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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1911)
i. t I J V-ATMl" INDICATION. 4 eft A A .. j, . ffjaalarir w !. " . .o.-w.rr.lly fairHuudar; IoW .ail pwU VECKLY ENTERPRISE ESTA5LIMIED 1260 y vol. n-No. m OKKdON CITY, OREflON, HUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1911. Pn Wra, 10 Own ins ni HAVE f ' -a . a. aa k aa am mm A a a BROVIIELL VllL SHE (alLST librnnrTntTm ... .i-. . : r. tt ICIIuER AV on TO CM SI DETQiD 1IARVEV ON U WS TRAIL - rLnrnnftinu bY WALT DOUG ALL 'HITI HOUai DINNIH. TO I ATAK,N 0r ,V 0NLr M,M" T ( Of FAMILY. O9WC0O . PIONEER WINS SUIT AGAINST RICH HEAD OP CEMENT COMPANY. MAYOR-ELECT MAKES DECLARA lawyer has lono conperenct i with man called hill t 'slayer. . . TION THAT SINGLE TAXER IS NOT PAIR. rflO E IS E II An isms 000 DAMAGES 1 I I I! 1 I CaiU't ThownM Tee OH far Tree gy Cownacy' taeytlve Many Q'fle Ara -Received. WIHNnTOS. ls. II When M ('loo' '"" h- White lloua totrif iM he will but find (.rUimat I re ' drwaa, but be will 14 rrmntk.bU collation of gift hut all orr this broad land which kirt Ik- h accumulating tor lb past t.a or Dirro dae a rapidly ee lb tinrvea 010181 would delltwr thM. The rhMaimae dianwr will be aerv ,1 alibi with only members af b fjllnW aealad at tb table NO p,in I.m. Ixwn lnvli4. Holrrl T'l la bach for lb boll 4,,, nd MIX IUI" U aaelsilng her mohr in l.uing gifts and forwarding ia t rrUiU.a and friends. H"hrl ha far H,iro th rhriatmaa trr tta, bul i' .ulhualaat.eally tularin Isle ifc holiday spirit wblch prwvalU M lb Whit" lluua. . i-n-iitfiii haa uorwinaflv dn. p.lrfMr t'hrlatmaa enoiping this fmr. ! tlhg blmaolf book a fnr cloa m.i and bloc at laarrlrr tt tilt ini arailuya. To aarh of ik. lartw w-rrl afTlfa . bo ki kxl.ii a vhrrovar ba ia Ika tl'l-nl a handaoma ararf kia. rr aarb of tba tnaniad Wf tmt thr tarnly fla I 'lira aalgtui, h) auir lha Whlla llmta and fur avi Diartii-d man ampkiyad ali'it Iba Miwla Ika lratitMil bad aalwtod a tatilro lnfk.'T- Karh rlarh In Iba at amn i Ifirm Tt"1 -tttrfay rt an ufciM n.niilnlna a It Bold blaca. rilloatti Iba rub abifh 1aldatl r.n k i.iwwrtail alnra ha aalrraa Ifa 1ilia Mmiaa, w llt U oblalnabla at ika nutiii-Toua aod 01varama4 prva .hi, i. hava Iimi aoiit him by rl ultra frlriida and Uliknowa adiaUrra iknMihii i ba country. Tbaaa alfta tr drliiarad dlrart to tba Wblta u ...i il.i mil naaa Ihrouab Iba kaadi nl iba larlral furra la tba of- boa aalldlai. 1hj.hi.Mk frllrlUtUma All Iba ""Via ll"ua mall and nft'Ua appra rUI. .rl nia LMltTBtnanl. Tba I'faal al anuria lo an Joy tba Cbrlatmaa V3Ti and laaa raiaaoia b arrlaa. tin alraauoua bava bn lb lamlnl.lralUa dutlaa alnra Cnaaraaa at. ka baa baan vuoipallvd lo torrKO at aiany ilra tba rtarrlaa ablrb ba an nllal to Iba pr-raiion af kla hralib. Now tbal mambara Of Coniraaa haa la Urta numbara iona out of tba clly lor iba roooaa, tba Praaldont aipacta Ika burdm of hla olTIra to la llibt aH tnd ba will taka aa murb tlma a axMallila f. tba nail wak to raat u4 racuparaia. II MORGAII SMS PUTY MEW VORK. iaac. 1 Mra. J. l- Mil Monan, wlfa of Iba financier. r larnad frim Kuropa Friday on tba aiaarlka. Mow long lira. Morgan bad bwa In runipa aha daollnad to aay. "I won t lelU barauaa I abhor pub licity." aha aald. "To woman of ra lamaot It la draadful to find thlnRa la tba papara about baraalf. I narrr lalrrvlawa. I cannot undaratand r man remain In tba nawapapar rofaiin Thay abould at Into n "Hi uuainaaa. wny. toa nimrv" - tuna ao far aa to publlah ple- ui i wo oi my rnanaa, dui kin. "Mra. Morgan. If you would cara lo aaa your pictura takan, wa n aru that would do ary walU" aha told. "If you too my pictura I would ouuh your ramar. But Mra. Morgan tmllad In a moib way. if aha dldnt raally maan "Couldn't you la na a nlca talk na aurrraga quaationr- "Why. no; I am raglalarad among 0a women wbo ara agalnat auffraga i our aax. IAZELLE BECOMES Warnnr a rang. Saturday, at Naw "V naid ona of tha moat anmuaia to maotin.. A k nar Tha mart- wti Urgaly attandad by tba grana who llatanad to an Intaraatlng pro- a'arn. Tn main faatura waa me '" of ofrtoara which raaultad aa it Mtitor M. J. Uaalla. . . Oteraaar William Dodda. Urturar Mra. J. Hoffman. Itaward rrang, Bpulok. Altant flUward rr4 CWno. Chaplain Mra. J. C. M. Dodda. Traaaurar Oaorga Randal.. -raiary D. MeArtbar. 0ta Kaapar R. B. Co. Caraaiaaala McDonald. .. Pomona Lanatt Bnook, . PUr. wl.k t-h . '-a'ly AialaUnt Btawart Bmliy Pik. Th. ...... i- .it.ivlna condl " an l th mambara ara looking for a. . . . . . . ih ik. al . iu ma coming yew w . HeUtlona of having good maatln1 i antira tlma.. A ik. . .i tAtirfh Hat tun nax maaung, aw . of January. Vf. f. TTRan, or vton city. U1 addraaa tha ra itin city, win addraaa aingle U. AU thoaa th a .ntitaa-a iarwrf to M pr IIWSPAPER the TK.OUNmQPUCriONjJUSTA"STDY"lNrAC 1 1 r . . .11 rT.rr,TrrSl . ftiNK AND BOQfl rB(X)B DPaltOTTf AND TH POEM 13 39 TRY EXAMINATION Tha arml annual amlnalln ut laarbcra for county h(il. rudiirird by utit.rliit-n.laut (lary at Wlllfliuotla ll.ll. aaa cnrlu.ld Baturday. Tbiny- nlna trlwl th- aiamlnatlon and It l thoufht moat of tha appllranl will re- raUa crtlflralra. Mr. ;ry will iid iK. n.i.ra to Htate 8ulirlntrn.laui o Inatrucilon Alderman, whp will do th radlDK Tba claaa waa l-aa mn nor- half tho all of tba ona ahUb iri.'u tha aiarolnatkin laat aprlna. Ctl AFTER FIVE iKinrusi. D-c. U A nnal wo nl . a .t dlvorra waa irautad today . i. .4 miillnnalra Clun lo iiowaru o. man. Ilia wlfa waa Uiuan - noted ln.r beauty. The, war- mar- . . . ..... and Mra. item n- rl0 our ye-. - i.. for divorce, tut each time . reconciliation followed and the cou- . ......J n a naw noneji,' pie a.-.. - - , , The ach-dula by o' Iowa: ' v. , iftTMarrled. Honeymoon ..... N. 1. by Mr.. Ileed. Kecono.ll. " " - A i..U rtmnnM. linn anu -.. . o..i, Kn. ,90-Honeymoon ro .. - a Mra. Read. Reconcm- lilt dropped- w Slllt no lilt droppad. . But No Bti OrE T Ci .a" No. 1 Read. R.ed by j911nttorc .---- judge Cola, or .v. two ba- Tha mamea l"'Tv ,h. wealthy kD In Aiaaaa, - n hunter mei i- v- . .k. . In Cola, of Inver Bror. -.; w.ra itanmg of their and Mra. R" A"! a rat to Holly adtenturaa , ,n,i n- .eAAwttK th'a nrat nanj - rel tooH piaca ,1 took placa. hoeymoon waa .i'rr need'; w 1 am Haa a p..a.d on MJ Kl C ult. Kl Cantro. Hera wa- . -th. Hera waa bia crow ... - btvt eompwa neigni""-, - . niai".- ina-Tear-old Helen Green. n" la Mrloua- fever. 1 . THMu7L2rortrN Perth. U Cross ; f S.idS' f.raon. of Aurora. 8 tai M,r. "? .rarn'am Krnybouah wer. .--. J si V,ran"t.d "AT,""eywh officiated 1 at r,a nev. 8. A. Hay''" . r.g and ""-..a llcensea the rnarrla-te. of "4-li nd. May .W.A Kmm ramrhough. ni - .( Tear -and ajntaroriae. why " th. Morning i you ara not r-"--- g 4 0 Period la B on- aam r FOR COUNTY TEACHERS UBMAfl DIVORCED SUITS m p 1 a NO PAPER TUESDAY. i Tha niannKeuu'iit of tha morn- luit KntcrprtH lwllovlng that the a- rmployaa nhnuld not be com- iirllf.l lo work ChnHtmaa imy. him d.Tldid not to laue a paiwr r Tufduy morninir. Tha net laaue will U VHlncaay. a ENGLAND AND JAPAN HAY ACT IN CHINA lNfXN. Pec. 23. Considerable curloaliy baa been arouaed In diplo matic clrclea here regarding tne rea ,n for the propo"! of Great Britain and Japan to undertake a dual media . .ft., iha nowara. Id- i on in v iiia . -- r- - -eluding the l olled BUtea. bad d-cld- rd to preaent an laemicw .- w -conference now meeting at SbanghaL There waa a tendency u Y"Z. that the J.paneaa flfrnm;",M ... rmnnu and that Japan maan im i.-k ...... .... ...i.,..a to Intervene. It turna waa ... .. . out now. however, mai j - 2 2S a arawkan rna riruiiu m,v lirltlah Conaui ai iiau. . iimi... k.i.nia in a area to an inducea ma vuini. - armlatlca. might again .ucceed a. a mediator In tba T! ct.ta De- It u understood that tba State ! partment la making Inqulrlea both n ?ioan and Great Britain In regard to japan ..i.iwi.n.naaa media- tha oroooaea tlon. COURT TO SUPPORT FAMILY . ... ... J .rraaled hV Chief Samuel vu"'.;" " a charaa - it.ll-a RtlSW 1 nur7 - "T ." p, U. , haDV. 0f not iUPPoruna - nhtal.d rrpaoeVminaand b7.-;.larywll. bep.dfW -u- !rnT;.rnd.Vh...rod IU SIWJ reputation. - .1 LUTHERAN CIIUJ TO RYE a ana nrorram baa been arranged ,or th. LPtw7n church on Jefferaon IntheCbr,- Tba ramoua - , men. Germany,, will ai - a, service. w,u o. - .ui.ab inmnrruw in' Kraxberger. A Chrlal- ior. n. " -- , k- hald at ma. feat v.l servic- , . - b;:fh.Vt.on;tth.l.rd.8u By lM w , muB0 by per. Tuare "u. -r the choir. . u.titi. tha Morning U.l la now on. Dee u v" gain ri", badk oa ' cowpas tCli CHRISTMAS OBS -.7 ION DROPPED WitH SAD RESULTS CITY AND HOEIADMHE OFF The football gam ached uled for thU afternoon between Oregon City and the Holladay Athletic Club team, of I'nitliind, waa declared off lata Si:- urdav night Tho' manager of toe l'ortlaiid team telepao i-J Manaer While, of Oregon City, tfcit hla plaj era would not keep the engagement becauat) i wo or three of tbe men were disabled. u'Hh iha nhenomenal record of an of unbroken victories. scoring against every team except the Holladay players, vne ureKou tivj Football club haa every reaaon to ba proud of the season a wor. LA FOUfTTE TEUS OF ALUGH) BRIBE NEW YORK. Dec, 2J. (Special.) Dramatic details of the tense attuatlon when the late United Statea Senator Phlletua Sawyer of Wlaconaln tried to bribe Senator La Follette to corrupt ciahackar are clven today In wuck. k.- - - . 1. Follette'a autoglography In the Jan uarv Issue of the American Magaxlne. It waa during the suit for the state of Wisconsin against Beveral former state treasurera and their bondsmen to collect Interest on Btate funda ap- nroorlaied by the defendanta. Saw p Ranubllcan boea. stood to loae hundreds of thousands of dollars aa bondsman for Beveral of the former r H'arii ui vua .u.w. H. aski L rollette to treasurers. meet him at tha Planklngton hotel in Milwaukee, and then ahot hla proposi inn atratirht from the shoulder. La e-iii i. .in Sawvar aald to him "No one knowa I am to meet you, I don't want to hire you aa an attor want . i nev Ana I aoa wiui vim w aw ney. Ana court, wui ubitf .... at AiA Im SKOA mnr. yOU J500 more, or fi.vuv iwi ' j ,1 nun f waa navar able to re .11 1. a,V"W " . call exactly the aum. nam wnen "Senator bawyer, you """"I what you are saying, u job i. ih. face you could not Insult me as you Insult me now.'. "He saia: wan, uum .t.ndlna D. I aald. 'No. you int.ii wni.a am a war i dnt want to employ me ney. You want to mra me w i .....,-- .W...I mir Mia off ' thai ease ww j ...... - bench. He aald: did not inina you u i.w. . ratalnar in the case. I did not think you would want to go iuw . w ' , ik. aaa. aa an aironwj. -- mucn win ... .....nui' 'Yon haven t got w in iii. aa a raiaiuvr t enough money to employ me aa n at torney In your caae, after what you have aald to ma.' . .'...j rrtr.n urhini I aon x univiBiuiu court rulee. Anyway, let ma pay you .1 Bill l...- - for coming down here. .. "I said: Not a aonar, air, aam .... . . .... .k. MAM meaiateiy "v , , . This shocked ma Into complete realisation of the axtremea to which thia power that wr would go to aeeur the reaulta It waa after." . OREGON AFrfAL TO EE TAKEN BY DEFENDANT Brownall Makee Strong Point By Showing Club Said To Have Baan Uaed By Moore la Not Nicked. - A Jury In Judge Eakin'a court Sat urday awarded , Joseph Blcbner, a pioneer of Oswego, a verdict of f 1.000 In a damage suit instituted by blm against Anuta Moore, president of tbe Portland Cement "Company for Injur lea received In a fight over a atrip of property. Blcbner, wbo aued for $10, 000, alleged that he waa permanently inturad tv i tilow on the head. He said bis eyealgbt had been affected and he suffered from Insomnia. Tbe r.i.:niinr taatiflMd that ha waa attack ed without provocation by tbe defen dant Moore teatlfled that Henry . 1 1 ti n .v . mnn rf ih. nlalntlff. attack- Ul.'UUV, , . . f " ed him with a shovel, and that the father waa' wounded In the altercation ahirh followed. Moore alao haa a dam age suit pending against Blcbner. He announced arter me veraici him that the caae would be appealed. The plaintiff waa repreaenied by George 'C. Brownell and William glone. Gordon E. Hayea ana jonn . Ixtgan appeared for Moore. Judge Hayea and Mr. Brownell summed up Saturday morning, both making One apeeches. Mr. Hayea declared Henry lilchner was the aggressor. Mr. Brow, nell scored with the Jury when be called attention to the fact that tbe club aald to have been uaed by Moore had no nicks on It. The defense said sardad off blows with the tnuviv . . dub. struck by Henry Blcbner with a shovel. . ' C I STAFFORD BUYS OUT U. EDDY & SON ... n T.i.i. a, Qnn who about two .. mirrhuMl the a took and JTH. arv V . .mm of the Thompaon Bargain o. v... mrt thalr atock and Ox turea to C. L Stafford, of thia city. mt. Eddy and on have been doing a good business, but owing lo iiaipu health. Mr. Eddy has decided to move n.ti. n,i hra the family form- -.i- ...Mad Mr. Stafford will take ,j ' - poaaession next week. BERTHA BRYANT AND CUFFORDGUYIIUPWED -an.. TiA-ha. prTtnt and Cllnord Guynup. were married Saturday morn ing at 10 ocwcit ar m .u . hrTde a uarenta. Mr. and Mra. Bryant r rlackamas Heignis. uuiy Uvea and Intimate iTienoa i i .i .tianrfod - The Impre.-- ... .. narfnrmed bV Rev. Sive Ctirwm.". ,K o-.ll .i . u.wwnnn naaior oi v . "" r;,,rrh At li oclock a aumptuous dinner was served. CHRISTMAS CANTATA AT CHURCH TONIGHT Tk. phrlRtmas canUta entiiiea. -The Story of Bethlehem." by William R. Spence will be renuereu i RaDtist church tonlgnu ine anina and rhoruaea ana cuqbhi. , .k. i..Hin. .Inrera of tbe City. erai ui iw - y - , ... miii Juliet Croaa, oi uiaaavoi'". j.. m. nf the nrincipal aoloe. . . ..- . .nnw Professor Herbert i ""' r : i .. .kri. director and poser OI lomw , . orchestra leader of. ' BSSiaung alia. ia v.--- ....k ...iia haa been nut on er. niuvu , - . this canUU and It promises to be frv niuBivAi wuu w I aaaajB rlAwnilllllaVl LIBtlti aravaa tr inTtted. . i n ara not reading th Morning k. ntT Taarend Bar .nvoi i" - , ariM la now on. See ad on a" I i .1. ...a i uav.a - 1 I MMM.. tit;j. flAfl HUH 1 .n 00 Sll ...... . RrnJM VVnPl iiiorviOf ..v..v . . and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All roads guaranteed " ; tni satisfaction given D. M. Klemsen -3 ' --3 421 Caia Street SPEECH AT BIG COHERENCE QUOTED 'Some People Doubt Mr. U'Ren'e Honeaty Regarding Single Tax," la Statement Of Lawyer. ml' a iT-R.n haa alwava conducted hi. .imniirni ainnc lines that are abaolutaly unfair and from this day I 4 hall keep on that genueman a urn In every move that he make," Is an excerpt from a statement by Grant B. DimlcK Baiuraay in reuuuu m single tax controversy. The autement follows: I have carefully read tbe article 01 u kr In th Dreeonlan or ue- cember 21st. and desire to state that Mr. Stone evllently mieunaersiooa ..k., i ..I.I r.urdin( tha 116.775 a I only uuoted from their ownbook entitled "Kingie lax Lirame"". in New York City November 19 and 2i 1SIU, under the auaplcee or uie "Josefh Kel Fund Commission," ana .k. .. ... iiom rr avnense riven in that pamphlet, at the bottom of page 31 la aa follow: "uregou per . U'Reit pr'nling and general expenaea $16,775." Mr. Stone aays: -My. uira- Ick Is mistaken ra mis. no ui ". sea on page 31 or any other page In the report of that conference that Mr, U'Ren received I wlHh to state for the benefit of Mr. Stone and otber reaaera ci iu. Enterprise that 1 dia aee ou pae ..... i h.i l have set forth above, and nowhere in that pamphlet Issued by -Kela runa" ra air. . . i. m.ntinnMl as treaaurer or even having anything to do with the aingle tax expenuuurra BUte cf Oregon. . I do not believe anybody who clalrna to possess an ordinary degree of In telligence can truthfully .ay f alter reading my former arUcle In the En erprlae that I said Mr. U Ren recelv- . l.Ti.. ki. n nHvate use. but he Jecilved It and used It In the single tax campaign In this atate. When Mr. Feia was m r. - few months alnce an interview htm was published wnereiu that Mr. lI Ren did receive a aalary from the "Fela Fund ' and the amount of the aalary waa given at that time and Mr. U Ren naa exceot that he oeniea in- " receive. ,6. rcfer- page 31 of the pampn m a received any oi -:JX'""t;Z U he did receue 'nreeon Per W. w-u . (Continued on page three ) Red Goose School Shoes Best and Finest For Boys and Girls In the Red Goose has just been decided lowing awards were First Price ... ( 41 V I IM .15.00 . 8-00 . 2.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . JM ,. .50 .. 30 J0 ,. AO Second Prlte Third Prlxe ... Fourth Prlxe .. Fifth Prlxe Sixth Prize . . Seventh Prlxe Eighth Prlxe . Ninth Prlxe .. . - Tenth Prlxe .. Eleventh Prlxe A lafg stock of Shoes at . " Lo ADAMS Oregon City's Stote open tintil OmrtTOOCfKISCal Accuaad Man, Declaring That He Has) Ben Mlaquoted, Decilnea " To Say More For Publication. . Nathan B. Harvey, the wealthy nurseryman of Mllwaukle, Saturday engaged George C. Brownell to de fend him. C. M. Idleman, of Portland, alao haa been retained by the defen dant, Mrs. Harvey- called at Mr. Brownell's office early Saturday and said' that her husband wished to en gage the Oregon City attorney. " ' " H. S. Harvey, formerly of Cresham, a brother of the defendant, called up on the prisoner Saturday afternoon. He baa absolute connaeoce . in . me ability of his brother to prove hie In nocence. "rf .mm. Vnthan la not. rtllltV." said Mr. Harvey. "I have lived at hla bouse for about four years. He la one of the finest of men." - ijw, Nathan B. Harvey, rich MHwaukie Nurseryman, charged with killing Hill family at Ardenwald Station. The prisoner aald that he had been misrepresented and put in ao many false lights since his arrest that be waa not going to diacusa tha Hill case again until he is tried. (Continued on Page S.) Red Goose School Short Best and Finest For Boys and Girls Drawing Contest which by the judges the fol made: .Roaa HoffmllleT , Jean Martin Shlrlle Swallow i. ........York Hammond .Veta Lynch . Harriet Parker ! Margaret Landsborough 4.Wella Campbell Dorothy Verweyet .Louise Sheahan ' Lot Beatla Red Goose Schocl ' " :' sr - .--". ,. " Big Department Store. nooa UIc?7, II - - v vi X . - I ' - J v'- - ---j back pa-