tbU time of tba year "f'b "1 '" rornplelned Wiun I Hie cliaoca to Uiarr had not rumi ! ktitimn TRC rHIIDrHCi r" "be bad never complained of bor OMVUU MIL, VIIURVIILJ aia IIMANO k irTMt an eoarUtloa aereoa of peoe. nnxxt eopi" gaterprlae from lea aubecrttwra aflf tt, been plcd thc by TV Mie wttem. AN OLD MAID'S $10000 . by M. QUAD CfrrtM, mi. f Aaaoel.tad Lm rar lrea Brh Jobuaon bad ten rallad ao Id maid tluiuat r elure ao; oua Id tb Tlllaf rould rneuilr. Bon. tig Bred bar age at forty Ore, and eome weot Ufa yar letter, ftar.b bad al- way lld aluna aud oo what aba FACT AKD FANCIES. TH Leieet Faerie FeTaaUi Re Is brury, Tber U a kind of cotton corduroy wblib la vary warm and eminently eulteble for winter batb robe. It eao ba bought for Mb cauta a yard, and only about aereu yard ara required for a rob mad In blmooo atyl. A charming modal, on in make any wo man jvaioua. waa eeeo rwrniniy. mao f pala pink corduroy i Tb uda of poor earnlnge aud poor living: If ao? Alia t.rtiA aat I a. a. . k. l i. i n m i www " wim UWT W ItV WUVU aVIM Ba.lUl rk..a.k Ukl. ... 1 ailk. H.. .. l a a. . a. . Uf. i Utar fur mm m, n. Lfia,. 0""- L44htrftn CKurcK, fUv. II Th.(l i. Mfttt. tM.tur. A ChrUtma bnitrram I . . . ' . . . . . a 111 lata WmAt9mA fatl ki . a r . at t:J0 p. m. Baibod la eor- r " ruKI dully lavllad. Hundar. Im. II. ar ,b rtr""" day daaaad. A rrlalha dlad and Irfl bar a fold I10.0U) 0 rb It mada Tan In lb tIIIik rwt k loar brottMf. dular V a atMalain la kw tfca Mia rai aaw irim h tiMj- aotuaa- IWU fawC'-faia LOCAL DRICrS fcakba, of MoUlla, waa la O ra rer. mUr W a IUta. of Can by, waa In m$ Hturdaf. C Ukaiaa. of MoUlla. waa la dtf aa mdar. M Woaraja. of Clalrmaa, waa la 1 07 oa Balurtjay. Baron, of Caaby, waa la Ora- Otj Baiarday. I faith, of Boottl MI1U. la hi dtf oa bualnaaa. rt Caldaall, of Ilaavar Crwak. waa ti City Saturday. . Bila. of Itoarar Ciok, waa f City oa galnrday. V Aaatin. of MoUlla, waa la tba Mday and rrdaiarad at tba Cloo. Mi. 0. B. INmlrli rturcd from rnaay. brra ba waa oa Kil aaa. I Ramaby. of MoUlla. ona of lha farmrra of tbat pUra, waa "r rrtday and Saturday. t imporr. ona of tba watv 1 hnn.ra of giona. waa la thla Ulurday. ' Cf-k. waa In Orr-xoa City on r Saturdar. F t. Knatlbort. nt aha of Fioni rarmara of that piaca, I tkla lll O . 1 11 -A m 1 VW.WMV ' 0lar, of Bcott a Mllla. la la r - law oaya, ana 10 among P rarlnt at lha Kloctrtq Ho- P 714 Main atrat, baa lota of W tba hnlli1.a. tn unit H TO Casta. niit lno si nro pneaa. Mlnra wwim flavora, "raajr rort, lr at 10: SO a. m. Munday a bM nt 1:10 Cathaila Cornar Walar and Tanih traata, Ha. A. HUlabraod paalor raaidanra fit Watar; Iiw Uui I a. m.. with aarmoo: lllah Maaa 10:10 a. aa : aftamooa aarvlea at a Maa avarv mnrnln. al I Ccanoraoatlonal Cburh Hundar. It: Morning witraoip ai 10 3U. 1 na choir will rndr tba "MagulnVnl . Wllaon. Harmon by (I. N Kd ward, on "Wbat Shall Ilia Nama llor I'aalor'a raldaira. 71 t anirr HatrawL Talapbooa Mala I&. Kunday arbool at 11 io (Cra ning worahln at T 10. Tba rbolr will randar Wllatm'a aacrad cantata. 'Tba rtrat CbrUtmaa.' undrr tba diraotlun of I Tot Jobnitoo wbo will nla an oiwnlaa orgaa aolo. A abort Ulk by lb paalor on "A N Not la Cbrtatmaa Ulrlng." Chriat .a a-Miiiral of tba Hundar arbool. Tba church IU ha profuaaly d- oralMl with xniaa tarn aoa irava nnd lb children will alng a laotaia nl!ild "Tba Crownlug of Chrtat. ma Rvrrvbodr walroma rirwt Church af Chrlat. aeiantiat. Kinth and ("antar atraal. hrlca ai 11 a. m. Sunday acbool u..l.ln taw Haindar. "Chrtat Jaaua Oarman t angalleal Comar Eighth WUraalek naatof. raaldanra Til MajHannr Bandar acbool 10 I B i. wanadaa at 7 : 10 a n ni.M Chrlatlan Ua. A. II. klul bay. paalor; UlbU arbool at 11 m nraarhlna at 11 and Maintain Vlaw U""U-0"iT ttonall Buaday arbool 1 p. ii trkradar. Monro a' raat apaciatondant; morning aortic tt. Vnuna Paonl at T P- BV and prwhlng al I a. m.; prayor moot w 1 11 nulnn auoartntaudant ; HI bio Bady aory Thoraday a'tor noon. ain unhaaiii I Biacooal Church T. II. rord. paator. Ilaaldanr 111 Cantor atroo. I'hon Main M. Btndy la tb churrh. Bonrlcoa aa follow a: Sunday. Ioc. ft 1:41. Sunday acbool. C. A- William. n.r4i.iaBitaBt 10 4i. oubllc aorrlcoa 1.4 nraArblna br tba oaator. CUoa mooting follow a :10. Eporth Iagu dorotlonal mooting lUrold Swadord. prldnl. 7:30. prracn i.. . ik. Kaainr A cordial wal roma will bo giron you at It tirouglit brr bundroda of cvngratula iiona and good wliboa. but to all In quliio ai tu wbat aha waa going to do wltb bar monay aba aald aba tnual bara lima to tblnk It orr Ulion aba bad bro glrou a fonnlgbt aho waa roady Kb announcod that alio waa going to bar a good tltna on b?r mouar. and aha atariad rlubl In. Sarah bad alwaj wantad a bottla of kalrbun Now aba bought ouo Hlir had loti gad for a ruvklng rbnlr for twaoty yoara Now aba paid 13 for ona and aat un lotia- after brr naual bodtlma to rot k ta k aod forth. Than cam a pair of tan abora, thru a orw looking glaaa. tbrn browu alockllig whara aha bad alwaia worn black. 8b toi(od tbr to count brr money, and. Budlng that aba bad about lU.UrtU irn. ab waa anrvuragad Into otbar aitrav aganraa. Tbaa aba auddrnly drraloprd wbat tba rtliagrr rallad a "atraak. liar nilulator. wbo bad board of brr rarklaaa ainondlturr. rallad to aoond a not of warning, but bampod up agalnat a bit of obattuacy totally un- lookad for. 11a bad our Inraatad half yoafa aalary In Wall atrrot on a aura thing, and. though ba bad loot It. br rlalmad 4o bo a bualnaaa man. ' II waa going on to tall Harab that abe muat do ao and ao wbaa aha lotamipi ad to aar that aba fait brraolf auUraly compouot to baodla bar monay. Tbaa a aoroud atraak waa daralopod. Tba aid maid announrod that aha waa golog ta bava a good tlma with bar ..h in aolta of warnlnga and argu moota and protratatlona aba art off for Boalon aod took tba boat room ai lur naat bolaL hba ata of frlad oyatora. lobaiara and craba. Hba drank wlua and llpod waltrra. Bba rod In taila and attrodod tboatrr. Sb nait want to Naw Torh city and roooatod bor pcrformaoc in uoaton. oiy mora ao. Kb bora mo acquainted with a ao callod count, ano no ! dlad bor out of HjOuO Tba fact got tato tb papora. aod wboo aha got hou) aba found that a aporiai yi" tooting had bora bold on brr accouoi -1 am aorry yoo wrnt to tba troubla." ah aald to brr mlnlatrr. Hut you nordod It. Blater jonnaon. u-.ii i don1! know. I alwaye want d to know counu and lorda and dukoa. (Coailauad from pag I.I ATtaroroar aara aoaa' tb alaoToa and tba front edgea of tba gown wr cot In aballow arallopa aod bound wltb Inch wtda aatln ribbon. RlLhod acre U naod for amart frock a. braid aod oriental bocd m hraidar Imoartlna th dccoratlTa aata Tba bath rob that U almpta la tut and at tba aama Urn baa good llnea la all that la required In tbt garment Sorb a robe la pictnrao. J DDI (J CHOLLBT TbU Mar Mantoa pattarw te out la three etaio ami II M or aa. awoiura r w large a or 44 buot meaauro. Bend W eanu to thla office, glrla number, 7m, and tt will be promptly forwarded to yo br mall. If In haate eewd aa additional two cent uii lxiauee. which Ineurea more Droaiot dellrory. Wnen ordering uao coupon. No.... Name Addref lao. , F " a " o a htagpla " tn liA e MWflnlr.. fn abow m up In a way that will make It Impoealbl for m to cap eon- rictlon." aald Harvey. Tva an my attorney and will aay nothing more until my trial, aicaptlng that I am being wrll treated, alp wall and am raaacmably comfortable." llarvaa waa vlaltxl h Mr. tdlaman and waa warned not to rrpeat the mla taka of making aay atatamanta con cerning tba caaa or tha charge agalnat him. Statement prevloualy mada by lUrrey ara held by tba proaa eutlon to bare helped their cauao con Iderably. Four aatatea that bar boon probat ed In tb Clackamag county courta and that bar each added to N. B. llarray'a wealth threw an Interacting tdollght on tha Hanrey caaa. They ar th atat of loom Harrey, tha father of tb prlaoner, thoa of bla brolbera. Daniel and WUUra C Har vey and of bla mother, Mra. Mary Ann nnnnoll. Racorda of tha probata mri nt flarkamaa rotintr at Oregon City contain autementa and data con cerning all of tha tta. It la claimed mat wnen wuiaru nar- wmw waa drowned In Jonnaon ireea ba left $11,000 worth of property that became N. B- Harrey a. me v ttntn iinrvov left bla oroDerty to Dan and Nathan. Daolera property went to hla mother, according to nia wiu, I .V,. vara llvlna- at th tlm Of hi a-.ath Mra. Runnall bad a will Mar ine hr nrooertr to Nathan, uaniei ... - kafnro Mra. Bunnell and hence hla' property went to her and tbrougb nor, to watnan. i, i. ..niii,j.iv that much additional arldenoa to that already dlacloaed will be presented at Harrey a preiioim.i; wFin. in nramn Pltr Tueaday. Sher iff Maaa aald that ba relied upon the fact that tha atate eouia enow m u.. in in lmmeaiaio uvie"- borbood of tha Hill bona at Uia tlma the murder war comraiiieo. ma ue could prove exactly when tha murder were committed, and that Harrey had apparently neia naca ai m wben tha othera who got off tha Uat car at Ardenwald bad gon home, to Inaura Harrey'a being bound orr at th preliminary bearing: "That, togeiner wiin iuw a few day after tha murder. Harrey went to Portland to aecura attorneya . vim and actually algned an ngroement to pay them $20,000 for do- lug ao, anouta do iudicwui , , vi w,n Avr to th crand Jury, ..Id Sheriff Maaa. "W do not want to dlerloe any mora of our ertdence .v i. at thla time, and I IU.U J - - - think what I bar outUned will aul- flca to hold him to tna grano jur,. u.iAh.n nf ih. Harrer and Hill . ... . n w. M ara Minaldering amine m -" - holding a maaa neeung at l.ln the next few dT for luoieuuiv w - the purpoaa of Uiaing orer mw and deciding iot nf tha arldence againai n aa far aa tney can loam i The Car that Delivers the Goods 1000 pound Ford Delivery Wagon For Demonstration Call C. A-ELLIOTT ORO GARAGE 4th lVUln Sti PHONES: Main U 9, A72 DKICK TO CILrlP C1 ITREKS THAI (ConUnoad from pg L) bo glren you at all our . , off tar $1.0"0 wber mor jirrlrea. ITarer meellng Tnur- im.rlran women bar paid day erenlng. T:I0. Dr. t. rre , Bllllon, nrh. It U plain to o wtU Droach at WniUmtt church Sun- . bualnea day afiaraxwa at t o'clock, and a- ""V rr to koop up roguUr aorrtc , eonim 8h did 1. .v- ,h.fc ai vnilametta here- Barah took a nier in cwn. ....... i hla T. nart of hi Bald. lit without KtrW ana k- r.hVt.H.a Chureh-RaJt .h. might IfaTwri-r W."cl u' Tb. now. ...rrrd op tb. r" OrTn. ''.uperlntondent. Moralai Uf bat ''EDlJ urwo. i ll I - ,. .ii ilunred to a f Cansraoat'anal-Rar. J. U 1 ,,,,, ,bf to all Tbea aba Maidenc Clackamaa: I , ah waa going to En- rop.. sb wa a member of a church. . m. f the other member r. J.., .noerlntendont: preaching ioo . .hurchlng- rra Uch unday. . - 'Jr botweow ll a- ZLLZ M.r how.r.r. and noming t. Paul". Prot.rt.nt Bpi-cjf" 'VJ " " T i rah look In Europ. for C w Roblnon. recoi. wa uw .vin w:.' ' . . virk Sunday. L.. ..oniha Sb at of T.rythlng meat and flranai Rrandr. Apricot nrandr. Ma- enerry and Muacatel t 4 . ... t r. uuana Ely and baby, mi 1 10 Tualatin, wnen P1U pnd Cbhatmaa wltb raU fa Ipenra. of TUavae Praek. on I1 proinin.nt farmara of Claoka- j, waa la Oregon OUT on (&u'.tui ,1,,,,r. Ml H. Bailey, Una, wr la Oregon City Gilbert, of Molina. Mich, baa "filing f, , fw daya at tha JJ r. Clark, of Nlntb and Plarcn 5 OU MIck.T. teacher in I J? City cThoola. Uft mday ara latn r hom Medford. wbara will aTfAakav A l. , ... ... . . -r me nonaaya wita ri iriJ4." Byron, who la attend- f7)?, thla city, left Saturday aTr tb """oaya with bar par- 5-r-kd Mra. J. u Byron. n?1. area, taaobor of tba Mt?x achool. and Blater. Mlaa w r?' of tba Mount Plaaaan Saturday for tbalr boma where they will apead tba "h their paraau. wftar, of Oawego, N. T I h.. ,n Oregon City for tha k,nr. rlalllne hi. . w.a t . a?T,, nl Mrt. If. Clancy. ? Irat of tba weak for bla 2 C. Whiu, of thla oltf, wbo vaV-' oiiTr larw, worxing aa ,iWMt ranger, lg boma Tlaltlag want. Vf. .a u.a Tar A thara wa. to eat. and ab. aaw a., tn. waa to '.r'Vl,. boagbt h clothe. I. I .rU Bb. kaaar ,b.t ber money wa; . A ... .Kaa HOI UIUU vaa Dionta. uu - . , .wnt .t kJ-n VlU.;. th. um of $3 50 rat- rttn a I m - ontod oer ona'" Did Sarah Jobnaon coiiai d.pot7 Dldtearab. ;ar..-r terod ner i.tue ,h. floor .na:Dah.herS; oa my ai of an old mam. . ... nL -.!.- I . . . t V nnil U 111 ua -.uv oack fa o and m,. dinner. Th" I -"'""T" ' v.M tlm". ." .. n.r mlnUter wa. ral and Cbrlat.. tra. - ,, - - . ,hat . on ar.o..... ; , cf ,n. n . - ,f . aldn-t t I ocloca i" ta-----.. chM had tna n.--- - . ... for. th. Ma.onlo TaH.pi-. of tb. wom.n n.u ; - " . .1 nralalAniMl Wim - - I . In aUTtBT. win iiaa aiww " . . . v .raa. i ava ttai waa i C"fr::"rdn,Vurg.,M. HERE AND THERL 1 4 Meet In Neokwear Very Smart. The rogue for black and white a 4 i. lu-ivMr. and tber are mod U of rry deacrlptlon fa.hloned from black and white materia la. In frilla and bow to b faateoed at k. tk.t .nd wore-wltb a pa rate tock. collar. tc tber U aa lnfinlt variety, llrre agmlo Oneoea of mata vi.i and daintr work add to tha coat. Tb prettleat of tha frilla In which real . a k. nivnrk ar combined ar xceedlngly expenalra. and on may pend a hundred dollar upon .urn rt flea without baring rery much to ahow for tba outlay. Luckily tber are mod- la lee coatly. though non or real use . it.intineaa la actually cheap. Th moot common form of the frill la on long plaited ruffl attached to a ..n f l.r-e or tucked material at tb Uft aide. The outer edge la uenally tucked and lac trimmed. Thl Joodel. bowerer. 1 not beconUng to rrery ooa. . v . that th word amount, uui t r1"" . -pe" la a alngle Ux phraa. Indicating tnat v. a. u w I-.,- v ... v. m w.. . uanv nv uuu. uiar- llshd la th Enterprla of Dacemr IS wherein n atatea: , "Aa to water power Fund about $800 to get tha true rain of thoao in naa and of tha "ra tion franchlaea and rlgbU of way for "h Clackamaa county alngl Ux a Uaamnt Tbla la bad on tt aarn- lnar power aa anown oj - celpta and offlcUl re porta. Uoned only tha P. R-. L P. Coin pany a water powera, but Mr. Dlnck Jumpa InatanUy at tha defena of that corporation." n aa a matter of fact Mr. U iteu did not mention In bU former artlclea anything about th P. R-. L P. Com pany nor aren mention lta name, nor did I Jump lnetantly at th defena of that corporation, or aren mention It nama or nare mat. ouiiwi.u - mind, and I am compeiieo uj ii.4.- that Mr. D Ren willfully Injected mat Into bla artlclo for th puxpoa of leading peopl to beiiere urnt i r"i--ented that company, when aa a mat. ter of fact, I hare conducted uugar Uon agalnat that company .or than two year. Uat paat. and all of which waa well known to Mr. u w. W 8. U'Ren baa aiwaya hla campaign along llnea that are ab olntely unfair and from thla day on . ih. 4 a-antleman a I a nail camp 7 . . IT-u.. : . ..... mnva that he makea. AU of V. work that Mr. ITRen baa erer don for direct leg...-""- 7 . i.w h. ainsie tax in rtew. and for fear that h might uy to .Utement I ahaii quote a p-.v - . .i(.A.awl aa t Vta aillfltB 1 ft Conference and publlahed on page 12 of th pampmei aooe , .... T.-l .i..rad th way for . V . . i. ... flvht In Oregon. iraigni irt All th work we nare oooe feglautlon h 1 he don. -JU Ulfen XZZSm that wa. aot th. queatlon before th Houa., now ?Z. ta hefor th Houa la 111 l illamaa lt." Uregon au Some people doubt Mr. JTRe. . ' i. tha alnale tax que- noneaiy rB'"a - - - - . . tlon. and th prpoa for which h. 1. working. WWU oiner- - I. craxy on th aubject, and tha lai 'er! in order to pror. t-"!rt g quota from bU own apeech at tha ain.i. th rnnference. and aobllaaad on pag 21 of th pamphlet abora re ferred to, wnerein air. u wrw aa followe: , "1 read Progreaa and Porerty la 1882." he aald "and I went Juat aa craxy over tha alngl Ux Idea aa aay on ela ever did. I knew I wanted th alngl tax. and that waa ahowt all I did know. I thought I could get It by agitation, and wa oftaa dlagwatad with a world that refuee to be agitat ed for what I wantao." CtUI SJUITA IMS ItHTOWriBI The Baptlat church waa filled to 1U capacity Friday rnlng. tha acaaaioa being tha CbrUtmaa exarctaa which were In charge of Mlaa Veda wunaxaa. Th program, which waa ta beat e'er glren at tnai cnarm - -Urn, ted of rocal and laatra mental aeUctlona, readlnga, eUalogaea and recitaUona. Th chorea waa beautifully ana aruaucaiiy wmv with erergreene. Bant a CUaa aaada hla appearance at tn cioa - program, and preaetuea eewa ?.VT? . v t ,;h. Mra. H. A. Hy- WIUl 44 v. J . worth, wife of Rer. Hay worth, waa nreeented with a BaaaaBaaw aaaarole. and William Wlcaaaaa. church aexton. waa preted a box oonulnlng a ault ol ham haa been rery faithful ta hla work. Mlaa WUUame baa been highly compU-nented upon th aaccaaa of the program. . Road th Mnmlng If lllHItJH a - , . and Sunday acbool at i . . .,.inn and morning pray ' - .. it o-clork. Kvenlng vr -eri...... - - - 1(Kh prayer a ,k:.hTh t. Paul'. tP'"P- rJUhnreh iterlal aerv cee in i. i " onhr1.tma. will b HolJ ' Comman .." .. in and t a. m. Th-.. hour. ... tV.iml their obll will allow an to , J. T.b. tlon of being preaent at h Table . . . -. na Chrl.loiaa- '.n' vw7k aerrlr. Conoon.'. Al v win be aung beauurui nm. r ----- . . ill nraarh a Drlei 1D 7; th. text -And tb. Oorern moa on tba taxi -" ,ohft,1,dr.." nnt Bh.ll ba t P- ,t l0 ant. awaraaw. . . aa ntertainm.n, 7 a Th -L'r'Vmberfof tba I not tm ina .'"" coma. n-hth and l",,'r ....ndared your ,inreii-V'' -,-. " ..tor. m. yoo d" BBnAEraar oar. : Tt may ba too flat on tb. right aide. and .otnetblng ruiier a -u"" ' . JMMhl4 i pe uioi-i u"- . rf h.i. women are -. .7- r and lawn at break Baiui v.. v. - .... faat Very charming ar th model 'or thl. purpoM .j : -n . - -" united r.'hr.rr-v'' -,-. " ..tor w w i niav v : l "'."rtYand: 1-nd.y acbool ooor reaiueuw-, . - - - Map ne. auperintandent; moron II O'clock. .. ... rach- ...... -t- M. 1-NO regu... K OTIIiemw.-- - - ..... aChOOl ' . A. ESo.""-"- b. obaerT.Uon: "For th beatuan. iw. 0:-b.,f.rr- alT aud I HT. It aTt If gill I a- I with . cheerful heart - M.y M.,on patter. .oo ' ? 1! r.u.nd7rd ,0r HO- aum'bar-m-.nd the, w, be prompt- . At a4awabrl t f VOll DV t ..Ib.r..bootW'ft; X c.n't fonre.T- -- can't"- h money "Oh. lt a t.roe god I h.a bad idi . . - - .intannsni. i aatin iiiw a-- i. rorwarvw w - - . . i two rent atamp ror dollrorr. waeo ' No.... SI rtb aria area.- to altar a SSi? paator. rad-nca JMJ- , WOrk. I WMW'i" -- -irk. ahVaallinC . ...w(tB ID . AV a mg --, tha money wtf ba any wlah b would bare got to r Ham Addreaa Using MAZDA lamps in show windows and electric signs ootsid. wiU draw, trade from large stores not so well equipped. ;We wUl be glad to tell you bow this can be doae with these lamps which glre more light for less money than a any other illominant. Baat. will pre--- - - rrice. gudden Change. Tm Baat. will praach at . V.?"rtlc.. day ch.0l . , 7ted irotharhoed Jri wby 4.....B. ar in v- . a.nnaio 1 v"". i..w naaiori Chrlat v. Park.r. upen"- acbool 10 a. m., r. ,fl p m., tandant. T. P. 8. C- -..0lng Aoa "2 in. p.- w .lL aarnon I.""- " AHaWav nt all M r r . -- m a -nocauae ue tnln."- .d then 0- aald ' - Votikara Htatr""'"- peach. a ..a " . aaurlng.' u."rwr mol That r -"..r-Wom a" mi Mornaiivw c . a wee war. . Jni.r Houaekeepar rtl glr yoa i 1 " . , . yonr braakfa.t If yoo tate ioh i I a A n .aa aAlltl A th. houa. Ar tna awe-so uV I . n.tnral .weeper? Tramp-I I ' . . umH n-inm wua born in urooiow v . Judge' Library. ' . . . ..J Catarrh. . i warm honey Ukeo I . aw a axea j4.tD. h.thatgiraB r of ... The Manaa--; tf. htfia - "rTTraw-iMaTtaa Wall. .M -'-'hIA-- Took. DO TOUaKOWi - her bean Pf-w - I year-ana uarg..- -, w. -utaa.B..ui 9, ,v 8a ad oa back page DOPTLRND RAILWAY; & POWER CO. M A I N OrriCE 7th and Alder Streets LIGHT -, asf "1 S -1 will remain bar for the ,n-i Home Comp""-