Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
OKEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1902. Iron City Enterprise THE LOCAL NEWS t HKITkMIIKH All , i. k'p Uaue, re. Hut Mariuam Fair, V k I If T .....! III "". i ...I.I .....Iv III M..I.I but. In ii'- I" I.I K on May ::, t ... ..1 . - 111 ,'m i:. ( I.. Il-v. w. s "' '.li i.nm.'ll senium and " it. A IV t ....., '.ll S"- K'oil'". Villi. AIHIN OK l" , AW, Deputy State l- l.ti Wmili.n I Iftiry K. liultman, with Wafer IUIII! Ivl .l...pli, ol lUlnh-r. wimliiMin fit v WimIiipwUi I.M.kiiiK l vhilnl loiin n( tint In w. It In aitid that kv iuhI Orem Cly iiiilirii ami nearly hull ol the llahermmi on Urn Willamette, ami ('lai'katuas Hi vi'r have tint t u k a it out lli'i-liae. )iiiitv Itulltnitn will trive tln-ati Huiln tin iiimn limn, ami lu-ri'iifit-r any I'itxhi i-auKlit ile.tlinir In lll, a ill ! I'l'iniplly arreati-d ami pioctti ul i'cj . H, Will attend In " ..iii'.-Dr. William It. ' "" . .. II. ..I ll.H I I. ...... I. Ii, ... I inn l ", , . I'"1" I . ,,,, il an I.I,,, I .,( 11)11 lll'i" Mll'MM CITY wnsTIIP.OA.HE. Urn! Mniinjri-Hiiiii In rrtlifinl fly Nrore r 2 lo I. Tint Ori'icoD City baseball nine defeated tlm Munfitr iiin Sunday on 1lie profes sional ifniiimla In Portland by a sroie ol '.' to I Tin' yame was lively our. (irabatn, who phi bed for Oregon City, played a Cow Cm i iiiki With Wiiki'.i,. While 1 foiininimit game Ihtmiuhoiit, and Davla, three yomiK ituoi were roiinou from I on t,jr, gH ,1B hri-ht particular star. rainy nit wi I inn other iiluM. I ,, ,,, ,,,, .,.nr,i Imtli run" iiihiIii lv bis side. The scores in i A- till! tUfll f '' .. mol In llm iilti'iiiiMin ''" II,.- i:.illnMil W'lMMil. llm . l i utt i y itppreclaled l.y tli J,,. mid 'ii.(i LlK'" h" "V" M ""I !,(.. a.J. M..i.tko.uffy. l T , , ,!, I',,.l.llflll til'lll'lal ,,, V,. Yoik. the of .. .i..i. rin Clitiri h will be I ' ,l,v txTiiiritt '"' v..niiiK l.y j' v. M'H'iM". Preb)leriaii h""' i.o..i Mi-i"'y. a, i IliMi. r -Tl'" Mount i l .rh.w S i!"li It'wl Coniiii I r,l 1 1 It ,111'"."' 4 "' .. I,,r tin. I u 1. nlimi ' ' " .ll,l! Ai ril 7. ill" '"l"' hl1"" i I,, til i-M""1"" "' 'm ,;,si,'.i Tl." toll.'.-t.-. ,i i.i.'IT :' ""' i,,,l 10 i-iiiiih-' llii'l''-ni"i't, ,'i.r.1.'.' .,, i.s Ji' , J I,!it rn'oli'l-tl' stl", .' .Mi.-" I'"' i'"i,,, ""' ,1,'ki.I M.: -'"iy. M.y I.U.iit,!" Mv i"t", -M ',,.,... Mav '.'I I ClMkmo..-. Mv ,ril!,. ( ' t v . M.iv l-roiMMiml. 4 I'i,i..ii Hull. M.iv '.ii; Hv.r Uv . N-'-'iy. My "H. Mr- ''.v MolniU. M Muiiim. il. n Him otlo-r llm HUM 111 tl,.. l.x.t uiirv Iii,.vh lull. Il mi mol tli.-v Imvini; ,it"ll' riiiK iiihiIii l.y lii ni.lii Hilit. roiiiiH-ll.-il to ft-1 II.. Mr wnv 1 Ki-rn iiiH'Io on wilil tliro to fltnt. on tlm ilmik. Jiini In from ol Ni.oi'; ) nIH ,r, Imiitni, with Wirkhnm on 11 rn, row pi'ri uil V rlii-w itii ttn c;nl i mi.l IoiikI.k ..r ln (unl's luuixil to ".iiiii . lotllif r onliT ol Hiilnml rit-itlioii, l.ruiiKl.l AIM.'AI. JSCAMI'MKM. Mm. Kv I'.iil.'fV t UK' Il "I til U-t Iri.Uv lor U.n K.l to .n-k ,,i 1,. 1 1 iff t-oinliiK '' " ""' .mill rk r-.ll'loii. t-r llr.l I Iih m l'...fka. Kii.. mi l "' In St I.oiiik Ail", a orii'i iik nl will K" l' M .llon, whl.lllf i.-illllfllt t'-U'llliJ 1 til l t'lu'k art to tmnl. M"- l,..M.t l I l0 IIIOIIlln. HlkK lillllHI lt"l" ( 'liirf of I'oln Huri.a 1 . . lirir t.4.-li. i- II tl." il'if'a 01 ri-ifivi-'l ii.t an. I l im . ..1 1 Id iwnif ft-fiopia upon pnvuifoi n j iil,i. r.iniiiy trwii'y. nirji-niiia ifuti..ii'.l nl-.'it r t. it.u oil tl.f anil 4., l Maui ami HfVfiiili tr-'-t Lulncllv 111 i-'ii in o tin. cily J jmran.l any ri-li-r r.inli w lii'.'lli.U It i! aiil t' piomptly ar- f il;i" I Iim fiuoiir ha .r llm f.Miint )'' I ui.c.r Tiua. Tolhf many frmmla i;iniijiilMir alio a mpalliUfil Willi ua i or tirrrav lit an. I ao kllnlly r. islirtT.I ii lii "iir allln tion hiri'l.y I iwour lii-arilt.l thank. Wf thank lur vi.ur kin. I attention, ami Hi" r it III many ways uu.t 11. iI.h I i.kI ol xraia won will .liirt u out Mm tl." Iom "0". n, h pry Hint lln woiil.l ruaai-l III win. Ill a. KfAlfllll. Mm. li)lk W. J1.1KK, I'arkplani, Or. tin. votniK mnli'a wl.t'i'l lo n ao.. Iioi ton aniollliK I. nil H'iiiih IWlt'eu ft-t-t to Out anltt ol Him roa'l It aoiil.l I.h ii.'fillfKa lo ..v that 1 1 if voiiiik man iot up ami - . . x i 1 1 f 1 In-r to Hut raoka of Mr.ilioii.'KNK Si-ki'I l.xr lUvhl lrAr tlnir, ol Ni-w I'ra, min In tin ntv lui KntiinLiv an. I n-porlt-.l that Hn-rf li.l within I ln .nl fiw Wft-k' a ooin at Nkw I'm, riillniK lil.n.'l tht. " Mi-llioii'iii. Hpm-lttllat." lln Mif a a ilorior hii.I aava h can i-iirti all of llm ilia tin f.-h la lii-tr to, ami whfiii Hn-rn ia no inn- no ft-f will lif I'harKK.I. Hut I..' Iota iiik.II riuii to atll for w Ii i.'li Ihi a -k a ami tt n-ivt- fL'.M). lit" tl.t-n irM-a awnv ami in.oii.- lo rt-liirn ami I'fik al'.'r II. t pr.'-rt.MH of Hot patit-nt. llol ofrotiri... Iih ni'vi-r I'l.iii.-a ha k. At IraM l" I' ".il ri-luriifil yi.t, ami It ia not piohnlilit that lot W ill. Ill M k Si- n ikii Tii-ii r Ti-n tlionnti. l.laik i'.tli'i (rout fifiia w.-r. Ik Kri'lav from lh Trm ki-t- lliver Trout Mai. l.iov, la oani'.l ami nM.raltl hv J. I'. Morrill, ol V'-Mi, Wahw CiiiniV, N'-v. Thf khil nl w aa ronl."H..I to a parly i-f poiimi-ii i.l il.ia oil' ainomr whom an. ('. Ii, llnn'lry ami II ln:li'oii Ki-lly. Tin. lallrr l ruliiu'rli-l with llif I'uiIh.I S!ata hili ('noiiiila"in alation on tlm ClarVatnaa Itiver mt tlm c if If a will he hatt'liK'l aii'l rart'.l for at llua atalion. They w ill hf lariMt eiiouuli to plant Mi ni. U of two Mionlha an. I will prnlnihty he pU. f.l lii llm water of Milk Creek ami Clear Creek. in.r l!or to I1. him anil Tlm re nin. ii nl llm On-ifon roil i-'iiiiiiie nt-eit ami the pnlilu- will Ih. it4H-. to It aril that thia riiy will en j iv a hoat aervirn all tl.r-iuli the .1 ill 1 1 .T . The uleamer Leolia haa heeli repairr.l ami retiltt-.l ami look like a ym dt. Koiir roiiml tnpa will he m.e ami the hoat will lo. irh at H.e fol lowing wav lamlink'a aii'l at no oilier PoihIh: Man..nt''a I'ark. Mi-Mruin'e. Morey'a. liialev'a ami Oawi-io. The f..l- lowing arl.e.lola will l.e liMinliii I: Leave ()ifk-oii CilV at 7 ami IK A. M. an. I at 1 :.W ami I I'. M Uave I'ortlaml at H :M).ml IIUi A.M. ami l II :K ami ll l'il'. M. The a' earner 'y "vrr nlhia at tlir,;i.ii City. Itouml trip "fi reola. lln.) I'kmi In Jn.v. A i" ''"' ' lint Iml.'K.ili. ami n-t.iil tcroi i-r of I'orl lari.l wa in the t lly Sat. inlay afternoon lookiiiK at tin Catiemah Park wild a vi-w l nlvinif, a pii-nii- thi-re ahoul July 15. Th ill-era o the i-oniinilli-B Were k'really plemK-'l wiih the mirruiiiiilinK" an. I the K"1""1" ""J"'" ,l"'' "VM viait-l miint-r ol pla. ea when- the have heen on llm look out for a aultahle. I ,i nii-iiic none of tlit-iu e.iiulleil f ane. il'aik. I' ia prol, , (Ire-J iron City will l-e r-eli-. te l Km li- lor ill'lllf It ia exiM-i't--'! Hi.'1 'iverKKKK Jreain iople liom Porll-ml n.l all t .wi.a thia wlnlu al-le ul Salem will alleml Dm '';"'; a, II h- hel.lon week J-y ami n h-.l ! ,lav all ol Mm ur-cery at. r.-a in l oma.m will li rloffl. ati'oml ami I'leinlnii on thinl, Hrhim-er a Iouk drive to renter finhl, lint Itapp inlHeeil thi) hall, ami lieforo lie i-.'uM recover it Vn khiiin hail croaaeil llm plain. The InniiiK i:loe. with a neat .l.nihle play fiom I.i-e to Mi Karlaml, re tiriiiK Itankln ami KlimiuiK. CalilF iiih.Ih an pretty a jilny ever aeen mi a haaehall (tel. I. Hi ran .'III yanU ami caiiitht t man out. The flehl i ntc waa aenantioiml. Catcher Martin r.we from a aii-khnl to latch llm ftmu ami iiolwithatamliiu lliia, p'lt lip a nam-' aorlhy of a profeBaioiiul. J.en ot every thinif that came hia way ami hia McMinK ana e xrep'iofial. MiKarlaml waa, aa ilaual, ami reliahle. He ha not ma. In a iii)(!e error thia aeunon, whlclt ia a remarkahle reronl. Van l.euviit, at, put np a at, ill .py (aine l"r Oregon i'itv, while Zan ami Oliver liil i-lh-ciivH hittlnK for tlm Mononrmna. Neither aciJrt-.l f't-r the thinl iniiinK. Theai-ore: oiu 1"N en Y. All. It. II. PO. A. K. I, f 5 0 Hvia.3h 2 2 M. Failaml. 21) 4 0 Parrot t, lb -1 0 While Martin, c (irahain, p. . b'-vitt, a. a. Happ, r. f.... Cahir. r. f... Total .. Srhmei-r, a, a. . lUnkin, 2b. . . Parroll, lb .. Amlerron, c. I Znn, r. f Oliver, c . . . . Conway, lib . Wickham, I. f Fletuliiihif , p. Xi 2 MONOIIMAM. 5 27 11 3 On-iron JUHonal Oaaril Will Tamp Mer Alh ny, July I7t 21- j The aiiiiiial eniainpirieiit ol the Ore-; Kin National Ouanl will lie liehl IhiByear near Albany. The eniire IrifHile will1 camp from July 17 to July 21, ir.clmiive, 1 Juat out-hlii Ibe aoiithwectern limit ol the city, not fur from the Koiilln rn Pa-, ciflc Depot. There ia a nice laro iirove near wliich the tenia mny be pitched, ami the adjoining lb-Id i Itre and ' ainoolli enough for R"xl drilling. It wi I be an eay matter to provide, plenty of (food water for the miiii. The citi.erm of Albany will bcin immediately to make ariant(eumnta o that the ramp will be convenient and pleasant in rvery reapect for On-Kon'a iT'ly.ri eoldien. The entiie b'if,a.le, llmli-r commaiiil of lirijjadier 'ieneral Charlea K. P.eehe, will ; be preaenl at thi emain pnmrit. The brlitade conaifta of H compaiiie of in laniry, two troop ol cavalry and one battery of artillery, befldt-s ataft" ofliceri ' and iionpiial corp. and ia compoaed a follow: The Third Heipim-nt. rortei-tiin of Coinpaiiiea A, of Oregon City, an I P., C, I), K, K ami (i, of Portland. The Fourth lie jfiiiieiit, conaiatiim of Compan- lea A ami C, of FjlKene; 15, of Aahland ; I), of Woodburii ; F), of, F, of Salem ; (i, of Albany ; and II. ol Oranl'a I'aaa. Tlm flral fi-imrate battalion, con aiatinu of Oimpaniea A, of I'.akt-r City; It, ol le ami I), of The Dalle; Troop A, of Lebanon ; Troop H, of Hump ler ; P.aiterv A, of Portland ; Third lleyi merit lloapilal (Jorpa, of I'orilatid, ami Fourth Hi-tiiment Hocpital Corp, of Al bany. ICrieuUu f.'rciil Nicrfl, , It i often aaked bow mcb Hlarilinu curea, that puzzle, llm beat phypiciaiiH, , are t-iT.-cte.) by Ir. Kin'a New Disco very for Coinuiiiption. Here' the! lerret. It cut out tbe phlegm and 1 uerm-lnfected mucin, and let the life Kivinu oxyjjen enrich ami vilali.e the hliMxI. It heala the Infl med, coiiiib- worn throat and lunK. ilard cold and j atubborn t-oiiib oon yield to Dr. Kind's New Dicovery, tbe moat infallible ; remedy for allTliroat and Lun( iliaca-en. (ioaranteed bottle 50 cents aii'MlO), Trial Iwittle free at (ieo. A. Harding's., WE HAVE IT AS LOW. Any "Patent Remedy" that you seo advertised at a Hpecial price ly any otlier firm ean always bo bought of us at the same or a lower price. Simply because we do net mention it in our atfvt. does not mean that we do not have it on Bale at that price. Come right here for all drug store goods. You will always find our prices as low, and lower, than any others, on legitimate, reliable goods. We do not handle unreliable goods of any character. Regular Price i'MUMKY (ll'lHAlloNa C0MSCK. ww t ear Tree, i reauiery roin -fire-l o'ra'iona Monday. ( Irtlitte lit en eatabllahfd and mv ol the iialr -na have hot vet re ml their aepaialorw It ia expei il by iii-il a.-.-k all will have Ihein . ' . . .... - ..- I.-... i.. TDiinai.i creain rooiea n.e . -rkun Moii.hiva ami Thuradava ami to 11 hit I Thill 1'olU- .el. liihllaml on Tuewlay and Fri-1 r. - ureuttT power of ditfealinir and il. for the pfeaelit tlm Molie roinr . Kimf' .' . ... I.. . ....I u-,i. .a.lni alliin (.aid. For them. IT. Mi'K a IT CUtTIM OH ..lIIUtV - - T,..V route oiijew i.iiu run woia ' lone ami reflate l''" lileative orm, liom the ay- Total :i2 1 3 27 10 3 al'MMAKY. Paaea on ball Off FlemminK. 2. 8tr.u k out Uy F lemmiinc, H; by Gra ham, 0 Two-haae hit le. Stolen baaea .an, Oliver, Davia, Ors ham, l-eavitt. Paa-ed hall Oliver. Double play Ue to McFarlaml. Time of uiime 1 hour and 20 minute. Umpire IM It mkin. Attendance 1000. OKKOON HTATK I.KAlil K. OF SIX WECKS litK'r.ninK Voii.Iav. June 30, will b con iluctcj In one of the rooms of the Port land llualni af CuV.t ge, corner Park and WaahlnKton airenn. It will be itrktly a . In ml of d.lirneo lo aid teachers o lili!.rr K'ail.i In the AukuM namlna :liin. further particulars on application. OPEN ALL THE YEAR The liuwlniaa Coll. ice la open all hp ). r. titud. nla may enter at any .l:ii f .r Liriirch. a or a regular oiirve. and r-c. lve Individual or class In-true-Inn, ua pr. fern-il. t'al! or send for .'iitaJoiit'. lMirn what and ht.w we teach. A. I. Armatruntf, II., I'rlnrliial. Cuticura Soap - - - $ Electro Silican Warner's Safe Cure Scott's Emulsion Ayer's Hair Vigor Fry's Poisoned Wheat llarnberg Tea ... l'eruna - - - -llawley's Catarrh Cure Tierce's Discovery Pierce's Prescription Pinkham's Vegetable Com p. Oregon Plood Purifier Schilfman's Asthma Cure l'egg's P.lood Purifier Cod Jiver Oil Emulsion Shoop's Restorative Shoop's Rheumatic Cure Coke's Dandruff Cure - - -7 Southerland Sisters Hair Restorer Paine's Celery Compound -Quaker Herbs -Cutioura Soap -Pear's Soap - - - Robertine -Ilerpicide - - - Pierce's Pills - - - -Lyons' Tooth Powder - -Swamp Root - - Dewitt's Sarsaparilla Swan's Down - . -Castoria - - - - 2o 15 00 00 00 25 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 25 50 00 25 25 00 00 15 35 Cut Price 18 09 85 80 85 20 20 75 to 10 aa o 75 75 85 60 50 85 85 85 85 80 to 18 15 35 70 15 19 80 CO 10 25 You may not see just what you want in this list, but we have it, and the price will be right. C. G. HUNTLEY Popular Price Druggist. Oregon City, Or. ! 5 -.liu ami Hi .!m mi. I I-'ri. IlMlllUHllia I . v . Then" are eleven on Ilia Kle CrecK route. Am.H tii.nii Ma rKiiui. .Indife (for dK. Ilavi-a haa rt-t eived a letter Irnlll iriiian Miiltli. wa of the H. ilTfiitral coinmitlee, In winch tbe riirrac a alroiiK di-alie to have 'l llayt-a take the slump diiriiia' Ibe .rapaitn. The parly matiajrer are tlm la-al available J Ju.lwe Have ia niven the choice of 'time olui't.a of Hie lneelillla. ilr.' mukinir an active cam- 'inn In tin county and will devote t of hi time to the ca ntialun ut alllmiiKh it la probable, that be 11 be to ai.are Rome time for otlier i liunio( tin-State. LM-ntlv exiH-l all taiiaona lent eutii li tbe, Improve appelile, make healthy lle.b. Only 25u at Oeo. A. llaidinK's. Won. I-oat. 1. C. r,H-hnrcb 2 0 1 000 O.i-UonCity 1 0 MO Monottrania 0 1 Dmmon.l W 0 2 .000 j Tie tfame at Oregon Cily on May 4. Uiint Hliero t I now. 'I have uaed D.-Witt'a LitH Karly Kiaeraforconaiipatinii and torpid liv.-r ml they are all riuht. I '' 'u tloraethe.nforltbinU when we llnd a K.K.d ll.ina-we oubt to let otl.e.s know it," write Alfred lleinw, Quincy, III. Tliey never ripe or diHtrea. Sure, safe nilla. (ieo. Ilardlntf. Next Sunday afternoon Oregon City will play CiH liiircb, of Portland, at Wil lamette Park The fame will be called promptly at 2:110 P. M., and after 1 o'clock carH will leave the west end of the suapcnalon bridge every 15 minutes. The Ki-neral admiaaion will be 25 cents and this also includes sdmisaion to tbe KrRiidaUiid. An excuraion will be given from up river points on tbe steamer Modoc and a Uue crowd is expected from Dayton, Missions, Newbern, Chain poeit, Hnlteville and Wilaonville. The hoat will land at the ball grounds and return after the (tame. i AM Restores Hair to the Bald l M bcaip, rrauicaies diu'it, stops rail- i r t 1) . ing iiair ana i ukvems fc fc PRIER S HAIR FOOD l sol I under a poitive (tnarantee to do all these thi..f. Oive it a fair trial. You will not be disappointed. Sold by all drugxists. YOU NEVER CAN KNOW 1 i i The convenience 01 a cnecKing- t account until you have tried one. Whenever you feel disposed to test the matter we shall be glad to sup ply you with the necessary books, blanks and information. Jjfi&& tuc dawi nr noennw pitv nMe.n p I UL Uni1l Ul UllbUUII UN l ) ui cyuu viij, ui i. rrJfrir'Tt"VY f 7 i, a , jjjjj. Bmti ti Bignatnra cf Tbe Kind You Han rVmrs Boiiit E. I. SIAS DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. Allkinite of repairing neatly done and warranted. loNtonice Illls. Canby, Oregon DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY r0 SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS ALTON A AN D POMONA LKAVB OREGON CITY Goinij up, 8 :00 a. m. GoIdr down 2 .30 p if . The Genuine Rogers Bros. Silver Plate That Wears Artistic design, heavy plate and lino finish are well known features of 1847 Rogers Bros, goods. Do not ,t nf unknown accent ordinary Koirers or omei u.a - value, which are sometimes claimed to bo just as good. We purchase this ware in largo quantities from the factory. Our stock is largoVnd our prices arc right. When Buying a Watch Vleaso consider that we pay special attention to this part of our business, that wo have been doing watch repairing for many years, that we carry the most com plete assortment, that wo buy direct and take the ben efit of cash discount, and therefore are in a position to sell the very best goods at the very lowest prices. We guaranteo all our watches. Kodak and Camera Specials All of Eastman Kodaks at 20 per cent, discount from factory prices. Some of 1901 Poco Cameras at special prices." These instruments have advanced 33 per cent, since last year. Better look into these bargains before they are all gone. We give instructions free. THE OREGON CITY JEW6L6RS EM nifiiiiBrrrirrirfr.rT 1 " sa-,-J 1 1111 " "'' " l"""1T"n""" Ksssaast ----- 1 r - 1J'r 1 "hum-" - Jl