Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1911)
r- a MORNING ENTERPRISER TUESDAY, KOVKMHKK 7, 1011. ccariEG- etiterfuIse crooa cmr, oregoh I. E. BR0O4E, dt and PwMt S, tSlh at tha prat efflee at a at Oa, Sat Um AM W Man! TCHd W UBSCttPTIMk Om Year, by Mil .. . ... at Moniba. by Ml .. ft hmmr atoataa, be hII.. I.S J CCTFRACT ADVERTISING RATES r"wwl Pea, ear VMM fli at ktfwtiM...! Swea Pam, M aac aairHs..lSa f"i4 eoeiTtea. e"7 see, per a .1M ftw i aoetftnaj laf pee, (Mr e M PUM otlxr taaa fare nra iwUm'. m aaaar ethar aaa first aa. W bacata is. r Um; te Nnkr,MV. raata. Par Sale. T haat. eea, mm MdlttOMi. RalM tar UnrtkMt ss A WmU aajterprta. will ka tfc aaltjr. for ataiiaua if eat tar the weeatr. Wimt U, a B triMdiTM rra.a the daily t. wltfieat , ta, rasa wrta e aa aa m hrmrflla . asax le Mi m fcr'MtM SaaUIOBk M party la nkaon Uta twa pi Ma. Laca 4vertMag at Mal CVen advai ttetn aa a nral evsrttsta' at Ma la Ma aa M, aa ta a, rial to aula eJ BaaJkraM Baia" la Xe cw drat Ineartl; f m-4X with tatereat. ta ami wOl aa ia4? awwM. CITY OFFICIAL rlCWtTAMK. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE itiM Ml at th toIJowlcg store " vry day: Huntley ' Broe. Drugs , Mala Street - J. W. MeAlty Cigar . Bvnth and Mala. K. B. Anderson, Mats aaar Birth, M. E. Duna Coofectlooery V - Next door to P. O. City Drag Store Electric HotaL ' 8chonborn Confectionery ' Svnta and X Q. Aaaaaa. Nov. 7 In American History. ISO-Battl of Belmont. Mo, General TJ. 8. Grant's first Important o- gagement with Confederate. 18TS Tba Virginias massacre; SX baQ Img from the Tnlted Sutsa. atwt y the EpanlsB antboritlea at 8as Uato. t901-Adolf KratM. noUd sculptor, died; bora 185L ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. . ' (From soon today to aoon tomorrow.) Sua sets 4:46. rises 635: moon rise 020 p. aa.; S n, aa, planets Mareary paaalaf 2 decrees soatb of Joplter; S:43 a. ax. moon la conjonrtlon with Mars, passing- from west to east of the planet. S decree nortn tnervoC ANOTHER BOURNE PLAN. V Senator Bourne, of Oregon, ha a new plan for representation in Repub lican National Coorentloss that doe ' Boo them states. Mr. Bourn say the present plan Is on-American, unjust and misrepresents tire. Under Mr. Bourne's plan o baa the apportion ment of delegates npon the last Re publican ot and while his proposal aaaSaiaa afta, a( Europe Outstrips Us Only. In Roads and Farming As a Whole What Is Done Here Has a 0 Big Lead Phote by America Preae Association. W. C MOWN By THOMAS A. EDISON. famous Inventor I AM . PERFECTLY SATISFIED WITH WHAT WE DO AT HOME. ITS MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT THEY CAN DO IN EUROPE. But we don't know what good roads are. We are a RAW COUNTRY on tbe road btuioesa. PRANCE has the BEST road engineers in the world. Thing! are fairly prosperous in -Europe, espedaUj ;in GER MANY. But they're got nothing in tbe war of electrical contriv ancea that can EQUAL oars The j are using all American ma ebinery at present, but they're poshing ahead, with Germany in the lead. Tbey bav got tbe idea tetter now and are beianicj to I has something to commend It. aa I objection la seen In ta tncra of thirty -tare dotee among what la commoaty know la th New England stales. Main. Cooaacllcwt, Maasacb etta, Nw Hampsblro, Nw York. New Jersey, PnasylTanU. Rbod Island, Vermont and Delaware. .- Under ta present plan these state bar 31 delegatea'aad anWr th Bourn plan tbey would b gtra S21. Mr. Bourn arowd object In his proposal Is to to curtail bossii ta and slate-oaklng In th nomination of a Preidat,yt a heavy Increase la th number of delegate would com from th very state where slate- making la moat notorious, Whee th United State adopt th election of Prealdeat by popular rot, the th Bourn plan will be a beautiful thing. . POPULAR PROGRESS. In answer to many Inquiries aa th progress of th Popular Govern ment movement th National Progr It Republican Leaga ha compiled th following Information: Initiative and referendum amend ments have been adopted la South Dakota, Oregon. Oklahoma, Colorado, Nevada. Missouri. Montana, Arkan sas, Main and California, Initiative and referendum amend menu hav been endorsed by legis lature for submission to a vote th people la Washington. Wyoming. North I; ota. Nebraska, Florida, Idaho 4 Wisconsin. The Oregon plaa of popular elec tion of United States senators has bee'a adopted la Oregon. Nebraska, Nevada, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Kansas. California and Wisconsin. The states which hav adopted the Oregon plan fnr pooularTPte lorcan dldate for party nomination for President and vice-President, with th date on ' which th primary vote will be had, are: North Dakota...... March 1. Wisconsin April 2. Nebraska .April 17. Oregon April la, . "New Jersey May 28. LIVE WIRELETS (BY EDGAR BATES.) A a Eastern young man who never swore, kissed a girl, chewed or smok d tobacco, or ever had a drop of 11 qmor la hi lif baa been presented a gold watch as a reward. Th man la quit proud of his record and watch but If a were to realize what he Is missing he would not need a "watch' but a "watching.' a a a - That Seattle man Is aad because he cannot remember anything he has don for a number of years. Th rest of as are sad becaae w cannot fmt innu nt tha thlnya V hare done. In th last few years. a a a A certain safety raxor salesman struck tow a th other day. lie was exceedingly anxious to place his line In on of th local stores. He tried to torn a little trick which turned th wrong way. H approached a man and enlisted his assistance by hav Ing him go to th store and demand the particular raxor that th sales man represented. Th salesman ex plained - that th store didn't hav that particular hind of razor, but th purchaser was to hav the money in bis hand to make th seen a little more Impressive. Th assistant didn't happen to hav th $3 necessary ao the salesman promptly handed over the money and walked down the block to give th confederate a chance to go into th store on his errand. Just United Stales Is Far Ahead In Railroad System By WILLIAM C. BROWN, Railroad President e UROPE ECLIPSES AMERICA IN THE MATTER OF PRO DUCTION PER ACRE IN THE AGRICULTURAL FIELDS. BUT THE FOREIGN RAILROADS ARE NOT BY ANY MEANS UP TO THE STANDARD OF THOSE OF THE UNITED STATES. It seemed to me tbat tbe pri vately owned railroads were op erated and kept in better condition than those owned by .tbe govern ment. Fanners abroad raise TWICE AS MUCTJ as tbe American firmer. In England double tbe amount of produce is rsised on acres that bar been tilled a thou sand 7 ears as ' compared with American acres tbat bare been cul tivated only s few Tear. Chiirman Mack, Who Directs v Democrats In State and Nation Phote eepyrtsht by Americaa Press N" EVER until now tn th history msn at tbe same Urn been chairman of the natlooal and stste ruro mittee of his party. That distinction belongs to Nortnsn E. Mark, who hss Just been cboaea to bead th New Tork state Demorstic rommitt. He was already national 1904 Mr. Mack-bla old friends will baa shsved off bis Inxnrtsnt golden -owner of tbe Buffalo Time, la the proprietor of tbe National Monthly, devotnl to the Interests of Democracy, tbe comb Itellly seed at Mr. Mack's right tarr. Now that the frost la oe tbe Democrats are justified la looking forward to a campaign conducted on a blgb literary If not on a poetical plan. about that Urn th car cam along and th salesman, a block .away, turned around In time to see hla obliging assistant swing on board th car bound or th metropolis. " Did you fall? Now. w are cer tainly not going to .say a thing against those two young chaps who tell an Interesting story In a convincing way, but when it cornea to paving out a couple of dollars In advance, to a etrsaaee and only-geHlng a lit tin I , receipt well we are "not there." a a a A boarding-house woman burs a doien eggs for thirty five cents and eight out of th twelve are "all to th bad," so some of th boarders get no eggs for breakfast. Who has the biggest kick coming, th boarder or the landlady ? . . a a Portland want to fore the car company to sell eight tickets for twenty-five cents. That's fair enough If the company will accept five of these tickets for th far to Oregon City. a a While Seattle, a year ago. "recall ed" Mayor Gin, and California now fussing over th "recall of Judges' some people want to have th recall put into fore here. It is our "personal opinion" that Governor West's re call of Banker Morris would meet with popular approval. Morris I been enjoying liberty for three weeks and that seems long enough for th examination of those bank books. Really we are afraid that If Morris stays at tbat fashionable hotel much longer, the accommodations awaiting his return to Salem will not quit suit bis aesthetic tastes. a a a Th weather man usually has a bard time suiting everybody, but the only person we hav heard objecting to this welcome rain Is th man who just bought an automobile and baan't had a chance to take a spin out on the Pacific Highway. a a a Tbls "personal opinion" business Is all right, but .don't object to any thing or policy unless you hav a better thing In mind or a better policy in view. The Meet Extensive Lsngusgs. Tbe Chinese Is prnhsblr the lan guage that Is spoken by the grentent number of human belnga between 400.000.000 to rwsMton.OnO. The Eng lish cornea net with some t7.-i.nno.)0 to 200.000.000 of patrons: then tbe Bosslan. vrttn pretty nearly 000. French snd tJermnn sre nip and tuck, each being spoken by from 10. 000.000 to of people at home and In the colonial possessions. The cbsncea sre tbat English la destined t become the greateat of all lan guage. It Is sdvancltig more rapidly tbsn sny other, and It may yet be th language of tbe entire civilized world. -Exrbsnr White Queen Flour This Is Th Best Flour Obtain, able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of Coal Now. Hay, Orsln, Feed and Kcrrsct Poultry Food. .. Oregon . Commission Co. ItTH AND MAIN STS. Oroeen aty. J . . if-.; , Aaaoclatlon. If IL of. American politic, has tbe ssute chairman, baring held tbat oltVe alii-e recogulx him In this picture, though ua mostacbe beeida being tbe editor and managing editor of which. Jsme Whit Is also tbe rhslrntan's polltk-al setre- ponkln." therefor. Nw York stste J Wants, For Sale, Etc wtt aa laaanad M aa eaal a aar laearttuai. bait Ml 4ittaual ttana. one latch ear. It ear bmU laca ear, i iibmi s par saoat. Caah aiast aaaaakeaar rr anlaaa ana aa aa pa snaain with Ua aaear. N. riaaaatai raseaaialBlBUr far errara. waar errars acewr frwe aaian aatiae will a srwtta far saliaa. aftauaaaa eharee laa WANTED. ' WANTED Tourists and local people to see my collection of arrow-hesOs coin, Indian trtnkela, lid stymjj and curio of ii! sorts. Will bu . or sell In this tiu Have some good bargaioa In sevund-nend furniture . ana tools. Ooorgo Young, Mali: t.i.. Fifth. WANTED Position as clerk In store by lady of experience.' Telephone 2531. WANTED Boys and girls. Here Is your chance youngsters to mak your Christmas money easy. Th Morning Enter prise will pay you a big com mission for biinlgng In trial subscriptions. If you want to know more about It call or . writ to the, Circulation Man ager of the Morning Enter prise, Oregon City, and learn all about what you will hav to do. The more you tura In th more you will mak and you can mak a lot If you bust I. FOR SALE. FOB SALE Launch, 23 feet long, capacity 14 passengers.. First claas. Inquire Dr. Stuart, city. CONCORD grapes, 3 cents a pound. Bring your basket. H. O. Stark weather, Rlsley 8ttlou. FOK SALE House, two lots on cor ner, bouse recently built, two rooms, brick flue, other Improve ments, near Winkle's stors. Oppo site Oregon City. Prlc $460.00 Harvey Buck, Oregon City. FOR SALE Six-room bouse and two lota on Washington street; $1400 cash. Call C12 Fourth street Phone Main 2403. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 300-acr farm, 76 acres In cultivation, good house, barn and outbuildings; two wells and sev eral springs, good wster, land roll ing and drains well. W. E. Jones, Beaver Creek. FARM LOANS. PAJtM" WAN"mrcaT Lawyers, Oregon City, Or, DTmicK, ATTORNEYS. O. D. BBT, AKoraey-at-Law. Menee leased, abauaoU firalskee, UaW titles examine a. astau ttld. awav oral law bwalaoaa Over Saaa af City. TRJCN A SCHTJwbbTU At4arerS4 kw, uawssoaMT aaeokat. wilt aj-ao- u sosaa. Msollnsai Oenaoa Ottr, sutLDaiR AW0 cts) acrsiiir HUT JOWam Baaldsr aad Oorwi Ue INSURANCE, t . H COOP'". Foe nr d Real Bstate. PHYSICIANS.' DR. LICNA R MOnOKS, Osteopath, of Portland, IU b In Orerut City Mondays, Wednesdsya and rtltlays of each week, at corner of Hlxtb and Washington Streeta I'boa Main 1411. CLEANING AND PRESSING. ' " CHICAGO TAlLORrt sulU msde to order from 110 and up, W also do cleaning, preaalna and repairing. Three door south of postoffc. MUSICIANS. . AIJIA 8AGER. teat her of ln.l and string Instruments, director of band and orchestra. Will furnish music for any occasion. Call at Klectrtt Hotel . . . . For the Children Veung Grebes Riding e'n Their Met bee's Bask. Tb grebe, which spends most of It Uf upon tb water, la a brownish bird somewhat smaller than a duck.' Ita legs sr set so far bark npon tbe body that It walks or runs with dlUVulty, bnt Pa pern liar feet are good paddle, and Its thlfk feathers shed tbe wstrr perfectly. It swims among tbe rushes or In th open water of lake and pond from morning till nlgbL sorsu. bllng out upon dry land only at rare Intervals and never taking flight el rept when U la mlgTSttnr. for tta wings are short and Its body la heavy. Tb young grebe are the quaintest tittle creature Imaginable. Tbey are covered with fin black down, with broad whit stripe running length wise of tbe bod rr Within a few hours after being batched they enter tbe wa ter and at once begin to swim. When frightened tbey get on tbe grebe's broad back, and a he. csrrylng them, swims rapidly away to a place of safe ty .-Kt. Nichols The -Heand and Rsbblt." Tbe "bound and rabbit" allows from ten to sixty player and can b played tn th schoolroom. Th young plsy ui aa ass sis row ptupsvti ws wry, el m eeebaae. Om hBnasrsvtse stand 1 group of lunwUhlJjelrlMJ Klrcbem. Uian nanas on earn otners ahouiiiers. each group making a small circle, which represents a hollow tree. A rabbit la ststloned In each free, snd there Is Just one more rabbit than Ibere are trees, with on player as tbe boond. Tb Idea la for tb bound lo chase the rab bit, only one rabbit being allowed tn If Every Storekeeper Only Knew The Saving he could effect ttx his light bill by using Masda lamps he would never have an Inferior ilfami nant in his store at any price. lie Would Prefer Electric Light as a matter of economy, to say nothing about the brilliant white light of the MAZDA lamps, unrivaled for show window illumination. If you would like to know more about the service these la mprare giving others, ask us. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT C & POWER CO. MAiNorncc7mina Afdcr srrccti i. r Wage snnet beeems empleysr until they hsv saved neunh Mpltal t mak a tsrl. A ssvlng assvnt at this hank will net nly prwvld sssltsl, bw will glv a training In flnant wMsh will prey a vslwsbl business bale. ..-, The Bank of Orecon City OLDKST BANK IW THK COUlfTT tx UATOURaTTTB Pfialiiat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL enkttf Bsslwsss. TrawsasSa I say i "It; "WW184JHI Qladotono Lumbar Company 1 BUNGALOW MATERIAL OP ALL, KINDS, 'j Lumber, lath, shingle, fence-posts and ooors. mouldings, sask sa all hinds of Inside tsh. Prices rlgbL lumber guaranteed and eraapt delivery. (YARDS AT Phn Main iSI. each tree at a Utue. As soon aa lit rabbit rbaaed by the bound run Into a tree the rabbit already there must run for another shelter. ,Vben tb bound caU bes a rabbit lb two change plscee, tb rabbit caught then becom ing the bound snd coutlnulng tb play. Th hound may enter aa empty tree, and tb rabbit left without shelter be comes lit bound .Tiny Bird's Lena Jeeeney. Some of tbe leogeai Journeys are msde by ibe iinleat Urda Tbe bam ming Mnts go from tbe middle stale to Mexico snd even Koulli America snd back every year . Blarkburalaa wsrbler were still common at th svjustor la Colom hts on April ST. 101 1, though they srrW la New Tork by tbe l.b of Mf. snd most of IbSm breed still fanber aorrh. " Hotel Arrivals. The follow la e-reglalerd.aLlhe Electric Hotel: (1 C. Skinner and wife. Indepen dene; William Hall and wife.. In, dependence; W. V heeler. Lloyd Riches. Portland; Miss Ethel Sundry, II. U Illrkmsn. MrMlnnvllle; M. C. 8 prague. Steven Sager. C. R. Terrill, city; y. A. Nelson, city; a Bulllvsn. T. C. Collins. Tim Morrta. Yamhill; Prita Prank. Heattle; J. F. I low man. Dock Smith. II. RadcUffe and wife. Mr. and Mr, r. fllbbs. New York; W. J. Seely and wife. J. P. Ilowman. P. A. Nelson, city; L llelmaday, Port land: I M. Phillips, Portland; Pred Prank. J. Y. Harless. MoUlla; J. K. Hsger. Nick Tenny, C, DoutheL E. H Hoffman. B. W. Poater, Portland; . A. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE Editor Morning Enterprla. Dear Sir: Word has been brought to me that my bulletin announcement of the Sunday evening sermon of October t entitled. "A Governor Oo- Earners r. I. MBTBB, Csaaia, Ooei frees I A, M. t e a, PARK PLACE). Fa'msr, m. alderable anfavorable commsnt ea th supposition that lh govsrser referred la was tloveraor West t . wish to say that the aanouaresjeat was .mad before I knew uf Governor West being ta our city on Bstsrssy aad Ihst th sermon dealt with tat ancient Pelli, a Governor of Judas and that la my serawMi no referene mad to our excellent Governor Wast for which I hav nothing but wores of Sralae and aa a man and stank live. The-.laillatln antitw,mrnt tb earn day of tloveraor Weal visit was a mere unpremedlated Incidence. Sincerely, a A HAYWORTIL Ihutor First Baptist Cbonh MR. STAATS MARRICS COUPLE. Th IUV.4. a -Hlaals oBlcUtei Monday at th marriage of Kiss Worthlugtoa aad Jam P. EanotL A license waa Issued to Utti rti doricl sad Kmll NudiirfL BIO BALL THURSDAY NI0MT. The MrMlnnvllle TtUphon Had tar. bsd-th following to say of lloe ber'a concert, which will conduct s ball at thiscn's Hair Thursday eve ning : "W are pleased to announce last lh HoeberV l-adlee' Concert Oitaee ir will return to our city la lbs sear futur. Th srtlsts of this wooserfsl orgsnlsatloo sre of rare ability sal render a class of music far above the average- "It I very seldom that seek versal sallsfsctlon is give to ss Ura aa assembly as Oiled Caapkeirs ii. ti laat Ttiuradav evening. -Tarrs Sre hff ltars and ne lafarbK1 sistlben All ar sololats The mosw saa a charm that reaches the soul of every. one. . "Each on of th orchestra 1st ea because of her artistic value ss tb program aa a wnol. Tbe sew and popular airs make yo saat whether yoa will or not" 1 ' se. Ken. raa - c