Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1911)
,, ) I WEATHER INDICATIONS. , Oregon Cliy..- Kain Friday, - wralrrly winds. orvKun K"l r Friday; , colder portion. dco TH My d!"7 IK- tr I twaat Portland a..J C... ::. - IiUi In vary eet)n f ClacX ma County, wth a papulation c f 10.000. Aro yon an advrtis;rf :"-"rv WEEKLY C.N T C R PR IS C EST A D LI S II CD I S 0 G VOL. 'II No. 113. OREGON CITY OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911. t I -.. ft BROTHERS IN LEGAL MISS MIDLAM AND POLICE TO PROSE ifiniuirs Ml REBEL APPROACH FIGHT FOR LAND DR. ZIEGLER WED E PEKIN AWAITING GALLANT CALIFORNIA. r : : 7t ; i i in ii PRINCES OATHER IN FORBIDDEN CITY AND BELIEVE ENO II NEAR. aaaaaaaBa LfCATlONS COMPLCTE PREPARATIONS Consul's Aro Distrusted By No bolo And Eseeseee Aro Feared-. Poro'gn Oovornmonta A'o Crltlelsed. I'KKlNNov. 10, :8: a. m rkl I. .ill naaltlna" (ha approach of ih . KiaU Tb Forbidden City U DIM iib l'HM'c, litcli officials end ulnar h eiitltM in entry will) In lu a-i iirr of provision's have Ixwti iruiiH'iti'il to that place, which! Ai-tK ureparailnoa for what . Is cMnM-red the Inevitable assault ui mi th-capital are going on within the hxkium quarter, fur It la now con- tmr, ih"l ib M a nr h M a wll( bo tu r ti rl MH. r rrian"ra. 11 n t 111 t-e fi;ryprot-rlaU. but inrirura lauKlit lhtn thai tha temper of the ! '!'! a Ht to ! trusted when rrtnhttiimnry movamenie are In pro. 1 frml While reinforcements hava reached ivviii, iMiria bo been received of defections of tha Manrhil soldier, to-tha rebel eld. Tha gov 1 uriuiK ni troopa ara an niirertarii qtiaiituv. but there .are at 111 loyal reg rainiu DkIhIiik fur tba dynasty. S ;..iikiiia. v hvtcJ h revd'itlon l.i a uiiiimmber tha Imperlailiita five to ui.i.. tin latter etlil hold Purple Mmmfnln. They ara elroiigly In-4r.iiih.-J and ara aald to bava abuu tit. ul supplies. . An American who la In rloa touch -With thr-THM-tln falU aaya -the 1 a; divided Into two rat-tinna. Tna roii". rvntla faction probably a III 0. titrol and H until lharo la ma lorul tore bablud , It bafora taklnx orr lb, rlly. Al raaant only 1.600 pnlitr althln tha rlty aupport tba 1 ho- fcllliuda f forolnora la caua tut antlrty and dlUut aon'ii lb rriH-U Tba ralwl Iradrra tuiui out (hut ih I'wnaula tmvr armltlad tba KiivtTiinirnt to bring; In eoldlra con trary to tha protocol of 110. and haw oIJhIim to Uanaral Chanaa 1. rinisliu In trKia. I'mr inlio our adaartlaara. MR. AND MRS. SCOTT RECEIVE. Briinmont la Olvan In Honor Of Jhomao fa'reiougn. l n..,rr. .rt'lh.rl Of Ttl llolll of Mr mid Mra K. W. lt. of Kail" Vlr-a. tha affair baln In honor of Thomnn KalrtloiiKh. ho la In thla ciiv f-.r a few daya. Tha avanlnic to nmalo and ckrda. Ilafraah ni. iiN ar-ra erad. ' IT.-i-ni wcra Mla Mlnnla (Irara. Minn Klorrnr llawatt. Mla 1U1I" ilnl..y. Mlaa Hakar. Mlaa KalloKK. Ml-. Ki bo Sivotn. Ml Kln1 rr. William Wllaon. lunula Klrrhom. 8aimi. I Hcolt. llay Hrott. Bdward Hob rn, KIIhi Orara and Mr. U. " Orara. - . Bring Mc Your Watch nk and Jawalry rapalr work n' y .i will cat tha raaulta that tha moat nkllliM workmanship and baat ma irrlui ran produca. My Wy of Doing Business If I rapalr your watch or clock It will rim and heap flrat-ciHaa tlma or It fton't coat you ft cant. W. Leonard Runyan Miaonle Building Entrance. T.I. A-70. Main 827 ...Best b'v Test.... Don't fall to see oar splendid display of the Celebrated Clothcraft suits and overcoats at $15. Others for more but those arc leaders. 0 Price Brothers EXCLUSIVE. CLOTHIERS Not Llk Othr th and Main Sta. , , i : v& y,h w'A. w If r- I I Ji M . I . k-JV-- 111 T 3 - I SHORT HAUL RATE i IS GIVEN SETBACK COMMERCE COURT ENJOINS OR DER JORANTEO BV IN TERSTATE BOARO. - INVESTIGATION IS TO BE MADE Dadtlon Not Expected For Several Monthe And An Appeal To Supreme Court le probable. WABHINtiTON. Nov. . Keted rediHtTotr of trnna-cuntlnentar-ratr-riunl.rn.lcbt rate waa held UD today whi-n the Court of Commerce (rranled a temporary Injunction aicalnal the order of tba Interstate Commerce Communion In what popularly are known aa tha Hpokana and other I'a clllc Coant iKilnia rata ranee. Tha canee Involve not only the "back haul" freight rate to 8okane and oiher Inter uioiiiilaln polnta from I'acinc Coaat terminals, but also tba application of tha loin and short h'tul claute of tha law. The effect of the Commission' order waa to reduce the freight rates from Atlan tic aeaboard polnta to Inter Kooky Mountain destinations. In tha reduction of tha transcontin ental rates, tha Commission recognis ed tha effect of water competition on I be Pacific Coast, but held substanti ally that the rate from the East to cities Ilka Spokane and Reno should be lower than the existing rates. In tha circumstances It la regarded aa likely that whatever the Judgment of that court may be, the controversy wilt be carried to the Supreme Court OREGfCiffS L1GHTSN0W FALL The first snow of the season foil In Oregon City last evening. The fUirry did not continue Ions; and Tiiany persona who were out of doors were not awaro that It waa nowlnR, Hiking It for granted that the little white things which truck them on the face and hands were dropa rain. It began snowing a little be fore a o'clock and stopped at about :10. EXTRA Big Special Bill TODAY J 000 Foot Reel THE AUSTIN FLOOD ; in which 600 Uvea were loot. 1 A WINDY DAY Thla la of tha funniest ever witnessed. THE BETTER WAY L " A beautiful drama and a ! aon for all who eoo It. Y.1 It'o aft, IMP. . DON'TMISSTHIS ........ ' shew open today at 11 a. m. BKI ELECTRIC THEATRE 1 " I HIGH SCHOOL READY-HIGH rAn ninnrnT nilir; ruK SJSilVEN TONIGHT Tba MlKh- School Football aquad U practlctnc dally for the jama Sat urday aRalnat Newbcri Thla will be the HlKh Schooli blRRMt game nf tha heaaon and all of Oregon CUy'a footlwll anthualaata ahoul4 ba out to tha conteaL Coach rflngaien will UUcly make home chaniree In tba line-Up. ao It will not l announced until tomorrow. GARy TO ADDRESS I GLADSTONE CLUB -Y ThelX. U Cl'Ji of" Gladstone, will meet al 'the schoolhouse at that place this afternoon from I to 4 o'clock. One of the features of the program will be an address by Prof. T- J- Gary, his subject being "Ttjo lU'ys." It Is the In'entlon of the club to have in teresting addresses at all meetings this year, and Mr. Gary hae the honor of being called on first. All patrona of the school are Invited to these meetings. Refreshments will be serv ed by he ladlea. TOOZE AND LYONS URGED EOR COUNCIL rctltlons to F. J. Toose. Superinten dent of Ctty Schools and Dan Lyona. the retired contractor, to hecome randldatee for the city council In the Second Ward were circulated Thura day. Mr. Tooia said that be had heard petltlom were being circulated In his behalf, but he had not made a definite decision as to becoming a cnndlate. Harry Draper, on. of th membera of the Huntley Bros. Com puny, also has been urged to offer. TREMBATH TRIAL THURSDAY. The trial of H. W. Trembath. deputy fish warden. Indicted on a charge of Rioting AUx Douthlt. ha. been ae for next Thursday and not next Tuesday aa was originally announced. Buneerlbe for the tv.ll? Rntemrise 1 SCH00LSH0W IMITATION OF FAMOUS CONEY ISLAND TO BE PRESENT- ' ED BY PUPILS. FINE PROGRAM aBoBVCIRLS . . . Big Parade To Bo Feature Of Corge- j out Spectacle "Mut and Jeff And fcNevly Weda" To Participate. An Imitation on a small -acale of Comy-island, will -feaglven by the High 8cbool pupils thla evening. The entertainment promisee to be a fine one, and muny Interesting featurea have been arranged. ' Misses Edith Alldredce. Etila Schuebel. Florence White and AlUe Levitt, compose the committee In charge. The Idea Is to give a general pro gram which is as follows: Reading. Mlse Evadne Harrison; High Scnool Iloya' Quartet In several eelections; reading. Miss Kuns, selection; High School Girls' Quartet; music by Sag er'a Band with several other num bers. After the above program the following will be given: Comic sec tion, which Includes Mutt and Jeff: Mike and Gus. the Katierjamer Kids. Sambo. The Newly- Wed'a Baby, and the Floating Match and Swimming Match, the Dutch Booth, Japnaese Booth. Indian Booth. Gypsy Fortune Tellers and the Colored Minstrel. The minstrel will be the main event and will give only two shows. Waldo Cau field has charge of the minstrel and will play the Interlocutor. while the coona will be Lyle Gault. Charles Beatle, Peter Rotter and John Dam bach; end men, Ray Morris and John Beat to. "Coney Island" will be given at the Armory Hall. The parade will start at the Armory Hall at 7:30 o'clock and will move north on Main street to Tenth street The committee In charge of the parade la Miss Florence White. Joseph Hedges, Joseph Shea han and Kent Wilson. The line up of the parade will be as follows: ' Band. Candy Glrla Auto, Decorated Buggy. Wheelbarrow Brigade, Bicycle Brigade, Japanese Auto, Baby Buggy Brigade, Freak Section, Minstrels Auto. Mutt and Jeff. Dutch Auto. Dutch Buggy. Indian Autos, Gypsy Auto, High School DrMm Corps. OF HE IS SERIOUSLY HURT Abraham Goldberg, who purchased "The Beer Hall," on the corner of Eighth and Railroad streets, several ! days ago was seriously , injured Thursday afternoon while, working ' behind the bar. A trap door had been left open, and he backed Into the j. hole. Several of hla , . ribs I were broken ' and he sua 1 tatned a long cut on th aid of Ttls head. Th Injured man was given attention by Dr. H. 8. Mount A pe culiar feature of . the accident was that Goldberg had only a few minutes before he fell been warned of his danger. Ho purchased th saloon from Henry Opperman, i pythlana T Entertain. Th Pythian Bisters will gve an entertainment tn th Woodmen Hal) next Monday evening. WARNED PROPERTY THOUGHT VALUELESS FEW YEARS AGO NOW WORTH FORTUNE. i PUBLISHER AND PREACHER IN SHIT ' Scions Of Old Maryland Family Battle For 9al Estate Made Valuable By Railroad. A tract of ICO acres of land In thrs county, which a few years ago was considered of little or no value. Is today the bone of contention of scions of an old Maryland family, and $17. 000 has been offered for the property. Tbe tract la Involved In the suit of R, Edgar Jteall, a publisher of Phila delphia, against Jobn W. Beall and his brothers and alsters, which Is being heard by Judge Campbell In the Circuit Court The case la being bitterly contested and la another In stance of property estranging mem bers of a family. It also reveals the rapidly anbanclng lan(Lyaluet Jo ihls county. Tbe father of the litigants obtained a deed to the land which la in section 24 south, township 4, range S east. In 1897. When he died the property waa of little value, and for several years so little attention waa given It that the taxes were not even paid. The plaintiff was made administrator and It la alleged waa Indebted to the estate. He gave a deed conveying the land to the other belrs, with the exception' of. John W. Beall, in con- alderaJlon of-, their executing a re lease so far aa concerned the'plaln- tifra Inlebtedneas to the estate. John W. Beall refused to enter Into the deal declaring that the Indebtedneaa of tbe administrator was much larger than the value of the property. There after all tbe others, excepting the plaintiff, gave to John W. Beall a deed conveying-tbe property to htm. Owing to the building 'of a"' railroad near It the property waa valued In 1909 at 115.000 and John W. Beall was . preparing to aell It when his brother, R. Edgar Beall Sled auit alleging that the deed granted by him (Continued o. page 1 ) The Grand TODAY Athletics vs. GIANTS Worlds Champ ionship Base-k ball Show will start at 11 a. m. and will run. continuously until 10:30 p. m. Arizona Bill Her Crowning Glory Pathe's Weekly now shown on Saturday instead of Fridays FISH! FISH!! We sell and show more Fish than any other dealer. - . Fresh Salmon, Halibut, Oysters from the shall, Clame, Raxor and LUtl Nook, Solas, Parch, Black Base, Smelt Black Cod, Salt Mackerel, Salt Her rings, Red Snapper, Shrimp, Smoked and K'ppered Salmon. Salmort at special low prices to salt down. Macdonald's Market Next Well Fargo Express. FORMER OREGON CITY CIRL BE COMES BRIDE OP PORT LAND MAN. RECEPTION FOLLOWS CEREMONY Impressive Service Witnoaaod By Paly From This City. Couple Go To California . On Honeymoon. Tbe marriage of Miss Anne Mid lam, of Portland, but formerly of thla city, to Dr., Frederick J. Zlegler, city phy sician and a well known university man of the metropolis, was solemnis ed Wednesday evening In Westmins ter Presbyterian Church, Rev. Henry Marcot'o officiating. Attending the l)ii(le wtre Mr. Nora Watklna Robb, matron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Misa Nora Watklna and Mrs. Matt Watklna. Dr. Condon McCor nack waa best man. Just before the ceremony Mrs. Imogen Harding Bro dle aang Cowen'a "Because," and to 4 ha strains of Lohengrin's wedding march the bridal party cam down ttie aisle. The bride waa beautifully gowned In white satin en train and carried a shower bouquet of orchids and llllea of the valley. Her attendants were dressed In yellow , silk, harmonizing perfectly with the church decorations of a mass of yellow chrisantbemums, relieved with fema. Clifton N. Mac Arthur. Clarence Bishop, Douglas Taylor and Edward . E. Brodle were th ushers. . - Mr.. and..Mra. William H. Marshall the latter a slater of th bride, gave a large reception at their home 343 Holladay avenue, after th ceremony, and Dr. and Mrs. Zlegler left for Cali fornia for a three weeks' honeymoon Among the Oregon City people who were present at the wedding were Dr. and- MrJ. Hugh S. Mount Dr. Clyde Mount W. E. MIdlam, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MIdlam, Mlaa Beryl Long. Mrs. Samuel U Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brodl. Mr. J. M. Law rence, Mlss Marian Lawrence. Mlaa Veda Williams. Mra. Charlea MIdlam, Mrs. Wayne Howard and Mlaa-Louis Follanabee. EXHIBIT REFLECTS COUNTY'S RESOURCES . The display in the Promotion Office Is the largest since the Commercial Club jpened Its advertising of nee op posite the CourT Housef" " The Crown-Columbia Pulp A Paper Company Installed an exhibit of paper i Thursday, which is interesting tourists and strngers tht come to una city. Thla exhibit Tepresenta th various kinds of wrapping paper which is. used by retail stores such as drugs. hardware, dry goods and grocery stores. George W. Waldron, of Cresent Ridge has a display of beets and rad ishes and pears which Is very credi table for hla section, but the potato exhibit is taking tbe lead at present O. Marquardt of Clarke, haa extra One specimens of the Gold Coin var lety in the of floe. Fred Stelner, oi Beaver Creek, la displaying a sample of American Wonder. Among t:;e other potato exhibitors are . G. , T. Watts of Stone. M. Justin of Wllholt Berd Bird of Wllholt and J. ScMrvln of Clackamas Heights. D. A. Anderson, of Maple Lane, haa a fine display of varloua kinds of vege tables, also of almond nuts grown on hta farm. Philip Strleb, Mayor of Milwaukle, aaya that Clackamas County la an Ideal plac to grow wal nuts and to substantiate hla statement has a fine display of Franquette, Mar quette and Welsh walnuts. George DeBok, of Willamette, has astonished the farmers by exhibiting a radish that weigh twelve pounds. William Schatz. of Stafford, baa a fine display of grapes, and Ouol Broth ers, of Clarke, have a turnip that weighs sixteen pounds. Mr. Roder mel. of Clackamas Station, la exhibit ing fine onions. R. G. Pierce, of Falls View, has a One plate of Jonathan Ap ples. MRS. SHEWMAN GIVEN DELIGHTFUL PARTY Sixteen ladies, rnenaa or Mrs. Jose phine Showman, of Rlsley, left her on th 2:30 car for her home, where they took her completely by surprise. Tbe guesta took possession of the home, and th afternoon was dsvoted to bridge, the prize be ing won by Mrs. . Edward Schwab. Mrs. Tyra Warren, daughter of Mrs. Showman, and Mra. W. A. Showman, of this ctty, assisted th hostesa In th entertainment of th guests. -On of th guests, Mrs. Mary Warren, of Oak Grove, presented a hug bouquet of beautiful Chinese asters, which were served very artistically In th decorations of th rooms. Luncheon was served. Present wore Mrs. Edward 8chwah. Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs. G. A. Harding. Mrs. John FV Clark, Mr. Lena Char man, MJ. T. P. Randall. Mr. M. C. 8 trick la rll, Mra. J. H. Walker, Mrs. E. T. Avlson. Mrs. 3. N. Wlsner. Mrs. A. L Beetle, Mra. W. A. Bhewman. Mra. O. A. Harding, of thla city; Mra. Mary Warren. Mlaa Sally Warren, of Oak Grove; Mra. Mason, Mra. .Tyra Warren, of Oak Grov. HI V g4Miia CROSS WILL AID AUTHORITIES IN , SEARCH FOR COMPANIONS; nm .utuiJiMrl w . . ...... . SIRANCE CASE KAY KEVER EE SCLVED in... m uiam karinal RaaarvatlOfl Will B ' Aakad T Quae- ' tion Men Mae To Mak Search. .,;' The Oregon City authorltle will In-' vestlgat th mysterlooa death : of Henry Hennlng, th young Warm Springs Indian, whoa body was found In th Willamette ' River near Con cord. The young man disappeared on tbe night of September J2, and three men with whom ho had been drinking ueciarea vnai u - and would not be seen for a long time. H. E.. Cross, npon whose plac Hennlng and hla family wer camp ing when th man disappeared, will lrrnerdtte-agBt-oT the reservation today to quest Ion Jhe men who wer with Hennlng. . - Mr. Cross aald that he had been confident from th atart that Hennlng waa dead. Th day before tbe body waa found th man'a father-in-law call ed npon Mr. Cross, and when told that hi. aon-tn'-law waa nrobablv dead, he became Inconaolabl. " r -r "That-was th first time I ever saw aa Indian, cry " aald Mr. Croa. "H wept like a child. I have heard of Indians crying, hut thla la th first aa. that .r came under my obser vation, end I have had deallnga with a geat many of them." Mr. Cross aald It would be diffi cult to prove that th matt had met with foul play. Ther were no marks n th. twulv anil It la believed that th man waa drowned. Whether he waa thrown Into tne river or ten into n, I. m mvatorr that nrobablv will never be eleared-but the police will try to aolv ii,- Skene uaaa wui -u-y, io wi cat the men with whom Hennlng was last aeen and get a statement from them. , ' v . 'V II SAYS YIFE, SUillG Declaring that he waa cruel to her ka. wKila tie t were liv ing In Cowlitx county, Waah, May Harria Thursday filed eult for a di vorce from C I. Harria., She aaya ah was forced to leave film, and since then he haa been Interfering with her work, and trying to keep her from making a living for herself and her thirteen-year-old daughter. They, wer married July 4. 1896. In Lincoln. Neb. Ines E- Winston seeks a divorce from William Winston, alleging that he deserted her October 19. 1910. They were married la St Louis. July 31. tsio. neorce SeTdel sued B. C. Ser- !.d-L alleging desertion. They were married in memo, yxn., norimom I ftn '- .......... - '. "Unclaimed Letter. List of unclaimed letters at th Ore gon City postoffic for th week ending November 10. 1911: ' Woman' List Carter. Mr. Nellie; HarrK Mr. H-' ..." 4 Men'i List Armstrong, Jesse; Bett net Harry; Congellon. William; Dow ney William; Short. Amos r. 5 a. 0 fca III V J '2aK HUSBAND STRUCK HER,