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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
M0RN1NQ ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, NOVBliT !). 1911. UOBNIHG EffTERPRISE ." OREGOH CITT, OREGON K. C BRODtt, tdttoe end Pwbnaar. aa rliaa mi eery t, tail, a lb rt adta f Mara rami suKctjrros. Om Year, by ,...UM .. M ... IM nth. by aaalt . N. ... .. oat ha. by autB.. ........ by cvmar.,....t j COITTIUCT ADVSRTISin G RATES Plrat P Baca e44e laiml iaa..l nMiH poauaa r. peeuloa W . par udH luwUo I Id eeeee Ml l tat rm aaairtkia Km a ether .haa dm e, rr I Unk 1 ar nae; a ror e4vr i in to Mm. Weata. Far Bale, Ta Rat a., m Ml a war rtr kwllM. awe ha at Ml mi aedlttaauO. ftaiM far arttsta hi A Wmltr MwpilM IU b th MM hi IM eity. far eevarttaaaaewta far the waafclr Wtxra Um aavarti la trenetonee rnaa thr salty te ta V. wttkant mmn ths rate wa aa Mca far rea af I aarty fa waki Mm EatererfcM Lc VrtMtB at MraJ Ttrroa eeveetlal- and aetclal aaVartktiac at tw la Me aa aaeh. l ta ewactaJ eoadltteaa swraraAag "Fir Sala" aa4 Bankrupt aal aS-rar- Bata lac tarn rtrat laaartiaa arrtaaaa Miaa aaattar la at aaarft. with wf be gladly etceptiet. la vw rat M W eauwa aa CITY OFFICIAL NEWarAFCIt THE MORNING CNTERPRISC. la on aala at tha folio wtsj atoraaT 0 arery day: af Uiwnt Iawv Praw rNM atA Main StraaC t. W. hf cAnnlty Clean ' Sarntk and Main. 4) - -t B. B. Aaderaon, ' Main naar 8UtX a) M. K. Doaa Coof action ary a '- Next door to P. O. a City Dm 8tor a . Elactrte UoteL ScAMnbornCoofactloaary a Sarnth and .V Q. Adaan. a ' , Nov. 9 In American History. 18&e-Joha MWlditon Onyton. lUUa - man. principal In tha Bui wer -day-ton treaty, died: born 17B& 1873 JJereoty mllUon doUar fir In Boatoo, then rccarded aa the third larrrat In modern history, den troy ed 74S boose, tnctadlnf many of the dtya btulDrvs blocks. 1810-rreaUent Taft left Waahlngton for ranama. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (Trom noon today to noon tomorrow J Son acta 444. rhtea 6:37: moon rlaea 7HIZ p. nx: moon farthest north and tUft-beat: 1 a. nx. planet Saturn at ap poaitlon aad nenreat narth; rlaea night ly aa ana aetn. PREPARE FOR WINTER. Cold wvatber will noon hare n con siderable portion of the country in Ita grip and, aa naoal. many people through their own neglect, will be un prepared for it. On many a farm the premise will not be In n condition to tire proper shelter for animals, and potatoes and other crops will be caught by the frost. And In the cities there will be Intense suffering, much of which might be avoided by due precaution and by proper bring. It is said of the Prince Imperial, son of Na poleon the Third of France, that he 9 mi. by Ajnarlcan Prase Association. e aaaar. aa4 la aa ak far .caaJ eaajftaae, CM aaaaM aeweamaaey araar ohm aewe la bwaseae eCftee af mtiaa am all WW a Ml naliia. BaliaaaS aaaaa- arraar ilia"''"1" . , ..... n.v'. OWN THAT INSISTS UPON BE INO LEO BY MEN WHO DEAL WITH REALITIES AND NOT LED BY MEN WHO DEAL WITH IMAGINARY THINGS. To quote Kipling, the modern radical i an spontle of things aa tbey are. lie insists npon seeing ilie actual facta of tb modern world and declines to think in the formulas of part ages, which do not fit the facta. There are a GREAT MANY formulas being dcvjued that DO NOT FIT THE FACTS. At an apostle of things as tbey are I decline to be imposed upon by the word "PROTECTION." I decline to be imposed upon by thinking that it bat gone out of date, because it does not square with tbs ACTUAL CIRCUMSTANCES OF TOE TIMES. I want to bring my thinking op to the facta and' not drag the facta back to my antiquated thinking I decline being a grownup man with a mind of my own to be im posed opon any longer, and therefore radical. " waa always tan minute late an 4 that It U that falling lUt eot hint all Ufa by the tutu ta South AMoe. Am thsre are Ma ot people who have the him falling aad ai the result they suffer la pur comfort and happt- There was a time when If a man pleaded that ha wa Intoxicated when ha committed a crime ha waa uully acquitted or escaped with a nominal astatic. It la pelt In r to ba dlfTrrrnt now. For a man to abow that ha waa 4run la no kaar accitad aa a palllatVo. rathr It la raftaratal aa aa Sir ration of lb offanca. All of which ocva to how a aanar U of Juatlca, . a Ttaa Ttscd qucatlon of whcthrr Thaaakflvtnir ahoall hM on No tnbr mini or th thlrtirih haa brn dcldr by tha Prraldant for tha later date If It nrana that tha atnall hv hat to wait anotbar waak for a l'" of turfcay and mtnra and pumpkin pi it also mrana that th turkey will hava on mora wark to fattrn for ti dionar. aa Heart to Heart Talks. r cirwTN A.rrre. srauruAL COlUtKA. When the newa af the paaalng of Canerei George W. Gordon of W aca pnia waa wired to the country there ware many sincere mourner. None who hart erer heard General Gordon 'a allrer oratory will forget ale ferrM pleas for a aalted coon try. Be waa a gallant Confederate offi cer, the Idol of his soldier. But when the war waa orer his was' one of the am of all the rotcaa eloquent for the Union. He waa a great friend of Grant and Sherman and of many of thoee against whom he fought In the time that tried men's souls. Gordon's last words were these: "Send other, couriers: thoee may be la his last momenta the general a salad went back to the days of ear ns ga. when the thnnder clooda of black war burst over the head of the Mtlon. and la aplrlt he companioned again with Lee and Johnston and the comrades of the former day a Therefore bis order to "wend other courier," Be bad learned In too grim theater of war that oftentimes courier were cat off by I he enemy and the mes sages lost. Mere murmuring ot a dying man What do yon or 1 know about the telepathy between minds here sod Bowf VI orb less what do we know about the means of rommnnlcatlon between kindred apirKa bare and yon derl la It only fancy that the spirit of Gordon, crossing the Potomac of reath. aboald be seeding couriers for ward to headquarters in appraise hia old comrades of bla near approach T Who will aay that on "fame's eter nal camping ground" the couriers did not report? It ta not strange that o the era ot his departure a strong soul bonl4 feel the powerful Impulse to send nf couriers la adraace. And so. my friends When the time of your deparrur and mine la come, when we shall have said good by to those on this bank of the rirer. what more natural than that wo should seek to send quick couriers to these we hare tor ad and lost awhile to toll fJbom of our ap preach? Radicalism of This Age Means an Ideal Generation. Protection a Humbug By W00DR0W WILSON. Governor of New Jersey 'HE RADICALISM OF OUR TIME IS A SYMPTOM OF A NEW GENERATION WITH A LIFE OF ITS I am what is denominated s Cuba's Navy Gro-wintf, but Not BItf In Spite of Its Recent Acquisitions I T will be aome time before Cuba ta poarrrs, area If aha did add a protected cruiser and a training ship ta ber nary the other la day la Philadelphia. Benortta Marina ttMimea. daughter of President Gomes of the republic of the single starred flag. and aponaor for the new cruiser Cuba, christened the wamhlp by breaking I be traditional bottle of champagne at Ita launching II r -stater. - Mlae Nan-lee Gome, named the Patrliu which will aerre as a srbouiablp for Cuba 'a naral cadets. The Cuba la quite a fair alaed reaael. being a t.200 toa cruiser, and ahe Is Just about as big aa the combined baker-a dsen of little boats which hare heretofore constituted the nary of our slater republic The biggest of tbem all la the tlaraey. which la need aa a yacht for the president She ta only 039 tons, so It will be seen that even with the Cuba aad the Pair la ft will be aome iltue before the entire Cuban navy will be a match for a au(et Dreadnought or even for a fair alaed armored cruiser " STIVERS SCORES STREET POLICY (Continued from Page 1.) an animated colloquy between them resulted. Meanwhile Messrs. Andre sen and Holman. member of the board, eicused themselves and went home. That left only. Chairman Harding. Secretary 8tipp and Messrs Tooei and Stevens, a bare quorum. Messrs. Stevens and Stlpp diaagreed radically aa to the work on Washing ton aueet between Sixth and 8eventh in front of the former'a property. Thla block waa Improved several Tear ago by.tho property owners, and Mr. Stevens contended that the recent Improvement by the city was unneces sary. Mr. Stlpp contended that It waa absolutely necessary. "Why that la the beet street In the city." declared Mr. Stevens. "Tea. since the city Improved It." retorted Mr. Stlpp. "The that Improvement waa not necessary," aald Mr. Stevena. "It waa neceaaary." replied Mr. 8tlpp. "The old street waa not eat lefaetory It wasn't worth anything., Rollers went through It." Mr. 8tevens then declared that the Improvement of Monroe street to be made at a coat of more than 124.600 waa unnecessary. Thla la part of the work ho said the residenta of the city would be paving for for the neit forty yeara. Mr. Toote happens to live on Monroe street, and he baa worked bard to have the street Im proved. He and H. E. Cross, another extensive property owner, who op poses the work, have argued the ques tion before the council. Consequent ly Mr. Tooze waa pretty well fortified with arguments. Several times during the debate Mr. 8tipp told Mr. Stevens he (the latter) "waa mistaken" and Mr. Stevens' re tort courteous were "you don't know what you are talking about" But In spite of the verbal wrangle the best of feeling was shown by everybody, snd the vote waa unanim ous Messrs. Holman and Andreaen had taken their departure that the next meeting should be held tomor row night a week. "We hope," said Mr. Stlpp after the meeting, "to have copies of charters of varlou citiea that have adopted the commission form of government or the business form of government' for a working basis at the next meeting. The work la necessarily slow." APPLICATIONS HADE EARLY FOR FAIR SPACE Cladys Sloper, secretary of Harding Orange, has notified the Clackamaa County Fair Aaaoclatlon that it will take the space occupied by Its exhibit thla rear at the meeting next fall. The Grange had one of the finest ex hibits at the recent fair and expects to hare a much finer one next year. Clalrmont also has notified Secretary Iizelle that It will have an exhibit at the next fair. Never In the history of the association have applications for space been made aa early aa thla. and the prospects for the next fair are most flattering. The Fleet Muaie. The father of aong. m i!le snd danc tng. all tbree. was the aavsge who first clapped hand snd shouted In time at some rude feottrul of hla frIV. Prom that Happing and shonrtng has been evolved the whole art of Instru mental Mttetf. ItM-lltdlng even the ea trancing enni(iletltle of the modern symphony. From 'that shout or rudi mentary emotional ntternn'-e baa pro ceeded by s kindred eroiutlon the whole art of vocal muaic down to the modern o(ers or oratorio. From the savage leap bas come every vanty of dancing, from the country brenk- dowa to tbe beautiful wairxea of the city ballroom. .Hrw Turk American. . Patronise our ad'ertlsert, s enrolled on the list of Bret eiaaa naral I FARE TO PGRTIAND REDUCED S CEKTS (Continued iron page ii : I any way operating as an estopped np on the aald company, but haa con aldered the same solely with refer ence to Its, bearing on the qeuatloa as to what a reasonable rate would be for the transportation of the pacn ger traffic. and what the erlvce la worth to them. "The commission find ilat the cost to the aald company Incurred In the transportation of a passenger one mile ll. e. per passenger mile). Including all operating expenses, movement, maintenance and administration coats but not Including depreciation, baler est on the bond or Invest menu, or taxes, is tha sum of CIS mills. " - In connection with the rallng. with which the railway company Is given twenty dare to comply, the Commis sion asserts aa Ha opinion that In case the orders become effective wtthou: temporary injunction aaala( them, people of Mllwaukle mar walK to Hendee. one-fourth of a mile, aad be entitled to tranafera. Following are tables abowlng tha present rate and the reduction nrrf.r. ieu on tne uregoa City division, and the proposed rate offered by the conv pany, me present rats and the new rate on the Bpringwater division Om-Wm tmmtt a1 Bet warn First ami IMm r S ' " ' . iii lii, niviiun Pr..nt New Ardaour . I U . .is . I . V . .u . .Is . . 7' I St Hetwter uiand Ijikewood Mllwaukle Helgnta ConrorJ MHdium rn Rlrig Tars flmrr O'ann t'ltv fanrmah Park Canemah . 1 1 1 it t . .14 .it nniM rtrat and Alder airrele flprlngwater division: Pro. aiatina Brook wIM . . . !ent Junction Ollhart Galea Wllann poaed. Preaetit. aw I .1 I .1 . .1 -.14 .14 ta a yea mora J.nno Meadow Flrook I.lnnemann Tntton ... firrsharn I'rraton Ilogan Palm Mad A nl-rsnn . . . . Harton Hlv-mlde M le te te .14 .14 U Kagle Creek to Caeadrro. sm el ansa rrom rrant rata. Company aenacaMl reduction of IS cents. T No rhan- In Troutdale brftiw-h rawe. All rajih fare carry aama aranafar prlr !!' T." lv,n Peaeengere on Mvbd 8rott dlvlalon. . .. , Commul.1 Um. r.i.i . A t Twfnty-rlde honk. laauMt and nd un 0.-1- .r-a.nt conditions, betwaaci rtea and hi .i i . r' r-oTTiano ana urea city Hiallon Praaant New, i MiiwaiiKM. Inc. I ,T 1 ,M ialnnd S7H, likewood M lwaukle IfMstit 47 H .94 Silver Hprlngs . . . Courtney Pine .4 ' i .44 Oak Urov Rupert .IS .e j Rlaley .14 . .It fon-ord K'aef Roth Boardman , .Irnnlnaa Lodga ,, MHdmm Fern Hldse .11 ".it " ll At .tl 3 Hi .11 44 .11. 7 .14 .1 Uladatone rron Clv . . Cuirmih Park ......., JS . '.1.1 .ie U .u ... i r 14 U Caneman Twentviide bonka. leaned arM I ,mmA a d-r present condlilona.beiwaen rtrat aad aio-'-r atreeta, PortlanC and division Btatlon Propnaad. PreaanS. Hew, Rroobwlld .... Stanley , Wichita IVII Luther Kendall Walaon fente Junction Hotly Id ,. Ollbert Oatca Wllaon ....... Syr mora ,,,, Jrnne Mradowbrook I.lnnamann Cotton ., rrt .e? .. .a .ei, , s . . . . .VI . .or Vi - .74 -41 lb .41 4H .4 . WH J1H , .44, .e? .ST 4 H w If f .14 it Oreaham Prraton ........ Ifosan ,., ..lo ; , .14 .flH .tlH .14 .r ,p :S3 -.p. .12 M Palmhlad Anderson 14 vt J Maley '.ISVi .11 Poring .10 Rmnner .14 Raae Line ........ ', tlH - Palrde rale . ...... H PaJrvlew 21 ' Arata j .M Multnomah Farm.' J7 V- .it ,., .14 . .11 .1 14 . .24 .14 .t .ro .14 J . 14 2t n .te M .14 . .14 14 10 1 V) U M .34 .44 . 44 10 4 ... .44 ... ,4H ... .toii ... n4 ... Uw ... .11 ... .I4v ... .14 ... .14 ::: . ::: X ... .ti ... .21V, ... .11 14 ? a o J tKVXH U CftlATtlT OAMI 11 Tha ftebef af tnol value ta a rial at one wbe ran go la ai any minute and atn the attack - (L H team wbe.n they atari getting after a twirl aaowa. la the easjatry.' t The . three Sagered talaor has workrtl in B fly ruu set thla aeaavm. the largaat aumber thai a pitcher la the National teagwe baa taken part fca, Brewa aas been Frank CU ace's aula reliance this year whoa one of the other men on hat staff started waverlug. and vaty for alas the Cut would not bars intoned tu second plac .Benlbacb, Rbble and a few otbora af the Cub alsbmrn bare heea glvea rmtit for a lot ef rVforW whk'h w.Hild aot be theirs had aot Prwn been call s' od aa to llalakj the game. HO',7 isack: differs . - FRO! OTHER MANAGERS. Nfwar appears ioo the field. Con Qicta Sat campaign entirely from the beacav , - . noa aot worn s nclform for many yaara, Uia voaro ta never heard ralaed la pre teat again a a umplre'a dert aloaa . losi aot depend utwn anybody elas's dope, fleet bis own dope bonk. - W ate baa for weakaeawea la oipealng batamaai, Caa uil a batamsa's fall r ir:'. J Plota aopyrlghf by American praas Aa aoclatlon tow ai a ma.-i, MaaaoKa or ths snil. OEi.rai a a salt; sa Ing Setter thao ths man who pltrboa to Keeps s record of practically ever vmm iicnea in a gam, uu scors neea- tells tbs complete story of every TBgeroenL Bold dally conference an hone ha. fore earb game and points out tbs mistake made la tbe previous day's ostus. Avoid trouble npon hi team bv beaching malcontents snd trouble aaaker. Insists npon explaaatlons by the trouble makers, snd If emlanatlon Sf aot forthcoming tha men don't py- Believes In developing young nlar. era by keeping them on tbe team and snaking them watch tbs regulars. ' s a weir.4 lie Hrewning. There waa marked vulanrlt ahnni Browning, partlctilarly In hla acc..t and In the tons of bla voice and a cer tain Indearribnble savor of sycophancy Of a man eaoer in h . . a. which be did not belong, but the poet waa there the poet's keen eve. ih. poefs heart, obvloua In hlal srti at rtr a and descriptions -Memoirs of Jobs Cbarton Collins A Conundrum. Why Is a slight bend of tbs besd In Sreeting considered queer? Because It'a a pod as lu tat Ion. t C 1 er wix naa " i 1 ""katitxl la X x ' i "-y ' " r,"l,r,', a . Morde c a J J -' Urowa of the '4 7' CbLagoCubs , 1 tiX' 4 v -.' eat game sav- a o WHY A ' A Stats Bank leaks nsthln f sawHty arroralad by svsrnmsn Sua srvtalor. t Is under the direct sen. t'el sf the Slate Ssnklrtf Depart mnt. and subjeat ta rigid peHediaal a.anv Inatlan sf Its sapsrt sadltsrs, whs see that all tha laws safeguarding d. psalters a's ssmpllsd with. Tns safety or sursd at The Bank sv aw IJkTOUaTjrTTal Pra4eol a a THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIU oi OREGON CITY, OREGON ' - CAPITAL, saexaoaoo Tea a Saaarsl Saablaa Ssslwasa oea tram t a. M Qlcdotono Lumbar Compzj BUNGALOW MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. lAiuber, nber, lath, ahlDilea, f snow poets and doors, mouldings, au a a of Inside "ulsh. prloee right, lumber tuarnt4 .j all kind delivery .(YARDS AT Phone Main tMI. Wants, For Sale, Etc Math MU ba naaairwat BMMrtad a aate aval a a i hail a aval eeeiti llaits m heh eara. It ear iaU, tea rare. inwi ai pf aaoaia Cash ari maim1 araar aaaaa i ba aa mm ' aeaamal with taa aar ftaajfiai pawalbUI(T tar enare. wh rnare aawaf frae e.r4 IMIM will Pa arbaud tor satraa .vr-. WANTSDT WANTEI Tourlata and local people to srs my collrtcilon of arrow-head coin. India trink-U, t Id statal and curio of .'. sorts. Will bti) or sell In thu iiM4. Ha tuni good bargaipa In aeroadhand furnllnrs and tnola. fleorge oung. Main wlH near Fifth WANTKI) lhys aad girls. Hero la your chance youngsters to make your Christ mae money eaay. The Morning Enter- ' prise will pay you a big com mlaaloa for brtnlgng In trial aubacrlptlona If you want lo know more about ll call or writs to the Circulation Man ager of the Morning Enter prtae, Oregon City, and learn all about what you will have to do. The more you turn la the more you will make and yot raa make a lot If you huaile. a'li TTii"i'i aTaT FOR SALt FOIt SAUv-Launch. J feet knitf. caacity U passengers. Klrst claaa. Inquire Ir. Stuart, city. CONCOIU) grapes, I centa a pound, firing your basket. II. 0. Stark weather, Itlaley Station. FOR HALE fill room house and two tots on wssuingtnn street; 11400 rash. Call CI Fourth atreet Ihon Main ;(13. FARM LOANS. Fakm IXJAN'S Dlmlck m bimioa. Lawyers, Oregon aty, Or. ATTORNEYS. O. I) CUT. Attorney-at-Law. Msaaoy toaaad, abotracts firntafcad. Iaa titlea sisalned. satstis sett led, ge- orai taw buaaeaa Ovar Daak Oraaoo city. U'R&N A 8CHIICBEU Attoraeyoat rkrntecker alrokaL wilt arao Me la sll aourta, make ootlootluiM prloe Bldg Oraawa Cttr. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HA RRT JOrnBhWBnfldor aad Oaaoral coatraetor. Estimate ebesi tally rrea oa all elasses of baUdlng wot, concrete waika aaa rslaforoad coaereta. Res. Phono Mala in INSURANCE. B. H tOOPKR, roe- nre taawrsasr aad Real Batata. Im aa roar propartiee as bay, 1 excaaage. otflro la Bafewartas "'. uregoa city. Orasfna PHYSICIANS. DR. LENA R. HODGES, Osteopath, of Portland, will bo In Orgn City Mondays, Wednesdsys and Friday ui earn wees, at corner of Sixth and Wablr.gton, streets, phono Mslo 111. 111 ,1 n, j L CLEANING AND PRESSING. vnicAuu tailors suits made to order from flO and up. Ws alao do cleaning, pressing and repairing Three doors south of poatoffce. MUSICIANS. I. ALBA PA0F.R, teacher of wind and string Ihstrumsnts, director of band and orchestra. Will furnish mualo for any occaalon. ChII at Elect rlo Hotel CITY NOTICES. Ordinance No. An Ordinance declaring tha assess ment ror tns improvement of Taylor street, Oregon City. Oregon, from ths north stds of Seventh street to the south slds of Twslfth streeL Oregon aty does ordain as fol lows: Bectlon 1. Ths aaseaamsnt for ths Improvement of Taylor atreet, from ths north slds of Seventh street to the south slds of Twelfth street Is hereby declared and levied accord ing to Assessment Roll No. I, new serlet. and ths whole cot of aald assessment Is 7,T38.1S. See. 1 Whereas ths condition of STATE BANIO your Intsrssts Is ss of Oregon City nx r 1 II aw 1 UWTY'' . r. i. Marrew . t Fvaa PARK PLACE). P4ran m said art of aald Tsrkir Mnat k and w4 dangervu to uia baa and aafety of lh4 peon! of fZ Clty and It la neceawry JJJ mediate preservation of tkttrbnn aad safety that thla ring?, should be msde at oar ta ency Is hereby decUrt tai . and thl ordinance shall Uk ahe and be In force from 14 a approval by the" mayor. Head Srat lima aad order, M tlahed al a '"special utlla ) q. nty Council held on tk ti November. 111. and to com tits aoooad reading and anal taau,. a apeclal mailing to b halt M , a 11 nay or roemiar. U HTII'P, Naee4. Oedlnsnc No. Aa Ordinance ' declaring ib taa ment for the !mpromeat of street., tiregnn my. OmoS, trw. the oaat line of Center atreet ib wear una or Tayutr straet, - r Oregon tlty-doe ordxts u at lows: her t Inn 1. The aaaeaitaest a the Improvement of Mail en from the east line of renter an to the weat line of Tyks b) ha by declared and lerlrd anwc to Aaaaaament Roll No. t. a le. and the whole coat of tad aeaaraent la 11107 J. aW. t Whereas lha coaitUks i aald part of Ninth street a a waa dangerous to the kaakk ai safety of the people of OretasR) and It la neceaaary lof th a mediate preservation of their kaS and safety that thla aaaeavsaf should bo mad at one, aa tasn eacy le hereby declare t M aad thla ordinance shall Uiaetat and bo In force from aad ffw Its approval by tha Mayor. Read first time and order a llahed at a special mettf a? St City Council held on lb Ilk ta! a Novemlwr, Itll, and to sometykt second reading and final paawcif a special meeting to be bM ca ta Slat day of November. Itll. U 8TIPP, Ordlaancs N. Aa Ordinance declaring the aa meat for tha eonatrnetloa sf 41 laying of aewer for 8wr D."4 No. d. Oregon City. Oregon. Oregon City doe ordls M a Iowa: flection 1 Tha asaeaatneot the construction and laying of are are tar Rawer District No. n ka by declared and levied accortiBi" Assessment Roll No. a. sew tarta and th whole cost of ssld tstea ment Is f5.T4d.71. Section t. Wheres (he cosal"" of said dlafrlct ts and ws r oua lo the health and aafety sf ta people of Oregon, City and M aeceasary for the Immediate srte vatloo for their health and 4iW, and emergency la hereby sefhvei to sxlst snd this ordlnanoa aW take affect and be In force ! lately npon Its spproval by Msyor. . Read first time snd ordrd F llahed at a special meeting of tj City Council held on ths Itk W November, llt. and to com second reading and final peaaat a special meeting lo be held os us tlst dsy of Novsmber. 1H. L, STIPP. R4cord4f. D4oroa of Hoeor M4ta The Deere of Honor met at KfimB g0 aVf tti O J fioodfallo T day aftornooa. Oos of ths wss tha talk on tha new wor order by Mrs, Sadls E. Moor. grand chief of honor, ywrowi"-: bualneaa sesstoa tha hne refreshments. NEW VESTMENTS RECf IVlft AsVraa.ft A P o M aw BW1 PlSbPtl Ctt St iWH UH 44WJS.W.- ftt Episcopal church gstherd at tns lory Tuesday svenlng. were Invited by tns rector. ..' W. Robinson, and Inttructad ti ¬ the new vestments that wers rrv .v. i.y The veitmej" sra for ths varlons church fo""" A rnncbeon wss ssrvsd. aoaerlba foe tha DJlr ifctsrsrif' White Queen Flour This s Ths Ssst Flour ObUl able. Lay In Your Wlar lupP'f " Coal Now. . May, Grain, F44d and Kofr4e Poultry fTea' Oregon Comah.ioa Co I 11TH AND MAIN STS Oraflon CI. . Troutdale il Read the Morning ffrr-rrprlse. ,2J