Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1911)
MOHN1NO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, SE1TEMBEK 21, 1911. ,., a , . r 5 . I 1 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON C C. 0D4E, Editor- and Publisher, BVtterad m iia-lm aaatter Jaae T , lU. At the aaat afflo at Or, so a Otg, Oresna, I. ItTt." un4r the Aet o Marea ' TtWU SF SUSCUrTIOM. On Ttw, br wall U M a Mom tha. by mail I H 'rowr Month ay null l.M r nk, br earriar. ......... JS CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES rtrat fas, aar men flrat lnaartMM....lle flrat I'M. Pf Inch add4 tBMrtkoo. .laa Pr(rr4 poaUtea an pe-a. per bioh ffrwt laearOon.... lt erfT4 poaitloa any MS. aaaed tnacrttone lea In paper othrr taaa flrat paa-a, ' ttnlt Inaertlua :...le Rua paper ethar baa flrat pae-e, par taoh e4da Inaarttona a lee tar Itaa: ta ranUr a4ver i ao Baa. , . Waata. Par Bala. Ta Rant. ate., eae aaat a ward flrat tnaartWm; oae-aalf aeat fcaoh arfaittnaial. . Rataa for edverttatae: m tM Waahlr . Batarprtaa will ba the eetee aa ha tha aairjr. for advwrttannanta art . eepaetaJly '' far tha waakljr. Wtiere tha aavertlaeaaeDt - la traaafrrrad from tha dally to tha awk . hr. without cnaBjra. tha rata will ba at , aa Inch for run of tha peaar. and laa aa ' aica for apaotal aoelooa. . . , s- Caah abould acoompaay erear wbar party ta unknowa la baataeae ofrtee af tha Knterpnaa. LacaJ drrtia)n at leeal adrartlaia " ' . Clrcue advarttalng and apactal traaaUnl KfY art tains at lao to aOe aa Inch, aoeare- aaa to apaclal condlttoaa ovarnlnc tha Taw Bale and Bankrupt Bala" advar anaaata tto Inch flrat Inaerttoa; addi Jnoal laaaruoaa eaaae mattar o haeh. News Itama and wall writ 'an artlotae af aaerlt. wltti tnteraat to local raadara. arfli a (ladiy aoapt4. Rajoctad aana aaMpta aavar raturnad aalaaa aorompaa lad by atcatoa to prapay iwnai, CITY OFTICIAL'NEWSPAPER. - Sept 24 In American History. '.' 1737 Aaron But. atateanmn. adven t . ; tnrer and tbe elayer of Alexander Hamilton, bora: died IS3L - 1904 Onteanlal of the dlwovery of - flke'a peak. 1 1910-John U Peak. American dlplo t , mat who waa mlnlsier to sVitter land 189547. died; born 183a i " ASTRONOMICAL. EyENTS.' (From noon todaj to noon tontorrow.i : Bnn arta 620. rlaea 6 .-46; moon aeta 8 p. na.; mooa at deacndlnc node. Croaatns ann'a path downward: 8 a, bl, eaatern Ume. planet Uerrurj at greatest elongation west of tb ann, 17 degnea, S2 mlnotea tberefrom; phase. 06; light. L Mercury and - Vema both visible In east at awn. . EDUCATION AND MONOPOLY. The thlrat for education and the op poeltlon to eonaolldatlona known aa trasta axe-two of the most morlng ImptUaea of our atrennoua life. If anybody had decpalrrd of education In thia country, or if doubta hare ob trnded themselyea - Into patriotic mlnda that the people would not rally againat combinations In restraint of trade, let the troubled eyes turn to ward Stebenrille, Ohio, In the shad ow of which lies Scto. a aeat of learn ing. The aeat of learning la Sclo College, a -Methodist Episcopal insti tution of some endowment, a consid erable faculty and library, and a grow lng field of usefulness. ; Lately, the trustees hare concluded . that the field of usefulness could be widened through a merger with Moun tain College, a smaller Institution not far away. This step, threatening a possible ' removal of the college of Sclo, waa deprecated by the popula tion of that place, who Insisted upon the Pierian spring being left in their midst. But the full force of the op position was not realized until Mon day, wben R. Emery Bleethara, the president of Sclo. in going to the rail way station to take a train for a JourJ. , neywhlch would complete the mer ger; found himself beset br a mob, hooting. Jeering and casting .egga which It was no extravagance to waste even In this era of high cost of liv ing. The arrival of the tram afforded him a timely shelter, and on his re turn at night he was protected by the sheriff and the marshal. . Such a hunger for knowledge in Sclo Is not to be despised, and cer tainly nobody will dare. In these thun derous days of denunciation of all forms of combination, to defend the merging of two Institutions of learn ing Into one. If It be a benefaction to make two blades of grass grow where only one has grown, can It b- a benefaction to make one college out of two? Sclo has sat upon the case and decided that such a combination Is unreasonable within the nurvlew of the Supreme Court's decision In the Standard Oil case, snd It may be able ' to prove that It will be In restraint of the trade of Sclo merchants and hoarding house keepers. At any rate the stale egg, as an argument for education and against monopoly has appeared In Ohio. At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT 4 'jH ' V , v J V j f. j ll r . I ' ' VaaJ Dotts From Greenland Will Serve Australian Antarctic Expedition I RICHARD CARLE IN MUSICAL COMEDY, HEILIQ THEATRE. "JUMPING JUPITER" AT The favorite comedian, Richard Carle, supported by Edna Wallace Hop per and a splendid company, will present the musical comedy suc cess. "Jumping Jupiter," at Helllg Theatre. 7th ft Taylor streets, for A nights, beginning Sunday, September 2. Special price matinee Wednesday! ' "Jumping Jupiter," the musical comedy that the East has recognised by a two years' run aa the best laugh ing show of the season., is to be seen here at the Helllg Theatre for .four nighta and a Wednesday .matinee be- 24th. Richard (Himself) Carle, the star, has not appeared here for sev-' era! seasons, and will be doubly wel comed. Messrs. Frazee and Lederer the producing managers, have elimin ated not only the chorus man from "Jumping- Jupiter' but also the dis tinctive chorus girl as well. In their 1 works. places they have substituted a dozen i Twins ' -T- 3 ' jrA fx. I How to Get Rich IJve within your meana. , IJmlt your wants while enlarging your resources. Dlnpanae Uh luxurlea aa lung aa you can pay only fo, Cll'Iroimla your IndependencB by becoming a moaty Uf. .n aa a niny earner. H You can buy an Interest-bearing Certificate of Deposit , deposit In our Saving! Department Bvary time you Ba.,, , f' 1 .lUa "11 dollar The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY a taviav ' '' i . ' W ' a 0. UaTOURBTTal rraaWeel . J MtTga, Caa THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON 1 Photos by American praaa Asaoctatlon. A I'STRAl.IA has orgnnlwnl an antarctic expedition, which sailed recently . In the Aurora from London Tbe objeil of lh exellil.n la to rbsrt A" the miles of unknown const on the nrtlieru aide of the land bellrTed to surrouud the aoutb po'e and which l generally known aa tbe antarctlca. Though an effort may lie made to rearh the. pole If rendl- fashioned chorus girl. In "Jumping Jupiter" these exponents . of smalt roTes will all wear model gowns bf tlon, Br- to be favorable, this la secondary to the groprsplili' work that the verv latest fashion. Dainty Edna Wallace Hopper, es pecially engaged, la a conspicuous ginning-8ttnday evening, September member of the cast surrounding Mr, Carle snd which also Includes Charles Edward Wright. Harry H. Meyer, George S. Trimble, William Lynn, J. 8. Klnslow, " Isabella -Wlnloche. Al bert I ne Benson, and Helen Raymond. The music of "Jumping Jupiter" has been supplied by Karl Hoschna whose "Madame Sherry. ."Three and others have made him pretty and attractive girls who can one of the most famous of composers. pretty and attractive girls who ; Among the numerous song bits In tha deliver lines with grace and Intelll- j play are "Tbe Rest of the Week She's gence. It Is reasonable to suppose ! Mine." "Little Girl I Love You," "Hel that the public will welcome the j en of Troy," "I Like to Have a Flock change from the strident tonea and j of Men Around Me." and "The. Strains the parrot-like delivery of the old of the Wedding March." rill be done. Numerous Eskimo dnire accompanied the exeaiiloa. Tiey were selected 4n Oreenlsnd by a representative ' the Panlab government, who Is an expert In choosing dogs for servh-e lu frigid tones In tbe picture above the dofc-a are aeanenjoy lug a meal or dried Bah wulie they were Iff Ixn-" don awaiting the sailing of tbe expedition. Tbe Aurora, the sturdy craft that la carrying tbe expedition, ta also shown. Sousa as an Author and Sportsman. Sousa, In addition to conducting his band and composing marches and op-1 eras. Is a frequent contributor to the' magatlnea. Ills writings embrace all sorts of subjects, and one of hi t articles on trap-shooting waa a recent feature of the London. "Sketch." On i the sporting side Sousa Is devoted to j DEMAND FOR WHEAT SHOWS IMPROVEMENT HEILIG THEATRE 7h and Taylor 8treets Phonea Main 1 A A-1122 4 NIGHTS beginning SUNDAY, . SEPT. 24 Special price Matinee Wednesday Frazee 4V Lederer present The Favorite Comedian RICHARD CARLE with Edna Wallace Hopper Supported by Splendid Company- Pretty Chorus In The Big Musical Comedy Hit "JUMPING JUPITER" Evenings 42.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c Soc Wednesday Matinee 11.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c 8 EATS NOW 8ELLING FOR ENGAGEMENT Read thrt Morning fTnrnrise BAKER THEATRE 11th aV Morrison Streets Phones Main 2 S. A-5360 2-CONCERTS ONLV-2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Evening at 8:30. SOUSA And His Band 55-Muslclanev55 Miss Niceline Zedeler Violinist Miss Virginia Reet 8oprano Mr. Herbert Clarke. Cornetist Prices Evenings: $1.00, 75c, 50c. Afternoon 75c, 50c. 8EAT8 GO ON 8ALE MONDAY, 8EPT. 25 at BAKER THEATRE. "ri ''..VTA . 1 '".rnr i . j A i 4 YXx IiU laa a ' i r ' t. m THE COMEDY, "BABY MINE," AT HEILIG THEATRE, SEPT. 28 29-30. The brilliant comedy success, "Baby Mine," by Margaret Mayo (a former Portland Girl) will be the attraction at The Helllg Theatre, 7th & Tay lor streets, for 3 nights, beginning Thursday, September 28. Special price matinee Saturday. . Egotistical. Her Fattier-Yexterdny I won thv prize In tbe lottery, and today you come and nk for tuy daughter's band'.' Suitor- Yes; you know one t,.t of good luck always brings UDOiher. Kt change. In presenting the Margaret Mayo other comedy plays that earned fame, comedy, "Baby Mine" at the Helllg and made records. But "Baby Mine" Theatre for three nights and Satur-1 Is the greatest of them all, and will day matinee, beginning Thursday, enjoy a long life and world-wide popu Reptember 28th, Manager Wm. A. larlty. . Brady, under whose direction It is Ask the opinion of any one who nrodiind .calls attention to ' 'hag seen this comedy, at Daly s Theatre, New York, but that ' n w" wl" It again, and then Canada Is Able to Accept or Reject Reciprocity on Her Own Initiative By C . MALLETT, Former Member of British Parliament . EARS OF A PLAN FOR THE ANNEXATION OP CANADA BY jL THE UNITED STATES ARE FOOLI8H. ll An examination of the effect which the reciprocity treaty Jf f will hare on British preference in industries and food supply 1 how that there u no ground for any serious apprehension. Apart , from that Canada is ENTITLED to arrange her fiscal affairs for HERSELF, ' ' V No Canadian government CAN REFUSE to consider overtures for a renewal of the reciprocity agreement ONCE IT IS IN EF FECT. A close scrutiny reveals that all the FEARS which were ; thought tobe serious are BASED ON FALSITIES. Canadian nationality ia to1) great a living force to be swallowed up iy the United States. ... If we were to interfere with Canadian arrangements we should be VI0LATLNO one 6f the FIRST, MAXDIS OF THE' EM ; FLRE, which is fiscal freedom," and, too, we would be aaking the . greatest of our colonies to tuVn her back on the WORLD'S GREAT ' "T ?!ARKET. We should maUno: imperial connections with ' - ! -''- F.VVLY SIGN OF LOSS. - " it Is now nearlng Its 2R0th perform ance at Sir Charles Wyndham's Cri terion Theatre in London, England, playing to capacity houses nightly, where so much antl-Amerlcan preju dice efclsts. Still, they fairly search for sdjectlves to praise this worthy lauKh-provoklng American play, "Ba by Mine." The plot of "Baby Mine" was sug gested to Miss Mayo through the read ing of an article In a Chicago news paper to the effect that married worn, en of that town frequently deceived their husbands by palming off Infants from foundling asylums aa their own offspring, snd that the husband would go through life proudly, Innocent of the deception. Why shouldn't "Baby Mine" be a big success a pronounced success with such genuine material as an ut ter laugh and fun maker? There la everything to the play to warrant the general opinion that It la the great est ever, and this Is "going some" when we recall "Charley's Aunt" and "Too Much Johnson," and a couple of again If possible. Fun! Mirth! There is no end of it. It Is continuous riot and scream, and even the young and unmarried people quickly recognize the possibilities and realisms of every situation. It Is really education and an Intuition of what the young wife experiences In married life before and after. Joyous motherhood. Yes, It brings hark the limit of hab py moments of tae 'married man, when he Is informed that he has be come a father, snd IS suddenly awak ened to new responsibilities that are his, and which he cheerfully assumes. "Piny Mine," "Baby Mine!" It strikes most of us deeply, and the fun, laughter and Intense delight of tbe audience as the play goea on, best tells the tale of the Immense success that will follow "Baby Mine" the world ever. In the company which will appear here will include Marjorle Cortland, Earl Mitchell, Clinton Preston, Jane Carlton, and others. Seat sale opens Tuesday, Septem ber 26th. , v ( BASEBALL . RECREATION PARK, . Cot. Vaughn snd Twenty-fourth Sts OAKLAND , PORTLAND September 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. . Games Begin Weekdays at p. mj . ' Bondsys, 7:30 P. M. . LA0IES' OAY. FRIDAY- . , Boys ffdef It Free to Bleacher shooting and rldlgg, gnd he also ex-!. gHEEP , nin nn a wiimnnr.' tie admits inai one of his hardships Is that his pres ent contract will not allow him to ride a horse or take a gun In his hand while he Is on his four of the world. II was thrown from a hone about six years ago, when he was racing along a country road outside Wash ington. Luckily, he was not badly In Inred, but he had to cancel on of his tours, and his managers thought It best that he should not take sny chance on his present tour. On the return of Sousa and his Band from Australia they will give a series of concerts on the Pacific Coast and In tha SouthewesO Their datw-here will be Sept. 27 and they wlllVplay at the Prices are stationary In the wheat I trade generally, although one of the ' leading buyers Is offering only 79c track for club, all Interests are bid ding 84o for bluestem on the same basis. With the Improved foreign situation trade In the wheat market has start ed at northwest points again and tbe volume of business Is fair. Oata market Is Just about steady with buyers bidding from $28 to $2M. 50 a ton. No business Is showing In the bar ley market, although the trade Is on a firm basis. Flour market holds quiet but rather steady for both pat ent and export grades. A firmer tone Is displayed for grain haya and In some quarters another fractional ad- vance In the price Is being 'bid. While other hays are steady as a re sult of the dumHKe to grnln hay, the market shows no change In price. HIDES (Buying Oreen hides. Be lo tic: suiters, 5e to 8'c; dry bides, 12c to 14c. Shbep pelts, 25c to 76c etch DRIED FRUITS Tocal prices are firm at from Re to 10c on apples and prunes. feHches are )ao 8ALT Selling 60c to 90c for One 60 lb. seek, half around 40n; 7S for ino lh. MACKS. Portland Vtqetihla Markata. SACK VBfiETAFILKS Carrot $1.25? 11.60 per snrk; parsnips, 11 2R f 60: turnips. $1.26 $1.60: beets, $1.60. B17TT3R (Buying) Ordinary country brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 20c to 22r. cream ery 22c to 26c. EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY-! Huylng-Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c with good demand. WOOL Buying). Wool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents, HAY (Buying.) Timothy $16 to J"! c to $10; oat hay, best, $12; mixed, $into $i2; alfalfa, $12 to FEEfSIios-i29 to $30; rollel barley. $31.60 to $32.60; process hr ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39 00" cracked corn. $40 00; wheat $32 00 to $33: oil meal, $53: Rhadv lirook dairy feed, $1.26 per hundred' pounds ONIONS-Jobblng prices: Oregon ?3L75 JPr 100: Au"'ra". $3 80 1W; Texas, $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, VI per crate Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS ..ogs are quoted c jwer From 128 lbs. .o 150 lbs. 9'A' from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. gt4c. f.'?N' LARn "UI "AM Arm VEAL CALVES-Vesi calves onus from i lo loo according to arada BEE1T 8TEERS Beet IMn ' tor the local markets ar fetching V,cto 6He llvfc weight. ara nrat at aa ,n ii.. weight. i Quotation. rr Oregon City. POTATOES-Best, Buying l cents .,rUR, AND "ED-Flour Is little of cheaper grades. OATH (Biiyng) Gray. $23 to 124 white, from $25 to $26. ' ' 0ao!ieler and Hyp0,rl,,. About the worst hr...,rl.e , ,r reo.-,Cbl. Bg.. lie, otd Herald CAPITAL, tOX0a t r...a-ta s --ersl wanmni sWelaeee. il-'.'l. ' ''.'a- '. ,.....Jaas'" NEW Opeai fr, , K aj,,,, all Try a little ad for a mouth. It will sell that lot. rent that room, find that second hand piano or automobile you want, help you to a new position and will do much to place your feel on the road to ultimata success. Maitara uaar laaee rtaafl anJ IU aa laaaiae at eaa eaal a ward, ftras laaarttoa. halt a aaal a44illaaal aaaar lloaa. m laah aara. It par asaattt. aag kaafe eera. t aaaat si gar aaaaia. Caah nail saraiaaar af 4a anJeee eaa aaa aa a aeaounl wllh iaa papa. M. rtaanoial mpalbiligr tar tnaes, saw arrara aerur fraa aarrMttvd l will a ptiala4 tar palraa feUaimuaa afcaraa ta KW VPUI0I1T PIANO, of aV Reaaonabla. Inquire CWaT houae, Hlxteenth suaat 1 fARM LOAN I, Wants, For Sale, Etc YOU ARE TONOUfrirD unless you hve learned to make your pen and pencil talk rr jr"- The beat you can do Is to talk to perhaps fifty people a day and what you can say to them In tha time you will have at your disposal will be practically wast ed for yu can not talk convincingly unless you have time. . A little Uner" In this aertlon, In terestlnnly written and set as attract ively as the printers art can make it win talk (r you to mora than ihra thousand oeoule every day. IK you-aea the jx.lnt? It will Itureaae your efficiency and the cost Is o moderate that you will hardly know ttint-ymr "bare-Invested -wnythlnatfAItKT-70raii-n rii lAjAnn-iuttilck g ra Lawyers. Oregon City, Of limn - m mm mi i 1 -J- . ' ATTORNirt.. ; O. D. atBT. Attornay-at-Ue km-' loaned, shatraets NrelsaaL Zm Utlaw examined, aeiatae sttUstZ raj law bustaaaa. U T. " Orwoi Olty i tTRBN A nCIIUETirU Attarwta ' Law. nantarber Advekst, p tie In all ourta, nuks nraBai " prtaa HJdg Oraaos Clt. Oram UtlDgSI ANQ CO"y aCTOH coatraetor. Estimates nUmttt a -aa ss aji classes of sssgr work, eoaerete walks ass ratiaaj eaacreta. Res. Paoaa Mais IP INtUNANCt. . H. COOPER. Fn- nr and Real Estate Let as taia ' year groaerttae s bay. aal at xraaote. OfTtee la ntdg.. Oregon City. Oragaa, WANTED. WANTED Collectors to sea my 'col lection of all sons of curios, an- llrjues, hr Indian irtnkaUT stamps foi stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow-beads for arch - eulogists, etc, buy and sell all sorts of curios; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tools George Young. Main, near Fifth street. WANTl aaiaii ad? artleemeata to thla eul'ima. Prieas vary raasoa abla bea rates at bead of rotisaa Read the Morning CnterprUe. TSTfctYouTo anvwlbaTlhTEa; terprlae Job printing department Is tha most complete la tha State, outalde Portland. Try It for your next printing WANTED Sign work. Everything from a muslin sign to a brume tab let. Smyth, phone 1634. FOR AALC FOR 8 ALE Spare In this column Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don't use It since you purchased vour new one white sow, 244. FOUND. tort on rad, strsy Owner call Farmers OREGON CITY WARRANTS In any amount from $2(o to $2,700 against the Sixth Street Improvement Fund. Have been drawing Interest Since September IGth. Will run approximately six weeks. Will sell them at Par. Oregon Engineering and Con struction Company, Room 14, Bea ver Building. 6t COAL! eg We hare the best at low est price. Lay In winter topply now, t " Korrect Poultry Peed. 1 Oregon Commissiofl Co 11TH AND MAIN ITa. Oregon City. ' E. W. Mellia Now open for business wits I M ', lino 'of new snd second hift4 W tur). i PRICES TO tUIT THE CUlT0s Highest Price Paid Hand Furniture, In the new Brick M1 j Sixth and Main Stresta, The Ten Commandments of Advertising. At the great convention in Boston a short h jo of the Xational Association of AdvrrtmM men, Joseph A ppel, Advertising Manager oj U'anamalicr'a Philadelphia store, gave to Jietail Advertisers Division these ten command ments of advertising: .. Thou slinlt have no other gods In advertising I it. inn n um. ut truth. , . iniJllTC 01 wealth, (r jiower, or station and thou nhalt dm how down thysolf to them, nor serve them except with honor. ' 7 ". Thou shnlt not ic the power of advertising mi unworthy cause or in behalf of umvorW Koods. Heincmher the working day to keep it ll0Y' V Honor thy business and thy advertising, tn they may honor thee, and thy days of usefulness be long upon the land. 1 Thou shalt not kill fair competition from with out nor ambition from within your organization- Thou shalt not lie, misstate, exaggerate, represent nor conceal; thou shalt not bear faw witness to the public, but thou shalt be fair . thy. merchandise. ' , - Thou shalt not steal by false 'pretenses, m fitatements, spoken, written or printed. . Thou shalt not permit adulteration nor subsu tution in advertisetl goods." , ' n Thou shalt not covet, rrofimitatc nor run dotro thy neighbor's business ; thou shalt not (Jovct nor run down thy neighbor's name, nor his fame, nor his wares, nor his trade, nor anything that is w t neighbor's. ' ' -