Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1911)
wIATHKR INDICATION. oVr.m cnr-Knir HunUay; -nnhrly wind. BOo..-8..mly fair; norther- - y Wlllil. The only dally newspaper feKO tweet Portland and kalam; olreu. lata In every section of Claoka- mil County, with a population of 10,000. An you an advertloerf WEEKLY, CNTEKPRISC ESTABLISHED 1.5 G 0 VOIi. II No. 73., . OREGON-CITY, .Oil ICO ON, HfJNDAY, 8EPTEMHEU 2i, 1911. Peb Week, 10 Cents LfS DP IS II SCORED BV TAFT WlJTIve. IN IT. toun. . . . - -1 IAY8 JUOOeS SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE. CALL DANGEROUS, HE DECLARES rldnt Hae. Strenuous. Day. In Mliourl Metropolis Ooaa To Baseball Qame And Playa Golf. 8T. U)l'lrt. HepC X3-Durlii a drratrly lmy lay hore today, pros, iiit Tuft """I "I speeches, took r Lrtymlla automobile ride, opeiiedthe Htl fdotlmll season by tosalng tbo tkln unio i b gridiron at Bt, Ixiule nlvrmlty, laid tb corneratone of r Y. W. ' A. building aat through ,i InuliiK of cscltlng bnsebatl be- L.n ttit Hi. lul and Philadelphia iUoiihI Iskuo teams, visited lh uunW- Club to bo made a llfo room- Lrnf (hat orKatHiatlon and .after aj tulng a throne In tbo Coliseum to icbt, had nothing to do bat travel I DUht In order to bo In tbo In dent (tali) of Kansas tomorrow. 0a the wo of entering Oil reputed .tile territory I'roaldeut Taft rounht forward tbo sugeallon of a ider per of Impeachment as a absolute for (be mors rsdlaj pro- lu of a Judiciary recall The president declared that the i delay was uuiiuesilonably one of Ve great causes of unreal In thla bontry and said that undoubtedly the tatlTldea TiaaTtrrroutTr th fa. tat the rourta In many InaUnroi vlfr I performing the functlona that j should. Judges ahould l made more reapon- !. the. president declared. Tbero Inuld be Judicial procedure, a prop b hearing, rather tban public- clamor, r. Taft declared that tbo delay In kmlnlsterlng Justice In thla country konld bring the bluah tf abarno to all lwd Americana and that the courts I thla country made a very ' poor lowing In comparlaon with those of tiigland. where tho Judgea keep up th their diM-keta and wbero crlml- kit find swift punlabmont awaiting SMB. The Prenldint spoke with a great l of earnestness on the subject of form In Judicial procedure. Tbo lerh nn thla aubject waa entirely iprom;tu and followed tho conclu- n of a luncheon at tho City Club. he president's aet speech of tho day lu on the creation, tho work and tho rirpono of the tariff board. Wr. Tnft'a reception throughout the nioiit cordial and demonstra te be has received on any of bla pre- ous vimts hero. LAYER OF RUSSIAN PREMIER TO HANG Kleff, ItiiKHla, Sept. 23. (Special. nnoiinrt.ini'iit lumui. k twlav PM Dlmltri lliifrr; who ahot I'ro- Htoipin In tho muulclpal theatre IT a week n waa IrlnH h ralirt lnlal and ecntenced to bo hanged. IJne lunernl of Stotypln waa hold 'terdMy when the, ontlro city waa tn "wrnlnn hEV, HAYWORTH TO LECTURE. The KlV U A I lau.ri,pt)i MMfn r First llnptlat Church, who la do- rnn n Horlca of led urea at tho irch Will nrench thla vnnlnv nn Itlrtlnn llllrl Pvlhlna nr Ih, rtlvlnlf r Human Krlrndahlpa." Willamette Club to Qlve Danco. The Willamette Club will give a iwing party at the "lluach hall Oo- l(r 5. Thla k. tn. th .Inh fmher and a few frlenda, and there 111 be no admlaalon charged. There Kl TWll i ri V ... . . . . a .1 m iniMiejr ion irom no lour cm a.t winter to give thla danco. THEY Wont Run! , - ....... ,n ln, v(ry at yuan collars , .. . v. L hb hlrt W "" howlnB ' Mon ara just like tho meeeeng- P b0h.y won.t rut We " are showing a very largo' var- of the Manhattan Shirts and you "?.".-, non, ' 'winder "you dnt want to n look over our splendid show- I L System and Clothoraft Suits lB 0v,Peo,ti t .$12.50 to 535 rice Brothers "CLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Others, th and Main 8s. QhSk fSffiMk k a, k. , vm -m "V m I x lav. I- i jr ,u i m ro woaaaaaaaaab eoaaw ' I . -J W AT AiuJlltcyrti-ann wonrleplntl wfy 1lio Summmr u Len o t cJrrori(n1lie very UleaffrtoJa rrorJUsscfoipenae ortrouU mm RAILWAY ACCIDENT FILES SUIT Patrick Hariia, through hla attorn ey rirownell A Stono, filed ault Sat urday agalnat tho Portland Railway IJght A Power Company for fZ.OoO damagoa for peraonaljnjurjea. Harrla allegea that ho waa aerloualy Injured by a train at (lladatono Auguat 17 lant. Me aaya he waa driving a team ao.roaa the rallrad tracka when tho train bore down upon him. The plaintiff allogea that bla left knee waa Injured, ona of hla rllia waa brok en and ho waa aerioiiHly brulaed. RIDER RISKS LIFE William Wallace, of Highland, wi In thla city Saturday and waa prepar ing to leave for hla homo when hla hui Hen became frlithtened and atAiied to run away while Mr. Wallnco waa In the act of getting Into the v-agon. The horiica ran down Main Street and while paaalug In frfint of the Heaver bulldln,r Qeorge Rider aelr.ed the relna of tine of the anlmnjn; TTSwai draggt'd a short distance. Mr. Rlder'i heroic act elicited much pralaa from wllneHnea. The horaoa were return ed to the owner by David William. ARTILLERY HAY TAKE OVER LOCAL COMPANY According to Captain Charles Hidy, commanding company G, Third In fantry of tho Oregon National Guard of this city, Is to lose its Identity as an Infantry company, and be no long er a part of the third Oregon rexl ment. The ronaon for thla will be the transfer jot the company to anoth er arm of tho aervlce. Vor some time, there has ben a de sire on the part of the. National Guard officers to organise coast ar tillery companies among the citizen soldiery, and ever since the move ment waa launched. Captain Hldy has been anxious to take up this arm.Dur Inglng tho past two yosrs he has talk ed of such a change with tho men of his company, and since they attended the encampment at Columbia Deach this year, and were given an oppor tunity to see the men at Fort Stevens, handlo tho big guns, tho majority of them share the same view as their commander. If the ohange Is made, and it Is be lieved, that It will be before long, trie militiamen, as soon as they discard their white strips and chevrons for tho red insignia, will take, up tho the oretical part of the manipulation of the disappearing guns and do as much work as Is posslblo with especially designed instruments In an armory. During tho summer they will hold their annual encampments at Fort Stevens, br some other coast artillery post, where they will tako charge of a battery. Tbe Infantry drill will till lie kept up, as In time of war Patrnnlxe our advertlaersi 1FKE OTlLEi? PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN. (per WAR VETERANS TO E The funeral aervlcea over the re main of Jullua E. Freytag, who died at St. Vincent's Hoepltal In Portland Thursday evening will be conducted at the Congregational church this af ternoon at 2 o'clock Instead of at the Holman undertaking parlors as waa announced. Rev. E. 8. B'Unger, pas tor of tho Highland Congregational church of Portland, will officiate.' .The veterans of the Krenco-Prus-alan War will attend I, a body and the- uallbeaxere will he fmm that ganliatlona. Mr. Freytag waa coin niiniiary commissioner tr the Cavalry and Artillery during the Franco Prus sia War In 1870 aid 1871, at Wurt cnberg, but owing to bis wife's poor health he waa forced to resign and come to. America. -. , . HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following are rerlatarln . K. Electric Hotel: . C. E. Reynolds. Salem; A. E. Fitch. Portland: Henry Croner. JI J Raa. tail, Molalla; R. p. Torrance. Moo mouth: George F. Fourle, Poorla. III.; Erie Head. Portland- n. w. nmwn Salem; John peters, Wllsonvllle; B. C. Ilclgbtonr and wife, Sandy; R. W. Dana, H. 11. Gleaaon, Salem. ArevVOii a auharihr ,n iv. . ' " TOIlIU1 ing iernqrT II not you should call and let us p your name on tbo uh script Ion list immediately BtSXfiUT GINKCdTS A LPflXSHQCK ll HONOR DEAD CONRAD W A :-FJ :T IE ED v ' Wild Bulls and Houses ' ' ' ' ' AT '-. ' - ' ' ' , ' " ........... . . . ...... .. . ' , . N " ' Clackamas Cotmty 'Fai? Sept. 27, 28, 29, 30 at CANBY The Famous Broncho Buster, A. A. West, Will Ride Them Pree. i; ' : ; Free Attractions, Roping and Backing - Acts. : : s fruit I wotroi el MILWAUKIE f AIR - ' CLOSES WITH BALL The Grange Fair at Mllwaukle Thursday evening with a small at tendance Professor . Pratt of the Oregon Agricultural ' College delivered a fine address. . The concert by the jilllwaukle band was excellent The display of vegetables was fine an1 shows what can be grown in Clacka mas county around Mllwaukle. The baby show was-a big success and the names of the winners will appear lat er. Friday evening a grand band con cert was given by tho Oak brove Girls' band. More tban 300 persons were present. One enthusiastic- man threw the band money, and Mayor George C. Brownell gave One ad dress. A large number of Oak Grove persons attended tbe Fair Friday ev ening. The park was well lighted and the grounds were beautiful. The fair closed Saturday night Vlth a grand ball and fire works. Maple Lane School Opens. The Maple Lane school opened on Monday morning with forty-one pu pils in attendance, and Profesaor T. J. Gill as teacher. The grades range from the first to the eighth. Profes sor Gill taught for two years in tbe Canby public school, and baa lad many years of experience as a teach- F TOWN IS ATTACKED JAMES DOWNEY SAYS VOTES IN WILLAMETTE WERE NOT CANVASSED. OFFICIALS ACCUSED OF NEGLIGENCE Electors Charged W4th Not filing In County Returns of Eloc i tlon or Any Data Re. - gardlng It Tbe incorporation of tbo town of WUlametio la likely 'to be declared void on account of tbe alleged negli gent manner in whlcn the town waa Incorporated ,f the charges In tbe ans- Iwer filed by James Downey and wlte through .htr attorneys - Dimlck fc Dimlck are substantiated.' The law governing tbe incorporation of towns and cities under the Initiative has not been followed in tbe Incorporation of the Town of Willamette as alleged of Lord's Oregon laws provide among other things that when a petition is filed in tbe County Court lor the in corporation of a municipality tbe Court shall by order set the date for tbe election, and at the election, the qualified electors residing within the proposed boundaries snail vote .upon tbe question for Incorporation, - or agalnat incorporation, and on tbe first Wednesday of tbe next term of tho County Court after the election tho County Court shall proceed to can vass tho vote cast thereat, and II, up on such canvass, it appears that the majority of the votes cast are for in corporation tho Court shall enter an order upon- its minutes-and declare such territory Incorporated as a mu nicipal corporation under tho name and strle of the city or town as the case may be, (naming It) and shall also declare tho persons receiving re spectively tbo highest- number oi votes for such several offices to be duly, elected as such officers. Said nountr Court shall also cause a copy of such order duly certified to bo filed In the office of tbo Secre tary of 8tate, and on and after the date of such filing such Incorporation shall bo deemed complete. From a careful examination of tho County Court Journal. It seems that the Incorporators of the Town of Wil lamette failed to have the votes for and against the incorporation can vassed by the County Court, or to have any order made declaring the result of the election, and the ans wer filed by the defendants contained the following allegation: "That thereafter the aald T. J. Gary and the other petitioners above men tloned and all of the quallfled electors residing within said proposed boun daries abandoned the Incorporation of said Town of Willamette, and after said 2nd day of March, 19U8, the date fixed by said order upon which to hold said ' election, tbe said electors resid ing within said proposed boundaries as hereinbefore alleged, failed, neg lected and refused to file In said Coun. ty Court, or with the Clerk of aald Court any return of said election or any transcript therefrom, or any data. Information, or otherwise, pertaining to aaid election If any there was, had within said proposed boundaries on said 2nd day of March, 1908 or there after, and by reason whereof said County Court never at any time, on or after the first Wednesday of the next regular term of said County Court after said date upon which said elec tion was ordered or at all, proceeded to canvans the vote cast thereat in order to determine whether a majority of said electors were In favor of in corporation or against incorporation, nor did the said. Court' have any In formation that said election was ever held, nor did said County Court ever enter an order upon Us minutes de claring the territory described in plaintiff's complaint duly Incorporate (Continued on page. 3.) INCORPORATION 0 LORD MOLLYS. Private Secretary to King Gaerge Expected to Retire. MRS. CARLEY HEARS HUSBAND IS KILLED .Mrs.' George Carley, who Is con nected with the Farmers' 8ociety of Equity, and whoso headquarters are In this city, was called to Portland Friday In response to a telephone message that a man, who answers the description of ber husband, had been killed by a train near Tacoma. - The body will be taken to Portland today. Mr. Carley had relatives In San Francisco and In Eastern cities and they will be communicated with by Mrs. Carley if tho victim of the accident Is her husband. Mr. Carley has been working at tbe Astoria Cen tennial. . RACES Will THRILL M. J. Laxelle, secretary of the Clackamas County Fair Association, who went to Gresham Friday to at tend the fair there, returned to Ore gon City Saturday night. Mr. Laxelle obtained about twenty.' more horses for the coming Clackamas County Fair to be) held at Canby next Wednes day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He also arranged with the manage ment for several sideshows. Ed. For tune has returned from Eugene where he obtained twenty racers for the Clackamas County Fair. There Is no doubt that the horse races, automo bile races and motorcycle races will be among the main drawing cards this year. Great activity is already seen on the fair grounds, and booths are being constructed by exhibitors. The room under the grandstand, where the ladies of the Methodist church or Canby will serve meals, is being thor oughly renovated. VALUABLE HORSE STOLEN. The police authorities of Canby telephoned o Policeman Frost Satur day night that a valuable horse had been stolen In that city and that the th!"f hud probably come to this city. A buck board - also was stotan. - No trace of the thief was found here. UNCLE f OM'S CABIN Will fee the Big Feature at THE GRAND This same reproduction of the famous stoty by Har rlet Beccher Stowe In three reels, was shown at this theatre some months ago and was such a success and pleased the audience so much that we have decided to show it once again. ( Today's Program Tenderfoot's Clatm. : In the Arctic Night. His First Trip. PRICE OF RAILROAD STOCK TO DOUBLE DIRECTORS OP THE CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN WILL MAKE AO- N VANCE OP 150 A SHARE. TRESTLE HERE TO BE BUILT AT O Promoters Declare Railroad Will Bo In Operation to Beaver Crook By tho Plrst, of January. The management of the Clackamas Southern Railway-Company will next ' Monday evening, pursuant to 'a reso lution adopted by tbe board of dlrec tors. Increase all stock sold by tbe company from $50 to $100 per shire.' This Increase Is to be made for tho reason that sufficient subscriptions have been received to more than In- i sure the completion of tho grade and bridgea 'from Oregon City to Molalla. During the last week some of Clacka mas County's best business men have made liberal subscriptions for ' tho capital stock without solicitation as a matter of Investment only, and It seems to be the universal opinion that. . the investment Is one of tho best that . has ever presented Itself to tbe peo- -pie of this county. . One 'of the best railroad men In the state has Just completed a tour of the territory trav ersed by the Clackamas Southern, and ' while he has no Interest in the road he made tho statement that he was " amazed at the possibilities awaiting the completion' of the -road. He further stated that In two fdays ho ua- mora tonun awaJtlna- tn be transported to market than tho Clack- -a mas Southern could handle In tweo ty years. ' The trestle from tho Southern Pav effic tracks to the edge of the bill will -be completed within the next twoV weeks and the track will be Immed iately laid from tho Southern Pacific tracks to tho Newell Creek canyon, and as soon as the bridge over tho Newell Creek - canyon Is completed the track will be immediately laid to Beaver Creek, and the directors have -every assurance that the road will be in active operation from Oregon City to Beaver Creek by January L i Tho directors of the company have ' done a great work in taking up this matter in Us Infancy and In moulding . public sentiment In favor of tho con-' struct! on of this line that has been attempted by Oregon City people and ' others for ' more than ,tweoty-flvo - -years. A majority of the directors, have been engaged in business in ClackamasjCounty for almost a auar- ' ter of a century and their . business judgment 'is respected, and in all of -their meetings held In the country - . Snd also In this city, they have as sured all of those who have sub- scribed to the capital stock that the -building of this Une was feasible .and could be accomplished by the resi dents of ho country if they would lay -aside their petty jealousies and work ,. together, and It Is very evident from -the large number of subscriptions that , have been received that the people -now are determined to build tho, road. It Is conceded by all that this road la -a necessity and that the Investment presented by tbe board of directors is a good one. The company will receive subscrip tions for stock at $50 a share until Monday evening at 6 o'clock. Read tbe Morning Enterprise