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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1911. lbjr", 1- 5; : ! it OREGOJT CUT, OREGOIT . tROOit Tdlteeand PuMlaMr, 'TBnterad m ecoad-claa mattr Jaa 'ry, leu. l the efflee at Oraeae ffffZ0"- unarr the Act of March tors tr sotscitPTioN. . be, by- wh MM ... c .... I I.ek ... U . . i A Trifie fioslfe I ear ateb mom iuNMM.Me "at Pw "IvT? -boanjioa MiMf. per- lech Te maertfteA'...K7...V r...'.Hc "itH'iWM mmy aa. per lean tiM biairttoaa ! Itu neat pa, pr btrh 4 'trwt haaajilua 11 "Ww MM HMut IM pa. per la en eeed taaactlaita ...... , ( ceoaia eee par Um; mvlir dr- Rt ward flroc taaertlen: oe-half mii! " uuum. Vtojfor 4Trttoti hi- .fee Ui IS!''"" rtewVit Sawf Mi weekly. e7rire the aarartlaaaMnt traaeferrad rrxmvrhr Baity to the lraak--. without ctiauur. the rata will be s rwa .-a-papr. ia4 1MM ' for special poatUoa. 'eeh " e(MMJM reenipa'- b4"jernVbere rry .la unknowa la buatoaaa arftaa af aniiiinaa,' If In thla town a dog la found. For many dogs there ba lk) t a mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound And doga of high degree" r"" So wrot Dean Swift, or eome great man, I don't remember who: ' But if a dog la found In thla good own : - ,- it it I'll tell you what to da - l.egel admrtlatac at leeeJ edvertfatag ia. 'trcua adverttatna ea4 apeelal traaatoal . verttatae at Me to Sc aa Inch, aocore "t e apactal eeadUtoaa goaraing tba V -nrVYalk" aAJ3an1rrubt-w) ageer- aaata SM tack flio Tuoai HUfaMI nal Iwaartloaa nmt matter ate taah. Sewo - ttewur ahr'Wll wi It n en I tea awiu HMmt f- loaai f lm 1 ba gtaoly AecafetJd. Reacted maau was -Barer ret arson uftlaaa 'Woraaapan- ay nun oa la prepay poetaaa. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. lyrie 2l,n arjnencari .History ?tirraaaa.rlatbaru. faoaiwai ..r x England pfftr bnnuiwiaaxtnst,. 17S--w HamptJn' rarlBVO I bo CaHad 8tat i roaatlrattoii.. to ptatb atata. tbaa inMiiing Ita adp don. - ' inoO-Amcrioan, martpra under .Major Waller ambnabrtl on tba road from Tarq to-TVotmn: Aaaartcaa row : golata, at Tlantatn oVatroyad by . .BojH.- . . tOlQ-JIVajMfota, BapubllraB... ronran . tlon Indoraad pTaaldent JaA's. pql( claaaad tabri.rcapiwUos indorainjt tboac of as Prraidatit Jtooarrelt MTJtONOMICAU EVENTS. .. '(From Bonn today to noon totaorrow aa.arra, 7. rljtaa 4:.daT ikw a da to abortrn and nitrhtn lanrtnon THE DEFENSE OF A FRIEND. Taa-temarlty ( Mayor Gaocga jC. Brow nail In attacking, ax-Praeideat Rooaarah .for 11a peraeooUon at tbe lata ynlt4 Statea . Senator John H. yitcbaU ha - aatoundAdf, manz, aod ranw critlclam haa been Talced b cauaa Um Mayor did not g!T all of hi time to a eulogy of Dr. John Ma I3ubllBburntea-avKcbed -ott ttJihJJl. ) a i , . other flail tUi aS hunter whoae ,lpa pf oqwer Jaduond him to alay tbe man who stood be- tTeenhlnj andhia dealrea. , . tt la, per ha pa true that the time 'nd place were not ao opportune, but a public apeaker ought to have and I'oea ha0' aoma latltuda In mattera '"1 thlA kind..; Mr. prowjiell .had. a :i:eaaage V) deliver and he could not ' s expected to hire a hall and an . ounce to the public that he intended to lan nob . yt Into a defense of hia -lend Mitchell. Iruta. .there, ia aome aimilartty Jetweea tie liTea, of. the,, two me a, rxeept that McLoughlln died honored, while Mitchell died disgraced. Mo--oughljn jvaa a, greater builder than hi MltchUrh :waa a hardier raanT ut 4te auffered from. Ingrajtitude, as ti'd Mitchell, who was driven to his K ae s hroken mafi, forsaken by ; vaufaada who, had, been eager to. do : m honor, at the height of hia power -nd popularity. . Drownell ajid Mitchell were wajrm ri !end,1aoclaJly and politically.; They . ed, -aa . other, , The political sue sa of Mltcheli waa reflected la tba If In thla town a dog la found, For many doga thara b Jut take it to tbe city pound W bar maB, of feign 4egra. Will com, a a it pay their taeaiey down To tnaka hia dogshlp frea. . v ' if C . "8oma persona may thtak It daca not pay to advartiaa, but. I know last doaa fram actual rexpertonoe oftka paat few vdaya." aald Cyrua Powell the real eatate aiao. put an. ad vertlaaraeBt In Jhm Merainr . Eatar- prtae a few a ay a ago, atxl tha vary aania day tae adverupamaat Nct M l bad Bume rous' tnauinaa whlch- traoed dtreetly to taa pubrkHtv gtyea to taa property I had to offer: thaoagh the newspaper The aextrdaar I a aale aa rtsalt of ttta'adverttae- ment, and ! expect to. make aeverol others, . Advertising does pay and paya well." ... V tl . ! '4.V.I Apropos af tbat.btory "above relatal la the large namoentaf appllcatlona mat were made at the pound Tuea dar far doga that had bean corralled by aha dog catcher. . The appllcatlona followed 4 her publication of aa article in The Morning Enterprise that per sons aeamng doga could bate them by aaplylag at the pound, aad paying It Bad-toe bcenaa fee. If the dog waa to De Kent. in We- city. Aa a result Mayor JSrownelL who of course knew uiat doga had been c alight, aad wanted a do, bat had not thought of going to me pound for on sa hev article ia tbe paper, and three Diner, .persona got peta wlta which they are delighted. Many otbera call rd and looked at doga, several of them' promising to return and look: at auai- mala caught In the fatniw. vlf Dablla- iijfka a xtearspaner -iBprovea lbe doc market lit .would fsaprave i taw dry goods market, the shoe market, the meat market the vegetable, market. ana in fact every line of bualneaa. 1 nink it over. , Being an exceptionally modest man: he. .would object seriously, to ike pub lication of, this. Uttka Btdry; but it la a. fact that' sapertntendent . ot City schools F. J. Tooie, is a moat eon- scientloua ofnclat- Mr. Toosa worka pretty much all the time he la awake, and be it ald to hia credit. ha haa placed the Owgon CUjk achoola In the front rank. But this Is a digression In a way. The intaatloa waa to relat mat air. Tooie, who la an authority on compulsory education, now knowa something .about -compulsory vacation. For. writ, he had. worked so hard and long wlUioat a .vacation, and when one -iWa , suggested koffered.' ao. much oppoaitiaa, that the director took the matter into thlr own aanda. and now, ao. report goes,. Mr. Toosa la going to have a vacation compulsory . vaca tion so. .be wUl ba in the beat physi cal .conaitum .10 resume his arduous At the iorttenfl heaters LAST AJJ LJAV5S..rpR QRJJQPH. CJTY JIT , MipijQHT. A Little English O.rl Wham Every One Must Aadrasa as Ma' 1 A i wit U-t. V'fXs 1 n!; f t1 Art ii3 ri . f r -... , I 1! ' ill . . .. . ' '. Pieho!)nvest d tab .a .u . m Whan yau dapaalt yaur manay a Tlma Cartia... Ih 'ioii, . Inga Department af thl. bank,' It ramaln. m""1! ta nL aama a aura and ataady rata af Intaratt. ThH 3.! la antaaavlaaa praailaln ara wauaiiy aiaappalatai Tk.u il ta Hal tha lataraal thaw j . p - - ------- - - - - - Mriaa and ik meney paaaee ta alhara. In thla kind an Investment . .The aoeaer you begin, ,tha npr will .,. . ,. growing balanaa. ' 'ttb, vaW The Bainlt of O&ftt j; ; ' ' l C LATOURarm rreeldeat the first National bant a we wfxj-vrvv va a x . iinnnnu .. 1 ""' N . CAPITAL, MOJOO.00 Treaaa a aral tanking -alnaaa. , 0pa (,. . ! 'lii ' . ! I .... . I w tr a;... V-' 1 n V .?-vuits.u r;j ..i.-t-.t' j , " V- TrrrT -" aiaaaMaafb dktaaaj, a , aa.a .aw- - , -st-aA,."1 "'4 ' ,, r-bjj Aj - u 1. 1.1 ; ' One of the up-to-date bungalows resenUy. completed at Oladstone, .Is that of D. K. BUL .Thla tesidence haa 11 v. rooms. vlih all conveniences and a . line veranda, Mr.. 111 haa Uken paaaeaaion. Tha. Grand Army of -the Republic la always In the front rank. W. J. Wilson, proprietor of the Elk Horn Mvery stable, haa not lost faith in humanly. Hepadmlts that, at one time he. waa, waverlpg. but nexjper- lence be .Jiad -A few. dajrs ago eon vjncds him, that something good I almost everyone. Mr. Wllaon is -Impertaned almoat dally by mem bers of the Genus "hobo" to allow them to aleen. In hia stable, the ap plicant - aromisina to perform the most enorxacaia tasks - in . payment. However, most ot the men he favored decamped- In the morning - without keeping their promises aa to work. So Mr. Wilson sometime ago decided to refoae everyone. feeljn that he could no lunger atand tha imposition. Bin me other evening a man -appealed to him-to be aHowed co make Ma bed upon the bay tar tha loft. Mr.- Wllaon aa. orBtrreiuaea, .trot tha man waa persistant, and Anally , tbe proprietor wa -aim ae could stay prorMed ha assisted In clean! ok fthe stable ha next morning. The. fellow promised to do BO.-, and" MT.fWllano. want a ""r " Diu-uni. 11 j- ( miiy coiwinoea that . ha would b Im- t natural., then, , that tbe man, who ! PO"1 upon agaia. But to hia asten 5 left should jcom to the defense of ' 'e,u w" returned tha next iwuain. in iuuiai laaiitne tnaa ae bad. befriended had not only dona, all ka promised' to sdo, but macb more. Mr.- Wilson good-over the iact that he bad -helped a really deserving man that he bought . tha -etranger a, breakfast., and. bo M'd it did Wm good to see - the- fellow eat 8evral boura later the tramp strolled Into the stable, thanked kla benefactor for hia kiaonesa and Insisted that he . be j- ''. 3 man who waa hia friend. As the yeara pass the people of ) egon will realize , more and BKure t John H Mitchell waa desjroyed a purpose. They will realize thai !. sccomplluhed something in , the t",ilted States Senate Jor hie .'state. ' " was no worse, and may have beat) Her than the average politician ofjkOTed to do more work. Mr. Wllaon insistea mat be bad earned aQ ta had received, but the fellow weg Ina sistent.aad almoat-demanded that be w permitted to aaslat tbe men em ployed lath stable There waa, how ever, nothing that he could do, and wbea told this he expressed his re- wets and with profuse thanks for tbe favor that had been abown him start ad -on what. he said, would be a "long hike now that I have had a good meal to. sustain nje' b'l day. He bad many lovable QuaJl 'Its, and It Is to be regretted that en In higher places than he conaplr 1 ' successfully to drive Dim from of i e into a premature grave. o if ra. . Duvall. of Mllwaukle. waa Jn 1 vs, city, visiting friends on 8atur - ... Kra. vDuvaU lived in thla city befortgo.inau to MilwauVe,. r' .' ' v v "10B0N AT HE1LIO THCATRE - C,n:l?d!,0,, mc!,l, Praaeat. h, brilllan .oomedr. -u . iui cvTcnarian. or Auat Mary" at rw. ii.m- n-t. . 0: an aMaaaaa a """I I 1 T "I .'I v . i . MAYROBWN IS.COMINa TP 1 . r ' I 1 i ' h Eetat, Tranafsra.. , The following real estate transfers have been filed In-the office of tbe Count fecprdejr; v. J. J. nrl Paanlln. a - - Rajuvaatlon, of Aunt, iiary," which-; Sophrona H. Jory. Albert H rtshar twnn.W oe- Heilla-.TDaalra.Thura. JO. tOWttah D 4 annrb "The Rejuvenation af Aunt 'ail. Coming to Portland Thursday. - .rThe.Junnleat ofxaM. cotnedlea, -The day Friday, Saturday ana Sundav ilght, June rnd. 2rd, tui, and tb, wjih apeclaj priced .naUnee Saturday. a been -eueceaafujly , presented by May Robaon ia every large city in the United 8tatea, and duplicating the success at Ternr'a Thatra. lindnn England. wnt re Miss Kakaen axtjaidt the tlme"ef her tertgageneot . tram three waeke ta. neaalythrea- moaths. Mer immediate. recornlUon h a critical awdleaee et- Leaajaa. waa one 1 of 1 the. beat .cemallmanta tn her talents and capability as an ac reas. The press. .waa unanimous in praise of "Aunt Mary," the unaopnia tlraied, eplnater. aad her hiantia ik humotoua. and pathetic. ..without ap- nairui rnon, waa rommented upon in flattering, taerma.1 Tbe-. ahrlll un trained voice and the awkward fea ture of the provincial become nft. aped and musical when aha atiaalf a of her tenderness for her nephew. Jack. - v. .. . The. veay naturalneea af, her atlna- earriesr oqnWotlon that Miaa. lean exceptionaJly clever -woman, and iuc woiy one on me stage today pre senting the' somewhat i1lfrl..w 1. ot an ecceatric eld maid Yon lauah with her when her exnerienca in ni.w York developa her. humor, and. cry with her In her momenta of pathe tic sadness. Aont Mary la not an laagiaary type ef -tbe ranaVr. hi hearted country tvomae, , They exist everywhere, and are easily recognized, and at the end, of the play you have A aoxt of, ieellog that you would like 10 nave just anch an Aunt Mary. Seata go on aale Tueaday, June 20th. MttM I ..... ..AA. - " ' ri; fivw. Walter W. Mali to J. i). Waring. Arcfaabal liownra anatteie How ard ta Lucy M. Ralley land in section St, township s south, range 7 eaat: I10UW. . v t , . . ,. ( J Barbara. Kuchanrefrner to Mrs. Neall. KlnkJert all of block 10, Mil was Ma Paikr $li . - (.. 4. . .. tOan O and iAana Bcobey tlo J.L MeCuJlockv Und hs eetlon 5j town ship I sowttuvanga gieaat;i llooo. vAaaneat'B.t and Anna B. Beaaon te aauidB- Heydon 1 Lamber Compaay ef Michigan, 40 acres of aeotlon so, 3t 80; township s aouth. range S wiinaai - Miumim and Sarah' A. Bmitn to Cbarlea T. Parker, I lota 1. rmiNriwM maw or wihaniv. .Te be a king daugliivr .ia.all. very tail i a, fairy ,tai. but iim kluga aaugjitsrs bare, far from 'an waav Ufa I'hixf , la .UiajViqe furteat-yaar-ll (laugiktar of, ha. klpg, aad-quaau pf haa Ifaaona that would gbaiua umuy,ao Anterk'B -cellege girl, for a ixloryajT edut ailou tuda at ae.vauiean or aigbiean. and 'tuere, ara Biany tbluya wbk-b.she must laaru that ordluary glrla are not Iruubiad . For Jnataaxe. ab-muat b irnvteai In savasl iaagiuigea and bava a good workliuj knaw.iedge .of ibe history -at dlffereui oalione, . partlrulaNg', tbelt auodaro history, Hps must hoayaaet blag ef aa artist. and aaaMk-iaaaaal aH bar auotiMrr . ja ia v-paraee ef bataertl taate aai la rnaeea Mary.'s.akatber. Umb bar epat aveutanta aaa. (SUad. up with InafractkMM In rnrard to rooking. baking, bouapkeeplug aud sowing. Wbeti tbe llitio irlme gnoo to run bar grandma. Juen AiaiMiiUra. thai reyae-iadytaHhitM bar lm ibo art-af dairying. bM) inti daaabtor ,of a sing or ivaaiarb ta a very taiartaat matter. Tbea ier.fai brr lambMa taei hia. daugberv niurt pot , iwejMt bar ieraebarb atari lae. f etuet muiduu, sport; Ib. wtop ii varwatiajis all smart young EngliabwuBirn vk-oi. It will bo arou thai tbr Utile Kugllab prtBraaa bm, ttst 4Ur el ioaurv. . The only girl In a la nun fuut iy. all Of them lively suit lul ft hiu It may be JiidicajJ tbal itlto riine- bu no chance to boroauo self iiiw btiia or vain .' . v . d THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la on aale at the following atoroe e every day: Huntley llroa Druga Main Ft root. J. W. McAnulty Clgara Bevenib and Main. 8acrost iVinfertlonery Main near Hlxth. . M. E. Imnn 'enfecilonery Next door to P. O. - City Drug Store Electrle Hotel. Waller Uttie-uconfertJonery SI4 Baveath Street ' M. Volkstar Imiga x . Seventh near Ceaier. . SCboenborn Ooaioctlonary Seventh and .V Q. Adama. tw t . Sit Haveath Street e ' M. Volkstar Imiga e x . Seventh Bear Ceaier. . ' e . 8bMtnborn Ooalectionery 4 Seventh and .1. Q. Adama. 4 i - e !: ie - At re. Oann tasks' Dlvorae. Minnla-Ouan'liaa filed a autt Air di vorce against Harry, O, Guira. They were, married In Preaoott, tVaah on January 4. IIRS. Phe aaya he deaerted her in lug. There la one grows won. Daniel Powers Is Mrs. Gunn'a attorney. Mark Twain en Advertlelng, 4) 1 hi1 . 1 . . 1 a "It pari 10 Mdvertlae, yaaid Mark Twain. "When I waa ad If- Hm 0e Vlrglala City Emerprlae, e wrltlarropy one day and mining e the. next 1 triad to force thla truth la many ways. e A superstitious subscriber once wrote aad aald ha had found a e spider on bis patter. Was thla a good or. bad hiokT -1 replied to him In our Aoawora to rorrespon- dents' column aa follows: 'Old Muharrlkar- Tk. a JVlled barley 3.M to 111 H ,!tovi;S IIAY-(Uulqtl IU.tW.,,lVo?,0S. UlilttI) FftlMTS-Uni, L nrV.'522 pranaa; prachra ara isT -. m .SALTallaocMTfoekic R lb. back, half ground tL J 100 lb. Meka , , ' 'We; "i StVS'1 e U-Mf turnip i.aRuTfi .VarTAiluaaparai-;. 1-7 Per ate; "aiiUaa. Zl t. l.7 pr dots a 1 retort r.niLr? rue nar luun' ir1- rUne ef.tbe.iaieai. i-vart,rtea I, thai vary one not f rojai raiik.Uiut ad dreaa the UttN gin a ,"wm him., alul II la funny to ' Amerban aw gray haired dowagora inurtw) mil lu the aeoeateou-yoer od i'nav tt W'aiea aad gravely -eMwertbii was ilrue aiMor with prim "tea. masai aud .u. ma'ama. - I I"- "f a spider In your copy of tbe Knlerwrlae was aalthar good uk nor bed. Tbe a aid a, waa e merely looking ever the pagos to a end out what merchant waa not e advertising, so that It could apin a- a web arroes hia door and lead a e free and undisturbed elstenre for e a- ever after. ". . . a e.e.eAa,AA 1 :. yti 1 m v T CHOOSING WAU-PAPERr ttfearHo Heart Tall ICS. . V .i t t By EDWIN A-PfYE. T7TT Hic-mraic chiie 1 Carelessness Cause of ,..,.-,.. a- f! Mariy 01? J T.E?.A"?r.c,OKE.. former flra Chlaf of Nw Vork Fires HI PRINCIPAL CAUtE OP MANY OP OUR FIRES It DUE TO ARELEttNEt4. '. t TIC la A lice or Mrt. . The port ralla jfe a i ryatal pal ace." Wbkb lna nae'Ogurv. You can 0IJ a jbslke or byw,fo tbe brim with a liquid. Then to make au orerirlow you drop aouielblug lolo the liquid. Tbe overflow kt aa large aa that wblrb you put Into the bowl. Ko Is human life. Tbe Urd of life baa fli:,d your earthly veaMfi to. Ibe lirlni. The t hai-H-e bulda your life. If you want life j wore -auuiMiantiyj- pu iuum put J something iulo .tbe. veeH. . Il mum erernow..And what you et In over low la tueaaure-i by what you put I For luaieme-, . . , t . . . .If yyo pmore into ibeUalo e your lUf aJU overflow h loveliness. If yun put batasd.lnio your.fupjt win owr flo'' In baju-ed-. U tpu put lute It siu jMawili. overdue: n,slMfuliM!siv I kL.a -a - vuar wunu. yao caunot gel more out of your cup of mortal life lhau you PJlt.Jntp it. .You may get leas; you caonot.ger more. t' ' ar r. V ,. , Its 'Light Reflaavegfivelities theeld Ba .Considered. )( .No paper redert ail thr llahi wbU h falls on It bul the brightest ef, all paper woo Id be while blot I Ins paper. If f Bat were allowably eir the walla While (bWttmif.t par rvtlm-ta .. four fUia ef Ibe ltb...i:he feiualeiiif Oflb It abaorba ami reudert u-wlrw- .lrdl ney fooiaiMp'w lew bright awallow tng tbiw-tentha and rrlterting unit eetep-teuttwi . Taking. tbee. aa. Il.r brlcblret pua alkie 4iperv.wa, cu. see, bow a room aji4e it reeled) m w t-berrfuliy tttwlnwue. or as gkuiny aa a .irlauti The.raagvla ap grrat that we ran make tbe walla oft ene- mum feurtaen to six tees times -darker I baa another atiboogb'tbe aama amount of light enters bot a RaaL Eatata Trantfara. The following are tpe 'real estate iraiunera Died. In Ibe office of the 1 uuniy Kerorder . , , Rhododandrt n Mineral Springs Ijind Compnny to Dave Rofferty, pan of blok "II." Rhodixlrndmn: I0. Margnret Ilradr to Jamea Arthur Brady, lots 8. . block 3. Oregon Iron Ptrel rompany'a trlrst Addition to Oswego; . . Jamea A. Bunnell to W. J. Bchmauch. M". 5 Mi fl' b,ork Oak Grove: FT. 4 . . . Jamea A. Bunnell to V. J. gchmauch, lota 3 and 4. block S, Oak Grove Park: tO'lA. '... Jamea A. Bunnell o W. i. Bchmauch. lots 30, St. Oak Grove Park I0. May 8 Mllla . te Minnie p. Smith. i i .or i.ioca as, urr eon City; SS7fk (liarlea Carlson to II. B. and WIldA m.fx-rB. iu acrea or ciarkamaa ronnty: I1300.U i, . . ), ft . .. . m. k. and Eva P. Bklanaa Ia. U7II JTba hrlrtt-, ..ii ; .... ' Hobert , . .. .... .Ullr iiunr a n. u c lownshln 1 amith figured.. tebllr white nul gpld la sKuo-i range t east; lo ,OW0,n,p w,!h w effoetlre lu thromlnx bark tbe light Meliaaa Haoley and Jamea. Uanlev T. 1 1 1 (I ... 1. I . a , , M . ' ",.w- t ,,. ,,, ; i .. . i iiain loose, lot 5 of block Mi uKT'iif renevting nearly "regoa city; ft 120, ateady. Pernoll had an off day and allowed eleven hits, three scores be ing made off his deli very. In the first and the same number In Ibe ninth. ..Following were tbe reeulta Tuea day; .... . . . Pacific Coast Uaguer-Portliibd '. 7. ' ' Oakland 4 San Francisco. 3. Vernon i ' 0; La,Angelea 6, Sacramento l, . . i i.fon Tbe wgj to preTCTt.theTn ia bv a ri-xi.l and careful fS- ; STT.CmONjot til bupdinga. IiuUl.1i d'.'ihi Vfrired from' tlid hallwara and- lectric wife CAREFU1.LV xtinioeL iltn firea are caused b defective insulation'. ( Tbe old fashioned oil gtove Ujtverv danpvMiia tiling, In my. Iinion. it auould not be used gnv longer. . (;aiiJI'r, fim, arf.bfld. ' Our ulracrs pert are anotber aontve of firV. rlrtiirei1,' Hoiik day -re will be terrible Ions of lifo at well u property iii New York. The .1 . v...r-,y.r, tre fireproof, but the are n moru than what fire- r rUTININO bnildinr. 8TEIN ALLOW ( TEN .SAFETIES, BUT l STEADY. IN ALL. " BUT EIGHTH. ' 1 -"i. i i SAN FRANCISCO. June zn.fflna. lal). The Beavera in more or ) of a alugging match disposed of the issi-cominer oaks by a aoore of 7 to 3. AJbouab Sleln . alJaaad on hi.. be kept them well scattered and with the exception of the, eighth Inning was ' rA W.w' On the contrary. It In staanv D.mnl I k. ... . i. . . . m iriuuun wuei .-ipuis tut pvwent or tbe universe Into your bumble luiuds. it commissions you lord of your des tiny. You makt.abal yoti,rUI of yourself, t JTfU measure out to. tour i sen your Dappiueea or uulinpplneMS, get-wbsl you give. ' Moreorer. the figure bolda In this Northwestern I-mu-h Pnrti.r. a fThe-ehallee Is rrrsiaU iransnaranr rr Hponane 10, SeatUe t; Van- ! JUU ' n ,n proresa guiug mi with wM.w 4 Victoria a. h, , ,. -, .in me lives or others. You run -ei . A. m Arts It J aaeua fai.i. I -".. BafH. HJ ... . . ' '-y J W wtii5u bu sTeTe"cij ira,wyaifi UHiniC mw h cup aw vr aww, A aI M V. ITrfMUin I I laTaW III inttlP llWaBeX loBrars tv haiaa ... troJt, Clexeland, Srphiladelohla- or bltrnl-. 7a . ".- V'.J. overflow In kind. And you) ' What are yoa putting In-moneyT un ine orernow win lie merely. mon ey, bathing more. Cerralely yon would not expect to get a a overflow of bappl we. If la contrary to the law. Be sides-. ..1 you keep on putting In 'merely money yon will get pot .only the over Bow, fmt yon will by and by oil np Ibe prenlone rhalke. aod there ahull he no room for aocbl elm bnl money. no. men- : . t.- . ,. ' Seme day Death will i-oma with hia hammer and break your frail bewl of IJfe and abutter It Into frairmanta And "all you 1110 hold in vunr aa eold hand Is what you bare given away"-jvbat yon have cot int thm Waahlngton .game-Doatnonad. rain . .. iaiioau League New York 2, Boa ton 1: .plttabure. rhi . a. ""s p, uincinnau 4; Philadelphia , uiwAin p, r .. , ITANOINCL. Paclfla Coast . W. Portland n 8an Francisco 45 Vernon ............ 41 Oaklaad .-. , ., ,.42 Sacramento ',. 30 , Loa Angelea ,;... Z2 Northweatern. ' . . W. spoxane Taeoma Vancouver Portland 0.. .... Victoria .... 40 39 39 29 27 13 l tl 87 - 40 41 43 : 4 . i. : l. - 24 , 33 34 49 p.c. .687 .649 .E00 ,.606 .462 .396 P.fl .635 419 .619 .468 , .443 .210 Madge EHIb left for Bllvertoa Sat urday to visit friends . - r bailee. nere Is tbe c up. , ', . What will yoo put la? aeveu leutba H A'eif oouam irome yH tew paer. -wtiiaJi reflect alx-ieatha. and tllla la followed rlimely by orange paper, reflecting flreteniho of lh llgftt . ' ' , .Yellow wall paper and yellow nnlnt ed walla give Nick only four-ieiitha of me iikih: may awallow up more tbiiii tney refle. t. and light pink aiier luat iLtrtrla -- - - - - . 1 Light bHie.taiprr la rather twsetfui Contrary to wnt one would eapert. H absorbs tbree-foortbn of the light. .. 1U I,':' nj BUYING RI6B0N. W. Kupoaabendev and. Ma v..n.v.n der to William and Vanda Walters, :;L"'..,',?rAJ,''"?? . it. m. " a ii, rMotiaor; io. , Vanda and William Waltera to jaiora i racy, tract 4, lot "A of tract is, Willamette tracts; 10. tf if jtJ. M lit . Mew te Knew What Width te'Asb the talsewatnan Per. ' Very few .wejnen bare v eacaped tbe annoyance ot trying unam-cens fully to buy ribbon of a particular width. When one ronxidera the uiiea tU It is nnlte. natural that mspufac Uuwra abould turn lr out a certain staple .etidtha, bnt the dlfljcult la thai ry- oa know Just what tbeae Wldtlia asp. : When, rlbbou. are need ae mm-ti' aa dbla a urn mer our troubles re multiplied. .... , ..-.-,... . , Here are tbe numbers and their roe reapondlng width . cut (his out and keep l for reference next time rot Bead tibhott approximately, a rertaln Width;. . . ...v.' . . . ' . No I ibaby 1. S-IA inch; Mo. IVdd ln h; .No. JlH m b: No inch 2 No V 1.V18 lfM lu..Va llt-lrt Inches! No . m mebes:.Va 12. IIH-IO Inrbee: 11. t Inches: No 4(1. 34 incbe: So 1KX.4 lo. hef . . I here are 01 her intunnedbtte width. t i-onrsa. but tbeae are tbe moat nsual ' v . SEVERAL, FARMERS BRING LARGE tUPPLIEt ACTIV ITY IS SHOWN. IN OAK OROVE. r . ;.. .. Mrs. B. F. Allen, mother nf Air 111.. or Rialey's BUtio- nd Ura iv 9.' Lehman, of Mile ' v.- am a. h. , ' aae aa a noma in Portland jradav avenlng. Mra. Allan waa 76 .ers old .il(t .a been 1 an - Invalid ' tot shout .. ai months. : The funeral services were held at tha residence at 1 o. m fist. urday ,,. . , The Oak " . Glrla' Band waa en. tertalned at ar Saturday by Mr. L. E. A r mi fron g at tbe Cos griff dell eanteaen. At 1 o'clock . tha band Played at tha Welch Grocere Comnan In Sellwood.. Mr. Welch will have a coffee demonstration at the store and the band will five a concert from 1 o p. m. ri Several farmers brought in supplied of wool Tueaday, and the market la ehowlne; unusual activity. .Among thoae who eold In the Oregon. City market were W. W. Uarrie, of Beaver Cfttek, R. Rutherford.of Beaver Creek, and 41. Ley and Fred Voba, of the Beaver. Creek., eectlon. . Wool,,prl9ea are holding up. well, .and. a majority' of tbe producere think now la a good tlma to aell. Thla market, la favored by vtnany of the Clackamaa County a mA a a aa a aa piwauyWia.jM , . ; . 1 . OjueUteena fo. oregctrt Cltj'. A , " POTATOES Beat "IS-ltX food 12.26; common, 2. Buying, carload, eiec,; ordinary. 11.90. FI.OUR v AMP ' FEBDFlot.f ta ready, ellla from 6 to IS JO; vary utna or cbaaper - gradea. Feed la higher and farng slowly,- Bran bring OATS-MBoytng) Oray, from 2I to f27r white, from 126 to 126." BUTTER' (BoriKl Ordinary er-untry brlrtga . from lie ' te lOe, fancy dairy from 20e to 12?. cream ery 12f to 88c - EOas (buyint ) Are rantttt from ziwto lie, according to grade. ' POOLTRT (Buying Firm wltb lit- tie good stock offered. Hans will hrlng 14o, If In extra good - condition more, Old roosters are ror at 8c to 10c, broil ers bring from 12c to 4o, with good demand. .....'' , WOOL (Buy.: ug)-oo prices ara ranging from 13c to 15o. ' MOIIAIIl-(Buylng Prices on mo bal have been -vay rp, some having brought h'gh sa 2."o locally. Quo istlnns a'e l7o and ?er1 la tr j fromi:Jf3t?l " '. ' II S peedosan; eggplant Uekia rwllc. loco lie Xoaai-El Neper doeaa; hothouaa OH per-bog; pea. Ic ait. -PPf IKvppera, IOcCM aw f leper pound; iprouta, k; UmuZ lOTATOES--pretoB. kihMal 11.80 per hubdrad; i-w so'iinaV t. CTHo per poond. - 7? 12.76 per. 100; Arutrshaa, tluZ 100; lTaxA. 1221 bar eraia- r.nC vregee,wty ateak iewsaaa - IIOOH Hogs are faetsd He Ipsa Faonb-m a. (a 1M 4ks. w. hm IM Jba. te 800 Iba. mat v.T7 VEAL CAI.VWVtaJ atl-ai ar4 frweU -aadiag b gnat , BREP an-MMaet;ae at he IwflaJ asartiata ar Mcfcta men 4 etee weigau SHEEP aio arm at i te it Mn weight - a bte . BACON, LAX!) sa4 JIAM. xr Ira . 1 ' a- a a a 1 i , t CATTLE MARKET rlOLMITIAOY. mii i a mt ri. Conflict Among Suyara Qaaw tutev . 1 leg ef petaai. , . -The . Portland , Union Keek Tirol (Mnpany, raporl as Jutknrii . 4 Receipts for the -eatk hits taw Cattle 1814. ho, irt?,satra.wi bofsea and mules 64. - The rattle mam, tzs kl4 fa at last areek'a rally. Tat et among the bnjr.rt tur tht Uidtl ant Inga caused a etlffening ia rkw tai at . somewhat toevr buU tku re prevailing market for ssrenl rawa sellers were enabled to hart tDw pretty much their ow esy.' hvm bvt which bava l aad 11.21 for Pat steers must be clssaed as high. Ore) sold at 6 CO, which la reaarUtk orlce. . . . . ... The hog market itraagtbened that 10 ceoU; Ihedsmaad wm sctlt , la tbe face of Ilbral reeslrti k the sheep division the ntrkat " plained ateady to trong. Tkan a sbsdlng of prices in tk Burtal V lamba, but for rwea and ateady condition praval'". ' . There wis -a-fklrty aat"' ment la the horse- rket ax" sales reported Indlcala aady ancei SVvllrtwIn. ara Mnraaantstlvt BUM; ... . " IU IN lit ia 68 it IK t (8 It l.a V 411 68 8 tN m 276 Rtaera T8 Bteera J27 Bteera 17 Bteera 166 Cows 26 Cow 24 Cowe ,74 Cewa 2 Stags 1 Bull tt Irolla 11 Hoga 89 Hoga 120 Hoga 12 Hoga 142 Lamba 786 Lamba 1007 Wethers ....... lit Rwea 2 Draftera 1 Draftera , 2 Drlvera J...... I Chunks M- I 'MI mm UM 1163 1137 1M1 1641 Hi Ml M Mtt lift UM 111 Itt 171 221 61 44 104 M . in."1' " i. If . . SELL WOOL f"v Oregon tommissSc' - 1 Dealers in Flour, W Product. Vithind-HAlNSl Oregon CHy CALL ON F. D. Stcc When yoa wfci to f . RtttOCOilT. At V'---' PatL-3 C-ti -e ' rCdaAtir r v rf.osea a-72. r n ' . 1