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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
At I . vi'tV' ,lf.Mi i f'H '. ! 'ire I -V'i a vl t . Vi ' Big Uwri Sale. Ladles tike, ii, vAntkJe. of out Social LaWfl Sale. Ail 20c, i5c and 3 6'c lawns on Special Sale for I7c yd. All our house dresses at special Prifces. J.h Levitt Suspension Bridge Corner And Thef No Jake. 1 Fred haver and George Gregory, proiuliwmt reaideuta ,f Molallit, trans acted, business tn Oil city on. Tues day, having oin in the former. u',o. , Harry- Mllleri circulation .mauager f tbe-Orgon fit y Enterprise, return ed Tveedav roiu Wdorado and oilier section of (lit county. k Mr. J. H. Robinson ami twi sui. KKwntnh and Ixjd. and Mr. J.i Keating and. two children, Rodney and Virginia, war In t)il rlly visiting txlnltvna ,1 uvmlay. Mian I'warl Jimes, who him been for the past fiK.Hl. the Mui'hnk'J aawniUI lor. Iti benefit of lier health, has returned to har homo at Park place inuU Improved i health. Mm Myrtle iinl. of Arlington. Kusterii Oregon. a arrived In Ihla city, and la veiling her parent. Mr. and Mia J inn 1'iircull, of Clackamas I Heights. Hhe la accompanied by her Utile." daughter, Helen. I Mr and Mr J. Murrow, of Hills I boro, arrived In Oregon Clly on Tuhh I flay nmriiluK, having been suninoiiod here by the Illness and deu'h of their tiek-e. Miss May Uainlio, whosa death oicuiied TnvHitiiy inoriiliiH. ' U K. Rill leaves thla morning for HohhIiIv, mid from thorn will ko to Cannon Beach, where, he will remain I for several weeks. Mr. Hill will vim: with hU win, lyinlar K 151 II, who I In crmi,. of Hotel Hill, tat ubllsli ment belonging to Mr. Hill and hi mm. Thla I one of the most dellght- f nl stiiniaar resorts, and Hotel LIU will no dun tit have a Kood rnmlntm I In- ruining season. Oral A Welsh, aon of Mr. and Mr Francis Welsh, of thl city, returned Haturdiiy from Ann Arlior, Mich, where hi- I a student In the medical depart mriit of the I'nlverslty of Mlrhlgun.- Mr. Welah visited rela tives In (tip KhmI, among them being hi aunt. Mra. Myrtle K. I'atton, of Greenville, Iowa, formerly of thl city, alao bis mother undo Samuel Robinson, of Indiana, a well a Mr. Rote -nid family, of Franklin, Indluna, who wa a general mllonary a few yar rk In OreKon, and who inada ill home at McMlnnvllle. In Mil of Mr. Wi lMh'a ' travel be think there I no pliire like Orexoli. lie will re l urn to Ami Arbor In September to (umnleii. lila whole yvura courae In lllfdlclne rent of laat yaar'a ruu. . . . . . K K ii a IUver. Oreaon. 60 to 60 Mr ceut. of laat year'a crop. 4 Milton Freewater. IS to 16 tmr cant of laat year's crop. Other dlatrlrta In Oregon about the name averaice. SPEED ON PATHS IN GREA1 DEMAND League Managers ittef Players Wlio Can Piitei SajKS COBB BIG HELP TO TIGERS RANDALL TO LfcARN BANKING. Poitmater Ooa To Olympla To Re eelve Inatnictiona. t'oatmaater Randall left lor Olympla, Wab., Baturduy to bocome a member of a claim of pontmanter. which will on Monday and Tuesday be Instructed in the metnoda of conducting poatai aavliiK bank. The Oregon City bank will be opened on June 26. Portland Couple Get Licenses.' The following have been granted inarrlHKe license: Edith Ernalg and Holoinou Gleck, of 230 1 2 Flrat street, Hortland; C'orlnne Inex Jugb and Jwiiu-h Krnetit Poole, 217 1-2 Cherry street, Portland. EASTERN APPLE YIELD TO BE BIO "Now. Willi, what on earth are you rryliia llml way forT" "tiyolioo! My teeth "teppvd on IIIV tongue r' LOCAL BRlifs . . Uaht lunch and coffew aerve.1 Tiea duy and Wrdnesoay, IUrri' grocery. T. K. lilnford, of thla city, ha our chased a 40 horsepower .touring rM. XlUa (lrac Whlteh"ee api-nt Sun day with Mra W h. StsfTord. ( ., iam't miss the coffee demonstration nt llarrla grocery. Mrs. Jtrown and aon wori In thl city on business Tuevlay. John Hrown. of Cru. waa In this city on business Tuesday. Heclal prices on the best coffee thl week. Hsrrls1 grocery. William Lucke. one of tic promin ent business men of Csnby, was tn thla city on buslnesa .Tuesday. Mr, ( axrle Jonea, of Haker, la visit ing at the home of her unch, F. J. Jones, of I'arkplace, for week. MIm Konea Htafford haa gone to fYirvalHs lo take a courae In the college. . i . WllhoU ataa will Wwe the Electric. Motel etch day at 2 oclock, p. m AiHilph Fredrick, of Ugn, w of the .prominent young farmer of that place, waa In thl city on iuemiy Mra. John Davl. of thl-l clly. went . . . V to Hellwcmd Tuesday, on a trip. ' An addition I being built to the, rcitldence owned by Mr. Marie Oras ler. of thl city. , , ivr. K. A- Bommof, formerijr of Ore gon City, haa moved hl office to 1017 Cortiett building. Portland. Charles Spence, of Beater Crek, was In thla elty on Tuesday. Ielng accompanied by his daughter, Mlns Kuho Bpence. .' Miss Nellie Miller, of Portland. hs arrived t Olsdstone to spend week with her parents, Mr. and MM. Thorn aa Chamberlain. " Thomaa McCarty and family, and Mr. Bchoenborn. of Cam.- avere mong the Oregon City vlaltora on LHW"'- 4tiiT -H Outlook In Oraflan, However, I Not . promising. The Northwestern Fruit Kxchange reports a follow regarding apples; Htalemetits In regard to the crops wial of the MUsourt river are cnftlct lag tn many ways, but the geimral toue confirms the previously reiterated ad vlcea thut the yield tn those districts will be much larger than has been harvested for a number ol years. Msnv section In the Kasl nave ueen vlHlted with abundant rain which have helped strengthen the situation. On the whole, the rain have been ot exceptional value at thl time, follow ing the extremely hot weatner ana cevere drouth. The June drop will 1k much heavier. than waa expoted, while a number of localities report bleating of some varletlea. It seems ronitlii that New York and Michigan, at least, will have bumper yields, siecallv in the fall varieties. The Vlrilnlaa promise a very rair crop, although smaller than that of 1910. Information from New Yorg state in.w rist of the 10th show heavier dropping than I considered deerable la Mine locallUe. wtjiie miners re port blBstlng. Jiut on the average, con ditions Indicate an exceedingly large volume of tonnage. Michigan report are of the same goneral character. In some districts the aummer varieties will be heavier proportionately than the fall appres. but the latter will of themaelve ex ceed the production of the lust several yenrs. ' Virginia report are recent and com prehensive. The ShetiBndoah Valley and Eastern panhandle of West Vir ginia promise crops of uansually fine quality, but on the whole the quantity will hardly exceed 60 or 65 Jr cent of last year harvest. The shortage la attributed to the lt late frost, and the excessive drouth lasting three week. The drop has sIho been ab .......... iiv heavv. The falling off In th older orcnaras, wnicu mm last year, will be offaot, to a large extent, by the great acreage of young orchard Just coming into oeariu.. Tha Shenandoan vauey waa k hall, ligninuia '" Detroit .Outfisldar'p. Ort u Run fling H Won Many Gm Collm , Phijadalpriis , Another rj lr 1806 White 8o 6pd Boys Baat Cuba. , Bpeed la one of the greHiext enen UulS of miMleru hsseball It Implies quick mental as well aa ph.vxleal ac tlon, both offensively and (lefrnxl vely Take any one of the major leutrue eii nsnt winners .wUIJn ttie pust decadH aiiU you will Hud tluti lbl uiiiiilty of sliced bas leen Htrongly .evidenced, bulb Individually aud collectively . The wurJd's cbauiplon Athletics boast the Onrt , ICdille Collins, i-niimplou baxe stealer of the major league in IUIU Ty Cobb's Med as much as his hit Una; ability helped lluiiui JennliiKS te wlu three consecutive pttuDuois and la doing much to win another this eu soa. .It was the sd ot .U.Htilcago White Kui In luotl that Uwt t be Cubs la a world's series, to the smuzvuient of the country Fred Clnrkv's I'lrates and Frank Cbauce's Cubs sre always at or near the top of (be National league beep because, even If they boast no Collins or Cobb, they both have some fan! and bendy .men.. , Sliding to bae Is also m, necessary aacouipllshment In a great bane runner. ,1Umv to g-ii Into top speed. in the quickest possible lime and bow, to lljte can only be acquired by constant practice. There are two motives.. In sliding The principal one is lo preeeot to the gusrdlNn of station the smsllest port Widow Clancy's Second i Hi Put s Wrong Inter i .1 pretstlon on What , , tie Heard ) 5 By CLARISSA MACKIE . Copyright by Aoitrlca I'rau Auo- i ( clallon. IL . . V Hurry liarry. sat under tbe shade of hi broad brimmed bat estlntf bis lunch. It wa a queer cougloiferate luoch. the product of the cook' bur rlal gathering of leftovera. , r , , Away off to the westward the. Crane and C-abrkd were riding back and forth, their form like pygmies agaloHt the blue bate or the foothills.- They bad consumed tbelr.bean sandwiches mmtQm U. V . . . .f. . W mi ! or ' tfrtX .it . ... '' 'V' !? til rork from wbUh noniuird a Btfla grove of cottou w.mhjx . Krv'ii out ot the rock there Issued a stream of pure water' that stvsmeil a It lapped the hot sandy bsuks. Under tbe cot loo' woxmIs I here was a fictitious coolOeni. aud Harry stsked his torsv and dung himself dowu In tbe grateful snsue and closed bis acbiu eyes. If be could only stop thinking of tbe fallhlesM Widow Clancy, wbo blid so rutblexHly broken bis heart. Hairy would tin re fell better, but tbe. love smUieu yount man .was sore pressed wllb recollei-tlon of the lender coiuel rle of the pretty widow, who hud loved, or pretended she did. aud. wont of all. she was going to marry turn fst faced Ormun butcher. Itujler was fat faced, but there was a certulu florid i-vmelliiexH about bis j lookx us he Joitged Into Saliio's gulch to seiin h for iilct aud shsde. He did uot see Hurry Kurry. nor. did the al tleimin we bjui until ltuj;er hud dis mounted and was stuuiblli)K alNiut among tlie stones: then Harry nrouel aud sat bolt upright among tbe rocks aud stared at bis siicceKsful rival. "What do you waul?" he anurled fiercely. The tieruiuo toied short and atnrwl ."That- no way to eak lo a chenllemau.".he pdmonlslied severely. "Thuj why I wj tt.lo .vou. Ruyt t'. What are you idulug here?" . , "I came to cool off." iyj)d ,tbe (Jer mQ ani;rlly. "Dls Satan ciilcb. It s bubllc broperty." "It's not big enough to bold both of as." warned Harry, bis band on bis hip pocket. -Deo you petter .pe. going some." aid poyter Imperturbauly. "I wa here first," aritued Uarry. "I'en vou should go first. You bud your share or aer coolness so ruy. Phlosea Are Striking. Tbe varieties of phlox which In a season are suitable for tbe idu teur wbo wlxriee to produce a striking effect tn her garden There are so many different varletlea that any bade desired except yellow may be found Varieties differ In height, size and shape of blmotu All are of easy culture. The plants should bsve a sunny olttou They grow rapidly and their blooming senson is not long, but may be prolonged by giving plen ty of moisture and a partial shade trip to Pqrllana Satyi&r, . Tha Canby Red Mwyed a ' game with thf Molali Graja laat Sunday. , Cunby won by aoort M 10 ti 2-, lThey played nlhe InMSca. Molilla did not get a talley until tba) eighth Inning. 8wt Paa Enamiaa. Slugs and other pests must be watch ed for. esiieclally in the evening, when they come ou' to feed If put Into a pall of strony; salt and water they will die very qui 'kly. , If m:iU reen or hrown flies -ih!rtiH iiper pn the plants. spray I'jciu (it once wjth soft oup and water mid kerosene or with some, Insecticide fringe the plants wjtb clear water the nett duy and "prjiy tbem( again and again If ue:enry. till all tbe aphides Hre ilestroyetl , ; . Heuse Plant. In dark rooms sin h. plants as the palms, the .andiinus. the screw pipe and evr f-iicln imI Hmx di- wel( , ill the palms the fnu ami dole varieties requjfe eal ,-nre I'hi-.rulils.r plnel Is excellent. It w Ititured )y AM and shonld be wuxlied f r.iuemiy and dougbuuta and. . perhaps, even their, etu,'Urry Barry shuddered-I ter ,at ueaviiy down on a rock neur aud. were alive and able to riue arouna i narrT and mopped bi ciimon face wUb some agtllty AJor himself, he felt like a water oaked log: a weight of tons seemed to press on hi cbest; be felt melancholy and down at beurt. There was noth ing In tbe cattle business for him--tbe bottom bad dropped out of every thing that bright auuihloy dayn "Cblmlny. but It' cruel hot. n groaned. ' ' "Why. don't you go back- la the ranch, then. I tell o thla place Isn't blK enough tor both of uia, . . JU figbt you for It." b auggetf4 tbra,tly) "I ain't ii fighting inan.", murmured h". crmrni heartlv.' "It's too biamed tlfrbe bad been assistant foreman of I ho u B4D ,ByWay. tbo. Looe Dull ranch. If be hud, heeu rlilf herder of tbe outfit. If be bnd beeu anything except plain Harry Bar ary. the merrtesl. warmest hearted camp the Lone Bull bid ever known. he might have woo the Widow Clan.- cy. ; let, uarry uarrj , uu.. uwu . - ox wa In love, always fltwUd e Uarry glared at the man wbo wjuld not be affronted, the. man wbo.wouid not,flgbt aud give liarry, Uarry an owortuiilty to lay blm lo.gid thus place the Widow Clancy, pqce more on the free list. It came over him it i nnn, then ihat'Of course If tbe Wlduw Clancy didn't want blm why in t,t ow wbo naa Dongui un wi ur the Lone Ball and whose chief ad vlser be bad been for several months Ha tt wa wbo bad bounced her fore maond installed In his place a atouL 1 caDOble. .Uerman.. who. .wa. Doneat CORRESPONDENCE BEAVER CREEK. The Welsh Congregational church Sunday school will hold it annual picnic next Thursday on the cnurcn lawn. There will be Interesting ex ercise by the pupil and . refresh ment free for everybody.. A cordial Invitation 1 extended to all. . .Aali YOur.Phyaiclaa. It ta not neceaary, lor , ani aromas to take our unsupported word lor any statement toe make. '' Id ft, sh CAB easily satisfy herself aa to tha efflcaey of Kexall Vegetable Compound, If aha will coma to u. let u acquaint ftr wltri the lngrexllehta contained In tola prejiaratjon, and then aak her physic ian hi opinion of the treatment. The formula,' after which Rexaii Vegetable Compound I put up, I tha same a used by a reputable success ful physician In treating such ailment. Since it baa. been op tne maraei, iu relhiblUty ot thl treatment haa bean deiiionatrated in, hundred Of Caa, and today ao .post) ve are we ot tne reaulta one ,may expect from a treat ment of . thl preparation, that wa offer o, refund any money you. may have paid u tor Kexan - vegeisoie Corblioiiod. If it, falla to produce pn flclal resiills in your own case. Hear In nilnd that Retail Vegetable Corritioupd may be 'obtained only at our. More Tbe ' Kexall Drug Store. Price; f LOO per bottle. Huntley uroa. Cbhipariy... .. . ' i' ' NOTtCfl TO CREblTORS. In the County. Court of the State of . . Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ellery Capen, Deceased. . The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County . Court of . the State of Oregon for ClacVamaa County, executor of the last will and testa ment of Ellery Capen, deceased, noj tlce 1 hereby given to the creditor of, and all persona having claim against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six month after the first publication of this notice, to said executor,' at Ladd THton'a Rank, corner Third and Washington street. Portland, Oregon. .... EDWIN W. CAPEN. ' Executor of the laat will and testa ment of Ellery Capen, Deceased. Dated, June 7th, 1911. Sw WantSi For & at iuMILUmJ basar hopelessly In love, with tbe yretty wld-1 wnt yer?, Wbat waa love If . two did not, participates., Why am Rnvterlf Wa It worth while 4 . . ,,He scrambled lo bb eet ao . whis tled, to his borse. Ruyier looked. up w)th dull Interest, "bat's rljfcbj. Mr. Barrr. First you come und tirst yoo abovf everyjblng elae, and that la. very 80eBo:.. - . ; Important when a widow's funds are! yarry Barry stood lo froteo alleoce rawr;? Mrti -.T I rind atorm on June 6th. the effect of which could not be determined at tha time of our advice. Whatever damage ha resulted in the southern part of the valley may be equalled by the benefit rail in Hi northern aecuon. rrnn. of 1910 In Beveo . count lea . ohnndosh Valley aggregated 1 nnn.nno barrels, or the equivalent .st Kniwi carloads. m Northwest coixlUlons continue un- . a AKcordlna to best posieo onree.' the outlook for apple la a f,.llr,tvs- nort niver Oregon. 50 to 60 . per I Y'wSs IS Asifeiiig:; J I ASK.. : Fo ml we will gWe.yo" w1"' I : ; . mm I MB V a 11 6 months subscription i 1 By Mail I a) at 2Sc the, month TO THE . 1 I 1 4 months subscrfption 1 By Carrter . at 45c the month 1 1 disbursed. A, few careless words In tbe bunk hmw rhst morning bad turned bis complacency Into bitter connternatton "la It true about Ruyter and the wld wT Jim Lewla bad asked of Tim othy. . , - . ' ' 1 -So I bear." Tim had carelessly re plied. "Seems Mrs. Cllntock put it up to. the widow, asking ber If Ruyter wasn't the second. ADO. say. 4iui. jmi i . k,,. . hi. rjeaa ana squeaiM suiuij tv.i1' he mourned. AD. Uotll I'm dead as der doornails ougbter seen how Mrs. Clancy bluxh A t1 4 s, . . -T. MOIwNINCj enterprise. A Beautiful China PLAGUE029' A f. v There arc a variety of patterns to choose from.V Make your selection early. Sobscrlber.MaylHave Them Too ... , .. To any present subscriber who will bring us four ncwuSsription, we will present one of these beautiful dishes. ALL SELECTIONS MUST BE MADE AT THE Orf.CE OF THE :. .. : "' ' . . . K aVlaT noHnnN CITY BUILUiou D A n n , v 1 - Pbotoa by American Prnsa AaaocUUlon. kus viswa or ass .SUP.. rR .iiiia: No. k. bnoa silda; no. a. anoih.r vlaw of nous allda.! A . A ll M"' of tbf apatomy, for in auyh lK;a. lb Ukeilhood ot being taggea .u ,.i to a minimum furthermore. Mri base and the plate are the only siatlons which may be. overrun after rescblna At sx-ond and third buses ,h. nmiwr uiuet not only touoo. Wit .is., rwtaln the anck vtlft some. pW of WsHHjrsoo, It ta.a fatal ,to..jv.raHde ,iM h. an Inch as to oe muaio miliars V f .There are many alnds, at .slides ' 1 . . r., MM, Moat players prerer 10 uur for ihelr steel aplke naturally intlmt data the fielder Others usually travel bead tlraC rluichkig tbe oase wnn oe band and so bouliaM wi more nrimj than If Ibef .QWOeUUe-J. ri) ' pikes. The Player sliamg twn or-. bas- ao advantage-: oiiisiue "i ral dnnger of encounterlug .foeniHO's .nlkes in face, pAiJV!rw or n.ni7 11 hns the bug rtgni oeivn- ui- v.--- Whrea one who .lldea feet flr-t goes . . nr was bv guess work once he makes his- final hP wh-,ner sliding head Mr-l or feel t1ri.. pmyer must be able to Keep "' " .11 times If plBVer;al- ays slid right Into the bug Sould . oinn lor I he npnosltlon 0 P'T htm Hut If sometimes he slides In rr..m miM .trie, sometimes from an ,.thr .nil .sain between the legs of Mis onnonenl. as sometimes happens fheu be ha Jut so mucb advantage , Four Couple Gat Llcanaea, , The following were granted ma rlttge licenses by County Clerk JduVvey on Tuesday: Bade Evan and W mm it. Lucke. of Canby; Emily Hewe and Pr Hefty, Oak Grove; Alfra Tannler and Christian Burn. Spring water; Carolina Dahtn and Wilson 8. Day wait, of Clackamas. at wbat he saw. behind Kuytefa back There, disturbed from. Jt a .reat.. among tbe roc ks, wa a rattlesnske cojieo 10 aprtug Another Instant and Ruyter WOV'd be beyond help uarry nvai would be put out of tbe way. ( There waa 'a flash of Are. a report thai detoualed among the ecattered rock aud went echoing down the ran yon. The German Hftedbotb handa MACKS8URG. . , . .. , Miss Lucy Mitts haa returned home from a visit In Portland and Salem. Ben Jackson ha sold hla horse and buggy. . ., , ... cMtea Lmho (irlbUle attended the ball game, at Macksburg Sunday.. The Canby boys .were victorious at Macksbury Saturday. ; y , ; August. ,WIHbroad ha gone to the hospital at Portland. ,.,..,' - . .. Mrjs, .Dreler wa a Portland vlattor last week. i . . Mr. Eby, Jr., fa putting np a new. house. . ' . '. CLARKES. ' ' Mr. A. Klelnsmlth and family, from Medford, Or., vlalted their relatives -M , n . I . J If T smith, intend to atay with her mother WANTED 1000 loan on good prop- I ai a fa m - un asiVttnaaavs durina-the aummer. . eny. Aauresa a-i, v Sum Elmer and family .attendee a wedding in Molalla of Mr. Elmer' neicevr -s . . . . t. Surenaon Is working for Mr. Wettlaufar , Alexander Scherruble la working lor Mr. Elmer , . , r Otto Elmer has. coma home, .from WANTB3-rExnertinced , girl or wo- school. ,EImrVna Edna Elmer vlalted 1 wn f0r general housework at Port- Netleea nwdar tfeaea, will be Imseriad at iMuiim . haif . ant tuma. uh tmch eara. U asK asawthi. H.h rmr it itnaai si Dr saanth. Caah must auosaipaay araar asBiewa lima an cam acooual wltn ISO, Wi, f a n...ri. mmon.lbflltr for errors; wbart rmn oesur frae eorrecwsi aouo win prlmtad for paHron. ayniroum WANTED. naif STRONG VOUNO girl wanted, .from 10 to 7 o'clock every nay except Sunday a nurse girl and assist with housework. ' Phone Main 3044. or write Box 409. Gladstone. a nATTLBANAKB. OOIUBD TO PW1I. . . . Ukai ed right up. to er. pretty, ears on said he .was. Wonder wnat uarr.v will say to that." c ...... i Suddenly Uarry arose ana. mounuog bis horse, rode around o, w here i4 hHrt wss loping leUurely along "plant ed hot. ain't It. Uarry boyf be asked. -nades Isn't In It," growlea uarry. mopping bis face, ""'"!, yThlnga-U mighty. slow. A,rane jiu me will get;alo .Bra rate. Uarry. Why don't you lope over to the gulch aud ake a snooee lo the ,rock? I heard tbe ftream was deep8euougl to take a dip In. Go along: w don't want ou" II. r. "I'd like to mignuiy. umn - , The Crane rod np then, and .mingled bla communda with tpos pi .vaui" -and soon the two older men re watching bla drooping form dl-appear lug toward .Satan .. KUich. a bit of coolness dug out of the foothills. . .-I'd like to chaw up that Dutchman, gfewled Gabriel without preface. ere' .your . chauce." said Crane dryly "he's coming now.',',.,, . .KOabrlel turned , a, . saturnine couu tanance toward a huge rol poly flKitre bouncing aioug astride of a lull, raw boned sorrel. The German s face Crimson with the Dent, and bis fair hair was plastered to his forehead In dark string. - He pulled to a rtao.1 sttll beside tbe cattlemen und m..l feu. brow with a bine cotton nandker. chief. . : It a hotT' he muttered .beliiiewly. "Is Itr asked tbe Crane Innocently . "Mr pardner here. Gabriel, was saying , bow he wished I'd favor him by rid lng borne for a extra blanket." for exploded Ituyier. -You are coldt bloodied.. Mr. Gaber 1 Gabriel .shrugged his shoulders. Whv 'don't yoq t over to the gulch Ruyter. and hav a dip In the stream? Cool vou off.; ' I till." sld the other, with entbusl asm. "I forgot that gulch, poys "It'll make Harry feel peart to smash tbnt Dutchman." observed tbe Crsne, l nnlr wish I was there to see It. deplored Gabriel '' ' Within Satan' irul-b Hstty Barry let his horse smble to the npper end. where there was a rained neap of -Aw. wake mr Uarry permiitea himself the pleasure of kicking Roy- ter Into acUvlty. "Thafa wbat'a dead . . . . ........ . ih. aa a doornjui. ue. , isnym., twitching body of the rattler,,: Ita bead wa blown to atom, and Jbe. big German Blared until bis face was as white a paper. .. , ... -You did that for met" be almost whispered.. ' ' ."Ita nothlnn." ld Harry sullenly ss he threw a leg over his borse. . j There came. a. , shrill cry doTff.ahe canton and a clatter of boot as a.ra. Clancy pounded recklesaly am.qnj ;ha loose tone. She drew rein at Igbt of the two men. and ber eyes lingered ..n Riwter'a delected form. . rfbet aald you and Ruyter were go- In .to fight." she. said to Harry accus ing lT, ber eyes blaxlng. her balr tinged with tbe red of tbe sun., . I baveu't hurt your Dutcbmaji." said Uarry rudely. -He's perfectly safe." ' "He aafed my Ufa from dit. . Mr. CUncy." said Ruyter agtutedly. poln lng a fat linger at tbe remains of tb rat tier. . ,. - She shuddered and tbeu. recovered ber equanimity. Once more be wa the cool, level headed little woman tnat Hurry Barry bad fallen In love wltn. t on, Ruyter.". be commanded tbe German: ."you're got a lot of matter to clean up. you know " . -W .' , "Yea. Mrs. Claucy." he said, .gladly leasing the place. When tb echoes Of the Borrel' ham'bling hoofbeata bod died away Mrs Clancy lifted ber eyes to Harry's handsome, sullen fart and spokes ' ' ' ,. rWby caU Ruyter my Dutch mauT" she dfmnoded crisply. .."Tbe,v sa.v-they.nyryor golp to pinrry blm." stammered Uarry. feeling hot and foollb. .r v "1 don't know who they are. b.ut.thcy are dead wrong. No. air; keep your distance! I dismissed Ruyter yesterday- and the Cllntocks are .Jollying me because he's the second foreman Ey- had since I've been here,';,. Jw eyes swept bis face and .then torn Ml way. "Is that why you saved hla life?" i - ! ' "1 thought they meant you,recond husband." said Uarry. growing .bolder. "I'm not going to hate a second hn-ihsnd." -said Mrs Clanct decidedly. tet showing tbe curve of a pink cheek. vNever?" insinuated Uarry. i Rut Mn Clancy did not answeryet ,h-n wna something In tbe demure curve of her,Tlps tfiat.led Uarry Barry to feel, riotously happy, and to alng love songs In her pretty ear all tb way home. their brother at .the school In Cor vaIHb for a few days- , , ..... - Mra. Tall man la In Portland in the hospital. ?he underwent an operation. Mr. Sullivan hauled lumber laat week. - Mis Frances . Curran, of Oregon City, visited Miss Zelma Cummins Sunday. Charlie Henton haa returned from Washington.' i Mrs. Haurer and daughter Tlllie, went to Portland for a few day. Miss Mary and Maggie Sullivan have returned from OrMon City. Mt. WaMoe,j of Highland, hauled lumbr on Monday. , .. Mr. Buttemlller la painting the root rt 1a hnilftA. W. G. Klelnsmlth baa purchased a team. Edward and Otto Buel went to New fr.ra on Sunday to visit their uncle A. Durst and family, of Union Mills, wan. in Clarkes on Sunday. Mr. and MrMa. Solomon Glick and haa mother visited hi sister, Mrs, Hofstetter on Sunday. Mis Emma Klelnsmlth haa recov- rd from a aore throat. ' , rwona Klelnsmlth preached In Valla last Sunday. . .' George Clarke hauiea Bningies ini a-ntfll Mr tlinann and his son lien, Ot Portland, visited in Clarkes. They want mountain-climbing, Mr. Undon ha finished bla nouse an1 la l-OHll tO mOVB In It . Sara Elmer waa In town last ween. WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY. Made Blrd Seeka Divorce and $35 Alimony Monthly. . .. , Made Balrd, Thursday filed suit against Isom . Balrd, for divorce, alleging cruel treatment im Thou were married In thla city, Oct 27 1"09. plaint Iff a vera that she rf.'aortori and left with no mean of tup-port, from May 10, until August 10 1910, ana tnai aeiuui.uv hr of Intimacy with ,thpr men. She asks for the care of their one child, Clnrence, and 36 month alimony. Read the Morning Es'arprlBe. land: good wages and pleasant place.' Apply 1006 Main St.'; Oregon City or 693 East Salmon 8t, Port land. ... .. . .- .. .... WANTED Ton to know mat, wt(buy all klnda of.Curioa, tnat wa train the market for second hand Ftrrnr tur' and Tool. Wa alac ha a good aaaortaaent .' or second, hand -garniture and .Topit.. on band .for aai .tpvthoae,. in peed. Come and iee; pertape w'e few Juat what yo want Indian Curioa and trtnltet for sale cheap; some that are vary unique and also very raru GXORGK TOUNO, Main near Fifth atraet- . I HEREBY notify all nuainea men and deaktra that l win noi oe re ponaible for any debts or bill con tracted by my wife, Lmi V. Mold enhauer, after June 10, 19U.-C- W. MD1J3ENHAUBR. ... .'row aAue. - ACREAGE Oh- to ve acrei n rtght of Oregon City; ,160 ana iron w acre; good level huid; on from ear Kna. Oyde A McRa. 1001 Main 8t Oregon City. FARM LOANS. CANBY. r t. Porn ha made a. business trip to Portland and St. Johns Monday and Tuesday. . Mrs Lee Eckerson visiiea ner par- .... ... D...W. , , enta, Mr. ana Mrs. neurj unm - Aurora over Sunday. Mlsa Robbing, who Has oeeu veil ing her brother at Hood River bat returned to Canby. ' O. M. Mattlson. wbo recently soiu hl.s, fiirm to Frea Hoiuman, ua . . . ...... A,Aa ,.i.m trtnnll QOiiKht iniriy-ums ti" ....... r- SolMe. ' . M Vroderlck Hahn baa now toriy-one acres to Lars .Malum. for $4000. .- E S. Balr. gf . l'ortiana. naa ut-e.. yUdtlng hla brother W. H- Balr for the past few daya. ' W 1L . Iiuokee -mane a uiimu i-.e to. Portland Monday. . ' . ft J Vaughn made a Dusineaa iny to Oregon City Monday. , . W A. 8altmarBli ana tamiiy wem to lbanon Monday, for a few daya visit at tbelr former home. ; -' . . Mrs. Charlev Thomas, wno nas ueu visiting at 8ellwoid, returned to Can by Monday. Mr. Millie tAlvin. or uoi"'-""" . Wash., Is visiting at J. t home. Howard Eccleg went to roruauu a visit Sunday. Jamea Atkins haa purcnHsea u ,.,nnhila from White A . Sheer.. , . Mrs. W. H. Place ,-ana. aauKiuer Mrs.. Rohblns, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler over Sunday. -"- ... . . W. J. lJmb will go to .aHicrn vjrv goit for tne summer i"" GW. Smith, president of tha Clack amas county fair was in canoy mod day, while on hla way to the county seat Mr.. Smith la maaing i enuii to make the fair thla year tn oeai ever held In the county. . W. O. Vaughn or canny, na pw chased an automobile. John Lucy ha put in a name shop In the old.. Trlbuna building. ' Miss Zora Peary of Oranta Paaa. who ha been -,t,n i6,'""1'"; Doe, made a trip to Portland Mo1 day to visit friend. She will return In a few days. Mrs. Florence Adams, ot Portland, visited her parent Mr. and Mrs. urnnff Mnnrinv . Warren Leoft while splitting wood a.,n,Uv avnnlna. cut one ot nin nngera Edward Krueger made a bualneaa FARM LOANS -Dlmick . A Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon wu, ur. MONEY TO LOAN. . i -I -! 1. . , , r MONEY TO . IXAN-rOn flrat , iwfi.- gage; $500 and upward; ona leav or longer, ADPJ onc-. CroP Hammopd, Att,orney at Law, Bwa ver BIdg.. Oregon Oty. FOR RENT. FOR RENT r- Bven-room was house on .14tn ana Main, irw, Oregon City. Inquire, roonj , Baav .ver Bldg. Ci T. Tooie A Co.... BUILDER AND COV" CTO. HARRY JO'nES BxtMir iiSb WMfW Contractor. Bsamataa cneerrwny gfran on all claaawe'or hdlMtaaJ work, concrete walk aa rwlBfr4 concrete. Ree. PVmb) Mala 111. - ATTORNEY- 0,,D.K3t;'"AttoraeVat-w.' Moovy tA ahaatla-tBl fnralamlhafawl 1 filial f Oregon Oty- z.-r.' . ; a '- V ft . a. . m a. ,i. ., U'REN A SCHUKBSU Ittornetw Law. DeiHawwaK-rWae. wffl r tlce In all ejCMUla, aaak cotle-' aM . BBMttkfc -6W Jtal ll prtoe ViOnmom Or. 9Vj';;X fe. h. COOPER, Fo- Fir ra. and M.MtHll kfi aw-ani ttiag.. I; City. Oi Notice of Application ff -JlX " NOTICB.l J'rt&? .i h. ruivt raarnlar MawtL! l.s City Cott-wtt, aplHy t,, sell lltjner at my phaOf tt T ftJit, TneOM. Hla f 4tl Main aitewt, ! ft 9,- , three month.. ,nrg Notice urvrtfal t the atext recnlar UCzjt ct ( C1tyCoBcU. ',XI U, tell liquor at t neaa. hi VAr ttexA t.r" ' of thrwt a i-'f:-f'