Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1911)
"JArMM INDICATIONS. i ,AJo,J '-Probably fair I P"rtU"1' only daily wwar i V Portland aod Batata: vary imIIm CMifJ i County, vsftti eoawleOJe) of ) 00. Are vow an Mum rf WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1560 0RK00N CITY, OUEdON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1911. Pb Wxsx, 10 Cxra il Ml 9 l! 0 n I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I . liUI WJII.D S PEACE Da 2 SIDSNT DECLARES Nit i VII WB 0T IN ACCORD V ANCf WITH OTMIRS. ' With Him Tralloteorv QraveS T Tosst moot.. new yoHK. t. CIom oa tb. mk or on. ' pe b-k (a a. brvha ftP by 4l.larbr to lb rkllDcalioa Of llo V- m Kk England and ITaBCO. dlaft- palatal, have inwo ovor MI I JSTplaBOed OOO f lb gTOAtaot a dinner over MM, to b b)4 m Salard.r ftlghl ft aVvehitaad today. OCOHlOg l a Mbar of lb commit! a charge !( 4lBoer. that Troeidsol Roooo ill had r-l'Had lo B OOBtl-OniCiai IB .ilna in t land th fuOCtlo al tUrk IS ITaaldaal won 14 bo the Mdul speaker, wllb ft Mlr do- ,ari.( thai hit aoollaaoat wer (tolly at arUoco with I boa to trs naaad al lb affair ftftd oeasonas miinnu'' In I hair brinnlDlaa all iu. aha aT triad lb lavllalto lo At dlaaar lUkoot agreeing lift IU Ta arranse ft harmooloua program aa aierutlt commltta Of lb N ittul (iturni' Coin at It to In cbarg a las aioner mat ft4 4 toon 4 tb staaiioa. it . mmIIii of I ka aaaeatlva mm am, of li National CUIaona' Com- Maa In rbiria of Ilia dlnnor laal Waaaaaaar. a rlulloa waa adopted Mtoruini an OBinai minaiKn r. R'naavall lol Iba aacflary. BO af told li ao4 Iba lavlulloa. 414 M at ao la a formal way. bx( wrota Mr. HmMralt Dra( to laara bta i umii nt I Km mmnlllM akd aJ4 h bU nam piiatad. aal4 (bai Mr. h.talt roDll4 ltk ft iTaut Ifttar. alBC fto doubl tbtavar that ha roM But ftllaea t l'iitrlw fAil Uf loarrll imtl4 bit Intaollua ol to ( Mt TriutU ()raoa til alat4 ttkutaikatar. A lotlar from Praal- bat Tift .a ia4. Tb I'raaldant aTH lo b prHMmt and lo maka ft inyailaiiia apawh, a wall to ro tb) Urouthout tbo dlonar. If It 414 M toattnua mora Ibaa I bra noun tat a bait ,jP.LRfTRATED BY WAIT Ac DOUG ALL muvanul TIPS ON THt NEW LIDS FOR 1912 THE r - , v - y- - I r wtuifoe urili UaAw ill riio kf THt ALfffOM fTV. " Oa TMkT I n;c FIRES AT HARVLEY IN SCUFFLE NUpitRYMAN AY$ LIFE WAS SAVED BY KNOCKING pp rors HAND. ' TWO IMF CCUS ARE IN WALL Brothar Of (Main Woman Inalata H Shot At Floor Aaktd Man LaUr Arraatad WKara Bodlaa Ly. ' T 1 I GINK AN Q DOOBrglMgUrACC 'T T COMMUTERS MAY MAKE COURT FIGHT Portland Couplft Wad. boarrt Im Tlaar and Ruaaaa tyhro. d rortUM. rr marriod at Iba lup tbt aaraimaao Tuoaday. by Kar. UaiibortHiib. Rav. Ilayworth bavlni i aat uf th city. RECENT DECISION OF MWMi ftlON CAUE XHNCRAL FARE INCA8E. iodor CLARK TO BE BURIED TODAY TVt funural nf iha lata Thaodor 1. Hark Kr AlA m,AAmni nf baart fiaaaaa In Oraton City Sunday aftor "fti lll h bald at I o'clock Wad- May anarnoon from lb family roai- mtj Bionroa airot. Mr. Dark ... Arts fkt i HaB tnrbait. tlmlS bMt mtn In Iha alt and aria Idantl- M lth lit irowtb for many jaara. Ha ana hr rnrt4kiraa vaara BKO for a lone narlod waa tu Darin to- f tho flnUhlnf room of Iba Ora F CltyManufactitrtna Company' oolaa mill.. Atar bo wont to Baa- jft. Coot county, whoro bo aatumad ( kBtiinant nf tha Handoft Wool- bd mturnlng to Oroioa City four yaara aim, alnco wblcb ko hat boon la tbo raal oatata --mm ai i-oriiana. i nous a iu.i"o H boma It riraarnn rltr. ib turriraa oy a o It th dauRhtor of tho lata Bid W. Moat, ona of tha boat known 4 bt tarly plonoora, who dlad about "M yaara mmn ti. aiu Uavaa ona Ray dark, a hualnoaa maa of ilwood Anotbor aon. Ony, wbo M mlnlnit anHnoar, dlad ftbout ! Oatht Ban nnnla t tended t h tervlcea that woro rCCASlOKAL PASMEHS HHtIB,rt..-.r-r- I .... ......nv. Tha man aaaaaHaaasaw 'UUalll 1 11 ' J . t, of tho big mllU and factor Caah Far, Ta Portland Btduead To fowll( their uaual cuatom of 1.. ii.i jfia in t halr Arm? ii,.i,t.r. of rommutBtlori cov- nnB riur- - . . Company ara out of P"" h. dnclaton of h rlda only " n. . nlo TOO LATE purchttad ft aolandid atBort- B0U0H NICK ft4 AUTO "ILE SWEATERS, COATS FOR yUNQ MEN AND VOUNQ LADIES, hty arrlvad tea lata. Wa will thtm out at 0NE.THIP0 OFF. S ' or Main Stroat Window Dl- Met D-otkci?s CHRISTMAS BUYING REFLECTS PROSPERITY It w-u a quiet but happy Chrlttmaa i hat waa celebratrd hero. Tbo woala- 1 er wa far from IdoaL and fow people I w-re on tho ttreett, the groat majority i preferring to enjoy their holldaya at ! !, In tha tnelter and comfort of ...,n. rirr Raveral hundred IUV 1 1, ill n - neoplo Bttended tho tervlcea that woro BABIES IN HOME HAVE FINE MS Twonty Caott But No Reduc tion Ma Baan Mtd To Oolf Llnka. ...Ki..iiai a-iria to their army of omployet. Oregon City to oajoy. ing a aeaton of unoqualod proaporlty and thla evidenced by tho record breaking holiday bualnc.t done by th local aiprchauta up to toat 8atur dtr ulght. With tho rloao of tho year noar an end overy Indication polnU 1 , ,u .k- a..r,r that denotca MACCABEES INITIATE 12- Knlflhti Will Vltlt Portland T"t J"- u,ry 4- v a ..!,... ,r tha Maccaboe had t tho tamo i ne r'"i - - - , wi-k inrri aM M "-" -'-- ' v r. T. of twelve wa miUBltju, ano- bar. I- report current bat Th- hulRnti haa cbftrttrod and ... rVll-f from ctoloft- hrt live In Oregon 8ir... oi - - np,,,, their City ft4 wboM oora i Pra,nca In ro"'" com. for man, been "J;" h , mutation rata o. , wn,t l. n.y. obtained by P;Bl, Dooli. commonly known aa ,,, containing not 'd ear)y In ITnder tbo Commlwl""' unry 4, to vim THORNTONS DIVORCED. tnn a tiromln .'" ;d. witb of ent Py" k..,mi. baa flre, In tho u f -0" -r(T. from 5? KT 'r'ton who ha. e awirded $100 a month alimony. ,X. h ", "y,B-wben her ttpeud I. to bo cut off. CROWD US Ml AS COURT ALFRED inn, PlOnEER, IS DEAD -a .aWflBlll ha" montn oi v- ; ruling or unht A I'owor tToropa.. " - - j nTona. the. monthly boB. . book only ona kind oi "" ;hteen ..u. erry .f .nd i bai M "bo tlmo limit on per trip .n1! . ng im. iWubo, .Tb.M-tbIy book llarlty ":.: earry no tr.nror ticket.. ocop tt'MtB7t commuter. prUlleg... Mi I , d7 mQTJLo mutt pay U conw a , n0 ,o and To;". Um.. mall ltm ' f7 Urga majority " remw5o lrtd! 'to P"lani of tho pooplo wno r orogon ovary morning b'7 par.on. In City In tho ovonlng J wa p Bnd Sff "Jal bur- placod upon them- commutatloB P Tha change in tW, th.t ha. r.toa to not .Mnf P" Jroutod th. lr ot ha i ?v. lie. Tb. caau .-cntt. Din waa cut to twenty wbQ r..' 7 do not'.. rul. PT la to do , -;t wllllo tha cairn a caah fBre. v cent WM reduced to Qri.goTi City J o cut mftjlft c;nt far. llnv Ind Oolf Link, hfl nv. 0rg0 It. and Ntft J J twnty rent. rit tb eh f" " t.tlon rt of JnJ tha tormer c.-,j . BB flftoon cent. h.lrn Oregon City h D,h., people wtio Sno'w. 'fclolifPrtta"d board on OrnjJ - (continue on P , MILL MAN ,WEDS. J. t anrk n A M.Ylft Minnie hsiiiw . . Mra. . .... krlfterroom DO- tbolr futuwnom-. - Atn niovR ua v plp ft P.per Company. rifPflt Holiday Reduc; tion on U Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. am rtvwU euaranteed and satisfaction given D. M. Klem sen 421 Main Street MANY DONATIONS ARE RECEIVED BY SISTERS AT PARKPLACE INSTITUTION. CHILDREN GIVE TOOJINT PROGRAM Youngatera Enjoy Sumptuous Dinner Including Turkey And Mine, pia Many Vlaitora at Home. Chrlttmaa waa a bis dy t th. 8t Agnea Dby Home near Parkplaco, a .v.. ciiton or Marc in cuarav of tho Home. ar. doaorrtng of much credit and pralao lor uo osrc. l whlfti mnalated Of 1D0 pr'". mu.ln and roclUtlona. commwew 3-30 o'clock, and was wiuieoaea j r th. frlenda and relatlveB of w ( .a and of th SlltOrB. thO inv ii. . ...fl utter of whom war, moai nuyiiu tr- their- gueata. Tha chUdren were . for Ranta Claua waa in PU llfl avvtvu " i attendance, and upon bla appearance while tho children war. iainu . tb. recreation room aoatoa arouna a t. ,Kt.., rinenratod Cbrlatmaa tree. -,invd with delight No child waa forgotten. Toy. of all kind. k. tnta raneinsr from a woro ifu v - - - rattle to a rocking hor.e and lroc'ng After tho tree bad been die- ,.a ita tova tha youngBterB wore allowed to blow tha horna they received. The r "'-""'J "y ""' wn tbty agreed to bV". lotbllUlobod.. Their eye. wore aancing wuu r 1 ' .xZL -h..L m war (lushed oven at ana mmr t . . ..i,. bed tlmo. They wer. oany rw u. mnrn nar roiiowina -ui- m" r ". ;;..n7 a box of toy. and pa.alng through one of th. Ml'"rJ?Linl Ho aa!4. tera, wum r- - . . I am going to .n in. wo--. nac. room." nui n . , i aa overloaded, at otu- er. naa p.-- ";.iZ,- but .n.mniii aavo a n..f - --. . . " . Aar.AA ha WOUIO held to nil toy- M nnd anomor K.- - ww,.lnl. been a ahortneta oi " and many Men. of th. In.t 1 tutloa nt Vv . maa oay . Ther la alwaya a .cramDi. .r cnaira. . j H,ir. 1 1 . at niviBrrmm waaaj - ,gA V afTernr.nd th. audleno. " . ,llh annlBUB.. Th. roiiowing !" L.ra Thrtat tatlon and chorn. " "J. 'K: 7teht- boy. "NO Itooro r"i : t.". and girl.: recitation ana om. rv rhrtotma. wiu " -'t .on. ,.nd roc.tM.oft ..ore , .2B"SS'aa. boy. and ." ,!.,.r:rrw.ima Carol." eight a1. :iB?.r".U.V. .ralaav "Merry EMX- aV. . ftnd .us ,. ..i . to tha Manger; ex- ..T proUy . Villon, on tho In noma of tha .lerolaea tho little Aa aftermath of tbo freeing of Na than B. Harvey, who waa charged with alavlnar tha Hill famllr. waa too announcement Tuesday night by Sher iff uaaa thai inomaa r. (jowing, jr, a brother of Mra. Hill, bad fired two thott whii. a. and Harvey wer. en gaged In a pbyalcal encouotor on the afternoon of December 1. Harvey aava Cowlna triad to a hoot him. Cow ing, aavs ba anot at tho floor. How ever, tha bullets lodged m the wan of Harvey's office, at Mllwanklo, wbor. tb. encounter occurred. Sheriff Maaa aayt that Harvey toia kltM 0iartnar wlaltaul h la nla-A about g o'clock tb. day of th. struggle. Har vey, with bU brother and another man, waa placing- tree, behind the ham Ha aava Co win r rima to hint and aald ba wanted to see blm pri vately. Harvey, according u iuo statement of tbo sheriff, told him bo milil ha (n watt nntll tha work waa flnlabed. This done, ba and Cow ing started toward in. office wnon mo latter aald. "I want yon to go to tbo Hill bouse with me and show mo bow tb. bod let lay. Harvey toia mm to wait until they reached the office and they could talk about th. case. Ho declares Cowing demurred again. t en tering tbo office with blm, but finally did ao. In.ld Harvey declares Cowing again asked him to go to tho Hill houaa and abow how tha bodiee lay. Harvey gave aom. excuse, saying It waa no use, or sometning iia. inai, whereupon according to hta atory, volalmawl -TVi tim refuaef and at the same Urn. drew th. pistol. which was or inirxy-iga - canurw. Uawaa aava V allai Pawlnf'. hand and tb. bullets paaeed over hit bead Into tha walL atra. Harrey. nio Droin er and the other man wer. attracted w,A h tnnk thai nlatol Which had dropped from the man's band aa ho was thrown by Harvey. The next day Harrey telephoned Sheriff Maaa that bo- wanted to aoo him. Maaa went to tbo Harvey noma and waa told tho atory of th. shooting, Harvey turning over th. pistol, which Cowing la alleged to hav need. "I aaked Mr. Harvey If bo did not mm Alfred B. Humphreye, for forty years resident of Oregon City died TiuMiiav mnrntna at 11 o'clock at the Tamlly residence, J. Q. Adams street. between Eighth ana Nimn Bireeie. n. waa born March 20, 1S32, In Slmsbnry. r.-nti and waa married In 1954 at Hartford, Conn, to Louiao j. Annnr. who died In 18L Mr. Humphreys waa married In 1864 at New Hartford, Conn, to Carrie 8teeL who survives him. In 1863 Mr. Humphreys was siaMtawt a ReDroaentatlva in tho Con necUcnt General Assembly. His poo plo wer. among th. early settlors la America, living la Massachusetts, and afterwards going to Connecticut, whuro they took op a bomoatead la 1642. and members of tbo family have lived Uer .ver sine 1871 Mr. Humphreys came to Ore gon from Connecticut and settled In Oregon City. Between 1877 and 1883 Mr. Humphreys and his family lived on a homestead near tanDy. Besides a widow, on. daughter, misj Gertrude May Humphreys, eurrlvea. Another daughter died eeversi years ago. H. also la wrnteo oy a Drain er, Major Humphreys, oi uimsoury. Conn. Tho funeral will bo held Thursday from th. family residence, and tho service will bo onder the direction of Rev. George N- Kd wards, pastor of tho First congregauonai cnurcn. . SAIlSOilCAUSrai CISUMIT ; ra kw otu na FORMER PRISONER BESEIOCO BY "" FRIENDS WHO OFFER CON GRATULATION SB I ST E FT OF MRS. HILL. FAINTS IN COURT. Declaring that none of tho a vl dance I1IDLA. FAI'.ILY HAVE reuiiio;i IHUil CHRISMS (Continued on pace four.) u, ...a Mra W L. Mldlam and Mr. and Mr. Walter R- Wentworth. entertained at a family reunion utn A Harahalt homo at Canemaa. Christmas Day. Ther. waa a bounti ful dinner served, to which all did ample Justice, and th. guwrta were Mr. and Mr. 8. U Young, of Cnlvera- ! iar-k - Mr. and Mrs. n. r. Tonng, nt pi wood- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mar- .k.n ar.4 Halrih Mirahl L OI BlOniav- Tllla.'' Mlsa Carrie Ermaplnger, ,of Dil.ail. Maratiall and flendall Young. iTnivaraiia Park. A featur of the reunion waa tbo announcement of the engagement of Mai hail Toung. a aou of Mr. and Mra. 8. L. Toung, to Mlae Ermaplnger. intrfuttirjut aralnat tha defendant Incriminating, and that tho prosecu tion had failed utterly to make out a case agalnat him. Justice of tho Peace Samson Tuesday afternoon dis missed tho complaint against Nauuui R Harvey, the wealthy Milwaukto Himaramia rharaiBaf him with .Lav ing the Hill family at Ardeawald Sta tion, Juno last. . Tho noanng. wtuca araa a nrallminarT one. had - beOBV'. marked with dramatic scenes through out, but when the Justice of tbo poaeo concluded hta , dedaioa wuiansem tialt whara tha rua waa heard, bora- . ered'oa bedlam. At least one-half of the crowd of 300 that waa pacaeo into iha hall ahMrad and a score rushed to Harvey to congratulate blm.' Many literally hugged him. There waa cheering several tlmo dating th. addresa of George C. Brow nelL who spoke but and croaa-oxamta- ed tho wltneaoea lor tn oeionaam. and while & M. Idleman, of coonaet for Harvey waa summing ap Mr. Charlotte do Parque, a eisier oi an. Rutb Cowing HUL fell from bar chair in a faint, and waa carried from tbo hall by her brother, Thoma Cowing, and hla wire. She soon waa renvoa but did not re-enter tho room. A report waa current tnat tne case) ,..m Ka taken hoforo tho Grand Jury, which will convene Jan. 10, bnt Sheriff Mass and Detective La la Lv- ' ing. who bare worked ap too evi dence, refused to aay whether thla would be don. Harvey Refuses To Talk. Mr. Harvey refused to make a , statement, other than ho waa glad to h free, and that th. newapapera had -made mistakes la previous report. Hla wife waa seated by him whoa the verdict waa rendered, and she wa congratulated Just aa profusely as nor husband. - - ' ' ' (Continued on Page 3.) Here's a present for every man in this to win IGHT now you w.ll have the advantage of the lowest prices . we have ever Quoted on fine clothes. You cannot think of a better purchase than one of these Hart Schaffner & Marx -suits oroYercoatsjrhis seasonwejre .goingjqngs faster than ever, get them out of the way of spring clothes com ing in soon. Mere's the list of prices: Your choice of ftny Hart Schaffner & Mrx S Suit or Overcoat in the Store for - $19.80 ALSO A lot of 80 Suit 11 ize-GoorJ colort. Worth 15.00 to 18.00 With every Boy'ft Suit we will give one. Boy's Fine Cap FREE Large Stock of new suits to select from at Clearance Sale Prices. One lot of orid sizes worth $4 to $5 " Sale Price $9.80 Sale Price $2.98 . Lo AcJams ; Oregon Gty's Bi Department iStofe y ASK FOR RED TRADING STAMPS Oontlnuod on pag. twa XCLUSIVI CL0THIXM Not tlkd Cotft. th and Main