Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1911)
The only dally newspaper be- 4 tween Portland and Salon; eirwa lata In ovary (action of Claeka- mil County, with a population of 30,000. Ara you an advartlaorf e U. Willi l1",1 VCCntY t.NTEkPRISC ESTABLISHED 1560 VOli. 11 No. 74. OREOON CITY, ORKflON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1911. Phb Week, 10 Cent WEATHER INDICATIONS. OrrKn City-Fair Tuesday; nrnlMil'ly rHilri easierly wind. nri'Kt'ii Tuesday fair, cooler ...riinii' enaterlv winds. 300 MEN DIE AS IIMDOUIDDIMIJ Di$TRtcTioN or FRENCH VE6 CL IS MOST DISASTROUS IN NAVAL HISTORY. XAILORS fJCHT LONG FOR CRAFT OitclpHna C'umi Many Brava Tara to Lota Llvaa Battle With riimii Half an Hour Bo- fort Explosion. TOt'U)N. Frame, Sept. 25. Mora L halt 30 officers and men of tho trimli lmitl.-i.hlp lJherle loat tbolr ri today when tlio ahlp waa torn ,Iarl ami totally destroyed In tbo mrbr here by an explosion of hor liisgszlnes. The t.iittjethlp Republlque waa .illy damaged nnd tbo battleships tenxx rijiir mill Verlte suffered heav ily from the masses of twisted Iron mil nj-mor plate burled upon tbelr locks. Tbl Ih Ibo greatest dlaaater that u rvrr befallen tbo French navy, md In magnitude la almost without preredeut In tho annala of tho torld'n fighting ahlpa. rr Cauttt Dltaator. The eiplotlon which wiped out ona f France's moat powerful baltlnahlpa x-curred at 5:30 o'clock ihla morn ii f. It waa the reault of an out break of fire. Tbo flamoa a p read Itpldly In aplte of all effort lo ex inxulth them, and reached tbo mag pies before there waa time to floud hem. I The magazines exploded with tre- Riendou violence, sowing death and iMtructlon In every direction. While V oaval authorltlea estimate the illled at 300, It la feared this figure till he exceeded. It will bo neces 1417 to go throuKh tho ahlp'a mutter mIIi before a full Hat of tbo victims n be prepared. Several men already have been nkm alive from tho torn and twitted nsts of wreckage, and hope la atrong hit others may bo reached. Eisctly from what cauee or when lie fire tlarted baa not been estab ithed. but It la believed It bad unoulilered for boura. Of tho vet full complement of 74 men, ptln Jaurea, brother of tho Social l letdi-r, and hla second In com ntnd. both were aahoro on leavo, aa Uto were HO officer a and men. Tbo romand of tbo ablp devolved on tho enlor lieutenant, who porlahod. tw Fights Bravtly. The flrtt fire waa discovered at 4 i m., and the bugle Immediately Niunded the alarm. Tho crow rushed o quarter and fought deaperately hs preu.lng flame, but It soon u evident that tho fire had ob allied a firm hold. The position of the fire made It tnpoKiiuie to flood tho magaxlnos md finally tho commanding officer "ld to tho men, "Let him aavo him ilf who can," and told them to 'imp for their Uvea. At 5:35 tho flrtt explosion oc wred. It waa followed by three Mhen at ono minute Intervals. Then me the final terrlflo detonation hlch hattered the windows of tho Hire clly and was board for a dlut of many mllea. Tbo Liberie as rnt atunder; ber bowa wero trown high In tho air and then tbo 'witel slowly settled down and In 10 nlnutei nothing waa visible but tho "P works. M Thote at 111 on deck were hiirlo! Ikrwrd amid a ahower of Iron and '"I. The boats of tbo rescuers 't link and serious damage was Inn to the Republlque, which lay at inchor clote by. Two of her docks wero stovo In, "id one of the Liberty's armor I1'", hurled against her port aide. I'mollnhed tho cabin of an abaont tulgn. cnn iHiwiiiruLUHdur You Can't Afford to miss these good pictures. JUST THINK you can sec a good show every day in the year for the small sum of $36.50 besides you have 365 hours of entertain ment. You gain many dollars worth of knowledge through travel, educational and scenic- films. You &ve money while enjoing yourself. CAN YOU BEAT IT? THE GRAND TODAY'S PROGRAM THE DIVING GIRL (Bloyraph) SLICK'S ROMANCE (Western Drama) $500 REWARD THE RANSOM ... f orr i r Yoojoev J Ttso put thTU ( i-n l Y tfMX AMIItorMlTWTa'l KIT T r I WMB.M Te V Jivt-J Uk. 1 t we n J I Tl & No J . 7 "ub 1.9 1 ' Vr B S r"t 8Q0B WAS THLRE WfTM THE GOODS BEATEN IN TRADE, HE EMULATES HIAWATHA "Kleet of foot wss Hiawatha; Ho could aboot an arrow from him, And run forward with auch awiftneas That the arrow dropped behind him." Chief of Police Shaw Is thinking today thst Henry Hennlng, who make his home at Warm Springs, through the beneficence of a kindly government, which has always taken good enro of tbo Red Man, Is Just like Hiawatha In tho respect of being fleet of foot. Henry had been pick ing hopa In tho vicinity of Oregon Clly and arrived here Friday with a little money and a hone. He traded hla horte, giving money "to hoot," and. It la alleged, got "stung." a Oeorge Ade would aay In hla fables, and. Incidentally, thla might bo re vamped into a mighty good George Ade fable. Albeit Henry complained to Chief flhaw that bo had lot out in tho trade and tho chief told blm to aeo tbo city attorney. Henry, however, disappeared, and then his aquaw became uneaay. Finally It was learned that ho had gone In tho direction of Warm Sprlnga. Tbo squaw and papooie will follow today. Our greatest clubbing offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and tho Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem ber 1. 1912, for only.3. Offer closes October 31, 1911. O THE CJtE'ff PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL IN THE DISCARD. We must now pcu-t with A tew of our Summer FrlenJs , thown fntt.o cdoe lo tlie Hjfit.Tr icre are oilier. Lut uncd redlly TO BE TOLD TO SWEENEY. Amdn La Len clisoovereJ In CleveldncJ wlio Joes n't .nmoUe, cttev, Jririi,rjvnLle or run c5 ruurvJ nlylite rtnj who I clvonc eJ ! Slitit trie af n J cfion tti combination ! Suck a rjrtr -ogan lia j no Luslnosa In CleveLttuJ , InCxiieovm t nls Ikpd . Mow evcr.let usIiopctliafwIioU story lo mart ly a tLrvic of enemies of fair city. rieeje re ot a II May 1x3 ye Leen worlteJ anl mcHjrn ON THIS PAPE.W.-BAQ CQOKING.SURETf TO AID SUNDAY SCHOOLS A meeting will be held thla evening In the Interests of the Sunday school work of this district. Mrs. Emory French, president of tho district con vention, will have charge of tho meeting. Tbo song service will be led by M. L. Olmstead. and Rev. A. H. Mulkey, of Gladstone, will lead the devotional service. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oregon City, will apeak on "Our luiivcnuon, feasibilities and Responsibilities.- after which there will be a free discussion of the subject. Hon IL E. Cross will speak on "Rally Day snd What It Means to the School." Special music will be provided and a good meeting Is expected. DRUG STORES TO CLOSE EARLY. The drugglsta of this city have de cided to close their places of business at 8 o clock hereafter, except on pay day at the mills and on Saturday tilgbt. Thla new movement wont Into effect Monday. Couple Granted Llcenae. License to marry was granted Anna Francea Goeta and Benjamin Harri son Monday. Patronise our advertisers. Oregon City Da atCANBY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, J9JI Big Horse Parade Horse Races Special Train of 9: 1 7, returns in joy the Big Fair. TMt BATHING APOLLO agooJIony Slff MlCft' We ir am . J. 0. STAATS PLANS SERIES OE SERMONS J. O. Staats, chief deputy sheriff ot Clackamaa county, devotes his Sun days to saving souls. Mr. Staats is a mlnifcter of the Advent Christian church and preaches every Sunday afternoon at tno West Oregon City scboolhouse. He has m large congre gation, which Js growing weekly. Be ginning next Sunday Mr. Staats will glva a series of sermons on Bible prophesies. His object will be to show the Infallibility of the Scrip tures and that there Is no eternal tor ment. Tbo church teaches that after resurrection all the worst sinners will be destroyed and the deserving will enter upon eternal happiness. "I am not an office seeker," do clared Mr. Staats. "In fact I would rather convert ten persons than be elected to the blgheat office In the gift of the people." Mr. Staats was ordained In Iowa In 1893 and occupied a pulpit in Denver nine years. Ho has frequently preached In Portland. New Pastor Arrlvea Thursslsy. The Rev. H. Man, recently called to the pastorate of tbo Ohio Synod German Lutheran church, will bo In tho church next Thursday between 3 and 3 o'clock and will be pleased to meet the officers of the congrega Ion at that time to talk over congre gational affairs. Read the Morning Enterprise. J 0 coaches leaves Oregon City at evening. Take a Holiday and en- BIG COUNTY FAIR STARTSTOMORROW EVERYTHING READY FOR OPEN ING OF GRAND EXHIBITION OF PRODUCTS. RACES Of ALL KINDS ARRANGED Sham Battle To Bo Feature Friday, Oregon City Day Baby Show , ind Track Meet Planned for Saturday. What promises to be tbe most successful fair ever held in Clacks- mas county-starts tomorrow at Can by and continues the remainder of tbe week. The arrangements for tbe fair are more elaborate than eve; before and apeclsl attention has been given to the amusements. From the opening until the close of the great exhibition there will not be one dull, moment, and that tbe attendance-will be large each day It assured. There will be horse races. automobile and motorcycle races, tugs of war, a sham battle, a baby show- and many other events. Races to Excel. Tbo Important horse races sched uled are as follows: Wednesday, 1:15 pace, for $150; trotting, 2:25 class, $100; pony race, half mile. $10. Thursday. 2:20 trot, $150; pacing. 2:16 class, $100; pony race, half mile, $10. Friday, trotting. 2:18 class, $100: pacing, 2:25 class, $100; running. mile, $50; free for all pace, $250. Saturday, trotting, 2:15 class, $100' pacing. 2:25 class, $100; running. one mile, $50; free for all trot. $250. There ill be a running race every day. There will be a trotting race, 2:20 class. Friday, for a purse of $500, andaturdsy therewill do a pacing race, 2:15 class, for a purse of $500. Oregon City day Friday is to do replete with attractions, and no doubt the program arranged for that day will be a big drawing card. There will be a shsm battle between Com pany I of Woodburn and Company G, of this city. These two companies are well drilled, and there is no doubt but there will be great excite ment prevailing during tbe "fight." It will be held about 11 o'clock, and there also will be a competitive drill for gold medals At 10:30 there will bo a horse parade on the race track, this to be shortly after the arrival of the Oregon City delegation. The Judging of tbo livestock, poultry and the booths and exhibits In tho pavil ion will also take place In the morn ing. " Scotch To Hsvo Dsy. The Scotch people will have full sway one day and tbo program ar ranged by Major C. S. Noble la re plete with Interesting features, smong them being sword dances, Scotch dances, Scotch songs, bag pipe selections. A program will be given at first on the platform near the grove, after which the Scotch athletics will be given between the (Continued on page 3.) L STREET ASSESSMENTS The city council, at a special meet ing Monday night, considered the assessments of property owners for mnoirinv aeverst streets. The as sessment for the Improvement of Jefferson street and tne nuuaing oi sewer No. 6 will be passed upon at a meeting to be held October 6 Other matters of minor Importance wero considered, and an early ad journment was taken. Sham Battle Automobile Races TRUE FRIENDSHIPS ARE MADE BY LOVE REV. HAYWORTH POINTS LES SON FROM DEVOTION OF DAMON AND PYTHIAS. JEALOUSY AND ENYY DESTRUCTIVE Best Friendship, Says Minister, Exists Not 80 Much for What It Receives As It " Gives. Tho Rev. S. A. Hayworth, pastor of the Baptist church, preached to a larfco anuience. Including many Knights of Pytblss, Sunday evening. on "Damon and Pythias, or tbe Divin ity of Human Friendships." Too ministers text was: "Hereby know we tho love of God, because he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for tbe brethren.- 1 John 2:17. He said. In part: The. valueof every human life de pends upon tbe friendships estab lished. These friendships - do not weaken, but strengthen. Mutual friendships In which there Is the self revelation of each soul, tbe mutual self surrender and a common Inter est, are not only human but divine. These three elements are necessary: Similarity of purpose, and Identity of Ideals are essential In the formation of all worthy friendships. This Ideal relationship between two souls is established by love. Examples of such Ideal friendship are rare in the history of man. Four hundred years before tbe Christian era, there lived in Syrkcuse two pupils of Pytha goras, who proved their love by con senting to die for each other. Damon incurred the ill pleasure of. the ty rant Dionyslus, and he was con demned to death. Desiring to go and visit his family first, be be sought of - tbe tyrant that privilege. Friend Would Give Life. It was granted only on condition that be find some one to stand for him as a hostage, to enter prison and to die In his stead, should he fail to return at the time set. .This, Pythias, the friend of Damon, - con sented to do. Scoffed by his friends for thus offering his own life for another, Pythias nevertheless re mained true and went to prison. Jho day for tbe execution of Damon ap proached and he was not In sight. But a short time before - the exact hour for the execution, Damon gal loped near the scene and Insisted on releasing his friend Pythias. The two had several exchanges In words In sisting on dying for each other. The sublime spectacle of personal devo tion to each other won the admira tion of the . tyrant Dionyslus, who confessed that such friendship he had never known but earnestly craved It. and, pardoning Damon, sought admission Into tbe sacred fraternity. This story has been the Inspiration of millions and has resulted In the organization of a fraternal order which seeks to exemplify this Ideal of friendship among Its members. Such a friendship manifests the greatest measure of love possible. No more can be given for the good of another than one's own life. ' There are many alliances which are based on the selfish spirit of commercialism. Partnerships in life, which have no other motive than commercial gain, are human and not divine. "Tho rich hath many friends." said Solomon In Irony. The friend ship of the many for the rich Is, generally speaking, a feigned love, because of a lack of heart attach ments. It Is for the purpose ot financial gain that such, friendships exist. Jealousy Maro Friendship. Human friendships which are tainted with Jealousy and envy are (ContlauedT-on page 4.) DIOGENES, YOU'RE TO! HE'S FOUND If Diogenes, who was a big leaguer as cynic and philosopher, could have been In Oregon City Monday bo would have discarded his lighted candle. For one man In this town has proved , beyond all peradventure of doubt that be Is honest, as of course, most of the residents of Oregon City are But the man In question carries off tho palm, and It Is but fair that his good work be chronicled In the only dally published between Portland and Salem. His name Is M. M. McGeehan, and ho Is Janitor of the Presbyterian church. I This Is what Mr. McOeehan did: Ho ! called at the sheriff's office and said: "You have not sent me a bill for personal taxes, but I am satisfied that I owe tbe county money on this account." Chief Deputy Staats, who had been addressed, caught his breath, shook himself, became convinced that he wss not dreaming, and then looked at the man before him. ' "How much do you owe?" asked Mr. Staats. "I don't know. But I want to pay what's right. I guess the assessor's men overlooked me. I suppose my personal property la worth $100." ' "I am sure thst Is right," said Mr. Staats ss he made out a receipt for ft, and Mr. McGeehan left tbe office where so many persons go to elon gate their faces with his countenance wreathed in smiles. Someone sug gested that Mr. McOeehan might have his eye on tho mayoralty or some other high office, bnt his friends denied this, and said he waa pei tctstly satisfied attending to hla duties at tbe church. STREETS WED; RIOT IS STARTED OSWEGO CITIZENS ASK THAT WORK OF CEMENT COM PANY BE REMOVED. cora.Mjcira Amsn Moors, Who Figured In Battle With John and Henry Blchner, Has Charge of Force of Men. The riot at Osweso Sunday caused by the Portland Cement company, which Is building a $1,000,000 plant there, erecting fences ai rose several streets, will he aired in tbe county court this morning. County . Judge Beetle has called a meeting of the court at 10:30 o'clock, and the hear- one. More than 200 nersons were t engaged In the ffTTPTPTat one time, and but for the uuumr beads mere - would have beea pitched battle. A ; . force ot about 100 men employed by the cement company, under the di- rectlon of Aman Moore, president of the concern, began tbe work of tho fencing ot tbe streets , early Sunday morning. Several cltisena remon strated, but the work -waa not itnnnul Sfnallv rianrn W Proaser. postmaster, and several friends began removing the posts, but they soon realized that this was futile. Frank Davidson, road supervisor, was ap pealed to, but he could not Induce Moore o discontinue the work of building tbe fences. Appeal Made to Court. Prosser and Davidson appeared be fore Judge Beetle and presented the . following petition, which was signed . by 100 residents of Oswego: "Inasmuch as the Portland Cement com pan, under management of one ager, has taken the liberty on a Sab bath day (September 24) to fence np and forcibly maintain a wire and post fence through the . center of Furnace street, and closing np other trAta rf fin IH tnvn rrfimnletalv. WA most sincerely ask your protection and relief to tbe end that aald fence be removed and our rights as citi zens of the town of Oswego be pro tected." Moore, it Is 'said, alleges that tho streets were never formally dedicat ed. Tbe signers of the petition say . the streets have been in public use for almost fifty years. Tbe company fenced the streets some time ago. but was ordered by Supervisor Da vidson to remove tbe obstructions and did so. It Is thought that the company's second action Is prellml-. nary to a legal fight for possession.. Tbe portion of tbe town affected la not Incorporated, and the residents J bsve no redress except through the county court, or by seeking an In junction. - If the court, decides the company la in the wrong Sheriff Mass will be Instructed to go to Os wego and have the fences removed. This probably would result In tho case being appealed to the circuit court Suits Result From Fight. Moore and John and Henry Blchner had a fight several weeks ago as the result of the cement company trying to take possession of land which was In dispute, Moore alleged that Henry Blchner struck him with a shovel, and. as be seized a board to defend himself, John Bichner, who Is a pio neer, rushed upon him with a club. (Continued on page 4.) A BARREL OF FUN You will get a big bunch of Isughs out of the Jolly coon songs, tho bright minstrel jokes, the humorous special ties, and all the other varieties of fun on an Edison or Victor . Talking Machine. Lot us put ono In your home today. Wo will males the terms to suit you Prices $10 and , Orejon City Jusiolwo. . ':