Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1002 Legal Notices. S3 Kiii:itiri"NNAi.i:. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- iron, for the County of Clack, ma. K. Levison, I'laintifl. VI. Oeorg T. Dicker, flwrM W. Joseph md A. L. 1'ieker as Attorney in fact ot George T. Dicker, Defendants. Stats' or Okkook ( loritTY or i uiKUi By virtue of i Indent!!! order, decree ami an execution, duly issued out of ami under the seal ot the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to ine duly direcieii and dated the 2Gth day of April, l'.nrj, upon a judgment rendered and entered in aid court on the 2,Uh dsy of April, 1902. in favor of K. .evison. Plaintiff, and against Utorge I . Ihekcr, liefeiiilaut, tor the sum of f&XHlO, wth tntret thereon at the rate of l per cent per annum from the 2Uih dav of February, 1900. and the Inrther sum of t(Cl a attorney's fee. and the further sum ot $10.34 costs and disbursemei ts, and the costs of and upon this ant, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county ol Clack amas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All that portion of the East of the Do nation Land Clnitn of George Welch and Orphv Welch, hi? wite, in Section 8, Town ahip i South of Ran re 3 East ot the VYillani ette Meridian and in Section 34, Township 3 South of Range 3 East Willamette Meri. dian, which lies South of the Com ty road ; Saving and excel tng lliereironi a tract of aNiut 21 acres sold by George Welch to Hiram Fe lows by deed dated Septembers. 10, and recorded November ll, J Still, on riaite ?2 in Book D of the records of deeds lor Clackamas County, Orewm. The tract hove described containing 83 acres, more or less. Now, Thcrelire, by virtue of said eiecu tion. judgment order and dei rre, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 31STOF MAY, 1902. at the hour of two o'clock P M., at the front door ol the loamy Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and Slate, sell at publc auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in baud, all the right, title and interest w hich (be within named de fendants or either of tbem, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since bad in or to the above described real property or anv fart thereof, to satisfy said execution, judtr mint or :er, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J.J. COOKE, Shmff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City. Ore., A.nl2Stb, 1902. Iotice ofSale of Ileal Eafate. Niir.itiri' N.ii.i:. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of sale made and entered bv the county court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, on the 17th day of April, 19U2, for said County and Stite; thence North Si In the Circuit Conn or the State of Ore gon, lor the County of Clackamas. J. T. Api-erson, plaintiff! . . I I. i.. inarman, trustee, I Kate L, ChMrman, A. I S. Preiser, Mary Con vers, Edward B. Harris Clackamas Abstract A I rust Company, a cor poratinn, A. vV. Che ney, B rlha M. Sum ner, E. J. McKit rick, Mienael Miuarik, J. 11. Mack, James W. Part low, Louis 11. Wasser man, (ieorge Morris, Mrs. C. B. Jobann, W. H. Pobyns, 1 C. Teoford, Samuel lira ham, W. E. Ooss, Mary (ieorge, D. J. Switier, David furney, Sarah George, A. 11. George, r.ilwin rollins. John Yinney, I. I Mahieu, I Maria Sliuitatfcr, Cath erine Hurkholdet, Mr- Minnville College, a I corporation. Mora Kice, Kmelie C. Shaw, J. 1'. Shaw, V, J. Ranch, Delendaiite. Statk or Oukiiom l Coi'NTY or Clackamas.) m By virtue of a judgment order, decree ami an aitacoment execution, duly issued out of and under the seal ol the above en tilled court, in the above entnled cause, to me duly directed and dated the l.'ith dav of .May, upon a judgment rendered and enured in said court on the -lid dav of Slav I!l2. in favor of J. f. Aiuiersim l'laintitt, and against T. L. Cham. an. Pe rendant, lor the sum of It. 915 29, with in terest thereon at the rate ol 10 i-e r cent iter annum iroiu the -ml (lav ot May, 1902. and the lurtliersum of s.VH&S taxes whh In terest thereon at the rate ol 6 per cent per annum, from the 2nd day of May, l'.kr' ann iue iiiriaer sum ot s.tx.ou. as at'i rnev's fee, with interest tnereon at the rate of b per cert per annual from Mav 2nd !H2, and the In it hi-r sum of t'M 00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and uimjii this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county ol Clackamas, stale ol Uregon, to-WIt: TUACT NO. I. Beginning at the South East corner of the A. r. Hedges and wife 1). I, C. in T. 3 8 n. ; c. oi me niiiameite .Memlmn in Clackamas County. Oregon; thence North 0 degrees 22 minutes West to the angular coruer on ine yyesi Dsnmiary of the Wi. l am Holmes claim; thence North 33 de trees jn minutes hat 8 AO chains to the line between Townships 2 and 3 8 uti, intri flHinii lownsnip line one chain to claim line; thence North 28 degrees East on claim line 5.2.") chains to the iuot south erly corner or a tract of land deeded by Archibald Mckinley arid wife to David McLaughlin tound recorded on pages 2.V! ana .'O, ot book "U ol the record of dee.l Seml-Annunl Report of tho County Clerk o...,..i,i ii.twlitir the amount and nuinlier of claims judgment order, decrea, interest, roid and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE. Sherlll of Clackamas Coimtv, tregon. Datevt, Oregon City. Ore., May Kill. I:k2. Of Clackamas tounty. rua eoivrK.n, ... .... - , ,! of warrants ailowe.1 by the County Court ol said com y. for '""";;,."' , ,lf , ,rll,ir, Irawn. and amount ol warralli" nuii aiiiii.' " ""i- Notice of fciirvcy. To Chaa. Welgaml, Arlington, Or. You are In rvhy nolilled that ii'uiir the provisions tit an act of the l.eailallve As semblv ol the State ol Oregon lor l''l, lor the purpose ol Mrmauenily establishing nonmiary lines and corners, l will on the 21st day of May, 1002, begin a survey to permanently estai n-dj the boumlariea and ! corners ol the loll .w ing di-'crllMHl'l ol ' land, to wit: Beginning at toe S.W. corner! . u-... i- .:.... ...... . . ... n. i v , .., ii.i. . . it i in, iit-.iik . t'l ..- n. Win-Ion D. L.C. in T. 2 S. H 2K Wil.Mer.: ao.l run nil. g thence West i.t.nOcha., thence North i VI Belis., thence Eal I'mkI chs. to the N. W, corner of the said Win. Coad'i Farm, thence South t :l'l i hs. to Hie place ol beginning. Mary K. Boll, owner An application t such survey having been lil-d in the olllce ol the County Sur vevor ol Clackamas County, Or, on Ine ISi'li day ol Apr I. likrj I'nder the provisions ol said act Hie com a of the a rvey will be apportioned aiuo g the several laud owne s win lands are a. fecleil tlureby, according to tueir respective interests. KKNKSr 1'. KAN DS, County Surveyor. Cl.ickamaa Co., Or. lHte ol l.-t publication, A, ril 2N, V.KH. l!HH, lo the .list day of Man-h, olh inclusive. on what Aivorsr allowed Amoiii.t of ilalioa allowed and wanauis drawn A ppolut iiiciit ol l:ccutor Notice is hereby given thai the under- slgneil has been appointed executor ol trie last will and testament ol Joseph Ellis, drCeased, by the County Court of Clji ka- coin ty, Oregon. All iwrsons having claims aguuist the said eslaie. are hereby notified io (.resent the same, duly veilln-d according to law, within six months Iron, the dale of this notice, at the oltice ol J. I'. Campbell. Oregon City, treKou. Oaieolhrsi puhlirstlon, April II. Thomas C, Thomas, Executor. I'lnnl .'Miollrr. Notice is hereby given that I have this day tiled with the Con. .tv Court of Clarka- ma I ouuty, StHte ol (irenon, my riual He port t.8 administrat ix ol tie Knaie of Jo eph Yoss, deceaseil, and that the said Court has at I Tuesday, t ie ;ir I dav June, liar' at the hour of ten o'cl.x k A. M. of said dav lor the hen ring ol sunt reixiit and objei-tlon thereto il any tin r be. at wnich tune all persons interested are rfiiiiexted to pr-fht any objection they may have to said ac count t "Saul C nir'. JANE VOSS, Administratrli. Dated, Apr 1 28, l;r.. .otle' for I'ultllculioai. Boad Koatl and Bridge l'aiiHr Circuit Court justice's Courts Stationery and Expense Court House and Jail Clerk Assessment and Collii'lion ol Tae Shenll Recorder h.-hool Huperliilendri t Treasurer A sM-asor Judga rontiiilssiorers .... S.irveu.r Coroner Koad Survey County I'riniitig I ..sane Bovs' and dirts' Aid Society Indigent Soldiers Hallill Keporler Jury Election Bounty on Wild Annuals Aru.oiy Kent County I'liysician Tat Knhaie , Boll Tax Kehale Kchaie ol Filing Fee . . Kelorm School , Ki-inm iim Kock Crusher .. . KewarJ for Highwayman Total A iiiourd i lalius allowed ami dra it maianding Unpaid roniity warrautson the :ilt dav of Ma-ch, I'irJ Estimated lntrest accrued hereon Tolal ainniint of unpaid i-oii nl v warrants Inrlmllxg Inreresi i f AT: of okeuos. i County of Clackamas, ) H N ik. ?sl, i;.,vi in 2 Hid 111 I d ! 1112 7.1 I, INI SI II . H .17 I. mi .mii I. Ml 1. :i'' nl I id i nir n n il in 2. V.; 7.i tail III till III 4 I .Ml ir; i 2VI t1 7i.7 li los ii ;ct; ii 2ii isi .'SI III .v.; ;ai I i in .Mi IS) 7.1 ii n; ,i Ms KM II in I.' .'-I 7 Jn .".2 ui .si ill l fni i U l.sli V.', I ii I1 f! 1 1 i; in I. . if i-.u.,.hv - i' ...i. ..r .- i ... ti'i i ...... . , . - hi in. i oi.niy oi i i aria in a ro ale ol Oregon, iln ..ereny certify that the f.-rrgnirg l a true and n.rre.1 slaiemri.i ol Hie nun.t-r ami amount nl claims allowrd l.v the Count v Cuiiri ol said Coiiniv lor the six niln emlmg on the .list dav ol March. I'm.', ,, a hat account the lame wrie ailooe.1. and the amount oi .arrauia nran, aim ine am it ul arranls ouistaiullng and unpaid as the same an pear Ukiii (he of my olllce and In my otllcul cnstiMly Witness p. y hand and the sral of the County Court of said County I tils .ltd day of May, A. D. I'"'.'. (""Atl K. II. COOI'KH. Clerk "'' D' KllY, Drpuly. D.partineiit of the Interior, Laud Olllce at Oregon I iiy. Oreami. Annl 4. I;i2. notice is lieieuv given that the following- tianied applicant lo purchase under Section in Ihs n.altor nt th. ..l. nf tnl,,. H C.r Hr 1.1 n.l"... U,--.. " c " " l""lr" re" L-..:.i ,1,: . . .aZ. . .r.'., :" V."..V ",. " : .V." "":""r J notice oi his inieuiiou lo make lion! prool ... u " " P, .rv .FT. .11 oeceaseu, ine undersigned, the duly ap- poiniea aaministrator ol toe estate ot said deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 10TH DAY OF MAY, 1902, t the hour of 1 o clock P. M. of said day, at the courthouse door in Oregon City in aid county ana state tbe following described real property, situate, lying and being in Clackamas County, Oregon: All that portion of the S.E i of section Jio. 34, in T. 3 S. R 4 E. ol the VV illamette Weriuian lying and situate South and West of the North ba'ik of Clackamas river and the islands in said Clackamas river in said portion of said South Ea&t ol said section Jio. 34 herein described containing 15 acres more or less, together with all riparian rights aim incidents attached, appurtenant and incident to the same. Also a certain contract in writing with we jregon and talilornia Kaiiroad Com pany dated the 5th dav of October. 1m5. in ami by which the said Company agreed fur a cui.siuerauon io convey to the saul de ceased John 8. Green the South East of the North East yt, and the East U of the Southeast u 0f secnon 33. in f. 8 n. R. 4 E of the Willamette Mtri.iimi, coi.taimng 120 acres more or less all in Clackamas County, Oregon, said sale to be for cash, 20 per cent in day af sale, balance on confirmation of tale by said County Court. TOM B. RANDALL Administrator of the estate of John 8 tjreen, deceaseil. Dated April lutli, 1!j02. Notice of AHNiguee' Male. In the Circuit of the State of Oregon for jnarion loin iv, iepaitiiieni .io. In the niat tr of the Assignment of the v Oregon Land Company, an insol-j vent corporation. By virtue of an order and decree duly mane and entered of in the reci r Js of tbe Circuit Court ol t'ie State of Oregon for Mari n County, which said order and deree was eDU red on the 14tu day of April, 1902,to me directed, authorizing and direct ir.g me to sll ai public auction the prop er'v hereinalter docrihed. T'herelore, pursuai t to the said order and decree, I will on tbe 7TH DAY OF JUNE, 1902, offer for si.le ami sell to the highest bidder .lorcash in hand at the Court House door in Oregon City, Oregon, till of the property described as follows, to-wit; Lots in Minthoru'i Addition to the City of Portland, Oregon. I-ots 19, 20, 25, 2J, 24, and S5 in block 14. Lots 25, 20. 27, 2, 35, 30, 37, 3H. 39 in block 17. Lots 1, 2, and 3 in block 41. Lots I, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 9 and 10 in block 42. Lots 27, 28, 29. 30, 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 30, 37. 38, 39, V), 41 and 42 in nlock 85. Lots , 10, II, 12. 13. 14, 15 and 10 in block 43. Lots 29, 3u, 43, 44, 47 and 48 in block 41. lots5 and 0 in block 72. Lots 40, 41 in bl s-k 73. Lots 37. 38 39 and 40 in block 71. h 'ts 3, 4, Hi and 17 in block 77. Lois 18 and 19 in block 78. lits 17. 18, 19, 20, 21 22 23 24, 25. 20, 27, 28. 29.: II), 31. 32, in b'ock 82.' Lois 15 and 10 in hi K-k 87. Lota 7. 8. 9, 10 11, 12, 13. 14, 15. Hi, 17. 18 19, 20. 21, V ''V 24. 27, 28, 2.1, 30. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 30, 37, i, K) SO, ill DIOCa Ol. CHAS SCOTT. Assignee of the Oregon Land Company, Appointment of AduiinUf rafor. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by Ihe County Court of the Stale of Or-gon for Clackamas County Adiniiii-trator with the will an lieied, of the estate of Miry K., deceased. All persona having claims gainst said estate ere hereby notified to I resent the same duly verified Ui the under aigned at his residence at Milwaukie, Ore gon within six months from the date of this notice, May 0th, f2. K. o. McLOUGHLIX the Southerly line of tbe County road thence tracing tue said southerly line of the v.oui ly roiu to a ikiiiu in an eas-tcnv pro jection of the north line of "Tract A" of eoiitti Oregon City No. 3 as shown by th. recorded plat thereof tound on page 19 oooii col the record of Town rials in Clack .lima county, uregon; luence ivei-l on said m rih Hue to the Nor h west corner ot sani "Jrau A' thence South 200 feet; thence West 840 feet; tuence North 00 leet; tuence U et 40u feet ; thence Nort.'i 025.5 iettotlie tip of the first main blutf; thence South West ry with the meanders of said blutl to the intersection of the same with the township line before mentioned; inence v est on said township line to toe intersection of the same with Ihe Westerly bonn lary line of said McKinley Claim ; thence South 45 decrees East on claim line to the most northerly corner of a tract of land deeded by A. E. 'Hedges and wile to J. T. Apiarrson bv deed recorded on pages 395 of Book "N" of deeds for said in snpH ri ol his claim, and tnal said prool win o. maoe rjeiore Jtegister and Keceiver at Or- gon City, Ore., on May 3, IHoJ vie ALVIN CLARK for i lie N Wl. of N W',' Sec. 1. T. 3 8. R.3E. He names ine following witnesaea to pr-ive his continuous residence upon ami cultivation ul said laud, viz; W, J. Staler, ol NealMrg, Yamhill Co.. Oregon; L. T. Harm, ol i'ortland, Oregon; h. C. Mark, of IVr.lind, Oregon; I'eiar 11. W ard, ol I'ortlauo, Oregon. CHAS. ti. MOO RES. Register. i-Annual Statement of County Treasurer as County, Oregon, lor the six months ending on lha dat day nf Marrh '" v re,-.lved and paid mil, Iron, whom received and Iriiui what amine and on K'ounl paid out. Ki'slunrant Brltiletre. Pealed biilg will he received by t lie un designed up to ami including Nut unlay June 7tb, for the exclusive lentaurant AM( RECEIVED I'o amount on hand from last reimr! on Sept. 'Jiiih, To amounts re eivd from all sources to " .'In pill privilege at the coming tension of the Countv and Slate; thence South Hi degrees I ChaiitaUipia Assembly at Ciludntone v esi ni.oi cnains io a sione on the South p.ri. .. uni i,.iM;u boundary line of said Hedges claim ; thence East on claim lin 17.18 chains to a ix.iHt; thence North 3 17 chains lo a point on the McKii ley c aim line; thence East to a point on tne West boundary line of trie said Holmes claim ; thence South to ihe place of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. . TRACT NO. 2. Beginning at a point which Is North 89 degress 12 minutes East 25.93 chains distar t iron, a point which is North 0 degrees 22 minutes We-t and 0.79 chains distant from the South weH corner of the D. L. C. of Win. Holmes and wife in T. 3. 8. R. 2. K of the Willainet e Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon; thence North 915 2 leet to stone; 'ficnre West feet: thence South 950.5 teet ; t ience North 89 degrees 12 minutes Last 1002 feet to the place of beginning, containing l.i acres more or less. TRACT NO. 3. A part of the D. L. C. of Wm. Holmes ami wile in Sec. 0, T. 3. S. R. 2. E. WilUm et Meridian, and more particularly des cribed as lollows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the West hound arv ol said Holmes D. L. C 0 79 chains North 0 degrees 22 minutes West Irom the Southwest corner ot the same: thence alonv the West boundary of same North Odegrees 22 niinures West 1558 feet to a point ; thence North 8li riearees 18 minutes East OH 53 feet to a; thence South 01)3 37 feet to a point; thence East 7.02 feet to a point; thence South 0 degree. 22 minutes East 'Mi 5 feet to a joint on Ihe North boundary of a tract of land conveyed by J. T. Anner- son to C. C. Wil'iams by deed recorded on aa ot iHiok 2 or record of deeds of lar nainas Coiintv. Oreuou: thence on the Noith boundary of said tract to the nlace of beginning, situate in Clackamas County, Oregon. TRACT NO. 4. Beginning at a point on a line between the lands sold by M. J. Broderick et al to J. T. Ar. person as recorded in R iok "H"' page 357 record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, and that sold to David McLaugh in by Archibald McKinley re corded on pages 250 and 257 of Book "C" ot deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, 221.4 feet South 05 degrees 30 minutes Ea-t trorn the most northerly corner of a tract of lm,d conveyed by J. T. Apperson to T. L. Charman, Trustee, recorded on page 41 Book 33 record of deeds for Claokamas ooui.iy, wregon, inence Booth. K degrees 30 niirints East alo g said line to Ihe Southerly line ol the County road; thence Wesuriy tricing the Soiitner y line of the County rosd to a point in a projection of the North line of "Tract A" of South Ore gon Ciiy No. 3 as shown bv the recorded plat thereof fpund on 1!) hook 5 of the tecorrt ol I own plats in Clackamas County, Oregon; thence West to the North' West rorni r of said "Tract A" thence South 219 Building nilti range installed, Itirnisheil, II. K. fRoaa. Sevreliiry OASTOniA. Bean the A IM iVnll Till Haw my BOIJjm ITINERARY OF REPUBLICANS: To true amount on hand 1 i-t 1st, To amount received Irom Oct. 1st, 'i, In Mar. II, 1 n r To amount on hand ( let. 1st. pi I o amount received since I h t. lit, pl AMiU'NTS I'AIil tier rtv amount paid nut on Cno.,iv w..i. u Bv amount paid out on School' KiiaTinlen.eni's "J uaiance ui-nerai ruml on haiul Sept. .Villi, l General Eunil S. l.ia.l I a Ni? f2 lo.l'li M I 1'i .i.T :a "h. Mil warrants Republican candidates will address the voters of the minify at the following places and on tho following dales: Canyon Creek Friday " 10 Highland " " Pi Viola Sator " 17 Macksburg Mon " 19 Barlow ' ' 19 Union Tues " 20 WiNonville " ' Bleasant Hill Wed " L'l Siullorl ' " 21 MTaaukie Tbnrs " 22 Osaego Friday ' 23 Clarkamas Sotur " 21 Beaver Creek Mon " 2'i Br iwn Si-hoi 1 Tries " 27 Map e Lane Wed 28 Cams Thurs ' 29 Oregon City Satur " 31 ar 2 o'clock 8 " Hv balance School Fund on hand, Bv amount paid out on Cimniv Wrrai Is fly amount paid out on Stare Tax By amount paid out mi Sime Annc'll'iiral College Tax " Jv ami. paid outon Coniii.,.,,,! , ,( , Soldier Funds ty balance on hand March ;;i-t, rj rtv balance on hand, Itoa.l Warrants By amount on hand In Road Fund... f l.'l'il 47 '.'.: 'i i 1 1 ls ;n a i s i us 31 ma y I I I Ml M lload Fund . I 2'.h i:. Hi '.JS 112 I.h 970 77' I General Fund 1 $ l.'-V, .11 j S.Mri lis t I i,:pi f i I 17 514 ni 5.9ltl Tl v.i or ; 7i; P. IS.'vlli '.S ! I 4V!47 .' I J V75 31 ( l.7o (i, STATE OF OREGON County of Clai kaina J' I, A. Luelling. do hereby , eriily the foregoing Is a true and c.,rr...i ... .ne amounts received, i ui.l .n . ' K. , . .". 1 """" "'H'oueiit nf Coun-vfortheaix ,h. endiu, n,. , A Dp. - """" "' - ,M,i on, in .nay, a. w. i:n'. l-I'EI.I.INt;, Cnuniy Treasurer. Semi-Annual Statement of County Sheriff Ot the amount ol money am! varrsnts received for taxes Treasurer by the HlerilJ nf C lacllsn. tne . list day of March, A. D. l:n.' arid money ,,i, , ( (., (. as Countyircgnn, for the lx month, ending TO AMOI NT RECEIVED DIT.INO THE MuNTII OK ,,v. Dec. ! J. in Coin and ('amnry In County Warrants . :f .Wo 72$ !I39 31 ; I o35 folal received BY AAioT nT i'AID I 5K2 Oiloher Feh. Mitrcii "1 7 is'i .'!, 15 M liMir't )( j. l j I'll !'' 72 .W! nr,77. 7-,!$7.;i5 5io7 ,: I t I O . ! " I III'. MON'HI OK ":. Jan. rl To County Treasurer . tlUZENs' DATES. The candidatea on the Cilizetm will addrerts the p .bin: as follow Beaver L., (H. h ) Sa'., May 17. 2 17, 7:30 19. 2 First publication, May 9, 1902. I'iual iVolice. Notice is hereby given that I have this day filed with the County Court of CTacka inas County, State of Oregon, mv Final Report as administratrix ol the E-tate of Martha Bartlew. Deceased and that th. said Court baa set Tuesday the 3rd day of June, Ma, at ine nourof ten o clock A. M cf said day for the hearing of said reort and objections thereto if any there be at which time all persona interested are re quested to present any objections they may bave to said account, to ald Conn ELLA E. WILLIAMS, Administrator. Dated, April 10th, 1902. feet; I hence West 810 feet- thence North Administrator with the will annexed of ' ft"el 'hence North 21 degrees 53 inin aaid enate. j u tea East feet to tbe place of begin- mng, containing VI acres more or less. Said land will be sold in the order namel above. Now, Therefore, by viitue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of aaid writ, l will on Satnrday, the HTH DAY OF JCNE. 1902;y at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M.. at the Iront door or the County Court House in the City of O-egon City, io said County and S.ate, aell at public auction, subject to redemption, to toe highest hidihr, for lT. 8. gold coin casn in hand, all the right, title and interest which (he within named de fendants or either of tbem, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or lo the above described real projiertv or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Molalla, Coltoii, Highland, Springwater, (iarfield, Ciirrinnville, Viola. JAgan, Otegou City, Borings, Sandy, Bnllrun, Cherryville, 'ieorge, Eagle Creek, Sit. Mon. tnkct P. M TllfA. " Weil. " Thorn. " Fri. " Sat. !' Hat. " Mon. " Mon. " Tnes. " Tuen. " Wed. " Thurs. ' I!). 7.30 " 20, 7:.;0 " 21, 7 :.'i0'- 22, 7 :.'!0 " 23, 7 :30 " 24, 2 " 24. H " 20. " 20, 7 :.'!0 " 27, 7 :30 " 27, 7:30 " 25, 7::;o" 29, 7::;o" r'llh 7ti 278 h.l,t oi..-, 7() i 70$ 278 n.T$I'l3,'77ur Total paid Treasurer STATE OF OREGON, County ol Clackamas. I, J. J. Cooke, SherilTof said Counly, do hereby certify ),at i. a correct and true ' ' " ' Witness my hand this 20th day of April, A. D I'kil'. J J COOKE, Sheriff-of Clark l-'eb. I March " ' I 902I 2H fi.'Jirj, K; 7 o., !;2I;toiK, regolug slHtemerit mas County. ASK Druggist for IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm Gives Belief af once. It cleanses, sooth's anil beats the diseased mem brane. It cures Catarrh CATARRH iess Y-sFTlt-fa, Tlrl . . Semi-Annual Summary Statement Of the Financial Coiidiiioreof tbe County of Clarkama, I., n . u. . ... Slat day of March. 1902. y on,M..Kinnai, in the State of ()rng. MAIIILITIES io warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, ami outstanding .,i . To estimated amount of Interest kccrue.l thereon Ut"ta,"lln "' '"'paid AY FEVER and drives away a Cold in the Uead qtiu kly. It la absorbed. Heals and Protects the Urmu.. Kesmrea the Ren sea of 'J isle and 8me IL Fuil aiu Kc.; Trial Hz lor.; at Im.gils or by mall. JLT BKOTI1KK9, M Warren Street, Xtw Tork. Total Liabilities RESOURCES "'Sty Warrant C""",y T" " ' W".,,, J a a- : i. . . 7 t." " 0M:"u'"y "Pl'''"e to th. payment of Cmy R v ,. i rimrawl tin t mi. I msfant '. ' ii ' ' ', ' ' 1 ' ' ' Warrant!:.: W W'wt of Count, Uy estimated uncollected tax liens of llrno ; ;; "wn" Total Resources exclusive of County property Total Indebtedness of County Total Resources . Jfet Indebtedness 109 I ir:FEMi:0nHiuiii!rul( llfOam Heard nr. llir i lie, (To The ICIIior.,,,;, !. naiiiH t'onslilmal.ia ,,,,," "iy.. iiVrirr In aoiun Inrther rem,,,, t(' lln. '"Miuwiu,!,1'' Iltat iagaeiitltl,.,, ..Ht, . Campal,,..," W1 I. To judge Iron, ,n ..u,,(ifll up however, mm l)lm ,lt l.s kalhat were ,tll u,. K ni.. noiiiiiiel ; 'J inn inn oi me, luiw limy ,,. came to lorunt thai u, ... , amae, ami Mr. Kaaii,.,,,, j, ' alHiul lw0,, nitK ii Ingua how llrownell , u, Idol. t.... ....( i I . " ...... ,,. b(j( ollnr any leuic.ty ., Tli.M.loaay. Mr. Vtli Faall.atn .le.oled tiio.1 ( ' .Lowing the rtu u( ow w comlitlnit In Clack,,,,,, c ' Itroilier. II w,.au,1.WMm ,niJ cans, of the evil ,,,'i ,UJ ople will know ,t!)U, r1 that Ihe way In r, Uw,hUh '4 eylllato.loaway ,t, reed 'm l Ion c, h ,, lfulJ. aeknew h.tgvB ,tl, """""'" out ii bad ,-olic, (,ul(k K.iriwiog io icarn whnthnr til aomewiing clan u,B llulff ieopln waul .i ,w . , the mailer ami ll.ry ,, niediclne on th. 2nd lUyUht Maya Mr, Hchnelsrl: 'Thit.k. Illllfht iHMailllv l In . . - ' ' rural j'aj lorin ami had a remedy, ,m ,.iu, to down Ilroaurll. I,., I tnelillon It, ,.km yM,ln Ihcy propoeml to hrlr ,(M,u (, that waa nccdu.1 and J tullti Ihe only ansaei waa lo tuna U t machlue Iissmi on itie, am) Mr, la-k'an lo tell lha s,,t,ta had .li keil on mr a Ihe t Milk Crrek pr"'lncl to yn io conveiillon lo work for his inlrrs , he lion Die- peopU o Milk, Crm , rind would iy no attentioalo atL II 1 waa aa vile a tnao a, Mr. LV. pii'turcl me no doubt our pu not tee) me I tne. hut I am pflert!i log to let my record auoni uit v bora he put on Ike tea lea ,lb ill. I liatu'a slander," Your iiieelion wa, po ohjirlra, It waa hut a email pail u llmtilf coliiinciiced in U hall ol yyf 'f Saint " When vou poured in von J vent plea lor your "I'ulilicil lie alioin you ha.l riiiiiiarri to ("lili Sa.lor, Mr. Eaalham rxprerteil b. mil aa you ijuot" hut to Id hi eircct." 'I am aell aware that it I ll autiwii political method ol IU t alioin you eilole, lo o Into tin u- ' pieciiicta n our county, an. I to il- ' '-i j aelnd from Ihe roliliral I'artiel mv I lo hi, own, (or 0ihiwmI to tin oat I claims lor the present ), such bens ! will amvu hla (Mihtical nirsaasi, h liell wealhef, are expeited bjfa lead lloor fl a-k Into hia iorru4 Li am not a,)iii( that lie duet Dot u tune,, Iiy mistake, tct a very orlia' ilai k sheen when reaching out I hell weather. a 'I don't bnlievn the pent la will I' the man who introduced Mr. llrutnei , the political hero of Clackamil Cw' "'' ' i the hen, of ihe Stale of t)ieoo,iJ' lo Ih Ihe hern of the I'n lei Much leas do I believe lliey W tin Ulan who stuinlin heneatll U' i lure of f'hriat. the Savior, an.l lo t in red pri soiii-, coinpareil liis l")'1 In ro lo that humble Savior ol ' Moat me,, would not have lolerateJ K an iiitroiluclion without coii'lfninif ld inn tell you the Miople uu n piovn of that kind ol thinti " There ia nothing vile in lhi B'1 I here ia no slander ill il. Trill Ii I) slander. You are ready lo l", I "ay Hint Mr. Ilrow nell never knew I wanted lo lie a deli-Rato to the cm convenlion. It ia iiiile poaaibll !" kept this dreadful ancret from lnra- K.isIIihiii passed no opinion oo tl' 3 ineiiloim M)ln. He millil remark b fiver that It waa very ttioiilfhtleaa had of you not to run ami toll liin Your question aa to how MP1'' to better the comlilion of Clark" County, I repeat, waa not objection'"' hut il the iHoiile noe where tin ,ri)l1 i" they don't care lor an answer W I1"1 You probably expected the chesp Koirne'a renlv which woiihl have b" HoOll Of l.rioidiiua arranireil tO Caleb ' voteri of every cIhnA ami KTtion poi The people know that their IntermU" be i.ropnrlv lukeii care of if tltT " carclul in the selection ol their P"1 "ervanta. You, remarka in thla liane in P"1 Mr. Itrou.,,,11 . Unix off III and It wool, l ,aint li.m atory to t'' U,ll.1 Oi in I. on, on the AMOUNT 9-, '.in t . . -Mar I 18.(M, fa """" "! VOU Hay yoll couan.v. and Mr. U'Kon the political if'"" thm county ami ntalo. Men have an 2'i,3.l7 72 27,320 20 2t.3o8 03 1.791 Idl 2,.'. 1 3 8j 1,089 77 I 83.017 21 $ 1K'.,0X0 r,8 83,017 ?t to their ideaa nf what constitutf" be": t l,...e.l ..I i... the ft11 . u. n WOII1HIJ S.UU iue -- . I It,,, U M U.. 1 . .. .. . I. ... I There a"11 Inanv audi lorn. a von know. You refer lo that Ponuliat convent'0' of four veara aun the rotteneat JO" ever in yon aay. That was H' t0 lion in avlih.l. ..,. n,mlnale(l TOUriOl1 ...I II sir I... (I., I" ( nero, . n, u uen ioi fienata'i it i t I.qva seen I conventions that did not make"eD l hero. X O. W. East"