Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1899)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1890. Oregon City Enterprise. l'ubliwhed Every Friday. L. I. POB.KR, Paoraixvo CUA8. A. FITCH, City Khito. UnCHIPTION KATKB, oneye.r w isn.oiiitia I ' Tril obcrlthii, two monlh a A disoounl ol ISO cenle on all eiihscnpllon Jbr on veer. 23 criill (or Ml luontti, II mI1 In advance. AdverUsing rates given on application. which if filloil swamp land, not an attractive place It mpany K, Scytii This it an ohot he high place our boys, who served In the Spanish war, hold Inthe hearts of the people. cable remedies, they are willing aud de sirous (hat tti a very best possltde condi tions may Ixi reached, and to this i't 1 believe they are ever patiently saying in their hearts, "Lead, kin My light." " Tho more I livo studied society tho more 1 havo beoume impressed with tin Subscriber will find the dl of explra- tloii (lamped on ibflr papers lonownif, nam, ll ihlt date ! not changed within two week nr a pavment, kindly notify oi and ill look alter iu Entered at the postofrlc In Oregon City, Or., a second clan niatter. A'jKNTU rt THE INTIRPKIHI. Beaver Creek.... Canbv , Clackamas Milwaukie t'nion Mill Meadow Krook.t. w Kra YVllsollklll Park place Nation. Mull no Cam , Wolalla Nar.iiam lluth-viile Aurora., Orvill Kagle Creek lainaarut gaudy Currintvill Cherryvlll Marmot lr. T. B. Tliomw Ueo. Knlcbi A. Mather (Hear in.nn.Tr 0. J. Trullincer Chat. Hnlinaii W. 8. Newherry Henrr Mllev K. L."KuMell J.U 0r C. T. Howard , R. M. Cooper , Annie rUubt K. M. Hart man B. Jennings .... llenrv A. rinytler Li. Perdu , H. Wilbern J. C Klliott F G.rtaoh . . . ... Geo. J. Currin .Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Aschod CaTTbe way f &"Hd "P Ore ten City ta te fire Orfgvw I'Hf People jer ratreaage. Tbesidext McKinley lays stress upon the demonstrated value of the merchant piarine as an auxil iary force in tie event of war, and as a nursery If seamen. - r A RepcblnJax protectionist tariff keeps step with the largest foreign trade the country has ever known. Free traders fare treating the fact with diplomatic silence. A Baker City jnior aaya: Twelve hundred people at Salem attended the funeral of II. 0. Hibhard, fk deccamtd t L ;.... ..I ....... memwrmcoHiiHHV V- vr. , Ut , o trus ,Ut tho Voluntoere. Thia it an ohot leaaon ol . ' vi v tin friK vi ! ii-vw mtv aan-i v onthiHre of money. They matmtto their iiiihiatrloa tixm the aaiue principle adopted hy tvory man who ihx any hualui'Ka. Thoy aook to obtain good profit. KtcrJ inan lio Inyoela or loana $100 doea the name. It la not a mailer of choice wilt an employer In Intluatry whether lie will pay belter wagf than another. Tim moment he pave more than another In the same line of bimlnea that moment othera can and will produce more cheapl j and undnull and bank rupt the payer of higher wagoa. lain convim-od that the proper aolution of grave ipieetiolia reiiire mora charity a to the motive of men. I alao favor aup- portion the republican party In its atttl - I- I J - ....I . rid of 'em; "Uo "Oh, I Kind aome wayJ (toll d don't wnt Vm," J There yi a nutshell when the "anti There is no doubt as to where Gen. Miles stands on the expan sion question, lie told the com mittee: . "C have no more ida that wewillgivup Manila than that we will giveup Bunker Hill." Says the fMedford Mail: Roberts, the polygaiiist congressman from Utah, surety will not be seated, and oughtjnot to be. Heisun doubiedly a man well fitted for the position, but the American people are not poiygamists, neither are they adherents to a religious creed or doctrine that permits polygamy. The well-being of our great com monwealth (demands that Mr. Roberts' seat b vacated. Among the many bills to be pre sented for the consideration of the legislature at Salem, is one evi dently inspired by C. H. Mclsaac, eecretary of the Manufacturers' Association, in the interest of Lome industry. It is a measure that should pass, by all means. There is one side to it only, and it is that all things being equal public and private buyers in Ore gon should give the preference to products raised and manufactured in this etate. j catob dksekti populism. The eloquent California popolist, Hon. Tbos. V. Cator, wbo baa labored in thia section of Oregon and has many friends and admirers here, writes a long letter to the people ot California, which be publishes in the S. F. "Call" of the 29tb of December and in which be announces that a "re-examination" of the financial question hai modified bis views and changed his opinion on tbe silver ques tion, and states that "statesmen, jurists, and even scientist, find it necessary to I revise, or reverse their former onininna. Jiands Of the insurgents, is situated i To abandon error when It is seen is a Ilo Ilo, the ! second city of the Philippine islands, now in the Mr. IVxkery, of Missouri, a democratic congreseman, is crelitd with the fol lowing nellurld exroailion of the prob lem ot the Philippine: "I tell you," said Mr. IXn-kory, "the aohpr-thluklng people of thia country are against Uklng the Philippines." P Would yon have turned them back 4 Spain T" was aoked "Oh, Lord, no I W'i could'nt have done that of course not,"leplied Mr. IXx kery. Would yon have the American troops withdrawn entireland leave, the people to their fate? "Si," Mid Mr. Dockery. "We must keep k naval base there." "What will you d with the reslT" "Oct "im, 1 mom know. leru em, we ou have it in anti-imperialist" la cornered what else can he say, in effect, but "itollidern 'em, we don't ant 'em? St. Iwul Pioneer Press. J . rrrr l'tT:MrtIHLK I.VINO. Mr. Witoi: Will you please grant me space in which to enquire why Senator Porter was allowed $71 40 for bis services as senator while Senator Brownell received only $70.60. Molalla. Jan. 8, W. Taxtaykb. Ed We find by looking up the records that Senator Porter put in a claim for 76 miles, and Senator Brownell for 70 miles. Tbe only explanation we can make is that Senator PorWr wanted the money lie was seen purchasing a present for his Portland girl, a few days after the legislature aJjourned (Noveruber 3) and it may bo he thought the taxpayers should assist In sd worthy a cause. The above from the Oregon City Press is the last of a series of wil fully maliciousjattacks which have been made oti myself and other members of thi republican party in this county who Mr. Bain does not personally I like. The Enter prise, in the interest of harmony, has paid but tittle attention to these irresponsible assertions, but, as the editor of j this paper and a member of your itate legislature, it is necessary for me to reply to the above. I filed no claim for mileage and drew btfts.J7O.50 exactly the amount drawn, by Senator Brow nell; which fact any citizen may ascertain by inquiring at the Bank of Oregon City, where I cashed my warrant. As to' Bain's further comment; it but shows the man's caliber as an editor. 'o wonder he hai run his ; course in this county and has leen forced to sell out his paper. From what little I have been able to learn of the man who will succeed him as editor of the Press, I am confident that he will not resort to such false and con temptible methods with those he may not in the future count among his friends and supporters. L. L. Pohter. tnde upou tlit questious arising out of ttie late w ar. jll is amuaing to bear men say it Is agaiiwt our policy to aopilrt territory by conquest. We planted our t! In the caii(al ot Mexico and ac quired California by conquest and under a tio.Uy of (h Ai In tl.o iiuunor that we now admire territory from Spain. When we did this the aliorteat route of commerce toyalifomia waa by aea, aa it atill is to Alak:it. The Idea that lawa cannot be made jor a people, unless they all take part retnrdlcss ot fitness, has no foundation our system ; some of our states exclude, illiterates, all exclude all undor '.'1 yer4 We have always de termined who ate competent for self government. "Iisperialisui" just now is much used aa a Word of euphony. One republiiari postmaster-general has recommended !to congress a postal telegraph; another tpliiced la the cabinet by President Mckinley, has recom mended postal savings banks. Thia shows that tbe republican party dues not hesitate to eletate to high and re sponsible trust men vf advanced ideas. The lat republican ktate convention in California declared tu a system of public Irrigation by state aid national enter prise, which is In lint With what I hare advocated for years. iFor the reasons stated and many other that might be stated I am convinced jjhat the cause of tinman progress can best M advamvd by remaining with the rt-kublican party." 1 i-lJfJW ii rm t a I l a 1 m w on the island of Panay, some of 250 miles southeast of Manila. Ad miral Dewey and General Otis are eending a force there to compel the insurgents to recognize the author ity of the United States. Panay has an area of of 4C00 square miles There is no estimate of the number of inhabitants on which dependance can be placed;! but the number may exceed half a million. Sugar ia the main industry. The busl ness interests of Jlo Ilo are almost entirely in the -hands of English on1 fiprman firms. Exports of sugar exceed thofee of Manila, and the whole town fcmells of it. The town lies close toUhe seashore, but is reached by meaps of a sluggish creek, which has been dredged out till it will admit tile island steam ers. I-arge vessels! must lie in the channel outside, vhere there is good anchorage. The channel be tween Paney and the next island is five to eight miles wide. Ilo Ilo is built fin low ground, much of j virtue, a duty. To adhere to it is a vice and lack of true couraue." Mr. Cator reviews Bryan and the Chicago platform to the confounding of populism and democracy, and says : j "The republican party has elevated to the presidency men! wbo have sprung from the ranks of labor and many of these have commanded a world-wide ad miration lor wise suusmansnip. it is a party of progress and within its ranks there is liberty of thought and expres sion. Manifestly when its highest coun cils have spoken its policy for the time is defined and its members acquiesced. Its platform pledges can be realized because impossible matters are not promised and the party is not rendered impotent by fatal diyislon. ' Grest ques tions are pressing for solution which re quire ability, patriotism, courage and patience. That tbe country must look to the republican party to solve these questions in their proper order seems be yond doubt. That party is not lacking in sympathy for poorly paid toilers or the worthy unemployed. The masses which compose tbe party, including the wealthiest in its ranks, are full of com passion for all suffering ot injustice, and while Drouerlv declining to arouse false hopes or to attempt dangerous impracti- ThfWoman who ia weak, ncrrou. tired and tbutnV.; wbo baa a poor and rateable appe tite and no strrnftb or aerrt;who suffer from pains and ache, draf ting dowa and Burning neniia- tlnna- anrl Iia yjZm r t o'f n 1 1 s . herself, that . i i , i d T"" li.i.i - . " , ii T i lAUir. nil.. BIBKW K.jbIue 'nd d- . wii-.nia from weakoeaa and diaeaae of the delirata knd important organs that bear tbe burdens Of maternity. Thousand of women suffer In thi way and do cot recognize the rue, or if ther do understand their condition, neglect It rather than submit to the obnoiioo exam inations and local treatment ini-ted npoo by the average physician. Dr. Pierre' Favorite Prescription i a wonderful medi cine for women who stifler in thi way. It doe away with the necessity for these try ing ordeals, and may be used in the privacy of the home. It acts directly on the deli cate organ concerned, and make them strong, vigorous and healthy. It banisbe tbe discomfort of the expectant period and make baby's ad rent eaiy and almost pain less. It transforms weak, nervous, petulant invalid into happy wive and mothers. Thousand of women hare testified, over their own signatures, to this fact The "Favorite Prescription "may be procured from any good medicine dealer. Any wom an who wilt write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y., may bare the advice of an emin ent and skillful specialist without charge. Mr. Cora M. McLauria, of Hock port Copiah Co., Miss., writes: "I had displacement and Inflammation of the ntrrua. t waa uader the treatment of oar family phjraictaa for a long time, bat rereiveri no benefit I had falllnfof In ternal organ with a leers I ion and enlargement. I commenced using Dr. Pierce's Pavonie Pre scription, Golden Medical IrUeorery ' ' plestant Pellet ' and ' Kit met of Smart-Weed Prom the irat day I begaa to Improve, and la a short time I was able to do all my housework. If it had not ba for yoar medicine I would hart beea dead long ago." Stomach and liver trouble with sluggish action of tbe bowels are cured by Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. KKiL li.STATh TKAXsmiH. Puruhhed Firry Week by the flacka. him Attract ft Trn-t Compan. J IVaseloO t-ltitkmiti, U H, blk Hit, Oirgou Citv 00 M A Duu-lier to I'oiuiiii'rclal Hank lot 2, blk 44, Oregon City 8 A (isinplwll to J l.tttone, hit .1, blkW Oregon City V A AUlush to r IWUII, lot 1. blk 13, .Vila Vlw, lot (I, part of ft, blk 167, Oregon City J W HtJYe by sheritT to K Werholiu ilOacr lu II Currin cUfiu CCThufanan, by herlir, loO T Uonloii sw4' of m snd s, of s4' oflwt,', arc ttSs, rSt.. 11 T Cordon to Clarkaiiiaa AUt A T Ce sw of is'i and s' of se' ofwt4', s.' J '.' a. r2 H Smith et i C H l alourette, of lot 7, blk.A. Oregon City P8IUtew tyllj IWutel.H' acres In Alcriythj claim V Mactiiailer 4 T O Hidings in, .- ai rea iit ft, I J and II rroukshank to A J (Wk- shank, 10 acre In A P Smith claim,' I.eo Krfede to V S Vt ol set, sec SO, 3 s. Act VI Congress. . I) Cot No to ,M J VanfVmlen lot '.'7, blk i- Minthorn.....' 1) Coryin to C H Vauhculen, lot !M blk i, Minthurii P Shatkey to K J Sharkey, hi) acre ins.v:7. lis. r 3e K and It Tellofson to M Trllefson M) acre in Waterbury claim t 3 a r3 U Old to A Aldrlch lot 4, blk 2, Kails View Sunscs Una Co to C McMillan, lot 7, blk ft, Sunset Citv 1M0 3"0 NX) M0 340 75 000 10 10 1TO0 100 THE CLACKAMAS AHMTKACT ft TKl'ST CO. are the owoers of the copy right to the Thorns system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of aUtrat ta to the County, can furnib iulormatioo aa to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investments, real estate, atxtracU tc. Ottlce over Hank ol Urn. on City. Call and investigate. Address Imi 377 Oregon City Oregon. Free Pills. ' Fend your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partis ularly effective in the cure ofconstipa' tion and-, sick headache. For Maluria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guarau teed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Bold by Charman & Co. Druggist, A fine parlor organ for sale on easy terms at tbe Oregon City Auction House. fSncklen's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, end positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman k Co., Charman Bros. Block. Price 25c. Johnson lias tbe best hair cutler in the city. Pioneer l-ald lo Rut. PoarL.KD, Jan 0. The funeral of ji m pel Heiple, pioneer of 1)02, who died from heart disease Wednesday morning lo hi home at Currinsville, Clackamas county, took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the undertak ing chapel of F. X. Dunning, Kant Alder street. At this funeral were present many of tho old residents and pioneers. Some of the latter came to Oregon about the time nie deceased came, and had been friend! of his for over 40 years. It is rare Indeed so many oldtimera come together, excipt at the annual gathering to pay their last tribute to one of their rapidly thinninV rank. R' V. Andrewt Woods conducted the services in an irtipreasive manner. He gave a sketch of I1r. Heiple at the oin ing of his diHcoiiMF, and spoke of hhu as one of the most widely known of the pioneers who baV made their home where Portland no stands. He ha been known, he add for Lis rugged, sterling character afnoiig the many who had been with hini in the early settle ment of the counter arouid Portland, It being 47 years si gee be first arrived lo Oregon. The speaker alr referred to the pioneers as a class, Who had per formed their part and were rapidly pass ing away, never again to be replaced, They bad endureil the heat and toil on the plains in reaching the g.ent West, and then had hewed homes out of the wildernesses, subdued the sayageaand laid the foundation of a grand state. Like the deceased, they were dropping away, leaving only here and there m few white-haired representatives. The remains will be shipped to Haleui for interment by the side of his son, who died several years ago. The Sa-nUI ''' To e the spniibd al Ills host he hnnht ho taken t.i the hsimt of tfle tnrfowl. In the sail iimrshe. tho lukea and stream of tho and In the tirulrla slough of tha west, ho Is In deed oKreat Huh dog. His stumpy leg may b 't performers on dry ground, but they are very rftlcletit whmi It comes to swimming. The dog, too, Is hsrtly Mlow, ready to face any wsatucr and wild water wln'imr asked. Aa o retriever from water h Is niosl itnsira fcle. whlln his Intelligent and eoinpac, form make him the 1-est nf dog" for the ducking skiff, t ( course the Irish water spaniel I excluded from all reference to short legs and rlunisliieae. A K'X"t sperlmro of thi- ib appears to b quit long legged. . . , , it Tho chief value nf the Irish spaniel lo the spoitmiau I as o retriever, lie I a worthy rival of the famous do of the Chrieiiki, and no weather is loo severe, while ffW tasks are toodirtloul-, for hi in He l gn " '" " m rx'wcrfu). iiisgiilhYent swimmer, and to all Intents a natural relrlever. His oily ooal ran Md defiance to wild water, while a vlgomns shake appears to ol once dry It. He Is a hardy aa o bodger. He Is mst intelligent and willing Woiker, and will show lo the greatest advaulagn under conditions which would lnle almost any other rt-trlevor from water. Outing. Ilr. Itarrlo'sJ'ore. Baker City Itrpublican. Those who are dle.l to doubt Dr. Danin'a cure will 'have their doul.i shaken Hi reading the loltnolng card from Mr. John Martin, ol Cove, Or Mr. Martin I a mn well and favorably known toall of out reader, and a man o 20 year' residence In I'nhm county' Hi ra will go tar to establish the skill of Dr. ISirrln: j For the benefit of Ids a(!llcte. a well as DrrPatiin, I ill slate I had been af flicted 10 years wlUi Jiydrocle and other trouble before Ifing IrewUl and cured by Dr. Damn, fi yrara ago, In Port land, lam bapiry to say lb-cure was perfect and pernnenl, and I am now a well man. I rei4 al Cove, Or., and will gladly answer ony Inquiries. V JOHN MAI 1 WHAT I" MMM'II. A -rand old reinody or Cough, ('oids md Coiisumptlonl iiwd lli''k!" H'0 Morld lor ball o century, has cured In- mi rablii cases of liu:lplint uoiisumpll- ou and relieved many liisdvanend stages. If you am not saiirlled with tho results an v. Ill refund your I nr. Pilce2(V ela,,ndM)cls.oiidl.HI. C. (I. Huntley, the Drug. Ut. A trivi: HO 1. 1 CI TO It H WAMI l every l.ere for "in niory ui me I'lilllpplu" v Mural llal.tea-i, eoiuini. Iiiuad by lb Uovernnisiil a (Mllrlal lll lerlsii lo Hi War icprluinl. Tli Immis, was wnlleii In army ruil at Hail rrn i-U.i, no Hi I'aelllo Willi tienrl Mr-rrlll, In lb liospllal al Honolulu, In Hong Kong, In in American lrnch al Mnlla, In i nsiirKii camps with A Kl '''. Hi lin k ol in tllvinpl Willi iwv, ami In lb .oar ol bain si H (U Manila. Ilonai.ia lor sgrnls. Ilrliuful of vrlKlnst plitnr lakn I'V giivniliilil plinlo grplir on lb l I rs lox'k. uw prirs. Illg profits. KielKliI I'Sld. I rrdlt given. Drop all irasliv ui'"l!lrisl war lMka. tliillll fren. A.dlrr.s V, T. Harlmr, H.-o'y., Hiar liisuram llblg , t'lih sg i. V X" iKTIN. AN X V f 1 . la lfi r.ial l Mini il i i.liirt VSMeJ mm I. I-, m-U sl-srs Ufsi tl iss -ail 4,i al lb- k4 SM.U U I-.V..I .. UH ! iimiMi t-sr '" FERRYS SEEDS sa4 slasr "rt . ri- a--rtske ! el. fra. M--li. Hut, Make PHOTO Itl'TTO.V.S and PHOTO JKW. KI RY of every deirlption. CU and ae aamples and get price before trust ing your valuable photograph with aenis. Plenty ot money to loan at 8 r cent on long or h(wt time. Apply to U. K. Ilayea, ollh-e op stair, opxjite Hunt ley's drug store. A5 EXAMPLE OF MAXT. Graphic Story Told by a Montavllla Udy. When a few months ago minors of the marvels that were being wrought in the offices of Dr. Darrin, at No. 2UTMorrison street, npgan to spread if. this com munity, investigation wa made; Dr. Darrin, hlsXpatients and ids references were Interviewed. Amonf the latter, as then stated, were inun and women in all walks of life,and vey all told the same story of quic1 add positive euro. To listen to them Dl Itorrin has a first mortgage on a famoY that will endure, Dr. Darrin is daily irJWeipt of letters, couched in the same ljirt. The follow letter was received by him yesterday from Mrs. Henrici, a! prominent lady of the town of Montavllja : Dr. Darrin Seven! years ngo, during your former visit in j Portland, I was un der your electrical medical treatttient for discharging ear ami deafness of 'eight years' standing. You cured me, and I have never had a return of the trouble. My husband waa treated at the same time forkidney trouble and lame back.ol three years' duration. All known remedies failed to cure him until he took your treatment. He has never had a return of his ailment. Our address is Moots villa, Or., formerly St. Helens, Or. MRS. F. D. HENRICI. Money loaned on Improved farms, st low rate. No bonds required. J. NlMA,G7l Hood street, Portland, Or. Acker's lijsprpsla Tablets are sold eo a poeltive guarantee. Cure heart-burn, raining ol the food, dil ie after eating or any form of djijiepma. One Mile tablet gives immediate relief. lI.liU. and 50 cts. Oeo. A. Maiding, agent. JOHN YOUNQEK, I IS W IS L IS R, 0i. Huntley's DriiR Ftore, I0KIY YBKS LXrtKltXCE IN (irrat Itritain and America. :RS . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed City Stable. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., ?i.,T,!M,r-.,V-. W. H. Cook. Livery Rii!" on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a choice and well selected stuck of family groceries which he is selling at very reasonable rate. His lout to 1 and let live, with honest weights measure". Uoods delivered to part of the city. live and any F.xperience la the best teacher. Cue Acker's Kngliah remedy In any case ol coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall lo give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cents and ftO cents. Oeo. A. Hard ing, agent. A Personal Matter A well painted lious Is Ilk 0 neat ly drs. rui-alay attract ive and plaiil to look UKn. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and fresbnel up at a very reasonable prir paint sr vary cheap now. Ikin'l lv It until Id sun nut any morw marks ami crack In ll. Leave Orders at Ely's Store JF YOU ANT k v V - l OVERCOAT, MA0KINT0S0H v $ i OR SUIT OF CLOTHES - It will pay you to cotno to Portland and mrchaflo of us. ...... OUR PRICES ARE LOWER Than any other atoro in tho stato and wo will pay faro to Portland and return on all purchases of $5.00 or over. Moyer Clothing Co. EKN. SELLING, Manager, 3rd and Oak Streets i 'i A.