Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OUHGON CITY ENTEKPUJ8E, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, J910. ! LARSEN & COMPANY ! T T Cor 10th A Main SI. OREGON CITY, OREGON. I Special Sale! of I Oc and 1 5c BARGAINS. This Week WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PROCUCE LOCAL BRIEPS Dr. I. tltlrii, Itiiiiiim 4, 6 nml 0, Heaver lliillilliiK. M J. of Citnhy, wnn In Oregon City Frlduy mi IhihIik'hh. MIm AtilU Met'nrvor, who nun boon vlnltlng with rolntlvon In I'orlliinil, hun returned liomii. 'I'liniiknulvliiK nnlo on Millinery nl M Ihh V (iuldnmllh's. Miultiit nml I )i Im Mulilrtitii, tlin lll lln rhllilri'ii (if Mr. mid Mm. Don Mai ilnim. nrn very III nl 1 h I r homo iiii Twelfth nml WiihIiIiikIoii nt renin. Minn I 'i'ii r 1 1' liiirilK, of Piirtlnnd, who nun linen npniidliiK n few dityi with Ml IXImr lnvllt, hi" reiiirncl ta hor home, Ari-oinpitiilrMl by Minn Iv vllt. I'rlviitn mtil ntntti money In limn. Gordon K. 1 1" '". ntlortieyntlaw, Mm tii'iirtin lloylun, formerly of till illy, la Uniting wllh her duiiith titr, Mm. W. C. tirmin, Mm Hoylun lit now making h"r home nt Hiilinoml ()rKim, whet," Imr htinhuml In hltihl clerk nt the hotel in thnt city. AiikukI Itttkol linn n"ii" t' til" home nlowl wllh u mi r I y , nml will rouiiiln I fur miliin time building II limine Tho liimientend In hi'iir lllrhlanil, nml lio i'XMrta in move III h (nnilly there In April. (in-lit reduction nn nil pattern hum Minn ('. fioldnmlth. Ymi run nuvii money, rUk nml trim, tile hy Inking nil your inni?iirlin miti norlptlolin to Huntley llfon. Co., Orr Kim City. Tlny Kimrnnieo to nnvi nr In-lit nny prhen iiiutiit liy nny re I In 1 . nKom-y. Hi'inl for their rut mto rntnluii, Ki'itminntiln prloce nt tho Now Hy ti'iu liotitlntn. Bruce Zumwult unit fiimlly Irft Hat ii nl it y evening fur California nn ili Ntennier Hour In npoiid the winter. Tlii-y will lio to Hun Frunolnoo mnt nftnrwnrdn lo lym Angclon. AIIit pilllllll notne limn nt tlin hitter pluon .limy will ti) to Hun Diego where tlny expect to him ko tlirlr homo ilnrlni! tlio wlntor. Krmiklln A. UmiiiiIh timl Reginald I'. Fiirtmll, ttm Inner from HI, Johna. worn In town Monday nliilit In nt loti.hiiiro m n inoolliiK of Cniiinny (I, Thlnl Ili'Klinoiit of Infiunry, nrcKon NiiiIiiiiuI Gunrd. Mr. IxHiiiila wnn I lio ornHiilnor if Company ti, nml wna Its flrnt commiindlhg officer. Ho 1 now In I'ortliiiiil. Grout unto mi Mllllnory. Minn C, (ioldnmlth. Dr. nml Mm. II. A. U'liilnitor ur rl viiil In thla city Tuomlny nftoriUKin frntn Allmny, nml urn thn guontn of ttm hitler's remain. 'Mm. I lurry H. MoiHly, lr. nml Mm. llnliiKr onmo to nltoml tlin nuiYrliiKn of Wllllmn Klrtinrti Uikuh. of tlila rlly, mid MUa Hiiillo My Tllilnn, of Vmic-oiivor, Wnali. Tlio wmlilll.K ,1H ln'loninl.oil Wmlnrnilny ovumiIiik nt 8 o'clork nt thn tiniiin of Mr. nml Mm. J. W. Til don. Viinrniivor. Cnll on Now Hyatoin Dontlnta, HiIiIkh f'ornor, ovit Anilroaoti'i Jnwcl. ry Htnro, Mr. mnl Mm. II. I, Murtln Imvo nr rlvoil In thin rlty from pnrtlnml, nml Imvo ronioil tlio CoiiKronntloiinl par minniio. Mr. Murtln lnia roiilod tlio rornor ntnro room of tlio Honvor liiillillmr. wlioro lio In tmttliiK In n Kturk of rimmIr, Ii Ih ntnro to lio tormoit tlio "Klvo. Ton nml Klftoon Cunt Worn." Mr. Murtln lina hoon Intoront- oil tn n Hlmllur Hloro In t'ortlnnil, hnv liiK boon of thn firm of KolHtor Mur tin Couipiiiiy, liH-ntod on Second nml MnrrlHiin ntrootn. Tho IntoHt In rnrHlnn lioltn nt llnlmo'. fil7 Main atrool. Coul for milii. OroKtm City Com HilHHlnii Cnnipiiiiy. Krml W. Hnlloy. wli" roHldoil In thin city annul tlmo iiko, nml who him Won In AIuhIiii for tho piiat 15 yonra, wiih In thin city on Hiitiirdny vIhIHiik nl tlio homo of Dr. nml Mm. J. W. Hot rn. Mr. Hnlloy U tho non of tho Into Mr. Hnlloy, who formorly conductod thn Hnrlow IIoiiho ninny yonrii imo, thin hiilldlnn now holnu iihoiI liy tho llnwloy I'ulp I'npnr Compnny for nn offloo. rVod Hnlloy linn hoon In Vnldo nml nt Cordovn, AIiikIui, and thin In tho flint vlnlt to thin city for 18 youm, nnd ho noted ninny chuUKcs thnt huvo tukon pluro. Now I'liraliiii ruchlim JiimI rocolvod nt IIoIiiiok', Iil7 Mulu Htroot. Mr. mid Mm, Imvld TlioiniiH nrrlvml In OroKim City Krliluy mornliiK from Hiioliiiiin, Wiiith,, mid'apoiil. thn clay wllh Mr, nml Mm. W, (!. (Ironii, nrtnr. wiiriU loiivliiK for llouvor Crook, wlmro I hoy wilt vlall wllh roliitlvoa. Thny urn on tholr hiiiioyiiioiiii, huvluit hoon lliillod In iiiIiitIiiko lit Houttln, Wimli,, on Krliluy of luat wook, Mr, Thiimiia formorly ronlilod In llila city nml la n linillior to Kinniya Thomna, whnan miirrliiKo took plmo Inat Wi'd tioHilny In Hpokiino. Aflor tholr ro tiirn fioiii llouvor Crook tlmy will ko lo I'liilluml, wlioro tlioy will romuln fur n f"W diiya ln.fnro rolnriiliiK to tholr homo ut Hpoknnn. I Mho Kuiiiuiitoi' nn nil work nt tlin Now Hynlnm Dontlala. SOCIETY A vorv protty iniirrliino took plncr on Wmlimailny ovoiiIiik of IiihI wonk ut tho hoino of Mr, unit Mm. Hu niiii'l Itolhorninl, of li.'iil H'hiiylnr atroot, I'orllmid, whon tholr iluiiKhlor, Mlaa Klouiior, wiin tinllod In wodlork to Mr. Ilowiird Konton Ijitoiirottn, ami of Mr. mid Mra. Chnrloa It. l-iitmirolto of thla rlty. Tho corotnoiiy wna por forniod ut 7:110 o'cliH-k In tho proaoiiro of n fow frloiiila mid rolullvoa, mid which wna Iniior fnllowoil by n m copllmi whon in nny frlomla of thn roiitriictliiK purtloa ntloniloil, Itov. Tnylor, of I'ortliiiiil, pnrfoniHul tho miirrliiKo coroinony, Tho hrld'i wna lionmlfiil In hor gown of whlto nioa anllno, inndn on train. Kho worn voll whli'h wnn rniiKlit In pliu-n hy oriiliKO hloaaoiiia, nnd rurrlod nn nrm liotiiiiol of of Ilrldo'a roi-a. Hor niuld of honor wna Mlaa t'oralu Harm-mil, w ho wna gow noil In pink nl I k nml enr l toil pink roana. Tlio heat liiun wna John llniidolpli IjiliMirollo, lirothor (if tho Krixiui Tho wmlillliK iniirrh wua lomlorod hy Curl llwitnii, nml pro- rodliii! I tm roromoiiy, Mra. Knihryn Wnrd l'opo roiiilorod n vim-iiI aoloi Hon, Tho hrldul pmiy atood honoulh n lioiiiiiirul floral hnwor itiirliiK ' riirotitonv. Tho dororiitliina of tho Hothnrinol homo worn imiiilHlto, which roiialalod of Iiuko whllo cliryNiinthoiiinina, mid niilina. nnd anruya of amllin. Mr. nnd Mm. Uilntirolto rorolvcd iniiiiy lilfta After tho rocoptlon thoy took tlmlr ilopurtiiro for tho Hound, whoru they will api nd tholr hoiioyiiiiHin, nnd iii- on tholr rot'ini will in.'ikn tholr lionic In I'orilund, wlioro the Kroom In prominent nttortmy. Mm. K. T. Avlaoti ontortnlnod ut hrlilito ut hor Iminn on Koiirtootilh in.oi Thurailuv nfloriiiHin from 2 I" 5 o'clork. In honor of Mm. Much llomlry, of Toronto, Cnnudii, who la n iruoal nt tho A vIhoii homo. Tho hoHloan wnn naalatod In tho ntnorliiln inoni of hor itncatn liy Mm. MUH Wolln, Mm. Mortluior Cockroll nnd Mra C. 11. MolHHiior. Tho riauiia worn prettily decorated for thla oermiloii wllh ohryniiiithninuma "lid Orcumi (irupn heillR lined III profnnlon, tho Indian Imaketn filled wltn yellow enry aiiiitliemtiina completed tho decern tlniin. A IiiiicIkmiii wua nerved durlnn thn nftertioon. Mra. U K. Joma wna wiirit -d thn flrat nrlr.o In lirldco uhllo Mm M. 1. Liitniiretti! curried off Koiiiiiil hoiiora. Thoao nltendliiK wero Mm. II. H Mount, Mm. Nelaon Ijiwronco. Mrn W. A. Hhowmnn. Mrn. Kdwnrd l"oP loiialien. Mra. C. D, Uitoiirelto, Mra vvilllain Money. Mra. M. I). Uilou ret in, Mm Tliiidor W. Clark, Mrn. Tlioodoro Oaiiumd. Mm. U I I'orler, Mm. Kdwnrd linker, Mm. John r. Clark. Mm. I K. Jonea. Mm. Henry (iMalloy. Mm. lon Chiirniiin. Mm. Krneat I' Unnda. Mrn. Kdwnrd Mehwnh. Mm. V. C. Croolimiili. Mm John II. Walker, Mrn. Mortimer Cock roll. Mrn. Walter Wolla, Mrn. C. H MelHHiier, Mm. HuKh Hendry, of Ti- rmito, Camilla. hl L I RUNS MY FROM HOI Sometting New Sjoftfoifttfcctfcm WCORSET COMBINED No Clasps No Hooks No Eyelets -No Strings No Heavy Steelj I have secured the agency for the S.ihlln Perfect Form-Cortets. Just what you are looking for. W. A. HOLMES 617 MAIN 8TREET. ,Tho Dorthlek Cluh mot nt thn homo of Mrn. II. C. tiiuioiiK at cnnemaii Krlday, when a mont InterontliiK meet- lliir wnn tho ronult. Olio of tho feu. niren of tho ufteriioon wnn tho ren dorlliK of novenil pliino nelectlnlin of Minn reiirln lliinlo, of rorunmi, wno nroved hemelf nn nrtlat on tho pliinu plnyliiK wllh much oxtironslon. Aiiioiib hor noloctlnnn wore tlin nocond Hhup- ailv hy Unit nnd "Homnnco" liy Hhu man. Mlna Muriel road n nketi h from McDowell of thn pornoliu! trnitH nnd vlewa of thin itrent componer. Tho next mootlni? w ill ho hold nt tlio homo of Mra. K. T. Avlnon on Fourteenth ntroot. DurltiK tlio afternoon Mrn C.uiioiui wrved her kiiohIh with dell- cloua refreahmontn. Tho ilocoriitlunn woreof rhryHiinthemiimn. I'roHeiit woro Mm. ChnrtoH Can flntil. Mrn. John V. Chirk. Mm. C. O. T. Wllllnmn, Mrn. W. A. Huntley, Mrs, J. W. Norrln, Mrn. L. U IMckotin, Mrn. J. K. HedKon. Mm. Wiillor THmlck, Mm. John I.oder, Mrn. U U I'orter, Mm .1. W. Moffntt. Mrn.Il. R. Strnlnht, Mm. 1. A. llnnlltiK. Minn Km hor Le vitt, Mln Muriel Slevcnn and Minn I'eurlo Hnrdo, of Port Intnl. A nulot iniirrliiKn wnn nolenmlzod Friday mornliiK nt 11 o'clock nt tho Pronhytorlnn mnnnv, tho contructliiK pnrtlen IioIiik Minn Idn (Irouory, dnuithter of H. K. (Irosnry, ono of tho prominent tonnol growers of tho ntuto, nnd Mr. Hubert Schocnbnrn, son of Mr. nml Mrn. Scboonhorn, now of thin city, but formerly of Curun. Tho mnr- rltmo coroinony wes porrormoa ny Hov. .1. n. IviindHlioroiiKh. Only tho Immediate relatives of tho contract Ini? parties nttondod. Tho brldo nnd imiom huvo koiio to Kanlnrn Oroson on their hnneytnoon, and upon tholr return thoy will mako tholr home nt Carim, whnro tho formor In oiiRnnofl In furmliiK. Curds huvo boon Issued to tho mom- hern of tho OroRon City Commercial Cluh for n ladles' nlnht nt tho club parlors on Tuesday ovoiiIiik, Novctn her 20. Munlc, curds nnd refresh- mollis will bo provided for tho enter tainment of tho members nml their women friends nnd rolutlvcH. This In tho first ontortnlninent of this churncler to bo nlven hy tlio club this winter, nnd It promises to bo won at tended. Tho ilnnco tlvon nt tho Armory Saturday nlKht by Milton Prion was well nt tended, several oul-or-town nooiilo helnir prcHent. Music for the occasion was rendered by Karmor's orchoHtrn. Another rtaneo will tie Klvon by Mr. Price on tho evening oi Saturday, December 3. Oil Meal. Orouon Cilv Commission Company has finally secured a ciniMlKtinient of Oil Meal and are prepared to furnish any nuiinllly de-Mlrod. As tho supply on tho market Is limited, belter so curo your requirements whllo It Is available. Whisky Imrrels for sale by tho Ore gon City Commission Company. SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD YOUTH HAS BEEN MIB8IN0 FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS. NO REASON KNOWN FOR ABSENCE Lid Had Aikad Father to go to Port land With Him, and Soon After Dlnnir He Left Wherea bout! Unknown, Karl I tu rk , n non of K. C. J lurk. (11.1 Thirteenth street, dun dlnuppeurod, mid bin parents uro nt n Ions to uc count for his sudden dlmtppniininco. Tim bid loft hla hoino ufter dinner on Krliluy, November II, nnd ho wua seen thul nlKht by Churlon McCurvor, ami wnn nlnii known to have boon at tho nkntltiK rink on Kloventh and Main at roi l a. Thn boy la about 10 yearn of uk". und In nil uniiaiinlly Unlet nml retlrlliK youiiK man, Ho wua a student of thn eliilith Knuli) nt tho Iturcluy nrhool. "Wo huvo no Idea why Karl left lioine," aald Iho hoy a father Monday mornliiK, "mid w do not know whore ho bun koiio, un wu have hoard nolle Iiik from hi in or ahoiit him. He may bo with hla uncle on tho lower Colum bin, wllh KM Mnddoek'R family In Hcppncr, or with Irvln (ioetllliiK, wllh whom ho corresponded. "Karl had n deposit check nt the bank nnd tho day ho loft ho wunlei) inn to huvo It cnahed for lilm. nuyltiK ho wnnled to ko to Portland nnd pur rh a no nemo clolhlliK- I iidvlHod hi in to buy bin clothes In Orenoii City, mid uKieed to oliialn part of tho tummy for him mid uccompuny htm on hln ahoppliiK trip und aeo that ho neciircd KimiiI uiuterlnl, but hu wna bout upon KoIiik to Portluud, unit left tho housi: after dliini-r, und 'wo huvo hoard miibliiK of him Hlnce." Select Your Holiday Gifts Now wmBmmasmsmsm WE WILL GLADLY SET THEM ASIDE FOR YOU UNTIL XMAS Suitable Gifts for Ladies Full lino of Holiday k.kiiIs now on display at Ilolmea', 017 Main atroet VICTORIOUS, 12 TO 2 PORTLAND TEAM IS NOW THE CHAMPION IN THE US POUND CLASS. Tim football leaina representing Oregon City nnd tho McIiiiKhllu Cluh of Portland battled at Cutieiiuih park Sunday afternoon amid a steady ruin In n Hold rcHomhlliiK n lake, mid at tho mid of the contoat, tho bi-dniKKled lulnaoiiked visitors wero victorious In to '1. Hy winning yesterday's Riiuie, MrUniKhlln Club In cm Hied to tho stain championship in the 145' pound clans. Ciinalderlni? tho muddy, slippery condition of the field, thn plnylifK was Kood. Touchduwns were made fur MclniKhllii liy Crowley nnd Klvers whllo n totichluifk by Mcloui;hllii Kuvc t)recon City two mil nts. For OrcKon CHy. Whlto und Uuik playinl Iho iniiht ronslnteiit oolliall. The linn up: Oregon City , .C. ... MoiiiKomory .IIC. .w..., . LT. . .UK. . A.K.. McUiukIiIIii II. Iirlncoll .. W. Dilacoll , Kelly McKeum .... Crowley .... ClllKspIn rwltchell ... Hurley Str'jhli- Iieillicr Wvera ...... .HII. -L.1I. ..V.. Smith Harry . . UiKonon .... linker McDerniott , . M. Seller Whlto . . II. Seller .... Moore Loiik SCORELESS CAME FRIDAY. Oregon City and Camaa High Tie on Slippery Field. Ori'Kon City hlKh nchool and Camas IiIrIi school played a scoreless game Krlday afternoon ut ('liautaiii)un Park on n field that was too wet and slip pery to nllow fast playliiK. Honors In tho itame wero about evenly dl vlileil, neither sido usIiir much bo- sldes straight fmilball. The Ilne-up: Ori-Kon City Camas Welsh C Splccr Clark Kli Paler Kellv Ut Paier AvlHiin KT Smith Michel LT Jones Shenhan KU Sims Craves l.K Cruwford Slnnott Q Hlulr Crosn II 1 1 Illlike Caufleld Id! Hall Hukor K Hurke BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Will Present Geo. M. Cohan'a Famous "45 Mlnutea From Broadway" Next Week. Several of tho blgKost nnd most up to data stock companies In the coun try Imvo been presenting as novelties the famous (ieo. M. Cohan musical oniedles this Benson, nnd they have in every case whero they were well plnyed, proved to bo a highly popular diversion In tho way of .nniuseinent diet. linker Stock Compnny, which la always ainoiiK tho first to offer un usual opportunities to It's many pat rons, Ih of coume anions the number, nnd tho bocoihI of these offerings of the present season will bo the cele brntod "45 Minutes from Broadway," HEILIO THEATRE. 7th and Taylor Streeta. ' Phonea Main 1 and A-1122. Nights HeKlnnhiR Sunday, Nov. 27, Special Price Mntlnoo Saturday. John Cort presents tHo famous and favorite actor MAX FIGMAN In IiIb Kientest success, the delight ful comedy drama by Kdlth Kills, "MARY JANE'S PA," with HELEN LACKAYE and nn excellent suportlng company. Production Complete in Every Detail. PRICES Evenings: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, :15c, 25c. Matlneo: $1.00, 75c, 50c, ,15c, 25c. Sent Salo opens Friday, November 25 for tho cnllro engagement. Coming to the Heillg Theatre December 4, 6, ti, 7. Honry V. Savage offers tho dramatic sensation of the ngo "MADAME X" Excellent Cast Complete Production. Seat Sale Opens Friday, December 2, Watches Rings Pins, Chains Lockets Bracelets Earrings Back Combs Silver Purses Toilet Sets Fountain Pens LaV all lores Back Combs Suitable Gifts for Men Cuffbuttons Scarfpins Watches Chains Lockets Signet Rings Watch Fobs Shaving Sets Smoking Sets Fountain Pens Traveling Sets Military Brushes Safety Razors We are now prepared to submit for your inspection the largest and finest stock of Jewelry, Clocks, Cut Glass, Chinaware, Silverware, Toilet Articles, Fountain Pens, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines etc. that we have ever shown. If you are wondering what to give to a young or old man, woman, or child, call and see us. We have something for every person and every pocket book. We would advise that you buy early as we have more time to wait upon you and you have more to select from. WE ENGRAVE ARTICLES WE SELL FREE OF CHARGE ittmeiste Oregon Giy Jewelers & Ancbesen Suspension Bridge Corner which will open nt thn Hakor next Sunday matinee. This Is probably the bent known of all the Immensely sue manful creations of the prolific young American play-write and comedian, and Introduced the two characters. Kid Ilurns nnd Plain Mjiry, both of whom have warm places In tho hearts of theatre goers all over the country. Tho former will lie plnyed by that clever young comedian, Henry Stock bridge, one of the foremost of the Cohan Imitators, "while Mary will of courso be In the capable hands of Mabel Cameron. . The songs, "So Ixng Mnry," "Just Korty-flve Min utes from Ilroadway," "Mary Is a Grand Old Name" and "I Want to be a Popular Millionaire" will all be In troduced, and a captivating chorus of protty glrln who can both sing and dance, and attractive young men will nnslst In the mualcnl numbers. Forty flvo Minutes from Broadway Is one of the greatest laughing comedies of the affirmative. A literary pro- of taxation except on property spe- gram was jrlven which was enjoyed cincally taxed by all those present. The society will , Yes meet again next Saturday night, Nov. j No 2U, and debate upon the question, "Hesolved, That fashion la a greater I Majority against detriment to the human race than ! Hill increasing salary of war." Those on the affirmative are. ' County Judge SPECIAL, SALE on' new ranges, and large second hand cook stoves, second hand sideboards, second hand cross-cut saws, at J. H. Matt ley's, 905 7th St. 32,118 40,995 8,877 Baker Ixiulo Sugar, George Schmltt, Wm. Miller, George Klrbyson, Mattie D. Hayman and E. Guenther. Those on tho negative are, Klllan Schmltt, Jay Dlx. Edd Schmltt, Will Wallace, Geo. Shubel and John- Card. Besides the debate there will also be a literary program given. All are cordially in vited to attend. MEADOW BROOK. Gilbert Allen was called to Oregon City Monday on business. John Rhodes has sold his entire business, consisting of two blocks, all buildings and all stock In trade to a Mr. Chase from Arleta. Mr. Rhodes Yes 32.118 No 71,510 Majority against 58.368 BUI creating the County of Nes mtth Yes 23.072 No 60,285 16-INCH DRY BLOCK WOOD $2.50 Per Cord, delivered. Builders' Sup plies Co., 14th and Main Sts. MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for La dles' Home Journal,- Saturday Et ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and McClure'a, $2 for the two. tf Majority against 37,213 Bill creating the County of Otis IBS 17 SIB In U-lnto mil No 59.270 1 Willamette, in Summer. Gus Schnoerr! president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. DEUTSCHER VEREIN OF ORE gon City meets second Saturday after, noon In each month at Knapp's hall In Schnoerr's Park, ever produced ond will prove Im-1 had a splendid location on Mulino mensely populnr with Baker audi nceg next week. Matinees will be given Sunday, Wednesday (Bargain Day) and Saturday, VIA WIRELESS. First Portland Production of Great Scenic Melodrama at Bungalow. The first production In this city of Frederick Thompsons big scenic mclodrnmn, "Via Wireless,' will be given nt the Bungalow all next week stnrtlng Sunday matinee. It deals with the mos.1 thrilling Invention of ages tho wireless and gives a vivid portrayal of It's wonderful pow er to nld the humnn race In time of Bhlnwrock. It will bo presented by a strong cnBt of over twenty people, and ns It Is entirely new to this city a brief story of tho plot will be given showing It to be a most highly Inter esting piny, dealing with lire as it is found In everyday llle. FALLS VIEW. Mr. and Mrs. Welsonstoln and fami ly of Portland, were visiting with Mr. H. Wallace a few days last week. ' Miss Rae Klrbyson has been HI the past week with a severe cold. U Moslor made a business trip to Oregon City lust week. A dance will be given at Rotiert Hullard's Saturday night, Dec. 3, 1910. Louie Sagnr made a trip to Clacka mas last week and purchased a valu able roadster. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace and family, Mr. and Mrs. Loulo Wallace and family nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Welsonsteln and family attended the dunce given nt Mr. Rob ert Bullnrd's last Saturday night. A very Interest lug debate was given last Saturday night at tho Falls Mew schoolhouse by the Falls View Debat ing Society. The question debated was, "Resolved, that the pen Is mlghtlor than tho sword." The Judg es, who were Will Dlx. A. Freeman nnd Rudolph Miller, decided In favor Dressy Shoes For Dressy Men and plain shoes for men who look first for good wear and comfort. No mutter what your shoo needs are, bring your feet to this store and let us fit thorn right. Oregon City Shoe Store avenue. Mr. Torlay of Georgia, left Tuesday for Portland. Mr. Torlay has been clerking in the sawmill for the last few months. Mrs. O. T. Kay gave quite a sump tions dinner Sunday to a few Invited guests In honor of the returning prodi gal. Mr. Holman had a force of men plucking turkeys for the market Sat urday. Mr. Bonny Is 'making Borne improve ments on his residence property on Colton avenue. C. L. Staudinger Is seeding and making Improvements on the Jim Hunt property. Col. Ball is Just completing a con crete cellar. Of course there is noth ing wet there. AWFUL LANDSLIDE AGAINST DIVISION (Continued from page 1.) Employers' liability law Yes 65,641 No 33,529 Majority for 22,112 A bill prohibiting the taking of fish from the Rogue River except by hook and line Yes 49.657 No 33,451 Majority for 16,206 Good roads amendment Yes 50.875 No 32,852 Majority for 18,023 Presidential primary law Yes 43,253 No 41,574 Majority for 1,679 Three-fourths jury nmondment Yes 44,545 No 39,307 Majority for 6.238 The following Is the complete state vote on nil defeated measures: Womans suffrage amendment Yes No , 36,200 68,459 Majority against Constitutional convention Yes No 22,259 25,427 59,753 Majority against 34,326 l-ogislntlve districting amendment Yes 24.021 No 64,251 Majority against 30,230 Amendment eliminating phrase "ami nil taxation shall bo equal and uniform" Yes 37,817 No . 40,216 Majority against 2,399 Railroad district amendment Yes 31.013 No 46,121 Majority against 12.10S Amendment directing a uniform rule Majority agaldst 41,954 1 Clackamas-Multnomah annexation bill- Yes 15.885 No 68,994 Majority against 53,109 Hill creating the County of Vi itiiami Yes 14 555 No 63.991 Majority against 49,436 Bill creating the County of Orch ard Yes 15.6G4 No 61,712 Majority against 46,048 Bill creating the County of Clark- Yes 15,627 No 61,720 Majority against , 46,093 Bill providing for the support and maintenance of the Weston Normal School Yes 40,903 No 56,447 Majority against 5,544 Washington-Multnomah annexation 14,102 No ; 67,976 Majority against 53.S74 Bill for the support and mainten ance of the Ashland Normal School Yes ss.473 No 48,571 Majority against 10,098 Prohibition amendment Yes 42,433 No 61,279 Majority against 17.S46 Prohibition law Yes 42,649 No 63,504 Majority against 20,915 Employes' Indemnity commission bill Yes 32,232 No 51.725 Majority against 19,493 Bill creating the County of Des chutes Yes 18,110 No 61,312 Majority against 43.232 Bill providing method for creating new counties . Yes , 37.034 No 42,287' SPECIAL SALE of New Ranges: Charter Oak ranges, 18-Inch oven, $33.25; 18-lnch with reservoir, polish top, $42.50; Real Estate range, 14 Inch oven, $40; 16-lnch oven, $42.50; 18-lnch oven, $45; 18-lnch oven with reservoir, $52.50. No better range made than the Real Estate. J. H. Mattley. 905 7th St. GOOD SECOND HAND cross-cut saws cheap, at J. H. Mauley's, 905 7th St. Citation. i In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the Guardianship of Ernest Marshall, a minor. It appearing to the Court that said Ernest Marshall owns a one-twelfth interest in and to the following de scribed real estnte, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of sec tion fifteen, T. 3 S , R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas County, Oregon, and that it is for the best interest of said minor and his estate that his said interest be sold, and that said sale be at private sale for cash In hand. That said minor has no other property and this sale Is necessary for his nurture and edu cation. That his next of kin nnd the per sons interested In his said estate are: Julia Callff, his mother, Harvey Mar shall, Susan E. Rhodes, Alice Mar shall Kerr, John A. Marshall, James Frank Oglesby, Charles E. Oglesby, George A. DeShields, Marion De Shields, Frances DeShields Yank. It is therefore ordered that said next of kin' and porsons Interested In said estate, appear before the above entitled Court at the County Court Room, In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, on Tuesday, Decem ber 8, 1910, and show cause, If any they have why said ltconse to sell said property should not be granted. Dated, November 21, 1910. GRANT B. DIMICK, Judge. 5,253 Majority against Official gazette bill- Yes 27,950 No 52,317 Majority against 24,301 i Proportional representation amend-: ment Yes 37.031 1 No 4I.95S Majority against 7,927 FOR SALE On good security note 7 per cent Interest, 1 year's time. 7 head of work horses, weight 1400. Inquire of M. H. Skinner, Oregon City, Route 3. Now is the time to buy your Pianos, Organs Graphophones ond Furniture before the Holiday prices go into effect. We have a fine line of Organs at nearly any price. Graphophones at $7.50 and up. Double Records 65c each A fine line of Christmas and New Year Carda from lc up; also some nice chinaware, nnd a full stock of Sewing Machines. I take old machines on new ones. A line of nice Heaters and Ranges, CALL AND SEE ME. A. H. STURGES Corner 7th and Center.