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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
lIOHlfnTQ ' JINTEHl'mah, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1911. FiUCE BROS. TEAlf QUITS CAIIHIA1I PARK GROUND IN POOR CONDITION , AND MANY UI GAMES THROUGH FENCE. The Piica Btm. Butbtll Tnb, of this city, haa defied to dlsooBtlaee tbe tmr at roe Canemaa Park ground at Oregon City. The ground are la bad condition. th fences be ing partly do a, and tba field covared with grass. Many Oregon City raaa Nn to prefer seeing the games I ""You u ja haia't got i rbirten, through the broken placaa la tba fence ' aad tba patronage of tba few who pay thair admission la aot eaougTt to war rant putting taa grooada la shape. Tba team will play tba Molalla Grays, at Molalla, Bandar set. leaving Oracon city at It o clock la cbartarad automobiles. Automobile service will ba maintained between Molalla aad Oregon City all tba afternoon for tba ' aeoaflt of fans. As tba Grays art a fast team aad tba game promisee to ba the beat ao far tbla aaaaoa tbara will ba a targa attendance. Tba Prtoa Bros.' team will ba made p of tba same player who are to play during taa Chautauqua aaaaoa. wsmwv c ewauet wo ua4 la, gat taa rbiakra aad weat.og towards bm rabla. ,. ' "I war passm.' d ointuta ao t;eoerel oatbudV ur ovldvr a aw at fa' Um aula ta da rebelutloa a;nu oV atatata railed aw: - , ' , 'Hsu thsr. jm AU-r , "I atood "till sa I i-uukl fo' da sbak- la ab aw ff. " 'Drni de . hk-keu.' u.v de statute - 'I hain't ct uu i bn ken.' "De rtgbt aroi ab de statute rained aad frewed soateplo at me. 1 banl It ploab oa da groun . I rw'fcoe It wil aa egg I wit m skeered at seeiu de statute trow eomettlo dat I la uv de ae k oh da chicken, and It liran to squawk. Fred Bannaater 100 J.'w7Dowty 1100 Joha Relslnger 100 F. MeGrsw .'. 1100 Ed. Still S.00 Henry Gltbeus 1M John Ol there i 18.10 District No. ft. J. A. Imel . 15.50 ABE'S CONVERSION Be ELMER fROOP SAWYER Caprrtght by American Prmmm Attn CtathMI iM Waea I was a etudrut lu tbe Uul- abf aaya de statute. -1 dldat say out bio' to die. Drap d chVkea aad da water mlllloo,' says da statute. dropped eea oofs, and de chjckea want off equawkluN - 'Aba,' aaya be atatata. 'I'm a baat what tak np laaide dla statute fo' to coarlct yo' ob chk keo and watermtl lloa steatln'. aad I'm gwtne to Map yo' dola'lt' " 'How you gwlne to da dat? I aaya. " I'm gwtne to kill yo'. "Dat stamta ba Jnst lifted ap his arm agla aod Ored a pistol, and da ball saag rlgbt np abure ma bead. - 'Fo' Gawd. Mr. Hast.' I aaya. '1 promise aot to steal chickens or watermllttoBs ao mo' If yo'll spa' ma Ufa.' - 'Aba.' said taa baat. 70' aot only a thief: yo a liar. Bow I gwtne know yo' keep yo promieeT 'I hope I may dla ef I ever do.' WaaL Abe. i n let yo' off dla time. bat If yo' eber steal or lie agin I'll come oat ob dls statute sod pommel yo' to deaf. Now yo' kla go on.' " I told Abe be was quite eicusabla J. A. Lane ,, II. A. Hack , J. E. ratter U Rltten H. Fredrlcks W. Fredrlcks V. 8 Keckler Dave Haley Ray Richer a W. Boring .: J. y. WHmartb ...'. J. F. WHmartb Wm. Hederman Joe Huta fleet Linden Rlchey V. H. Card S. J. Garrison H. Naaa J. W. Stone J. W. Roots R S. Smltb J. W. Roots Co. -"Jt.'k.vr.., DIstHct No. f. City Car'aga aad Shoeing Shop R. E. Jarl I I5.T5 19.00 J 00 1.00 -too S.00 1.00 l.Ot) 14.IHI 10.00 '3 50 10.00 5 50 (.50 1.00 10.15 1015 14.00 10.00 5.10 S0.1S .75 10.00 Kerr A Boaaey 450.00 Scrtptare A Baautlau MO lope A Co. I 0 ; SO.Oti '.. 1.15 V. J. Wilson A Co. Wilson A Cooka . Trojan Powder Co. ........... 17.15 18 1.00 1.00 4 .00 4.00 4.IHI 4 00 400 6.00 10.00 15.00 17.00 40.00 awralt, af . ooe e.eoiag during to f(jf uklQ( , aot to a young girl who lived distance back of tba college build Wnea I saw Pro Tensor Knrnsrie again I told aim tbe story. He smiled and lags.. 1 asked Abe. iba sweep, wbo mm that be waa Ue bant behind tba took care af my room, to take It for I eta roe. Tn la a harry for a reply to this. AM 1 said. -Go straight back over Real stats Transfers. M. V. Thomas to O. B. aad Rkoda taa campaa aad through tba ground I Thomas, east half of northaast quar ter, section 1. township l south, range 4 east: $1500. quitclaim. August aad Amelia Rieehel to Louiaa A. Woods, land la William Elliott, donation laad claim, towns hip. 3 south, range 1 west; 110. Louisa A. Woodsvio August RiecheL land In William Elliott donation laad claim, township 5 south, range 1 wast; 810. ROaTLaa P talaai I . UnmlffAn fa! HAff'ttM -Km aaa. I waaat kep waltinV K aod M,tu jy lots 73, 78 aad 89. -rata way ware yoa gone ao wugr 1 township 1 south, range 1 east. Roaa- -1 dldat go tba way yo' told ma ta wood; $500. go, aaa." I ' 8haw-Faar Company to Lock wk. maty I Brown and Cliff Abrama, lot 17. First -I aabter go dat way. aaa. I bad I A"lt'on Lod: $50. a bad spertenca oa. dat roots once. bayoad:ad tt won't take yoa half an hoar to go aad coma. "Taa. sab." replied Aba. aad. taking taa Bot e, he departed, 1 waited aa bour for blm. st tbe aod of which time aa canie la pant- "Ware yea kept waiting. Abe?" I "Exparieoca! What kind of aa ex pariearaT "1 doat mlad tallla' yoa about It If ye woat tall aay ob da stndenta. Day doat bleibe aotbla' about aaata. aad day laagb at ma. Bat I tall yoa. ash. dare bants oa dat road, aad day gat ls- slde da su rotas la da park aad raise I Starkweather, 18.07 acres, Jaaon Kal- E. 0. aad Mary W. Adams to Wil liam Caranagb, northaast quarter of southeast quarter and east halt of northwest quarter of southeast quar ter, section 14 and 10 loot stria oa south aide of wast half lf northwest quarter of southeast qsarter, section 14. township 8 south, range I east; $10. EHxa starkweather to Harvey G. da dabba" . "Oat Into tba aUtnaar Taa, sab. I'm g wise to tola ye aboat oaa ob 'am. Ha make bm a -' good maa, taonga. 1 owa op to dat Bat I hain't got conscience enough to ga that way aay mo' nohow. - 1 war da wickedest aiaa aaywbar. I war. a liar aad a thief aad every thing that 'was bad. To' know Pro fessor Barnacle He was student den Bis fader .bad chickens. All as nig gers tab chickens and watermilUona Wbaa da broilers git plenty big I used to steal 'am. aad when de chicken war nig aad de watermiilloos war ripe I aaad la go borne post tbe Bsrnsrie . place, and I take a chicken under one arm. with ma linger pressed 00 Its throat to keep It from squswkin . aud aader da adder arm I bad a water million. "When I'd committed these depre dadoaa lata ob times Mr. Barnacle he aays to me. 'Abe. what yo' ateallo oar chickens for Uo 'long.' 1 says; "I balnt got no ase fo' yo' chickens.' Well. Abe. all I tub to ssy Is dst 1 beard a darter In de chicken boose one Bight and went oat to see what was da Butter. I saw so met bio' dark waikln' away and follerad it I ssw tt go Into yo bouse.' "W Gawd. Mr. Barnacle. I bala't tec bed chicken meat la a year. I's too poor to boy 'em. and I's too bn-t to teal 'em.' "'Aha.' ba said, 'yo're sacrilegloaa.' 1 larfed when be ssld dl. fo' I logg donation land claim, towaahia 1 south, range 1 east: $L Paul R. Melnlg Poison Implement Car Oleson Lumbar Co. Straus Lumbar Co. M. Zogg ..'.' W1U Bell T. Carl Wendlaod Otto Sptllman ............. .'. F. Suckow Ed Platan H. Luebke Nick Schmlti Chaa. Krebe. 3. a Allen DIstHct No. 7. J. a Ttlletaoa City Car'aga and Shoeing Shop E. F.Doaahoe City Car'aee and Shoeing Shop Mt. Hood Railway Power Co. E. a Leaf Geo. Gibbons , Tom Hagen Henry Ascboff , , . " District No. a. Paul a Melnlg Dave Douglass A. Brldenstela H. Bridensteln O. Cratty O. Cooper a Linhart Wm. Alt C. Alt A. Malar U Ware W. a Allen ;. O. Oak A. Oak H. E. Bronson O. Flinn D. W. Dowglaaa District No. 9. Henry Smith Fred Lins Joel Hlnkle-. fArt. Allen . ; .J. ........ , M. G. Thurston Gus Leased ........... B. N. Barrett George GUI ..... N. McKllllgan ... Charles WicMund Ward Nelson John Potter t. . , Got fried Sneldsr William lUum . IVtn Allen 18 00 ifl Welch J. T. Fullam $1.75 District No. 14. A. R. Stephens $ 11.00 Wllaoa Cooke 18.60 a F. IJnn 1.00 Everhart Hall 5.10 C. W. Frledrlch J. a Cumins A. a Shlnburn ........ Straight Salisbury . Pope A Company D. Schruebel ......... U Derrick r. n. oiuiumi ........ Otto Kuntman 10.1M) 10.50 14.15 11447 9.00 1160 11.50 18.00 18.50 10.00 $0.00 S1.00 77.25 1.15 L. Maut .... a F. Glbba . 8. D. Barney G. r Glbba . C. C. Glbba . C. C. Glbba . . C. Crawford W. Crawford 1.55 $.8 82.05 1 50 4 60 84.00 66.00 61.00 6400 80.00 $4.00 11.00 65.00 90.00 10.60 10.00 6I.60 L Buckner $0.00 O. Roberta A. Traftoa C. Fv Baker ......... J. U KJmestoa-...... $0.00 11.00 10.00 10.0Q A. Thomas 160 $1.00 1.00 ;7.7.7T7rr. . ".75 F. Kamrath W. C. Martin L. Moaer 7777.". .... 7.7. V7 District Na, 19 K..C. Ashby F. K. Churchill R. P. Wallace Leals Churchill J. C. McLaughlin II. A. Trulllnger ,. Kd Grnoe . , . Guy Jowelt . D. L Trullltusr W. J. K. Vlck John Mulvaney ..... v. ..... . T. Howard . Hen ChtnHgrea P. O. Chlndgren M. IV Chlndgren Hofsietter A. U Urklns Wm. Itohlander 1100 Atuhur Johnson 16.00 ..$ 1100 1100 16,00 11.00 100 400 1.00 1.00 16.00 7 81 4 00 46.60 4.00 00 9.00 9.00 18 00 W. Lewis 40.00 A U Ulllm. COUNTY COURT S Si- nmj una . . EXPENOITUURE ON COUNTY roads For' the month of MAY.' District No. 1. Beall ft Company $ $4.90 A. Mather 21.50 I. F. Coffman 5.40 Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co. ... 7.05 Beall ft Company 1.80 H. A. -Battln J. A. Darls J. Hunter ., A. Millard C. E. Battln 3$.oo O. A. Battin 65.00 A. B. Klrkley C. Dunham H. Kile Wm. Smart Dan Gaffney O. Atwood O. Norton District No. 2. George Wlcklund 55.00 61.50 14.75 22.60 26.00 20.25 25.00 25.00 50.00 32.50 9.00 Ed Guber ; ... H. Ellis Henry Kllnker Otto Paulson J. Paulson v C. A. Johnson A. Swelrman H. Ruhl a Miller Theo. Hardera A. Leyde H. Johnson Harold Joyner Sellwood Lumbar Co Peter Rohl Peter Rath $3.75 District No. 10. A. Yocum .$ 20.00 . 28.00 . 16.60 . S.25 . 20.00 . 1115 . 11.00 . 16.00 . 16.00 . 16.1X1 . 10.00 . 4.00 . 9.75 . 10.00 . 11.00 . 11.00 6.00 . 4 50 21.50 bssesa Al Tate I J. W. Bennett I J. W. Bennett Ward Jones it coancted ob sin. as de minister Norm Lauder aaya. bat I got convicted sbo' eooagO salghty qnlck arter dat. De water Bill lions war glitln' ripe, and one nlgbt. paaala' da Barnacle place. 1 tnk a b.g watermilllon under my arm. and 1 , tbougfat bow good fried chicken woo Id ' taste fo breakfast Den I went Into da chicken bouse to git one ob m. Dare war so much squswklu' dst I lit oat fo. awhile and bid In de bushes. ' I aaw somebody come out ob de bouite look around, drp .go swajr. .1 Dick Johnston Ignatius Kelly A. Mather W. F. Haberlach Wllsotl ft Cooke District No. $ J. C. Elliott ft Co $ $ 10.00 2.50 10.00 17.60 20.00 20.00 7.50 6.00 16.65 22.20 3.30 3.96 Grant Mumpower 83.70 .WILliWOOD HOSPITAL .. 7 Oregon City Fornislied with operating room, Vstrd $md priTte Qroduaffe Nurses Pc 2243 ' .' Homd lin BASEBALL RECREATION ARrV : Cor. Vaogha and Twantyowrtli tta. ;.::TACO:-;' ' v ; ' wa. it r,i ". ' v . PORTLATsD ' v ' ' iuVa 2Q, t n, ai'as.' Gamaa stag In Wsekaaya at $ a. aa.. . 7 utiaaya, :$0 8. M. '' .V LADICr DAY FRIDAY. ; " U-fv IT Free to Blaaoaars 'J. ' ' A. Mather C. Woolfbagen J. C. Dal ma Herman Gerhardus . . P. Morits Fred Eckert F. O. Cooke Chris Eckert W. L. Moore Elmer Tong. V. Guatafsoa Harold Gerhardus ... O. Ungle Herman Gerhardus Jr. L. W. Warren H. O. Lays Fred Commer .. J. H. Bowerman John Moore CMtTnrA Tahn. Rjr Dallas Clarwoca Dallas' Henry Trogoa r, 8ummer ...... W-yVrV Cooka . f " Dlstriet Na; 4. EsUcad4,Mercaptila, Compaar.l S1.7I M'HeT (Lumber Ca. 600 Elgla .Bartoa ..'; 14.00 Mr. Bartoa ,". . t 14. 00 07 B7 Una ' i., t,'i'. ,4M Rot Llan ....... 4,.., i.i. 4.00 Joha O'Connor , ;.U.,...i7.:. 'rod "V 6.91 10.20 9.00 6.60 14.00 $.00 $.00 $.60 1.60 -1.60 17.00 18.00 8.00 14.00 26.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 26.90 H. Duns C. Duncan H. Wooater O. Wagner O. C. Klaetech M. M. Klaetech A. Butler . H. Tracy O. Call ft F. Rhodes W. Rhodes F. Crawford J. Ingllsh '. F. E. Thomas .'. Frank Marshall Fred Marshall W. Dwyer '..... District No. 11 C. H. Dauchy Trojan Powder Co. ...... John E. Smith Mack Riyers Theo.. Huerth J. J. Knight Otto Kant . . . P. Smith B. Rirers . . . E. Ranch .... C. Peckover O. L Cyde . A. Vallet .. E. Rirers .. U Murphy''. L. Mara ... F. Wlthrow L. Blau .... r . J .... . 1 a 0 .$ 24.75 2.25 . 24.75 . 14.50 2.25 . 20.25 18.75 , 10.25 . 22.5' , 13.61 . 10.12 , 10.12 , 12.37 3.37 16.90 $.$7 $.$7 6 36 $ '.75 ; l.$S 46.25 $$.00 28.00 10.00 26.00 2J.00 2.00 '1.00 27.00 44.00 40.00 46.00 $6.00 f $$.00 8.00 $2.00 . 60.00 . 415') . , 60.00 . 64.00 . 61.75 . 4160 . 67.50 . 11.00 . 44.16 . 10.00. . 30.00 . . 41.50 . 46.25 . 3875 . 11.15 , 46.00 , 41 00 : lo.oo 17.00, 11.00 r 110O , 4600 18.75 30 00 - 8.00 6.00 26.00 3625 3300 33.50 41.25 4 00 1.00 1.40, 4U6 . 27.50 40.00 31.60 37.50 48.78 $ 13.50 32.00 24.75 17.25 66.00 25.10 25.50 K.M Abe Thomas 46.75 A. Splinter,, a F. Linn . Alf Linn ... J. W. Linn . C. A. Clark 1 J(W.oo neorge Roberta 3-35 a J. Thorne r. F. Sharrard .apiw; itrenner ... 360 L. Georgia .... HOO e. Hornshuh .. 23.00 O. Bullerd . 100 !c. Crower . 14.00 w. J. Crower . . ,'g. A. Pagenroff $ 60.50 ; John Barta 73.88 30.66 7.50 5.50 1.25 1.25 .65 1.25 1.60 60.00 ' 62.50 33.75 27.50 30.00 31.35 43.50 D. E Barto . T. F. Stlllwell F. Albright . . W. J. Crooker Wm. Everahad-. Joha Gaffney, Jr. . A. Mauts ......... C. J. Stinnett a Clark R. C. Dartln . Fred Schmidt P. Undau ... C. H. Hornlg .... T. W. Sherman . J. Josl .......... John Glllett Erie Unn Henry Hughes'.. Emot Hug hes .. . George Strong .. Harry Shelly..... Frank Henrict .. Tom Merrick ... Henry Henrlcl D. Garmlre Mr. Roettger .... E. Snyder C. Jonea W. F. Hartnell .,. Fred Henrlcl ... George Egglmann Oscar May Mr. Olson Willie Egglmann 8teve Londergan a a Gwllllm ... 10.00 28.00 28.00 60.25 Hnry Henrlcl 24.50 W. Hughes , , . . Tom Blackburn O. Sbockley .. C. Rlsther .... Fred H. Henrlcl Burt Cumins District No. 18. W. Raney . D. L. Boylan yt. a Snook D. H. Hasbrook L. Mattoon S. Nash W. Buckner C. E. Black District Na. Jg. D. Crlteser .... Aug. Staehley . . G. Kelland H. Engle ti 3IT.25 38.25 45.00 42.75 26.25 5.40 7.50 . 3.78 14.00 2.00 15.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 22.50 6.00 6.00 16.00 800 8.00 1200 37.60 Rich. Johnson . Albert Peterson has. Peterson Geo, Hofsietter D. N. Trulllnger ' District No, 10. Alfred Danlelaon .$ 3.78 C. Stromgraen 61.35 John Puts 43.46 J. J. Jonea . . F. Shu la .... P. Sullivan ...I... R. Puts 7... a Haag V. H. Wetlaufer C. M. Bergman O. DU t J. Maxon , QwSorenann E. Berglund Eliot t F. Usurer ' j , M. E, Kandle W. H. Bottemlller P. Pull V. 8. DU T. Orace B. 8ulUan . District No, ti llult Bros. Alfred Dhnlelson John Erik son ..... L. ... . Andrew Johnson E. A.' 8 wan son P, E Bonney Elmer pettereoa Oscar Patterson Herman Chlngren ....... Evert Erlckson ...7 Erik Asplund ........... Charley Johnson John Jsnes .... John Wall Alfred SwsnsoQ Walter Gorbett . .... Ixnils Hubbard ...... Frank Country ...... Claud Wlnslow ...... Joe Carlson John -Morris Ben Chlngren Per Westberg llult Brothers Alfred Danlelaon District No. 22. Robblns Brothers The Schafer Lumber Co. . ra Stenlnger Ben Stenlnger .7 ... Bob Elklns Guy Schsffer ...... (&m, Art what we tell yoa oi in oufi permit os to do anything else. What yoa read la oar Ads yoa can put ab solute confidence la. We often underestimate but never knowingly, overestimate. Test th :se values as to whether or no we state facts In our Adsi Ladles9 Hose; 25c J Ladles' Hose 1 5c val Now 1 2jciTaL Now 1 lc TO-DAY ONLY W. A. HOLMES 617 Maio. Street Oregon City, Or, ..$ 61.68 . 17.74 14Qfl ....... 14.00 ....... 7.00 l...... 5.00 Ullly Prayer 3 00 8. Mover .... Milt Trulllnger . Freyer Bert Palmer . . . D. E. Pendelton Clay Englo .... -6.00 1.60 4.00 1.00 61.00 66.00 Jack Feyer $$00 N. Norton , 6.00 J. Rettjnger (, -M M. SUuber W. O. Randall Fred' Chlnn Wm. Staeblay . ., District No. 17. . Jamea Adklna'I t. ...... a -- ssaeatsaa District Na. 12. rvuson cooka .1 $.00 O. Strata , jgoo F. O. Rlebhoff . ...... 7. ....... ri J 00 H. Swales. ,,,t 20.00 Erl Qrbmr $0.00 Ernest Oerber $.00 J. Mostal ' , ; M.( Hagemaa 18.00 O.'ThomDSOh ......... ...77;. 14,00 a; uadar . :. 16.00 C. ihWV$' ,:..'.T.i!,;,. t UAH A. JBhdaav; ,',.k. ,, , f. Garber .tit:., it.. , '. 4.10 F, fT,' JUsbboff ...',...,',.,;, $1.60 Oerber Anderson . '.. , . ti. 2 ;.- .'; Dtatriet Na. Ifv' f,; Frank Bush ....... .,,. 1.2$ . ..... . . C. VJ. LWUVUVR ................ O.-M. Jonea John Robbing a a Dlralck D. a Dtmlck A. Bany A. Johnson C. Bowman B. .011brlc , F. Malofy C. W. RaddatoJ Jake Klina A. Oassmann C. Thomas t ',' F...HolUman A. M. Olson C. D. Keesllng $.00 Jake Kraft 6.00 S.rjAfratta 6 00 icq. Koop v. v.. ....... $.$6 District Na, li -V r ' Wilson Cooka 7.8110.76 Wm. Daniels i . , 40.00 1 $$.00 28.00 26.00 20.00 28.00 I 25.: $.00 15.00 $5.00 $$.00 21.00 6.00 4.00 $.50 8.00 3.00 $6.00 $1.50 6.00 6.00 $.0j itfMf ! a , Wat.-Thomaa ......... ..... ,40,00 Elbert Read . J. Painter Mart Baly .. Clay Hungate Mark Hungat Jas. Lay Albert Engla . M. M. Jameson John Callahan W. W. Elklns Julius Bshrndt "Herman Bahrndt ' uiraham Hungste ; ; . Nell Jackson Olb Jackson ...A',...,'. ....... Frank Vaughan P. C. 'Vaughan -t. George Ournsey Jim Barlow Ira Boyer ,'. District Na. 2$. Ll Iff .. r n. iv 1 ua ........ James H. Oglesby ...... Grant Plaats Carl Potwln W. W. Irrln Fred Bachert Milt Armstrong D. A. Neff Henry Deets Charles. E,. Oglesby . . George Hartwtg William Winder .............. N. B. Cola Geo. E. Ogtosby District No. 24. C. W. Carothara $$.00 0. E. Wyland ' 7.00 Qua. Stuwe .,; $1.60 H. H. Deets 4.00 H.' A. Wolfer Will Millar, Melton Armstrong Ed. Miller E. Burkholdsr F. Morrison T. Sconce M. Oottwold fl T AtnnMsa r. Bailor ....!!!!!!. A. L, Wlndstrsnd u Cochran 63.00 60.60 16.00 44.00 10.00 10.00 74.1S .41.00 1100 37.60 $1.60 $150 31.00 18.00 18.00 . 8.00 10.00 '15.00 18.00 14.00 f $.00 14.00 14.00 $7.60 28.00 11.50 1.00 10.00 16.00 8.60 43.78 1.18 47.75 17.00 80.00 24.00 8.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 1.00 n. MuwaraB...,...'...,, 40.00 nVEyeaua ..... 4.00 T. tAvls. ,.t., ..7..w.7.;....; 21 M Bmlth";. ' '..,... ,' 1.00 H. fUbea ......;..7.v,.;.. 4Jfl (ft" 'Kftto-'',.?, .' . . M.i.W 1J.00 U' Duffy .... 1100 H.',nfltoii '....f.".....'!. 17.80 . "'; - sv iu ,, O. Franklin F. Stegman , II. Jackson A. Ellloll John Slews ....... V. Kelllng Don Cameron . . . . T. J. Ogle ........ John laitnnle.-r'. .'. . Albert Eytnan A. Hamilton ....... L llall Iki Askln 0 I. Millar M. H. Ilerbauch .. C. Raddats Will Winder C. E. Miller Jamea loiler Nets Foamark ............ Roy Crlswell U A. Miller .:.7.... ...... H. A. Woolfer .. District Na. $5. F. Wshoer ... Henry Smith C. D. Kesstlng Chester Smith J A. Mitts .. F. P. llrush . WBarth .... J. Brush J. B. Mitts Carlton A Rosenkrana Co. SnirkatiffmaB District NO. 26. A Cutting P. J. Kaylor H. Russell .. B. Hendershot O. V. Adams , L Shsver J. Cross J. M. Austin , 8. Erherd ... J. Trulllnger 6.00 6.00 $15 6 60 1.001 600 S r 16.00 4 00 $.00 6.00 86.86 71.76 11.00 6.60 8.00 11.00 .75 Oea Crlta 'i. Ben wad.'..:.':.";. ...t . District Ne. tt. Fred. Lorlnger Charlaa Ores a Frank jonea Jay Jonea A. Wyland , J0 Harry Kaaib 100 1 6 00 N. IL.Wada Bert Bird Wm. Bird Blaine Bird Earl Bird ,0Q Ed. Crlta "O I II.. U'vl.n.4 G. Wsbr W. Crlta. Clarence Vorhels II Wilson A. Hugsl W. Rlngstead Ed. Rlnkstead Frank Bagby 4 00 J. M. Oroahoag .... 11. oO Eari Qroaahopg 1 60 C. Jorgensea 00 B. P. McFsrlsna 36 Reynolds A Jamea .$6 Caarlea Walleo 4.00 John Wallen 8 60 George Oroshong 8100 Dan Qroahong .. $4.60 J. M. Nlcbelson 1 s e a s 10 14 I Enoch Sown Joe Sown $ 28 00 Ed. Wyland ....... 8.00 Ro Thomas 14.00 John Furguson .... 4.O0 Wlllard VLoon 8.00 George Slaughter . . $$.00 V. Bowa ...ri'. 2.00 Floyd Purgesln 16.00 llan Thomss . 15.00 A. M. Groshong " ik aa I Ed. Coover l I Its Ml 14.H H 47.4 . tiM IIM txm Lu ttw tut tt $1.04 U.U UJa list 11A ItM tlM ttta ttt U( 4144 till UN ', MO ll J 14 IN 4.W it It nil .n uu M.04 1104 IN O. R. Daughsrty 1.00 Ora Coover iiO L McNulty 4.00 C. Loolnger U.00 $.00 I A. Dale $.00 Joha Coover 16.50 ueo. iiuoar .. 18.00 District Ne. $0- $7.60 E. Davidson 11 a R. Echerd ... J. L. Tubba . Perry Kayler . D. II. Ramsby E. May H. Wilson .... E L. Palfrey . F. Schatsman C. W. Herman Otis Engle ... R. Scbatsman a Uarless ... B. Stenlnger M. S.' Husgate V Ulll ................... . R. Cole 1 , .' J. C. Vaughan O. Kayler ............... 8. A. Douglas Q. Douglas O. Cutting i WVII. Engle District No. 27. L. N. Jones $ Joe Jackson uier oisen ........ jo.00 Jack Falconer 4.00 J. II. Bartle 16.00 mo II M 10.04 1 s.uu ....J $4.00 $7.60 A. J. Monk 8.00 Wm. Dyer 18.00 H. M. Fox 10.00 1 J- Johnson 61.00 Pt Emmott I i 4.00 1 H. . Borland 6JK) 4.00 I O, Fallmesgar . . District Na. $1. 1UI 1171 iM 1.0 11M 6.0 Wlrlh ... 10.00 Wm. Bchati..,,.' $8.00 07 Baum J. Bushbautn ' 8. Klnger C. Tledeman L. Bhaber C. Turner; J. Bchesla ............. P. Sharp Walter Nussbaum 40.00 14.00 80.001 $0.00 $.00 30.00 I MM 10.04 ,(T.0l ..... I8J.H- . W 1 Jesse 4.00 I 4.00 U N" ........... IN 110 $.N. IN . m Albert Bartle Or villa Jackson Alfred Olsen Bentley ... Carl Barth Roy Nlchlson 8. O. Nlchlson,.,, J, P. Miller Wm. Brown District No. 22. Robbing Brothers ...'.$ 4.00 $.00 $.00 8.00 $.00 11.00 11.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 Reynolds A James 141.45 V. Thsropson ............ District ku 82. P. Heater i.$iL. Mw 10.W U.N ltN F. lOssr ..:j..i...V.t: A. Voss C. I. Catkins E. O. Jonea C. Thorpe O. Huston . . ' . : r.t ' : N R. Graham .... .L . . .V f ' AO an - P. Heater ,....;.M.. ...... H Hwet9T . sets .Todd ,...v...... JLt,....; F. W. Bt. ClaV:.7.t... Him. s.; ikT - ,:.t.. M iklns .......'J......... I- nae ' .4.0 V. 9. fiuit ............... Leslie Shank Omer' WHIIamg , Oeo. Clestar , Dave Fog , , V. Pitman .....i.i.,.' ;,, Frank Kokle Zwan B. Mason Sachett ;.'..... Ben .Johnson", Zeb . Bowmati James Martin .............;. John rox. L. a Shank ......j.. e.10 B$.00 $6.00 10.00 17.00 8.00 1$00 19.00 $4.00 1.00 14.00 14.00 $.00 8.00 45.00 Boott Cartar ........... B.00 Miller ........ 1;.. ' I.OQ L Bowman Benny Boylas H. Engla ...................... 1.C0 N!ct ba ' $.00 a. woodg...., h. Heater ......,,.., C. Heater. f T f t t mal.J ' W. heater W., Bristo . . . . ... . .......... R., Parrott ..v,.... ...k h. Bmitv . . i H. Rleff J.,. ...... W. C Heater D. Bristo . .77, ,, w.....,7 V. W. Boathall . ...... (To Ca Continued.) 18.00. 10 I 1.00 $.o 7.00 10.K $.00 48 T3 . f.w 4.03 10 REWARD " For the arrest an oonrlctlon of any parson or persons, who unlawfully remove copies of Tt , Morning Enterprise from - me ...I ....',....'.'... ' 1.00 4 premises of subscribers' '"after s 7 ,...V..:1. 7. V. l.CO PDr hag been placed .rt tf i . . . . esrrlar. , a ... i' ! eg.'-