Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
Qi City EGON ENTERPRISE. 1,37. NO. 27 OREGON CITY, OHKCiON. FRIDAY MAY 10, 1002. ESTABLISHED 1SCG -'. K A ST II AM IAri(KNi:V AT LAW tiiM Kimiil'l. At.. t'c t Ma.l. HoW prawn. Mutiny Loaned. !7"tMy- . Oaaiioa Cm, Oa. g,( 0. luhmbtl Attortirya at Lnw. Prittfdjfr $bvelat. iii ill iHiiiri. matt culli'dlnim !, Liil.tiielit''';''' , J l, (ilrai'H of mi". '' tnnnry ce In Entorprl Building, Orrgoli CHy. OfrKim. ii if t i."ir ATTORNUY AT I.AW ml Title nrnl linil OtTice practice In all CourU of tin Suit Rooms. Wduhard Illilg. Court llouae, Orrgoa Cilr, Ore ga R7 i;0. T. HOWARD n estatiTani) insurance NOTARY yi'llUC pi Front, court nouse wot Oregon City, Virion , Ivy STHT ArroitNKY at Law. CauhVM RMtf., Oregon City. C CAM WELL, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, k-ol CITT. Oinoii ; mrllr In ll lh Court! f the Kl. 01- LrOkTKR. ATTOKNKY AT LAW 4MTturrtorrofT rvMiimit. . Mil w OruB CUT Inuri rl . D DC LATOURKTI. hjRXEYH ASD COUNSELORS AT LAW hi imitT omuon riTT, oaaooa. I'.ihAlMtraMa of Till. U Monay, fnra- m Mot !(( m. ami iratiiaet Uautrai U mlBM. W. 0. lUtuWSKLL, ATTOKNKY AT LAW ion City, - - Oregon ill brartir In til lli rourU of ths tlata. tin Ctullrld building. A. STUART, M- D. m In Wllaiiilt Itld. OrngoiiCity. Oregon l.our: II) i in. lo 12 in., 1 to 4 . nil 7 lo N i, in. V il iiiiiilun ini.l lo IthsiiniatUni ana malt Call autwtrtd day or night. A Great Saving of Money No matter where you buy Drugs or Patent MfdicirH'H in thin locality you aro caving money lytho cxiKtcnccofthiHfcU)ro. WE MAKE THE TRICES, others have to meet them. We thus benefit buyers who aro not our customers. ljetter trado where FAIR .'KICKS aro vol untarily, not reluctantly given there is always an imiKirtantdillvrencu between tho LEADER and THE LEI). Our Block of DRUGS and sundries is tho most comjilflo in tho state, comprising over 20,(KX) articles, selected with caro, ecix'cially regarding price and quality, bought direct from the manu facturer!, thus saving middlemen's profit. This profit wo give our customers tho benefit of. .You get the benefit of these prices whether you eend by mail, come yourself or send your children. Hero are aro a few of our profit sharing prices: 2-ci-r.t Postage Stamps - - 25c I.OOIVmna - 74c ..'') Castoria - 24c 1.00 Red Lino Sarxaparilla - 60c 100 Wood's " - 65c .05 Tuik't'rainT (Rolls) 4c 7 Rolls for - - - - 25c .10 Tth RruHhcs 5c .15 " " - - - 10c .35 Fry's Sjirrel Poixon - - 20c .tt) Wakloes " , - - 30c 1.00 (ienuine Swamp Root - - 80c .25 Condition Powders - 20c ' 1.00 Tansy Pills - 85c Moth Bulla, ir 100 - 10c Nutmeg, jwr doz. - - - 5c We give 25 per cent, off on all 1901 Cameras and 20 cr cent on 10O2 Cameras. See the new rocket l'oco Camera, regular $9.00, our net price $7.20. The Cut-Price .. Reliable Druggist 0 'Phona 13. Mail Orders Solicited. rrirrlitlint a Hioi'In1I y at Cut Irl'n. UAAlAlilXlXJ.1 W UIMI CHLEBItATION IS ASSUMING SHAPE O'cnei ul and Special CominltUg Have Keen Appointed. II. '00 HAM UK E.I Hl'IISCBKIED II Ii I'luimcJ lo Have Ibli Xti'i Cele Ijrailuii a ilrtuitr hale l oan An rrt-Tldun One. Oregon City la to have a Fourth of July ctilebration that will mrlipM any tliiiiK In the linn ol celi-hrailiine fvef givnn in ihia county. Twelve hundred jdollart haa been riawl to ilnfray the lexuriiiM) ol the affair and the personnel jofthe committee in Kuaraite that jthe money will be jiididoualv apniit. I About I.1LH) will Im nitttii for ih Orewoika iliaulay. Two will be enniied. The orator ol the dy III be a roan wllti a itaie rrpiiUlion,aii( who la well woith liaienlng to. tiona nude by pKieiir.a for the di(rreiit ki'uln ol cMirtt uui amuaeiiifnta kpir priafe for the rrlf liration. The commit le ilcairt-a In bar froiu persona inter exted or who are arixioui to take part in dm eKirtt ThnH eilwiioiia nmy be uiailHd to Chairman Albrmht or any im-inlier il ilie freneral toiniuittfe, and will be prompt y acted upon. The following ipeuial commit(ei have brn named: Finanre-K. Q. Caufleld, C. G. Hunt ley, A. S. DreiMPf. Uronn laand Oenoratlona C. H. Cau field, Ohaa. Albright, (J. Suhuebel, E. E. Jlurman. l'rrram T. F. Ryan, J. W. Moffatt, E. E Charman, 1- Adam, C. D. La tourette. Hpeakeri F. T. (Jriffith, George C. Brownell, W. E Carll. 1'arH'le lieo A. Iliirdinii, J. V. Camp bell. T. W. Sullivan, H. E. Croa FireiiieH'iOonteat i. J. Huiford, O. R. Dimiik, SVHlmin Sheahau, W. B. Zumwnlt, W. II. Howell. Muaic (ieo. ilorton, A. ft. Drener, J. J. Cooke, F. T. Harlow, Miim Harding, Mim Convert, .VI rn. L. L. i'orter, Mri. A. Ii. Dresner. 8 port i. P. Keating, Gbi. Puiey, Harry Trembath, U. L. Ileden, i. F. Clark, Chaa. 1'ope, Hpecial Attraction f. W.' Moffntt, J. P. Lovelt, M. Mn:hael, Peier Nehren. A i verl iiiig Com mil tee Frank Bosch, M. AlcUlaolma, L. Adams, D. Ely, A. ONLY SEVENTEEN DAYS ARE LEFT Election Day Ik Les Thau Three Week Distant, REPCBLICAX PK0SPECT BKIMIT Tomorritw Slsht Fulton, FuroUli, A. erman and Crawford Will Hold a Hre'IncIa Thla City. REPUBLICAN LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATE. X FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST llmte of the North wirtrn Unlver- lilv Denial School, Chlrago. joimerican College ul iKmtal furgery, aillametta I.lock, Oregon Clly. We Touch There is no marble dust in the kind Your "our wo n,anu''acture it i& pure . .. and wholesome and of a superior Appr6CIlll0n grade. It is made by patent process and cannot bo excelled. Ask your grocer for it and re fuse any other kind. There is none just as good. Portland Flouring mills Co. ' - ... I ,: i' ! ,, -.,,.,..,., . ,.,.,.,. .nil, .1,1, : ., in,,....,,,., .i IICOMIIKKClALBAKIt OfORKOON C1TT. lioo.nou hifitcTi t oiNmi. atKKixa irmnin. VI'l. M. . . f.ili , t. .1. , nun niiooiiiiimi. i- i. miiu .our flirniii,v mi mi i."iiiv IoIiAhiIm, Kiiropa tint lluiif Kona. f K rwni.,,1 mbjoct to ohat a ilauk T'lron ii m mi. M f UTOURim, Freilrlenl. r. J. i;ai'r. K naif AHlOntona HnmPC New line of apring footwear kj just in and atill coming. Soft K 1 FrOtTl Care ill Buying, shoea for tender feet. Men's, W wotnen'i and cliildren'a. Made to wear. Chiltlren's school alioci now the order of the day. We are here to supply the oeat. KRAUSSE BROS. J. VAUGHN, ery.Fced and SaleHtable ORECONCITY. T1D BETWKEK TUB BRIDGE AN1 . . va . j'ouMe and Single Rigs, and 8ad mibw always on hand at tbe tr. Pnceg. A corrall connected t athe barn for looHBBtock. Jrtntlon rKrdin any kind c promptly attended to by person ol f 0re Bought and Sold. 0ria Boarded and Fed on reason termi. J0HN YOUNGER. , , PP-Huntley's DruR Store, YEARSEXPERIENCE IN Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor HERMAN A. WEBSTER. Herman A. Webster. Republican candidate for the State Legisla ture from Clackamas County, was born in Paris, 111., September 2, 1872. He came to California in 1877, and lived in that state 'our years. In 1881 he came north to Oregon, and Bettled in Clackamas precinct, where he has resided since. In the early '90s he attended school at Portland University, and graduated from the academic de partment. He studied law at Stanford University in 1895 and lS9t, and returned to Oregon in the latter year, and continued the study of law in the oflico of A. S. Dresser. He was admitted to the bar in 1900. For tho past four years he has been Justice of the Peace for the district embracing Clackamas and Milwaukie. Mr. Webster has always been a Republican. Mr. Webster belongs to the class of young Republicans who are for tho best in politics. Hetakes a pride in supporting those things that are elevating. His character is above reproach. He is a ready speaker, a quick thinker and is a man who will make his mark in the halls of tho Oregon legislature. MURROW'S BARRED ROCKS Aro at tho top. Have won at two of the largest fhows in the Northwest, 19011902, also at the state fairs. Look tip their record. Some fine breeding cockrels from our prize winning strain $2.00 and up. Also a few white rock cockrels $2.00. Eggs $2.00 per setting. 1 J. MURROW & SON, Oregon City, Ore. The several committees to ansume Charge of the various branches of the program weie appointed this week by Chairman Aloriulit, of the general com iinttee and it will require several weeks before a deliniie prolan can be pub lished. It has not yet been decided just where the morning exercises will be held, but they will take place either at the head ol Fourth street or on the west side of the river near the end of the bridge. Advertising matter will be sent out to the u rounding towns and country places and it is probable that Oregon City will entertain the largest crowd in its history. A mass meeting of cili.ens of Oregon City was held in the county courtroom last Friday night to discuss the projected Konrth of July celebration. The com mittee appointed at a previous meeting reported that it had met with encourag ing success and had ample funds on hand while additional subscriptions were expected. The following general committee of 15 was appointed to take charge of the cele bration: Charles Albright, chairman; Chris. Suhuebel, secretary; E. G. Cau field, treasurer; Grant 11. Dimick, L. Adam, D. C. Ely, Charles Latourette, M. Michael, J. W. Cole, Frank Busch, C. G. Huntley, William Anderson, El mer Charman, J. W. MolTatt, Dr. W. E. Carll. Chairman Albright states that the committee is anxious to baveatigces- Robeitson. Firework? E. E. Cross, M. Michael. Charman, H. E. Only seventeen days are left of the campaign. Inside of three weeks the votes will have been counted and victory will perch on the banner of tbe Republi cans. There is no cession in the en thusiasm manifested for the Republican ticket throughout the county. Every where the candidates go they are re ceived heartily and Republican money is going begging. The Citizens are jfitt beginning to realize that their n mie is Dennis, which is a very good Dame for men who pose as reformers and are tha other thing. The Republican! are making ao active campaign. Statu Senator Brownell, Mayor G. B. Dimick, Judge Gordon E. Hayes, Hon. A. P. Dresser, Chairman J. U. Campbell, Hon. C. II. Dye and many others are speaking for the ticket in the various precincts., The candidates are on their canvass. Their meeting at Sandy was a notable one and there was not a fusioniet to be found in the place. Daring the week they have been at Can by, Needy, Elliotts, Marqoam, Wilhoit and Molalla. This afternoon they will be at Canyon Creek and tonight at High land. Tomorrow night they go to Viola. The itinerary for next week's campaign, will be found in another column. Next Saturday night (tomorrow) there will be a monster meeting in this city.. W. J. Furnish, the Republican candidate for governor, State Senator C. W. i ul ton, of Astoria, Hon. A. M. Crawford, candidate for attorney general, and J. H. Ackerman, candidate for superinten dent of public Instruction, will address tbe people. The Maccabee quartet wilV sing and the people will be there in force. Everybody, irrespective of party affilia tion, is invited. - A BACHELOR'S ROMANCE. After 20 Years of Waiting Oscar IIeu drrson Gets His Heart's Desire, On the evening of May I, at f be resi dence of George Rail in Gladstone, Mr. 0car Henderson, of KlickiUt Connty, Wash , and Mrs. Eva Rillington, of Seattle, were united in marriage in the presence of a few friends from "Portland. Rev. E. 8. Bollinger of the Congrega tional Church, officiating. Associated wiih this wedding is a ro mance that makes an interesiiug story. About 20 years ago the bride was teach ing a country school near the banks of the Columbia in Southern Washington. One of the big boys in that then out of the way place was the tall and hand some Oscar Henderson. The teacher became an object of adoration to the pupil and she raw in the worshipping young hero the wrong man to go into the world to bless some other woman. But there were oppositions in the course of true love and their ways oarted, the fair teacher finding another hero to love her and Oscar settling down to a bachelor's life with thoughts of what time might heal. Some time ago, in a strange way, the former teacher learned that her school boy was still in single blessedness, and she, being again a teacher in an in dustrial school, sent him a photograph with the words : "See, I am getting old.'' After a brief correspondence tbe now happy groom asked the all important question of the former teacher, "Is not a love that has stood the test for twenty years worthy of reciprocation?" And thus Mr. Henderson has secured, after long waiting, a sharer in all his interests. IS Light Biscttit at Delicious Cake Dainty Pasties Fine Paddings Flaky Cttists "iAuiiia ana America.