Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1911)
A-' MOUNING ENTEUPKI8E, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1911. 3 Gee but it's Cold and Rainy JIot to in one of our swell overcoats or Rain-Proof iliji-ons. A complete fall ihowing on display. ' . NEVC SUITS, YCS. Another big shipment of the Famous Society Brand Clothes in the new browns. J. LEVITT See Our Window.. SUSPKNtlON BRIOOe CORNER, COMEBACKS TO BE QUITE NUMEROUS Many. Players Once In Fast '"' Company Are to Return. THEY WERE NOT QUITE RIPE. Ttirevgh Draft and Purahaae Both Major Leaguaa Hapa to Ba Benefited Naict Spring by tha Addition tarn Vatarana ta Ba Olvan Another Trial. ....... a .a ..v a tm a -a - 10 RIWARO Tot Clio rreal n n'ctlon Lf an lrm or peraona, who e (unlawfully remove copiee or Toe alurnlni Enterprise from the r ..f .ubecr bare after taper " PUcd th,r br tsrrler. . Na Wander. Tboeograpbrr-Now please look pleas Uin Id Iba l'hlr-Oau t do II. I am it funny uiau wu a uewiiT. LOCAL PRICrS A. Jmiaa, f farm, wssJ.Qblscl.jf nnday. lUrry Klrbyaon, of Bhubel. was In kn city Monday. tins firbuebel. of Bhubel, was ' In L city Monday. Hugh C. Mitchell, of Caaadero, was thi city Saturday. Mrs. James Mallatt, of Mullno, wai tali city. Monday. Guitave Srhuebel. of Bhubel, wi this city Monday. Mr. Liid Mra. William Ouenther. of LM, was lu Oregon City Monday fcuuactmg buslneas. , Robert Guenther' and aona, of Bhu- Irl, wrra In thla city Saturday. Jlr. and Mra. V. A. Good, of Lltm, vera In thla city Saturday. Mr finiiiiilnaa and aon. Dart, of War Cwk, war In thla city Mou- FnA J, l ami. aon of Carua. wart imoeg the Orrgou City vlaltora Mon Mr. Mr. ami Mra William Guenther. of Ibabel. were In Oregon City on busV icm Saturday. Sugar and fruit jars at coat at Dif fer), Seventh etreet. John Darnell, one of the well noun ranm-re of Union Mill, waa p thla rlty Monday. Garald Wllrox. of HUlaboro. waa In !! city Sunday, a gueet of Mr. and lira. 8. T. Krancla. Mra. Diana Hnvdar. of Aurora, waa In thla rllv MiimUv tha mieat of Mr. tnd Mra. William Klmaey. Thomas Keoley, of Haclna, Wla., bo it rmlatered at tha Electric bo ld, Ii making a tour of tha wait Mn )l,.rmn rialier. Albert Srhoen- n and William Stewart, of Carua, nve aotio cm a dner and bear bunt In the moiintulna. Mix Charlotte Dakar, after a two rMki' vIbU with relatlvea and ffrknila In Tacomi. Waah.. returned ro her home at Uladatone Sunday kvanlng. Mr. arifl Mra nharlaa final tllnir and tby son, Charles Frederick, of Bell- wood, re In Oregon City Sunday, or Mra. (looming s parent". Mr. an J Mra. Ilnrnler of Green- Point, Prink fir I mm for marl v of Molalla. ho recently ratiirnnrl from Fort Knyon, cal., waa In tbla city Mon day, and will take tin bla realdence " Molalla. MIm Miirln Th-irani. mil Francis Unaltlln.. . i a 1 ah I a "mi.iik, in 1'uniuna, were iu iu ty 8aturrtfty and Sunday visiting at nmne or tha latter a motoer, JJri. A. (ioettllng, of Twelfth and "iiini,uin atreeta. af BM..1 ... a . riainTiiaie, proprietor inn uwuui f the Fluhordale farm, was In thU munuiiy brinRlng wun nim Borat ( thft npfkilnAA rM im farm r...Mut,v tnnvu a a waaa m " T ' klch waa hlnna-l in tha riap.kamaa " -iy imr. - ....nasi mi ka UBUKUivt, ; -Jark, loft Saturday for Tacoma, wh., where they attended the wed- "mi nr MUa Tt.. I with the Fermera' Bocletyj of Equity, and who waa acheduled to give a lec ture at the Hinveiy opera bttuaa tnia evening and tomorrow evening, will be unable to fill her engagement, ow ing to bereavement In the family. Mra. C'arlry waa advlaed Friday eve ning of tha killing of a man by a train near Ontralla, Waah.. and the deacrlptlon of the man atiawere that of Mr. Carley, and efforta are being made to -locate Mr. Carley If ba la alive. Tlomaa Itavla, of Carua, waa In thla city Monday. The K. II. V. etenographera ' are having aplendld aucreaa. The high (raining work obtained at the Eclec tic Hualneaa rulveralty glvea thoin a pollah that meana aucreaa. Theodora Mueller and aon, of Carua. were In Oregon Clty( Monday. Mr.,- and Mra. Wettlaufer, of Clurkoa. were In thla city Monday. Mra. II. Ijhb aget. of Oak Grove, waa In thla city Monday on bualneaa. Mlaa Deaa Warner left Saturday for Slaver, where aba will leach achool, Herman Schmidt, of Carua,- waa among the Oregon City bualneaa vla ltora Monday. Tha I "or Hand law School la re ceiving new publlcatlona ail tha lime. It la a progreaalve achool that keepa poeted. . Jack Irlah, one of the prominent farmera of Carua, waa In thla city Monday. Hobert Brhuebel, of Weatport. Or., haa arrived In thla city, .where be will vlalt for eom time, '- ' J. Hammer, who baa lived In thla rlty for three and one-half yeara, left Monday to. make bla home' In the eaat Mra. Edward Stuart, of Portland, haa arrived In thla city for a vlalt with Ler parenta, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Warner. Mra. Maria Craeer and aon, Harry, of thla rlty, vlalted at the borne of Mr. and Mra. Dolph Muller In Port land Sunday. , For the laat two yeara the Eclectic Hualneaa Unlveralty, of Portland, Oregon, baa aupplled the North writ School Furniture company with eten ographera. Roland Foraberg baa gone to Mount Angel college, where be will take a couraa. ran milaft anil famllv arrivMt Run. day from Iowa, and have decided to make tbelr home here. Mr. Qiiiett waa here about one year ago on a vlalt. Mr. and Mra. Fred Olmatead, Mr. and Mra. John W. Loder and son, Jack, and Mr. and Mra. Pope bave returned from a few daya' vlalt at Ocean Park. Mr. and Mra. O. A. Cheney. Mra. Culley, of Portland. Mra. Cora Hud- eon, or Montana, ana mibb t-ana rioi- man of thla city went to Mount An gel Sunday, where they vlalted Oren Cheney, aon of Mr. and Mra. A. W. Cheney, who la attending the Mount Anael college. Btudenta are enrolling now In the Portland Law School .for the atudy of law. Tha Portland Law 8chool haa a three yeara' courae, and the work dona la equal to that of tha eaatern law achoola. Mlaa Pearl Darde, of Portland, vla lted Mra. J. Levitt 8unday. 'Ouinebacka" will be nuinervua at the big luague training cuuipa next -t.ot ailed ".-auiebacke" of I he claaa of Tom Ilugliea and Jimmy Cal labau. but youngetera and aoiul v-t who were up before and fulled to make good becauee of Int-xiierieure 01 aer.dt.iita. Tbelr relfgatluu to tb minora did not mean that they did Dot bave tha Bluff In Ibciu. (hi tha other band. It almply meant that they wtre not quite npe lor raat rouipany. IJOtiaegueutiy be goea back lu a" velop. Well, there were many aucb men pulled back by the draft or pur chaae during the laat few wwka Cleveland haa aeveu of them. In fart. Catcher O'Neill of Wort-eater waa an Athletic recruit, na were I'ltrhrr f!illamre of Ri-rantou and I'tlllty Player Hyde Ilarr of New Or leana. Third Uaaenian Manuacb of New Orleana haa been a mvmber of the New York Ulanta aa well aa the Atbletlca. Outfielder Wllllauia waa It b the Browna laat aprlng. while Catcher Konnick of Dayton waa given v "i ma univ Wliu W ca m "T R A vem I aaMi. TaW Aht. W W 11 ui Oi I aaawe 'I tha iiimmAr anil vhn la her In J'Ma. The marriage took place Sun Mr. Miller and Mra. Jack will remain at Taooma for aevaral weeks, . r. and Mrs. Charlea 3. Parker en twined at dinner at their home OlindftV M .-J a. Tnaa rtaaTtiall .nl children; Edith. William and or pieaaant Rldga. Or. Mlaa nartna t. , . ... r . n n Br"r ana Mine em n, Portland; Jack Dloklnaon, of Par inn m . a i ir. inn Mra uaai Mm. jonn . viib mmyium u'w"i -saaa C1 Dwlirivlti. .. 1 .A n.l..aa fp' Mra. Charlea Caruthera ""xmond. of Portland, came to tbla V n their automobile Sunday and snaai . - me dav with Mr. and Mrs inl Cnrothara nf Tanamah. Mr wArOtha,-., ... a a a ,n ,i -" ana ivir. uaymona wem w Jamea Llndaey place near Spring ,?". ber. they purchaaed 11 of !" 'argeat muakmelona, and a melon l,"t Wai anlnvarl ' , . 0- T. Carley, who ra conhaotad CHIEF SHAW SAVES MULES FROM TORTURE fhiof nf Police flhaw became a veterinarian Sunday and showed rare aptitude for that kind of work. Fu er A They Uroa. drove a nunarea or more muiee tnrougn me city to tvnrk nn a railway at Salem and a tnamhor nf the Humane aocletv com nlalna.1 to the chief that aeverai oi the hapleaa animaia were aimerm from chafed ahoulnera. Tne artuciea nimiii vurt drawlnw waaona. and when the chief called the foreman to account he admitted that they snouia have treatment. He accordingly un hitched tha suffering mules and had Mh.n attarhail tn the WaKOna. Dut for the dlapoaltlon of tha foreman to rin .hit waa r irht. Mr. Bhaw WOUIU hava hnd the mulea detained here until they were cured. nn- rareat clubhlnff offer. The urnrnln-a Ymtarnrlaa hv mall and the Weekly Oregonian, ooin until novein- ber 1. 1912. for rniy S3, uuer cioaea October 81, 1911. . HERE'S A BAR- GAIN. in fi acres cleared, balance slashed and aeeded, all under good rnia A rnnm honae. barn and chick en house, granary and good well, all In good order ana no wbbio mou. level and on good road, one mile from riinbimal flniithnrn R. R. -MH mile to achool. One and one-half miles to town. 2600 caah. ALSO In Oregon City, four acres, house and K.m .three nnwa. one mare, buggy and harneaa and all tool a. Crop all In. Price 12000. half cash, balance terme. Call or address t -r.vnua POWELL Roon 11, Stevens Mdc-, Oregon City. i ,P.T I UJ K aT ar r aa? irrv,v ItaC.' . 1 w -w'm aw ' . a. J Mm 0alLe N best. OW comes a week of gay ety, when people for miles will flock to the big Qunty Fair. You want to appear at your Yon will make the occasion one of business as well as, pleasure by making the purchase of your Fall Suit and Coat, and to-secure the garments that are not only correct in style and per fect in fit, but also made in a quality that insures long, continued service. mm for women, misses and children fills these requirements, and, above all,in it you obtauT full "value; -r : The Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats for men have mastered the clothing art and become ,a household . word for good clothes, correct in style and perfect in fit, and made in quality that insures lasting service. - . ; . With our fall opening sales we are making it a speciaj object for you to trade with us this week. Every department of our big store is now specially arranged for quick service and reliable goods at lowest cash prices; Before going to the fair make this store vour headquartersi meet your mends,- use- ourieiepnones, ic5uuuap, jrw . . i i f . ii parcels and make your visit pleasant and proritable. , P -.' - Oregon City'c Big Department Ctoro BIG COUNTY FAIR STARTS TOMORROW (Continued from Page 1.) rhotoe by American Praaa Aaaoctatloav thbbb rtaraita wao wili, bb otvan ab- uTHna ohabob im raaT voMraax trial by Cincinnati Third Daaeman Dunting of Worcester waa Uken south by Brooklyn laat aprlng. Detroit geta a "comeback" In ntcher Duduc of Montreal, who waa with Ciudnnatl for a aeaaon, . Chicago gets a pair In Pitcher Hovllk. formerly of ... a . . . fTl. I D.a.Hian waaningion. . auu iuiru iaKu.ou Rath, who was tried out by the Atb letlca and Napa. St. Louis will try out First Daaemaa Danslg of Sacra mento, once with Boston, and Pitcher Drown of Akron, who waa a Cincin nati recruit a year ago. , Washington gets First Iinaemna Flynn, late of Pittsburg: Shortstop Foster, formerly a Yankee, aiid Out- elder Moeller. once with the Plratea. That' im more "comeback" recruits lu the National league, the Hat being beaded by Otto nea, bought by Doe ton. The Rustlers bave also hooked First Basemen Houaer of Indlnnnpolla, who oed to be with the Athletics. Brooklyn has taken the most men. FMveta' recrnlta are Paige, formerly ef the Giants and Napa; Inflelder Roll Icy, formerly of the Chicago White Sox; Outfielder Welcbonce, a former Philadelphia National; adder Slttln. once a Nan: ntcnor uarmicnaei. ineo. by Cincinnati; Earl Tingling, another ex-Nap; Jerry Downs, with ueirou for aeverai years; Catcher Boh nig- glne, another former Nap. and Catcher Shaw, a vetersn who pinyed witn at leaat four big league clubs before he landed with Toronto. Other Nstlonal league "comebacks are Pitcher Maxwell or paw ora. Outfielder Hyatt of rittabnrg. Out fielder Cravath of Pittsburg. InCelder Klrke of Boaton and Pitcher Comptoa of Cincinnati raa haata on tha nlatform that Will be constructed for that purpose. A track meet will b held 'Satur day morning. Gold medanj will be awarded for 100-yard dash, 200-yard dash. 400-yard dash, running broad Jump, pole vault, hammer throw, shotput, 12-pound, high jump, potato race, and one-half mile race, one-halt mile bicycle race The baby show will ba among the attractlona Saturday. Secretary La telle has been besieged with appli cation blanks from proud parenta, who are to have their children enter for prlatea. Last year the baby enow proved a decided succeaa. Mora than 100 children were entered. ' Mra. A. J. Lewis will hava charge of thla department thla year. Automobile racea are on the program for each afternoon during the fair. Ellott ft Parka hava obtained a special car to be used In the races at the fair. It la a Ford racer called "The Spider," and arrived In the city Monday. ' E.- M. Dandle. Portland; Sidney Hln non, Portland; J. K. Moore, WUllam Wheeler. J. H. Setter. Mr. and Mra John Thomaa, Dr. J. C. Walton and wife, city; L C. Rotn, woocDurn; v. T. Trent, Dallaa; W. L. Freeman, Molalla; B. E. Edwards, wife and family, Salem; V. A. Goode and wife, Salem; M. N. Buck. Salem; Esle Johnson, Camaa, Wash.; W. J. Smith, O. F. Spence and wife, Port land; John Peters, Irwin Bttsel; Thomaa Feeley, Racine, Wla.; Hugh C. Mitchell, Casadero; C. P. Weaten gard. REAL E8TATE TRANSFERS. Mary and E. Corand to Iver H. Benson, 80 acres of sections 35, 38, township 3 south, range 1 east; flO. Eatxcada State bank to Estacada achool district No. 108. land In Zo brist addition to Estacada; 31500. E. L. and Bertha Fraley, land in Fraley'a subdl vision to Estacada; $1. H. EL and Adella tubba to Almon J. and Edith Darling, lota 8, 9. 10. 11, block 14, Zobriat addition to Ea tacada; 32300. ' Mra. H. E. Stubba and II. K. Stubba to A. J. and Edith L. Darling, lot 12, block 14 Zobriat addition to Estacada; 3200. A. J. and Edith L. Darling to H E. and Adella 8tubba, lot 8, Morrow Glen Tract, containing 10 acres; 33000. ' ., - a . .... ; ' ' E. L and Bertha Fraley to Esta cada State bank. .38 acra of Fraley'a subdivision to Estacada; $1. John W. Manldlng and Mary K. Mauldlng to Emma U Greene, lota 1, 2, 3, block 2, Mauldlng-a addition to Idlewild; 31- " John Mauldlng and Mary Manldlng to Arthur' L. Canfleld, lot 4 and tha north 15 feet of lot 6. block 3, Mauldlng'a addition to Idlewild: 31- Otla Townaend to Charlea Noblltt. land in soctlona 83, 33, township 8 eoutb. range 1 eaat; 3L Louisa, Morrell to C K MorreU, lot 2, Oregon Iron ft Steel company's First addition to Oawego; flO. ugntar than Cent, One of the atrangeat treea In exlat ence la the ambaah. growing In tha shallow waters of Lake Chad. In Afri ca a body of water which when at Ita maximum extent covera 10.000 aqua re milea. and yet has on the average a Jeptb of only alx feet The ambnah tree grows bo rapidly aa to attain Ita s.u .i.a twenty-five feet high, with . a i. . fnnt in diameter, la two -Th. wood wbeu dried la un ;iil In Itchiness, ita density being only two-Oftha that of cork. - -Read tha Morning ICnterprire. CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT STOPPED BY CLERGY LONDON, Sept 25. The clergy of cnsinni whn have been making atrenuous efforts to put a quietus on the proposed beavyweigni ngn. do tween Jack Johnson and Dombadier Wella. the English champion, won their victory today -when it waa announced that the fight wlll not taae place. The announcement comes from a result of tha aUnd taken by Winston Churchill, the home secre tary, who declared that If the pro motera did not abandon the propoaed fight, be would hava both Johnson and Wella bound over to Keep me peace. It Is undcratood that an offl ent declaring the match off will be made by the pro- motera. Tha iiu of tha attack by tha clergy waa an account of the moving pictures, which they claim wouia in still brutality Into the minds of chil dren. The picture rlghta had been sold for 3100,000. . n..'. ttranfaar cluhhlne offer. The unnin. Rnrarnrlae bv mall and tne Weekly Oregonlan, both untllNovem;, her 1, 1912. ior oniy j. uuer ciu. October 31, 1911. : ' - 1 i Hotel Arrivals. Tha following ar registered at the Electric hotel: i- A. Blackshlre and family, Houston. Texas,; C. A. ,W1U, t B. 11. Stenographers and Bookkeepe rs T Great Demand What Da Yoti Think of This? Acre track In alaht of Oregon City, 1-2 mile of car Una on Installments; also 23 aeree 12 mile from car line, with 800 eorde of wood, 8100 per jcre. ' For theee and othere Inquire o Clyde, 1003 Main etreet, Oregon City. Business firms ore recognizing the superior training of our Business university over the . work of the busi less colleges. Our standard is higher; our worh is muctf more thorough; our work Is norecomplete; and our students ore more proficient in every way. OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS; just tne school for the earnest young man or lodVaWho desires to ieorn and hove the high est and best training at reasonable, tuition rates You are sure of .individual help and instruction. You know the large schools cannot give It. You should Investigate our work. Do it how; do not wait. In session all the year In day and night school. ELECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2751; Home A3446. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. 'iwm' i ir'lJti-i.i: