Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1911)
n o m WiATHtK INDICATION. Oregon City Occasional rain Tueaday: southerly wind. ' - OregonFair Mt portion Tues- i dayi southerly wind. i -; ' The ntf dally iavr ' y ImU In vry iiiHiii at C mas Ceuatfy, wrtt HM1"?" 0. 000. Ar yv an VS vol,. ir-No. no. FREE ASSAILANT OF Vi AMOU NtOAO EDUCATOR rAfL TO PROVE CASK AQAINaT WHITE MAN. DEfQiDANI HELD AS WIFE DESERTER Matron Dclrs Mad of Southern "Celleg Greeted Har With 'Halle, waathrt" Ona Judge Dlaaanta. NEW. YORK Nor. . Hooker T. Washington, I ha noted negro aduoa lor. failed to obtain esilafacllon at lw today for th beating which ha received at Ilia hand of If tirjr A. I'lrWh, a whit man, Sunday vnlng, March 1. L'lrUh was acquitted In il Court of special Baalons Uila af ternoon, of Ibn Charge of assault hub Dr. Wa.hlngton bad preferred against him. After tha fisat which started In th veatlbul of an apartment house wher l!lrirh llvad. at 11-11 Kaat Hikty-tblrd atieet Dr. Washington waa laid up at tha hospital for several dya with hla rlr.hl aar lrn, bla scalp rut and bla fao badly brulaed. I'trlrh teaUfld be found Waahlng tun peaking into Iba aybol of bla apartment and alao tha ona oppoalta, and that Waahlngton struck tha firat I, ..w. Mr, Laura Alvarai. with whom TlrU h boarded. swor that hrrt ah passed Dr. Waahlngton ba aid to bar, "Hello, sweetheart." Washington's story on tha atand today waa tha aama explanation ha offered at tha tiro of altercation. Ha mora that ha waa not peaking Into any keyholes, that ba wm only search lug tha tenanla' directory In an ef for to find a family with whom he underatood a friend waa ataylog and diiiled poaltlvely thai ba bad spoken to Mr. Alrarei or any other woman. Tha acquittal of I'lrich waa not uuanlmoua. Juatlr OKeef dissent ing from tha opinion of Justlcea After I'lrich left tha court bo ' waa nrr.xted again charged with being a fugitive from Nw Jeraey, whero an Indictment baa been found rharglug hi m with deaerting bla wlfo. 500 ITALIANS" ARE SLAIN IN BATTLE l'ONUTANTINOPIE. Nov; 6 Flv huixlred Itatlana were alaln and tha rr-tnuliider of tha Italian fore waa taken ' prisoner today In a terrific buttle with the Ottoman troopa, c curding Ui dispatches which have I ii ten received hero. Tim official announcement alao dentin- that the Ottoman troopa have orrupled Derna following the engage ment In which the Itallana met with their overwhelming defeat. It Ima been believed that Derna, Toliruk and Renwnsl were securely hclil y the Itallana, who could not be dislodged by the Mosloma. Put according to th dispatches of tb Monem officers, ao fierce waa the at tiick of the Turka and their alllea that the Itulinn were awept off their feet ami the rout mado comploto after a abort fray. Eighteen guns wer taken by th Moslems. RODCERS TO BE EIELD HEAD OF PORTLAND PORTLAND, Nov. C (Special.) Wlllinm K. Ilodegra, aecond laman of the Portland Heavera, will be enp Inlti of tha IBIS Coast Lengu club, prcMliled over by Walter McCredlo. MunaKer Mc.Crodle made the an nouncement today and further corro borated reporta that Tommy Sheehan, who captained th champlona from the third atatlon laat aeaaon, would not again appear with Portland. " I don't know what will become of Khochan," aald Manager Credle. tommy belong to umoi;u, which, club h Jumped a reaerva con tract thro or four yeara ago. I tried to buy blm laat aprlng but Kbbetta rj fimed to aell. Rodgera, I think, will riifi inn 1 em in in iva. Bring Mc Your Watch flock and Jewelry repair work and you will get th reaulta that th moat killed workmanahlp and beat ma terial can nroduo.' . My Way o! Doing Baslness If I repair your watch or clock It U1 run and keep firat-claaa tlm or t won't coat you a cent. W. Leonard Runyan ' Maaonlo Bulldlno Kntranc. Tal. A-70. ' M,,n U1' ASHINGTON '1 PRISON I f. I I UTTCC BIT! "Oregon City Publicity- will be tb name of a paper to be publlahed aeml monthly by th Commercial Club. The Drat laxue will be December 6. The object or Ihe paper will be the ad vertlacment of th reaourrea of the county. The Publicity Committee at a inccMnr Mondav afternoon author ised Iho atartlng of the Journal. Mar- aliall lntelle will be the editor and membera of th club will have charge of varloua dvpnrtmenta. It la planned to laaue th paper oil the fifth and twentieth of each month. It will be four pagea. aeven columnea. RETURNED TO PRISON PORTLAND. Nov. 6. (Speclnl.) W. riMitier Morris returned to Salem thla morning to re-enter th peniten tiary after three weeka apent In Port lund In lnaectlng th book of th Oregon Truat A gavlnga Dunk, of which ha waa once cashier, lie waa aelitenced to alx yeara' ImprUonment for embrr.lement of fund irom tne bank, and waa recently called to Port i.mi to naalat the dlatrlct attorney'a office In preparing the evidence for Ihe irlul or Umia j. wncie on Janu ary 2. Dlatrlct Attorney Cameron thla 1.. (hut Morrlrf haa dona fine work in acanning m uikrb. i ii. i nni iiMnirml tn disclose what has been found, ha aya, but Intimated that the examination by tne tormer runnier hna revenled new tranHaotlons for the entanglomont of WIMo. H saya a mass of papers hits been gone over and Morris has thrown light up. on them that will be exceedingly val uable to th state In the trial of Wilde. ... Morris and Wilde are Jointly Indict ted on the charge of embewllng $90.. Ot'io from the bank through th aale of Home Telephone bonds to the bank by Wilde. They are alleged to have divided that mm as plunder." Mor ris Is to be a witness for the state In the trial of Wilde. . ENGINEER WINS BRIDE 4- WtXL HAtf COMMERCIAL CLUB IO.C.AND HOLLADAY TO PUBLISH PAPER PLAY SCORELESS GAME HUSBAND WOOING NKW YORK. Nor. 6. It took Miss Oladys Rose, of Narragansett Pier, just four hours from 8 o'clock In the vcnlng until midnight to decide to marry Ralph Fuller Nye, a member of the engineering corps attached to the Panama Canal, whom she had never met before, and only until 8:30 o'clock the next afternoon to marry hlmt For speed and romantlo fea tures, the match holds the record for this season, at least Friends learned today of the un usual wedding, which took place at Jeraey City, October 11. for the first tlm, when cards were sent out by Mrs. Ethel Rodman Rose, th bride s mother, announcing the wedding. v f ' - :,; ' . . '. ' f" WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1360 OREGON CIT?, PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL REFORM IN SOME SECTIONS , I I : ill : i -j i v jr W U W ' i aw Ve PROCOtSSlVE CUCHRE TTJESOAAND FRIDAY. I 1 1 " - "1 I1C"VT- I - III I I I I I u- Jubilant over their victory over the hoary Independence team, th Holla day Athletic Club, of Portland, Invad ed OTegon City Sunday with th In tention of wiping tb Falla City ag gregation off th football map. Tbey came, they played but there It ended. In what waa undoubtedly th faeat ohI, hardeat fought game ever aeen on the local gridiron, Oregon City and Ilulladay battled tb full four ntmner to a no acor finish. 7i"'iillcapped by the loaa of two of her beat playera, ualng aubatltutea who were not familiar with th alg noU, Oregon City played a beautiful game. From th standpoint of team w6rk Holladar had th edge. Humpn reya and Haattnga of Molladay; Carothera, H. Bller and Smith of Ore din City pulled off atunta with the regularity of clockwork. Iloth teama had their goal In danv ger once. Oregon City held th Holla day Clty'a two-yard line. Long punt ed out of danger. The fact that Carothera waa winded, was all that kept him from acoring. for after a henutiru! run of fifty yards he waa downed by Steel on Holluday'a four yard line. Crothera played a aplendld game. White' neat handling of ptinta waa slightly marred by using the reverse Kngllsh after atartlng for Holla day's goal. Lawrence, the new end fur rtrxion Cltv. handled himself well while Montgomery played a splendid m.-- ...-r. Oiisrterhark Hnmnhreys of Holla- day, reminds one of Anson Cornell. the Washington High scnooi crara by his head consistent playing. Hoi lalnv had the better of the punting nrgitment but Oregon City excelled in the use of the forward. pasa. These teama will nlar another game In December at Portland. Jt will no doubt prove a good drawings card. The following waa the llne- un: ' Holladay Oregon City. Meyers, Cosgrov H. Slier U R. R. Haatlngs . C. Freeman L T R. Burke . Troy . . . Steel .. Whells ..Barry. W. Slier L. Q. R- .W. Montgomery C F, Freeman ' Long , . Carothera "lVh.'rV Ransom R. H. U Peterson, Nash B, Freeman R. O. L. Mwrence ... McMahnn . J. Humphreys . , .. Smith Lawrence ..; White R." T.' LV R-Eli. Mii Ooa Dry. "l AUQUSTA, M., Nor. 6 Maine re talna constitutional prohibition. Oovernor rialsted and his council decided lat tonight to accept the cor rections Jn th rote of -four towns, cast In the special election In Sep tember, thus 'reversing th result as Indicated onth fac of official re turns. . i ';.'. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1911. ' WvWHTI gSBI WIFE, SUING, SAYS KICKED HER Charging him with cruelty E. Ade laide Secrest Monday filed salt for divorce against Albert J. Secrest The plaintiff alleges that while they wer living In Portland February 13, 1910. her husband kicked her out of bed, and that be often 'ordered her to leave bom. They were married July 1, 190(i, In Portland, and have two children, Lewis A., four years of age, and C. I., three yeara of age. Ubbie nials sued Fred Dials for divorce, alleging desertion. She alleges that ah waa . compelled to earn 'her own living after her mar riage. The plaintiff sks that her maiden name, Libbi Smith, be re stored. They wrer married In Rosa lind, British Columbia, July 18, 1910. O. K. BILL, HURT BY D. K. Hill, Commander Meade Post, Grand Army Republic, was awarded a vordlct of $250 for personal injuries against the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company In Justice of the Peace Samson'a court Monday. 'Mr. Bill was severely Injured by falling from a car while he was on bis way to the chnutauqua at Gladstone Park, July 15 last. He alleged that be was In the act of alighting from th car, when It was started suddenly and he was thrown from It His left leg waa bruised and his back was wrench- ed. Mr. Bill was represented by George C. Brownell. BIG ROAD MEETING TO BE HELD AT CANEMAH The East Side Capital Highway Association will hold a big meeting tomorrow evening at Canemah. It Is expected that at least 100 persona will attend and that a resolution pro viding for a special tax for road pur m-lll ha adonted. Th delega tion from this city, will leave on the 7-30 o'clock car and all nersons inter ested tn Improving th roads of th county are urged to mak the trip. Tha association will hold meetings beginning next week In the cities and towns between her and Portland. Governor West has announced that AWARDED $250 UOVemor eni una ainiuuiiio. mat . unm. . - ---- - v. . ...Ill Mnt AAnvInt, thla IVdin tvlflrlate at th marriag of W. C, 11V win nriiM t .. . . v. . u v - - j nn tha rnaHa nv time thav ar . desired, and It Is thought that th man will ba put to work in rock quarries in a short time. .... Patronise our advertisers, NEW DOCK BEFORE LIVE WIRES TODAY AID Or CITY COUNCIL MAY Be . ASKED IN PROVIDINO LAND ING FOR tTEAMER., . (WIRY FUNS KEA2 CC'TLETION . . Exprinc4 Man Ready t Start Plant If promlaad Siifflceint Milk And Patronage . of Merchant. Th moat Important matter to be given' consideration at tb .weekly luncheon of th Llv Wire today will b tl eatabllahment of a dock for an Independent ateamer lln wblcb It Is proposed to eatabllah betwen this city and Portland. It Is probabl that tb city council will be aaked to pro vide th dock, or aid In Ita con at ruc tion. The proposed alt la between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. A com mittee appointed at tb but luncheon to mak an Inveatlgmtion will report twtftV rh. tmnraltlnn at H. C Nielacn '1 establish a creamery in wis city ao will be given consideration. Mr. ixiei sen has had twenty-aix years eiper lenc In th creamery buaineas and la willing to establish a plant here If assured he can obtain enough milk to keep it In continuous operation and that the grocers will handle bis pro duct. The Live Wires will try to en courage th dairy business In this section In order to aid th creamery -business. Captain Hembre. owner of the stem-wheel ateamer.Leooa, attended the luncheon of the U' wires lasi week and laid befor that organiza tion a proposition to put his boat on th local run. making two round-trip daily. Captain Hembre says he win cut the paaaeoger rate in two, ana will reduce the freight tariffs on some classes of merchandise. The Leona was on the Portland McMlnnville run last summer, and Captain Hembre I authority for th statement that the craft lost $2,000 for"hlm before" b finally pulled her off th run and tied her up at Port land, since which time she baa been out of commission. Her owner aays be carried nay ror uwu McMlnnville to Portland, and mad nmiH nn the hatiL after being com- i i" - - - - I . i -i . . ea miiIi iin lrwkaffe. Shortly after bla cran waa putceu on in route, m Company, he says, reduced th rat to fl a ton. and was eveniuany cum runut tr make a nro rats, reduction In freight rates all along Its wwt side line from Corvallls to Portland. Captain Hembree recited this fact In refutation of the statement that In the past independent steamer lines hav been driven off the Portland-Oregon City run by the existing compan ies, who have cut th rate down, to eliminate competition, and then hav boosted them up again to the former figure. THREE BALL TEAMS TO HAVE NEW MANAGERS NEW YORK. Nor. 6. (Special.) Three American league teams, Chica go. Washington and Cleveland, win have new leaders next season. The Chicago Whit Sox will be under the laariarahln nf Jlmmv Callahan. Cal lahan replaces Hugh Duffy, who will take charge of the Milwaukee team the American Association, at the m nf Pomlskev'a team. I he! Tha Watihlncrton team will he man aged by Foxy Clarke Griffith, who for th past two seasons managed tne Cincinnati team in the National loamie McAleer. who formerly man aged the Washington team. Is now part owner or the uoston Kea box. The rim-eland team and Its bunch of highly praised players, will have for their manager Harry Dtvls, twice a member of the world's champions. Davis replaces George Stovall, who brought the Naps from sixth place to third place in tne lu American league pennant race. Stovall did great work with the Cleveland team and deserves more credit than he has been given for hla work with the Naps. It Is 'said the New York Yankees will dispose of Hal Chase as their leader In 1912 and are after Harry Wolverton, w ho led the Oakland (Coast League club) last season.' It would not be surprising to hear that Charles Farrell would try and secure George Stovall to manage his team next sea- inn. . . Whether McAleer will replace Patsy Donovan with a new manager next season has not been decided yet, but It Is possible that th former Waah lngton manager will take bis place on the field as manager. Bobby Wallac. who led the St. Ix)uls team through the 1911 race, It Is said, will b replaced by some oth er' manager next season, but this Is talk that has been floating around for some tlm Church Society to Entertain. Members of the Christian Endeav or Society of the Presbyterian church will give a New England social to morrow evening in the church parlors. w. Justice Marries Ceupl. nf ' tha Pmh Ramson of- i - - - . . - I Dociett and-Etta Bernard.- Th cere- mnnv waa tha ona hundred and twen ty-fourth that Mr. Samson has per formed at hla home. patronic our aovertlsera. lOGLEIf IE STOCK IS RAISED TO $1 STOCKHOLDERS INSTRUCT MAN AGER TO INVESTIGATE COST ' OF SMELTER. THINK 15,000,000 LOCKED tN HE John B. Falrclough Elctd Prssidant And J. V. Hariaaa Vlc-Pral-dant Rich Or To B . . Assayed at One. At a meeting of th stockholders of the Ogle Mountain Mining Cons pany held In this city Monday It was decided to obtain Information regard ing tb cost of a smelting plant, and establish on In th discretion of The board of directors. The stockholders were enthusiastic '" prospsets. ' properly worked It should yield at least t5.000.000. The following direc tors were elected: T. B. Falrclough, John B. Falrclough. J. V. Harless, . S. Walker and John Scott Tb price orlock was raised from fifty cents to tt a knar. After th meeting of tb stocknoio ers the directors met In the office of O. D. Eby and elected the following officers: John B. Falrclough, presi dent; J. V. Harless. vice-president and w I Wilson, secretary-treasurer. John B. Falrclough was also appoint ed manager ana was aireciea 10 ob tain inrormation regaruini: m kwi of Installing a smelting plant H tnairurted to take aamDles of th or to various plants and learn what system would be- best fa-1 install -at tb Ogle Mountain mine, it is inougm that the plant will coat about liuv.wiv. The development of the mine baa mnidlT. and exoerts have declared that it ls one of the richest In the northwest About J.000 shares Af atnv wer snid at the meeting of the stockholders, snd many of those present said they would increase weir holdings. Seventy-five stockholders vara imtMii. (Ira tasen Irom u main ledge baa assayed $167 a ton. -4 VETERAN B0SU1E TO GRAVE- BY-COMRADES , ' Marlon Naught, one of the beat known residents of the city died Saturday night after an. illness of about one month. The funeral, which was in charge of Meade Poet Grand Army of the Republic, was held Mon day, afternoon at J o'clock from the Holman undertaking parlors. The pallbearers, all member of tha Grand Army of tha Republic, wer O. A. Harding. J. Doremus. J. J. Mallatt W, W. Freeman. Q. W .Mldlam and F. M. Clyde. The floral offerings were beautiful. At the conclusion of the services at the Mountain View ceme tery. Edward McFarland sounded taps, which concluded the Impressive ceremony.' uirinn vaueht was born in Illin ois. March 29. 1838, and came to Ore- gqn In 1852 driving an ox team, ne settled first in Polk county, where he remained until he enlisted at Fort Vancouver, being a member of the Frst Oregon Regiment, no was member of Company A. First Oregon Regiment during the war. tt tva fira nf the war Mr. Naught came to this city and later went to the Molalla country, settling on mu Creek. He returned to Oregon City fourteen years ago. making hi head quarters at the store of G rce Young. Mr Naught was married mre ui and is survived by the following- chil dren: Mrs. W. A. Kutch. or Milton. Or.; John L. Naught, of lob Angeies; Leonard Naught of Hatton, Wash.: Frank F. Naught, of Blckelton. Wash. One child died many years ago. HEAR SUIT TO HALT STREET WORK TODAY The aDDllcatlOn of H. BJ. Cross to enjoin the Oregon Engineering ft I Construction Company from taking: earth from in front ot his nroperty on . . .Mat hotwenn Twelfth and i Thirteenth streets, will be heard In the circuit court today. Mr. Cross opposes the Improvement of Four teenth street at this time, and says u it u tnna ha wanta tha earth tuat Is taken from In front of his lota J. W. Moffatt. president of tne Oregon Engineering ft Construction Company, which has been awarded the contract for improving the street, says that under th law his company can us the earth tn making the grade on an other part of the street The work of Improving the street has been started, ' LESTER FUGE ON TRIAL. Young Man Accused By Grandmother Declarea Hs la Innocent The trial of Lester Fuge. twenty three years of age, accused by hla grandmother, Mrs. Christina Fuse, seventy years of age, waa begun be for Judge Campbell and a Jury In the circuit court Monday. The de fendant. Is represented . by J. - E. itariirM 'and w A. Dlmlck la assist ing In the prosecution. The defen dant denies tne auegauuua ami ir Clares that h will prov his Inno cence. , " V Patronise our advertisers. Pn Wine, 10 Cmrn COMMERCIAL CLL FEEISIEI SPECIAL RATE OP 10 MADE PC THIRTY DAYS TO INCREAS ITS MEMBERSHIP. : C Oroanlsatloni Has $635 In Trmtrf And Neyr Was In Mors Proa- peroua' Condition Big Work Plannad. Th Board of Governors of tha , Commercial Club, at a meeting Moav day evening, decided npon'a plaa of Increasing th membership. Tba club waa never in a more prosperous caav ; dltloo, but It la tha deslr to bsTa as many members as possible, and It u thJlt M increase Of 'at least fifty can be obtained la ona ' month. Th treasurer's report show. mA th ihAra was tfi3S In th treasurT. ; It was decided to reduc tb member- -ship fee from $25 to $10 for resldeatt of th cUr and ..Irom-lllLia- $6 .laLi. non-residents, provided twiity-flv or ' mora new members ar ootaineo. . a commute waa appointed to la- ,;; atiairt th COndltloa Of tb ClUD- -' room a and suggest Improvements. It ! has been suggested thai in room Ka sarirlVli mA and ehsnces mad. A ' rote of thanks waa tendered Char lea ; Schram. proprietor of th uraavs . , ; Tbeatr for stereoptlcon adTTtis n.nta tianiavaii in his theatre, arc- Ing bis patrons to boy from Oragoa City firms. . - - Tb club has many Important prop- osltlons under consideration, and ft has never accomplished more for tha i. It la believed Will b SO- com pushed thla winter. Tha members , are entbusiastie over tb outlook aav ; more Interest Is being taaen m vm work than ever before. A motion that tba Woman's Clop ; and the Ros Society ba allowed to meet in tha club rooma waa passed by a unanimous vot. -.. ' ;i ; . BUSIuESSIlQI OED J "T01ID1TXIIES1V The outlook Is favorable for thla city having on of th finest orcbea- i traa in the state. . About twenty-Bra of the prospective members attended the rehearsal, conauciea oj fessor Sager. Monday night , and the results were satisfactory- "v. The musicians ar taking -isfactory. Th musicians ar taking an active Interest in the work, and Prof. Sager says there Is no doubt that a fine band can b organized here. Secretary Latourett. of the Commercial Club, 'who several daya ago ent caras to tne duium urging them to subscribe $1 each to W be used In organ iiing in "" ---that the returns have been satisfac tory and he urges those who hav not contributed to do so as soon as. pos sible. They are assured that they will not b calld upon tor any more contributions as the money collected -through this cull will start the or clestra, which Is expected to soon be en a self-sustaining basis. MRS. OSCAR MINOR DELlGHTfUL HOSTESS Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Minor enter tained a few of their friends at their home at 1010 Seventh , street Sat urday evening. The hous waa pre, tlly decorated with autumn leaves, flowers and terns. Refreshments were served. A delightful time was bad In. games and vocal and Instru mental music. Mrs. Miner, who proved a delightful hostess., was as sisted In entertaining by Mrs. .Chrls tensen. - t" t- Fillowlng wer present: ' Mr. and Mn, Earl Smith. Mr. and tfr. Flory aril baby, Mr. and Mrs. Horace-Minor, Mrs. Martin Cbristensen ssu anJ Mr Mlnor pd-baby. NeU1) Mn0r, Miss Mifry tyellly, Bertha Smith. Miss Nlni Mor- i11 ... . i vtl.u. IMIth ley. Miss Ida Morley. , Mls Edith Mg. May Walker. Miss Maude cw. ninnohs-d. Miss Jennl Lacy. Floyd , Smith. Lesne Smith. Dave Lee, Edward Inman. Jack RIpp, Bert Morley, John Florey. y MILL WORKER HURT. ' Jpaeph Hass, employed by the Ore gon Manufacturing Company, was in jured Monday afternoon by . being struck by an elevator guard. His bands were cut and the muscle of hla back were wrenched. He was attended by Drs, Carll ft Melssner. HID. - " - Today's Program ' If you would enjoy a good hearty laugh Fools Head, the Hypnotizcr AFTERNOON AND EVININO. Ekctris 71: 1