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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1902)
Oregon T7U TY ENTERPRISE. JoL.37. NO. 20 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY MAY 9, 1902. ESTABLISHED lrC6 Ci 1 :at it- rl V. KASTHAM ATTOKNKY AT LAW li M'TK"" ,rl"", M""r)r I""1. ,,, OVH ,lol "" Ul OUXIOH I'lTT, ON. m 0,, C. Bchu.b.l U'KKN A SCHUKHKI, Attorney nl I-"-JirtttMjcv bwolutt. II Bf-ll- l ''"" '"k CullKClldlH "I I. I 1,1 Kl'atM. 'lh ,,r" ,,",",5f vi itii j01" ,uo"r u" l,r'" """,,! kco In Entorprlso Building, ohkktX. MIIXKR j ATTOKNKY AT LAW i i jm orricn ; 11 practice iu CouMs of the Slate Room J. WelDlurJ M''tt. p. Court IIoue, Oregon EO. T.IIOWAKD lEAL BSTATK AND 1NSUKANCK NOTARY rUHWt RrJ Front. Court House Block Oregon City, Oregon IVY STMT Attoknky at Iaw. CauPit-M IM.Ik-, Oren City. I'.CAMIHKI.I.. ATTORNEY at law, I CIT, Omuux. trill prrtlf in all t ha courts sMbs tt. Of- m, m cum u Ulii L.F0HTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW It MiiWOrrun CUr HuUri-ri a h Da P C. LATOlIKKTTI. jTORSKY H AND CoL'XSELOUri AT LAW mil ITr OKKdOK C1TT, OftKUOR. ...lil i run liiii Monor. for- eioM Huriii.ii1 trucl iurl L Hutlnttt. EO. C. BBoWSELU ATTORNEY AT LAW lion Clljr, Oregon Will prtrlK In all Ilia court of ths Hale. .win lilllrt iiuiiuiiig. A. SiTAKT, M l). Ollir In WillainMI Hid. Oregon City. Oregon loshourt: 10 a ni. to 'i in., 1 to 4 p. m. anil 7 in H i, in. V'lil stirniinn fitlil to Itliiliiitlui aim Jimilt Ditraari. Call nnwred ilay or nlghl. . FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST 'dilate ol tint Northwestern Unlver- lilr f ntul Snhoul. Chicago. io American College of Denial Surgery, Willamette Block, Oregon City. EI COMMERCIAL BANK OF OKKOON CITT. K!i4i, Iino.oov PUMlCTS 0iAl.lAHIKO 1'11W1- vu mtiU. Hill. ducduiiUMl. Makvi col f 'a. huj, n,l ellit.irhlliffl on all o'lliiti IroDli.M. tn r. a. 'lu reird iil))rt (o check Bai i.e. lit c UT0U1UTTE, PreiKlont. J. TAUGILN, Livery, Feed and BaleHtable ORECONCITY. f TEI) BETWEKM Till BRIDGE ANl double f horoea alwayB on hand at the r prices. A corral) connected formation rparding any kinJ ci promptly atumdud to by peraon ol or. Horses Doutrht and Sold. P!fei Boanled and Fed oa reason- Charman&Co. Make The Prices No matter where you luy Drugs or Patent MediciiifH in lhi locality you are Having money hy IhoMiHlencoofthwutoro. WE MAKE THE TRICES, othera have to meet them. We thus 1 tiefit buyers who are riot our cuHtomera. Retter trade where KAIK TRICES are vol untarily, not reluctantly given there is always an imitortaut diflerence between the LEADER and THE LEI). Our stock of DRUGS ami sundries ia the most complete in the state, comprising over 20,000 articles, selected with care, er-pecially regarding price and quality, bought direct from the manu facturers, thus saving middlemen's profit. This profit wo give our customers the benefit of. You get the benefit of these prices whether vou Fend by mail, come yourself or send your children. Hero are are a few of our profit sharing prices: SJCAPT. APPEKSOX WINS JUS SUIT Month Oregon City. Foreclosure Ch In Decided. 13 I'otiig( Stani pn tl.OOJVrui.a - -,3.'i Cantnria -l.(K) Il-d Lino Surxajiarilla 1 00 YV I'h " .05 Toilet Pupr (RoIIh) 7 KoIIh for -.10 IUuhlit-s .IS " .33 Fry 'a Sjirrel Poison .M Vakl.'-8 " " 1.IXJ (ieiitiino Swamp Root Condition Ponrdem l.(K) Tanzy Pills -Moth HitllM, j.rr 100 Nutnii gn, jr doz. 25c 74c 24c 60c 65c 4c 25c 5c 10c 20c 30c 80c 20c 85c 10c 5c We give 25 per cent, off on all 1901 Cameras and 20 per cent on 1002 Cameras. See tho new rocket Toco Camera, regular f 9.00, our net price $7.20. CHARMAN & CO., THE CDT PRICE RELIABLE DRUGGIST. 'Phone 13. Mail Orders Solicited. I'r.rrlilliiui a N.r llljf at Cut I'rlre. L'SPLATTEl) PORriOl TO HO FiHSr laid out In town loin. Part of it had b?n aol'l. Soini moripy had b"en paid to the iii(irV.i,(ce and tlit-re an agreement in tlie rnor'n;e to relcane any art of (tie ni'Ttgiu-d iroperty aold hy Oih Iriiu'ew Th nior'Mii'.'3 l.a.5 re fiiMPil to rr.ouiiii the plat and had re- fined V ri'lt-am the lota, hecaiine in so doing he would re"tiriiztf the plat. The di'frnd-trit atlfinptfd to have the Court rleae from thr linn the lota that had hern previously aold hy thelriltee. The Court refil'ed to do thia hut ordered the unplHtttxl porti'in he aold firnt Ixifore the unplatted portion be sold. The land ia emily orth ISO, 000 and all of the improved property ia valued at $200 an acre. The laxea on the land last year weie M4. In 1814 (lie trustee inned an ayreeinent to pay an additional Interent of threu per cut. a year In con riiieralion of I he renewal of the note, Judue M':Rild handed down two irn and nini-H then Hie tO r cent, interest portant dei Uiona Friday and overruled h made the yely , internet cloee to the Humnrrer to (he rornplaint inthers-e flOOO. The ri'lietii of the ayndicate of E. M. Iloaell v. The Orevon Iron & when the pmche wxa made wa to Steel Company. The rnont important ra'S ' huild a motor line from 0-a'n City was the foredoure auit o( J. T. Aprrwn I thronith Mount I'lea-Hi.t, and if llie prop vs. T. IKjnard Charman, et al.. in which -rly had not depreciated In value this deciaion hat heen eipe-ted for aome I would have been done. Mr. Charman Cbnrmau Will MtU I'p the Muriciiice and l'rolct I'unbirr of l.ut and fteoricjnlze the S)ndii'a e. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK. m We Touch Your There is no marble dust in the kind of Hour wo manufacture. It is pure onl M-linlnsnmo nnd of ft sunerior , aiv " " AppPGCIcltlOn grade. It is made by patent process and can not be excelled. Ask your grocer for it and re fuse any other kind. There is none just as good. Portland Flouring mills Co. Vi.t; -.J:'-.'-"- . . i, . .1 ..I- a VATjrArArArArArjrATjrjrjTjrjrjrjrirjrjrjrjrjrjrjrjfr Our Advantago Comes ZZJZZTZ From Care in Buying, shoes for tender feet. Men's, women's and children's. Made to wear. Children's school .hoes now the order of the day. We are here to supply the bts1, KRAUSSE BROS. s F. A. SLEIGHT, OF CANBY. F. A. Sleight, Republican nominee for County Clerk, was born and reared near Rock'ord, 111. He removed with his family to Oregon in ! 1889, and to Oregon City in 1S90. He fvn9 one of the incorporators and ; stockholders of the Oregon City Canning Co., and was bookkeeper land assistant superintendent during its , existence. lie afterwards served five years with E. E. Williams in the capacity of head clerk and bookkeeper. In 1000 Mr. Sleight was appointed by the government census examiner for Canby, New Era, Canemah and Maple Lane pre cincts. He is at present residing upon his fruit farm near Canby, which he has operated successfully for a number of years. Mr. Sleight received his education at the Rock ford High School, was raised to habits of industry and economy, and if elected to the office of county clerk, will give to the people of Clackamas County an honest and economical administration. Clackamas County has had many incompetent officials. Mr Sleight is an office man and familiar with every detail of clerical work. While of a quiet, unassuming nature and disposition, he is at all times courteous and painstaking and very popular with his associates. 11 JOHN YOUNGER, Driiir Store.. af ' - " " f- 7 TEARS EXPERIENCE IN eat Britain and America. Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. ' Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor time past. The soil was filed last Octo ber to recover $11 .753 22, balance of prin cipal and interest on a note for $12,700. In April 18W9 a syndicate composed ol T. Leonard Charman, E. E. Charman, Charles O. Albright, Julius Lowus, II. II. Johntion, J. P. Shaw, J. A. Cox and Charles Logu purchased the 230 awe farm of Captain Appernon and made T. L. Charman trustee of the property. It was platted an South Oregon City, and during the boom over $10,000 worth of lots were sold. Much of the properly brought Urge sump. The ayndicate paid $8000 down and gave note for $12,700 for the balance of the purchafe price, which was $20,700. Since executing the note the syndicate paid on it 412,855.07, but the interest brought the balance to $11,755.22, and judgment was aked for MURROW'S BARRED ROOKS Are at the top. Have won at two of the largest shows in the Northwest, 1901-1002, also at the state fairs. Look up their record Some fine breeding cockrels from our prize winning 8train $2.00 and up. Also a few white rock cockrels $2.00. Eggs ,2.00 per setting. J, MURROW & SON, Oregon City, Ore. Intends to settle up the mortgage and re organize the syndicate tor which he is trustee and intends to fully protect the purchaser! of the lots.. II. P.. Cross wag Mr. Apperson's attorney and the trustee was represented by A. 8. Dresser. The auit of J. Q. Becker va. Sybilla Drushei was dismissed by Judge McBride Friday. The suit was brought for an accounting four years ai;o. The defend ants held a mortgage on land owned by the plaintiff in Benton County and Becker deeded the land (o the defendants in settlement of a mortgage, defendants agreeing that when they sold the land they would pay Pecker all which they might receive from ihe sale over and above such sums as would iw necessary to settle Ihe defendants' claim, pay a note and mortgage of $400 and interest a mortgage and that the defendants were entitled to Interest. Each party lo the suit must pay their own cost. Livy Stipp was the altorney for the defend ant and the plaintiff was represented by W. S. U'Ren. The Court Friday overruled the de innrrer to the complaint in the suit of E. M. Howell against The Oregon Iron A Steel Company, which was commenced for the purpose of correcting an error in a deed from Thonr.aa R. Fields to Court ney X. Davidson and wife, which in volved 80 acre of land near Owego. The error alleged hy the plaintiff was that words were omitted from the deed which was necessary to make Mr. arid Mrs. Dvidson tenants in common in stead of tenant by entireties. The Ore gon Iron A Steel Company, after Ihe death of Mrs. Davidson, purchased the land of Mr. Davidson. Mrs. Davidson left heirs, who have conveyed their in terest in the land to the plaintiff. Judge McBride adjourned Court Satur day and left the same afternoon for his Deer Island home to spend the week. Next Monday he will open Court at 8t. Helens. rKOliBEsS Of liiK tAHPAIuN. republicans Started Out This Week and Will M ike 31 fcpeechts. This week taw the opening of the Re publican campaign in Clackamas County and Ch irman Campbell has arranged dates for the candidates from now until election day. Much enthusiasm is mani fesled and the prospects are daily grow ing brighter. Mayor Grant B. Dimick, of Oregon City, and Robert Schuebel, of Mulino, addressed a large and enthusiastic audi ence at Marquam last Saturday niglit. Mr. Dimick had intended going out ViiV.i State Senator Browne!) and Hon. Charles H. Dye, but Mr. Bro nell was ill and could not go and Mr. Dye was also pre vented from going by business affairs. The hall was crowded and' Mr. Dimick made a rousing speech. He dwelt en tirely on local issues and poured hot shot into the Citizens' movement which ia masking under the garb of reform. Mr. Schuebel it doing great work forthe Re publicans. When the Populist party was In the ascendant in the county be waa one of the leading members but it did not take him long to tee that there waa nothing but wind in their promises of re form and he left them for the Republic ans. What disgusted Mr. Schnebel with the Populists wag the fact that he had the fight of his life to keep the reduction of salaries plank in the platform. Al though tin leaders of the party posed a reformer!", tbef were averse to retaining the plack. Mr. Stheubel attended a Citizens' meeting at Mulino last week and asked what remedies they proposed for the conditions that thev said were ex isting in the county. One of the candi dates on the Citizens' ticket retaliated by making a personal attack on Schuebel. Tbia action gained no friends for the Citi zens in Mulino, where Mr. Scbuelel re sides. He is a strong Brownell roan and this no doubt was Ihe reason for the at tack. The Citizens' campaign has dwindled down to an anti-Brownell fight. Their motto is "Anything to down Brownell, and in their mad rush to defeat the sena tor they have overlooked tbe principal issues. They forget to touch upon mat ter in which the voters are really inter ested. The mere mention cf Brownell's name is poison to them He is desig nated by them as "the boss" and they assert that he dominated the Republican ounty convention to the extent that u'.l of the candidates on the Republican ticket are his creatures. The fact of the matter is that no convention ever held in Clacka mas County was so free from the laint of machine as the last Republican county convention. On the other hand, there never waa so great a band of political sore-heads aa the men who are leading the Citizens' movement. Many of them are political outcasts who for good reas ons tailed to obtain adequate recognition in the Republican party on account of their obstructiveness and antagonism to harmony. Some of them have managed to obtain excellent records as grafieis and the positions they are taking hs leaders in an alleged reform movement (Continued on page 4.) this amount. The Court was also asked , to the State, and $100 then advanced to to enter a decree for the sale of tbe pecker. The land wa sold for $3800. property. Over 35 persons who had , The amount of the claims without inter purchased lota, were made defendants in j est from date of transfer back to the de thesuit. Some time before the com- j fendants to the date ol sale by the de mencemeut of the suit Captain Apper- fendants aggregated about $3XX) and the ion was asked to release from tbe mort gage the lots that had been sold in order that the purchasers might have a clear title, but he would not consent to this, as be wished to have the property intact to case he was forced to foreclose. This request ou the part of the trustee pre cipitated tbe suit. Some of the land had been platted and plaintiff claimed the difference. The Druschels claimed that they were ' en titled to interest until the land was sold. The Court decided that the sale of the land to the defendants to settle the mortgage and claims and the sgreement to pay the plaintiff the money received over and above the amount of the claims together constituted nothing more than vrtWA n Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking; powaert are the greatest menacen to health of the prewnt day.