Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, -SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1911. 0 Arrivals in Ladies' Tokio Waists 7 Ladi Latest Waist Novelties J. Levitt Suspension Bridge Corner will known farmer, wag among the business shoppers In OrKon City on Haturdsy. Mr. McCarthy brought l(d of uata with him. K. P. IlaamuMaeii, of Beaver Creek, we In Ihla clly on Haturday. Mr. Iteamiiaacn hag juat gold bla farm at Heaver Creek, constating of i rg to a Mr. HMiKliTmin, i,f Hlllsdule. the prlce being $9000, I'eler Forbes, of OIhhkow, Hcotland, waa In the illy Hutimluy vlaltlng Hu rliittiilint of Hi-boola Tooxe. Mr. Forbeelme been in t,lg country only IxMit a month. H aays lie Ilk eg Or iton. Mr.'KlNlii-r hikI two grandchildren, of Graham, were anionic the Oregon t'lly vlMllont on HiHurday, having come to attend tho Rime ahow given Ity tin- CUrkumiia County Hone Ho-clcly. Mia I'.vh itciiHiin will present her iniinjf hi a recital at the Presbyter ion clninli, HutiirdHy, June 171 li at tt o'clock. The pupil it will lie KhnIhI I liy Professor Albert M. Hchuff, vlv 1 1 tt I hi . ihH public g Invited to lit tellll. ,) Mr. ami Mra. John Hurfua will leave Monday for their home du KelloicK., Idaho. They have vlHlted ,ere for the pant two weeks with tl, latter'a fatli r Duulcl WllllaniH, ami other relit- tlvos. lie for- coming- here thev visit. d lelllllvi'K In lorlii, II ('. Washington and Vie- f Humpty Oumpty Geta a Laving Cup. 4 10 REWARD For tin arrest and conviction of anv person or persons, who unlawfully remove coplca of The Morning Enterprise from the premises of Miiliwrlliura after paper hits been placed there by carrier. . paator. Reg. 710 Jeff ergon; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mra. W. Cr Green, aupt.; morn ing aervlca U a. m. Prayer meet ing Thuraday p.m,' Parkplae Congregational Hrv. J. 1. Joiig paator, ra. Clackamas; . BJ. 10 a. m., Km.ry Trench aupt.-, praaihlng e.rvlt:a rath Sunday, all.rnatliig b. 11 a. m. and 7: p. m Chrla tlan Kndaavor Thuraday evening 7:1 p. m. 8t. Paul' Rev. C. W. Hoblnaun. tmr- tor. Daily aervlcea: Murnlng pray er, 7 a. ni.; Holy Euchartat, 7; 30 a. m.; eve.ilng prayer, 7:30 p. m. Ban duy aervlcea: Holy Eucharist 8 a. m.; morning prayer, 10:30 a. ni.; Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. ni.; evening prayer and germon, 7: at) p. m.; 8. 8 12 m.; Thuraday evenings, germon at 7:30 p. m. United Brethren Cnr. lghth and Taylor, Kv. I,, y, Clarke pgaim, ra. l ortlnncl; H. H. 10 a. m.. Frank l-.iki-r. Mu. Lena, aupt ; murnlng arvle 11, y. p. H. (,'. K. i p. m., avanlna aervlca 7. Wlllamctta M. B. No rrgulnr prrarhlng aervlcea. ft. 8. I p. tit.. Mia.,Kama Blipi, Zlon Lutharan -r. Jeffxraon and Eighth lr..l, Kri. w. II. Kraxberaxr paa- iit, wm. ,v jauarwin: n. h. a. I In v Kriixtwiaer aupt ; morning arvt 10 30, avrnlna 7:46, Luther league 7 p. in PORIUUID'S BIGGEST ROSE FETE CLOSES MORE THAN 1,500,000 SEE PA RADES AND 13,000)00 18 LEFT IN CITY. UNIQUE HAT BOWS. Ribbon Quilla and Knotg Are Muoh Uaad Trimmingg. f. . , local outers Oold- in C, A. Will, of Canby, wag In thla It; on Saturday. Every hut reduced t Mla C, nalthi. VA lJnn. of Clear Creek- waa tk! ritv oti Saturday. Mr. ljirklna. of Clarkea, waa In thU dtr on Saturday. Great Rale on all millinery giMida. MIm C. tloldamllh. Mra. HyPand datiKhter, of (Irahr.m, w In thla rlty on Huturday. Bneat (iuetilher, f Bhubel, waa li Oregon "i'lty, on Haturday. j William Stewart and family, of Cam, were In thla city cm Halurday. Wllllnni Jonea. of Mullno.' tranioict e4 biiKlncaa lu thla city Hattirdtiy, J. (kivla and Claud Drlatcl, of Caru. tare In thla rlty on Saturday. Chirv lwla, of Tortland. la In tar rlty laltlng J- K- Callavan. Mr II. K Bry. of Walla Walla. Waah. waa In tbla city on Friday Md Saturday vlaltlug frtenda. Mr. T. C. Courtney and dauubter, Helen, of Heat tie. Waah., apent Fri day with her alater, Mra. J. II. Krena. RiHlney KeatlniC. nfr vlaltlng rela Uvea In thla city, haa returned to hla kome In I'ortland. Frank King and family, of Turner, have returned to Carua, where they formerly realded. W K. A. Sommer, formerly of Ore mn City, baa moved hla office to 1017 Corbet! building. Portland. . J Wlllliim (luenthor and family, of Schubel, were In Oregon City on Sat wday. ' Albert Janea and wife, of Eldorado, war in thla city on Saturday on their ay to I'ortland, whera tbey anena ti the Itoae Carnival. Martin Mrle Jonea. of Carua. waa l the thla city on Saturday, having brotmht no varletlea of wild flower tor exhibition at the Uoae 8how William Jonea, of MtJIno, waa In Ihla city on Saturday, having brought fine dtaplay of wild flowera to x Hill at the Homo Show: Mr. J. E. Calavan and daughter lotna, leave Monday morning for Prim evtlle to vlalt her parenta. 8ha will return about July 1. Thomaa McCarthy, of Graham, AMONG TijEJCriURCHES SUNDAY CALENDAR. Flrat Baptlat-Comer Main and Ninth atreeta. Itev. H. A. Haywortb, paa tor. preaching at 11 a. m. an4.7:4S p. m. The paator will preach In the morning aervlce on tho aubject, "The Iml ChrlHt." In the evening Mra. Jackaou Hllbaugh, of Seattle, will apeak. Thla will be a temper ance rally. All the temperance forcea o the city are Invited. Mra. HllbaiiKh la a national lecturer ror the W. C. T. V. and la a apeaker of rare ability. All are Invited. The Sunday achool meeta at 10 a. m. The Young People and Juniora at 6:45 p. m. Tueaday evening the United Hrotherhood banquet and program meeting of all the Hrotherhood of the city. 8 peak era for thla occaalon are Mr. Atklnaon, Col. Wood, of Portland, and Dr. (leorge 11. Pratt. evening R p. m. Catholic Cor. -rrater ana Tenth St. Rev. A. Hlllebrand paatot, rea. 911 Water; lw Maaa 8 a. m., with aer man; High Maaa 10! SO a. m., with aermnn; afternoon aervlce 4 :00. Maaa atery mofnlng at 8:00. Congregational T'or. Main and Klrvrnib etreeia. Kev. Win M. Proctor paator, rra. aoa Third:' A. a. U noon, John Uw ry aupt.; morning arvlre 10.10. avrti. Ina 7 10. young people f:M Weekly i nuraaay i i .aw v. prayer mwtlng Chrlat Kv. Lutheran Cor. VJ. A .la ma ar-la. laalor. rra. ai j ElKhlh and J. f.ev I'. Bchmlilt Q Adania: H H I Ai V til PORTLAND. Or., June 10. (Spec ial.) The atrenuoua week la ended. The greateat Itoae Featlval ever held la over. It waa eatlmated tonight at the rloe of the electric parade, that the vnrloua pageanta had been wit nerniKd by more than J.5Mi,(xiO per dona. Thla la on toe banla of 250,000 apec- tator for each pageant, aa an average. Kor two of the paraded the alghtaeera numbered, approximately, 200,000 thehe being the automoble and the civic prcM-eaalona, while the flrat elec tric parade and the vehicle parade were aeen by 300,000, and the chll dren'a parade . by 225.000. At leant 300,000 wltneaaed the parade tonight. The featlval brought lietween $3, OOO.Oiio and $4,000,000 to the elty. Its coat to the city waa about 140,000. Deaplte the fact that the program for aetawav day connlated of only two daylight affalra, the brilliant farewell to Rex Oregonua thla evening aerved to hold over tena of thouaanda of vIhI- tora who did not arrive here In time for the triumphal proceaalon of Tuea day night. lota 1, 2, 7, I, block 13, Oregofi City; 110. . , Ella E. Mott to- Kezlah Mott. 49.65 acre of section 9, townablp 4 aoutb, rnaa 1 eaat; ft. Ella E. and Kezlah Mott to Ed. D. Penman, land In aectlon S, 10, town ablp 4 aoutb, range 1 eaat; fl. M. E. and Cora I). Ileatty to J. W. Wheeler and wife, 95.91 acrea of ec- tlona 34, 35, townahlp 2 aoutb, range 2 eaat; $10. C. a and IJIltan B. Hall to Port land Cement Company, land In section 3. townahlp 2 south, range 1 eaat; $::5oo. J. C. and "Mary A. Chalupaky to Henry D Aden, lot 3, 4, 6, block "C," Wllaonvllle; 13200. , J. II. and Mabel C. Pllklngton to Clackamaa County, land in aectlon 19, townahlp 2 south, range 1 eaat; $1. R. P. and Hlna Raamuasan to B. V. and 8. ganteanon, land in aectlon 23. townahlp 3 south, range 2 ea.Ht. WETZLEPS GO TO COUNTRY. TWO ARRESTEDJN BIG CRIME (Continued from Page 1.) Beautiful Bungalow Built on River Near Covall. Mr. and Mra. Henry Wetzmr hve gone, to Covell, where tliey will giud i the aummcr on .their country place near the river. Mr. WeUler h's ere-t-ed a four-room bungalow which has a dining imrch, au.l a. sleeping porch 24 feet long and 10 feet wide. There la a spring near the biingti'ow of Mr. and Mra. Wetzler, an the water M piped to the home. Mr. nnd Mra. J. U. Garritaon and won, Henry Merle, Mrg. Vllllmlear and family, Mr. and Mra. Oarretaon, Mr and Mm, Thorn ton anj family, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Hare, 'cf PorMnnl. uae bomea near Mr. Wetzler's. Tbo fam lllea have a lann-'h and three r-.v-boat and they have delightful boat ing trlpa. rXTT CORRESPONDENCE eral women were found in on of his nocketa. He also had an extra -pair of garters. He attlrat told the sher-1 Friday to attend the Postmaaters' con Iff that he had walked from fortiano, ventlon CANBY. Adam Knight, of Canby, went to Portland Wednesday. Thursday and to a.'m'; nreaehlng afl-moona of flrat . . A.inAmm 1 Jo In Kncllah. oiher Hunday arvlcea momlnaa at 10 3 with prrarhlng In Herman. Christian Science Nlnlh and Cen ter street. Sunday service li a. m. Sunday achool 12 noon. Wednesday evening 8 p. in 'i1 n..a awannellcat-Cor. Eighth and Madleon etrrela. Kev. X. WlevealeK paa tor. rea. 711 Madlxm; . H. 10 a. m. Herman gchradrr. M.mroe atreel. eupi urvin. II. voi-na rooplo at n tn and oreachlna at I p m. Prayer n...iln Wrdneadav at 7 10 p. m. ftladatona ChrlstlanRev. A. H. Mul- L.v tmator. rea. l.iauaione. oun- day' achool 10 a. m., N. C. Hendrlcka, stipterlntendenL Morning service, 11 o clock. Brotherhood services at 7-45. Rev. Ernnlch, of Portland, will aneak In the evening. Special mualc by the choir. , Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. 8. S p. m.. Mrs. J. II. Quihn, aupt.; Bible Study every Thursday after noon; K. C. Dye will preach at 7:) o'clock Sunday evening. Methodist Main street cor. Seventh, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman paator, rea. cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. 8. 9 45 a. m.. C. A. William, Glad stone, supt.; morning service 10:45, Epworth League 6:30. evening ser vice. 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs day 8 P- n- Morning sub ject. "Our Debt of Gratitude." Eve ning po'lar aervlce. Dramatic re cital by the paator of the third and fourth chapter of "In Hla Steps, or What Would Jesus Do." Solo, Master Kenneth Woodward. 8 year old. Solo. "Gathering Jewel." by Mrs. Zimmerman, violin accom pnnyment by Prof. Dougla. DMihvtiriin-Seventh street cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Landaborough, Yotttfs for the Asking ash: For and we wtll givejyotf wtfh a t NEW months subscription By Carrier ( at 45c the month 6 months subscription By Mail at 25c the month KIW BAT BOWH, The smart outlnif Dat 1 trimmed with a quaint yet original bow. tut1 novelty ot tbe bow etiuunclug tbr value of tbe lint. Those illuntrated here include a rtblioii quill and a Out tertly bow wblcb were dealgniHl t Ora Cne Tbe toug. straight effect la knnvn aa tbe rtcht uulll. It I adnpted for trtmnilng tbe right baud able of a bat and stands atraigm up, like an arrow pointing to tbe any. It may be made of any uumter of har monizing colors or of vartoua abades of tbv au me color. All the rlbbou must be of tbe same width. Three shades of green, three shades of brown and three shades ot yellow may bo used lu one bow. Tbe ends are pointed, and each strip Is pulled down a quarter ot au tneb be low the strln lust oeneatn it. The bow at tbe twttom roust oe or one pronounced color. Tbla arrange ment ennbleM one to use up soon euua of ribbons. Tbe butterfly bow Is light In welgnt and daluty and airy in appearance The Hotly of the butterfly Is made or tucked wire ribbon. Tbe two loops at the top and tbe two at tbe bottom ot the butterfly bow are placed Bat. one loop being Just outside and larger than the one Oral made. The body of tne butterfly Is made by winding the no tion round and round to construct a fonndHtlou to which the wings may be attached. . The wines are made of four pieces of No. KM) ribbon sewed together, encb strip lielng eighteen Inches long. The two ends are cut In a tasnion aminnr to tbe outlines of the wings of tbe butterfly. The shirring at tbe hottoro when drawn up give the wings the proier flare It Is noticeable that ribbon conceits of thla sort nre a teature on some . the most exclusive models, riooons forming one of the most popular trim mings of tbe season - . 1 JABOT END. TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE .4 . J U I.. l. A Beautiful China PL AO U Euccorai :H "aU5'""yi There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection early. Subscribers May Pave Them Too To any present subscriber who, win nnu new subscriptions we will present one of these beautiful dishes. . . ALU LKT.pN. MUST BE MADt AT THE OFFICE OF THE Qtegon (ftty Enterprise BANtTorToRCOON C I TY BtllLPINO where he lived on Front street, yes terdayj and said that he had been In Mllwaukle the day the crime waa com mitted. However, when questlonea about the crime he denied any knowl edge of it, and then said be was only Joking about having been In Mllwau kle on Friday. Had Been In Asylum. The prisoner aald that be waa a business man and had an office in the Chamber of Commerce In Port land. Sheriff Hancock later learned that the man had once been an in mate of an Insane asylum. Tbe per sons living in the house on Front street. where the suspect lived, de clared that he had boarded there, and they alno corroborated the story that he had been In an asylum Manv other clues were Investigated by the authorities, but In all casesHBe men susoected proved atlbiea. une man. a mulatto, for whom the detec Uvea searched almost all day, went police headquarter In Portland last night and easily s-oved an alibi. The negro for whom the auth orities searched, waa seen . about 10 o'clock Friday night by. sveral wo men living near Ardenwald. He acted peculiarly, and upon departing walked up the car track in the direction oi Oswcko. W. E. Will, who lives at Wliis- burg. near Ardenwald, notified Snerin Stevens, of Multnomah acounty, ana Sheriff Mass. of Clackamaa county, of the presence of the negro, and depu tie were placed on every car run nine on the Cazadero and Oregon City lines, w hile Police Captain Slover de tailed the entire night reller to cover the carllne and suburb on the east side, hoping to catch sight of the man seen by Willi and tbe other Arden wald residents. Proffers of Information believed to have some bearing on the case have been coming: Into the police and sher Iff'a office ever since the discovery of the crime. All are examined, but most of them, when investigated, are found to be useless so far aa any bearing on the case Is concerned. Farm House Examined. Sheriffs Stevens and Mas visited every farm house within a radius of four or five miles of the little cabin In which Hill, his wife and her two children. Philip and Dorothy Rlntoul, were killed. Houses that were locked were entered by mean of a pas key, and every room and closet searched for alans of te tale clotnlng. Notn tng was found, however? that would tend to fasten suspicion on anyone in the neighborhood Miss 'Ethel Ferguson went to the Rose Festival In Portland Wednes day. Carl Luckee was in Portland Wed nesday. Mrs. Heman Lee was burled Wed nesday at 2 o'clock. The pallbearer. were: Mr. Cttle. Mr. parmeuter, Mr. Graham, Mr. Mack, Mr. Burgoyne, and Mr. Dick. The floral offering were very beautiful. All the children were able to attend tbe funeral, although tt was delayed so that the son in Southern Oregon could be preent. Mr. Vaughn haa taken hi race horses to MacMlnville. Mr. Wood went Tuesday and Edward Kelt wnt Thursday Miss May me Combs left Thursday for Seattle to visit her sister, Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson were In. Portland to the Rose Festival Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth have a baby boy, born Wednesday morning. As Fresh-As Summer Roses In Early Dew Such ore the groceries sold ot this store. , . The delicate aroma of the coffee, the delicious taste of the butter all the appetizing points of good sweet clean food are carefully pre served at this grocery. Even our canned and carton goods ore kept in lowest quantities that they may be constantly renewed. Every thing is pure and clean cleanliness Is next to godliness here. All our groceries are aa .delightfully freeh aa a wild roee aparkling with daw on an early summer morning. Let a trial convince you. Send or come with an order, or phone and a messenger wilt call. J. E. SEELEY OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE OREGON CITY tlons. One toch ear. 11 ear montni nan Inch card. ( nnuj at per month. Cash muat aecoropaay oraar innai an. haa an open acooont with tha papar. No financial rcaponalbUlty for errors; where errore occur free corrected noUee will b printed for patron. Minimum eharse He. OAK GROVE. Mrs. W. P. Brown and aon Donald K.. of Coffeyvllle. Kan., arrived here Tuesilay and will spend the summer with her sister. Miss Flora Kligore. Nearly all residents of Oak Grove went to Portland Thursday to see tbe parade, the main attraction being the Oak Grove float. The school will close Friday and the pupils will hold a picnic that day. The araduatlng exercises will take tomorrow evening in Green a hall. Mr. Smith, of Portland, was here Thursday morning after an absence of eicht years. Mr. Henderson, salesman for Wad dems ft Kerr, was here on business Thursday. Mrs. Ida Inman was an pregon City visitor Thursday. J. A. Peterson, of Mllwaukle, ts puttng irr the foundation on . M. Cederaon'a new home on Second ave nue. W. H. Moore and two daugt'ers, from Montana, are visiting here thii week. Mis Moore left here two year ago for Montana. Mrs. A. Elizabeth Cosgrlff will open a delicatessen ana luncn room toaay n the Green building. WANTED 11000 loan on good prop erty. Address A-10, care Enterprie, An Effective Pattern In Irish Crochet Laca, Thla pretty pattern In Irish crochet ince Is most effective for trimming a Jnbot The rose In tbe center Is tJrst made, and then tbe filling about It ta ..mniied with Dlcot cbalna. Tbe acal- iteM WANTED. wanted Eznerlenoed girl or wo- wan for eeneral housework at row- land;- good wages and pleaaant Dlace. AodIt 1006 Main St- Oregon City or 693 East Salmon St., Port land. m , WANTED You to know mat we buy all kinds of Curioa, that we are in the market for aecond hand Furni ture and Tool. We also have a-ood assortment ot aecond hand Fnrnlturei and Tool on hand for aale to thoae in need. Come anJ see: nerhana we have lust what you want Indian Curio and trinket for aale cheap; aome that are very unlnue and also Terr rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth etreet garden In, other Improvements; beautiful scenery; close to school. For location inquire Wlnkle'e store. West Side. Price $495.00 cash. Rev. Harvey Buck, Oregon City, Oregon. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmick Dlmlck, Lawyers, .Oregon CUy, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. MONBJY TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 and upward; one year or longer. Apply at once. Cross k. Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. , ; BUILDER AND COTw ACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. . Estimates cheerfully given on all claaaee of building work, concrete walks ana reimforoed concrete. Rea. Pboe Maka ill. : FOR " SALE Four-year-old German coach horse, at a bargain, weight about 1200 pounds. Inquire J. H. Graw, Bolton. FOft ALfc Real Estate Transfers. The following nre the real estate transfers that have been filed In tne office of the county recorder John Rwenson to Christian and Emil Eliason, 39 6-7 acres of sections 9 and 10. townshtn S outn, range 1 east, $3500. John W. Loder and Grace E. Loder to Rebecca Dubre. lot 6 or mock 6, Falls View addition to Oreeon City; $1. Henry and Willi Ingala to Thomas H. Brents, all of west nan oi section 19 tnwnahin k smith, range 1 east; $1 R. C. Chanman. J. A. Talbert and .1. n Landes. trustees Clackamas Cem eterv Association to Frank M. Bailey, lot 1 of block ill, nl the outh 12 1-2 feet of lot 112, ClacKama uemeiery. A R. Pollard to Aiex wuum " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Clackama County, Oregon, will receive plan and es mates for remodeling and repairing the County Court and Jail of aid County. All plan and estimate must be submitted on or before 10:30 o'clock on the 21st day of June, A. D. 1911, at which time said plans and esti mates will be considered by said Court. The Court reserve the right to reject any and all plana and esti mates. The basis Tor such plan and est! mates may be obtained from any member of the Court by calling upon them or either of them at Ore gon City. County Court of Clackama Coun ty, Oregon. R. B. BEATIE. County Judge. WM. MATTOON, N. BLAIR. Commlssoners. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that I will ........ i .r...i,n n9 acrea of sections i ot ih tiAvt reeular meeting of the i9 ii tnwnshln 3 aouth. range 1 ritv Council apply for a license to sell east; $1000. Hajel Tooie to William Honor at my place or ousinesa, ou M. Smith, Maln street for a period of six months. . CSOCHST JABOT EKD, lop are simply re-enforced chain wblcb have been covered with double crochet A row of three acallopa for the top aectlon of the Jntait which may be made of handkerchief liueh. with a tow of two beneath and a single acal fop below, makea a bnndnome Jabot. WANTBD-8" adv-rtleemenU for thla column. a reaeon- able. Bee rate at of eolnnw. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. ' Graduate Nurses Pac. 2243 Home D-298 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Ste. LOS ANGELES V. PORTLAND June 6, 7, 8, , 10. 11 Games Begin Weekday at S:30. 8undays, 8:30 P. M. v LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boy Under 12 Frea to Bleacher , v-dneday. Go TO Your Phyalclan. Ask hi opinion of a remedy for the ailment peculiar to women that con tains In Judicious amount uch In gredient aa Black Haw. Cramp Bark, I nlcorn Root, Squaw Vine. Blue Co hosh, Golden 8eal and Cinnamon Bark. He will tell you that these are Just the ingredlenta used by specialist In treating such ailment and that the good Judgment shown In their aelec tion haa been demonatrated by count aaa benefited. Rexall Vegetable Compound I made after the formula of a anccessful phy slcan who ha made a epecalty of wo man' aliment, and contains me in gredients mentioned above. It worth haa been demonstrated many times by your friend and neigh bor, and. If you have aed o cb . remedy, we ask that you rj Rexall Vegetable Compoun at our risk. If It falls to benefit you, we will .nn.ntiv rnfiind vour money. snM nniv at our Btore The Rexall Drug Store. Price, $1.00 per bottle, Huntley 8-' ' , Wants, For Sale, Etc Nntlcoe und.r these eiaeetfled neeatnaa will be inee'tad at one rent aji Insertion, hall a oent additional inaer ACREAGE One to Ave acre In sight of nreeon Citv. $150 and $200 Per acre- rood level land: one mile from car line. Clyde 4V McRae, 1003 Main St. Oregon City. , g . i . jm asg gtT3 FARM FOR SALE 80 acres, 7 mile south o. iireiron city on Moiaua road and 1 mile east Inquire Mr. S. G. London, Oregon City R. F. D. No. 3. box 1U. ATTORNEY. O. D. BBT, Attorney-e.t-L,w. Money loaned, ataatracte rnrntah. land title examined, estates settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank at Oregon CJty. FOR SALE House, two lots, on cor ner, house almost new, 12x28 two rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees. rj'REN A SCHTJEBEL, Attorny-at-Law, Deutaeher Advokat. wtl pree tloe In all courts, make eeOeatlome and settlements. Of floe In Enter priae Bldg, Oreson City. Orefon. H- COOPER, For Fire tneuranee nnd Real Eatate. Let aa handle your properties we buy, Xk a ad exchange. Office In Baterpriae Bldg Oregon Cy. Oregon- Read the Mornjng enterprise. 1911 Mitchell Automobiles Have you ever looked Into the details of conatroctton and the ..mechanical features together with the handsome appearance of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they are being bought by people throughout the state, who know the value of a food car. If you are at all Interested we will be pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information and can assure you that it is well worth Investigating before buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say If not we, are here to make gooa. wnen we ecu car we will take care of your car one yaf free of it will. vou a charg. Pru$l50 Other moJel. cheaper. Fully equipped F..O. B. Oroe. City. Phone ua for demonstration anel werwHl call at your home for you. Some Gooi Barrfaina In Second Hand Car " ; ' '1 : G. G. Miller, Agent Garage Cor. 6tK anJ Main Sta. V v