Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1911)
I WEATHER INDICATIONS. I Oregon City ralr Munday; I aorthweoterly winds, a Oregon fair Sunday; north- westerly winds. EMT Tho dally m mipn fc twee Portland and Sales 1 elres latee In every soetloa of Claaka- ma County, wth a aopti fattest at 4 90.000. Arc you an advertiser e WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED J 3G0 VOL IT No. 109. OREGON CITY, OH BOON, HNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1911. Po Wui, 10 Cum TURKS PLANNING REVOKE ON FOE ITALIAN IN TRIPOLI LOSINQ OROUND AND EUROPE I HORRIFIED. EMINS AND Ap IK GREAT WAR Cholera Rsgss Among Troop And CMHane And Streets Ara Closed .-Soldiers Refuse to Bury Bodies of laln. U)Nt)ON. Nov. 4. IMspatcbea from Malta aay that It la reported that the Turk and Araba have attacked and reentered Tripoli. Inflicting lemend out loss upon tho Itallana, who fur seral daye bve boon confined to (ho Inner rortlflratlona, weakened and die aeartrned by dlaoaao and (bo fearful stanch arising from thousands of un burUd eropaoa. It la roportod by wlreleee direct Triuull that lha throalonod at tc W tho Turk and Arab! on that plara la Hkoiy ur occur ai any n ..1.1 mill that tho ltallnna.v who bold aaly tho In nor forta, within tho city liMlf. no longer aro connaem or mo at an attack by tholr fowl, who are In poaaoaalon of I bo outer clrclo of fortroaaoa. Kuroo ahuddora at tho thought of .h.t mar occur at Tripoli If tho Turki ahould reconquer tbo city and commit upon tho Italians ino air rites which Ibo lullana aro proved to kave committed upon tbo Turka and -Arabs. Tbo earlier reports of tho cruel lift of tho Itallana toward tholr North African fooa aro confirmed today by ih arrival haro and at Merlin. Parle. Vlonna and Frankfort of additional unrenaored dolayod dlapatchoa from English. German and Kronen oorree pundonta at tbo front. A holy war haa boon eurceasfully proclaimed. liedoulns from Egypt and Araba from Soudan aro joining tho Ttlpolltana. Only an advance guard of I. &00 Araba la attacking tbo lul lana. despite tbo atatomouta in ino Italian natters that tho enemy's loaaaa run Into tbo thousands. The Itallana aro cutting all tha treee In tha oaala ao aa not to afford ahel ir in tha anomr. Tbua tbo Invadara ara rrdurlng tbo acanty oaala to a dea- (Contlnuod on pago S.) CAR CRASHES INTO BUGGY; FiOONE HURT Tha lntirarban car. which arrived kerf from Portland laat midnight crashed Into a buggy, which contained a man. at Seventeenth and Main alreetn. Tho motorman atopped tho ear almoat Immediately, and, although tha orcuoanLof tha htiaav waa thrown out of tho vehicle, bo waa not hurt. He refused to alve hla name.- Tho car from Portland arrlvod at 8ever teenth atreot Juat aa tho Ingoing car reached tha alrilna. and tha baadllght of the latter car blinded for an In stant tho man In charge or tbo one that crashed Into tho buggy. Tbo hor-s. attached to tbo buggy, broke loose and ran a ahort dlatanco. Brim Mc Your Watch. Clock and Jewelry repair work and mi will get tho roaulta that tbo moat killed workmanship and beat ma terial can produco. v My Way of Doing Bosiness If I repair your watch or clock It will run and keep first-clssa tlmo or It won't coat you a cont. W. Leonard Runyan Matonlo Building Entrance. Tal. A-70. - Main 27. ...Best by ' Test.. Don't fail to see oar splendid display of the Celebrated Clothcrsit nits and overcoat at $15. Other for more btrt thojeareleadefi. Price Brothers KXCLUSIVI CLOTHIER Not Like Others. 6th and Main ts. TOOZE HADE HEAD OF SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK F. J. Tooxe waa elected president of lha Clarkamaa County Sunday School Aaav-lallon at tho final aeaalon of tbo convention which waa convened In Oak Grove Friday. M re. W. A. Wright, who baa been aocretary-treaauror for several yeara, waa elected vlce-preal- dent and O W. Doling waa olected aecrelary-ireaauror. Addroaaea were made Saturday by O. W. Boring on "Soma Rural Problema and How to Solve Tbem"; Mlaa Amy PurcelL "(iraded Work"; Mr a. O. R. rratello. "No Such Thing aa a bad Child.- and ftev. Henry Spelaa. "The Quiet Hour." There waa a largo attendance at all the aeaalona of tho aaaoclatlon, and almoat every church In tho county waa reprvaented. HAYWORTH TO PREACH ON CONVERTING MEN The Rev. S. A. Hayworth, paator of tho Flrat Ilaptlat church will preach tho aecond of a aerloa of aermona thla evening on tho general aubloct of "Why moro men aro not Chrlatlana." The aermona aro being delivered un der tho auaplcea of tho Raraca Young Men'a Illble Claaa and Tho Como and See Illblo Claaa. "A King In name, but a puppet In fact" U tho aubject of the aermon which Mr. Hay worth will preach thla evening. Tho aerlea of aermona la along tho llnee of the re llgloua movement that la now aweep lug arroaa tho country. Mr. Hay worth a aubject next Sunday evening will bo "Tho Pharoah or Today, of Ihe Tyranny of Rum." . ThrM Couplaa Oat Llcanaaa. Marrlaea llcenaea were laaued Sat urday to Etta iternard and W. U Dog- gett: Roue M. Latieil ana Charioa a. Coatea and Blanch Cunningham and Arthur Tom Union. T O MO R ROW 1F(B)VJL PILAU by Charles Reade In three reels; 3000 feet of film A silent drama treat. Something too good to be missed THE GRAND 0 IMPORTANT NOTICE Owing to the fact that one ol the Grand's patrons was bitten by a dog while attending the show Saturday, and to guard against any further trouble from that source, no dogs will be allowed in the Grand hereafter, i ' - TROUBLE IN THE EUROPEANBARNYARD. BANKER EVARS IS CALLED VILLIAN CASHIER OF INSTITUTION OOC TO JAIL IN DEFAULT OF $15,000 BONO. TWO OTHER OFFICERS ARE ACCUSED Dlatrlot Attorney Aak To Tall Whether Any Wltneaaea For ' Stata Havo Been Aaaur od .Immunity. CORVALUS, Or., Nov. 4.-Refua-Ing to make any defenao and do nouncetfljrWTHrMcFadden, of coun ael for tho auto, aa a"dealgnlng vll llan whoae operations aeethod with onrruptlon," Jamea Evara, cashier of tho auapended Flrat State Bank of Philomath, waa today held by Justice Lane to tho grand Jury for two alleged vlolatlona of tho atato banking law. In default of ball aggregating $15, 0(10 on tho two chargea Evara waa re manded to Jail pending the conven ing of tho rgand Jury November 24. In tho preliminary examination of Evara, W. H. Fowler, of Portland, ibo with Charlea H. Gloa, of thla city, ap peared for the bank cashier, made a formal demand on Justice Lane that warranta of arrest bo Issued for A. J. Williams and 8. T. Wyatt, president and director, respectively, of tho em barraaaed bank, alleging that these of flcera were equally guilty with Evara for the suspension of the bank. Attorney Fowler also Insisted that the District Attorneys office bo re quired to announce whether or not wltneaaea for the- atato, particularly R. O. Arpko, assistant cashier of tho bank, had been assured Immunity from prosecution In return for their testi mony for the prosecution. VlFErSUIIiCSAYS-UEEVASTHREATENED Alleging that he threatened to kill her with a raaor, Mary J. 8 teen Sat urday filed ault for divorce from Wil liam John Steen. They wero married in Ydungatowv. Ohio, July S, 1907. Tho plaintiff chargea that her hue band cam borne In an Intoxicated con dition May B, 1110, abuaed ber and hunted for hla razor . with which he aald ho would klU ber. She further allegea that he knocked her down September I, 1111, and again threaten ed her life. She aaka to bo restored to ber maiden namo, Mary J. Oormley. PAMi BITTEN, GRAND -THEATRE BARS DOGS After one of hla patrona bad been bitten by a Shepherd dog Saturday afternoon, Charlea Scbram, proprietor of tbo Orand Theatre, announced that doga would not bo allowed in tho playhouao In future. The victim, Charlea E. Grew, waa bitten In tbo calf of hla left leg.' Ho kicked tho dog with his right foot and the animal escaped out the front door. Mr. Grew waa not badly injured, but ho com plained to air. Schramm. AH offorta to learn who had brought tho dog Into tbo theatre were unavailing. "L havo Intended for sometime to bar doga from tbo theatre,' aald Mr. Scbram Saturday night, "but aeveral of my patrona persist In bringing their peta with them, and I havo hesitated about enforcing tho rule. The exper ience of today, however, Ja sufficient and persons who Insist upon their dogs entering tbo houaw with tbem, will bo denied admittance." Justice Marrlea Couple. Richard Hyland and .Elsie Wllhelm were married Friday evening by Jus tice of tho Peaco Samson. PlUim BEATS HARVARD, 8 TO 6 rKLCVCN EVENLY MATCHED AND GAME IB HARD-FOUGHT THROUGHOUT. UP SEE EOT CONST OF M Orange and Black Make Stubborn ' Fight and Look Like Victors at Start , luck i Bl, rutr V" J PRINCETON, N. i- Nov. 4 (8po ial). Princeton's gridiron warriors defeated tho Harvard eleven here this afternoon by a score of S to f. Thirty tbouaand clamorous rooters gathered to cheer on. tho Princeton and Harvard gridiron gladiators In tholr flrat clash on a football Held in fifteen years. . Jbe flrat Quarter opened with much kicking, tho ball soe-sawing from ono sldto theother-on tho- frequent punta. Tho ball was seldom lost on downs. Princeton had tho better of these exchanges, tho ball coming dangerous ly near Harrard'a 10-yard Una on sev eral occasions, but each tlmo tho Crimson punted out or danger. Two attempted fake kick plays by Prince ton were neatly broken np by Harvard without gains for tho Tigers, and tho period ended with tbo tables reversed. tbo ball being on Princeton's, 25 yard line In possession of tho Orange and Black athletes. .. . : Princeton started tbo second period with snappy, aggreaalva rushes, which bored holes in tbo Harvard lino apd brought tho ball half tho length of the field to within 27 yards of tho Harvard goal. Hero Christie attempt ed a drop kick but Wendell broke through tho Tiger lino and blocked tbo kick, extricating hla team matea from a critical position. Wendell then carried tho ball in a brilliant, run to Princeton's 22 yard line, where Mulholland failed to kick a Held goal for tbo Crimson. Tho ball seo-eawed. Princeton kicking ont of danger when Harvard rushed the ball to their 14 yards line. In another spectacular run Wendell brought the pig-akin back to tbo Tiger 17 yard line. Harvard railed to score, Prince ton recovering tbo ball. Their possession of tho ball waa short lived, however, and soon the In domitable Wendell was tearing holes In the orange line, or plunging around end -for substantial .gaina, bringing the ball to within ten yards of the Princeton goal. Here with the Crlm aon rooters yelling like mad tho Ti gers fighting desperately on tho de ensive and an apparently sure score for Harvard In sight, disaster follow ed sn attempt on tho part of Hollis ter to kick a field goaL White or Princeton crashed through an opening In tho line, rushed Into the ball aa it left the ground, scooped it np as It bounded along before ilm at tho 25 yard line, and with a clear field ahead, sped on to tbo distant Har vard goal, 80 yards away, for a touch down within the laat minute or play. Before the joyous . yells of tho Princeton rooters died sway Pendle ton had kicked tbo goal and tho per iod ended: Princeton, 6; Harvard, 0. The second half opened with the ball again see-sawing In the middle or the field until Anally Dewltt, the Ti ger fullback, made a punt, kicking the ball to the Crimson goal lino. The ball went over but Princeton's claim that a Harvard player had pushed it over was allowed, and Princeton was awarded safety. Score, Princeton. 8; Harvard. 0. The ball was put In play on Har vard's 25 yard lino and Wendell, tho faat forward halfback, made another sensational rush, carrying the ball to the 50 yard line In Princeton's terri tory. Hero Prlncton recovered and Dewltt punted. Huntington kicked back and Baker caught the ball within seven yards of the Tiger goaL Here Dewltt was called upon to punt the ball out or danger but tbo Crimson players wore not to be de nied snd neatly executed forward pass, demoralising tho compact Prince ton defenao and Huntington plunged through a scattered field for what looked like a touchdown, but he was downei on tho 14 yard line. Hero the Tiger lino, held like a wall and after fierce scrimmaging. In which LJtarvard waa unable to find a loophole. tho ball passed to Princeton on her 5-yard line. Dewltt again came to the rescue with ono of his long punts and tho period, ended with .the ball In Harvard'a possession on Princeton's 45 yard lino. In tbo fourth period the Harvard eleven carried the ball far down Into the enemy's territory, bnt tho Tigers recovered as usual at the critical mo ment and punted to the 30 yard line. Then Harvard called lier forward past, which had ao bewildered tho Ti gers before. Into play with tho reault that the ball waa carried to Prince ton's two-yard line. Here Wendell, whoso work In tho Harvard back field was the feature of tho game, waa pushed over tho goal for a touchdown. Morrison goaled. ELOPING COUPLE TAKEN HOME. A boy, Seventeen yesrs of age, and a girl, sixteen years of sgo, of Forrest Qrovn, wero detained hero Saturday by Policeman Green until the arrival of a deputy sheriff from their homo town, who took them borne. They left homo several days aog and went to Canby where the boy obtained work. They came here Saturday and Police man Green held thera until tho arrival of the deputy aheriff. Tbo girl's broth er accompanied tho deputy to this city...., . .... DlilYER STOPS HORSE AFTER THRILLING RIDE A runaway occurred on Seventh street Saturday morning, but no ono was injured Two men from Port land representing tho Singer Sowing Machine Company wero riding In a wagon, near Jackson atreot. when ono of tbo bolts of a ahaft became loosen ed and tbo abaft falling, frightened the horse, but tho men remained in tbo vehicle, and the horse after running several blocks was stopped. No dam ago was done. Tho driver skil fully guided tho frenzied horse and prevented a collision. But for tho preaenco of mind of tho men In tho wagon. tho result might have boon serious. LISZT PROGRAM GUI BY DERTIIICK CLUB Tho Derthlck Club met Friday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. W. S. U'Ren, with Mrs. John F. Clark and Mrs. URn aa hostesses. A very enjoyable ZJaxt program was given. A paper on Liszt waa road by Mrs. CH. Mel sa ner, and there wero readings by Mrs. E. T. Avlson and Mrs. 8. O. DtUman. Mrs. U'Ren gavo two orchestral selec tions. Tbo next meeting; will be' at tho borne of Mrs. J. W. Moffatt, when Mrs. U U Porter and Mrs. Moffatt will bo tho hostesses. ' - Present wero Mrs. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. a E. Csufleld, Mm. J. T. Clark. Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. Ross Cbarman, Mrs. Leon DesLarzes. Mrs. 8. O. Dill man. Mrs. W. A. Dimlck, Mrs. R- C Ganong, Mrs. G. A. Harding, Mrs. Anna Hayes, Mrs. G. U Hedges. Mrs. J. E. Hedges, Mrs. Carl Joehnke, Mrs. It. D. Latouretto, Mrs. J. W. Loder, Mrs. C. H. Meissner, Mrs. C O- Miller, Mrs. J. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Theodora Os mond. Mr. L. L. Porter, Mrs. H. E. Straight. Mrs. C O. 'T. Williams, Mrs. W. S. U'Ren. Miss Edna Cauneld, Mlaa Muriel Stevens and Miss Marjory Cau neld. - TODAY The Scnoritas Con quest A Western, chock full or pas sionate love. - The Grand a. ' Every Man, Woman and Child Should Wear Their Birth1 stone Ring No matter what month you wer born In, wo ara prepared to show you the Blrthstono for that particular month. Wo show ysrloua styles of Rings, In alt tha different Blrthatoneo. Tha rings we show hsva the Maker's name of "W-W-W" on tho Inside. Thla Is the only ring In all the world that Is accompanied 'with a written guarantee' of aatlsf action.' This guarantor ststes that If tha stones come out tho ' Maker replaces 1 them ABSO LUTELY FREE. ' j ' - , . - , Bslow you will find tho various Blrthstones for tha different months. Kindly mark yours snd coma (to our store and ask to sea It. ; . . January Garnet February -Ametbyst . March Bloodstone April Diamond May Emerald June Agate or Peart SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Burmeister & flndrcscn Oregon City Jewelers . Suspension oral flffois FOR MflmiY CHAIRMAN OF FINANCE COMMIT TEC PREVAILED UPON TO MAKE RACE. 4 , l.tSra BY p VOTED , r Friends Declare That President of Council Will Havo No Oat - r " position Haa Served City Six Yaars, Wlll!am Andre sen, president of tbo city council, who has boon urged for several weeks to make tho race for the mayoralty, Saturday afternoon an nounced his candidacy for tho office. Ho la tho first man to offer for tho office, aad his friends aro of opinion that ho win havo no opposition. , Mr. Andreses has rendered valua ble service to tho city as chairman of tho finance committee of tho coun- a-ll wA La. warMnt wit), all fit affairs. Moro than 400 voters signed tbo petition to havo him make tho race. Ho has been member of tbo council alx years and recently ' an nounced that bo would not bo a can didate for re-election. His letter to the citizens ot tho city announcing bis candidacy for mayor follows: "Feeling It my duty to extend my appreciation to tbo citizens, wbo havo so numeiously signed tho petition ask Ing that my namo bo placed on tbo ballot for mayor, at the city election to bo held Monday. December 4, 111, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks for tho high esteem in which my ser vices aa chairman of tbo finance com mittee aro bold. -.-- i ' "After careful consideration, I re spectfully accept tbo nomination, and, if elected, my aim shall bo to exe cute all city affairs Impartially and as faithfully and conscientiously aa my ability will allow." , . M'LOUGHJJN BEATS BARCLAY. Tbo McLaughlin Institute baseball team played tho Barclay school team at Canemab Park, Friday afternoon, and thw score was 2 to 2 in favor of McLoughlln. Frank Bruce, of tbo Me Loughlin team, struck out fourteen members of tho Barclay team, Mar shall Vatchor. pitcher for Barclay, struck out eight of tbo McLougblln players. . HATTHFWQ DFIFAWT. rim iiiliiu ii.-uj.uu OIIOVIIRECOKCE Justice of tbo Peace Samson Satur-' I day released Frank Matthews, accused of threatening to kill Airrea Manioc and Arthur Harnock. on hla own rec ognizance. Tbo alleged threat is said to have been made at Macksburg. Oct ober 2. Matthews denies thst ho is guilty. He was arrested by Constable Brown. The alleged threat Is said to have been' the result of a quarrel over a division fence. July Ruby or Cornelian ' August Sardonyx September Sapphire October OvJl November Topas December Turquoise Drt5t Ccrrtt