Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OKKdON CITY ENTEIvTKlStt, FKMDAY, NOVUM UKU 2"), 1910. "n f'-. V ' wrcgon vity enterprise Publlihtd Every Friday E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or.. Post olllee as second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year .$1.60 rill Months 75 Trial Subscription, Two Months .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. lull Tallin, iiviiv-3 v i v .... i son of the State Board of Horticulture. CLACKAMAS AT THE APPLE SHOW i will come tho opening of much wider ; markets for Oregon apples. He thinks The publicity department of tie , ,he poople of Eurone ca ll0 applied Oregon City Commercial Club Is to.dlrecl from Por,ilnd ami that the be congratulated upon the excellent demand thore for ,n!8 highly prized showing made at the National Apple ; frui, be ,trons. Show in Sokane through the exhibit J of 50 boxes of the best Clackamas County apples. M. J. Lazelle. secre tary of the publicity department, was ' c,i .ii . .k . v., .x. In Spokane all of the time while the show was in progress and told hund-j reds of people of the advantages of-1 forwt hv rinri-.m.. p.,ni n . ,, , , . . growers. It is extremely probable that many people will come here to ' investigate the conditions, with a ' view to purchasing property and plant - nig orcuaras. The exhibit of Clackamas County ! at Snnkano u tho firt rf it . , ... , ., , , to be made, and the publicity depart-. ment is encouraged by the showing i to the extent that future displays will be made I Before Clackamas County growers j ttMrhome near.Needy to spend can hope to attain a reputation for! Mr and irs, oldham will start east their apples, such as awarded to the . in a few days for a visit. Hood River and Rogue River sections,! Miss Frelda Dinlnger. who Is work It will be necessary to Wa sZJX " " " union for advertising and marketing Mr kellogg and family are moving the fruit. There is a movement al-, to Gladstone this week, readv on foot to this end and its sue-! The Redland M. E. Sunday School cess or failure will have everything j hfve a Christmas tree and are , . , t . . . . , . preparing a good program, to do with the future of the apple In- j dustry in this section of the Willam ette Valley. Apples that are now a drug in the market at 75 cents per box can easily be sold for at least twice that sum, provided that a uni form system of picking, packing and marketing Is maintained. Some of the growers of Clackamas have real ized this situation and are encourag ing the formation of a union. Others are holding out. We can profit by the experience of Hood River and Rogue River and obtain fancy prices for our very fine apples, or we can go at it individually and take what is offered. OUR PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fifty cents on each $1000 valuation is not much money. Tet that Is what is asked by the Oregon City Library Association for the support of the free reading room that has been maintained here by I private subscription for the last year. ' It is proposed to levy a tax of one-half mill for the support of the library and reading room, and this proposition, ! having already received the unani-1 mous indorsement of the city council, will come before the voters at the December election. The man who owns property with an assessed valua- j tion of $1000 will pay 50 cents per j year, and the man w ho has property ! assessed at $50,000 will pay $25. In other words the man who can best afford it will pay the tax. This is an excellent opportunity for the property owners of Oregon City to accomplish great good at a ! 6 6 small cost. There are thousands of j people here who would be benefited ; through the proper maintenance of a i public library. They are not able to buy books, but they would appreciate reading matter that they certainly should have. If the cost was un reasonable, The Enterprise would hesitate to endorse the plan, but the hurdn is light and the project is laudable and worthy of the highest commendation. Oregon City cannot afford to turn down this educational proposition. We need a public library. -Many towns In Oregon have them, and we must not take a backward step. The En- terprise is confident that the vote on the measure at the coming election will Khnw n nrTh,i,nin. wo in favor of the plan. Eliminate All Possible Risks To pay by check does away with the actual handling of money. There is not the risk possible as when cash is carried on yocr person and paid to others. There is no possible chance ol losing money or of being robbed. Errors are easily cor rected when checks enter into a business transaction. It would be much cheaper and more con venient to employ the check account if it cost the user one cent for each $25 transferred. Can YOU afford not to pay by check, when there is no cost whatever? The Bank of Oregon City Oregon City, Oregon ' Tho l,pl1,e ' Clackamas County wnrt i)Un,i0l i,iRh wa upon tho pa- ! age of tho county high school fund Jaw should not take their defeat to heart. Home wa not built In a day. I The voters evidently confused the I proposition with tho establishment of I a county high school, which was de j foaled two years ago. In 1912 the l plan can be tried again, with belter results. This Issue of The Knterprlso con tains tho vote lu tabulated form cast In Clackamas County on all candi dates and measures t the recent elec tion. The Knterprlso Is the only newspaper In Clackamas County to furnish complete tabulated returns. It is as true as ever that without The Knterprlso you are w ithout the news. ( With the completion of tho Pana- REDLAND. The I,le as a n& sue- cess. Ties sold from SO cents to it. The proctH,ds am01lnted ,0 $u. W. -. h. Samson w as on hand and talked the money out of the men's pockets. A basket sociable will be given by 'the Evergreen Sunday School Pec. 3 , ra.smoney for Christmas tree supplies. Ladles bring baskets and the gentlemen their pocketbooks ! The Rfdlnnd brass band was or- isanized a short time ago, and the young men will get their instruments this week, and then there will be music everywhere. On Nov. 20. a voung wood chopper ,0 mak; h' hon wlth Mrnnd jirs. Ed. Barrett. Say, but "Daddy is proud. Mr. and Mrs. Schwarti have gone Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Oil Meal. Oregon City Commission Company has finally secured a consignment of Oil Meal and are prepared to furnish any quantity desired. As the supply on the market Is limited, better se cure your requirements while It is available. , TO THE VOTERS OF OREGON l CITY, OREGON: i Having announced myself to be come a candidate for Mavor, at the election to be held in Oregon City on Monday, December 5th, I wish to say I"1'1' WM b"rn Clackamas Coun- ty. Oregon, in 1S59, and lived on a farm until t was nineteen years of age, then I moved to Oregon City anl learned the blacksmith trad-3, I w hlcn I followed for six years, arter i which I was in the livery business for seven years under the firm name of Cooke Brothers. I was engaged In ; the grocery business for a short time, and In 1891, I bought Into the hard l ware business with R. D. Wilson un ; der the firm name of Wilson & Cooke, jln 189S I was elected Sheriff of this county, and in 1900 re-elected. Should j I be elected to the office to which I 'aspire I will use every effort to give this city a good clean business ad ministration. J. J. COOKE, fPald Adrt.) Beautiful Eyes Jare desired by every one. If there Is i an-v Inflammation the eyes can't be i beau tif u I. Sutherland's Eagle Eye ; Salve will remove the Inflammation and clear the eyes. Jones Drug Co. : , ' ' . I h ... Ill .!,.. MP " ll CANBY AND CANBY. Mis lliirtlo Hutchinson left on Sun day (or Portland, where she has c copied a position. Henry Combs, who recently came to this city and opened up a general cleaning and pressing establishment. Is doing well in that lino of business. Chester Wills went to rottland on business Monday. Mrs. Herman Uurgoyno. of Port land, who lias boon bete visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ev ans, returned homo on Tuesday after noon's train. Mr. Evans, who has been very III for the past four weeks, is slightly Improved. William Chapin has sold his house hold goods and will move his family to Southern Oregon. Mrs. Epsle loft Saturday even ing for California on a business trip. She will visit at Montosano. Sun Krnn clsoo and at Palo Alto, and will be gone for several weeks Fred Howard hold tho lucky ticket that won the electric clock given by H, C. lavonport. tho Jeweler. Mrs. John KoMnson and two child ren, of St. Johns, have boon visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zeek. Arthur Knight, who was recently operated upon at the Sanitarium In Portland, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moshbergor, of Woodburn. have come to Canby to make their future homo. Mr. Mosh bergor opening an undertaking estab lish ment. Mrs. W. J. Gordon wont to Oregon Cltv on Tuesday evening's train where she entered the mysteries of the order of the Eastern Star. While In that city she visited with her daughter. Mrs. Walter Wells, and returned here on Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. S. Jesse and son, Avon, of Aurora, were In Canby Tuesday the guests of Mrs. Jesse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kesselring. E. A. Krueger is having Improve ments made In his store building. A new displav room Is being constructed bv William Blssell. This room Is In the north end of tho building, which will enable the proprietor to display his goods to a good advantage. John Sawver. a well known horse-: man of Portland, was in Canby on1 business Tuesday. Mr. Sawyer has several head of race horses here for the winter. L. B. Llndsey. tho pioneer horse man, has returned to Canby to spend the winter. vim nissell left for Portland on Tuesdav to be at tho bedside of her father. Mr. Coffman. who Is lying daneerouslv 111 at the hospital. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E Church has set the date of their bazaar for December 2. This will be -Ivor, nt the Cltv Hall and all kinds of handy articles are to be on sale. J. J. Sandsness went to wim. i Monday, where he attended the fun eral of Mrs. Jnlia Skov. wno uieu m her home in Barlow on Saturday morning. R B Leo went to Portland on busi ness in connection with the Real Umd Company. Mllilred Munson. tne lime kkiiiu- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. hn U nfti eted with iniamne paruij- sis. Is Improving and her rapid recov ery Is looked forward to. Miss Florence wang reuuu-.i ... Oregon City on Sunday afternoon nf- n, snendine Saturday ana ouimaj with her parents In this city. H. H. Eccles spent Sunday in Port land visiting with friends. Paul Simpson has returned from Portland, where he has been visiting for several days. William Saltmarsh has gone on a few days' visit to Lebanon. Many of the young poople of this city w:ent to Aurora on Wednesday evening to attend the masque ball given by the Aurora band. All report having a "time of their lives." Mrs. M. J. Iee went to Portland on Tuesday morning to remain for a few davs at the bedside of her brother. Arthur Knight. Mrs. William Knlcht returned on Monday from Portland, where she has been, owing to the Illness of her son. M. J. Lee went to Salem on busi ness on Tuesday morning, returning on the evening train. Irvine Wheeler, a well known young man of this city, who has re sided here the greater part of her life, is now associated with the Real Land Company of Canby. Mr. Yodcr, one of the prominent young farmers of Needy, was trans nrtine hiisiness in this city Tuesday. Mr. Yoder brought with him some of the choice annles from the vouer farm, and some of his friends were remembered. Apples that have been opnt from the Yoder farm to penn- svlvania and California reached their riestlnalion In fine condition. Those sent to California were reported to he among the finest ever shipped to that state. Robert Brltt, a well known bow man, arrived here Sunday evening from Salem and Is now associated with Mr. Young In the horseshoeing business, their establishment being on the Cottage Hotel property. Thanksgiving 8ervices at M. E. Church. Instead of the regular meeting at the Methodist church on Thursday evening there will he a ThankHglving service to which all are extended an Invitation to attend. The service will be In charge of the pastor. Rev. Creesy. On Sunday the regular ser vice will be held at the usual hour. Building Will Be Erected. Lumber Is on the ground for the new building to be erected by O. R. Mack on the property he recently purchased. The building will be lCx 40 feet, and the lower floor will be occupied by the Canby Tribune, while the upper floor will be occupied by Mr. Mack as an office. Mr. Mack contemplates enlarging the structure in the spring. Gun Club Has Shoot. The Canby Gun Club met at Its grounds on Sunday morning, and ! many friends of the members, atten I ded and carried off some fine birds. The shoot commenced at 10:30 A. M. ! and continued until 4 o'clock P. M. j There were plenty of geese, ducks 1 and turkeys on hand. Aurora, Bar- low and Hubbard were well represen ; ted. Holiday Sale and Social. ; A holiday sale and social will be given by the Ii'lii-s' Aid So'iety of the Norwegian Lutheran Church at j the City Hall on .Saturday evening,! i November 2fi. All kinds of articles for holiday gifts will lie for sale. Ite freshrneiits are to be served at C:;!0 o'clock. E. (',. Flohr, who recently arrived Canby and where he purchased Conservatory Completed. , property in the Canby Garden Tracts, SOUTHERN has completed tint two conservatories which aro to he planted to choice flowers. Frank lkdgo has tho con tract for the building of thoso two buildings as well as tho modern homo that Is to ho erected for Mr. Flohr. S. T. Fisher Mcrtt With Accident, S. T, Fisher, while employed as night watchman on tho engine at tho gravel pit in the southern putt of the city, mot wiih a painful accident a few days ago. Fifty pounds of coal fell on his bl and crushed that member so that be Is now obliged to go about on crutches. Receives Christmas Goods. Sandsnoss. S" ,t Company this week received (lu'lr first Installment of Christmas g.vds. Among tho Uv voice received are wagons for the lit tle fellows. They also received a big lot of Shamrock granite ware and glass ware. Big Six Store To Have Mill End Sale. Cobli & Dillingham, proprietor ol the Big Six Depart tuent Store, are ar ranging to have a monster mill-end sale which will commence early In December, so as to enable many of the holiday shoppers to buy according to their purse. All of the goods will be marked dcvti and the first who attend will get the pick. This firm has been In business In this city for a year and a good busi ness has been worked up by these two gentlemen by their fair treat ment to their many customers. Since coming to this city they have pur chased ground and erected their own building on "0" street near the Southern Pacific depot. x W. L. Lucke Ships Many Potatoes. Duriiiir tho nnst few weeks W. U Lucke. one of Canby'a prominent commission merchant, has received a largo shipment of potatoes, and he is filling the many orders. Mr. Lucke has In his commission house ready for shipment :ii0 tons of potatoes of tho llurbank and Early Rose variety, there being a better market for these than for ay other. He export to re ceive may more before winter, and has reerutly traveled lit different sec tions of the county buying selected sMck. paying from SO cent to fl per hundred for sa:rto. Besides the large warehouse In this city Mr. Lucke has one at Barlow, 7Sxl!S feet, whore the potatoes In that part of tho county are brought and shipped to different points. Many orders have been filled and already several carload have left for their destination In California. The commission house has been en larged, as an Increase In business has necessitated It. The building I now TSxJS foot, having an office with new furnishings. Mr. Lucke Is' his own book-keeper, stenographer, shipping clerk, buyer and gcnernl manager and owner. Ho Is now Installing an eliK--trie motor of five-horse imwer, this to be used for the grinding of mill feed and for the hauling of the pota toes from the basement, a gasoline engine having heretofore been used for this purpose. Mr. Lucke ha? been In the commis sion business In tills city for the past three years, and has built up a largo trade by his fair dealings with nil. Andrew Kocher Builds Bungalow. Il.ity & Holn, contractors, have been awarded the contract for tho erection of the bungalow of Andrew Kocher which Is now built on the proii- erty Mr. Kocher purchased from A. B Mauley. The h"uso will have C rioms on one floor, and will be modern all throughout. One of the comforts of this home will be the enclosed vernn da. When completed It will bo oue nf the most attractive llttlo homes In the city of Canby. Death of Little Christina Lien. Christina Lien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. I Jen, who has been af flicted with Infantile paralysis, and who contracted pneumonia n week ago .died at tho family homo In this city on Wednesday morning of last week. Christina was born at Llttlo Island, Wash., June 11, 11102, and came with her parents to Canby several years ago. She was loved by her little friends, of which she had many, and even to the last enjoyed having them visit her. Tho funeral services were very imnresslve, six llttlo boy friends acting as pall bearers, and who were Eddie Erlckaon, John Ole son, Martin Oleson, Delbert Hutchin son, Dow Hutchinson and Tim Errl- son, bore the llttlo casket, which was laden with beautiful flowers. The four companion of the deceased act ing as tlower girls were ltenn Hutch inson, Myrtle Hutchinson, Eva and Maud Batv. Tho funeral services were conducted on Thursday after noon at 2 o'.iock, tho service at the home and at the Scandinavian church being conducted by Rov. Rosing. The interment was In tho Zlon cemetery. Many friends of the family attended the funeral, and tho floral offerings were beautiful. Real Land Company Cloies Deals. The Real Land Company of Canby has closrd several land deals within the past few days, among them being lot 7 of block 8, In Roth's Addition to Canby. This land was sold to Mrs. Catherine Hitter, who contemplates building In the near future. Mr. ErlckHon, of Needy, has pur chased two lots In this addition, and will probably make his homo here In the near future. Other deals are on, but have not yet been closed. City Election To Be Held. A city (-lection will be held on the first Monday In December, at which time four councllmen for two years and one for one year will be elected, besides a i.lty treasurer. The amend b'ebt to the city chnrter which Is to give the cltv power to open and Im prove 1'h roads and streets leading Into the city and to condemn ail lands for such purposes. The elect inn will bo at tho cit y hall, the Judges to be Claude Baly, C. L. Hates end William Knight, the clerks to be Rosr-on Mack and C. J. Roth. There Is t. bo much interest taken In the coming election, and It Is mated that several at tho prominent men of tills cltv are to be brought, up for n'.tulnntlon for councllmen. On Wednesday evening of this week the good government natiy met In the city hall to nominate candidates ior these offices and on Saturday evening the citizens' meeting will be held at the city hall. Miny Hogs Being 8hlpped From Here. During the past week many dressed hogs have been shipped from Ibis city to the Portland markets. Those mak ing the largest shipment from here were Carl Lucke, Ilohblns Brothers, of Molaila, v ho shipped about, a dozen dressed hogs yesterday af'crnoon from this cly to Portland. The price of pork ban diminished sinne last spring, and those who have been holding for higher prices will have to sell for less. There has also been a large ship ment of turkeys, geese and chickens from here for the Thanksgiving, flor don Brothers shipped this week ISO peese, " t irUeys, C5 ducks and many Clackamas SHOT By coops of chickens. Fourteen coops of tho latter woro uhlpped to Portland in one day, E. A. Krueger Wins Honore. Prof. Hchshitw, who bus been con ducting a willing achool lu this city closed the term, which was u iiiohI successful one, on Friday evening About S5 young people of this oily have boon receiving Instruction from tills lonelier, K. A. Krueger received the first prise, n beautiful sketching from Mr, llonshiiw'a pen, for (lie best specimen of penmanship, and tiolda Porter received the second prUo for the best Improvement from the ver tical writing to the Siiencerlan, The Jn,g,.s In this contests were Prof. II It. Kcclos, John Kid and C. U Uomlg Anna tillmore drew tho lucky number and received a drawing, MAX FIGMAN AT THE HEILIG. "Mary Jane's Pa" Shows at New Play house All Next Week. Max "Marv llelllg st roots, Flgmnn, In his new comedy, Jane's I'll." will be at The Theatre. Seventh ft Taylor for one week, beginning Hun dav night. November STlh. Willi popular-priced inatlnee on Sat unlay. "Mary Jane' Pa" Is n real play, and one that the clergy ran endorse without hesitation. It has a much humor a any French farce, but Is presented In a thoroughly wholesome and clean manner, without suggestion or vulgarian and preaches n lesson to man, woman and children that I Just ns Influential n any sermon that could be delivered iroin tno puipn. Edith Kill has reproduced the homely tvpes of a little Indian village, and made them, not creatures of stage fiction, exaggerated and untrue, but nrototvoes of mople that we meet every day of our lives. It I thl fact that makes the comedy so enjoyable and fascinating, and draws people to it over and over again. Mr. Flguian will present the com plete original production, with the original company. Iiiciuuing .mis uni on Ijiekaye, little Dorothy McKay, who almost shares the honors with t'.e star, the Misses Ikirothy Phillips, Messrs. Frederick Smith. Raymond Wiilburn. J. II. Huntley. A. O. Huhti James Ferguson. Kdwin Chapman, Tony West, Charles Morrlwoll and Edwin Chapman, Jr. Many school children suffer from ronsllimtUrti, which Is often the can.' of seeming stupidity at lessons. Chsinberlaln Stomach and Uver Tablet are an Ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle In their effect, and will euro even chronic constipation. Sold by all dealer. BARLOW. Mr. and Mr. Joseph Willet were In Canby on business on Tuesday. Mr. M W. Sheppard and daugh ter. Miss Bessie, have sold their home In thl city, and have gone to port land, where they have purchased property. Mis Motile Bartow, who left for that city some time ago, and who formerly resided here, will make her home with Mr. Sheppard. Their many friends here regret to have them leave. Fay, tho Utile two-year-old son of Mr Led ford, died at the family home on Friday night from spinal meningi tis, tho funeral services being rote ducted on Sunday morning at K'::i nt the Niirarno church, Itev. Samuel Snnvely, officiating, and tho Inter ment was In tho I. O. 0. F. cemetery. Manv beautiful flower were placed on tho little casket, the little follow being a general favorite of all. There will be Thanksgiving ser vice nt the Naarene church on Thursday morning nt lfiiSO oVPvk. Itev. Snaveley olflclatlng. Revivals havo commenced at this church, and will be continued by Rev. Snavelev,. who will probably have an assistant within a few day. Much Intoresl Is being taken In the meetings , and they are well attended. Death of Mrs. Julia Skov. Mrs. Julia Skov died at the family home In this city on Saturday morn ing nfter a brief Illness. Mrs. Skov was well known In this elly, having been an active worker In the Aid So ciety of tho Norwegian church, and her death was a great shock to her tunny friends. licensed wn 32 year of age, and leaves besides a husband, six children, the eldest being eight years of age, whllo tho youngest In one year old. She iiIho leaves her parent, who resldo In Iowa, three sister and ono brother. The funeral services were conduc ted by Rev. White on Mondny after noon nt 1 o'clock, being held nt th Norwegian church, and mnny friends of tho decensed pnid their last re spects to tho departed, who was held In the highest esteem of nil. Many beautiful flowers were In evidence. The pallbearer wore J. J. Sandsness, of Canby; S. D. Berg, M. Ausvn, H. C. Howe, L. 0. Brudvlg and Fred Antler son. The Interment was In Barlow. What a Great Man Said to the Great American People. Parisian Sage Is a discovery of n celebrated sciential, who spent the best years of hi llfo perfecting this groat hair tonic. In giving his rnclpe to the American people, he said: "Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing In Hit? world. It cure dandruff by killing tho germs that Infost the roots of the hair; It stops falling hair; It given vigor and strength to Iho hair roots. Huntley Bros. Co. anil Parisian Sage at. no cents a largo bottle and guar antees It to do nil that Is claimed for It, or your money is refunded. It stops falling hair, dandruff and Itch ing Hcnlp In two weeks. TWILIGHT. j Miss Rlhel McCord, of Seattle, ex pects to return to her homo the first. of the month, after an extended visit ( with relatives here. Miss Mario Harvey Is suffering from ! a severe attack of poison oak. j MIbh E. M. Ilrodle spent ThankH glving with relatives In Portland. Miss Hoops was a guest, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swlck last Wed nesday. Warner Grange will meet next Sat-1 urday. All come as It will bo an lin-i portant meeting, as the plow Hint! was won at tho County Fair ns first premium will be sold. Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Ijizelle attended I the funeral of little Bessie Mldlain j last Wednesday. j A party was given J. M. Olds nt his homo Saturday evening In honor of bin Villi birthday by Ills many frlendx. The rooms were most artis tically decorated with ehrysanthe inumM mid Oregon grape. Tho guests were nerved a most delicious lunch. A very pleasant time was had mid all went homo wishing Mr. Olds many if more li.'.ppy birthdays. FRANK STEWARTS A8SAILANT PURSUES YOUTH UP MAIN STREET, 8HOOTINQ AS HE RAN. PISTOL WIELDER PLAINLY DEMENTED When Arrested, Stewarts Tells Ram- bllng Story Woodfln Shot In the Neck and Through Finger on Left Hand. The sight of a youth fleeing up Main street Saturday night, puruwd by n man with a revolver who fired four limes al the fugitive furnished a pcclaiic of more than usual Inter est to the Saturday night crowd on the street. Abble Woodrlu, n well known youth, was the pursued, and ho sustained two Injuries from the revolver which was In the hand of Frank Stewart. The shooting began III the kitchen ; of the Cliff House, on Main street, j between Second and Third, when Stewart fired two shot at Woodtlu , without hitting him. Both men rail' through the front part of the hotel and two block north on Main street lo Anderson's barber shop, Stewarts firing as he went, Inflicting a flesh wound In Iho back of Woodflu's neck and shooting through a finger on hi left hand. Both men iutorcd tho barber shop on the run, and Harry Treiubalh took the revolver away from Stewarts. Thinking Hint W oodtlu had nlno been shooting. Trembath did not wtti'inpt to detain Stewart, who returned to the hotel, secured hi hilt and left unmolested, a the lionrdors believed he was still armed. After a search. Stewart was found near the Hawioy Pulp & Paper Com pany' plant. He was attempting to climb the Southern Pacific embank. ment when ho was arrested by officer Shaw. He wa taken to the city Jail, and later In the evening wa Iran ferred to the county Jail. Stewart elves every Indication of being de mented, and the only reason lie gives ! for the shooting Is hi charge (bat Wood fin Is an agent of the Black j Hand. ! Woodfln was taken to the office or i Dr. J. W. Norrls for treatment, aim later In the evening wn removed to j Mm home. Ho I now able to he out j on the street. Lion Fondles a Child. cage. Danger to a riiuo i somn-, In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled the hand thul a child thrust into hi , time great when least regarded. I Often It come through cold, croup, and whooping rough. They slay thou- I sands that Dr. King's New Discovery! could have saved. "A few doses cured our b iby of a very bad rase of croup," write Mr, tieorge B. Davis, of Flat Hook. N. C. "Wo alway give It to him when he take cold. It's a won derful medicine for babies." Best for) ough. cold. Uttirlppo, asthma. hemmorrhnges, weak lung, f.uc, II. Trial botilo free, tluarnnteed by all druggist. VITAL STATISTICS GIVEN. State Board of Health Issues Flguree For Clackamas. Vital Statistic of the Slate Board of Health for Cbicknuin County for July. August and September, show the ollowing figures: July-Births, 22; death, 10; death from tuberculosis, 1; cases of diph theria. 1; cases of measles. 2. August-illrths, 2.1; deaths, 2: nth from tuberculosis, 6; case of EDISON How much longer are you going to deprive yourself of the pleasure and entertainment that the Edison can give you? Li'e is short. Enjoy it while you can. And not in the whole world is there truer and more lasting enjoyment than the Edison can give you. And it costs so little, compared with what you get, the best bands, the best singers, the best solo instrument p'ay ers (violin-banjo-cornet-clarionet-ffute-etc.) the best vaudeville entertainers all perform for you through your Edison, Now don't think you know all about the ICilison unions you have beard the now models. Mr. Kdlson la continually adding some Im provement to his phonograph, and tho now models wo are soiling to day me almorit perfection. a:1 us put one In your homo for a freo trial. If you don't like It, bring It bach; If you want to koop It, pay us a small sum down, and tho balance. In small monthly payments. Prices run from JI2.r.O to $JIM), Wo moot any price or any terms of fered by nny Kdlson dealer anywhere. HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. THE REXALL STORE OREGON CITY, - - ORECON Ms Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Abaoluicty Pure Highest in Leavening Efficiency Makes Hot Dreads Whole-N some I typhoid fever, I: case of diphtheria, ,1; cases of scarlet fever, I; cases of measles, 2, September- lllilh. Ii; death. 7; ileal lis from tuberculosis, 1; rase of diphtheria, 3: rases nf scarlet fever,). If ou prefer a Victor or a Columbia, we offer you the same easy terms and guaranteed lowest prices. taking