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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1911)
f .4 "i' rv. ; A?MM INDICATIONS. or .now. jJMt portlo. Saturday.. Th eoly ily ih-T r twM eri:J Mi lae In every eeaCj. l ma County, wrfth a pe.: 10.000. Ac yw an edver f WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1800 Pn Win, 10 Owra OIlEdON CITY, OREGON, 8ATUKDAY, DECEMDER 23, 1911. STATE TO VOTE Oil HWSMltD NO TRUANTS AT THE MOVING PICTURE SCHOOL DM CHARGE ABOUSIIG i;OOSE wwmm DENIED BYU'RDl ' 1 , ffllfliPlfK ' r jjlHENh. JUDOS SAYS J&N FACINO ' . .. .... nn(n Ml WAS "Ui .w IN iiCAINO. I. 'ti konths' sertkce cm r My- 0 Ow. Med. LIHur CmcI Art Btai men! CaWU rmew'. ! " """""""" tut rKANfiHca ex. u.-rr. 0,0ml l J . rM" $ a-Lr to.r sentence bf J""1" " Lrt 0 a.rv eight, womb rwi.r.l tenltrotlary on Mo- .rVL-a -rh HfMM guard, fflTu rmirirltbL who permitted ..Y ..r.i from tTovldenea Zul and Indicted wttb l i ;lTi it.. Alameda county )H .Mating ad Qu"e rub-d. Court l,,l mul wit. boo4 bead I--2-Tfci. !. Tba roart, aak IT, formal quMiloa m lo bather MtMr bed any rH to B1e should not bo pad . .lav rm4 no reply. I'ut U . .nd aald: tlrnr '"". ' portta4 W f-r blmr - ' I gMVOW M WW Bn hv aribrsat with emotion w L L, w dlrUy4 nvforo In RM-oWla lb rlo of tlNQLK TAXeit DCCLARCS HI dio not nt ci ivt ,m f ROM PCLt TO IS Om0F.KW Mavordact l Accum4 of Making MlaaUtamant 9y Oro gon Land Tax taadar. 8ALEM, Deo. J 2. (BjxclaJL) TM nnaatioa of capital pnnlabment la to ba aubmlttaa to lua voiara n ureaiw at tba nait election and la the mean time aucb elameacr aa Governoi Wtt mar eitend capiui cnminaia will be In tbe form of reprlerea, aUy in execatloo of eentenc antJl tbe wmrAti nt tha votera or me aisw m received. If tbat verdict bo for baoe ln. tbe eenteacea of tbe eoarta will be promptly execniea. id w wu to bo eubmltted, and wblch will be recommended for paaaace by Ooernor Weat, there will bo a proTuiun ur iir i m orison men t for murder, with no power of pardon tr tne execniiTe cept on recomasadatlon of tbe B- nmiM cVinrt. Ail uxim Im iuuuuuw in a autement by Oorernor Weat, In klli ha Wl' "Capital punlabment la euner nam n. mnf. I beneTe ll.wrwni believe I voice tbe aenumem 01 m DCTCCTIVC9 AY IT l fOMl "BLf RICH NURMRYMArt . ' KILLED OIRL. , low u::s n ns era Arraet Said To Have Been Precipe tatad By ThreaU Of NelflH- bora To Lynch Man .Called HHI tlayer. ' - In a written aUtement laauea m- day W. 8. U Rn denied tne allegation of Orant B. Dlmlck that be (U'Wbi had received $16.77 from the Fela th- of tbe aUte when fund. "I am qulta wllUn to leave j H u wrong an,i ,hould be to tbe reader of tbe EnterpHae tbe aboll,hed vvben I atated before leav queatlon of whether Mr. Wmlck a mia- . tn Eagt, that there would be repreaiuuuvua vi 7 - - --- dknclnga aunng my vi reada are due to deUberaU untruth- r.iinaaa or marelv to taienira iuyiu- Uv" aara Mr. U Ken. Ilia atatement ffillnMT Surely Mayor-elect Dimica anow. whether he tadulgea in xaiaenouu air dav or not I will not aay ao. even with bla kind of permlaalon. He . aia hoanaa I had. aj I DOW bave, 1 u.u - . the firm belief tnat tne peopie aytte would at tne nrai opyi". vou to abolleh it - tentlon. aa it U eUll my Intention, to aubmlt the voter 01 tnia aii the InltlaU a meaaure abolUhing cap Ul punlabment. eubatltutlng Ufa ln t-r r- -"rarar- MMrt. ba went o: Tbi had absolutely ao bnowf -1 . inianitua to aarape, iL. .!,. aided nature of tbla arranad to take on f aitiltv aa ke atood there, mmntitl mmeakal aUer4 for the tr inae. faring a Wag terai for him- aC tad pb-ading wua i" " mmm4 kard the akrlnklag maa M ke bad rrke4 4te oWtag hU "oSrly lak-n bf aarpdaa, Jadge Tta n-M 'nt f a moment ld tka aid. "I aball take tnat maataratko paaatag a-eiteaeo U CoanrUbt. aad J aball remember aaateaHng you." - , MOORE ACCUSES: BY BICHHER THE CHILD'S QUEST; ALLEGORY RICH HIAO Or CCMCNT COM PANY DlClAftEt HI W Ag ATTACKED- 1 :wmk mm credit (Coiumunltatloot A llttlo c-blld hxd fceard that tbe rhrUKblld vlallad (he earth once a year, and that wht-rever be touched I the rartb Doitrra of vy aprung up, hkh would Ul all the year If one could lu pluck th'-m on Chrlatmaa ri. irniiM - ha midtt ' a DDftWlin IWn HVr UllH'bappy d.y fur him that found tnem. DAU n SUX niw IWIUJ iw v it on (-hruimaa morning he an out I to dlacover tbe .llowera. He hardly ; dared to hope to ace the Chrlai, but Dr. Mount My Prleoner'a tgM Wa ; be hoptd lo find the flowpra. He woiiiicrou nrra me iioiy iohu "' ECOUOMY TAfTS POUCY Hi FUTUREI POLITICIAN EXPECT . LITTLE WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED AT PRESENT SESSION. TARIFF MAY BE" URGED AfJeded By Blew On Head During fight I Efforte Ta Have AldHch Cantral Bank Will Be "" Rtpubllcana. Plan . Por Adopted Made By wiauimnToN. Dec. it. (Special.) Oplnlona aa to the net reeulta of the preacnt aeaaion 01 uonarea. -little. Some of the atat-amen already TV iiNparlan will bo oa aale at HaaiWya drug atort and Oardnera Wttrt nora todav. TMa ta the (VWrnaa numlwr of tbe Orego Oty HKa arkoul Maaailno. and every fiui-a later-aied In the pabllo acboola : ike rtty ahould aecmro a oopy. JWeith.tandlng the fact that a vkool or cli.-ie atudeot publication vat wvtaiily betray the flno, Italian of the teacher. tbr yet rr Bourh of the etudanta handl- vwt to ana bl the dlarrlmlnattng crlt- In form to idea of the atndent mind. a la thla ChHatmaa somber tae Hiri Irbonl pupil reepooalble for Ita "am ad fear no com pan eon wua tr that baa gone before. Tk arav haaitod alumnn may near at the nawaoaoer wladom of tk araaant rnaratlo of aophomorlo fkoUr. but the fact remain that rtlla Bisrh of I ha Ideallam of S do- 'Me ago ha gone to the Umbo of im tblnca that war, tba Ideauiea awarUllim that baa taken tta plaoe by ao rimbi a had aubatltnta. ill th purest might eiiUclie the .tonrr ciinairiwtlnai la not a few in- bum, (her can b no erlilclBm of Nbjeria treated, nor of Ua way Ba((lna la made ap and printed. 1 U work of art from tba oolored mwuipiara to tba back over. aBhroaa llrnwnall la tba editor in aaaliiad by E"la gohaebel and Bpenra. with Ollbert Morna aa wiaaaa maiiager. Ruby rrancla, aa "wary editor, and Bather llealy aa "out hava dona aplrndld work. b tbe various departmenta have J tnturoiiiinglr ratorUd by Loule HtUy, Ktadne llarrlBon, Bma Pet w. Lenla Kordmianl, Kent Wllaon. rfl rrancla and Florenoe White. Dambach. and Bdlth Alldredga "we artar the aubaertptloa? end. ! be moat likely lo be. fuuadV Flrat he thought of tbe field nearby, wh-re be i bad acen tbe dalalca growing In tbe i auiutner daya. Now the ground waa cld and bare, but perbapa tbe bear- rnly rtlld would bring back (lowera Amao Moor, prealdent of tbe Port- m ibe winter by Hla magic touch and .nd Cement (V.mpany. which U build ak. lb. brown , a ll.000.Oo. pun. at Uawego . M nol . .,,,. bT.ev. thU Congrea. Bed lYIday la tbe damage ault Wed , Uu,y . ul- moUM na tq '"M1W.. .wii, no legiaUUon. agalnat blm by Joseph nichner. an (n lhrv,lgh the dry graaa ana -h. Tr r,'Just M c.rUln that It will . . . . .... u.nrv rtlrhncr. aonlirora Bight . .. I ..i. into tariff legislation. It agea i"""". ' .. . - . . y .o,.,, for ID. of tbe defendant waa Ibe M""' I w rf.,ure ani stooped to repair In tbe fight over tbe strip 01 isno moulM., mi,. broken by aome OB.ego. He aald that he "" U'r ' . . ,g pt. which h.4 been p acea .nda war; ,h nirhner. lb. PPr X T ,''ld"'nh';i' now , build a new one." the younger HK-nner -h , fc ,d m fcw protecting sione. blm and struck him on the b' " , bou( u- DWl ,nd nioaa about Bhovel. .... ,hMt ,h the cracks, to keep out me iu. . irr. it. . Mount teatlfied that the , in. he ,c- but blow on Joaeph IM'"" ',, ,rtght eye- of tbe little mouae him from a ai '" mouale." be anonuo. luT"'-.:.,r,.tion Interesta. a - k.waa I tiaVsB 1UII 1 III" V nn' nun Your uwubv - may hava days when ho neither talk. nment Md permitting the grant writes nor makee eigne. f f .!. murder cases only 1 up inmri nau I . . . . . a..nAma DU airiviuili mim - ita uvi "l nouca aiso on page said pamphlet Mr, U'Ren received out of that millionaire manufacturer's :.wiA knnwn aa tha "reia ruuu m m.rainoent aum of 116.775. In addl- ..ratn ha la now receiving out of that fund a salary equU to that paid to tbe average circuit juuge tba atata of Oregon." u. name occurs on that page only In tbe last Una of tha following par agraph: - , . . tiiv. rant of New York Club room '202 n..n Maltina Comoanv .... irjm v - o - uumiirl nar Dr. Wm. P. goo.00 To Arkanaaaper0orge J. Vln. . To Minnesota per T. E. Coul ter... John Z. White, aaiary traveling expenses. A.nua, c.inran and New Mexico. Colorado, per John JH. Gabriel Oregon, per W. S . U'Ren. n"..T....: .-. 16.n0 An Itemized account of the ex penditure of tbla money v" Campaign waa filed with the Secre tarr of State, I never received a dol- -1.- HmkW Into tariff legisUUon. is not very probable that Congress varv much buBlne, a ho h Dartlea will probably foal din- B. Mount teatlfied that the lnuh Hlrhher h' d had mow , . i,,f. ... pi ,ine nnum ,n,TH I'." BhK-um f I-ortlind. matching AppleahSte and B cum. i h . (ioM, t.y an aiamlnatton of Mr. ,..ri after Bn aiamlnatlon teBllfled "t ? "n" .V", M. btllll P " serious one. ana no lMt. flowers to be se had with much caution oTthe evJ of a big political c.'": In order to make as tew " riirrencv will receive deal of attention, and an effort "... to adont tbe Aldrlch Wilt W - nian for a central bank. crata are dlsiniaed to abolish tne ww ,,rt which they accuse of 1 ne"ng too atrongly bl In favor 0, M.wi ,rt.tion IntereBta. They 281.32 3C8.30 991.28 400.00 npon recommendation of tbe Supreme Court. In the meantime death aen tencea will not be commuted but re prieves only Issued for the Ppoee of ",- ,T ter the people mre wlsbea." . : J. .v-i. tbey declare tor nangina. ." aeatence shall bo carried out to tk. letter In each asi every case, but I do not fear such a verdict aa I am firm In my belief that, the people will abolish tbi relio bf tbe dark agea and that there will do bo inur u-- Ings In thla atate.7 , , .JO TYPHOID EPIDH C- SAYS HEALTH OFFICER i-k- t mt lalnrrla. CltT Healtti OfflC- iLm.w 'ainidl & moort that there jr. JT i IW r ..a..1l B aa aai anMAntW flT ITUQUIU aowa IB aU - m J TTBLVaa J m a .n.. .ra onlv three acaea of ty phold in thla city." aald Vr. NorrUL n.iunt. alther contracted the r " " : . . v. .l.lad I ' . .krli lar from th Feia runo. 1 u"." " dlaeaae away irom b vr pubUcly my arrangement with Mr. orlnk,n, weU water. I am co"ent FeU so often thaf everybody who U 0 watar la not contaminated i . ... Vnnara WUI 11 ! I - . w . Maiilanll OI LUB CUJ uvw iulclc"c" r- . M ..i u . ,1 -fc. rafarnnc lO U" aaiuw , v. -a anv fnar in UB1DK u sight. 1 'Moore, of Portland. 'a " . a a - a. al 11 all lll ""TiST r law. . WHI seak thl morning. Couple 0B Lleenaa. a A vaaaiiBB raiii mmw III w-"-" of Miiltn- imant. Krieat Allrt Mallatt. Mr. and Mrs. "'" . th,r nounced kfKVil -daughter. Kula. to Mr. 1 w .a. .nlal aaAEft (II fall. queam. r - H d',7of JBnuary In W rltf- Uut thtrj wi no Min Then the child found me way . the atreet where me i"i " ; r.,eVer. pa.aed. Surely -thought be. among ao many the Chrlat-cht d will "a. Il-WB thUw.V. A l.m time be ' inaered on the street, and aaw all ,rt. and condition, of men go by. but W no sign, of the Child. No no l-ra of an, kind graw vr5rl 'that lived to have been Sampled down He wa. " lltt".; boy. hakert window, trickling down their - bllned (Continued oi page three.) ''"'have'reBd tbe pamphlet care fully and I notice that tha whole por poae of the Single Tax doctrine there to expressed goea to the exemption ..nnn tha merchants and man ufacturers, and says nothing about the homeowner and farmer. On page 7 ot that pamphlet there .. work in Oregon and Tbe emo- among other thing the following Is tated- "All calculation on official flguroa. and thus 1 were shown that their taxee In 1909 would have been much lower under .aiua tax than under tbe general property Ux r- I Om . it waa abown that owner of Improved city lot would have i.i k tha land value tax. tnat business and labor would have profit- .a v- tha htira. -vnii? a iinitu e."""v er burtfen of taxation would have fallen upon rrancniae wr'-; upon Bpeculatora In land and city ota." Can Mr. Dlmlck read? The object of the sinme i ..... vii haa examined frequently, .nd found to be free of disease germ. Sheriff Maa aald friday night that Nathan B. Harvey, nnder arrest on a charge of elaylng the Hill family at Ardenwald Station, also la auspeeted of having slain Barbara Holzman, ta Portland. Mrs. Bertha Nelaon, keeper of the lodging house where tha girl wa killed, baa Been Harvey and ac cording to tha authorities, think ha wa the man wbo rented the room from her. . That Harvey waa sweated and loea ed up aa a protection agalnat acta 0 violence on tba part of neighbora. la tbe newest development In tha case. It haa leaked out that Harvey, within the last few week, bad been threat- , ened with lynching by Irate realdenta. On threat made wa that he would be atrung up on the Mllwauklo brlda to fore a confession from hlin. ana? that tba crowd might forget to eat him Anwn nntil too late. . "There has been general feeling; against Harvey for soma Urn ta that neighborhood." explained tha ahertK, "and tha threats became ao strong that wa bad to take eerlooe cognisance of them, we win not otvuige v time just who made ineee luwva, but wa know tbey were made and who mad them. This pan 01 mo ua baa. of course, nothing 10 ao wm tb HUl muraera, ana yw t of the evidence wnicn wa wm against Harvey to pin tha atroclona crime onto him." The autborltle nave not b au7 Bertoue or aystematlc effort to fasten tha Barbara Holxman murder on Har- rev. wnen r. rjrvu -'-"-- lodging bouae wnaiaay 4.7 room to the aiayer ot m uw gave tbe fiend1 description, no thought of eonnecUng Harvey with " waa aroused nntU after the HlU traaj- -edy. But when the detective and BberlffB began Investigating tha latter case they noted the striking manner In wblch Harvey answered th deacrin. tlon given by Mrs. Nelson. Desiring to exhause every re source In running the Holxman a girls alayer to earth, th "thoriUee gave Mrs, Nelson three opportunttlea to see Harvey at close range. At thee time she said aha thought Harvey waa the man who rented tba room. Read tho' Morning Cpfarprtae. the empty . . 1 Ti.a mnr- wv?. r:z ,i't h. mid. Ill lane pi;' Morning ....Una tb If you re not nar ....;nrlaa. Why non Mln PorM to now on. back p.' See .d o" tbey remembered WTnenTh.?hr.dfe.t Pocket. haa oeeu . time. Just a beautiful at - " looW at moment ho thougni. fWBORS DECLARE HARVEY JSQCBIT The following sta'tement by ne'fh" exempt t?SZ bor. of Nathan B. H.rvey w - .,7 from the nr? of the .UtemenU being value ot land In proportion "LhllabS M- tb. alfferent Paper. I to It a vIno. A lot that 1. worth the neighbor, of N. B. uoo.OOO will pay 100 time. a. thl. time, we ""-at w .h.t 1. worth only 11.000, Harvey, wno ".v,r. ..1.. f Imnrovementa If this . . mil in. 1 liiu v ... . . . . 1 . nan w.i. thin face ana ar. ". ,. nt Ml mind at tne uu.w iui. - . . i tne nana " - . .. . . . i-aon Tor some hU family for twenty t-.. r-." ' b th, TO,era. the l.rh:Harve, family. Ice corporation. will ray menu -"-,... who tilled bla '...t ona-half more Uxe. 11 ""t, EiaV-aif. was known to be BOw do In Clackamaa county wo com. and put on. for l...h The tear, .toppeu. - ,., vra .a. " . Joy. Last Day Specigh Ladies Hand Bags, over $1.50, . All Our Urge Stock Brassware 20 Discount Electric Reading Lamps 20 Discount HaviUnd China and Cut Glass 1-3 .Off . OtUr Broken Line at Special Price: -Dric.rrnv!tl8.00. VomeinsanKMM lric from 80c to $18.00 Huntley Brothers Co. McDonald's Xmas Suggestions . ' .m. wa hava Shrimp for that .alad that m ne wa 6 M Crab that sr. aookea Ju.t r.sht .h Olf-P-J -ot from th. ML Poultry of .tt k.nd. at proe. that ' , i.o haVg a fin. lln. of rtoh of nil McDonald's Fish Market a nk aiirnnni aa ii a wt, lUtU, M disappear- ed into the ".".v with Uaht The child rt- "Vrhem. H. iHH-ket. but wiwi - -' co,,id he ,o find the flower, of Joy. Just neu " - - , in,0 thl. church ",.tho"f" child would go. holy Plnf?nth1f.H," he flower, perhaps In U" " ' 1 ,h aU,r. n,lghtblmor.urlyert Just 7., .,nding by the stepa saw a little lrl ndl" V' Hor bare ahlvering wuu ,lp, blua and feared porty $10,000 at tbe time. more taxee than tbey t . k.m.. MllAlf now " . ,v. ... atar.nnwers. It COSt the FBIB before the act He about $800 to get the true value altnoilgn n ot tnooe in ". , J, t ,. for , which fell to " tion franchises ana riB awvwv ... . i ei rniiiD i av . nianbs m u at i-f iiili t. w u n Harvey, by wu . -- - wo -v-- - -- . on . t - i Santa's - k., waa turned over i , " ., msmw"' . - . ... the heir. Wlllara Harvey North Wallo-r'.rgo Offlo. on tavBnth Street ..l.ta anA J.nad In ..r.a I- tha P R.. Lv BE P. tOm- was iioneu nimlrk i. ..iA,.tiAwn niiL mr. .""." - ,n.nt to the defense of that ' i navar hear of any ran- road company or other public w.ira.-- th Single POrDOrllllOII " . . . a w son who killed Mamie x, contributing to the " Charlee Wliwn Haf. fo. th. circulation of Singk Walsh, was no re... .-. - . " Thn rla Fund la ... .. u.aa an ariiitu aaa aw iliiiblui v a !! o;..r"th.m, r--r-r nluar at MIIWBua br Mr. Leweiung -"": .' nremtses, - r . ni. 'Seth lweio-a bas .aid In the (Continued o. page I.) At the Bosy Stote 35 Clefks at voti setvice. . .aBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Thousands of useful presents, for vounfl end old in our Furniture, Dry Goods, Suit, Shoe and various Deportments. w-sll hands wer r.BBed lund her .r. did UtU. arm her ira u-.,. , coW Why." "id. ih'.,boyu go into th. !?r?h,rch.Ut-V.u;ure.yb.w.rm ' I... t tin not aar w In tnArtv " a Juaaiaul ' . "I nOT """" boy wa. wiring .warm .,.k which came .beiow -a folks under .t'a nHIILBihiuu I -a LW .a." eTSof 5- f ih.! ?aT .. i "Now lata go iu II. Kill . L . .alta.ntl Ul U I " " am looking for tne . grow Chrlst-chlld, and the f loow too." a ik.a ann "to we., acotmlnted with tne family - 4 n,Bhlf re- they were Q"av ,nd Wa surely spected to hi. d ' , . tn,rt never beard or any . family and cmo to -r.-4 with only n boy. " " otnr women heard or an word or net -- V,; Drotner, known nn. v' - laa BlBl 10 1 I1BL - . . a I ft V Great Holiday Reduc- So In tbey went. ufu, wUh rloh The church was uwlndow,. choir carvlnt r.nt "Uca on Brth. boys were congregation 000,1 "hufno on. noticed tb. two lUtcned. but no one c, In , SS W'VU. and nev r loo. P- ... look,. said "How ?--,,, th. seat with they aaTTT tha boy. l"w..V .ant and Bt -It ia aa.a w.-. - - . ultd Oin-eren. th.t BOt b0rhl. ne Rubor has heard of ItT one of hi. neiKnooi -n.T,,rii "MRS. J ni- " " C. A.II"N. Tt. 8. WHXMAN. . -MRS. Tt. 8COTT. "FliORlCNCB OLSON. . "WV. BHTNDUDR, T. C HARIX1W. g V. LEWBIJJNO, ' ..MRS. I HARLOW. -HBNRT 80OTT. "J. a KM"XU J. K. wrrzixR, o .aisiNoim." . tion- on all Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given D. M. Klemsen 421 t!i ttzX Busy Toyland Basement We of doUs. Dressed Dolls, ranging In prices from . 5c to $10 TOY MUSEUM ANIMAL TOYS MECHANICAL T0YB CHINA TOYS MAGIC TOYS HOBBY HOUSES HOO-FLY'S WRITINQ DESKS MUSICAL TOYS FURNITURE TOYS BLOCKS AND GAMES RUBBER TOYS DOLL CARTB BOYS' WAGONS , BLACKBOARD And a large ..aortment of Won noveltl.a and Fancy Stock. L. ADAT.1S ;