Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1899)
. ' nREflON CITY ENTERPRISE, JTRIDAY, ; r . .. . - -- J - : - .....v.. . i y COCRT8. Clrcnit court convenes first Monday In Kovember and third Monday In April. rrobete court In session flrtt Monday In acb nionlh. Commlloners court meels flr.1 Wednes day aflr first Monday of each monlh. orkgon cm orncKKs. M.j-or, - - -Itecorder, -Chief or I'nllce -IMightwelchman -Treasurer, -City A Horner. -Htreet Commissioner, Hupl. of Water Works, l;ity Ivnglneer, Road Supervisors. The following li a lint of the road tu pervisort appointed at the adjourned soslonof the county court held Wed nesday : No.l,U. 8. PI' icy; 2, J. B. Cre mer; 3. A. W. Cooke 4, J. K. Burnett; 5. J. A. Richer : . J- Revejr77, A . K. 0. CeuneU Itriic ('. furry - Chae. K. Burnt - K. I Hhw II. K. Htreiirhl Frank T. (Iriltlih - V. I Snlilo . W. II. Howell n. V. Kinnaird CVrll,.,en-lt. Koerner, rrtn I It. 1. Wilson, James It.'tkt, H. h. Mtr el., V l.atourette, Arthur MUln, rrea A. Metxner. . Conncll mwti flrtt Wednesday of ttcb month in CUT ban. AschotT; 8, F. J. Wklk Ikorf'V Lint; 10. J. J Pavie JOohn E.Kmlth ; Herman . 1 ....... .. 12, m. 11. Rui'iif" ; n. wiwon u' A. MautiTis. U. 0. Tebor; 18, Aug Braner;17, K. 1. Iliick; 18, M E. HaiMiie Hoclfty Sotrs. A large number of complaints have lately Wit made to te humane society. Last week Attention called to a niotl bruttl tnd malloioii crime lnlJjlriHM dog. The caws wl JjwrffTgaled, but the usual dinicU Jt niet In the nut' tr of tecurW3eVIlenc necessary or the uniltr psrtlet louA have leen made ... . ll,. (nil iwiVll of the Itw. To torture a dumb eniUl U the crime of a coward, and be wo Is capable ol it would commit l"ioit any crime not w ........ nntfM. Ill OHKTI Ol in 1 i. la V (1 N.ikerchner: 20.8. quiring courmie. m. ' Shaler; 2J, Wm. Evans; 24. Wt'.ii I LAK HKHSIOX. (Conclude! from' ftf Q"'-) Felt;rl relations-Driver, Iroetwlel, Dufur. Fiahiof Indutlrlet Rel, Michell, 11 .rii..hi,- iltfc'ltine. l'lteroD, Looney. Imiuriince nd btnking-lUiuet. Adams, lUtet. l'rlntinir-Michcli: Mlini, lUinet. Irrifc'tlion rroebslel, Ctmeron, Mor row, i JjJicitrr-Fulton) Brownell, Michell, Kelly. Pufur. MeJicine. phtrmncy tnd dentistry IWr of lke. Kutkeod!!, Joeophi Milltirr afliirti Jjeephi, Wtde, Driver. TW1 institutio lUines, Prlver, Looney. Milling Ctmeroo, Htrmon Smith Municipal corpijritions Heltine, lUrnion, Smith, i Polilip buil.linrt tnd institution Adamt, HaHeltine, tmith. Tublic lands rorter, Mulkey, Howe, Driver Wade. Railroads-Prow oell. Patterson, Paly of Benton, Mackjyj Morrow. Revision ol jaws Kelly, Red, Fulton, Paly ol Lake, Smith. Roadaand bighways-Batee, Paly of Benton. Troebotel. lero, Krownell. Ways nd means Mulkey, Kuyken dall, Selling, Adami, Patterson. Wetlaesday. Snstor Rrow neil and Porter are both Jowntowork.eachliaviog introduced a number of importart measure which will be given a mdre extendeJ notice later. la the house. Kruee has a number of tills, one of which provides for the con etxuction of a fish-wiy or ladder at Ore- gon City. ; Knicht has a met so re before the hoose, tut Thompson on actount of poer health m ill r-robalily be content to help look -r.. i,;itiv matters with his .Vfc..- colleagues. 1 i.r. nnmKor of bills are now in a .(,- tie bands of ttie stat printer. Pergonals. linn 1! Tt. Moorel was In Salem to witness the inauguration of Gov. Geer, Hon. J. T. Apperioncaroe upon the tnnrninir train Wednesday for a day or two at the Capitol. J Dr. C. B. Smith, 0 Esgle Creek, went c'am nn basinets the first of the week. ( Judire Gordon E. Hayes was in Salem this week on business and shaking hands with friends at theCpitl E. M. Hartman, of Clackamas county ia T H. Larkins rere visitors at the Capitol this week. I JANUARYl 1800 1 vrHI.TMt'TW(iHTir I'fH Vhr,uj!.;.r;l;-:;lr, .u.i B. w ' - 'M,.r. 11.1 Wemei Khould ksow II. Many women suffer untold agony and misery because the nature ol tlietr tin- ii. .... I..l.ul Thvv iaae It 1101 correcnj """' have been led lo llieve lliat woinii Iroitble or female wetknea of s.mie rt It lespontlble for the many lilt thai t' set womankind, Neuralgia, iicrvousi.eaa, beadacli, miff or dark circles under tne ve. rheumatism, a diaglnt! l or dull ache iu the ba. k, weakliest or bearing- .wn sensation, profuse or scanty tup- of urine with strong odor, frequent losltetomsait Willi scalding 01 burn Inn sensation, sediment In It alter stand- Inn iu a Utile or common irltts for twenty-four boun, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble. The alwve symptoms are ollen altrl buted br the patient heiwlf "r by her physician to female weakness or womb trouble. Hence, so many fall to obtain relief, because thi-y are treating, not the disease Itself, but a reflection of the pri mary cause, which it kidney trouble. In fact, womeu as well as men are made miserable with kidney and blad der trouble and loth need the same remedy. Pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root it the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and la easy to get at any drug store for llfty cenle or one dollar. To prove its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and hook telling all alKiut It. both tent aWlutelv Iree by mail Kindly mention the Oregon City I Enterprise and tend your address to Pr, ilmerACo. Ilinghamion, J. 1. Lennl NotlecH. In U..('lrull Court ol Hit Hlals of Off mi. lor t John WiImhi . ii . l ....... I'.ktilklV ........ W.anar ami 1". I ""' I.iVm OMuU -hul yoo.r. I.eiel. . .1.1 ...ii mi r More in in in ..... ........ .... m.ltaiion ol w.k. from pol-lusiloii ol "" ;' tu 1.1 ailr January. !'. ""?"-,.. ..... ,... ...d answer. lor V"V '.. .T.'.,.- ..i . d.. will apply iissi.i . i" manilad III Ihs Ooinplslnl. . " I , ."fd.M.ia.oL. In ..Id eomi-l. . ... .hi. curl adlildKli-g Slid ! ,Vr,l..g thai Hi ''." ' ,!"0;,':,1'ul lb. .l.. ol Ihs'y o-1"' ,'0,1"' lolioan.g tltteriUrU rai e.ia.. ')"'"'' in. e..u."y of 1'ia., sialtol 'ig '"lliliVi.nliii tl i l'l'il ! and .'Will t !! .f, .ad uirr. ...d . i" ; ?-'.:!:!-:;,!,:::Ml,.n.,: :T;dho.r.,:K.o...ll''.u,,,'! m nitidis.. a..d rum. UK mumui i a..d I " 'i r.Kiii oain oi i " - , f rlr lo ins .mtbt '"""' .1 laud own thvuee nortii VVsgnsr, bar Tri'let's Hsle. . .. .ii.i.i.d In wsk nan."-. --. , , y , ItHi, ti,a looolmk, A. M. I'trnis-iasii. yy MMiTrU.lM. i sTA IIO , fi,tr cni'i of !. "' 0r 'V.nMr .... County of fia. -kama ,,:,; m.iirr oflli. K...I. ofClirl.tltn. H ant. ;.!I,'., ...d u h". ! ' ' ...... U...11 ilviraMxl, K NAMKMTflKHTATKOir i tUK'N. You a.t herebr ?:i"'7,Jalnt ... . Ofrg Mr II- -:-". ' To f.Kiin Ih.reol. al Ihs rd by Whipple and Hul.ait; . ....... .411 dirrs and inV.lCV MW..I. . . , ..i ........ ... 'ibiny :) nM..uirsa.i toiny '' OltK(HN ami Hl.l. . .... ,. ai .... - ... n.ka. luiirthoo in ""."""' ,.,..,. ...on M isy. iu " - l lt-.,atiu oVliMk A M. of dt n and thrr. to tbow .'?" i,.t hvanordrr ol sai. oi Lv;:s"7'. ..I.. curl, ..Id r.l eai.w IuIIoms. lo-wlli , .. ., 5, . A la.M irf '' " ..II. VlU ,.wn.1.siuin or " , ,,.,.., i.iii.ii. in.rl.lian ami n....- I ci..f ol Claim r.o. w si... u..i nii.d; u.r-....t ... 11. i. iv ll lit nr. ' ..... ...utl. It .Ira U inlii .-l.ah... Ib.m-e ! it I" Umndarv ol Cli" .i II. plar. of lgl"idi. ill..- half Irl. l N' Ma.oal. T.uipl., I alot;. rg on. r .... Y ir T. I . anil .....ii. The above ian excellent drawing o tne new r7'"" "'-- cated at the thriving city of Union, located in tne ncaun.u. ..r, . t... n,,ni.i wrw conduced by the grand lode of Oregon and were rery oo ki-" r . . . n ,, i . ....:r..i I..,nuive. Grand Master JOUn U. vieiauu wa. p.rr... uc.u...u. -..-r..-r . ........ ,. . ..l,.. II. nr. Tt. I.. tr t- l;.. urmnil varuen. . f.. viiaiXi '" " ' . ,' .La .,.lHn. and Guatal Wilson, grand tyler. The acting grand otSr. were: Pt Grand Master W. T. Wright, deputy grand master; T i i r Mare and. itrand secretary J uuge. jwuwi urau.i - . , . i it i I.-- t c iivlarun. trrand chaplain : II. 1. F E. KcU-r. arand junior deacon ; J. J. Odale. grand senior Stewart, and A. B. Payis, grand junior Stewart. Smith ; 2).John Bartli ; 26. J. R. Shaver; 27. J. A. Stantoit; 28, Albert Croasan; C9,C. P. F. Willn; SO, Riley Hayes; 31. John Ad.n; S, E. HUlman; M, JohnUwellingtA. A. Andre; 35. Sam- r,l Tvlorr37. tl G. Erase: . nsler P. Heia. J The selection ws piid in accordance witua previous orucroi ucw. -..-J pach petitioner wA given credit accord- J I .... . a ingto the proufrt on which he paid taxes as evidenced by the tax-roll. Commisdonef MarlA dissented from the method of Appointment but stated that he would not dieen from appointing the succbsful petitioners, belieying that in nearly every case the selections were as good as could be made. lilg llow'e Thlst We offer One Hundred IVillars Ho ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciitnav A Co., Props , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last H yeare, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus incsa transaction! and financially able lo carry out any obligations made by their firm. WsstATbiai, Wholesale Pruggtsts. Toledo, O. Waluixo, Kinman AMabvik, Whole sale Pruggists, Toledo, O. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly noon the blooJ and mu- ..i. inrfu-M of the arstein. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggist. Test! nionials free. Hall's Family I'illt are the best. Hit .Ir.r. r..l II7 eb.lns ami nii.g. oi.taiuii.g ii'y l . ... . ...i ,..-( ..i I....I U.U.M a p.rlof lb. r4;.di.n Wa.k-rdouaiion l.'.d rl.i.ii h. sj i l.o.'.l.l. I'-'ltml ll.lrln I1I. I.. i- .-..ii. i.f r.n. on. IU Ib.t pla.i.l.lTis Ii. lb. n:.Hul HWHlOII Ol MU .rllll". ..-..- - - ml. lo ll.t sain, he q dlrd In him I " '' II b. lu'tli-r a iju lgd '"N"' "'' ! ', curl Ibat lb. ld or.Hb.rol ib.iu, ba. no line, or to Mid premis... or ay prl U..r.f. a .call... Ibis plsinint. and (or a Ju .Ig.n.i.l Htm.! said for ll.t c-U tnd Ui.niirMin.tiU of llil. .n'l. Tbi. soni.nom is pmnnni ... Cay Knurprt. a n.wi air .uoui.r.. Ur.K" l ily. Cia.-ka..ia t..inty. '''n. br.norJrr of U moh. -- Hilda, J'id,. ol in aiit .urn.--. ad. on in. 1Kb day ol J; v ll. W, A l.l.r.. Attorn. for I'lainlllT. 1 IT 2 21. a .! a proper means, including numane euuea- tion. However there kre some persons you cannot teach, mucb at we regret it, except by punishmeit; because their cruelty cornea from I wickedness. We owe, to ourselves thl duty to be brutal, and we owe ti GoaKthedutyof treating all of hit creatures according to bit own perfectionaoTjove and mercy. y A I it a McCaavsa, Preeident of the C'ckamas county Humane society. A very One Hteinwsy piano can be bad on very easy terms of Oregon City Auc tion House. Money to loan on good farm security. One to three years at 8 per nt U. P. Dixie. , Bora. LxwTnwAiTDr In Oregon uy, a to Mr. son. and Mrs. .In We A. J. 8, Lewthwaite, a Sha.vnox to Mr. and daughter. ol Oregon City, is visiting Grandma late Pr. Roberts, well known Hon. W. S. U'Rkn visited the state Capital, today.' J. 0. McLanKhliq, a prominent mem ber of the A. O. U.i W.'s of Oregon City is in the city today G.R. II. Miller also in the city J Roberts, wife of tie the pioneer missionary throughout the state. (Senator Browoell. The Oregouiau still has it in for Sena tor Brownell au studiously persists in misquoting and Vnisrepresenting him. The Senator infors uathat the state ment relative to cleWblre in the senate could not have beenboneBtly construed . tt.fl Orei?onian rmfites and coustrues it and that no other ally in the state at tempted to thus nsqubte him. What Brownell said was that he favored em ploying all the clerks necessary, akd no MOEE. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. p.aakPt ball eime and graphophone iWtion next Saturday night at Pope's ..n ti, nnniPstW teamBare the Dew'ey's of Portland and the Business Men's team of Oregdn City Plenty of on for allcome. Salem will speak unday next at f est Oregon City. Jan 8, ra- Chas. Shannon a Mekkeli. In Gladstone Tuesday, Jan. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. .C. P. Merrell, a daughter. V Taszeb In Oregon,' City, Jan. .10, to Mr. and Mrs. fetans 'fans-sr, a daugu ter. nt of the Clacksm society. 1 BraUtSe Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex. bts found a more valuable discovery than has yet been inade in the Klondike. For years be suffered untold agony from ronaumnlion. accompanied by hemor rhages; and was absolutely cured by Pr, King's New Piscovery for consumption coughs and colds. He declares that gold is of little ralue in comparison with this marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it coet a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affec tions are poetively cured by Pr. King's New Piscovery lor consumption. Trial bottles free at Charman A CVs. Prug store. IteKiilarsize 50 cents and $ 1.00, Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. The East Side Railway Company have made arrangements with the ureal VnrtWn Kioruss Company to handle Ihrounh and local express butlneat giv Ing Oregon City adyantageof their fast through service. Agent G.C. Fields of the East Side Electric express Is alto aitent lor the ureal norineru r.ip rvi om. in Armory building, I'hone 17. New arrival of ready made drest tkirts Irom fl.OO to 3.O0at the Racket Store ToCoreaCoH ! One Day. Take Lixatlve Bnmi Quinine Tablets ill druirirists refund money If it fails to !. I. I II II pure. 2-K5 ine genuine iim v. . each tablet. w..t lu-si rl.aln. I It.. nr. north IA.0I chains rn-.l on. a)4 .... . of an a r. ilrlrl v. "... rrv..rdl on I' In i.Hik"H" of iord oi n' am.. c.iii.lV. llrrai..e..i.UH.I''ll "i ., .llu.i. In sp.-iI.hi tl. in lo.n J t.. i ilh. ..... I. r.U.Mi.e W I.U.I..U. ii..rMI. .,..1 furil.rrd.- rl.-d by I ...i.rirr ww crn.roii ln. I on. II tnd J ol I... tf..r.l I taw ..h p. ! by .y f J se. l .e 31 o ch.l'.s to lb. II... l K. "" ,-i.h.i Ibriic s....lh l rh.l... io lb. north. r.l rofnrr ol lb. Tl........ H" II...... r.. if 4'l hsl lb r... .r ot Ibt . f.nv ami I ome'. i " nurlb 1 1 and I 4 drf '. " ' h.. b.i.rn melons It and H - "Id; tl.rnr. ri by w.y of .aid lint 7 in lo Hit plv of ton M.H arrw, nior.oe I.m 11.1. cH.U'.n It publl.bwl by ord.r or Thon... K. Han. Judg. ol Court of .aid Clackamas ounly. dslH lbs .l, ,l. i,l Irr.i..b.r. t'" Cm. r. T'M,. A lmlnUlrabir of lb. lau of I hrl.llana H.tru. dwtin.1. .Miii:. .Nolic is hereby glr. thai I will acply o I... I'll C.iiiirll. al IIS rvtfular (nrrlli.g III K.bruarj, ! lor t llcnw l li'l'ois r..r an luoulli. tl my sal.ion InOrrrm t uy. i.r...... mi Mali, slrvrl. Kourlh ....1 .Illh .IrMIU. n.lU IKffDff w www r.bru.ryiblt. u,llllrlu U. " II."..'-' 113 27 AdtilBl.traUrr'l Halt f Beat katat.. In lh. County Court of Ibt BlaU of Orgon for County ol nacaatuaa. ir. th. maiur of lbs t.ltu oi lamina Co., UecvaMd. NiiricK is h.r.tir slv.n lhal Ibt und.r .Itfiinl Adiulnislralor of Iht aald .UU ol r.Ulllia CO., orrtuni, win "-ii - . vaM sal. on b.lurday. tne fin osy oi r.o ...... ixii .1 lb. hour of lOoelork A.'urrit..n Clly. Oregon, tb. lollowlng .tmnritmii nrni).rt to-wit: Comiu.iictng t lb. North.wtat corner id linn .I.., lilt. In lown.hlp lo I'.' south, rangt llirr. .1J. tal of Wlllain.U. ...ritian: rnhi.tiiK ili.ttca o. bundrl and tuty roils soulb; .Ml one bun drl rods; Ibriic. liortl. one bumlri and sixty nL; thrnc wrst on. hundred rxl. lopla. of brglnnlng. conlalnlng on. bnr. dred acrr. niort or Ir... all sliasll in lb. oouniy ol Clsx-kamas, s.auof urrgon. Ttru.s of salt to be cash In hand. K. A. Cot, Administrator of tbt tsttw of Paulina Co., drcaawd. C. HciiUSSL, All'y for Adiulnislralor. I I S .'lire ! Iltrrtilrli. MTICK IS lir.KKHY CilVEN thai the un.lrr.i.nrd has lrn ap.iinul Coiimy Court ot Clarkama county. H.aie of lirrgtm. the etwuirls of 11.. last will and of i'ald Krllrr. ilsl. A II rrns h.vins rlalm. .g.ln lh of Mid d.-.a.l ar. b.rsbv iMHinl to prw Mill wllbln .11 n.oiiiln, lo lb. uml.r lb. oincraol Had. A flrlltllh, ll.nlay building. Oregon, Orgou, .ror y V.rlnr.1 .lib .r....r V'"irh.r.. ANNA It AHII A It A KKI.I.KU. Klrculrtf ol lb. will of Pavld K.llar, Urrrawl. P.UnI Wnilr tl. llgrA lirimih, 113 J Eev. V. S. Prake v men at Y. M. C. A 4 o'clock p. m. s Pied, Maliel ;Jane, tlie 8 yearK)id daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp son of the West . Side, early ednesaay morning of heart failure resulting from diuhtheria. Tlie interment took place from the family residence Thursday. Mrs. Robert Sconce, of Needy, a pio- ... . t ' ... 1 a... nwr nl JH.i. WHO Oieu puuuar, "m buried inie Rock Creek cemetery, Tuesday. The deceased, whose maiden name was Prtrthulas H. Noblitt, was born in Gracen county, Virginia, March 2, 1821 and was married to Robert U: Sconce in Ray couf.ty, Missouri, on the 4th day of June, 1848 ) and immigrated to Oregon in the yea 1853 and died on the 8th day of January, 18VJ, at tne ae oi 77 years, 10 months and six days. She was the mother of nine children, only three of whom remain to mourn her loso. The funeral ervice was held at Rock Creek M. E. church and condicted by KevJ.M. Shulse. Oirl Wanted. For general housework. Enquire at this office. WANTED Some copies of Enterprise of Pecern- bcr 30, Five cents per coy win he paid. Agent Cowing, of WeUs Fargo & Co's. aT.r.rfifl. has iust .conipleted arrange- tnents whereby all express matter, either to or from the Fs. willje carried by v. n p&N. arjd the tnion Pacific, Tiianrt JlAch is now the most .direct line to any point East. This wil ?be a great convenience to the general public, as bertofore eastern express was Atd via KAcMmento and San Fran- .it,.n. mLimt it from two to three days The Homeliest Man In Oregon City. As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and eet free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to core and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, P.rf.nchitis and Consumption. Price 25c and 50c. Now iiKtbe time to buy your winter millinery A25 jer cent less that coat at Miss Goldstoith'a. Dr. Pan-In' Place of Bd.iness. Dr. Damn can be consulted free at 2V) Morrison street, Portland, from 10 to 12; 2 to 5:7 to 8. He treats all curable chronic, scute and private diseases, with electricity, and scientific medical treat ment.sucb as Eve, Rheumatism, Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Scrofula, female Weakness, Deafness, Sexual Diseases, Lost Man- hood. Malaria. Urinary Troubles, Piles . j. i nr in other curable aiseaie. charges, within the reach of all, com. bined with the best medical skill. A friendly talk may save yod thousands of dollars or years of suffering and perhaps your life. Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from the effects ol lollies and excesses restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. Each visitor seen privately, and all communications re ceived in Bacred confidence. Out-of-town patients can write lor question blanks and circulars free. By that means many may be saved the expense of a trip to Portland. To-Nlght and To-Morrow Sight. And each day and night during this week you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to be the most successful remedy ever sold for coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con sumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep it always in the house, so you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 50c, Sample bottle free. Bnow! Blushl Mu ll The time of year has come when you must have oversboes lo urotect your health, we can lit you with rubber goods which are unexcelled. K ItAUHKK UKUH, Don't make underwear when it can be bought at such vary low prices at the Racket Store. How to 1'revenl Pneumonia. You are perhaps aare that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago when so many cases resulted in pnou monia, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous dis ease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Itall.a. In thtCouniy court of the slats of Orrgmi for Clackamas county. In Hit nistlrr of Julius ligu., d-.ard. To Agusta Warntr, Mophla Moody, William Uigus and (ieorg. 1) Warner irusrdlan of the person and ratal, of .aid Vi llliam Uigns, a minor, and to all otlirrs unknown, if any such ther b, brlrs ol lb said Julius ligus., and lo all other prraont In .aid estate: IN THK NAMK OK THK HTATK OF ORKliO.N you and each of you art hereby cllwl and riilrl lo b. and aiar In Hi. county court of the .tat. of Orr(.in lor lh. county of Ciackama., al Ibt court ho tin of said court Iu Oregon City In s.ld county and stale on Monday, lliemh day of March, A. I). I" tl the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. In ti.e afternoon of said day, tbt sam. being the Ural day of the Maroli term, Ihsri there. r and then and there show cause If any eil.twhvan order o- sale should not ha made directing and licensing the admlnlt tratorof said estate lo sell all the right, tills and interest of said Julius lig is tie ceased a the lime of his dualh both in law and equity in and to the real property of said deceased as prayed for In the petition of Charles ligus, administrator of tht estate of said deceased, which petition Is now on Hie In said county court of Clacka mas county Hlsta of Oregon, to which re ference is liereny mane. ISy order of said County Court of tht Stale of Oregon for Clarkama County. Til OH. K. RYAN, County Judge. Witness my hand and seal of said court this (l.h day of Herember, KI.M Kit DIXON, Clerk. (Heal of County Court.) A4Mlal.lrtrU'a .l.tlr. Nolle is h.rhy ! K- w- "unl, hu bswn duly ti'iMilnUd admlnisirtlrtl of lh. ..UU ol llrnr W llui.l, drrwad, by lb. Court fnr Hit Stat, ol Oregon for th. county of Clatkama and bat duly iia!lnd a. such. All rons bating claims s-ainsl Mid lal. '. iioIIDmI lo lh. .n.. lo b.f will, proper vouch. n wllbln sit months from ibis dale si lb. ofneof b.f a.iom.y W. Y. Masl.rt, 11. Million ball. ling. Portland, Orrfon, of al lb. oltli. of lh. ri.rk of lb. cuUi.iy court h.rlb.eounly of Clackama". slat, of Ore gun. K. W. II CUT. " ... .... ..... it .... a oi in nun w ii.mj llunl, Urr.rd. patd, I. IJ 14 I Id. I'.ircwUr'. ,tlr. NOTP E IH 1IKUEHY (ilVKN lhal the lui.tsrsignl ba. Irn duly tppolniwl by lb. county court of Clackamas county. Oi-, tiKulort of lb. ssl.U of Klti.brttt J. Mgrs. Im.mI. All (-.rnis baring claims sgalnsl lh. ..t.U ol s.ld dedl.iit ar. hnr.ny nollllMl tu prawnl duly vrrilled and wllh imir voucher al lb. ortl.-r. of lleilge A (Irimth, stiorn.T., In li.. Ii.n-lsy building. Oregon City Oregon wltliln sis inoi.lhs I'oru Hit d.U ol Ibe first puhllc.uon ol Ibis notice. U." a". HAKIM NO. KiMiitors of Ihs will and swi.U ot Kiii.Im.IIi J. ILdges, drcesMrd, llelg. A (Jriltlih, tliys. Dated Dec. 'JO, Ht. IJ.2S.l-2Q J. A . Roake as opened a general blacksmith shop on thf corner opposite the Oregon CityVtvoolen Mills, air. Roake is an expert steel worker ond will make choppeiVlool and all kinds of sharp edged-ols specialty. . CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough) Bears the Signature of idmliiliilmtor'a Hale. Notice Is hereby given that the nmli slimed will sell at nubile auction at t court bouse door, In Oiegon City. County of Clackamas.Hlale of Oregon, on tht 21st day n( January. lh!. at 1 o'clock a. m., of said dav. all the right, title and interest of the estate of Wm. J. Menr.les, deceased, In the following described real proerly situated In Clackamas county, Htate or Oregon: lie ginning at a point 7.W) uhalnt north and K :m chaiui west from a miint on the south (mu mlary line of (leo. Wall's d. I. c where the township line between ranges 1 and 2 east of west me-idiaii crosses said boundary line, thence west ft., TO chains, thence south .1.07 chains, thence easterly 5.I3 chains, thence north 8.71 chains to tlie point of be ginning, containing 2 seres of land more or less, save and except a right or way S feet In width along the south boundary and u nd through said 2 acres of land. Terms of sale, cash, subject to approval of the county court of Multnomah county. This tale Is made by virtue of an order of the county court of Multnomah county, Htate of Ore gon, made the 7tli day of December, 1H!;M. J. A.TAYlm, Administrator of the estate ol Win. J. Monties, deceased., In the Circuit Court of Iht Hlalt of Ore gon for lh County ol Clackamas. Msgdalene Karrnsworlh, plaintiff V Joh Karen. worth, drfendsnt. To John Karen. worth, th bo named drfelldalil. In the nam or lh HlaU orO'rrfon yotl ar benby reoulred lo appear and answer the comi.laliil lllml aaln.l you In Iht abavt enlilled suit, by tb 11 r.l day of Hit regular term ol the alMiva rnlllleil court nesi tuo oeeding llueipiratlon of lb. Um prescribed for the publication of litis summons, lo wit: On Monday, the 17th day of April, WUt And Jf you fall so lo answer, for want there of lh plalulirf will apply to tht court for tht relief demanded in th. comi.lalnt, lo wit: Kora decree ilisolvlug the bond of matrimony now existing between you and said plslullir. Second Awarding lo tsld plalntill the care and custody of the minor child, Issue ol your marriage with said plalntiir, named Jamas Waller Karens worth. Third Allowing plalntill to re sume her maiden nam or Msgdalena Bchatx.Kourth-A warding plalulllt her costs and disbursements in this suit and for such other and runher relief a tiliy deemeth Just. Published in t.urtuanct to an order of the Hon. Thomas K. Hyan, I nlga of Hit county court for the County of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, In th absence of lion. Thomas A, Mcllriile, judge of th ahoy named circuit court, fur said Clackamas county, dated December, W, 1. U. K..VG. w.sworK. Attorney for I'lalntlll. 12-23 2 3 police ol I'lnwl MHIlcruetU. NOTICE 13 HF.RKBY 0IVEM that the undersigned administrator of ths estaU ot Joaiab Franklin, deceased, has Hied his final account In (he county court of the state of Oregon, for Clackama county and the county Judge of said county has appointed Monday, at 10 o'clock, a. ni.. the 01 li day or Kebruary, IH! to hear objections to said ao counts and to settle said estate. 8. R. TAYLOR. , Administrator of th estate of Jotlsh Franklin, deceased, 12 23-1-M later than the mails.