Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1911)
MORNING JENTEUriltafc, SUNDAY, JUNE It, 1011. , '. OUT OF THE SKY A Fourth of July Story By Clarissa Mackie Copyrtakl by A a sites a Pr am- I ctatntv. 111. Ttrj. watt. I tw4 Lacy I wM as t eorprtssd a Xmi a seed fee to : r r ta rnx. i daVkw wai j n lalak." rmlkrM Martha Fans j 1 gwem aheH 'think yoo re a mighty poor prolix. wlkr" Hery Uugbvd shortly and drwr ul of the yard. II dk) ot rvie pam ib Seow cot tax. iDMHi a tsrwed to lb left ami took th loos way arwond. II f weald bar stated at born that d jj N lit to bar snow a Allc (hat b did j not ear to g uuie b accompanied i aim, bat be ba4 been appointed on ' of lb Judge of lb raoe. s b could Dot very e41 refuse. 11 hoped Alio would bear of It and understand. Ills mother watched . hint drive Th grass waa starred with dam-1 lions, and ' imHiLl thm leta-i m.iI and ah rtirv tataiiL ami ttw th flrmt .m I brw riu a robin hopped Into her heart a: doubt of her own wH among tb yeilow Wo-rai Mr S ,,om Martha Fan bad always been cor watched tba red breasted bird wira ,nnveot onto beraetf and ber f.iinliv resentful eye that finally filled who Uer son Henry vn different from the tear. I meek husband who died and tlx 1, "Seem aa If U Unt Juat right for a obtulsaire daughters who had bird to b ao happy when the Lord te rlod and vn away Henry had n nice happiness to Alice not that she ' dotuioant spirit of til own. but she bowa It, because she's too proud, but j bad exacted hla promise not to marrv I understand; seeni aa If all the Usui ; without ber consent, and then after hi went oat of ber rac tb day Martha j engagement to Alice Secor had been Fan cam orcr and told ber aaeian accepted fact fur three year she thoogbt It waa a atep dowo for llenr.v j bad aet ber fac again! It to marry ber. Humph aa If a Secor: stw waa Jealous of tb girl and of waan't belter blood t ha a a Kan any j Henry 'a derotloa to tier. So sb hut day!" j mad family pride and money the e Tb door opened Juat then, and Alice i bid of ber displeasure, and after Secor cam Into the room. surprising , awhile, when ahe bad explained ber j her usually buay mother with Idwvrtewt to Alice herself, the en sac-I met DIOCESE TO HEFT THURSDAY CLASORATt PROORAM ARRANG ED FOR CONVENTION IN PORTLAND. bands folded on ber knitting. lira. Secor resumed ber knitting with furious energy. "Get any mail?' aha asked. "Nothing except tb paper;" respond d Alice In ber low roice. "6e anybody yoa knewT naked ber Bother, with aasumed Indifference. "I net Henry ran." abe said, with n not of sharpness In ber role. What did be hart to say. Alice T ."Nothing, mother. I Just bowed to kJm and passed along." Mrs. Secor said eagerly. "Ar you going to do anything. Alice?" Ber daughter lifted ber bead proud ly. "No. mother; Ta going to let tb Lord take car of tb matter." meat was broken off She wondered bow if sb waa any happier Trj. he had ber son all to herself, and be bad passionately declared that be would marry nobody else. But b was changed from lb happy young man of three months ago. and In hi aerl oils, brooding fac ahe read bitterness and sorrow. She was afraid, and she was ashamed, and yet she did not kbow bow to make amend. Perhaps It would come out all rijrht. she argued, although she had douNs. for the Se cor were proud, too, and wo-ild nsrer make tb first advances Dusk was falling when Henry drove Into th yard again After Henry had eaten bis supper Tb older woman redd coed. Sb f:t ; be went with his mother to the high reboked. -Tb Lord helps those that hill back of the barn to watch the dis ktp tbemserres- It aint a day of mir play of rockets from all around tbe des," ah said. ralley. AoJc Secor looked across the lawn , They roared np Into tb firmament. at th stretch 1 road beyond to i broke Into rainbow showers of stirs I or sent streamers of red fire down to earth with their dropping sticks That ooe fell oa tb barn. Henry r cried Martha suddenly. "1 wish I d let yoa renew tb Insurance oo it as yoa wanted to. but-tbere. 1 guess It's goo eat. Oh. look Henry; It's awful- . Uk a Judgment!" Sb pointed upward wberw by a acrang freak of circum stances six great skyrocketa, like blai ' tug comets, tor toward tb cenltb , from an points of tb com pas a Just a bore tb Fan boose and barns tney J i poised as Instant and then broke all The Tenty third Annual Conven tion of in IHH-esie of Oregon, In which many Ore iron City residents ar iniereated, will b held on n.xt Thursday and Friday, In Trinity Par iah lloua. Portland. Tba following la from th official program: Annual Meeting of tb Woman'a Aux iliary In th Pro-Cathedral of SI. Stephen th Martyr -,Vdneday. June 14. morn I nit and afternoon. Sermon by th Rer. C. W. Kobln- aon, of Oregon city. It Is expected that John W. Wood, of New York, wll be present and ad- dresa th meeting. Preparation Service St. David s.' Wedneaday. Jun 14th. $ p. m.. The Ulshop a Annual Ad dress. Thursday. Jun 15. Trinity Chapel, Holy Communion; a. m. nuslneaa session at 10 o'clock in Trinity Parish House. ,, Huslnea session at 2:30 p. ra. St. Andrew's Itrotherhmvl Servic in Trinity Chapel, 8 p. m. Friday. Jun lt. , Trinity Chapel, Morning Prayer at Itusinesa seanion at 10 o'cKck In Trinity Parish House. Business session at 1:30 p, m. Missionary Meeting at St. Marks Church. Si. m. t onvcntlon Missionary Service at St. Mark s Church, corner Twenty, first and Marshall streets. Speakers: The Rlftht Rev. P. T. Roae. D. I).. Itishop of Alaska. Th Venerable Archdeacon Horvfall Marshfleld. Ore icon. The Rev. K. V. Shayler, SuJdark a . nurrn. Seattle, an. Tbe Rlitht Rev. Charles Scadding, I. D.. Bishop of Oregon. At the Portland Theaters m-r-XTt r-',trr,- i -ja t.t-.- i.-r -.t-t - wsr -aassacas LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT S3?) ! A A. A. s IKw I WOODMEN Of WORLD HONOR DEAD TODAY DECORATION Of GRAVES WILL FOLLOW EXERCISES ' AT HALL. f j - J won JOHN SAINPOUS. WHO VI1J MAKK HIS KARBWKIJ. ANCE AT TIIK BAKKR THKATHK THIS WEEK. APPEAR S tat lb scg I Ibeg DAILY? The Moaning 2?Se Jlanese lady and tdecked with flowers; Kdaard Reckner, Jr dressed In pink wearing largo bat with pink rosea, and th little cart he rod In waa of the asm color and drawn by Camilla Freel and Thelma Melllwii. these little lota wearing whit with Memorial aervirea will be held to day by the Woodmen of tbe World of Oregon City. The services will start at 3 o'clock at' Woodmen Hall and everybody is Invited to attend. Th Rev. C. W. Robinson, of St. Paul a Church, will deliver the DrinclnaJ at. together In a fiery rain that fell on the dress and Mrs. Leon Dea Lanes will Fan farm tmlldlnga like a heaven sent give a solo. Another feature will b disaster. the unveiling of a monument to Nt.n. I M-kk rr . I lev Mannin r v n vo iinn , iami was iwrui. rrieu I . - - ....imUC, Martha, almW hysterical with fear th flowers will be i -We better get down , tb bouse and 1 " 1 7. " xmenla that everything's all right I wish Woodmen f ,h- TvX'm v.! "i' j M let yoo renew tb Insurance." eat membership of any order In the j Oenry spoke not a word aa they bur city and It is expected that the at rau uuwa ui mKum. n or a mey reacu- imusare me serrtce lor th dead ed tb barnyard the barn waa afire In I ir pass that of - any previous year. 4sJU OOH0 iu Kiaarz. Mora, i wiLk" lay a nder th summer sunshine. TW large boos and barn were paint ed whit as aoow. and th fences IfifQ , a doten places where the cinders had Ignited the drj ahinglea. While Mar uu new io teiepnone to toe nos com pany Henry tore open th barn doors and led the irightened stork Into tbe pastures. Then be rolled tbe carriages to a place of safety, threw a canvas marked tb various lnclosares with ud- ' cover over them and turned to the rarjlng regularity and whiten. Dun house. eow dotted th rolling pastures In the Through the dormer window of the Background. Tb wide pen barn , attic there glowed a red lisht. and a doors showed a glimpse of carriage. Utti tongue of flam Ik-ked the roof. and there waa tbe distant pounding of ; He called bis mother, and they worked hones hoofs from tb stable. frantically to remove their choicest A sudden booming eoond rent the ' possess tons from th boose, for tber air. and th robin on tbe lawn darted was nothlns els to do until help cam toto th SPPC tree. from the village. Suddenly Mrs. Secor Jl iRomin" -vtnare tnatT" asked Mrs. Secor ana auc appeared ana worked aide Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYE. TIE CIXATtft LOVE I would. die for you." h said "No doubt rou would do so." sb re plied. "I bllv you. But would you llv aharpry. "A cannon. I think, mother. To Morrow's tb Fourth of July, you know." l doat suppose yoonj go over to tb bora trot same aa nanal with Hen ry.' remarked Mrs. Secor. "Xo, I'm not going." said Alice. "I wonder If Henry will ask Lacy Jennings to go. Martha Fane thinks th Jennings are all right, they're ao wen off." Alice did not reply. 8b waa men- by side with tbe mother and son. When tbe bose company cam It brought half of Llttl River with It. and before long tbe bouse waa deoud- ed of It contents while the fire burn ed slowly downward, checked llttl by Utti by the streams of water pumped from tbe artesian well. Tbe three women. Martha Fane. Mrs. Secor and Alice, huddled In one cor ner of the yard. Somehow or other their arms had become Interlaced, and Under the surge of a mighty Impulse there b those who would die for a great lore or a great cause, but to lire for tbe caus or for tb loved one that la different. Said the great Lover: "Greater lore hath no man than this that be lay down bis life fur bis friend." Tou say that mean that love sal itself by death. Tea. If necessary But It means more.' The lover may lay down hla body If need be. but greater one Martha Fane's quivering lips had tallr comDDtlnr tb vslne of th Fsn : pressed against Alice's dark hair. farm and wondering bow Martha "It's Judgment on me for being than that be may lay down tils life In Tan could ever estimate tb worth ' proud-" ,b moaned continually. living sacrifice. He may Isy It down of land and bouses far above tb lore Lo after midnight the fight ceased, on the altar of dally aelf denial. It may and happiness of ber only son. ' Tb b-rn neP ot "moldering be. through years a sacrific not of It waa a cloudy Fourth of July, and the nolFy demonstration of tbe pa triotically Inclined only added to tbe general amokinees and depressing beat of the day. ruins. The bouse waa gutted by the devastating fire, and tbe household fur niture of careful Martha Fane was heaped about the yard. Henry came and ' placed his arm 1 around bis mother. "I guess we're For three years paat Henry Fane I f000 DOW' ,nnrT " he obbd bad taken Alice Secor to tb horse trot at tbe height. Once be bad a colt entered for th races, and when he had triumphantly placed tbe win-! death, but of life. Which means heroism. I have before me a 1 write the let ter of a woman who aays: "I am tired. of hearing about self sarrl(W In many cases where there Is denial for others you merely make th'e others more selfish, and you get no thank, Certainly. " And that I why sncn sacrifice u a hardship and heroism la needed. A SAINPOUS AT THE BAKER. Farewell Week at th. Baker In Rich ard MansAeldY Success. The closing week of th eminent character actor. Jolin Salnpnlis, with h Baker Theatr Company, will open rt Sunday-mattnmv and by special -pink wreathee on their heads and gar- reqtiest ne win be seen In Richard lands of pink ruses; Pearl Wlckham. Manfield'a famous sorreas. "A Paris i.rettllv decorated cart containing lan Romance." playing th role "of th doll; Carol Ely In her buggy of pink old roue. Baron Chevrlal. Aa la well ' roses and aatln streamers. In charge known among t heft r goers of a doen-0f ber stater. Eloise. who wor a b years ago. MansftVd first sprang Into coming dres of pink; Oal Ashbaugh. fame In this play, sad th part la one (,n bicycle artistically decorated with that requires an rt of th highest roses; Ryl Reddlck representing a" cass. .o one wi.o is ramuiar with j driver, wor whit, carrying' a whit Mr. Salnpolis' snjerb character por-; whlp. and hla llttl sister. Doris, and irajaia aoubis for a moment nis abll-' Ktnma Ellla, representing bis horse, i iy lo.giv a iruiy remaraatrte per-; Then llttl girls .wrr attlfed In I lormanc or io roie. ana tnia is not ; white, wearing garlands of. UFranr omy an opportunity tor itaser patron roes, th reins of which er pink I iw witness m pisy. mst waa me sen- satin streamers. satlon of the country for many years. ' RoUnd Wllwm. on of th youugesi but to se It played In a manner that bicycle rldera of th city, waa among win be a credit to wreryone concern-, the bicyclists In th parade. 11 wor I ra in n Tn lemoie and realistic white, and hla bicycle waa a maas of banquet scene Is one that will long lFrance rosea, a very pretty design. rememoereu by everybody fortu-, There sere many mor children of i ... euUKn i se u. sua in ueatn this city In the parade and who at of the cruet lieartlesa old roue who iracted great attention. stands In the way of so many others'! -. h M,k.. rMA -k. . happiness. U accpt-d a kind act h Showlno, of Providence, leaving no unpleasant t'anemah had a good showing, but Impression with- tbe audience The ' ,h c"r" wer ut children last act brings th play to a happy 1 no1 hT l,m" ot th ,rt' logical ending. There are many ,n of Prd. Tbey appeared strong. Interesting scenes, and un- ,'"'r' however, and tbelr prettily dec usually good part for the supporting i orated doll bugglea and wagona war company. Including Misa Hop Miss ' nrfUf admired. Th llttl folks were Rainier. Miss Fowler. Miss Andrews. and Frank Ienlthorn. William Dllla. Frank Burke. Dan Bruce and all th others ho have won such warm places In the heart a of the patrons of Baker Stock Company. This will be the closing week of the season for stock, and matinees will be given aa usual Wednesday and Saturday. CROWDS PAY HOMAGE 10 ROSES "not a penny of insurance on any thing and not a place to lay my head Mr. Secor took ber arm and gently led her toward ber own honse. "Poor nlng purse in Alice' lap the occasion ' or rich Mar,h r"ne' D,Jr " mother, for Instance, whose dnlal of had been aa Joyful to ber as to th- " " ,ODB; " 7u WUDl 10 "WT " "nappreciatea ty ner children tail, strong young farmer she bad I ,jDCI Benjamin win watcn nntu sue bas gone beyond thi lr ken. promised to marry. I 0Ter u ruin nd the furniture. He Buffer a settled anguish. ooesn 1 mina. necause ne can sleep all day tomorrow. Maybe It' all for th best. Martha. Tou know you never liked th upper floor of that bouse. Ton can build It to suit now. I guess It's a Judgment come direct This year, however. Henry Fane aet forth on tbe drive all alone. Hla another's Insistence tbst be should aak Lory Jennings to accompany him had lll'red blm from Irritation to posltir anger, and b had spoken harshly to her for tb first time In bis life "But what will she tblnkr com pUloed Martha Fan. Tblnkr repeated Henry Impatlent ty. -Why a boo Id Lory Jen nlng ex pect me t take her to th trot when I never taken ber anywhere In my KfeT I asrver took bot on girl, and If I aa't bar I dnl want any." Tbe greater lore requires that she shall lore herself tbe last Whoever faces an irksome taik for the sake of other, whoever live to do the thaoklesa service, w hoever stints to keep wid open the door of i from heaven to straighten out a whoia opportunity lor th children of tomor- lot of things." amid Martha Fane meek- row those ar tb heroes of the great ly, nne looaea dock over ber shoulder 1 er love. at Henry and Alice following. "Too Who ar they take good car of Alice. Henryr ah They are all about yon next door or caned In a meaning ton, and Henry Just around tbe comer. Tbe aaeriflclai responded with hla old boyish thaerv fnrrender la common. Every w ner i great n-vers piori in in tread "All right mother. I wUL" Are Yoa a Subscriber to the If Tb Msralsf Ewtrpet la to b aa successful aa th Interest of Oregon City aeisaa K mmwH needs hsro th nopport of aJL Th aw dally has a big work kef or it k hooatiag Oregon city and Clackamas Covnty. Tour j iu grrator. UWDglB tor utwgrs. mill of tb dull, dun days an e'der si ter of the family, a coated man at his desk, tbe woman with ber full. Only you cannot see. Too see only the sordid loll If in th lor In the toll that ! gr.-M 'kI beautiful. . Greatness of whatever klid costs. Th grsftrnes of love is n t-n tion And fhe coat U tbe iu:iuie . 7HllYotf Help Boist your oxrn Interests? Two Cooples Gt Licanaa. Marriage Ilcena were grantad to rr a tlaattsst tlat th Jataraansr Bstaa-pria will k sold to said In advance Gladya L. Smith and T. V. Grant; As, r "XSn a foUowa: . . . Ignsta Scbrader and Oben Tonkin on . year $JH 1 Saturday by County Clrk Mulrey. X Read tb Morning Esrprk,'. (Continued from Psge I.) Iest IS Caroline Teslouts7 Mrs. IL Pickens. oeruou u. i lass new rose Four sward to Mrs Ueorge A. Harding Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mra. O. B. Dlmlrk Mrs. Fred MrCajHland. urn 11. 1 liiss uarge kos-s r,txl awards to Mrs. Joseph Lynch t.rt-en. Mm. j. . Walker, Mrs. R. U w 1 1 rn . Section, I. Clasa Wild Flowers Thre awards to Sallle Lang, Linden in aiiBiHnd, irvln Howell. tfela prizes for best general rol lection of roses grown outside of Ore gon City, In Claekaraaa County Mrs. A Shewmnn. first: Mrs. Ijas second. Special prl.e. trophy loving cup, for nest iz l arollne Testouts. Mrs. L. richens. 3irs. t'lcken. having on this prize two year. in succession gets the loving cup. Special prii-.; for best six yello nynnd tea row Mrs. g. y. Scrlp- 111 re. Crowd Sees Parad. The floral parade waa participated in by many of th children of this cny and tanernah, headed by the GlrU' Band of 0,1k Grove. The atreeta were thronge.) with Demons to see tne parade, the ifirt one ever given by children hen-. The ladlea in charge " tne arraiiKt-taenia deserve great crf-oir ror the iatereat they took In the work. The parade was In charge or .ir. uiarenr Fair, Mr. J. L Wal oron. ir. a. H. Walker. Mr, o. D. e-nj. Tnere ere doccarta. wheal, barrow, doll huggle. carta, bicycle, tricycle. wgon, gaily decorated with fWuw. and nresentlna an at ap,-arance as the procession passed mumf me aireet. Among those who had little floats wer veima Randall, with doll buarr containing a Jun bride doll; Dorothy """i in a Deautiuny decorated ex press wagon with arches made of nlnk roses, and the wagon drawn h i . . - . ... "... mil oromer. Meivui: Weldon Rsiut aged two years, seated In his llttl dog cri wnicn was decorated In yellow and wblt bunting and rosea of cor. responding shade, and this being urawn oy nis pet dog "Trlxy," who trotted along and seemed nronit nt his drlrer; Leatbel Cross, attired In white, wearing a wreath of pink rosea, and a garland of th same, tier doll buggy being elaborately decorated with LaFrance rose: Lntta p her Teddy Bear In a buggy, decorated with roa; Martha McLarty, doll car rlag with pink rosea; Sammy Kc Larthy. gaily decorated wheelbarrow; Mali Walker. LaC-ranr ma. A akawywass ed doll carriage; Alt Curtla, with dee:-1 oTsi4, floral hoop; Evelyn Vl!lla",H in charge of Mrs. Charles Spencer and j Mrs. Lake May.' Among them were: ten glrla wearing white and carrying ropea of rosea, w ho were awarded the I2.GO prlxe fur the best out -of town j representation. Tbe glrla were Misses Ktta Dickson. Iota Smith, Gertrude 1 Neadeau. Irotby Smith, Iulse Kin-1 xey, Nadeen Blanchard, IXmalda Nea- i deau, Naomi Bowers. Amy Tate and Alice Klrby. One of th feature of the exhibit from Canemah waa the prettily decorated wagon containing little May Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R Owen. The canopy was of roses while th remainder of the vehicle was In ribbons of bright col ors. In It were Charles and John Tate. This was one of the priie winners. Among those having decorated doll I carriages were Faith Dougherty. Locy I Tate, Laura Kinxey. They were dec-1 orated with bachelor buttons and roses. Hermit Jones, a little young-1 ster of Canemah, came In for bis share of honors, and had a prettily ! decorated bicycle. The parade formed at the corner I of Tenth and Main atreeta and went I up Main, where the Judges were sta-' tloned near the Willamette building, and after countermarching returned to Willamette ball wber It disbanded. The Oak Grove Olrls' Band certain ly made a hit In this city, and batore departing favored several of th busi ness houses with splendid selections, and their number a were well received. The manner In which tbe little glrla handled their musical Instrument would make many a professional man envious. Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? By carrier, I year $3.00 By mail, J year 2.00 Real Ettat Transfer. The following are the real estate transfera that have been filed In th of fine of the county recorder: W. F. Wonacott et al to C. If. Wona. roll, land In section 35. townshln a south, range 4 east; $.1000. F. T. Johnson to H. W. Holden. 1 acre of Fielding tract. Clackamaa county; $1. , H. W. and Kthel Holden to V. E. Ames, 1 acre of Fielding tract; $2350. Oregon Realty Company to Ethel F. Ham, 156.62 acrea of. section 6. township 7 south, rang 4 east; $10. W h, Ross and Lulu Rosa to Thomas Roberts, blorka 2. . . 7 In J. It W. Sellwood'a Addition to Mil- waukie; $10. Jessl M and A. L. Marsh to Chas. Olson, land In section 14, township 5 soutn, rang l eaat: II. Austin C. Mllllron to Ernest D. and Ida M. Hart. 80 acrea of section 7. lowaanip t soutn, rang i eaat; $1. Ernest D and Ida M. Hart to Aus tin C. Mlllron, is acrea of section i. owosnip soutn. rang 5 east; $1. . w. cuugniin to I). B. Elledge. lot i, n, 15, 16, block 2. Nob Hill; $l Iurence Bowman to Todd mH Hkm M. Todd, north half of block S of lot 11 aw. Jamea M. and Nora Heckart tn n Fl. Botiemlller, lot I of block 2S. Falla View Addition to Oregon CUy: .inn. Melissa I. Shortlldg to Chsrlas P. and Hllma 8. Bsnden, iota 6 and 7 of hlock 34, Central Addition to Oregon City; $1. nesth Vornlnf CntarprT-' ' Send in Your Name and Remittance w PLCAtC NOTICE. THt M0"NIN0 fJJlS 4 To Introduc Th Morning Enterprise Into a larga majar- Ity of th home 'a Oswsxm City and Clackamaa aooarr Ch management ha oidd tn mak a special prto for th dally laauo, for a abort ttma only, where th aubxsrtW aays a year In ad vane. By carrier, paid a year In advanc. 11.00. By Ban, paid a raar la ad- ranoa, $$.04. People who gar oar oenva- aar a trial tnbacrlpUoa for 00 or mor month, at tan eanao a wk, can hav th dally daw, red for a year for $$.04) by Paying a year la ad ran c. People who gar oar caara er a trial anbsorlpdoa. by mall, for four month at a 44 lar, may bar tba pa par lor a year for $2.00, If paid a year la advanc. Subscriber to th W41y EnUrpris may . chang thalr aubscrlptlooa to tba daily, re ceiving credit for half time on lb daily that th wkly la paid la ad ranoa. Whan thy ehooaa to add cash to th, ad vanc payment aqua! to a foil yaar'a advance payment thy may tak advantage of th $$ rat. ; . W make this apaelal prtoa 4 ao that paopla who bar paid 4 la adranc oa aoma oCbar daaty and w1h to Uko tb Morass 4 Bntarprlaa, may da ao wish, . 4) to great atpanaa, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4? 4 Is on sal at the following every day 'Read tba llorr.:. j C Huntley Broaurufs Mala Street. J. W. McAnulty Clgsri Seventh and Main. -'lcrest Confer tlonery Main near Sixth. M. K. Dunn Confectionary Next door to P. O. City Drug Sior Electric Hotel. Walter IJltle ConfectloMfl 614 Seventh Street M. Vol k mar Dru w Berenth near CLCCTRIC HOTH- Tha following ar regUierfJ. g Electrlo Hotel: Rltter, of Aurwj f r. Smith, Portland; L. A. Hu. C. Moore, C. M. Crittenden, H'T rt Keck, A. W. Hendricks. BeM'T Jeffrey. Salem; Mr. Llbble k. Orand Raplda, Mich.; Mr. H- ,r Walla Walla, Wah.; Ed. Lin J; Creek. E. D. Arnold. Po"101, v Will. Canby; C. a Gordon, D- " der, Hubbard. ' . . .; .. ... -1... a.ll. Brotnamood to ', "r. fit . . . ,. ttrlll Di I1' ' A grana cauco uau w... -- .,. by the Modern Brotherhood ,.". 1 erica. Oregon City. Lodge No. i' the Wlllamett hall on 8'',,! nlng. Th ladlea are to ,r,;:tci). apron and bring neektie to " c Will' orchestra will furnlih tn4 for the dancing. . , CHICAOO. Jane """""i thmt tk. r'ht.avn niirlinston cey will Inaugurate passeng' r vice between Chicago and 8 r )