Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Friday. CHAS. MKSERVU, Fl'BLlSHKR AM rROTRtKTOR. BUBHCHIPTION HATKH, On year, ....... Bit month, ....... Trial subscription two month, . BnWrtptloiui payable is France. rates given on application. II 7H a the eiht years of IVnnoyerisin. The fol lowing statement slums the cxpemlitme for each year for the litt Ion ami the appro priations iiihiI for the last two vents: Year. iss;i ISM isss 1NI Asrrssed Valuation. T.:imi,!VV TS.77ti.Otl 7t!,.'iti7,iitt Slate Tax. II2.7I!I W 411. Itf 1!) :'sti,iS'i .7 lif-V-VI sw Total tax for four years of (!ov. Moody's itminist rHtioiil.'.TJ,7.V( 21 Averapf cost per yrarr for lour years fllS.lsst Sit. Entered at the Pott Office to Oreioa Clty.Or., as ktouo ciasa mtuer. FRIDAY. MAY 11, ISiH. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Oswego, Canbr, Clackamas, Mllwsukte, mtoa Mills, Aims. Meadow Brook. New Era. Wilmnvilla, rrk Place, -Barlow. Gladstone, Stafford, Muiino, Cams, Uolalla. Marquam, Butterllte Aurora, Orvllle. - Kagle Creek, 8unnyside, Damascus, Bandy, Salmon, Currinsville, Oierryville, Marmot, . 0. W. Prow r Geo. K lilcht A. Mmher Gry A WlnluKer U J. Trulllniier K 8 Hramhall - Chss Hoiman W. 8. Newhorry Henry Mllcjr Hamilton A Whburn Mrs. U. A. Sheppard T. M. t!tii J. O. . C. T Howard K. M. t'owt I Annie Stiititx. E. M. Hartman B. Jetmlng. - K. tiiesy L.J Pent iia H. ill-em John Welsh J. V. Klliott F. ttcctsch Mrs. W.M. Mclntvr (ieo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Ailolph Aschofl 17 1SS8 1S.S1 1SJH) lstU ISir.' $S4,SfS,.ViH ItiT.MtMUt 1 14,077,78 !.S.t,2W Kio,iKi,tuti Total tax six years of rennoy er's adntinistratioit Appropriations for l&W, '4 I.M, til t.:73 71 (MI.NM 04 4!4'.l M 7,4-'t 2M l.WI.HM ftl J.'t.Ttil.JAS t'c' 2,137,!tl2 37 0 1'rohahle cost for eight years of lVnnoyer's administration.. $.SHi,2I0 ! Average cost per year, eiitht years of IVu- noyer's administration, f737,SOl as. Increase in cost of Mute government per year of I'ennoyer's administration over Gov. Moody's administration, ftUMill S2. The growth in population, business or necessary expenses have not warranted any such enormous increase as is here shown. The governor says that the legislature is re sponsible for this state of affairs. We assert J that the governor is to blame and has no shadow of reason for laying upon the legisla ture sins for which he is accountable. It has been shown that heat all limes pos sessed the veto power and never hesiluted to use it when by so doing he could secure personal gain. Why could he not for the good of the people interpose his veto to save the state from "the evils ol an extrav agant legislature? ' For the simple reason that be hoped to reau irsonal train bv hav- munism nre Included, with every theory of lolly that disturbs money and busineis, every scheme of turbulence and sedition that threaten the peace ami order of so ciety. In this combine there is a demand lor a convention to frame a new constitu tion for the stale. lthe people of Oregon want it T What is I he object ol this demand lor a constitutional convention, pooled with with other rags and tugs of populism and IVunoverisui? To make doctrine lit lor bedlam the fundamental law ol the state. Ostensibly the demand for a constitutional convention is made for the purpose of set ling aside representative government and introducing the so-called inilialiveand refer endum, one of the crailrat of all cr iy lads of populism, l'o the people want eon- Istituiional convention for such a purposeT lo they waul one at all? Are they anxious to meet the expense, to be plunged Into the turmoil, of this effort of socialist politics? Are they tired of the orderly, regulated and well-balanced methods of the constitution under which, as a political community, they have long lived and prospered? And do they want to embark on perilous sens of socialistic innovation? If they w ant all these things and ant to semi rennoyer to the senate besides, they wllljelect the legisla ture he wants ami holies for through his combination ticket There are thousands upon thousands of democrats throughout Oregon who have no sympathy with these pestilent doctrines, but regard them with detestation and ab horrence. They have a slake in a peaceful and orderly state, conducted upon princi ples approved by intelligence, continued by lime and justilicd by experience. They want no agitation of suclalists' schemes, no introduction of the methods ol reckless innovation. They cannot be pleased with the wild novelty that captivates the super ficial and thoughtless, nor with the tierce vehemence that delights the ditcontcnleil and turbulent, and I bey ought to be w tiling lature, to the end that he might charge the ! republicans with gross extravagance. I But this is not all. If the legislature hit I been extravagant I'eunoyeras governor has been even more so; for he has time ami again expended far more than the sums ap propriated for siiecific purposes. The gov ernor is ex-ofticio a member of several Republican State Ticket, boards which have to do with the a.lmiins- trationof the affairs of the state institn- jing large appropriations made by the legis-; ( aw ,1,1, .eor of populism, formed For Representative in Congress -1st District, BISGEK HERMAN'S, of1 Douglas county. For Governor, W. P. LORD, or Marion county. For Secretary of Slate, J. R. KISCA ID, of Lane county. For State Treasurer, PHIL. METSCHAS, or Grant county. For Attorney General, C. M. IDLEMAX. of 'Multnomah county. For Supreme Judge, C. E. WOLVERTOS, or Linn county. For State School Superintendent, G. M. IRWIN, or Union county. For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, ol Jackson county. For Prosecuting Attorney, W. S. BARRETT, or Washington county, lor Member or Board of Equalization, G. WIN'GATE, of Clatsop county. For Joint Senator for Clackamas and Marion counties, ALONZO CESSER, of Marion county. tious and chairman of several of the boards of which he is a member. Every legisla ture for years has made specilic appropria tions to be expended in building and other improvements under the supervision of these boards. by the vapors of purifying political garbage and held up bv demagogy as a light to the world, to sink in the foul bog where it had its birth. In a word, the ballot of every Intelligent ami responsible citizen should be directed against that combination of "isms" now blatant in Oregon, which sunn itself up 111 rennoyerism. A republican legislature, with republican state officials, will make the sure counterwork and effective de fense. SavKHAt. week since the general Impres sion was thai the contest was between the republicans and populists, but the doings ol' Coxey, and the sympathy shown hint and his followers In their anarchistic move ments by llis leaders of the popullsls, has caused tunny thinking men, and especially 'minors, to pause and consider, with the re sult thai It Is placing a illllerent aspect on the situation, ami democrats now feel con Ihleiit that locally at least Iheir chances are belter than the populists, and that I bey will run 1 he republicans a close race. Ma. V. I,. Minna's candidacy I taking everywhere, and nowhere ia it lietler re ceived tlinii at his own homu w here he was tendered an ovation Uhiii the occasion of hia llrsl appearance alter lit nomination, The people of Oswego are more than pleased that he was placed on the ticket and are not at all bucks tl in Idling their views be known, II you don t know Mli.llo Just go and hear him talk republicanism, and you will be convinced that he Is in the right place. L ' OSWKliO (IMKI.KT. Mr. Mintle, Republican Nominee for Kepre. aentallie, Sereiiatlril - A Mreeiy Ullrr. Fvery Pair Guaranteed. ADDRESS &AN TrANCISCO CAL Tii r he is a studied attempt to make polit ical capital out or the fact that Gordon E. It was their place to expend j Hayes is an attorney. If republicans will the money thus appropnatted, or as much as was necessary, as directed in the appro priation; but no authority is granted them by the constitution or the statutes to exceed the sums so appropriated by one cent. Yet time and again have the eienditures over run the appropriations. 1 si some instances Ihedeliciencv which the succeeding legisla ture was required lo meet has almost equaled the original appropriation. Pen noyer is a stickler for the constitution; why did he not obey its mandates in these matters? He may allege that he was a mi-, that the country delegates selected (ionluu stop and think for a bit thev will hardly be iedofTby this claptrap. Without casting any retlection iixin any one the ENTEHriisa desires lo recall a hit of history: Four years ago Ihe country delegates would not hear of nominating any one but a farmer for county judge and they had their way. At the con vention this vear they passed resolutions condemning the course of Ihe court, ami in opposition to the votes of a majority of the Oregon City delegation, nominated , Mr. Hayes for county ju.lge. In view of the fact Republican County Ticket. For State Senator, GEO. C. BROWN'ELL, of Oregon City. For Representatives, CEO. O. RINEAKSON", or Abernethy. F. L. MlN'TIE.or Oswego. C. B. SMITH, or Eagle Creek. For County Judge, GORDON' E. HAYES, or Oregon City. For Countv Commissioner, FRANK JAGGAR, of Beaver Creek. For Sheriff, ELI C. MADDOCK, of New Era. For County Clerk, GEO. F. HOKT0', ol Needy. For County Recorder, S. M. RAMSBY, of Molalla. For County Assessor, J. C. BRADLEY, of Borings. For County Treasnrer, M. L. MOORE, of Ely. For Superintendent of Schools, H. 8. GIBSON, of Eagle Creek. For County Surveyor, D. W. KINNAIRD, of Oregon City. For County Coroner, R. L. HOLMAN, of Oregon City. A FALSE ISSUE. norityfof the board, but that will not suf fice. He had a majority of his own party on some of these boards when he violated the provisions of Ihe constitution, and had, moreover, pow er and authority as chairman of the board to stop woik when the limit of the appropriation was reached. Some of these deficiencies will be plainly observable in the annual appropriation bill while oth ers are so disguised that it w ould require an exwrt to find fie governor's muddy tracks; but they are there all Ihe same. The governor can mount and ride his high moral horse simply for the reason that bis record is not known and no one has dis puted his claim of immaculate personal and official purity. THE MAIjY ASTECT. Governor Pen noyer is going about the state booming his candidacy for the United Slates senate, basing his claims to the place upon his economical and clean administra tion of tbe office of governor and the extrav agance of the republican legislature. The claim which he sets op is without any foundation in fact. His wise and econ omical administration of the affairs ol this state exist only in his mind, and the Estek fhise asserts, without fear of successful con tradiction, that Gov. Pennoyer has not been economical in bis administration or the business entrusted to him by the voters of the state. Neither has he honestly en deavored to give to the state a clean al min istration of affairs in the interest of good government, and were his acts known and the motives which have actuated his con duct laid bare be would not today find a corporal's guard of honest men in the state rallying around bis standard. The truth of the matter is Pennoyer is a demagogue, a crank, a pretender, a whited sepulchej, who has prostituted bis office and tbe best good or the people or the state to bis own per sonal ends. Knowing all this he has the hardihood to go about the state sounding his own praises and putting np jobs to boost himself into still higher positions. Let us very briefly consider his claims to promotion. When Governor Pennoyer took the oath of office he found about $500,000 1 should know in the state treasury and the levy for state purposes less than two-fifths of what it now is. The expenditures for tbe four years or Governor Moody's administration averaged Jess than one-half of what tbey bave for Portland Oregonian. Tbe propogations or solicitous doctrines in this ceu'itry, under the name of pop ulism, by leaders like Pennoyer, arrests the attention ol all observing and thinking men. Thus, the New York Sun, well known as an exponent of conservative democracy. makes a statement that could not better tit the present situation in Oregon, bad it been written with a special view to existing con ditions in our state, viz: "It is mortifying to democrats and startling to the country generally to see the old democratic-repub lican contest replaced by a treacherously precipitated struggle between democrats and populists. It is the traditional right of democracy and republicanism to engage each other for the control of the I'nited States government; but when their old and accustomed warfare is discontinued and the country is threatened with communism and alt the hurtful eccentricities of the socialists' disordered and uncontrollable hallucina tions, the old partisanship has to be laid aside. The newcomers must be met like a common enemy." The situation in Oregon, in the present political contest, is one that these remarks exactly lit. Populism has precipitated a contest that is fraught with danger to every interest or the state. Pennoyer is its leader; he is making great exertions to control the legislature, and every interest of the state, in which democrats and republicans of in telligence, responsibility, business and property, are alike concerned, calls for tbe dcleator populism, with its whole brood of fallacies, vagaries and dangers, and the re jection now, once for all, or the man who has made himself the prophet, priest and king. Whether the legislature shall pans into the hands or populism and Pennoyerism depends very largely on the action that the best ( lass of democratic citizen may take, Herein Multnomah county a combination ticket has been made, the legislative por tion of which Is almost wholly pobulists. Efforts are making in other counties in the interest of Pennoyer and the socialistic doctrines that bis name represents, to form similar combinations that will give him a legislative majority. Democrats of char acter, intelligence, business and property whether they want this effort E. Hayes for County judge we are of the . opinion that they did so for the reason that , they believed that he was the best man for j the place. What more reasonable than lo select an attorney of known ability for ! county judge to attend to probate and law , business and to select lor the business part I of the duties ol the court two farmers Well known for their careful management of business all'uirs? We full to see how any one can find fault wilb the make up of that part of the ticket at least. Tit K name of Kinearson has been a house hold word in Clackamas county almost from the first settlement of the county by the whites. George O. Kinearson, who Is nominated for representative on the repub lican ticket, Is a son of the late P. M. Kinearson. He studied law and was admitted to the bar for the purpose of extending his knowledge and acquaintance. At present he is engaged in the conduct of the homestead taken by his father as a do nation claim and finds his lime fully em ployed in looking after Us affairs. He is well known throughout the county ami no one questions bis ability to represent the county. Mr. Kinearson has always been a republican and stands fairly Uoii the prin ciples of the party, and should command tbe full support or his party. to succeed, and what means to use if they want to defeat it. Populism and Pennoyerism are equiva lent and interchangeable terms. In them jointly and seperately, socialism and com- Rei'UM.ii'ANs who believe in Ihe princi ples of their party cannot build up their party by voting against those who have been selected as stumlard hearers. It is well known that every democrat or populist elected to ollice in a republican county weakens Ihe republican party and injures the cause. Especially is Ibis (lie case with the ollice of sheriff. There was no good cause why republicans should have placed a democrat in that ollice two years ago. No good reason can be produced why Eli C. Maddnck should be again defeated and hia opponent elected. Kli is qualified to per form the duties of the office well and will do so faithfully. Let republicans do their j duty all along the Hue this year, and not only he but the entire ticket will be elected. Thk candidacy of M. L. Moore for county treasurer is taking well among all classes, as he is a hard-working larmer who has never sought office but has attended strictly to business. He has been a resident of Ore gon for fourteen years, ami came from Illin ois, from which slate he enlisted and served three years w ith the army of the Tennessee. His republicanism dates from the birth of the party in IhVi, and he has been a stead fustsupporterof the principles of the grand old party ever since. Mr. Moore lives at Mount Pleasant w here he is well known and stands well. He is a man of excellent char acter, good attainments, and folly qualified to transact well the duties of the ollice. No better man could lie found for the place, (IfWKOo, .May 7, Tim fishermen are going toward lint Coliiiuhin. Kay Haines a tii I D. II. IttiHs.inl joinetl ll.cir ranks Sunday ami Kit. Wright expecta to follow soon, TI10 Ibivo Whist Social club gave their aeini-luontlily Social lust Thursday night, which was well attended, All report a good time Tho evening was spent in playing drive whist ami danc ing. The next one will tw held at Kiver'a liall. Miss Bessie l'.vans, the talented elocii- ImiuKt. stMike "The- IVlmling Sociclv" at ('urdrav'a theatre Saturday evening. It was a pleasing feature of the evening's entertainment. Installation of ollicera at the I. O (1. T. hall last Friday evening. The fol lowing ollicerf Worn iuatalleil: John Maine, P. C. ; (ieo. Bullock, C. T : Mary Reckner, V. T. ; Lillie (ians, F. S.j Mrs. .Martin, Treas. : Frank Case, imv. ; Merwie Muitin, assist, sec.; Helen Case chaplain; llessio Fox, Marshal: (ieo. Mmlin, Depu'y Marshal ; Minnie Coon, j general; David I-ong, sentinel. Mistt Klsie Wailing was cluwen pianist. This hxlge has a liieiiilfrsliip of one hundred members and averages one itiniliutiou a week. Quarterly meeting will he hold next aunuav at tne .11. t.. I'liurvn, hitler Weir olliciuting. Rev. Alder son will preach at Clackamas I hat day. (Quar terly confluence will be licit! on Monday, The Oswego hand favored F. L. Minlie w it li music ami a torchlight procession Saturday evening. Mr. Minlie spoke to the Indies and gentlemen lattr in the evening. The good letnplcr will give an enter tainment in the near future. Theeiglith grade pupils expressed their views on the turill" and nnli turtll' sub ject last Friday, which was followed ly a discussion. Iloth sides claim victory. The argument was about equal 011 both aides. The elocution class w ill give a free en tertainment at I'rosser'a hall. Thursday evening, May J7ih The program will he interesting. 'This will be the fourth one given by them. The three-year-ohl aon of Isaac Austin drank poison medicine last Saturday evening Dr. Sullivan wai called anil the child was aoon relieved. The base ball season bus lgun and a game was played between Old Oswego and New Oswego last Saturday after noon. The old town boya were Ihe vic tors. The foundry boya will play the old town boya Sunday next. Hon. TIioh. Tongue will apeak at I'ros ecr'a liall, Wednesday evening, May 1Kb, A good crowd will be in attendance. (i. W. 1'roaner, D. It. Keeae and Thomas were chosen an delegates to I ho Itepuhlican National league to he. held at Deliver in June, by the Oswego re publican club. Hxi.k.v. no you need; DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Bitilclini; Miiteriol? Go to C. H. BESTOW- Lotvcnt t'uh prii-ea ever I'll'i ri'il fur P - CLASS - GOODS. IRS AImo riimliimttitii) wire uii'l pii'lict fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. Ami lient furiu fencing miuli'. Trice to unit liunl tiiiien. Shop Opp. Congregational Church. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. The Argonaut In tint only liili-t liiHO ailitical ami literary weekly ulililiei on tho l'uciflC const. TIlnllHIItlil (if KillKle-HtUIIIH'i C(ipil'K of it JilISS llirotigli tlio post ollice every week, reinuileil y tuihscriliertt to tlieir friettln. It liitHti larger circulation tlinii any mn r 011 tin I'ucille const, except three Sun Francisco (liiilien. It gocn into till the well to do fuiiiilira of tho J'acilii; count. Over s,i)m) circulation. Argonaut l.uilding-, '2 HI Clrant Avenue, San Fraiicincn. 5 furniture ai?d iJpdertaip. R. L. Holman carries a fine lino of Furnituro, Lounees, Wall Paper and Carpets at lowest pos sible living rates, also a fine line of Caskets and Coffins, Ladies' and Gents' robes, which ARE NOT EXCELLED OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND. Cut of hcarso in this advcrtim-iiu'iit. If you want an attractive sin see Davis the painter. Portland prices. Shop buck of 1'opj iV Co.'s hurdware atore. BEE 8UPPLIES Q w Q m Portland Seed Co., 171 Si:rt)M Stiikkt. PORTLAND. SEND FOR CATAL0CUE. "WOK VP, and not ilnwn," If you'ro a suffer ing woman. Rvory one of the 1 txKliiy troiiiiica tliu', come to woiunn only baa a ywiritntrrd cure in Dr. 1'ierce's Favorite 1're- scription. That will bring you ait) arm ceruun ncip. It's a pownrfiil jciicral, as well as uterine, tonic anil nervine, ami it builds up anil iuvlgurati the emirs female system. Jt rftKU latos and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, brings mfresh I11K sleep, and restores health and strength. For ulcerations, displacements, bearln sensuuons, perioairal pains, and al POULTRY SUPPLIES. O O down "ali female coniiilaiiita" and weukiuwiM, "Ka Torite Prescription " Is the onh ynanintml remedy. If it ever fails to beiiellt or cure, you have your money back. In every case of Catarrh thirt neema hopehw, you can depend upon Doctor Sup's Caturrli Kcincdy for a cure. It's proprietors are so mire of It that they'll rmy "00 ruh for any Incurable case, sold by all druggists. 124-26 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OR. EvKity one who knows Frank Juggar, the republican nominee for comity commis sioner, is aware of the fact that he ii a suc cessful farmer who will look to it that the business of the county is managed with the strictest economy. Capable, practical and thoroughly competent in every respect to transact tbe business of the oflice, republi cans need have no fear to entrust the finan cial management of the county's affairs to Frank Jagfc-ar. Open from 6 A. M. The to y ony first ,.i 1 -1 class and ab- yy ... AV solutelytemper vn ance restaurant in the city. Superior accommodations for lad ies and families. G. C. Rider, Prop. QLUBBING OFFER I The best county paper in the State with the best metropolitan the Coast. paper on Tte Ore$or; ?ity Enterprise Will Rive all the local news of Clacka mas county and Oregon City with the court proceedings and matters that are of vital interest to farmers of Clacka mas county. The WECKLY ORE GONIAN will givethe news of the State and nation and the doings of the world each week. All Successful Men Keep Posted. cnicnr-Hiat and tho woeu Oregonian one year for $2.50. All old subscribers DavincrthPireni.i: year . advance will be emitted to the same offe". )