Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1910)
TV ENTEKKS Tho Enterprise only Clackamas Newspaper that all of th nawa growing County. w: (I n J) of thl. vj if Hit your subacrlptlon ex- plred? Look at th label. You should not mlit any of our newa numbers, Attend to It now. FORTY FOURTH YEAR fgo, 48. OREGON CITY, ORKflON, Kit IDA Y, DIWKMliKIt 2, 1910. ESTABLISHED 188S E(QO -3C ; VOTERS Li UP FOR CANDIDATES MAYORALITY CAMPAION BE TWEEN OROWNELL AND COOKE GROWS INTERESTING. L LEVY SCHOOL TAX SCHOOL BOARD IS MAKING UP 1011 BUDGET AS BASIS FOR THE LEVY. TWO CONTESTS AMONG COUNCILMEN Holmun and Slovene Ara Out In Ward Ona, Whlla William 0. Hall Seeks To Succaad Batial In Ward Three. Interest la becoming Intense over III" approaching municipal election, which will held Monday, Deromhor I. The two t-nodldiitca fur innyor, (ivorKn ('. Ilrownell nnd John J. Cooke, mo both confident of election. i la ruporOxl Hint Mr. Hrowtinlt will re ceive lliu vol d of (ho toltiperiillt'o pro pin, nil Mr Coolie I a sulil to hnvo alienated Hint factor by Introducing a speaker nt one of the Home Rule meetings In I hit Hhlvnly Theatre dur I it K Dm root-tit I'rohllilllon ruinpnlKii. Mr. (NmiI.ii making a canvas upon hla record on cuiiiii-l I iniiii. arguing Unit lila experience In city- nffnlra makes htm the timber for the innnu's cliuir, The vote of the paix-r mill employees will tin an tmiHirtnnt dirt. r to he reckoned whh In the content. Mortimer 0. (.aioiirettn for treas urer, y. V. Murk for councilman In the second want for the three yenr term, and Hurt Itonko for counclliimn In the aeriind ward for the two year term, will have no opHal(lon. In ward one Itoawnll U Holmun and II. C. Stevens are the opposing candidate. In the third ward Frank Untied U aeekltut rnelm-tlon nnd he la opimaod liy Will iam 0. Hull, who lii been Indorsed ly the Moiiiitnln View Improvement Cliih. Mr. Hall I a well known busi ness in nn of the hill aectlon of the rlty. All of the rntidldutea for the varloua miititclpal iiirirea have filed their le tlllutie. Tint lime for filing ietltlona expired nt noon Wedneadny. The flrat meeting of the rnmpaliin waa held Hnturday nlitht, when George C. Ilrownell ilellvered an nddreaa on rlty affair and muulrltHil protilenia Imfore the .Mountain View Improve ment t'lnli nt 7:45 o'clock. Mr. Brown ell la alwaya au Interesting speaker and hla talk waa full of vigorous ut ternnrea on the ronduct of a city government. l-'or the purpose of levying a spec- j liil tax on the properly of Oregon City for arhool purposes, a mooting of the taxpayer hna been i-nIIkiI for Friday evening, December 9, til the court lioiian. In the meantime the hoard of rlty acliool dlrertora will iniiko up the budget for next year, nnd thla will ho used na a hnHla for the H pec In I levy, 1'lidor the new lnw the eounty anH aor la tint pcnnllicd to iisaca nil of the property In fluckniuu County, the valimtlon of the rill IriiintH, tele phone and telegraph llnea being de termined hy the Hlntn Tax Commis sion for the entire stnto, The Htnte Tux Commlnalon hna not yet reported, Mild the varloua achool district will lie compelled to line liiat ycur'a vuliiii I lima na a ImalH on w hich to miike their apurliil levies. All special aciKi mooting must he held prior to Hoc umber 10 na the arhool rlerka are required to report the nnioiint of the levlea to the county clerk and the county arhool aiiperliitendent on or before unit dnte. urc E TURNOUT ! AT APPLE .SHOW I CLACKAMAS COUNTY BEINQ AD VERTISED BY HOSTS OP LIVE B008TER8. ELECT DIRECTORS FOR CHAUTAUQUA THIRTEEN MEMBERS CHOSEN THIS YEAR INSTEAD OF TWELVE AS HERETOFORE. ' A BALANCE OF $596.72 IN TREASURY Plana Alraady Being Made for 1911 8cMlon, and a Majority of Tha Talant Haa Baan Engagad Alraady. HAN RAC E r OR CITY COUNCIL CONSENTS TO BE A CANDIDATE AFTER DECLARING HE WOULD NOT SEEK REELECTION. MISREPRESENTATION IS ALLECED F. C. Burk Said To Hava Baan Traatad Unfairly and Rafuaaa To Ba Moved Over To Two-Yaar Tarm. An eleventh hour cniidUlute for roimrllmiin In the aecond wurd for Ihe threo-yenr term appeared sudden Iv nnd without warning Wedneadny In the piiraon of Kdwurd Hheiihiin, who hna till iiIoiir declared that under no rlrciitnalimcoK would he lie a cnndl diitii for reelection. It la ovldont thnt aonin of Mr. Shcuhiin'a well-moanlnR frlmiiU worked upon hla feellnuH nt a Into hour to the extent of Inducing 1) I tii to it"t Into the raco In oppoaltlon to (', C. Ilurk. who hna been an open and avowed iiaplrnnt for aevernl weiilia, nnd who hnd renaon In hellovo thnt ho hud the fluid nil to himself. The time for filing petitions for mu nicipal offlrca expired at noon Wed neadny nnd at the hiHt minute Mr. Hhoithnn'a petition was pi need In the hunila of City Ilerorder Dlmlck and It wna thon thnt Mr, llurk ronllxed, for the flmt tltm. thnt the political wntora In hla ward wero troubled. An effort waa mndo Wedneadny to Induce Mr. nurk to lenve Iho field to Mr. Hhnalinn nnd to flop over Into the nreun for the two-yonr term, ngnlnHt Itert llonke, who hna no oppoaltlon. Mr, Ilurk, however, declined to bo moved about llko n pawn on a cIiohr board nnd Is going to "at ay put." V, . 1 1 arris, n grocer on Mnln nnd Eighth directs, waa nppronched with Mr. Blienlinn'a petition, nnd It wiib repro Bcntrd thnt thero wna no opposition nnd thnt Mr. Ilurk wna a candidate for tho two-yenr term. Mr, Hitrrla la Imllgnnnt nt tho tnlHrepreaontntlon. It la rotiHldnrod likely thnt Mr. Sheiihnn could have been elected to miccniid hlniHolf hnd ho conio Into tho race early In the rnmpulgn. Hut he reftiHcd to be a cnndldnto, slating" be believed onn torm wna enough for Mill nnd thnt Homo other property owner should take up the burden of naalHtlng In; the conduct of city nf fnlm. Mr. Flurk entered the field with the nsRurnnce thnt Mr. Shcnhnn would not become a cnndldnta, nnd he does not foel thnt ho him Hoen treated fairly. Robinson May Bo Reotor. Rnv. Chnrloa Robinson, of I'hlln delphla, niny be called hb roctor of St. I'nul'B ICplHcopal Church, to suc ceed Itov. T. K. Howon, who resigned IiihI sumnior to go to n Sellwood church, Mr. Robinson Is n brother of the Illshop of Nevada, and It Is said ho, would like to como West. He U 39 years of nge nnd Is unmarried. At tho annual meeting of the atock holders of the Wlllametto Vulley (Uiaii (annua Assembly Tuesday the follow ing directors were elected to servo lor the ensiling year: II. K. Cross, J. K. HeilKKS. U. D. Eby. (itMirgo A. Harding. Mra. Hatnh A. Evans, C. II. Mooroa. J. II. Ackerimtn, C. Hchuobel, John W. Uler. A. K. I'nrker. C. II. Dye, Ilr. (icorgo lloeyo, W. A. Hunt ley. Tho directorate was Increased from 13 to 1.1, and nil of the former dlree'tors were elected, with tho ad dition of W. A. Huntley. The nniiual reports Of tho secretary and treasury and the auditing committee were pre sented and show a balance of rash on ti ii itl of lifter paying a note of f.lttl.SU. The surplus will be ex pended in the Improvement of tho sanitary conditions on tho ChnuUu qtia grounds. Most of the. talent for next year's session hna already been engaged. The musical programme embraces the Apollo Concert Company of Chlcngo for four days, snd the Wllllnms Jubilee Singers of Chlcngo for two days. Kx-()overnor Hanloy, of Indiana, anil DoWott Miller, are each scheduled for two lerturos and ninny other attractive features will i be offered nt (ilndstono Turk In July, 1911. LIVE WIRES LARGELY RESPONSIBLE Badysa, With a Catchy Wording, Ara Being Worn, and Much Literature Is Being Given to Proepectlvo Settlers. That Clackamas rounty will bo well advertised nt the Htate Horticultural Hoclety'a Apple Show In Cortland Is shown hy tho large number of locnl people who nro attending. A tug, bearing the legend, "I'm from Oregon City In ClackamiiB county, where lllg Med Apples (Jrow. Ask nbout them." Is furnished every visitor from this . city, and n largo delegation Is present 1 esch day. Secretary M. J. Ur.ullo of .1... I... .. it...... .a ... ' .in- rtiiuii-ity iyi; in 1 1 iiii-iii oi mo ure gun City Commorcliil club, Is present nt the show at nil times, distributing descriptive literature among (ho visit ors. While no county exhibit Is lieing made by Cluckiitiitia rounty, 8. It. Cogun of cliicknmus Ilelgbta nnd A. C. Newell of Damascus, hnve fine displays of apples, which have been grouped together In one booth. A separate exhibit Is being made by the Mount Hood Ijind Company, In which la shown the products of Bandy, Kir wood, Dover and other communities In that section. The "IJve Wtros" have taken a great Interest In the show, which opened Wednesday and continues till ; v p' f is Ceorgo C. Ilrownell. who Is f can- 3. That I will oppose the granting III"' "r '7'"' f uTeTJ'Ul: h,i" f franchise or special privilege the support of many hundreds of vot- . , . . . ers for the position. Mr. ftrownell r any klnd or "a'ure. to any railroad Is generally looked upon as the Ideal company, private Individual or cor candidate for the mayoralty, na his 1 poratlon, without first submitting the years of experience In legislative i 8nm0 to a vote of the people of Ore matters and his two terms as Mayor 8" City, and then let the people of Kansas City have fitted him to oc-. vote uP'i U and Bay whether they cupy tho office with ability and dig-, waDt It or not. In other words, I will nlty. not stand for giving away the peo- Mr. Ilrownell has no ax to grind, '. u,e property or the people's rights Hat tirda V n I ir h t and t hev are he ,re frora ,h conlro1 of tor- r 'raDcMae Mb erm? as rtHinMblo for the lm7o turnouf of ,H,ru""n- nn,i wU1 be al,,lutely fear- the people themselves direct by ri..j. "1 Independent in the ndmlnls-. Plilar vole. people. STEWARTS GOES TO ASYLUM. 4. That I will stand at all times, tinuiiu ui inu nimira ill una coy. run ; i;rmp dm.. . ; 6f jrfiL0"' of,pub",? Jmp:.r without tindeslrahle connections thnt , . . n" " ., V ,,' " Woodfln's Assailant Found to ba Bad-! might Influence hia conduct. He Sp'. rep." C, ty' "nder a" ?.n- ly Demented. I makes the following pledges: I' i f ii ,UK"U"' I I desire to state, that If elected i s(),"ire lea' 'or a"- Krank Stewarts, the luhorer, who a i Mayor of Oregon City: 5. That I will have no favorites, short time ago ran amuck and with1 1. Thnt I will, to the best of my : nnd It will be my purpose at all times, a revolver chnsed Abblo Woodfln two j ability, stnnd for a good, decent, clean to administer the affairs of this city and fair administration. in a way to meet the approval and 2. Thnt I will enforce tha law with-, commendation of all fair-minded peo out fear or favor. ; pie. mm CASE GOES OVER TILL THE I2TH E. KELLY GIVEN TWO YEARS FOR GETTING MONEY ON BOGUS CHECKS. J. E. Kelly, who was Krlday con victed upon a charge of passing bogui checks, was sentenced Saturday to serve two years In the state peniten tlary by Circuit Judge Campbell. The case of the Stale vs. August Krlckson, charged with selling liquor Illegally, was Kstponcd until December 22, as the Htale did not have all of Its wit nesses ready, and the motion for a new trial In the case of the State vs. Curtis Helvey. who was convicted of murder in the second degree on a charge of killing George Smith, went over until December 12. Chicken Thieves Abroad. Charles It. Reynolds, who resides pear Maple Iane, had 18 fine chick ens stolen from his chicken house lust week, and so far there Is no clue to the thieves. It Is probable that those stealing them disposed of them to the markets previous to Thanksgiving. FOSTER IS GUILTY ON TV0 CHARGES FIRST ESTACADA RAID CA8E TRIED BEFORE LOCAL JUSTICE COURT. IS blocks down Main street, shooting him In the bark of the neck and through one ear, wna taken to Balem yesterday to the state Insane asylum. The man waa plainly demented nt the time ho appeared for preliminary ex amination, and for that reason the case waa continued by Justice of the I'esce W. W. H. Sampson until the man's condition should become better or worse. Yesterday he was ex amined for hla sanity before Judge Dlmlck, slid his mind was found to be sadly unbalanced. IRVING BOYLAN DIES. Logging Train Inflicts Fatal Injuries Irving Hoy Inn. nt one tlmo a resi dent of Oregon City, waa run over by a logging train at Kelso, Wnsh., Sat urday, and as a result of hla Injuries, he died Sunday at a Portland hospital. Tho young man waa engineer of the train, and the train In passing over him, severed both hla legs. rioylan wns nluuteen years of age, and was horn In Oregon City, being a son of Mrs. NelBon Iloylnn. A hrothor, Delbert Iloylan, resides here. FEASTER TO BE CHIEF DEPUTY. STOLE BABY'8 BANK. Sherlff-Elect Mass Names Assistants Farmhand Stole Many Things From In Hia Office, Louis H- Feaater will be apKimed chief deputy In the office of Sheriff elect E. T. Mass. This announcement was made yesterday by Mr. Mass, Employer's House. For ransacking the house of his employer, taking even the baby's bank, W. Forhwork, a German, was given fifteen days In the county Jail -,Ln ,... .... - jiiouirc ui mv rence . vt . n. ato i I Samson ,hls rooming. Forhwork for a minority orrtcer who made no nv h wori, nr M r pledges of appointment as deputies. VJJL n. j oi Mr. Fcaster has been connected with '1," ? V1?" ...v. ....... iii-i ut...Ka .rui tv ruu- land to spend the day and asked Forh work to Join them, but he declined. raying he had some duties to attend the paper mills for several years. He Is a graduate of Holmes Rusltiess Col lege, of Portland, and Is well Qualified , " . , ,ne nouse- taking many articles ot w. L. Mulvey, county clerk elect, value, and the following morning, he has announced that Miss Iva Harrlng-1 ssked for Mb pay and left It was ton will tie appointed a deputy In his not until he left that his thefts were office. Miss Harrington haB been In , discovered. The man was arrested the courthouse for the past year, and , at Lafavette. Yamhill county, by Con has had considerable experience In stable F. A. Miles, and Drought to clerical and legal matters. this cltv Sunday night. BROTHERHOOD MEETING, Big Plans Being Made For The Next Monthly Supper. A well attended business meeting of tho Congregational Ilrothcrhood was hold last Wednesday night nt the home of President K. T. Avlson on Fourteenth nnd Center streets Wed nesday night ut which tunny matters of Importance wore intended to. Among tho business of tho evening, Iho matter of organizing "Live Wlros" to promote tho social advancement of tho Ilrotherhood wns discussed, nnd nctlon will likely be taken along this lino. Tho matter of Increasing the monthly dues of the organization was discussed, but this was voted down. Tho program committee Is making great arrnttgements for tho next sup per, which will be hold on the night of December (1. Mnyor Joseph Simon of Portland will be Iho prinnlpnl speak er, while Mayor (lary, of Willamette, Strlob of Mllwnuklo, Reed of Estn sndn. Cnrll of Oregon City, Dedman of Cnnliy and other mayors of Clack amas county will be gitesta. City auditor Ilarhttr and city attorney Grant, both of Portland, will also bo nt the meeting. Just Watch Freddie's Wings Sprout Toy-BeJeckeJ Shop Windows - Work a Great Improvement in Youngsters, As Thoughts of "Krtsmus" Arise. COURTROOM CROWDED WITH VISITORS Mayor, Marshall, Sheriff and Detec tives Tell of the Raid, and of Finding Bottles ot Beer In the Establishment. The triaj of the five parties ar rested for selling liquor, gambling, etc., as a result of the raid by Sher iff Beatle, his deputies and two de tectives on several of the Estacada soft drink Joints was held Tuesday before Justice Samson, when J. M. Foster was convicted on two charges of selling liquor on Sundays. The lit tle courtroom was crowded to its full capacity, so great was the Interest being taken in the cases. As to the details of the Thanksgiv ing raid, marshal! J. E. Pelton, night watchman Walter Woodard, Sheriff Beatle and Mayor Reed were called to testify, and they told of finding eleven barrels of beer in the Foster establishment. Sheriff Beatle also testified that he made the raid at the instigation of the district attorney. He admitted that his party had no search warrant. Detectives White and LIndaey, who furnished the evidence causing the raid, told of conditions existing at Foster's, and of the ease with which they were able to purchase beer and whiskey. No witnesses were Introduced by the defense, Hosford confining him self to a lengthy argument to the Jury. After the Jury returned Its ver dict of guilty. Judge Samson Imposed a fine of 125 for each charge. No no tice of appeal has been filed. Foster was to have been tried again Wednesday on charge of conducting a house of ill-fame, but he waived ex amination, nnd was bound over to the Circuit Court. ALL BOOST THE LI FO RARYTAX PROMINENT MEN URGE PASSAGE OF MEASURE BY LETTERS " THROUGH THE PRESS. WOMEN WORKLN'C FOR ITS ADOPTION Hon. Grant B. Dimick Presents Lib rary With Complete Edition of The Standard Encyclopedia, Worth $65. Dr. A. U Beatle, County School Superintendent T. j. Gary and Wil liam Sheahan, all earnest supporters of the movement to levy a special tax of one-half mill for the support of the Oregon City Public Library and Free Reading Room, have voiced their sentiments with letters to the Tele gram. These are only a few of the men who are urging the voters to cast tbeir ballots favorably upon the proposition to maintain the library. The proposed tax levy means only 50 cents upon each $1000 assessed valua tion and from every Indication there will be a large majority In favor of the plan. In fact there seems to be no opposition to It. The free library and reading room has been supported for the last year by voluntary contributions from public-spirited business and professional men, and the officers of the library association believe that the taxpayers of Oregon City should band together for the maintenance of the library and reading room. County Judge Grant B.' Dlmlck yes terday presented the library with the latest and most complete edition of the Standard Encyclopedia, valued at $65. This is probably the most valu able single gift ever presented to the library association and Judge Dlmlck is to be commended for his generos ity. Members of the Live Wires of the Oregon City Commercial Club are making It their particular business to advance the educational interests of the city by attempting to secure the passage of the ordinance providing for the half mill tax levy. PROD E UNION MINSTREL 8H0W 800N. Woodmen Will Use Burnt Cork, Sing Songs and Spring Gaga. urent preparations nro being mndo by tho Woodman of tho World for their minstrel Bhow, which will be given by locnl lulont lit Shlvoly's Theater nn December 9. Several splendid singers will appear lit the olio, while In each of the ' Jokes, n laugh or two enn easily be found. J. F. Jones of Portland, hns been en gaged to direct tho show, and he Is working wonders with (ho amnteur Joy brlngers. Mr. Jones hns hnd a great denl of experience In directing minstrel productions. Ho haa been in chnrgo of the last two shows given by tho apanlsh-Amotlcnii War Vetor uns, nnd of those, given by tho Wood men of the World, Skating Rink Leaves. Tho Bkntlng rink on Eleventh and Mnln street thnt hns boon furnishing amusement for tho young people of this city for the pnst six mouths, has I gotten nnd were Inughlng nbout it boon moved to Portlnnd. , thnt Diogenes, who made a practice Copyright 1910 hy C- H. RIETII. Tom, Tom, the piper's son, Thought to steal another ono. Hut when with bacon 40 cents, He thought upon the consequence, And what ho probably would got In caso ho landed In the net The lawyers he would have to hire To save him from tho butcher's Ire, Tho money Cuduhy would spend To push it to tho bitter end. The merciless concern of Swift To see he wns not set adrift, The sum thnt Armour, If he fled, Would offer for him live or dead, And how the unforgiving lust For vengeance would move the trust To muke example of him lest Some other piper's son protest Against pork chops nt thirty flat, And pickled pig's feet selling at Six-bits a dozen, souso a bit. And snusnge even close to It When Tom considered It In brlof, And also how much more a thief Ho would bo this time than before, He wisely passed the butcher's door. Rejoiced that self had stood the tost, And went on hoping for the best. December Is from the Latin decern, moaning ten, It wns originally the tenth month of the year, but owing to the widespread unpropnredness for Christmas It has been shoved along from time to time, until it occurs now ns far back as we have been able to got it. Caesar, who wns In the habit of mnklng ench of his soldiers some kind of a present, even suggested pushing It furthor along et 111 nnd hav ing nbout fifteen months in the year, but the 'Roman merchants protested thnt it wns impossible to sell holiday goods excopt In very cold weather, nnd Ilrutus, Casstus nnd several other Roman business men finally stubbod him. The custom of giving presents was originated by the Greeks, and they hud such a faculty for getting the better of It when they exchanged preaonts with anyone thnt the ex pression "Rownro of the Greeks benr-N lug gifts!'1 became historic. It wns on a Christmns day when all the Greeks were showing what they had i or criticising the national faults in have any. He Isn't takine anv ,,.o,,,B ,, BUl uu nlB IHmous cnances or santa Clnus even handing .. M., iimii. a uc rn- una aiiyming eise mis vear. shuts one time resorted to nrms in an Our Mr. Morgan will revert effort to get tholr presents back, but To hang up his spacious shirt they wore badly defeated at the bat- And tying up the tail to pot tie of Marnthon, nnd no serious Ht- Whatever Santa Claus has got. tempt to get presents back has ever O woe is us! How tough It is been made from that time to this. ; To hang our stockings under his! m. .. ... i B,lt fal,n ,s hPe nnd hop is trust. The colt will burrow In the stack. : And some fine dav the tail will bust and the festive colt will arch his back I a m gamooi at a fearrul gait to make , As many things have bust before his Ichor circulate The bear will and bingo! on the parlor floor will go slumber in his bed and drenm that, the Christmas odds and ends with Roosevelt Is dead, and the Winter which bis cntch-'em-all distends. The Kin win worry tnroiiKn with the costly presents and the rare, and wolf kl-yi-lng down the fine. while we all grab here and there for 1 he wind will push against the door, each his share of It tho mirth of Santa and our old friend Dorcas will roar j Claus will fill the earth, and fill the Winter night and fell with ! Those merrv Deals which rouse the samples of his college yell. The price of citgs will feel Imbued to beat the mark for altitude, and butter will ca vort around abdut two miles above the ground. O happy man that has his hold stocked up ngnlnnt tho Winter's cold, and hns no urgent need to reck how ninny storms may sweep his deck. Who has his scuppers bulging kraut and all things shlp-shnpe In and out. nnd all the products of his clime right at the port-holes all tho time. O hnppy dny thnt fixed our pick upon this land and bade us stick our new-born colors In the ground and clnlm tho country lying 'round! And cheers, moreover, one, two, three, for freedom's aborigine, who did not prove so awful stout but what we all could throw him out. It 1b the plnce and no mistake, for raising provender to bake, and giving freely of the least essential to a Christmns feast. A bug or so Is on the Job, and' the weather frequently plays hob, but on the whole nnd in the sum we're dog-gone happy that we come. On the 21st of December the sun will cross the Tropic of Capricorn, which will' give the trusts the ball on our five-yard line, one down to go. They will go oyer on the noxt play, nnd Mr. Rockefeller, who is playing greenback for the trusts this year, will kick goal. The feature of Christ mas will be that Mr. Rossevelt won't dead will wnke the echoes overhand. nnd luughter flavored with reproof never meant we should pervert the dny with hanging up a shirt, nor ever thought, by any chance, of fillina Rockefeller's pants. A 8ockfu! each is nil there Is, and woe to him who takes for his a great er portion, hook or crook, than each originally tok. For every person that descends to tying pants around the ends, and closing shirts around the base there is a reckoning to face. The laws of Santa Claus are good, and In tho end are what we would desire they were that Is to say that this is everybody's day. A single sock above the fire is all a body should require, and there before the glowing log nobody keen to be a hog. In such a spirit wns It said that, all days are to get abend except this one, which was designed for everyone to get behind. The merry holidays will come, and Santa, sliding on his turn, will belly buster to the grate, and do his best at any rate. What remains of Congress will ex change experiences at Washington during the month, and the mnn who sends Mr. Tnft the biggest Christmas turkey will get a good outside Job around the White House. Then January will be here To cheer us now and then, And In the glad and new-born year We'll all swear off again. NOTED SCULPTOR HERE. Spent Thanksgiving With His Broth er, Rev. Proctor. A. Phlmlster Proctor, brother of Rev. Proctor, of this city, arrived yes terday to spend Thanksgiving and a few days with his brother, Mr. proc tor Is a noted sculptor of animals, and whose home Is in New York City. He has been spending a few days with C. E. S. Wood, of Portland, and is now on his way to Denver, Colo rado, where he will do some sculptor work for that city. This sculptor carved the lion for the McKinley monument at Buffalo, New York, and has Just completed two handsome or namental tigers for Princeton University. CLYDE SMITH GETS LIMIT. Dlmlck Gives Year's Sentence to Man Who Does Not Support Family. A complaint was sworn to by Ed ward Howard, a well known Carus resident, that his son-in-law, Clyde Smith, was neglecting to support his wife nnd Infant child. The young man was brought before Judge Dlm lck in the County Court Tuesday, and although the defendant plead guilty, tne offense, In the eyes of the magis trate, was too serious to allow a light sentence, so the maximum penalty for the misdemeanor was imposed. Smith has been sentenced to serve a year's time In the county jail. YOUNG BURK LOCATED. Runaway Lad Is With Uncle at Ka- lama, Wash. Earl Burk. who suddenly disap peared from his home in Oregon City, November 11, is at Kalama, with his uncle. The boy's fifther, F. C. Burk, received this intelligence last Satur day in a letter from his brother. The boy went to Astoria after leaving Ore gon City and after a few day's stay there, he went to Kalama. Mr. Burk is very anxious to have his son re turn home and resume his studies in the Barclay school. IS INCORPORATED ARTICLES FILED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE MONDAV AFTERNOON. FIRM'S CAPITALIZATION IS $1,000.00 Two Hundred Shares, Worth $5 Each, Are Owned By Prominent Fruit Raitersof the County. Plan Is Most Meritorius. Articles of Incorporation' were filed In the County Clerk's office Monday by the Oregon City Fruit and Produce Union, through A. J. Lewis, M. J. La- telle and Benjamin Kuppenbender. The new concern has a capitalization of $1,000, divided into 200 shares worth J5 each. The business to be carried on by the union will be the picking, grading and packing; of fruit. the buying and selling, directly or on commission of fruit, vegetables, poult ry, eggs and general merchandise, spraying, packing, orchard and poul try supplies, farm machinery, and the purchasing and maintenance of of fices, warehouses, packing houses, Ice plants, cold storage plants, etc. The company is a co-ooeratlve or ganization, and the stockholders are all well known farmers and fruit rais ers of the county. The union has been talked of for several months, and It will be a great Incentive to fruit cul ture in Clackamas county. DR. WILLIAMS DECLINES. Eastern Rector Does Not Accept Call of Local Church. Dr. W. I. Williams, rector of the Episcopal Church of Iowa City, la., and Arch Deacon of the diocese, has declined the call of St. Paul's Episco pal Church of Oregon City. Dr. Will- lams was In Oregon City about H years ago for a short time. His re fusal to come to Oregon City makes It imperative upon the vestry of St. Paul's to fill the vacancy in the pulpit, due to the resignation of Rev. T. F. Bowen, who went to the Episcopal Church at Sellwood. There has been no rector attached to St. Paul's for several months. SMITH BESTS ZIMMERMAN. Wins From Oak Grove Grappler In Two Falls. Auk" Smith of Canemah. proved himself to be a better wrestler than Gus Zimmerman of Oak Grove, at the Armory Saturday night, when the Ca nemah man won from his opponent In two straight falls. The first fall came three-quarters of a minute after the bout started, and after a rest, the second and final fall was secured In eight minutes. Before the main bout, an Interest ing match was put on by the Smith brothers, and the two youngsters worked like beavers till George won the first fall in twenty-six minutes. George also won the third fall and the match. Brown and Young boxed four rounds to a draw.