Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
tat Or(n t'ltjr 1UI Wednesday; .oulhWMtorly wlud. , e Orn lUln west porilon WnliMiUy; south to west wind. a wwwwrrr-rw.rr.- REPUBLICAN PARTY MAKES BIG GAINS llLSON MARO HIT IN NKW JER- IIY AND DEMOCRAT LOU IN NIW YORK. )SS ELECTED IN MASSACHUSETTS Ha tntucky Rsturne To Democrat lo Fold By 0.000 Majority tsvsral Contests Probable. WAIMNUTON. Nor. 7. Elections ...r. hM lodsy In many statea La riiifx. throuiihout the country. i,uiri varying results, with little dtration oC a tWMtirina ui IuIjIIc ttitlment in Maiarhiiefte complete murns Ls Governor Fis ' Haniurrnt a plur- buy of 7,134 over iuia I", rroimng- mm Republican. Tne coiai vote is: L... Krothliisham JOI.IMS. hi Republicans, however, refuaed to I.ikwI" the elerllon .and a state wide krnutii may be demanded. I Ti6rl-rLui"na showed marked Vint (r Frotblngharo. but thee were rmluced. ' Return Indicate tl ntbr Republican randldatea on k. atjiia tlrkefare slightly ahead or k,rlr mmorratto opponent. (v.. v.irk Mtala elected a Retmbll- Vn Armtily. tbiia depriving Gover Lr lux. iK'niorrmt. of the support ha heretofore had from a l-gtelalure Lmiwratlc In lioth branrhee. Tba IriMoiit New York Assembly baa a Liuorretlc majority of 14. The new I .iM-trd- AaaemblV will nave a Re- t,i4i42o. majority ofuPrd of JO. In New York City (Manhattan ana . tha Tammanv strength wa materially reduced, but Ita candidates l.r judicial and county officers were ilerted Sgaln by greatly reduced plur- !ei. In Urooklyn the fusion judicial ani Luniy candldatea wera successful lib perbspa una exception. Keturna from New jersey inaicaie L nminii he tha Meuublcane of botb tranches of the legislature and tba (Continued o . page 1 1 "T" AT THE GRAND TODAY Cowboy's Bride Gypsie Honor His Girlie Brin Me Your Watch Clock and Jewelry repair work and rmi will get the results tbat tba most killed workmanship and best ma lisrlsl can produce. f!y Way of Doing Pusiness If I repair your watch or clock It will run and keep first-class time or it won't cost you a cant. W. Leonard Runyan Masonle Building Intranoa. Tsl. A-70. Main S27. Don't fail to nee out plendid display of the Celebrated Clotheraft (ilti and orercoata at $15. Others for more but thosefareilcaderi. ' r Price Brothers IXCLUSIVI CLOTHItRB Not Ukn Oth" 6th and Main , THAT 3 niTMATSlULV Ptt-FACtD Boob A.CAIN' WHY DOCV'T C FADeAVMAYf At- POCAHO'ITAS DEGREE TO GIVE GRAND BALL One of the atirtal events of the sea son will be the second grand annual ball given by the degree team of the Order or Tocahontaa at Ousch'a Hall next Baturdsy evening. Tha hall will be elaborately decorated with Indian robes evergreens and autumn leaves. One of the special features of tha eve ning will be the 'Tocahontae Walts." During the dance tba colored Hghta will be used. Parson a orchestra of Portland has been engaged to furnish i h iiuidlc and danclnc will be In dulged In until 1 o'clock. The following are tne commmeea that have been appointed: ...f.i um nirhard Illttner. chairman; Mra. Walter 8ymes. Miss . . . a . a. lfH.ll Rose Tomciewssi, wim miry n-um-ton. Miss Manda Zak. Miss (Jertle liawllsta. Rweptlon Mrs. Henry llennlngsen, chairman: Mrs. Clinton Rutherford, Mrs. Hessle Ruconlcn. Mrs. Agnes 811 vers. Miss Josle Curran. Floor Jack Frost, Erneet Mass, Henry Hennlngsen, George Chambers. Decorations Mra. Webb Hums, Mrs. Mike Oross. Thomaa Myera. Harry Williamson. Refreshments Mrs. Dora Hamilton, Miss Anna Tomoxewskl. Miss Stella Zak. Mra. Jake 8urber, Mrs. Luverna Simpson. Music and printing Mrs. Henry Hennlngsen. Cloak Room Mrs. Jack Frost. The Indies of these committees are to be dressed In white and wenrlng red badges. Red and white are the colors lor the order. DOUTHIT FINED FOR ATTACKING TREMBATH John Douthlt. Indicted for assault Ing H- W. Thembath, deptfly fish war den, was found guilty In the circuit court and fined 150. The attack was made after Trembath, It Is- Ad' had shot Ale Douthlt, a brother of the defendant. Alex Duth'th party of friends, was n a skiff t tU Falls early ona morning bout t hree months ago when ha was shot lr i the arm by a man said to be Trembath. Douthlt denied that he was violating tba fish lawa. That afternoon while Trembath was In a Main street par ber shop he was attacked by tha wound! msn a brother. Trembath has been Indicted for tha shooting. LE.TIW FUOK IS CONVICTED. Attorney For Dafsndsnt Will Probably Appeal Cssa. Lester Furs. wntythe,r!rM age, accused by his grandmother. Mrs. Christina Fug, seventy years of age. was found guilty of attempted assault .4 Hurl Tna.ila nllht. in me vircun . His attorney. J. B. Hedges, will prob- . w. nrwsa vnunff msiQ abiy aPp ,, - vr denied mac ni w-.. -intimated that h. was th. v e lm ol a conspiracy. ",v " : .t.tA in fhe nrosecu- Tongua wa tlon by Asltnt District Attorney 0NC5 WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1500 ouegon. city, .twtLE'ir- PERPETRATED BY WALT Mc DOUGALL OLD - FASHIONED 5PLAKINCVTUBE ! HfS COT M0NLY1 (lit MkKtHIM 50 fit HAVE TO I Kv.iT AWHILE.. I BE. OCCCNT TO KNOWHOW THC MASTVH re.LT, MIM! OH DEAR! Bcueve Mtf II Jill -sBBv V HIGH SCHOOL TO GIVE BIG B1MAHT The Oregn City High 8chool stu dents are arranging an Interesting en tertainment for Friday night. A com mittee composed of Mlaa Eula Schue bel. Miss Florence yhlte. and AlUe Levitt, has been working ror some time on a plan and has decided to give a repetition of the famoua "Coney la- land" of New York City. The Idea la to give a general pro uhlrh la aa follows: Reading. Mlsa Kvadue Harrison . High School Uoya" quartet in several aeiecuona. ,..,iinr Mlaa Kuns. selection: High School Olrls' Quartet; music by Sag ors Band with several other num ber!. After the above program cne ..n.. ,inr .in ha siven: Comic sec tion, which Includes Mutt and Jeff; Mike and Gus, the Kaiserjamer r-iu. o.h- rh. Newlv Wed's Baby, and the Floating Match and. Swimming Match, the Dutcb .worn, jayaur--i. .h inHi.n nnnth. flvDsv Fortune Teller s and the Colored Minstrel. The minstrel will be the main event and will give only two shows, wnoo a-M k -turn of the minstrel and Will play the Interlocutor, while the coons will be Lyle Gault. Charles Heatle. Peter Rotter ana jonn bach: end men Ray Morris and John IleaUe. . ... "Coney Island" win oe givrn . , ii.n Tha narade will start at the Armory Hall at 7: SO o'clock and will move nortn on Mara ir.. to Tenth street. Tha committee In charge of the parade la Mlaa Florence White. Joseph Hedgea, Joaeph Shea ban and Kent Wilson. Program The Parson and the Bully This Is great . - . The Shcrifrs Loyc A Fins Western Picture, By Registered Mail ; This a pathetlo child story show Ing parental love. Dont mlsa this progrsm at The Electric Today PJamsmbsr w have new pictures and Matinee dally. . Today EiWG0S orrgon; wkijnesday, HEAVLNS! Ht MUST HA.vt HEARD ME.1 j SCHOOL DISTRICTS ; ARE RE-ARRANGfD The county school district boundary board, which consists of the county court and Superintendent of County Schools Gary, at Ita annual meeting Tuesday made several changes In dis tricts- Tha petition of school district No. 123 asking for a 'portion of the Mllwaukle district, was denied. The petition of district No. 119 (Wichita) tbat It take a portion of district No. 49 (Harmony) waa granted. Property of E. E. McArthur waa transferred from district No. 109 to district No. 63. A petition to change the boundary line between district No. 120 and No. 27 was granted. ( CHARTER COMMITTEE The committee appointed by Mayor Brownell and the city council to re vise the city charter to provide for a commission form of government or a ''business form of government will hold Its third meeting this evening In the city council chamber. The com mittee which Is composed of George A. Hardlna., chairman; Uvy Stlpp, aec- retary; R. U Holman, William And resen, H. C. Stevens, C. 8chuebel and F. J. Toose, urges all property owners to attend the meeting and make sug gestions. The board Is, working along conservative lines, smd wanta all the Information and advice It Is possible to obtain. The revised charter will be published and submitted to the voters at a special election. LOCAL BOARD Will ASSESS CORPORATIONS Univ Charlna H. Galloway, member of the State Tax Commission, discuss ed with tne Clackamas County Board of Equlllxatlon Tuesday tha assess ment nf Mirnnrattons. Ur. Galloway authorised the board to make assess ments on all corporation property un der construction. ' County Assessor Jack, when making the assessments, -wal Informed that tha state would make the assessments on property nwnA hv cornoratlona. Tha board. howover. has since decided that tba county should assess all property .un der construction belonging to corpora- tinna Ui ftAllnwiv rafnrnan In K- lera Tuesday evening. , HOLD ROAD MEETING TONIGHT. The F.aat Ride Canltal Ttlshwav As sociation will conduct a big meeting this evening at Caneroan. Tne delega tion from this city will leave on the 7:20 o'clock car. All persons Interest ed In the Improvement of the roads are urged to attend tha meeting. Patmnlsa our advertisers. kovemheu 8, ion. PARK BAND STAND MAY BE REMOVED COUNCIL CONSIPER8 PLAN OF LO- " CATINO PUBLIC COMFORT STATION ON SITE. MANY COM Of ASSESSMENTS Meeting With Officials of Clackamas Southern to be Held to Consider Alleged Violation of Franchlee. The city council Tuesday evening virtually abandoned -the plan of build ing a public comfort station In Mc Lougblln Park, and the Finance Com mittee waa Instructed tJ look into the feasibility of locating it in the Seventh Street Park. Tba Woman's Club, which, was Instrumental In hav ing: tha McLaughlin homo restored and establishing the park, objected to tba building being on tha beautiful grounda. Several . suggestions were made regarding- tha location of tha station In Seventh Street Park, and It was tha consensus of opinion that It should be on the site of tha present band stand. One .or two of tha coun- cllmen thought that stand should be removed, and others .thought it would be a good plan to raise tba structure and tare the station -under 1C A re port will be made at tha next meet ing of the council Mayor Brownell appointed Messrs. Andresen. Meyer and Roake a com mittee to Craft resolutions on the death of Rudolph Koerner, formerly president of the council. The im provement of Twelfth street by the Oregon Engineering aY Construction Company-was accepted. Attention waa called again to the alleged violation of its franchise by tha Clackamas Southern Railway Com pany In the building of the trestle across Washington street at Four teenth. It la contended that the tres tle la only ten and one-half feet above the street, although ehe franchise provides that It must be twelve feet above the street. O. B. Dimick, secre tary of the company, denies emphatic ally that the bridge haa not been nuui according to the terms of the fran chise., The street commute was authorized to' meet with the officers of the company and make an Investi gation. Colonel C. H. Dya declared mat me assessment for work on Ninth street in front of property owned by him waa excessive. The council will make an investigation today. The follow ing were granted reductions in as sessments for street work: Chambers Howell. 50; Charles Hannaford, 125; Margaret Hersog. 1 25 and Mr. 8- A. Chase, $25. Several o"bJecUona were made to the assessments for tba sew er In District No. 6. SATURDAY CLUB PLANS THANKSGIVING ROLE The Saturday Club of the Congre gational church met at the church par lore Monday evening, and arrange ments were made for tha market to be given Tuesday before Thankaglv-ino- in the church narlors. Chairman of the committees were appointed as followa: Plum pudding. Misses tsana and Clara Caufield; bread. Mra. John Crawford; pie and cake, Mra. Kawaru Follensbee; pigs feet Jelly. Mrs. John Lowry; candy booth. Miss Jean White. These chairmen will appoint their as sistants at a later date. Arrangements also were made for the entertainment to be given in the church parlors December 2, by Miss Emma Bristow, an elocutionist After the transaction of business refresh ments were served. The committee in charge was Mrs. A. B. Wllmot and Mrs. Bert Roake. Mrs. C. IX Latou rette and Miss Maude Warner wtll have charge of the refreshments for the meeting to be held on the first Monday evening of December. The members attending the meeting were Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. James Roake, Mrs. John McOetchle, "Mrs. Ralph McOetchle, Mra. John Lowry, Mrs. Bert Roake. Mrs. A- B. Wllmot, Mrs. E. Follensbee, Mrs. John Craw ford, Mra. C. D. Latourette. Mrs. Wil liam McLarty. Mlsa Clara Caufield, Miss Edna Caufield, Miss Muriel Ste vens, Miss Belle Mattley, Miss Maude Warner, Miss Jean White. WOMAN'S CLUB TO .The Woraan's1ub will hold an Im portant meeting tomorrow afternoon In tba parlora of the Commercial Club. Papers will be read on the history of Oregon from 1859 to. the present and the discussion which will follow will be led by Mrs. Roslna Fouts. Mrs. Dya win be one of tha speakers. . At tha meeting following the one tomor row "Federation" will be tha subject of discussion and following that sev eral meetings will be devoted to Ore gon products and resources. WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE. Alleging that he treated her cruelly and struck her several times Bltaabetb Groll, filed suit Tuesday for a divorce from" John Groll. They were married October. 10, 190S, In Hot 8prlngs, Ark. They have two children, George, four yeara od, and John, seven, years of a. II KOERNER DEAD FORMER RESIDENT OF OREGON CITY SUCCUMBS AFTER TWO MONTHS' ILLNESS. CSTY HALL HAG IS AT HALF MAST Mayor Appoints Council Committee To Draft Resolutions And Pays High Tribute To Dceaaed. Rudolph Koerner, a former, resident of Oregon Hy. who moved wlto his family to St. Johns about two and one half years ago, where he became su perintendent of the St Johna Woolen Mill, died Monday evening, after a two months' illness. Mr. Koerner waa for many years connected with the Oregon City Man ufacturing Company in this city, and was councilman for several years. He waa well known here, and his death came as a surprise to his friends. ' He is survived by his wife and tha fol lowing children: William, of Arizona; Andrew, of Portland; Mra, Myra Meyers, of Portland; Mra. Frank Test, of St Johns tvMlsa Bertha Koerner. Mr. Koerner was president of the city council for ona term and waa a member of the Fountain Hose Com pany for several yeara. Upon learning of Mr. Koerners death Mayor Brow nell had the flag In tha city hall plac ed at half mast "Mr. Koerner was one of the most valuable and useful citizens tha city haa ever had,' aald the mayor. "The state haa lost a valuable citizen. Mayor Brownell at the meeting of the council Tuesday night appointed Messrs. Andresen, Roake and Meyer a committee to draft resolutions on tha death of Mr. Koerner. BURGLAR CAPTURED SOON AFTER "Within lean than tea minutes after the Chinese tailoring establishment at Fourth and Main streets waa robbed Tuesday night Policemen Frost and Cook had the burglar under arrest The arrest waa made. In fact before the policemen knew the store had been robbed. The prisoner, who la a Filipino, waa captured tn a boxcar on the Southern Pacific railroad. His loot which consisted of a $13 pistol, two overcoats, two gold pins, two bolt of cloth, a rtna; and a box of cigars, was recovered. -- Pioneer's Daughter to Wed. ' Miss Ines Birtchet and Percy Ad ams, of Portland, will be married to day at Woodburn. Miss Birtchet is M daughter of George Birtchet a pio neer, and Mr. Adama formerly lived In Msxquam. They will live In Port land. Marriage licenses also were Issued Tuesday to Mary Jones and Lloyd Tocum, of Estacada, and Edna M. Seeley and H. F. Borckman. EX-COUNCIL! MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE that it is a sign b misfortune to put tip an umbrella or parasol in the house. Be this as it may, it is even a worse mis-r fortune to put up many of them out of doors, because they do not properly answer, the purpose for which theyare intended. Wa have an attractive stock of Umbrella which, will not only ' give' satisfaction from the standpoint of utility hut add an air of distinction and refinement to your appearance. You will realize how carefully our stock haa been selected as soon as you sa tha goods, and the prleee are no greater than those asked by othere for the ordinary. WE RECOVER UMBRELLAS. v Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers - . k Suspension Bridge Comer. Pn Wwr, 10 Ci.rra LIVE WIRES U FOR POSTOniCE CLUB ORGANIZATION TO ASSIST IN OBTAINING NEW FED- , ERAL BUILDING. ' MERCHANTS FAVCx STLX .COAT IX.t Only Obstacle Is Lack of Wharf Ac commodation Plan For Rural Route To Stafford la ' , Discussed. Urgent demand for a public building In Oregon City will be made by the Live Wlrea of tba Commercial Club and at tha next weoklv luncheon res olutions will be adopted reqneatlng tha Oregon delegation In Congress to put forth strenuous efforts to secure the passage of an appropriation bill that is now pending. The statement of Postmaster T. P. Randall at tba lunch eon Tuesday that Oregon City post office is a disgrace to the town waa greeted with cheers. The government haa not provided adequate space for the poatofflce, and has rented the space on both sides of tha entrance to the building, ona aide to a transfer company and the other to a real estate Arm. poetofflce Inspector E. C. Clem ents, who waa In the city Tuesday, is heartily in accord with Postmaster Randall In his efforts to secure an ap propriation for a suitable Federal building. Senator Chamberlain and Congressman Hawley have bills pend ing In tha Senate and House for a uvvciuuiou v e " w- Through the co-operation of tba Live Wires, tha Commercial Club and tha ousiness men or cue cuy luon good prospect of success. ' Tuesday's meeting of tba Live Wlrea was an unusually Interesting one.' Frank Bunch, chairman of the commit tee to which waa referred tha pro posal for an Independent steamer line, made a report and stated that Captain Hembree. owner of the steamer Leona, ... n ,Lla .11 I I w would do in uregon 1.117 uu wwca. Mr. Busch says that nearly every mer chant interviewed expressed a will ingness to support tha proposed line, but that the sticking point Is tha lack of wharf accommodatlona. This la a matter 'that haa long been thorn In the aide of Independent shippers and It is possible that by the con-' carted effort of the city council and the Commercial Club that tha city may yet have a public wharf. Tha way for this Institution wa opened last sum-, mer but negotiations between the. city and tha Oregon Engineering A Con struction company ieu enroaaa w cause of the unwillingness of the com pany to close a deal. ' ' H. C Nielsen, who may establish a creamery In thla city, waa a guest of the Live Wlrea at lunch. Tuesday and outlined his plans. Mr. Nielsen Is still looking over the territory In tha Im mediate vicinity of Oregon City and will probably make a definite an nouncement In a few days. The Live Wires are still working on tha project for the establishment of a rural route running nut of Oregon City and tapping tha Stafford country, which baa for several yeara been (Continued on page two.) w- : Mm Btlpp ana w. a. i