Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
MOKNINO ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. VERY STORMY WEATHER WE ADMIT But w can prepare you (or it from our Urge stock of RAIN PROOF wearing apparel. We have just what you need to keep dry and comfortable. Our big stock of Rain Proof Slip-ons, Robbers, Umbrellas, Slicker Coats and Pants and Aquapelle Clothing will ward off all colds and sickness. We wish to call SPECIAL ATTENTION to our winter high top shoes for men nd boys, over 40 styles and heights to choose from, made by the most reliable r Igh top Shoe Specialists in the world. We have Exclusive Agency for the Nap-a. Tan, Original Chipara, Paciitc Logger, Dayton, Rick a-Log and others." We can fit you. It will be a pleasure to have you call In and look them over J, 7th ic Main St J. Suspension Bridge Corner ! no aewAAD I ror th rrat ao ooovlotlon of euv person or proo. who anlewfully rmov eoplM of Th a Morning BoUrprta from la nfmlMof ubscr1br aftr paper tM been placed ther by earrlr Cammarwiea at rVaSb Mr ttuffrsge-H U tvuu'i duty as correct lb rrylng vlla f our lln Ur KufTrsge Then you bad brt start spanking t-liy.-New Tork MtH. LOCAL DRICrS , Motion & Undbcrg -HIGH CLAS3 TAILORING SO Sailing Bldg, Portland, phon Main 8151. CONQMOATIONA MSTS TO MtKT. Tb annual meeting of tba Coo gregatlonal church will b held In lha church par lor a thlo evening. Of floora will bo oloctod, an 4 tha matter of ohtalulug a mliilaUr 'will also bo eonelilered. SOY IS COMMITTED. Waller Mnldanbauer, who bat been In tba cat ot th court matron, Mrs. K. M. Parker, waa commuted to tbo Hoy' ao4 Girl' Society la Portland Tueeday morning. Aro you ubirltr to tbo Mora ine Kuterprlnf II Dot you thou Id oall and lt ua put your nans oa tbo u eoripilou llat Immediately The Boss' Wife A Cao Wber a Wenus 'a Stral til I SoKcasful By CLARISSA MACKIE Coprrlght by Araerltaa Praia Asso ciation. 1V11. bualnoaa Mr and Mr. Owen. Of Caru. woro In thla rlty Wedneaday. J r Kanolarh. of Canbr. waa In thin city Wedneaday. Jnlm li Vauahan. of Molalla, waa In Oregon City Wedneaday. You tan cot tho flnoat bama ana beeon at Marrla' grocery. Mr. and Mr Sehnelaer. of Carua. wers In Uila city Wednesday. V II. Krlel. of Handy, waa In thla city Tuaaday and Wedneaday. Knot Cehlll. of Nw Era, waa In thla rlty on bualnoaa Wodnoaday. Mra. Anna Tronmano. of Beaver Ctl, aa In tola city Wodnoaday. Krd gcbafer. tho aawmlll man of Molalla. waa In thin city Wodnoaday. Judge C. N. Walt, of Canhy. waa In Orvxufl City on bualnoaa Wodnoaday. Roy Mitchell, of Bandy, waa In thla rlty transacting buotnoao Wodnoaday. Una Bargren, a woll known fannor of Molafla, waa In thla city Wodnoa day. New mtneo moat and Jeeey cran berries, juat In at Harrl' grocory. J. II. Korr, of Eugen. la In thla city nn bualnoaa, and la realatered at tha Electric HotoL Kin dlanlav of now nlclure In Huntlev Hroa. Co.' window. Prlcoa from 16o to S10. Mra a n Mvtha. of Caru. waa anion tho Oroaoa City vlsltora Wodnoaday. Mra. Elmer Lanklne. of Hubbard. It In fhla city vlattlng hor parenta, air, and Mra. A. Blmmona. Tha bualneaa flrmo that want a stoongrapher that can do tho work ranlillv. and WOll. ShOUld writ for an B. D. U. stenograpner, Worceater block. Tney know how. Mr. and Mra. Donnla Drlseoll. of Cnrna, waro among tho Oregon City visitor Wodnoaday.' Mra. Bort-Comrofna. of Boater Chi-ek. waa among tha Oregon City vlaliora Wodnoaday, Mra. Chrla Muralt and alater, who live on tbo Heater Creek road, were in thla city Wodnoaday. You get tha loweet price and a re bate check on all cneh purchaaea at Harrla' grocery.' ' W. P. Klrchem, of on of tha nrnmlnant farmer Of that place, waa In thla city on bualnoaa Wodnoa day. ha nromln ant l.rmiiM . tmnllmant dealer 01 Canby, waa- In thla city on bualnoaa Wedneaday. Mr. and Mr. C. M. Rameby, who nav been for tha paat week vleltina; on their farm at Molalla, hay re turned to Oregon City. John RJ, Humphry tia oped Hnh market In the building- formerly occupied by the Weatern Union Tel araph Company. Mr. Humphry wa In. thla bualneaa many year ago in thlaclty. N Mlaa Alice Roylarl, daughter of Mr. and Mr DUert Boylan. of thla city. who baa been 111 tn.i...wa km ' in . rriilril condition. fever, and ahe la now Buffering from aploal menlalila. Tbero la a chance to buy a aerond- band or a hop worn phonograph or talk ing machine at Huntley llrue. Co. a thla week at one-third to one-half reg ular prlcea. Come In and hear tbem play. A.'Bpllnter, who baa been for the paat al niontba on hie farm at Ma draa. baa returned to Oregon City, and It la probable that be and bla family will leave In the near future for Madraa.- where tbey will make their home. Juat received 1.000 gallonaof Bouto era California port four yeare old. Guaranteed under pure food lae. Only GO cent par gallon, bring you Jug. Nobel'e Liquor store. The Bible Bludy CUea of the Moun tain View Cburrb will meet thla af ternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mra. A. H. Martin, of Hood eireet. The Artlaana will bold their annual octal meeting at the Woodmen hall thla evening. Mr. and Mra B M. Doollttle and eon, Edmund, who arrived here Bun day' from Ue Aneglea. and who have boen In thle city vlaltlng relative, left Wedneaday for Portland, and from that city they will leave today for Vancouver, a C where they will remain indefinitely. The Eclectlo Bualneaa ITnlveralty conduct both Day and Night olaaaea In the atody of rtiorthand, typewriting, rMiokkeenlng. eta Now I a good time of year for young people to commence a conr o a to nnian oy to vu- mencement Time, June 80. , VI ra. Warren C. Fuller and ber on City Wedneaday. apd will be the Kllaabeih. of Portland, arrived In Ore aeven weeka' old daughter. Alvena ueata of Mr. and Mr. Arch Roaa at their home af Willamette until Sun day. Mr. Fuller wa formerly Mlaa alvena Horn, of thla city. William C. Mangold, of Portlana. waa In the city Wedneeday on dubi neaa. The Cran sat all atone oa the benrh eutahle tUe oookbauae door-IU bad rboaen to alt there be. iue tha high aliivug- of the Celeatlra vol. Ilfiml lu aelf coumuulon waa company for fcl m. The bunk bouae waa enjpty ot the nierry crowd which bad made It bine. One after another the trhkay god had eninared the Lune Bull cow boya nntU the Craue, he waa ultk banted becauae of hi uuaauily belabt, wa the only on left heart fre. Wat rled rowpuuebera ain't got the gluuer euuieliow aa the bachelor onm. Can't eujoy a lyncbln' nohow, and their wlvea'a alway afraid they're going to faU oil aud git burt" The Crane did the owrrtbeart aud wtve of bla comrade a rank tojuatlvo, for earb oue had all ' the aplrlt and "gtiicer" of the med tbtj loved. "Hour groiieer' teaaed Mr. CUutock. the Ihnui' wlf ahe UirUned uuaeen to Uabrlel'a aolllojuy. "Why don't you get married youraelf Mr. franel" 8he taiue around tbe corner of the cookboua and aat down on ibe-beocu bralde tbe deepoudent cattleman. ' "I auppoee you're alwaya bteu too buiiy to think about marrying, began Mra. CUntork aoftly. "I don't auppoae you ever eaw a woman yon'd car to make your wife." Tbe Crane wa client for aeveral mo nwuta. He brought out anotner pipe from hla pocket, filled U with tobacco and held It unllgbted In hla big bronaed band. "You're m lata ken there, ma am," be aald deliberately. "If I'd bad my own way I'd have got married fifteen year ago." -What happefledr aaked aire. Clin tock breathleealy. -hha luarrted another fellow." Hla voice waa unemotional. Oh. dear, bow borrld of herr "Not If ahe liked him beat," defend ed Crane. "Did aher "Rwiu ao or ah wouldn't bare married him." You don't appear to be po"itic about that fact Wera you-were you engaacd to herr "Almoat" "How nearT "All but aaklng her. I put It off un til 1 cam back from getting aomo cat- To look after baby and bo and don't wake him pp." The !od forbid r ejaculated Crane. etufflog hi pl In bla pocket. When Mr. Cllutock returned the big cattleman wa endeavoring to buan Ibe luaty rrlea of tbe Infant CUntork. Here, ma'am, he aald teuderlng the qulrmlng baby to Ita motber'a out- atitbed arm. "1 aha II alway look on wlmmen with awe, ma'am, Jeet for tba way they can turn off tbo moalc with a word. I beeo talking Dutch to tbl feller for a half hour, and bo only bawl back at .me." "Mother predouer eootbed air. Cllntot k, od tbe prerlou Immediately placed a roay thumb In bla nioujb and cloaed hie blue eyea contentedly. "It doee beat allP ejaculated Cran admiringly. "Wha wok blm upr demanoed Mr. CUntork with audden uapbl'n. for ahe had detected a look of tender neaa In Crane' eye, "He wa leen Ing like a lamb when I left." I looked at blm," confraaed tne Cran aheeplahly. "I thlnka to myaelf. cat can look at a king, and I guees cattleman kin look at a calf baby." "You didn't town hlmf penrlated Mra. Cllntock. "1 goea I bypnertlzed blm like that lYIlby feller." evaded Crnn. "Trilby wa a girl." corrected tbe hW wife, cuddling the Uby under her ronnd rbtn. "ltd you touch that baby, Theodora Crane?" FARMERS TO VOTE ON LEVY FOR IIIMY Bupervlaor George Ogleby of Road "I BULL ALWAt LOOt with awn." OM WIMMU tie over th Second range, and wheu I came back abe d mamea a traveim aaiMmaa and ton away." , in aeo. tbo Hecond range are Watrlct No. 13, will call a apeciai roaa In Idaho." aruea nrav dlatrlct meeting oon , : . . efrir D0chtng ..t.r. tha levvln or a tax oi a i .uii-w , . . . . t ......... In At n mora lo aid lu me i iurui tha Pacific Highway iroui "" - -Bieauy. catihv. about 4.4 mile. it la aald that many farmer ar oppoaed to giving thla aid. They oe ....V. ih. favor a tax to build road for th farmr. but not for the .....MnkiH.1 and for tbl reaaon the propoaed levy may ran. u i" hand It I pointed out that a trunk line la tba flret entlal In a good 'a. ...t.m and that the trunk line I not for automohlllata alone, but .in th farmer alao, not only hr bringing him nearer to hla roar- "Oacar Newton' placo la near tne Becond range. mamea my in." . . "That where T woraea. Th nearest town 1 Antelope," ren- . - A a rm na I tured Mr, cunroca, ou - thoughtful fac. He turned a pair ot numorou. yM to here. "You ougnter o-u -wtiT." ho aald Quietly. mi nDhr to be ud at tbo big bouae thm Tory moment," cried tb boa' wife belle? l near nw ........ - - - ; . f I . ., Z"LX: ' ' h.hv crvlig." Sh hurried up the a ' mimi wintin'i aye View. Tb viator' wlf waa taking her flret trip with ber huaband In hla air- hln -Walt a mlnut. Oeorge." ahe nld rm w w,n bvm ,rt dowl inln." -What' wrongr aaked Ihe huaband -1 believe I hav dripped on of the .--.I kntlnna off Bit iHC'ket. I th -- ..- " ... ..... t aa it m arenin on iu -Keep your aeat. m.r dear." ald th aviator 'That Lake F.rlo."-Young town Telegram. ., mtv. nanfuaanr ." wrote a motner to . , achooireacher. -pla rnA' die whew he ought to b at achool. a rontracted a black eye. .-j ... f. ..ha matt f oor. ate. Mra pu uw - A. 8hrp."Upi'tn-'t' , Teeland. alope to the large lighted bouae. r- Ing on the veranoa to can the lonely figure on the bench. "Why don't you come up here and net th phonograph going? io neea down there alone. "Mebb I will by and by," aald the Crane. MemlHcloua Mr. Cllntock peeped In at tti lumbering baby. et the Uuip on her writing de.k and drew a aheet of paper toward ber. Tho letter ahe wrote wa dotted with fnurrogation mark. It wa addreaaed to , Oacar Newton' wlf and Ua destination wa Antelope. Ida. at,, throat a rcord Into th phono graph, wound up th crank and a It tinkled forth the .train of "Lore rwA rt Bona." h hurried down . win .4 Tim Iwla' house. "Io ,A.i mind aolng np and alttlng with h. hahe. Mr. Cranet I'T got to go down to Lewie. They're going o tbe ,.n.on in the morning, ana it- a Cran reddened to hi er. "Blame tt all." be complained, "I did. If you muat know. I looked at him. ma'am. nd he looked o conaarned cote a-lay- fng tbero tucking hla thumb. I kissed th Uttle cos and ha wok np ana bowled at to." He' a naughty little boy." cblded Mr. Cllutock. touching a finger to tb baby'a dimpled cheek. "Klaa blm again, Mr. Crane; I don't belter be'U mind now." Bhe held out tb Bleeping baby and Cran bent hi head awk wardly and pressed a kts on th fair kin. - There, be never atlrred! He take It a compliment that a big buay man should want to klaa a llttl boy." Mrs. nintork'a motherly eyea were full of tear a ebe replaced tb baby In tbe crib and returned to tbe alttlng room. .' Cran wa leaning over tb phono graph, awkwardly fitting on a new rec ord. "I found a tune I used to know,' he explained without turning his bead. melp yourself." aald Mrs. ( LUitorK aa aha went out to tbe veranda to meet her huaband. Bh bad whisper ed In hla aympathetlc enr of the con versation ah bad had with tbe lonely cattleman and of tbe letter ebe had haatened to Bend to Idaho, when' tbe train of tbo pnooograpb broke forth oocotnor. "What' that toner aaked Bo Clin tock. hi arm around his wife. If Aecber 'Alice. Where Art Tbour" returned the little wjman "Dick. I bellev ber name le Alice "Youre right aa usual la my aafe bet." crlnned the boss, kissing hw wife. A week later the boss' wife flew down the hlU toward the bunk house, where tbt Cm tie wan eating a soli tary aupper. Wah Lee. the cook, pad ded In and ont of the room, tuneless ly chanting hi eternal ditty. Crane effertuallr atopped tbe noise by toaa- Ing a plat toward bla bar heels. As Wah Leo aktpped squealing Into the kltcbea Mrs. Cllntock thrust a rosy fac Inside tb door. "Can 1 hav a cop of coffee?" he aaked breathlessly. , fTea, ma'am cried the Crane, set ting a chair for ber and yelling lor th coffeepot. When be had placed bread and butter and cold meat be fore her and filled a ateamtng cop ahe looked at blm appeallngly. , " hope you won't b mad at me ror what I've done." ah began. "I've meddled with your affair." "Wht bv you donef asked Crane unsuspectingly. The worst ahe might do. be thought, would be to urreptl tlously darn hla aocka. aa ah had been wont to look after tb Lon Bull boy befiftr th tyrant baby came. "Waa ber nam AUr Tborpr aaked Mr. Cllntock excitedly. Crane stared, and a red flush taln ed hla bronaed cheek. ' H nodded grimly. "It waa." "And ah married a man named Weed?" Again he nodded, and ah saw Inter act In bla gaze. "Well, I took tb liberty of writing to my coualu In Antelope, and ahe aay Mr. Weed t a widow now and ha a returned to Antelope o iit wun her father, who I an old man." "I know blm well," aald Crane dreamfTf . "A , real gentleman, old Thorn waa." "Welir Mrs. CUntork' rolco jr expectant "Wenr Cran' role w defiant. "What ar yo going to do now! My CowMn aay Anew t aa sweet and nretr aa ever and that It I com inn a belief that ahe only married Weed fo pit and that ah look ao sad om tlmee and one ah Inquired after you." ' "Only oncer demanded Crane Jeal ooaly. Hla chair ec raped away from the table, and fighting look cam Into hla eye. "The bo say you ca tak week's vacation If you want to." aald Mra: CUntork. rtaing rrom in anf rUrnln toward t door. "H says he'll make yow foreman of the annex If you want tho' Job and that th honae la large enough for tnree. A vision of Alice weed ana ner ra ther dimmed the Crane' hsrp gray eyea, II bent hla head with a grac born of th warm impulse ana aisseu xtr CHntock' nlump llttl hand. lod blee yon. ma'mr he aaia an1 unsteady vote. co;c ma b mi nisED Mr. and Mr. Clarence A lid red go. who were recently married la Port land, were taken by aurpiia at th horn of tb former' parents, Mr. and Mr. A. 0.'AUdrdg, Sixteenth and Division etreeU," Tuesday evening, when member of th Friendly Bible Claaa of tb Presbyterian church, of wblcb Mr. and Mr. AUdredge ar members, and a few of their friends, called. Th affair wa In tb form of a mlacollaneou ahower, and many beautiful as well aa useful article wer presented to th newly wed. Th evening wa devoted to music and game and a moat duligbtful evening wa apent Mr. and Mra. AUdredge will mak tbelr horn In Portland, al though tb former will retain hi posi tion with the Willamette pulp A Paper Company, making the trip from Portland to thla city aaiiy. rn young peopl ar well known her, and gav their friend a aorprts a few days ago when they went to Portland, and war married. Their friend bar retaliated by giving th urprla party. Among thoe attending were Mr. and Mra. A. O. AUdredge. Mr. and Mrs.- A. BlmmoDS, Mr.- and Mri Ed, Andrews, Mr. Minnie Donovan, Mr. and Mm. David Cat to, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howell, Mr. Elmer Lankina, Mra. Pauline Schwartz, Mrs. Anna Johnson. Mlas Lille Long, Mlaa Flor ence Payne, Mia Mamie Burroughs, Mlaa Mabl Took. Mlaa Gladys Mo Coy, Mis Hxl Kerr, Mlaa Ad BrockL Mia Verna Mead, MlasGinth- er, Miss Lulu MeOhuey; Messrs. Wal lace, Ralph Eddy, Henry Schoenborn. Jack Cbrlatl. Paul Burroughs, Fran ces McCbuey. Jo AUdredge. 4rmmm' ....Ffiday Bargains ESTACADA POWER PLAWT Kl OPERATION Th river will dam and power house at Eatacada Is In ops ration. President Joeselyn, of th Portland Railway. Light A Power Company waa present at th opening. The p M ha a total capacity of 10,000 kilo watts, which will be generated within a abort time. Machinery for th com plete equipment of the power station has been ordered and la on th way. The dam la one of tbo new Ambar- son type and I hollow, part of th machinery being placed In th Inter ior. A given amount of cement and teel. It haa been proved. wUl resist a greater volume of water If erected In tbe shape of a hollow form than If built fn a solid masa, aa In th dam of the old type. Thla dam coat $! 000.800. ' With Mr. Joaselyn when th dam waa opened were F. W. Hlld, general manager of the company; F. D. Hunt, traffic manager and O. B. Caldwell, superintendent of th light and pow er department . Ladies Embroidered Collars....... - . QC No. 22 Ribbon, a variety of colors, per yard.....:. .-0O No. 40 " " " .to " " 10C Nos. 40 and 60 ribbon, a variety of colors, yd... 2C No. 40 to 6 in. wide, ribbon a var. of cot, yd ... 1 SC These Prices Friday Only Ladies' blk. and white checked Sateen waists. Ladies' black Sateen waists ....v , (Worth-from $1 to $1.25 any place)7 Ladies' black Sateen skirts. $1.50 values ....... Ladies' Handkerchiefs,25c values... ' 70C 70C 90C IOC Always special bargains cn Friday at Holmes' Bargain Store ATO MS ARE Classified. Isabel I think that editor man la Imply borrld. Jndlth-Wbyt Isabel He placed th engagement announce ment of myself to young Slopplngton nder tbe bead of "Bualneaa Opportu nltlea." icbanaw. OPPOSED BY GRAIl CRESHAM. Or.. Nov. 8 Rockwood Grange voted naanlmoualy agalnat the propoaed amendment to the constitu tion of th Oregon Bute Grange. 'The matter was thoroughly discussed after the executive . committee had disap proved of th amendments, and the vote sustained th committee. . It waa urged that ther I no neces sity to Increase th State Orange per capita tax, aa conservative handling of the fund haa given the treasury a Urge aurplua. which la Increased each year by th addition of new ubordl- nate grange. In regard to th propoaed increase of delegates. It waa aeciarea uuw ther la no city in Oregon except Port land with accommodations ot any kind for an Increased delegation, and that the plan of requiring aobordlnate granges to pay their delegate' ex penses would virtually prevent atten dance from those at a great distance, thna nnttina- It In th power of mani pulators to select a grang center to ult their convenience, wsviuor yv ulous or sparsely-settled on. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Ed. W. Mueller to W. J. Buy. land in sections ana a, lownamp t aoum, rana-e 2 east : , Jamea A. Bunnell to Edward Nim- mo, lots 10, li, lz. 13. diock z; kks a nt to twwk 4 IHk Hf-ov Park: 13.200. : Sandy Land Company to M. k. Londerback. lot 7 of block 1L Sandy; $1.00. Sandy Land Company to 3. B. Hill yard, lot 7 of block 13, Bandy; $1. William Morfitt and LlsaU M. Mor flU to Lydla. E. Mitchell. 15.07 acres of section 10. township 3 aonth, rang 3 eaat; $7,000. EL C. and Mary Hackett'to Anna HoweU. 61-87 acrea of eecUona 13 and 14. township 3 south, range t east; $135 per acre. Gladstone Real Estate Association to George F. Felt. 11.01 acre of D. U C. of Fendal Caaon. townahlp 3 aovth. rang 3 t; $3,000. Joeeph and Anna Pea hall to Joseph PeshaU. 160 acrea In section 34, towa fehlp 3 south, range S eaat; $1. L. and Lara Baker to Wachlaw anl 8teUa Jagmln, 40 acrea of section 20, township 4 south, rang 4 eaat; $2,000. , ... ' ' " ' . Hotel Arrivals. . I Th following aro registered at tho Electric Hotel: V. B. Friel. Bandy; Roy Mitchell, Sandy; C Doulhtt. Willie Piatt. Fred Schafer. MolaJla; J. MeiUke.- SiUa Wright. Liberal: A. J. HowelL 3. H. Kerr. Eugene; On Bergen. Molalla; Johs? Low. 3. A, Sager, M. Lytl. ; If Your Neighbor Electric Light 9-tA mmmm AliMi14 l MAr.ITIB III I M11 tA Mtltt allOAaf. tm and wna soon afterward vlalted by -ril take th letter down to Jim," I .i.k m.rl..n I nwvnnaJMt r.ran Obligingly ; " ' I " nor laughed Mr Cllntock yotft own. cleanliness, and yot have not, Jtist step into nis hoose some evening aftet dark and compafe tne light with Study each point of convenience, clearness, beauty caref oily and then figttre out for yoarsell if it would not pay;, yoti well to have your house wired for eleciric light at once. Electric light is cheaper and better today than ever before. .... ji..riknln llnaa wa ahall ha alad ' If your house la loeatea on any ot o' a - to advla you about havlna It wlrd and will 9lv you mor fact about th fflo1nt lotrio lighting of your horn. Taoehln. Mr. Newlywed (readlag letter from hi wife at aeeslder-My own darling a thooaaod klaa ee could yon send m $30 at once Thank you ao much. I wnt ask for any mor ootil 1 writ again. I will try and mak th last nntU' I need" om mora. If you could enrl m $75 instead of $B0 U would snv m writing befor next eek. I hav to pay cent for vry tamp I use The eztortlon of these hotel kppr la eomethlng frightful. Oood by. lovey. Wmoklytr Citlaen. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIpHT & POWER CO. MAIN omCC 7th and Alder Streets Mlie Boylan waa at Ant 111 of typhoid a .1