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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1911)
-'ft MORNXN0 jfoifrEHPniSE, SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE Oregon cmr, oregoit C E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. TCnteree- as Totid-Ha Matter J sa il ary I. 1(11. at the post office at Oroa City. Ores-oa, under the Art of March a. im." . Tens r stncurnoii, tma Tear, by mall .. 11 e is afnmtha. tr wall I few Moat ha. a mall I e we sraek. ar eaivier..... ...... . AlVtlTOWfi MTU First Paav. per men nrat Ineertioa. . . First Pass, par tnrn addea Insactloaa. .lac Preferrad poallioa any pass, per Inch first ttiaortkm It Varan-ad poalttcn any Bar. pr tach added meertksM lac Rua paper athae tha flrat page, par lach flrat ,tiasrtloai lie Rua paper ateer thaw flrat pags, par Bsofl added sBeertkms ec Locale lae par tine; to regwlar adver Uaara be Una. Waata. Par ft).' To Rant, etc.. ana aval a word drat tnar.ttan; oea-half cant ears additional. Rataa for advertlelws In .ha 'Weakly Bnterpriae will be tha earn aa In the . sally, for advertisemanta art aarwctallv tar tna weekly, tha adreruaasaent Is transferred fmni tha daily to tha waak ly. wit hoot chart iro. tha rata will ba So aa tech far raa of tha paper, and lae aa larh for apactal aosttlow. Case, ahoald accompany erder wbara party aj unknown tn baatnaaa efrtce of tha Kntarprtaa. Laewl advartlatng at legal advertlstrm rataa. Clrrua advarttetnc and atcial tranalant advertailaa at far In 0e aa tach. aocord- at to aoaclaJ eoejdltloaa nramtnc lae -Fire Saw" and Bankrupt aJa" adyer bjainti Sao tnrh flrat fnaerttow: aJdi ..oaai asarrtloaa aama matter Sao Inch. Nawa Items and well wi1ta arclelae of aartt. with tataraat to local reader, will aa gladly accepted. Rejected manu- errtsta waver retarwed imwa lad by atuaee to prepay porta i im PUPILS MAKE HNE SHOWING SEVEN OUT OF CLASS OF EIGHT PASS EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATION. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. June 11 In American History. 1776 Tha Coattneatal congress named tbe committee T Ave to draft tbe Declaration of Independence. 1S44-William B- Brook. American aa troooaaer. bora. 1S70 William UUmore Simaas. oove- att of southern life. died: bar ISO 189S Spaniards attarkrd Cnlted Sutra marts at GoaDtaaamo: first 8ght i of Americana In Cuba. XSlOAbematby bora, aged tea and ail rears, reoobed New Tort dry. completing borarbark rid froa Oklahoma. ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS- (Fran boos today to oooa tomorrow.1 Boa arts T27. rises 24: sboso rises Ti9 p. mooo at apoffee. fartbrat from earth. taUes; 67 p. sou fuU Tha rktainjt . enrrciara of Maple lvn scqooI were wttnesaed by a Urg rrowd. me trH!rm was In trrrtin( aud lh audience apprecia tive. Seven out of a claas of etKbt pas! the Eighth Grade examina lions. Following Is a lit of ttione who pauea: i ('earl Meater. Ruth t'arker. Edith Parker. Shirley Swallow, Emma Der rick. Frances 8mith. Georae Derrick The exercise were a follows: Song. "America"; recitations by Anna Parker. Eugene Schmidt. John NValdrow, Roger Morning. Drexel Hea l?r. Dorothy Swallow. rrrel Heater, Lois Papenkoff; instrumental music. Irma Calaran. Orvha Parker. Junla Schmidt. May Splinter. Myrtle An low. Holland Homing. Ray ; Uarney Arlle Kuntman Erick Waldow, Myrta Swallow. John Parker. Madge Aus- hiw: reading. Francis Smidt: recita tion. Do iris Reynolds: reading. Pearl Heater: recitation." Shlrly Swallow- recitation. Irma Schmidt : song. Battle Hymn: recitation. Floyd Kuntman; recitation. Loran Auslow. J. E. Catavan. who resigned as prin cipal of the school, to become a school supervisor, wss complimented npon the work of the class. . ., Dots Have a Prominent Place In New York's Police Parade 3 ,, " i- ;, fi K Ls 6 . $ ') Mr. Lew A. Cates, secretary of the Calapooya Springs Company. Bt Lon don. Or, Is In the front rank as an aoTeruser. w nas lomea an u newspaper men ia Orecoo to be kia HEAVY-HITTING GAME GOESTOPOHD PORTLAND. Or Jon 10. (Spec ial). In a .game filled with heavy hitting Portland today beat the Angels by a score of eight to two. Portland got busy with Tborsen In the first Inning, though It was his own wild heave of a bunt In the effort to catch Rodgera at third, which allowed him and Ryan to tally In the opening inning. With two out in tbe second inning Chad bourne droTe a safety to centtr. sending fa Koestner, who had forced Murray at second and then stolen that bag. Results Saturday were as follows: Pacific Coast League Portland S, Los Angeles 2; San Francisco 3, Sac ramento 2; Vernon S. Oakland 4. - Northwestern League Portland 9, Vancouver A (forfeited); Spokane 3, Seattle f; Tacoma 12, Vlrtorta X National League Pittsburg 9. j , DwaaL 1m A. I Tt . . Uk guests it his resort hotel or June i " v- "MSU ,wl"u 1C and 17. Tha nuher. of ft. farfV. ! f iBMtI 5- N'w Tork J St- Lcul Den will he treated to free antomohfl I PhUaderphU 8 hhm rr v.i .. , , American League Boston 6. Detroit Ik imm?m fioPF xs : - V " r VT1 "a- vy s N Photos fey American Prase Association. v i. EARLY a score of dogs are attached to the New York iwllt-e depart ment, and they had a prominent place la tho recant annual p.c parade. Each of the canine guardians of the peace wss hrld In leash by a bluecoated poUceuan, but such restraint was hardly uec- isiifj. for the dogs marrhad along as sedately ana as proudly as tne oipwi The dogs were imported from Europe and are attached to stations lo thinly settled sections of the city, which districts tbey patrol at night and keep a aharp lookout for prowlers. About 6.0U0 policemen were la the line of march and were reviewed by Governor Dtx. Mayor Gaynor and other dignitaries. Most of the policeman naturally were on foot, but there waa a large contingent nted on horses and a smaller number riding bicycles and motorcycles. Alter the parade the score of broecoata who had won medals fr conspicuous bravery during the past year were lined up. and Mayor Gaynor pinned their wstorafJona on their breasts, . two days, and will be seat home re joicing. This Is truly a novel way to ! advertise. We are sorry that we can not accept Mr. Cates invitation to spend these two days with hip, but we wish him sarceas. H 5: Philadelphia 14. St. cago t. Washington 7; Louis 5; Chi New York Cleveland 1. STANDING. Pacific Coast. W. ' PnrtLinA Support the manufacturers of your ' fi home city first, last and all the time. Vernoa and yon will help yourself to pros-! Oakland perky.. But If your local factories sacramenio' '. . cannot supply your wants, Insist that the merchant carries "Made in Ore goo' goods from other Oregon sours to supply your needs. Saw . Home Los Angeles . Z3 . 37 prosperity depends upon home Industry, and state-wide prosper ity win be greater If factories selllnr "Made in Oregon" goods are patro nized by the local merchant. Auto Victim O es. TOSEMITE, Cal. June g. Mrs. C. S. Diseendefer, of Boston, who was severely Injured last Satarday j ;s upsetting of a stage coach cn tte grade betweo Wawooa and tae To mite Valley, died today. , Northwestern. W. 35 24 :i 22 2 Spokane Tacoma Vancouver Seattle Portland Victoria 11 L. P.C. 28 .576 23 .342 33 .52$ 33 .500 TT MA 44 .39 L. PC. 16 68S IS .CZi 21 .596 29 .431 i 29 .Vt ' 40 .216 ' 45 Years Ago I Ship Building Mr, John Bruce. ! fdrmt-rlv of Portland, has engaged e jtensively at Astoria in ship building. 1 On a recent visit to that place we From the Weekly Enterprise, Novem-1 ,oun', h,m Pu,l,n on ,n" "" ber 25 1806 ' 'rKe schooner for Hin. Cyrus Olney r. ,. " ., ' . ,. . ' and other parties. This state has some Gone Ea.f.-Hon. H. W. Corbett.;of tn ma,erl., or sena'or-elect, haa taken his departure building, and Mr. Bruce Is one of for (be East. He will remain until the' those architects who understand well close rf the executive session of the what Is r-uiolte to make a fine craft Senate after the 4th of March next. Hon. H. Failing, late mayor of Port land, has also taken his departure for the East. He will visit paris as the of the Tnited States commission ers, st the Exposition In l!fi7. Mr. P. F. Bradford and family were passen gers bv the same steamer. Mr.Erad ford tases with him some extraordin ary, rich rock from the Poor man sil ver ledae of Owyhee, which he will exhibit in Europe. CARRIE NATION IS DEAD. LEAVENWORTH, Kan, June 9 Carrie Nation, who with her hatchet, gained notoriety as a saloon-smasher, died- of paresis today. She had been In poor health since January, when she entered a sanitarium. She smiled when told several days ago she could not recover. VOOLGROVERS ARE ' EAGER TOR AGENCY WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROOUC ERS WANT OEPOT OPENED IN PORTLAND. Willamette Valley woolguiwers who were In Oregon City Saturday, suld thev favored a ro-oix'ratlve selltllK HK-iK-v and depot for their produce f established III Portland, on something j of the same prluclple as the ware house niulntainetl by the NatlonM ' Wonlgrow rs In Chicago. At tne rt cent meeting of the Willamette Valley Woolgmwera' Association, a com in li tre consisting of C. I. II lay, Thom as 1 iru nk and F. A. Koser was named to gv. Into the details of this effort Slid mnke a report to the executive coin mil tee of the association. Further thiiu proteclltm the selling end of the 'wool Industry, the wool growers also decided that they were entitled to produce the wimiI whlth was usal at I'ortlund. At present It wss eKt.linat.ed 'but 30, pec cent of the fleece taken there Is -Valley product. I but with the gniwlnf rvifereHt in j sheep, and the rapid development of sninu nanus on me vauey isrins. u la believed that more than the Port land reiiulrvmeuts can be sheared soon, and the Valley men want to rap ture and hold the Portland market. Quotarrsna roe Oregon CM). POTATOES Ileal. 12.50, food 13 25: common, . Buying, carfctad, select. 13.10; ordinary. 11.90. FI-OUR AND KKEI -Flour Is steady, selling from IS to 83&0; very Utile of chesar grades. Feed Is higher and rising slowly. Bran brings OATS ( Buying ) Jcay, from :5 to 827; while, from 820 to 82K. BITTER (Buyingi Ordinary country brings from 15c to 30c, fancy dairy from JOc to 32?, cream ery 22c to 5c. . EGGS Muytng-rAre rsngtnf from 2(W to He. according to grade. POULTRY (Buying -Firm with lit tle good stock offered, liens will bring lie. If In extra good condition more. Old rooster sre poor st Re to UV. broil ers bring from 2?r to Z4c with good demsnd. WOOIy Buying) Vool prices ere ranging from 13c to lie. MOHAIR Buying Prices on mo hair havp been way op, some having brought aa h'sh ss 39c locally. - Quo tations are 37Hc and demand la strong from 826 56 to 827 50, shorts 829 to 30, rolled barley 831.50 to 833 32, process barley 833. boi corn 831 to 833. cracked com 833 to 833. Wheat 833 to 833. HAY (Buying Timothy 316 to 8IU. Clover. 813 to 814: oat hay. 814 to 816; mixed, 813 to 814; alfalfa. 3M to 816- HIDES (Buying Green hides. 6c to 6c; salters, 54c to 64c; dry hides, J2C to 14c. Sheep pelts, 25c to ?5c esch. DRIED FRI IT8 IXK-at prices are firm at from c to 10c on apples and prunes, peaches sre le. "ALT Selling 60c to 90c tor fine 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 76 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES - Carrots, 8 1.25 fi 81.50 per sack; parsnips, 81 25 ft 81.5); turnips. Sl.'SSfj 81.&0; le ts 8150. VEGETABLES Asnaraaua. .k-fi 31.75 per crate; eablmge, new, ft ier hundicdwelght; raulitlower, 1.0T 81.75 r doren; celery, California, 75c I9)C per dozen; cucumbers, 8I.50O 82 25 per doren; regpisnt. 15c per lb.; garlic, lue12c per Hund; lettuce, 5fc p-r doit-n; hothouse lettuce, 31.60 frf 3 per box; peas. 9cllc per pound; peppers. 30c35c per pound; radishes, lie per doxen; rhubarb. 24c 3r per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes, 320 33 25. POTATOE8 Oregon, jobbing price, Peoole who 'invest' ' " li enterprises promising abnormally tro. are usually dissppelntsd. ; , ' Thsy fall to ot the Interest they supscUd and th. ,0ntr0 a . , monsy psssss to others. " lf The money eavsr should tska no chances with the promai. When you deposit your money on Time Certificate or In iV . Ings Depsrtmsnt of this bsnk, It remains under your central asms a sure and stsady rste of Interest. There la no dsnra.u.V In this kind of an Investment. . Pistl. grow Ths sooner you begin, the sooner will you be In poiMi.u. ,., wing balance. . , "' The Bank of Oregon City D. a LATOURKTTB Prosldosjl THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON Cm , OREGON CAPITAL, IMO,0a TrsneaeU a Oanprsl tanking usinese. Open fM.n. K m u , Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company F. M. BLUHM Your wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or 11 Inch wood o- tlua.jl m bmm af C.ltw Stelraa. miuikU rantesd. Phors your r. Cor. th andCsstsf, Oregon City, Satisfaction gua Home aVIlO Pasifle Main 3103 No. s&.'i;. , " REPORT OF THE C0N0IAI0N OF The First National Bank of Oregon City, at-Oregon ciiy, 0 Oregon, st the t loae of business, June 7th, III I. KESOI'IU-KS. Ihhib end Dlsrounis - Overdrsfts, secured slid unsecured , . t. H. Bonds to secure circulation Ikinds, Securities, etc Hankluli house, r'urnlture. and Fixtures Due from National Banks (not reserve agents).... Due from Stale and Prvste Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banka Due from approved Reserve Ageuli...,. Checks and other Cash Hems Notes of other National Banks. ....... k Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Celils ... lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vie Specls ; 851.207.90 tergal lender nates..... 3,in;o m- elempilon fund with C. K.Treasurer i pet rent of - ctrco ration i '." . Total ..... TTTT... UAIIIUTIKH. Capital stork paid In... Surplus fund 1 ndlvld.-d profits leas Expenses and Taxes paid ... Nutloiial Bank Notes outstanding. , Individual depoalts subject lo check. Demand rertlflcatea of deposit Certified checks In ths Suit jaiVfSUe l.t.t) ' 10.2M.71 lSet MOUi .ictn it. win l.M.U t.MO0t , '.M.KT.M e:in 1 11 1 11 IJliK jtom . K.l iMiiiia . Total . State of Oregon, County ol. Clacks mas. as.: I. F. J. Meyer, Cashier of the shove named bank, do solemnly tstsr that the above ststement Is true to tho beet of my knowledge ind bstlef. - F. J. MEYrnrCwglw. Subscribed and sworn lo before me Oils Iflth dsy of June, 1)11 J. V. CLARK, Notary Public. Correct Attest; D. C. LATOI'RKTTl, V. D- IJTOI KKTTI M. D. IJVTOI HKTTt. LH ration. 52 5' ; r h-mdrrd; n-w potatoes, 7? '.. 'if l''r "'llid. ONIONS Jobbing jrlres; Orecon 82 7.1 pe- !'. utisllnn, 3 f.0 r-r U); T xas, 2 Zj p r crate: Ce'l or nla, 33 per crate Oregon City Stock Uuotattona. HOGS Hogs sre quoted 4 lower. From 125 lbs. to 160 lbs. 94c. from 160 lbs. to 300 lbs. 14c. VEAL CALVES Veal calves bring from Re to mc according to grade. BEEF BTEER8 Uef ateers for the locei markets are fetching 54c to ' Boys on Long Jaunt. i NASHVILLE. June ft En route to' 'he Kar.tas wheat Oeles, wnere tfcey will work diriLg their vacation, five I-wiVirg. Tnn college boys left here uia-, afoo In order to hadn thm!v fo,- the work n tbe har vest e!d. The hnyt will walk tre entire distance, ap;rox:mate;y miies. Commercially the Panama ! h Canal a Failure I Tit n ' ' a A Wf a wa a. . -... . . . . n t.a - w - . n w smli aa--j 9. l Km riAniLiun. Aaiuiini untrsi ui dj iijsit army S toldier man I am rerj proud to ce euch a great work aa the Panama eanal being SUCCESSFULLY carried out un der military upcrviBion. Aa a stupendous task for bnmanit : . . to aecompljab it ECLIPSES the building of the Egyptian pjrainids by, the pharaoh. t IN UILDINO THE PANAMA CANAL AMERICA IS CARRYING OUT A GREAT ALTRUISTIC JOB, FOR I DO NOT BELIEVE THE WATER WAY WILL EVER PAY COMMERCIALLY. . ' Then, again, look at the enormous army of laborers along the canal who axe fed every day by the commissary department just like an urmy in the field. . ' There is nothing edible to be had along the works from Colon to Panama, and every morning s train leat94 with so many tboii-and ggs, so many pounds of bread, butter, meat, vegetables and provisions of all kinds to supply the coinmiasaries at the various points along the and they arrive on time somehow, and the people are all well fed ' 1 f-r by this WONDETIFUL; ORGANIZATION. .; MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw youranagazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in 4 l-i ... 1 1 m 1.1 1 - L. tusk win utltl UC puuilSU ed elsewhere. The cost is little OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Our boy will call for the maa azines if you Phone. 11 CHe live aeignt. KHKKP si unit al te to (c IN a.l.hf ! llACON, IRD and HAM, rs arm LIVE -STOCK MARKET. The Portland fnlon Btuck Tn Company reports ss follows: Receipts for the week hat bt as follows: Cattle 691 OsJvss 10, bat 173.1. sheep 790, burses and mules H- Owing to tbe scarcity of sspplies Is the rattle division, prices stiavsed up somewhat the last of lbs wk. One nrlma load of aood Stsert broUIDt 1 80.4i, while several Uvdt brougbt 3 21. While these prices srs not M high as those obtained before the 1 slump, shippers reslUs that It to ooe lm for grass cattle sod rotrespos Ing lower prices. Tbe cow nisrMi remains steady lo strong will be qualities at 86 60, medium IS to-8. Thero Is a rd msrkrl f Hbt. wn finished veal, one lot bringing 17.7. and another of sixty hsd 37.M- The price of best llitht Hon tlnun to advance slxmt s nickel week, lop now quoted St 3 W m steady demand. A gd manr ers were on the market, prices rul ing from 87.00 lo 37 25. owing to q Ity. Heavy hogs sre elHn rom lo 34 with msrked tendency o " psrt of the buyrrs to dlncflmin against this class of swine. Mutton apears " be rUJ,.J lemnnd. buyers easily keep P' the heavv receipts. Unibl a slight fluctuation this week, on w bringing 3.60. several lots brlntiti 39 to $.J6. though the majority sales were, at previous quotatios 8C6O. Best wethers are """J at 84.26. ewes 83 .25 lo J5rt. ,lW, lots 33 00 to 84 -00. , ' Demsnd for draft hrw good and tho record of sales for w , week Is encouraging. B.,fir: Following sales are rein - -v.... 23 Steers 7S Steers , . . c'. 36 Steers 20 Steers 10 Calves 60 Cnlvrs Bui' .1203 .i.lMrt ...1176 ... 371 ... 310 ... 221 ...1-W ...1578 ... T ... io . . . H 18:43 it I 7.71 4.26 840 If I", I' 1' Ifli I , i.o4 : 655 4 1 Bulls 631 Lambs .... 377 Wethers . . . 911 I'M. . 604 cuii ; w 20 Cowa li 18 Cowa tM 30 Cow BO? 76 Cowa 4 140 Hogs 13 180 Hogs i2 316 Hog 19 lines 120 I Hraftor 3 Drafters 5 I Chunks '.. 100-M MRS. SCHOENHEINZ WlN- Defendant Olven Verdict In T' . , Settle Accounts. t Tho case of Henry Btall ; ,. Mrs. A. gchoenhelnii for money" od and against which the set UP a counterclaim, . c f. fore a jury In tho Circuit Court , tirday and a rerdlct was return", ' Uivor or aerenuani. it" . ,-,ifk appesred for the plaintiff snrt D'1"1 . A Dlmlck for defendant. Are you a subscriber to the Mj tn. ....1.. i wtnt von anotiio - 1 end let Ua nut vnur name on ids j ocrlptlon list Onmodlstely.