Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1899)
OKEOON CITY ENTKIU'ItlSK, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1890. f'rin Oregon City Enterprise --T - " ; LOCAL TBANSTOHTATlOlf LINES. TvsCaI I'ANIHIDI KaII.WAV CoMAR IIAVI PORTLAND (Couch 8t.) IIAVI ORCOON CITY 7:00 A, M. 7:" J A. M. T:45 7 5" 9 15 q 10:00 10,03 10:45 10:50 11:30 i:35 if ij r. m. it. to t, m, 1:00 1:05 :45 rs" 3 3 5 1 11 : Auw 405 4 45 4 jo B'i 135 6:13 60 7:'3 r5 . b y only (0 Milmuklo 9 IS , u:jj only (o Mklwankl li:4' 7 S' 8 Jo only in Mil waul I 915 o:y I j jo only lo Mifwaukl 41 MiNUIl SCMIOUll. OKKUOM (III KlirilltlUMI ItlVKH Tllli aiiaai At tviHi .iva roavMao toui ijl r iiml I tie M. Kwt r.uili.eui l'p m. MII.UMKITK PAUJ tiM UUV kf. tviriaeiua sbiimji ( to a. m. I u M in U Ul II 00 IJ la I mom. i o - I u " 10 M 11 I la luinm rtuj I . M, t T 14 M M I M k. m. 1 l " 4 " t U -- I w . hmir mil t "iwl SB. lu eOavl 0 elld 11 J'il.M I. M, t:. A tiii uu. vrr. A5.1l AL Itl TOKTl Of tbf City Recorder m4 Ih (11 Water CoMinliilui. kxioauts'a asroara ()' City, Jen, 4th, lW T th Honor rhl, Mayor end City 'rrguo Ol, Oregon. Council of On (jnlliiiu : I ripvtiully ubiulltl folio ing report o( heArnaarlloiiof Hit efllca of recorder Iruii Hit Hili day of ! ceraW, I .y4, lo th Alb day of January, 18W, Innlui.v. Th Mloalng r were hal.l In th recorder' court iluifug (aid lima: IVeniUr 17, lh?w. liurg Miller wn errreted and h latrcrt iih being drut.k and diiordnjy, plead guilty, ai nlencod lu pay a flna of 1 or in ilrlaull llitrtof lo U coiifliavl In ilia city Jail lor 3 da; tilth work lb city atrrtia, lu (Ulaull we niiiiii U l lo jail. iKn-amlK-r 19, I'H Cha (iofotlh wai arreelad and char.i l with Ulng drunk eoJ disorderly, tl1 guilty, wet mm enced to i ay flnj of t and In default thereof waa eommlltrd lu Ilia olty jail (or I day with work dn Ilia itrioti. I)cmbr 20, 1J1, T. I. Merillt and Jamaa Curry wrearrriled and charged with bvliig druuk And ilia .rUrly, laad ullly, war annlaiKil to y a Bna ol 10 each, and iu dnfaull wara coiniiiillad to lhaolty jail for 6 daya oath with work on Ilia atroata. ) Tlia following Imlal fwnnlia hava bun Uatia.l daring (lia month : Itotitilwr 13, U'4, 1. Alllaon; January lt, 18DU, Ilia Infaiil child of Mr. Mo- Alliiar. A enrlltlraU of 111 lo hUk 7, flrtl Addition lo Mminllin Vlaw ramalary wai ittuad lo M. F.Uoyla, ltaipai'lfally iSiibwiltled, llaici jC Ci'KRV, Km'ordar. Qhioon Citit, Pec. 31, lltDS. To Iho llonorahla Mayor and City Coun cil of Oragun City, Dragon. Qautlanan: I lirrawlth aubmlt my annual raport of iho financial trantao tlom of Hit city during tha yenr 1808, Ilia praaant finauotal condition of the city And a arlef HAteiiient of th tram Action In the olfica of lha recorder dur ing taid year; flNANCK, ' Warranla ware ordered drawn on the general fund during the year by the city council, amounting to $'J,l)95.07 fur the parooana herein let forth : I'd V. Co, electric lUhta (leo A Harding, eletlrin la in in ('haa 10 Hurni, c-hlel of police ,.:o.-).v7i o 0.1 , . 720 00 , . 720 0;) ,. 1VI 0.) .. 6 75 h I, Hliaw, nightwaliilinian T V Kyaa, recorder " ; " atamp. etc B C Curry, recorder.', " " making Index and phtti II K Htralght. treaNiirvr T M Millerella,iiec'l waloliini-n F T Urilllth, city iiroiocutor. . . , 125 03 HI 15 IliO 00 34 00 171 10 G II Dye, fuel In citjr caao 15 60 U V A I) U J.otolratla, leal And conn in raii'i.l 21 70 C 1) I.Hloiiieltn, roil in chhi. . 110 00 I. Dim'klenian.cTiig Main itnut 210 00 Work on olty etreoti and repaln 101MI 23 (iio Bronglilon, hiinber. . i . . . . . 202 02 II F Linn, lumber 02 8(1 Morning A Moehnkis lumhrr. . , 17 20 (Jut Hunk Note Co, printing warrant! 65 19 Sport committee 4 Hi of July fireman' rare Hook & Ladder iV Hone Co, An nual allowance I.arkln A l ee, fir hell W (I Ureen t al., witchiiiK Mr V It II Clerk, rent of pond.,.. Iteckuer & lirown, tluuuing fire 71 00 125 00 355 00 3 00 20 00 5 00 7 50 apparatus udgei llrameni' election () Wood, rehat ou 1iciin. , , . 100 00 '0 Noon A Co, flag 4 87 1 J finlTy.wooil fur jail and hall ., J W lirown, " " " V K (ia lke phiinhlii( work , ., . IK! Iron Wurki, linn work I'ope A 'n. nrdai WiUmi A Cooke, hard ware. , , , . fl II IWInw, aiiiiUoik ... ... O (! rri'ie,rdiiiaiii' and indlri-a OOCotirli-r, U (' I'.iiU'rpimfl, notlre , ((! Ilorald, notlre Moriiliin llreifiiiilau, notice. , . , . UUm.V I'rudiioiiiiiia, record b'k lino Wamnr, hauling W II Cooke. " (J N (ireenmau, haulliig , Ja Koike, wrinchea, eio ( lacliaiiiae county, 40 per cent road money 1)23 31 tlai kamaa eouuly, coin In road ran , M no 321 It 4; M lb Ul 31 60 1 m 127 40 u m 16 m 6 4'i .1 60 4 61 (t (' llw.r Fn bann, rli'd rock Win :ie,workon pulilloiitiar Hemiiel Marn, Wat Harach. Irea K Wllllami. leed V flarrla, I'aul lleminelgirri, meal at Jail llunilev Hne, mpplie 1 1 Irani Vtralght, Iwl, elo. ..... . It trkler, wrk on lii (.liarmau A Co, cement. (I li'ireinaa, work ou park II Hin it li, eiirtevlng . 104 no 71 21 71 21 4 r 1 IX) 27 00 6 0 3.1 60 (XI 4.',J 60 I'aUtin Im Co, In ol clrV b'U'g l)ri'lon I,lvriool A ile Moan Co, lioo r-J4 1 r I hrlllnii, I'antl i Y. V. ht"l. palliling h ie Iioiim lr 1'aine, ilrxe. Wollrf I of tramp Ibwrd of Water Cong waUrplpol N K K.'fl.lnr, iliirH'tilng luili r. Itliaifi, glM Ag Ug it.II TH laiui, HitrMl alepi. (ol Ihn iiiiii 1','S 'I) waa paid It lliecliy by titei lulwrliition) Y1 M-iy, alaiJnig I'Mila .... 4 m 6 Ol I 60 1 60 lliilliiur A I'oi ll. Iul at elation . W I. Illora, tu II W 1 ouiig, hvi auc, rlerl of city elertlnn 40 i0 0 11O U If Willi. M, Idnpm ling rulrt loUl warran Htimiiiary ol draea iM'Vi 07 purpoeee for which ill rami; earrael aero Uililmg el. an I'olic ileparln piildla b'ld'gi em IU4 vo Htrret work, ai Fire drierliii rutilicalioit ol nealki, te . , I 034 H ordiuanioe and liulliee .... sou 37 Nalary nl rarorder, Ireaauior and r il y aitomer rVll 0 42I 10 142 6U A ", l 4l 60 Free and c- n cilr caaoa . , nauraiife ol pif (lie buildiuga Work on pul.l id e)uaree Huil.llin t tit wi ihla nini l.'JJ IX) waa paid to llierllf liy iiiitalatillMM'riptlon) - 'ruelied ro. k .I 325 15 larkamaa roully 40 r rent rued luu I . . . 1 ;ip .Iron relundtf) Ifl 00 puiKi 22') 45 T..UI 1 !' Utf'i 67 Itixalpiaof lb ynr are aa followi; alee 1 4'irt4 23 lireimea . ', 4000 IX) Ihik) no .42.V) (X) .3.'iO0 10 1112 85 F. l( II C i i Walr limd ... V K.d fend II other aolirif (Ol Una iuiii .'7S 1-0 paid tu city ly pria'r lului Ipuou lor Hlh (tiret Total amount of rm-elple l;:7 OS i.ul amounlof warranti drawn! T7 iiereal ou city Ixmili 2o0 00 Tolat HiTO M itioiint of tecelli in eicvn el arranta and Intert-et on city IxMida i $o8.U 41 Ki'iU'tn iki.miihimii or umiuon tirv. ir rent M.mle .. .', l:W).0OO 0i) K-r triita hood . . . j 20,000 00 Total bolide I indvhtndneM ( IMKTIIY ri'KD. .V),000 00 auuarr 1. 18UH. raah In lraiury 1151 22 Kerelted lor luiproveuunil and ealeol lull 37 w Total , f559 12 Warrant hay hern drawn on the reinelry fund during Iti'.'S a follow: O II Yonng, ilo and pit I 3 25 Jouva.b'ld'g (euceaud I'lhouie 67 fa II II Johnion, eurVKyliig 76 00 N lireatunan, liauling 75 aa Uoaka, redar elakn 30 00 Win lla rich, I rare 6 00 J (1 abeam 1 35 I) W Kiniiaird.aurTeylng 10 00 I'iiImi A Co, water to cemetery. . 258 00 F Williamaon, work 10 25 ( W Ul.ureli, building fence. ... 265 06 Total amount of warrant f 742 01 Warraat redeemed during year lHUH $ 325 67 Interval on warrant redieaied 2 46 Total 328 11 Caah In trvaiury. Peo 31, 10U . '.'(U 00 Outstanding wrrant,lto 31 '1)8 417 20 eiVKNTI ITHXKT IMf ROVBMKNT. Caih on hand, Jan 1,181)8 $123 38 Not of M b church Including lu tercet 370 31 Total $504 00 Outitanding warranti , $745 80 No receipt or diibu aenicnt during Ih year. The aiiciimenl of trie M A 8tratton extutul Hill unpaid and th lull ptnding in tho euprome court. KOAII yi'Nl). Kocelvod from county. I'romlmn on warrant. . .$8000 74 . 30 (17 Total J $8031 41 $4,111 411 S,)00 00 200 62 Wnrrantireiheinl ...... Tranxhirred to gnnral lund ('aid to county 40 per cent. . Total Cull on hand, Doc 31,' 1898. $8021 01 $ 10 40 Warrant hav buon drawn uon drawn on me road fund during th year a follow: Clai'kaniH Co iiiipenslon bridge $ 400 07 I) l.yoni, Hingir hill imp, etc. . . 322(1 35 O 0 PrM, printing warrants. . . 4 00 White ltroH, plan, 10 00 J II Smith, xptH'HUinlien 12 50 OCIron Work, grating 31 43 John lliilner.imp linger hill wk 60 00 I'ope A Co, iron work 24 12 T 8 Lawrence, ildowalkt 148 (15 Commercial link, Olds contract SCO 00 li F Kmlth, Abormthy bridge contract 208 17 W 8100 3 2 V) I iv y V THE EXCIXLLNCC OF SVRL'P OF TIOS U due not only t- ttie uriiflnality and aliDplklly of the combination, but alvj Ui th car and akill with which it Ia niAnufcturel by Iditlflo rocea known to th Camxohria Fio Hratp Co. only, and wm wUh to linprc upon All 'lb Importance of mn halii(r the true And orlylual remedy. A the ffcuuln Kyrup of i'ltf I manufactured by th C'AuroMxiA F10 brhuf Oj. ouly, A kuoMlodft-e of that fact will AUt on In av.iidiiiif the worthlcaa ImlUtioni liinriufacturid Ly other par lira. The hlrfli ktundiiiif of th CAM roKXlA Fl'l SThlT Co, with tho medi cal profcanlnu, and the eutUfurtlon which tho (r-nuiiio Myrup of Figi haa (rlrrn to mlillxii of farnillc. niskot the name of the Company a guaranty of the eicrlhinco of it a rrmrly. It la far In adrenca of all other laxatlrr, aa It Act on tho kidney , liver and bowel without Irrilallnjf or weaken injf thrm, and It dica W't yripe nor tiauaratii. In onhr tojfft lu brncflclkl effrcta, plraae remembrr th name of the Company CAUFORMA nG SYRUP CO. AM rHAACIMi, tat Let iitille. aw nun, n. t C N (Ireeuman, liauling!. II II Jolineon, iiirveytiif. , . 6 16 m 60 10 00 II r. Ilarria, roa-l Total OuUlandiag road t'MMtlT o $4708 80 $ 397 40 arranta oxxiial rtnb. Caih on hand J 1 U'ia 1 1 Kn '. lle.'rlirml hy nr,r dnriuj ' tl.e yrar huh 10,(127 08 Total $21,323 41 ly Ireaaiirer $13,057 C3 Marram i.aii during Inlrred on rrani n damel 2.710 4V l.ilrrral pal n iKimle ol city 2.HO0 (X) ( ali 111 llr 11 y 7j: 2V Total $21,323 41 WarrauU oglatuiidiug IK 8 31. I'7 ... J $72.68 84 Warrauie friurd during yrar V.Wi 07 Total I $32,512 61 Wairanti I paid by tr aurrr Uurmg y- Warranti V 1" 1. iJ during rar $13,0:7 C3 nlatandilig $10 324 18 ( ali lit treaaury, note and aivount loe tl.e 1 n : Call, in lliiaiury.. . .$2763 29 Due front! Due on hoard of aatrr coin r.xjQ 45 Hotel I10111 rfitlrmit loli I40o Ni luo lr jiii I- H It K Co 30rJ 60 Total $'.xi!0 82 Outalandtiig war fund ..j rranti cineral $10,624 88 Uniatandnig wariaaia 7th itr't 74.1 80 fund..;. ., Oulelandtug aarraMta road fund 307 40 " cemetery " 417 20 1 Total oil'atanding warrant $2I.OH5 34 Cull on hand general fund. . $ 2.755 20 : cemetery " 2t.I 00 " 7t atreel " 125 38 " " roa-l " 10 40 Total caih on band $2152 07 Warrant outalauding over raah on hand $17,033 27 Thre hi been 60 rar brought In th recordtr' court for violation of city ordlnaucea during the year aud fine to th a moil ot of $540 wr irnpoaed, $30 of which waa paid In raah and lha balance wa worktd out by Imprisonment. Kfxpre'fnlly aukmltte-l, I'ltt ca 0. Ct'aar, Recorder. WATCH I'OMMIXaioNia' RIIHIAT. Ohkuom City, Oai Jan. IU, I8119 To the Honorable, th Mayor and City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. , Uuntleinen Wo herewith nibniit th following report hoeing th preaent condition of th city valr work, alio a atatementof receipt and diiburaeinent (or the pait lix month, a reiiired by the city charter. ' There ha been laid on Flnt itreet, Green I'oiut, 508 feet of 2-inch galvanized iron pip at gn expenie f $55 t th board, th prorty owner paying th balance. ' Twelv new tapptng hav been made during the year at a profit of $14.50. The penitockr and handwork wa re paired at a coil uf $70. On December 13th, last, the water wheel coupling gave way and uecenilat ed a (toppnge f 67 hour, while re pain were being made, the uperintoudent and ninchinlitM working uiizlit aud day until completion. Th expense amounting to orjr 1 J r a i Sizc PHce. Tho popularity of Ajrer's Cherry Tectoral, and the groat demand for a cheaper package, haa been recog nized by the proprietors in their new half-ske bottle, costing CO cents. AjJCP'S Cjierrfl Pcciopal $2r0. Poring Ihl time Ih rexervolr. luppllnd Ik ronxuaier. Hlnm July Ul, H'Ci, th city In bnn .-It) AvMiiv mm At 1 t a pail 1 1U..7 nj ai iniir proportion 01 tn groti procoeda from th ryaa of th wriit wora iimr remain a liaiarice of IMXiOftJillll du, which will he pal I In a few month, If no unaxiial epnie occur. KK4AIKT July collation., $687 8.') Annual 631 P0 ft.plemler " ( " Nofemlier ' ItMiember " 634 75 (III 60 707 18 I35M 68 Ilatanr In Ireaiurer'l handiJaly lit, 18'J8 $ 86 84 $33 42 Amount overdrawn 4 66 ' Total A?m 07 MXHI KaXUKXT l al I rlty on acct of inil'lm'ti d & $2100 00 l'eld laborer J. 07 1)0 (J fl lieetow, oa ac Green 1'oint main $41.35, lumber 40c . .. 41 75 O C l'iit-rpr t,rtrp hk anJ nolle 18 60 (irition A Knight Mfg Co, aplio. llt 15 75 Dan I. yon, rrtixhcd roV. 140 (' N (irrnmari. ilraviir 0 60 rl V Co. laix.r fl'.'O mater ial V) 47. tiKiliflHr' 219 i"ie I'-roiifl.toii, lniler 15 18 Charman A Co, painla, auudrie IUlrrftlli 'I J4.Z- 19 GO I'll KCe. light $110, iluicing halin I.J7 W) 62 20 272 60 233 60 176 II 64 00 300 00 W II IJowoll, u).'f C m'lb al .'70, al.ut off UA $2 60 T I. Cliarman, -corn $178.30, aall'), tip $4 -f) OCIron Worki.flum $42.48, pumpa 28. ti!i $1.25, nx cteri $3,60... OCIron Work, Jiop'iuiid $12.05, eon Inoa 82c, vatar heel H7 Wollf ZalckeIron Worki, re IiriiiK elieolJ 8ii mofita Int ol water xi to January lit, li'j. Totaiemo'aeftdingnecSl.'Ofl $37 07 urKKiar or matcul Ca.t Iron water pipe, I2lt 3in, 30 Il4in,48lteii, 30ft Kin, 24ftlOin$ 81 25 ItOItCin lap-wl I...I pipe, ac hd 45 Oi One din. 1 10in'Y"110in elbow, -two loin, Ibrre 8111, three Cin, Ave 4in ct i!ey, on 4ia and three Ola teat 40 00 11 Mia of real iron gear 25 00 32.VIUIad .. .. 17 26 110-lb packing 40 60 On air cnamber $10, 4in yalye $70 17 60 Two Keeentrle airap lor Union pump 40 00 c rvice CVki, 00-half in $30, 7- Ihreo-rpiarUrt In $7 43 00 HerrU Cotk. ix liu 0 00 Claaipa, five Cln $5, twely 2ia $4 60 0 60 On four plungur pump 250 00 Old Iron 1 20 00 Total $ 635 00 wvtatnaT or tool Chain block $17, valve (eat reamer $12,2cepeiit tamper $4 0-lbilon banirr$2, 2 8-lbiledg - bainmer $3 50: 60 ft In hoi $5 lead melting fur nance and pot $15 Wrenchea, hammer, aie, pick andihoyel ) Hevolution count $8, leal and blank $3. Tool box $3, 2 lantern $1 , 4 eteel bare $7, rop and chain $5. . .. 2tappiiig machine $,8-in ladl $1, bench vie $4-60 23 00 5 60 10 00 15 00 11 03 16 00 100 50 ToUl... .$ 201 00 TABL or WATKA COLLECTION FROM MAT IkT, 1891, TO JAd'AAT 1T,1809. 1801 May lit to May 1 '92, T F Kyaa.iecy and collector $4,235 S3 1892 May let to May lit 1893, T F Kvan, eecy and collector.. . 4,077 76 1813 May lat tu Dec Slit 1893 T F Kvan eery and collector. 3,324 15 1804 Jaii lit lu' July lit tfuio'l T F Kyau eecy aud'oollector. 2,450 22 Total... .$14,087 45 1804 July lat tu IVc Slat, 6 rao'a T L ('barman aec and col wt $3,009 45 18)5 Jan 11 to IVc Slit.TL Charman arc and col 6,473 70 1890 Jan 11 to Do Slit, T L Charman eo and eel 6,654 13 1807 Jan lit to Doe Slat, TL ' Cliarman sec and col 6,04(i 70 18D8 Jan 11 to Dec 311, TL Charman aecandcol... 7,234 63 Total $30,383 61 Grand total. ..... $45,071 06 AITROXIMATK VAU't Ot THE CITT WATER WORK Worthington poiap.l million gal capacity , low preeaur, includ ing itation .Victor water whl, iron flume and pn-itock. ..$11,000 00 Union pump, 1 million gal capacity, high eervlc 5,840 00 Water maiu on ththtll 10.000 00 " Malnatreet.... 8.200 00 " Midi ion itreet. 1,180 00 lleiorvoir, capacity 1,440,280 gal 7.000 00 Rexervoir ground at Elyville. . 1,033 00 Telephone line i 70 00 Inventory of tool : 201 00 Inventory of material, efc 635 00 Net worth $50,659 00 Fatimated value turned over to the board May 23rd 1891. . . .$20,000 00 Net increaao ,' $30,059 00 Water Bond hearing 6 percent int having 5 year to run $10,000 00 Due City on deferred piym'tt. 1,900 53 liter are no other out itand iug claim , Hixly hydrant ar distributed through out the city lor L'-incli hone, 49 are on Ih itreet, 2 on the auiptniion bridge, 4 iu th warehouse, 5 iu the woolen mills ; beside (mailer lios rial a in variom other buildingi, which taken all to gether and including oar efficient Mr department, givei our city lha best of fir protection. The main carry at all time a preiaure of 65-lbx for th hill and Go to 80-llx tor Alain itreet. Respectfully lubraitted, Hoard of'ater Commissioner, Chari.ks II. CAiriELD, lVidnt I. L. Charman, Utcratary, Best shave in barber shop. the city atJohnson'i U7 u ifawm r AusoiviiEV Pure , Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Though h had long alored bet ia eoret worsblperl, la fact, the ground (he premed bom-jith the eolea of her dainty little No. 8' he had never yet boen abl to screw op nfutimt ooorag to pal hi fute to th (est. Poor fellow I He ws one of thoo shy, rjiodnir, elf depreciating sort of chap that are grow ing rapidly acarner, or be would hav turubl'id month tun to the fact that be bad only to go In and win. Gertrod Alicia knew the Ute of hi feeding tight enough, bat It bad pleased ber titbrto fJ keep him dangling In at (?udanoe. At list, however, aha made op bnr mind to land ber flb a mxm aa A favorable chance presented itaclf. And Ibo opportunity came at the Hmytbingtona' little aoiree, when the liaatiioi swain, eutuilng the otjuserva- lory, dlsixivered his inamorata looking her loviiliest amid the palms and flower. "Aro are yon alone?" he qoeatioued timidly. In a moment the fair and ready wit tod girl saw her chance and took it then and there. "A loan. Hen er Mr. Finnlkin," she uid, with lowered eye lid, "a loan? Certainly not I'm A gilL" And 15 mlnoU-e later, when tbey emerged from their retreat, llenry wa asking himself how be ooald have been neb a Joggina as to pott pone hi bp pinoa so lnrig. Kaiisa City Journal How MlaUtarra Aro Dratroyoel. The chief agent in the deatractioo of a miniature I pcrbapa sunlight. The direct ray of the son should never be permitted to fall apoa lb portrait, and especially should it be remembered that the glaii (or crystal) cover to the miniature, and the glaa of the cabinet In which tbey are kept, all help to in crease tbe power of the unligbt and lo give to iu feeblest ray ability to ex erciee destructive force. Very many lovely old miniature have been prac tically nlned by light Hong upon a wall or in a case, tbey are exposed to fall sunlight, and tbe earnatiou qnickly fade, tbe valne of all tbe color i reduced And whitened And tbe paler and more delicate tint vanish altogether. If tbe exigencies of (pace demand that a wall opposite a window (the wnnit twiaitinn in & rrvm for miniature) must be nsed, then blind or curtain should be supplied to tbe cabinet oootaiuing tbe treasure!, And a often aa poesible the window op posite tbe cabinet should be jbrooded, so a to prevent tbe light iiflling upon tbe cabinet and iUconttvats. "Portrait Miniature, " by O. C. Williamaon. A area tore. A family tree iaa good thing to have, and that the descendant of tbe pilgrim father, of the Puritan preachers, of tbe Revolutionary sires, tbe colonial dames, should come to tbe front every little while and impress tbe fact of their lineage npon people ia rather pleasing than 0 tier wise. It adds a cer tain repose to tbe rash of everyday life. It may, however, be carried too far. Apparently it is carried too far in New York, where in certain circle it amount almost to a monomania. Wo men to whom one is introduced cannot chat fur five minute without leading tbe (object to ancestors, and If the stranger uever happened to have had any tbe result ia most embarrassing, even distressing; hence those person given over to conversing entirely on the family tree, eta, ahonld be cautioned to become milder advocate of tbe neces sity of a loug line of ancestors, for tbey are fast forming a class which is ob noxious to intelligent, self respecting human beings. New York Time. Habber Baada. "Robber bands have rupplnnted twine to a great extent in the last few years," observed a salesman in a drag store as he slipped a band around a 6 cent pack age of aodinm bicarbonate. "Up to ten years ago rubber bond were seldom een outeide of a courthouse or a law yer' office, and their use was confined almost exclusively to the filing of court document and papers. JSow you find them everywhere. Bands are nsed on all tmall packages in drug stores, and tbey have become an Important factor in the grocery business. Tbey answer tbe same purpose aa twine, aud are ad justed much easier. "It may not be generally known that a rubber baud ia the best tooth cleaner known. It can be forced between the tooth, no mutter how close logeiher, and it removes accumulations that cau not be reached with a toothbrush. Yes, the rubber baud has come to stay. I don't know to what exteut it has hurt the twine industry, but it must be con siderable." Philadelphia Record. Meaning- ot Protocol. Like many other English words de rived from other languages, "protocol" has long since lost its original meaning. It is derived from tbe Greek "proton," meaning first, and "kollau," meaning glue, and meant originally a sheet glued in front of a manuscript, bearing the writer's name and other particulars. From this tbe meaning evolved into that of a rough draft of a document and was so used by the Romans, who called it "protocolium." The definition of the word as used in modern diplomacy is given as a rough draft of any document or a document preliminary to some transaction. It likewise is defined as "a diplomatic documout or minute of pro ceeding signed by friendly powers in order to secure certain diploma tio ends bx peaceful means. " A fl . IMCSBNfc Sunday Services. OEftMAN EVANOKMCAL LOTH. KUAN IM MANUAL tfil'KUlICorne KiKtiih and J. Q. Adams ecrerla; Key. Krnrat J. W. Mark, peator. bomlay school t 10 A. M., weekly srrvii every Tliumda t S P.M. Oermaii arhM. tvrry Haturdaf from 0 to 12. Kveryborly invited. , F1R8T roKORKOATIOXAL CHrRm, ltv. I. W. B11 kr, Pauir. Harvlneaai a a. an4 7 Jo r. m. un1r Hnbor.1 alur mornlna arTlej. Prayer BetlL( l..aiaday avonin mi 7 SUo.eloek. fraar oiMtln ol Voua People AVjclatjr of ChrUtlaa Kodaavor every Buudaw eveaiDfatt.aoprenpt. ( riRHT BAPTIHT CHPACn. - Kav. V L. Scliwtlat 1116; Av (!( Bervlr 7 SO, R'ilac prarar metln( lliurijaj avcalo. Momhly, Covenant Meetln every Wedoraday arming oreredln the first Sunday In tk aiontn. Z eor'JIallovltatioD toalL ht. ioii.h'r rnrKcn.CATnoLir.-R. a I HlLLassaao, faaWir. On Huoday naaa at ni 1 1"1 luiw a. M. r.reryarrond and lonrth Sunday Mrmoa aiiar ine a ociora Biaaa At all iHber oiaaaea Xnfliib aermooa. Hunday School at 2 so r. a. Vtn apoUxeUcai subleets and Benedlctloa at 7 JO t. a. MUTHODIHT EPHCOPAL CHCIlcn.-RT.' II. Olari, paator. Morolot lervte at lo tit Sunday Hcboo) at 10 00. Claae oiavtln afta , morulns aervlr. Eveoln eereleo at 7 Jo.1 Epworto ia(o meetin Sunday eventa J0: Praver Meetln Tburadav aealn ai ilnr al at 7 AO.. tratifericordiailv invited. I flRHT PRESBTTEiUAK CHCRCH.-Eiv. A Montfomrry, Paaior. Berviceealll a a. and; ( 7 SO r. a. Habbatb Hrhool at 1 a. M. Touag Pbople'a Society ol Ckrtatlan Eodaavor meeto every Sunday erenlng al SO. Thoradavi evenlog prajrer meetlni at 7 JO. Beau free. 1 EVA50CUCAL CHCRCH-3EBMA.f-Re Eriee. Paator: J. R, Eaaar Auliunt. Prwb!nf aerviree every Sunday at II A. ML. and 7 JO P.M. Aabbath arbool every Aunday ac 10A.M.Mr. Zl.-m.rm.u Supt Prayar Meetlaar every Thursday evening. 8T PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CIIUP.CH Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. ljervices. every Hunday at, and 7:3jp. Hunday school at 10 o'clock, barvica every Friday evenina: at 7:30. Other services aa. , may be announced. All seat free. Strang ers cordially invited. GERMAN LUTHERAN ZI01T8 COX-' gnerational chorcn. Rev. T. Sack, pastor. Services every Hunday at 11 A. 31. JSundaw I school ai 10 L.U. Christian Science meetings at Willam ette hall, Sunday morning senrice, II o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet ings. Wednesday evening at 8, except first week of each month, when meeting; ' will be held on Thursday evening at ft' o'clock. ftvadiHf j'Ittfaw frim 'I . Lodge. 1 A. O. U. W". meets every Saturday ! evening in the A. O. U. V. Temple. Geo. R. Califf. secretary. ' Rebekahs Willamette Rehekah Lodge' No. 2 meets second and f jurth Friday of ' each month at I. O.O. F. Temple. Matta Uodfry, secretary. Court Robin Hood No. 0, Foresters of America, meets first and third Friday ia tbe month in Red Men' Hall. F.T-, Rogers, secretary; F. S. Baker, chieS ranger. Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meets, first Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com mander. Clackamas Chapter No, S, R. A. iL.' meets on the third Monday of eacbs month in Masonic Hall. II. S. Strange,,' aecrwUry. ' Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. S. meets the second and fourth Tuesdays In each t month at Masonic Hall. Mies Jennie Rowen, secretary. . Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., meet every Thursday in Odd Fellows' II all. T. F. Ryan, secretary. . Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F- : meets first and third Tuesdey in each month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.' ' Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. 0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:3 at Red Men's Hall.-J. W. Stuart, CL of R,; H. L. Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A.F. A. al. meets first and third Saturdays in each month at Masonio Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. ' Mead Corps No 18, Yf. R. C, meet . 1st Monday in each month at the Witt-1 amette tlall. Mrs, Clouse, president. The Auxiliary meets the third Monday ' at Willamette Hall. Artisans meets first, second and fourth) Thursdays in each month at Red Mei's Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America St. John's Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday oC the month. Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets lib Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth , Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record;, keepei, Willamette Falls Camp No 143, W. O- W. meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Redmen Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris. Handkerchiefs ot all description cot ton, linen, erubroideiied Swiss, for' ladies gents and children at the Racket ' (tore. SDr. William' Indian Pile 1 ointment will cure mind. . Hlewhuir an Itching 1 Piles. It absorbs tbe tumors. 1 .Hays tbe Itching al onv.c, acta s a poultice, slves instant raw lief. Or. Williams' lurtlan Pile CHnt-, ment Is nreoaivd for Pile and Itch-' Ing of tbe private parts. very box 1. 1 warranted. Bv dnurBlnt. by mall on elpt of price. SO cent and $1.0. WILLIAMS. I MANUFACTURING CO.. ?rops., Uevelaud.hioT 1 For sale by C. G. Huntley, mil K 4