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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1911)
MORNING RNTKKPU18K. R1TXIUY. DECEMBER 24. 1911. Im - - '"aaaaBaaaaMl' cc2irs ErnK?msE w"1 C2TT, OatXQOaT I & mi a aa r ' city omciAt. wbwb. w I TMC MORftlNO tnTlMIU to a. eU at tto lotkewtag Br - Aav: Hutitr Bm Cnc S )UU guc - V J. W. McAaafcy Ctoars , ntk and MM. 4 E. B Aedroav. Mala nit Ja-A. ML K. Dw-nIUoMC7 Kot tear a P. Ol City Drag orw recite UmL 1 th aad A Q, Adnuata. 24 b Americxn Htstary. RSI Sa Im. fr'l tto Mil aw.t ( tto JliiaiiTil ttoa j rii ttot ta t&to. a to t7tK tor. fl. T14 70 toat ; Tto Uoo4 of tto mrrtor ta tto r4 Braa. tarua ta lmrmm m tto atau. tto Statoa aa4 Craat BrBato at Ctoac H ran tto ra4tal at ViaVaf taav. wtck tlaftto Q-4 tjiji ar tr. Aairal Kdvta Watto. C S.X, IM1. AST1tOOMICAi. CVCNT. M aaftaj toi 4X rtoto 7a; aat rlaaa , J - am JO a. aa lat Unrmy at lafartor CMjvarttoa wU tto aa. ttot bni ad rtkym aa Ajrt U. Jaa n heroism ok TTatcmmrr Tto tstrrplCty of tto artotora kaa toca cm at tto aaoat remark! tea. taraa at tto rar aaoat to dote It vtn tak vara apac to n? tto taStic of 1J11 ta tto aari-mtkNi f tto air. at or Bm to toca tot to ttto war atoe Jaaaary lajt ttoa la ra ty yan of Arctic cxptoratioa or ota r ttaaatroa trarcL Bat wtorr aa ariator to toca fuM to aeatk at toaat t to atepped forvari t tak kto alac. Air aiacktof ar ta tto ataca of cxptrtateat a4 tto toata caa omiy to effecttr kr faetoc aaaa- aal riaka. TVnitata of r4y to to a adeaca. tot ky far tto crow to tto vaote ftohL Oeeaak ally a ctoaUat or ottor tavrstlfaior to kfn4 la ato latoratoiT- Bat rr a ka4r4 aria lor aa att wttk so4 ttoa aik lkto year. Tto aerial ta watera ar aa toay er. Ttoy to Krr taat air fSckt by au to arly coaaiac aa4. vtta iet coara-, pay tto toll ttot mai to to aaarotdakl. la aota race tkla aerotloa to aa Me ta labora, aa la a matter of coare. WVera la all Alia, tto aeal ' of aa oloer drUlxatloa. to tker a vorktog ariator? Caiaa'a knadrcd f Hftona vere expert wtLk kites aiaay eeatarVe ago. bat balooea and aaroptoaca aar arer toea la ttotr Bae- It to for tto Caacaaia ta find oat Stale Rights! What j Are They? By 1AMUU UNTIRMYIR. Corporation Lawyer of Nrw Tork ttttittintmi CUE goremort at their last eotjerene openly ried with one another in their championship of the the ory that the statea bare a aort of roaming and unrestrained fr ri ch to interfere with and OB STRUCT TIIE COLTKSJ! OF CONDUCT OF TIIE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in mattena man ifestly national in acope and incapable- of being otherwise regulated. The inability of various states to collect an income tax was a prime example of the useleaanew of earrriog the Ute rigbta fetish" too far. The trouble was that the persona from whom the income tax was to be collected EASILY EVADED it by obuining a nominal bode in some more lenient state, the states practically bidding against each other for the privilege of obtaining wealth tai dodgers as nomi Bal citizens. There is nothing so disgraceful in the history of onr government as onr method of imposing and collecting taxes on personal property. It is all doe to the BLIND IGNORANCE with which we cling to this fetish of STATE RIGHTS. . Jr CCNTHOL Or INTERSTATE C00MT10Nt and rioulation Or DIVORCE ARE ATTEatrrfO WITH EQUAL IN EFFECTUALITY Y OVft STATE GOVERNMENT. THE. STATES SHOULD OLADLV IM. THESE rUMCTIONS ON THE tow t tra Orvatk th ahr hM? M-l ' I... k .rrrr grrwkv m as a U4iVi of tw m w ul hav d tea; rtku of U a at. Bat tto artactpsr of safety lor tWa to ao be nafta ctoaCy Mti Irtiton ar eeerra to for itoea re r We e tto toaerd Wm iiriDMiiii to Imitftt ahata. gaily in tto a we ef tW sane Ilk4. ewed (MttHM TV Hying avacka IM;m ar ceclaisjy torotc? Ar ttoy II.! lJ ! rooAardj r perk , t tV jsBaaif tto iwaetal acts Wcl ttoy ar NfM t a7 t to to poanli aot to admire im. aad ato- iB I A rtoaa parcel rM( to aa old j j m Earope, urn " j i Uaeet hav cowatry MrM toea tor- j !ed ky tto greatly popolarlaed secrx Im kxv rtM& N CbeJ tkipr4 4o tW Okto nrw I tk. mr Iboca m &.. Umm. tt rrqtr tTiy KMlm to On mwWt ( tto w mai tto rojttoa e tm trl7 w1t Emta. It to rap Nio Vf tto CoTioa Ror m tor tto wW to . TV frrrc U Lcla r to- tax to toil ta toacto. TaU emmTC.' After aa totrral et talrty rar Jaa B- McOrary Ui nai4 tto Cowaiaijr-r-Katcr. If tto ev vrar atottitaixr tor ttto Me4 Una V arottei a aaaa to- ArUoaa to ao rormaCy to tto r toaJa COa atestor to aow a eltt aa aa4 tto tora4 toa4 to a aUakw - rv rricat7 of a rria atat wUrk wa rxtormUaat alat , , - loruncai e-F- y - Kar latiiiil avarumaa eoavuaa to tk torn. tW atoo to aotataj ater rtoaa taaa trato!a pragtte to look after. Gcrataay aUStary artotort atlek to It taat aa arlal crmtocr caa carry 344 prrtoea at a apo of M aOt aa kor. Coaat Zeppfia told a atmCar rtrw tot ai alacky trrptrcaarata karc rm4 ta a fa Bat of vrcka. PlMlBMta Tto rkiapt mbw after Ktec fkl3 f wvr diarTer4 ta Virra. isct. tr to faawto esikkwvr SfaxeOaa. It aa ttartoc a fttrat tntk tto aadvea f tto koaad ttot Mirr toa toat k Rfe Tto Mao were takea P toa la I.V8 kv a toK frata MnW la 1579 a "rtiifinH aa rZrtr4 at tto anatk f tto Ma alto rtrer. aa4 Waalla Iwaate tto Spaatok r4rl Tto imimtiom vf tto PkiUpftoca ta totvvr rlxt aad tea BC'ioo. i Jt aartrr. a ana It are f Malaya. Cktoaaw. Jap. aj.ri a ad rarina taer rarva. Tto totewt veaKk f tto toaada la laiateaae. ato rreat ee4npaera are locked for la tto fware New Tark Aaterk-aa. Ijrfarwatio I iU readJj lavnart aB ry laroraanoa a recaraa a rerttoaa or rnrtotttiea. eer aak por- ten r roarb aaleaa jam aM yoaraetf roateapnrrI!y of their urn -. BrUa ForelinMT Tiaea H. RaMk. Wky to aaral raptala redared to raak -kea to atarrtea? Beraaaa to tiarnin kb arlfa'a aata FEDERAL "VOWERNMtNT. Ptrlitmcnt Buildings, Tehenn Where Persians Defied Russia hr,-V S in sag - ALTHOCOU tto ar Aatartra , ttot k la -tto ptor tar tto f-K dratrto fraea Tasaraa eUkMea ta prorty a a aJtocattoe tortfal nMRea a ky W. Morraa toa(r. tto Aaaark aa trataarar r aral. to tto dVtatarlaJ Si?aaa f Raaaaa to toea read M toteaa totae aat. aar eaa AaweVaaa fall to ayatpalkJa craa-ty wak tto rarataa ttoaa aaa. wto. kr!a xpailad ttotr daaaM aad aatarraOr ato a. ar trrta to i ail art a rMatKattoaaJ ceraaM4 aad pprCy toa pa tto ya Aatartcaa to toa worked wtmmtn ask ttotr rea ylai a ttolr kaaa ckU aartor Imu at Snat .rgy ordarad tto tuiliml of Stoattr. aad tto aattoaaJ aaaaaaaty ufasi I tka to raanar ha lati 1m p Tala mm vaa takea at a apart! aaaatoa waO mito of patrtot taroaaad (to prartorta f tto parfliaiat toTnra Lator. tor. tto Banna fareAra Oc avaatfaetad a awe rafinaaary asars. paaatkty oa mettmmt mi tto perud totorpaOaU af tto garaiaat to tto BrKtoa aartiaaiaat. saaay f wtoaa aiaait.r ar toarto to tto parOOa of rarat If Cacaad aaa a At the Portland Theatres LAST CAX LEA VIS tT 0BXG0M CTTT AT JODHICHT -f v l Ai y J i Carri Webber wrth Cr Sdny at Baker Theatre all thia week. Chrtat matin Monday. CHRISTAMAS WEEK AT BAKER. George Sidney, to Hi Ftmoot Char acter, "Bwy Ixry." Open Today. Georx Sidney, tto funny little com edian, will to aeea tkla oa la tto funniest of all ataaical cosaedie, Boy Ixry." to tk tltalar bandl by wklch tto pabllc atay kaow tkat 814 aey will bold forth at tk Baker for tk holiday week opening today mat inee, and to win ha wltk klm a company of forty comedian and pret ty girl to make aa eretilar' fan. Izzy will first to seea running a large city department at or aad ooe caa readily dlaecra tto poaalbllltie for Umbr' Men Toa reavirif iiui ! in.' took froot Ike KllMtlev' l-v . taker "Tea ll hd vh a ael laixlu-' "Well. tb. BarvlV wn4 alio I. ainl Ike eUk wa fall - W hy. Ilw Baa a tbat meed all say aaibrelln ek1 It waaa't worth repalrtag" "Dear at'. What did yea do wltk itr "Wky. I wa ao mad I railed at tto BlngW today aad toft tt tber" Oevrlaod rial Dealer. Moea M era feapenatv. Downs - Why to It yoor frtead Ctowae to alwy down at tto keU Doe to loo hi race? r7 Jo a - H Brer beta a raca. lie Io aor nay sartto hnmaa rac. - 1 -Eur -He has ala cklldren-at Bto- v- t y : :rr - 'J TK,. 0 o ba attJ ra rial U tto big Hilcal comedy By Izxy," aUrting Sunday, mafin. Special fan. tto rtoac to a now tto charai of pretty girto la lock a seea. After tto store kaa toea run to a standauir. "Itif will trad It off for a inmmtr hotel, aad his era t vail young ladr I clerk and tto Johnnie they attract ! will flit to U aeaanor, wber "Uxy" will get tto chanc and the aadlenr will eoottna to laugh at hi peculiar atethoda. Of eoar, there will be many specialties, mu ileal aambers, daodng treat aod moch that I pleaa Ing to look apoa, and with all tker will b th laughter ahlrh always goe with 'Iiiy." Ther will of coorae b a Chrtatmaa day matlne oa Monday, th 2tb. " af Per. . Per ka buodreda of aqaar mile along Ita rvat of ralnle country. In thla tract rain la ne-rer known to fall froai ooe reaisry end I another. Yet the regioa kt aot entirely barrea of vegetatioa. Rom parts of If, Indeed, ar cempararlTely fertile Thla la do t tto itrordlnry fog know a a -graa" The preesli erery algbt from My to Ortober after a rummer tbat la eaitry aod eiteod ap to a level of K200 feet a bore tto sea. Ato 1.200 feet rsla falls. Bending tn TaWg. Childish Impreaalooa ar a atroeg as freqoeetly miatskaa. A taoagbtfol child beat-lag mai ooe wonder wky a certain tra la tto garden waa so crook ad replied, remembering tto proverb about "As tto twig la beat tto tra I tectiaad.-" 1 sappee somebody mast have aten. pad oa It wbe It waa Uttto."-.'kicago tier ML Wcnts.ForSde.Etc ol l'ST at aati,1 f jrJ waSBaT t ml g i s) " -!! a ht J- .f-i- WANTri-Trtot aad tol roop I ar mj arro 4 eoiaa. 1414 tr .-. i carta of l. . 1 or a ta tfcis toca la . fleas' ftrla aad toot. . r-a lint ro ALL rOR SAUC IVJv r. WWtko aad terapk Urtt C 11 Warlto. " Clti Root N. L WOOD A0 COL. ORKOON CtTT WOOD AND ITKL CX). r. M Wukat. V'ood aad eol deUrared to U PrW lk C, J 8AW1N0 A 81-KCIALTT. Tko yor orders failae IMS. Iloav. B 1U FOR RENT. FOR RENT roc kwta to OUd atoo, oa block froot ttUta, to lota, fralt. Ill aolk- B. V. Car ta. CUdftoa. Or. 'ARM LOAMS. Loans taauck IMatMk, Ltrra, Oroco City. Or. ATTOXNBr. UILOCR ANO CONTRACTOR. INSURANCE. CLEANING AND RSSaNq CHICAGO TAltORS lt a4 t order Troai ttt.aad aa. W alao do rtoaalac proeaiacxaad replrlD( Thre door aoatk of poetoffr. MUSICIANS. J ALBA 8AGER. letctar of wlad aad at ring latmaata. director of toad aad orrtoatra. Will faralak al: for aay orraaloa, CvU at Rtortrl? Hotel PIANO TUNINO. PIANO TUNINO If yoa want yor ptaao ttoroackly a4 acearaulf taaed. at moderate coat, aottry rnaao-Taaer at Clartrte IlotaL Strooxlr eedoraej by tto director of tk pklltoratonlc. wto will per aoaallf vottck for kl work. AUCTIONEER. Vt . l. T1WU0S3. of Gla4Uea.' will eoadort suctloo aad wlU call sale aarkr ta Clarkamat or adlota lac conntte oa short nolle at reaaoaaM rata. NOTICES. Notlc of Final Aecownt. IN th Covaty Coait for th 8ta( or Oregon, Clackamas Covnty. la tk matter of th eatat of Jobn M. Graham. decad. Notlc Is hereby girea that A. B. Graham. A. W Graham. R. D. Mor rill aad William Andreaen. ecu tort of th eele of John M. Orahara, deceaaed. bar mad and Bled la th County Court of th But of Oregoa for tb County of Clacka mas, their flnal report of lb ad - mlnlftratlon of ald eatat; and that tb Hon. R. B Boatl. Jndg of aald Court, flied tb 27th day of November, 1911. a tb ttm for hearing said final report, but upon petition from said lecutor, i tended aald time to and flid said dat on tb 2tb day of December 111, at ta nour or io o'clock a. m. of said day and dat. at tb County Court Houaa, fh Oregon City, Oregon. And all person having objection to th approval of th earn, ar hereby notified and required to pre sent earn to aald Court oa or befor aald Ith day of December, lll. A. B GRAHAM. A. W. GRAHAM, R. D. MORRILX, WM. ANDRE8CN, Eiecutors. flat of flrat publication 28th day f N0Tmber, 1911. Dat of laat publication Htk day of December. If 11. WE3TIIROOK A WE8TIIROOK. Attorney, Portland. Oregon, Lien... Notlc ef Application for Pool Hall N'HIc la hereby glren. tbat I will at th next regular meeting of tb City Council, apply for a llcena to run anj regulat a pool Hall at my plec of bualnea. Mountain View, for a period of thre month. r. r. cuRRAN. ENJOYMENT. Yoa cre mad Jot enfoyment. and th world wat SUed with tfungt wruch you wiB enjoy unlea you ar loo proud to be pleased by th or loo tTMpini to car for what yoa cannot turn to other ao count than mere cirbgKt Huakm. aeeaune etertana. Mosquito netting Is an snctont Oraak, if aot Egyptian. Invention, ra if It seem a Tanke Ule. 1 , DO TOU KNOW that th pr.n'er prise year-end Bargain PsHod I no onT Bee d oa pack page foe particulars tt D. BT. Attorr-t L. Maaat rr-iTl. art wMkd. totd ItUaa titaatai I eetaU sarttod, aaw aal law lawaaat Oor Baak Oiapi CUT . rrmBBt A SCMtRaaUaU Aitaraara al Ltw. Ba " AdeotoA, w aaao tt to afl aaarta. atoatoas ' art H. Or aw Cray. 0wk HARJIT JOXBR RaflSae aadOrJ jB. CXKjeTRR. rw Fe toaarasjr j aatav. Oi Ctty. Oeaaaav SPBD MONEY WISELY Lt tbd ChristaAa Spirit Pmsll tot rvmarator tkal atoaef oar iaat I Ilk (k (. il.. (o ( '. Ik toat girt Ikat Mai ca l I Ik rkUJ 1Kkla la ai. kok at(tar tow Ik Brat de.Mit. Tto toy or tH l WiT la lf todln trwm latt fc ar. IIS Ua 'Sral Up to iUra tTT ' : I he DAalt ci OLDEST BAWI B C lTOimaTTTB Mm THE FIRST NATIONAL BANtT of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL. WaVtOa-aa, J. H. K7ATTLEY Kow and CoooGsfJJaad FurmHurm STOVES. aURCEJ, TnrWARE, CRARITEWAhI SHELJ HARITWARI. AMD NOTIONS Cash paid for all kinds of Second Hand Goods ioio 7t- ax. our.coM an FORUM OF THE PEOPLE Morning Katerprlee. Oregoa City. Or To lb BJltor -Concerning la (W tat. tk subject abkb U proh ablv raralv BMW dlacoaaloa la Ore go la tto nit few moot to than all otker public ,tt(loa combined. I do not ltk to to uaderaumd a eltr advoraimg or oppoalag It. I am seek ing Ininemaltoa, I do aot know to day abetter I akall vet for OC agalaat aiagl let. to It coo I a vot, or not. bat I am trying to aatrh tka argument, pro aad ma. aa veil a I ran. la bop mat terur iB naa to voe coatee I shall to able ta deter mis to my satisfaction how la mark my blkt. am not fraea Mateo, tot I Ued for a lueg tim I he I aa yoaag aad aaaceptlbl to Impreaaloaa) wker tto vlnda frtxa tto west aaad fre quently to blow th "bow at" In fect io errue tk lat Ita. and doubtleaa ton of tk morbific germ found lodgment la my yatem. There fore. It I an to th propagaadlat of th eingt tat theory on th on toad, aad Ita opponents on Ike other, lo tow, by relevant fart (not eaeyrlw etona. tb tateltlgenl voter will reack them If to ka tk fart), whether or atd the aingl tat theory. If pal lota actual prertlr. will probably reealt ta a more equitable dlatrlbatkua of tto burden of taiatkia. and In aubataa. Hal bene fit a to tto tal sad lo Ik maeee of tb people and th latelti gest voter will aot fall lo keep la mind lb fact thai, to get a worn aad more corrupt (yatem of latatloa Ikaa w B hate, a will hat to "go a lo whether It wilt Coat 1 or llSvOoo lo plar b slagl ta theory clearly aad Intelligibly before th vo lers of the atate or not. I caa not tea that It matter If tb money waa aot corrupt y obtained, aad la aot being corruptly udv Ilecaua. I appo that th moat cvmeelentloue member of a leglalatar would sot tolk al Ik amount of eipeaditur that had bee aeceaaary to pbc before the body, for It enlightenment, the true facia ar of great general Impttrtantanc poo which lb body waa railed apoa to act - Whether th money ikat la being eipended la tb lngl la propagaJ lioa la tainted with corruption or not, a a doa'l know, but w eem lo to getting toot light oa tb queattoou Mr. E. C. Hackett. la th Eoterprlee of December 13, aay that aingl ta I a arhem of th Interests lo ahlfl wbst little they now pay over on lb bark of th farmere. May to It to. lUit Mr. Hackett aay ao which ap pear to to merely hi opinion with out a slagl fact to back It up. Mr. Hnckett admit. hovr, that th Interest only pay -a little." Now, lb question I, can devl ton mean by which they caa to com pelled lo pay more up to their )ut proportion? Certain people, ycleped Ingle later, aaaert that w caa. and tubmlt a arheme by which they say It caa to accompllahed. Can It T If Mr. Hackett know lo lb contrary. I think h should tell ua bow aod why b knows, or believe. IL Tber ar a lot of ua waiUng now for Jut tbat kind of Information. Mr. Hactott alao aya. Impliedly, that th reason why iaiea ar Ineqult abl under eilstlng law, U because lb aaaeaaors do not glv all a iur deaL Now that' rather bard on tb assessor, but lnc h ay b believe they bar been trying lo do thla. t. .. glv every one a squar deal, though b get hi nagatlvaa somewhat taogl d up, w will tak I for grantad that tb aaaeaaors will get th minimum sentence. Mr. Hackett alao ays that If any of u know of Inatance wher astess ment ar not Just and equltabl It Is our duly a good cltlten to point the out to lb aeaor, and to go before tbe board of equalltatlon If h refuse to conalder them. I bars khown Mr, Hackett, as dep uty sheriff and tai collector, ' pert accountant,' and In other rapacities giving him opportunity to hav flrat rate Informatloo along those line, snd I never heard him accud of In ordinately (welling th revenue of th county by calling th attention of tb assessor or board of equalltatlon to Inequitable aemnu. As before listed, I neither advocate nor oppoae single lag at this time, th raaon being tbat I consider It tb most Important queatlon that has been before the peopl of Oregon In msny years, and becaua of lack of time to properly atudy It, I do not consider tnyeelf qualified to dlacua It Intelli gently. Hut owing to a somewhat economical turn of mind. I dlallk to suck prodigal wast of good print r' Ink a has attended, more or leas, th discussion of th question thus far. i V. It. IITDB. Better At. "Aren't you ashnmed to ak for aioneyr demanded th social rformr "I was once.' replied tb wry wsy. fsrer. bul iprinr cured m. I got stg months for taking It without asking. "Towa Toptca. k I , y .MfS. Uttzoa Uty. i ' IM THI COUIfTT : iA, E J. MRTt'' A. a. M , , , A HOP IM 1$ Al STAIiDSTILL FOR IK Trad la Ik top market kaa s4 tot rota to a standstill, and deatos at ml dj noi look for aay reaaasttoi t bwaiaee aalll after tbe aldn There ar order t oa toad, both k pot good sad fularwa. bat al pram ikat do aot appear to later; tW grower to say great etteL Tm gral Impreeaio seea I to that I her will toa gw4 damaad tor teal hope for t port early la J senary fw coal r acta oa I til hop ap to U essa la aJd to hav be freely affwal thla eh. tot wltk Utile toalaaat n suiting. Tk Beit two seek IH R all pcwtobility to dull oe b) tat Coast hop trad. - - rrwvaillag Oregoa City price acta) follow: rrvM, Vegetable. DRIED ntt'lTtHaylail-rrtaa oa basis of Id ponad fur UMi HIDE IBuyiagi Jre fcUe, It ta 4c; aaHers, I lo if; try . 1 t lie; eheep pehA 2(e t Tto sack Hay. Orel, Peed. II AT Haying Timothy, III m til; clover. II I l; oi ky. ka. It la IIS; salted. I to IIS; stnJR. ltolH ' OATR IliaylBg) Ory. rT la l. wheat. J to ITf ; oil meal. tU: ghady Itrook dairy feed. It M sat IS) powada rr-jrrv (iiiBt ons . in III; rolled barley. 1TM; rm barley. ll Id; whole com, tt ; no ed eor. Ill; wfclt. 1 I IJT; sua in to ii. wttac, PWvitry, C09- rtjorR-iM W I tatter (Iturtot) Ordirf eo try totter. 1S lo 10c; fascy ekf. POl'LTRT (fluyingl-H. I"1 lie: prlag. le. aad rooster, sr. TXK19 Oregoa rsnck egg. SACK VKOCTAfilJai Cam IMS to l M per Mr- '"T?? II IS lo II M; luralDe, t II is toeta. 1 K ... rvvraTrtMlleat boring U ) per hundred. ONIONS Oregon, ll.ll lo 1 VjT hundred: Australian. II V Lvearteck. Meet. llrTlcr-(Ur welght)-8 and SIS: oow. 4 lie; bull. 1 1 VBAlc-Calve bring front K lie. according to grsd. MITTTON hep;x y 4 ' lamb. 4C aad Sc. ,, IIOC.8-115 to HO pond and lie; 140 lo o . It lie. REAL ESTATE Mary J. llagenbuch " f n Coffin to WKr R KIJ0B Hagenboch. toad la -tl" "Jf hip S south, rsm 4 '' f. Walter B. and Vni V- "a buck to rrank Dayi"n. M I of V. I. township south, rang 4 ''w. A. .nd Ida V. Alcor. t J I Mary J. Jette. lots 1 a4 1 WTSJal to Km.,.. IJJjg bts J. 4. . block IX. Prat Addltiea to Bandy; 10. V. C. snd CUre J. ,,,.n1P land In West Hood Acre; IQ METHOOISCHURCHHA. The M.thodLt church V,fw5 filled mday evening at tto t mil iercls glvn by tto " school pupils, when sn ""J gram onntl.tlng of "Awu rion. waa Si"-- JbihlpZ bMutlfuDy deoorl4 ',6B,r0VS snd red bolls, the '"" bi-i decoration oommlttee c nS Bulah Cantr.IL Tto BIUJ-M wtt charge of th program. v w Clau. was In sttendanc to ol'n th gifts. DO TOtiKNOW.hsttTrEn year-end Bargain rn - Rock Spring Cost 4 Hay. Ornln a" Mill White Queen Flour Blue " Fsney f"1, OreffOfl , Coool.oa Co BUIVINTM AND MAIN S- I) 0 I) It jdf - ' '- 'r: