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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2G, 1911. HHHE OPENING WEDGE JUL of popularity for a news- is tne puoiicaxion - - others of real and paper before authentic news. The above combination accounts for the grouth in popularity of the only paper in Clackamas County publishing all the news of the county and publishing it first. Are you reading itP If not send your subscription at jonce to the . Morning Enterprise Mr OREGON CITY ORE. . HI Daughter's Nevel. Btr Russell Reyuolds. the late oent physician, once related how be met Thackeray at dinner tiortly after Ihe publication of "Tli Ktoiy of Klla sheth." by lts daughter. nw 'r lilt. III. "I told TUllrklTHJT liuw I ml in I red til Ik ilmniinm not i-i I nm very glad.' he replied. I '"' '"' no opinion 'f It merit's u I li i' rend It. 'Not rvnd ll" I ev lo-i I I" great Miirii V.' ' tin '' I ditml iioi I mte m. i ii ri" 'i I'mII Mml i. mx. iiiv Mend the Morning Buterprlsa 1 snld h ad-' gbu ll ' THE GREATEST OFFER EVER. The Horning Enterprise, the Clack amaa county daily and the North west's greatest weekly. The Weekly Oregonlan will be sent to any address for $X This offer is good on and he- fore October SI. 1912. Old subscribers or new. It makes no difference both recelre the ben efit of this wonderful offer. Send in your subscription now. Don't wait till It is too late. Remember, Octo ber 31 Is the best day of this offer, and as the papers both start at once and run until November 1, 1912, you get more for your money If you sub scribe now. MERCHANTS TO HAVE NEW CREDIT GUIDE The Merchants' Mercantile com pany, of Portland, is preparing to publish a credit guide for this dis trict. By this system the county will be put In direct touch with credit con- We Give Service We Give Service Even Children Can Operate It With Safety The Electric Radiant Toaster is such a simple device that even children can operate it with perfect safety. This toaster is as SCIENTIFIC as it is SAFE and SIMPLE. It makes SCIENTIFIC Toast because its rad iant heat forces the absolutely necessary chem ical change in the bread. . This means Perfect Toast in any degree that pleases YOUR in dividual taste Toast as digestible as it is de licious. . Time required; less than two minutes. Cost per slice: he merest fraction of a cent. In addition to Its utility and economy the Electric Radiant Toaster Is distinctly unique and ornamental. You can operate It anywhere In the house where there l an ordinary lighting socket; Just attach he plug, turn the switch, and almost Instantly the colls become radiant with a cheerful glow on the shining poreelsln base. After you have used the Electric Radiant Toaster ONE time you will follow thousands of others In saying, "Why tiavent had this Toaster be fore?" PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OTPICE 7th and Alder Streets 7e Give Service We Give Service dltlons all over the United States and whenever amy one moves here from any other part of the country the merchants here will at once be posted through this company as to how the party paid his bills where he formerly lived. ' Thesii Credit guides are made up in districts covering nearly every state In the Union. They are made from the combined experience of all the merchants In each of these dis tricts and every merchant rates his own customer according to how they paid hlin, Before a customer Is rated he Is given notice by letter that be will be rated and Is given a chance to pay up his old account and thus secure a good rating. Each merchant and professional man Is furnished with a copy of the guide so that he may refer to It and look up the-rating of any customer or prospective customer before giv ing any credit. NEW HIGH SCHOOL HAS RECORD mm. the Oregon City high school was opened Monday with the largest at tendance In the history of the school. The new building, which Is one of the finest In the state, Is thought to have been the magnet, although It Is generally recognized that the course of .study, which has been arranged by Superintendent of City Schools Tooze, Ms not surpassed by any In the northwest. The school was to have been opened last Wednesday, but, owing to defective plumbing, a postponement was decided upon. The pupils, which Is not always the case, were somewhat disappointed over the delay, but they were delighted when they arrived at the building and found the magnificent appointments. The teachers lost no time in making up the classes, anti-work will proceed today the same as if the opening had been made on the appointed day. BIC CROWD TO ATTEND FIREMAN'S BENEFIT Hose company No. S completed ar rangements at a meeting last night for the benefit to be given Willis ("Doc") Mosler, the blind fireman, at 8chnoor's park Sunday. Speeches eulogistic of Mr. Mosler will be made by aeveral members of the company, and there will he other forms of amusement. Mr. Mosler was a mem ber of No. 5 many years, and, until he became afflicted, was one of the most efficient members of the de partment. That there will be a large attendance- at the benefit Is assured. She Laughed But the Day Came When She Laughed No More By MARY V. BLACKISTON Copyright by Amsrlcss, FrM At elation. IKtL Our greatest clubbing offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem ber 1, 1912, for only $3. Offer closes October II, 1911. The evening I landed In the little town in Artxoua where 1 promised to take up my residence 1 was sitting at supper with my friend Cbnruley when the stillness without was broken by a laugh. To say that It was a laugh I nothing. It was the melodious piping of a bird, the swelling of a note from an organ, the ripple of wutrr over rocks any, every sound that could es press merriment. It was femlnlus. girlish, and one who beard It would at once become Impressed with the per feet Innoceuce of her who laughed. JMy host, seeing thst 1 was Interested. smiled at me. "Who is that?" I silked. "That la our laughing girl, as we rail her.- Her proper name Is Elsie Jenks (tome ctn her our" pain killer, other our mocking Mrd. The latter are almlsta. assuming to detect st times In her Isugb something beneath Its mirth expressive of the Inevitable domn Unit awaits as all something derisive, la- deed, at times lste at night, when Elsie haa been coming borne from a dance. I have beard her break Into one of her sudden peals of laughter snd bsvt fsn cled after It died away that a mocking echo follewed It." "It seems to me." 1 replied, "the em bodiment of optimism. "Such Is the general effect upon us. When we get the tines.' If we rsn bear Elsie' Jcnks laugh we are lifted out of oar despondency. If an Invalid becomes discouraged Elsie Is sent for Usually another person goes with her on such bcesslons Ilea Hsrbeson Ben Is very droll fellow. .He hs a wsy of saying- funny things In s fterulisr monotone. Pat Elsie and lien at the hedl1e of one about to give np USABLY tVTBT SHirT TiiOS Ki'MECT. ibe Unlit for life nnd He;i will sij' something ridiculous, followed ly peal of laughter from Els e, the two together electrifying tho sick one mul bringing ubotit a reaction.' "Is there sny relationship between tnese two merry ones?" "leaver. Von wouldn't tlilntt it. would you? Opposite umtnlly niunlKS mate. A morose man often chooses a cheerful woman, and vice versa. With these two It's Just the reverse. Hen says that all tie was brought Into the world for wos to make Elsie laugh, while Elsie snys that her port In life Is to bring out Ben's Jokes, declaring thst If It wasn't for her they would be lust upon an nnsppredstlve world." Later I met both of these young peo ple, and they seemed to me to be pro creators of optimism. They were evi dently made for each other, a I'sul and Virginia, so wrapped in each other as to be uninterested In others. And yet I doubt If either resllzed bow abso lutely they were united. I never beard that there was any engagement be twen them, and sometimes I wondered If this love had ever been spoken, even resllzed, for I can understand bow love may be so pure ss to be. like gen Ins, unconscious. "What would become o' this town.' asked a crusty old fellow, "if them two should be eliminated T I lived In the place a couple of years, Anting which It hsd a hsrd struggle for existence. Every one was tempted to give up trying to make a town of it but whenever a person signified an In tention to move on Ben Harheson would crack a Jnks and Elsie Jenks roald burst Into a laugh, and the dis couraged one would brar op and con clude to persevere awhile longer. In deed. It was said that Ben and Elal. were literally the life of the town. But for them the town would die. Arlsona at that time was suffering from ronghs. Billy the Kid flourished and there were more. If not equal to him In hardihood, at least of Ms kind. Borne one suggested that If Ben nar beson were msde sheriff he wonld find .W.4!' ,eniD on th '! of the villain, and stopping tb. nuisance. When the matter was proposed to Bea rould do nothing without might sy a lot or luiugs . . . . . ..i i- 1 1 M.uata but If raicuiaieii i"'' , -KM were ttt reviit lo help with b'er In u.'. U Ihey "'' rnt nrtt loeer, h- was persuniled M atvept the ilii'Mt. flme KM tuougbl there uffy' 'v wherein they could wei?togi'thcr. The flrt perion lien brought In was Jack lleiinwy. a desperado whom the sheriff raiiglit so stuKlel wlin ll.juor thst he vs In spnlile it mnkliig any r.iiman.e. Hen put him lu Jsll . l.-cp off his drunk, snd when be got U'r Hen snd KM went l' see him If lleunewy had not been Ix-hliid lnm he would have lro lliem to pieces. Jsck made fun of blm. ami Elsie laughed. It wna li"t long In-fore Ihs prlsouer caught' Ih lf"lii ""'I laughed. . and within half no hour was holding his sides with tiiurrlment, "Whsts thstr ssked one passing the Jail -Ob, that's Ben Hsrbeaon and Klsle Jenks. They've go Ihst bloodthirsty llennessy to laughing, and he can't stop." i. Having thus opened the letter side of Ihe villain s nsture with the wedgs of laughter. Hen and Elsie wre kind to him. with Ihe result thst on thell securing a release and their fellow townsmen's promise thst llennessy should uot he prosecuted for his crimes he left the Jsll and became an estlmsl'le HIen. There were tueny other conversions by the lovers, and tvery msn converted stuck to an bou eat life. Klnce Hen and Elsie In Ibis way captured the principal devils to thst region the rltlzeiis of the town, being free from having their places of business raided, found themselves lu a position to mske a llvlog and be gan to prosper. From that time this mirthful pslr were worshiped by those they bad served. 1 did not hesr anything about preparations for their union during their work on criminals, but after Ibej had mads nearly a dosen g"d men out of as msny bad ones they were msrrled. There- wssu't -a mnui - In the place who didn't give them wed dlug present, and a man who bad started a lank gsve a thousand dol lars, saying that the couple'e servke to blm hsd been worth many times Ibst sum. Bo Ben and Elsie went to housekeep ing with every msn, womsn and child In the town their friend. Many a summer night before going to sleep 1 heard Elsie's laugh ring out on Ihe still air. One night after It had died away I beard that "mocking echo" Charnlsy bad spokeu of. I wss plunged by It from balmy optimism Into frigid pesalmlam. Tbe final die solution whkh awaits us all waa made vivid to me as nsvsf before. "After all." I sighed, "for every laugh there la sob." ; The occasion of Elsts's Isugh was this: Ben wss going out to bring In desperado. Elsie looked worried. To cbeer ber Ben cracked a Joke whlrb was followed by Ihe Isugh I beard. The next afternoon Hen waa brought In mortally shot by tbe men be hid attempted to rapture and died In few hours In bis wife's arms. I had sesrrely beard thst Hen W.IS dead when I ssw Elais galloping along tbe street, followed by every convert she and Hen bad made. I devised Pie errand on which tbey were bent. and. 1 being mounted. I determined to fi with thrm. The man who had kllletl Ben called Mississippi Jake-got wtre thst revrnge would be taken uon blm for -the murder and gathered a doxen or so of bis pals to put u a fight We came upon them croud ed on the other sldo of a bridge apannlng a creek and were received by a volly Tbe crackle had not subsided wden Elsie gsve a laugh so wild, so piercing, that it froze me with horror. It nras the mocking echo I bad heard tbe ntgbt before, only Instead of an echo It eas a wall, tbe wall of a broken heart Simultaneously with this. Elsie gal loped forward, a corked pistol In sicb nana, distancing the rest of us wbo endeavored to ride ahead of her. In a charge like that It was not lo U. ex pecieu. wild ss she wss, that she would do much damage to her enemies. But ber mlud wss so Intent on vonge ance that It conquered madness. Bhe emptied every chsmber of the two re volvers, and with so true an aim thai nearly every shot took effect I saw a man rise up from heh'nd a low stone wnll whom by dewrlpHons hsd hnd of him I knew to he Vlss slppl Jnks. He had his cyc bent on our woman lender and, railing a rifle, was about t- fire at ber when I yulck ly drew a lend on him and drepped him. That ended the fight The r'llalns that were left-they were but few scnttered In nn adjoining wood. Then we rods back to towij, tb widow like a statue of stone. Kb rode through the streets lined by cltlxena, all with heads bowed, anf. entered her desolnte dwelling alone. Since then I have talked with Cham ley abont this alngular case. He says "What a pity that this merry laugh of Elslo's should have sometimes ended with that mocking eehor Charuley Is a matter of fact fellow and haa no realization wbstevei of the depth of meaning there is under his words "But." he adds, "the Isugb waa alwaya there, while few ever spoke of what on rare occasions followed If In oth er( words, the main parts of onr Uvea are blythe and merry. "The laugher." 1 replied.' "wTa bat twenty wh..n the trouble came. Haa she ever laughed since T' "vy ""''J'. ") hss not" "Will ihe evar laugh again r "I think not" Perhaps ,h. will. Sometimes w Plrk np the thread of happiness after t baa been dropped, but no one ever lived who did not Anally drop It for- (Continued rr. . V not divine. Jonathan M . j knit together In u.v H though the natural fctlr J JN was willing for his rrl.sT become kin. hli Uq, no trare of leslouav uT,. relation !..Mn twZ, .-si to decrease In ordr ,i..t J of thiA,U leader of Jsra... j.,' S found In pure ov. i frlen.ianlps vanish soone, 7v such are like scentless fin-l with beauty when t,a wV but when tha .-Mil V " ( wither away. Wavln. . ., Divine frlendslihn .. . 1 mutual love. Hurh never fuiV rise to a higher l.v.l M i, friendship between naliini kJ because spiritual and ntor are atronger than physical -Jc Is friend that stlrketh eksJl a bnither." Ostnoa an4J! exemplify this truth. Trs. ship never dies. Though tk, 2 and iieatllentlal brsath of ' circle and play around tlx tLr. true love.. I rue frlatuhhlp mJ all such and refuse to Ull, t The Cutty tool. The cutty stool wss the seat of re pentance formerly employed In tbe Scottish church for the exposure of offenders against tbe moral law. Tbe transgressor, having been deprived of church ordinance, and duly taken to privately, waa then compelled to make a public acknowledgment of tb. misdeed print to being restored, to favor. Each culprit did k. occupying the cutty stool In tbe pre,, nc. of tb. whole eonffp..M- .- wal openly lectured h h. mi..-. on th. enormity of tbe offense. the fetid br-ees of calmrt poisonous miasms of hypocrlit' first rumor nf dlalnoit. Collage Chums laparsts. Two college chums s.r. at the aame tlms and septrtut lllng lu different "tales. Om va Into business and u MetssZ The other. In another tut ntw the profession of law. HuU brilliant, bwsme a victim of aj vices. Slid Impoverished, U4 Ik graced went to a nslghborlnt here he by cbsnre fouM klikv mer chum. Twenty fir. yw u elspaed since they parted. TUsj fortunate man presented k!al bis old chum only to rsrslni shoulder and a disdainful rat Though successful In puis, k merchant will be Judged by I (g of . love Jura.- lack of dlvhsi tntj ship for his college nuts never fsllslh. Hut purely svlOiis llsncea are unreliable and Uann The fair weather frlsad. UktUo. which abandons the autai fssi because there la no hoesy . sucked therefnitn, will furuks j when once he discovsr w frAt lie derived front the unloa. tx k low friendships, Iismoa ko4 frusj must forever constantly rsbtU Divine friendship li aistatmiasti part by expression. Thst vim) unexpressed dies. Thll nprssst must not take the form of tosxa criticism. It Is not the duty i friend to gstber up all Ihs v a sip of the community an4 ast that Into your ear. It HJsgg easy to gather a bouquet of flnst ss to collect lot of think M thorns. Do ttot-tblnk that y sri befriending your neighbor kr ms Ing a gossip peddler, rwlt fttsaj and complaining la quits suftWsxi destroy a mutual friendship, ust I rapable of becoming a suttt t chief Joy. If properly BoorUssl I la Ihe duty of a friend to appndm the virtues and encourage 1st sk of mve, rather than fill hi lain nlrlons of his follow! aod SSikX to feel that he haa no frtsBdi a at world. We all hsva dsfsrtinsl true friend will wsrn of duiswi , sins and Immoralities, hut sstllt so In tbe spirit of love n MX tbe spirit of fsult finding. 1 covereth a multitude of slai' as will forbear to condema ewtet hastily. Trve friendship Gives. True friendship exists aol sa for what It can recelv. as to rtj It can give. What th. woral is today Is for this spirit of devotion of man to man. to !- more and more universal. TW the goal of creation. Ooi author of all lov.. Asaodatlos IW In tbe formkHon of mstttil frts ship, but this heroic ?T !S lesds men to volunteer the ist of their live, for tb. I00. manlty who have not yet resiHinslve to such service, . . . k. . .imMtnl illS I aptrea oniy oj n "i - jj of such a aacrlflce for th which Jesus haa made. tb"V? not a field where such "J It la a soil destructive of tnm which bless, and produces eoj which bl!ghta the hPPln JV clety. Therefore culllv.ta jaw relatione with the Ood of ao doing tha human heart JJT the dwelling place of Ood u world blessed with all irW good. He ahuta himself wV "J Ood and a glorlotia deatlny eto " up hla compassion from th " humanity. STREETS FENCED; RtOT BSlCj (Continued from Pf The latter was atruck oajbj tjj and aeverely Injured. 0(a also hurt Blchner flM JJ damage, agalnat Moor. th. lowing that on which the m etirred, and the latter ! , u wr. nichner f'rjl. damagea alleging that tb .Wo j hi. head had Injured Mm ly and threatened to mpslr W "J Ing capacity. He aald that been earning 125.000 1"' j It la evident that .,. tenda making a detsrnilwa , ( the possession of tha lTZU j lively aession of court W ' day. At leaat one-third of I en. are expected to M . ! ance. and the cement Titt have several of Ha reprew here. . The fences were day by men employed by pany. ' "live wires" to ; start worktc::t Pursuant to a ,.11 of P"l Hedge.. . tha "Ue WlrM tf g Commercial olub will rne pj noon tfl plan the work P and winter. The members "j, at luncheon and arrange a of work. Much suVaWK pusned laat year 07 j- vv- and It la expected that of the Commercial club with rrester sUCCeSS in ..W campaign. All mombsr? alaatlo over the proiP01 "onr greateat elubWnf jf 0 Morning Enterprise by Ncfr- Weekly oregonian, - ff f f ber 1, 1911, for only $3 u, October Jl, ItiK