Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
.1 OrClTOn CltV I'lltOrnriO A IYMANT8tiiii'Kik--l,atTlHirlyl Wnom .... ,h ... J I 1 OV" 'VmIi.( wlmUnluht Imvo U;-n luknn f.,r HkIiI In h SCHEDULES OF TIME ' a. in, II i . in, a :m p m, ( :. T. CO.'N HTKAMKII. In KriT ,Un, , mi), Hlnauinr lUMONA. I.K4VM OHCHIIN I irV. I.KtVKK romnm. im iii, 7 ki, , a t. iii. 1 1, win, in, W l. III. i ID) I, iii, Win, HI, '4 l III. 6 miii, in, IIihmmI Irln Ift pxiiii I lllMM Ht.l lllljltnl lll'hllt Wlllllllll IlllllUC - Tin rt I'AHHAMiKIt HIKAMKH. Al.lOfU, MTwaa hNTI.4Hll,MI.Ki ANIl IfHlll'INI.KNl. Uava I'urilaiul Talir lrrrl liwk al 6 41 A. M. ml lv I in.,, ,n t;iljr Inr Malatn uu A. M, 'I tie.ilay, 'I lMim1y ami Matitnlay, Uav. liiij.nii.iti,.( t it, A M anil lulfln 7 4ft A M anl lirrKnii I lly I ml - M lur 1'iirt laml Muuilajr, H r.ln. .,U amt Kililnjr. Kaal lima, (immI ai'i'iiiiMMlailiitia ami Inw ral.a, Nil way li.mhl liamlle I, Huculal lUa mm through lrihu HOI TlltHN PACIFIC IIAII.WAV. nnru Niirxii. California Kmra iihrnuitlil liitliill( I jxb I (way alalli'll.J nil ill am nii H.irl.iir I ay atalli.nt) ( allli.inla Kiraaa (Ihiuiiihi 7 li . Hi M 11.1, A MKT I K KAI.I.H H.KI Tllli: IIAII.WAV Tlma lahle, lav lata Ore..ii ciiy, tt Kalla. "A M. (;. A. M. II Ml .. 1 M ' M, 15 C. M. at'dluY TIKI. ''. M- vnA. M. Il i" " II .1) I 1,1 1. M. I 15 V. M. I " I i " I " .i i .ki " a ti iai K II a ,m 41 ("i " a i,i ;i " 4 i b ta) " IV k, " iiih ri'iicl eorpa M'l-ii nnircliliiK nil tlio Mil pimt tliM real ili'iii'of C. (J. ItoliMn, Inn oil arriving ill tlui liii of llm liill tiiiniiil In Inward tlin n-Hlilfiiiu) of C. J', Merrill, rvl lcnily lii'lit on niiiM'liii'f, lint, iiiiui cloaa liif jmm: llwi It proved to Im ahout it neurit of inigli lorwho wmu gittlterlng In ti iirprlt ('. I'. Mi-rrill mi'l fit in 1 1 y hihI enjoy h leuxnnt KVenliiK toKellinr IxtforH their departure for noullieru OnK" The evening wa NiM-nt liJovbly uy itll. leu rrnsin and -kii lieln on tlie iro(ri'i. Miaxed Mil lie I Meleulf (nil (jrHelH Miller (avorJ tlio con'Hiiy with rveiluiionw. Mm. Meleulf rvntrlluUl Mnn ami Mr. hikI Mm. C. C. Itohlilim with hiHlru iiiiiiiIhI iiuinIc (III tliiH'lock wuriinl every lioily It wan Kettiiitf IhUi wlicnlliv coin puny ri'lire.l, wUIiIiik Mr. Bin) Mm. Merrill miccnM in their new home. TIiohi) jitcHent wuro Mr. ami Mm. ('. C. liohhlna, Mr. mid Mr. N. N. ltohhina, Mr. anil Mrn. K. F. K riitun, Mr. 8. T. AlkliiM, Mr. mul Mm. Henry Meleulf, Mr. mul Mr. U. V. Merrill, Mm. II. Hlrnlul.t. Mm. J. N. Miltur, Mm. X. Slur y. Mm. Metenlf, tln Mirwen Kiiifin l a. in i Ki rrealer. Mahol Meleiilf, tirmiu Miller, I'U Alkiim. Mr. KolH-rl Melealf, (eo. Slilitol, Mualer Willi .Mi-IihII, I'.ert Alkina, ('limllu Miller uml Jncjh MmiKht Joiinwin. Tlmrn whh a Moody lirlrion cell of I ho Oregon RlaU) of (Joxey'i nriiiy w piuillenlliiry Friday tilvlit. Tliut even- 7 ID a. m n p. in. p m., a p , o .ii . m. HlCVI'I.K I.IM OMOTIVK AllAIN Whllt I lulled tint Meyelu liH'oiuotivn, Invented hylr Muhunii.ol H innyaiilii, nUiid on Hie IliiwthiiriiemiUay truck t Moont Tuhor, any the (ri--oidn wlieru tlio Iiivelilor I mitking it ready for tie tilal tiip, uliorlly to l mailti on tliu Mount Keoll A 1'orttund railway. The (nxine real cIom) to tliti Iraek, all the U ariiiKM Immiik on aienler rail, ami I altoiietliur diireienl from any other traction ma i-lilne. Tli eiiKinn lonaiata of a tender ami I lie driving- (Hirtmn. Tlio center heel on either aide of the uiiddlo rail preaa lh riiiln in atli'li way that derail ineiil la iinMjaihle. while the weight in carried hy the drive ami one rear ami one front wheel. The whole locomotive I hulance.i on Ihehe reiiler w lit'tda. There i i Uoa act of wIh-cIh on either aide of ItKiiKK AX A KM. I.aat Halnnliiy I. F. jihe liH-oinotv, w liicli art a tialance, Mory Imd Ihe mlHlortiinn to have an j pmventinK tlio f limine frni upMtinif. rm broken ami at llm ame time m-1 T,M nt.iul,tof the locomotive. entiint)el 7 nr. maiu. Mailt rime (Mini Norih. li in Malta elm (nlli Miillth, V a. Ill am a.H iaa. Orrni I'll- li Kir. ( arm, Muliiniaiil Mnlalla lmra al VI m. anil arrtuca al U n ilally. (rr..n( lir l.iKlr.Mllik.Clara Mra...wllr... t'lilmi U Ilia. Miilln.i ami ( ..i..i, rvf al lua m luraitair, 1liur...)i all. I a.iiii.lajr, ami ra liirna uu lollnwlii ilava at i i!t p. lit FKIDAY, MAY II, )8iH. ceived a aeveiv cut on (lie head ami xiliie aeveio hruiae on the arm and aide, lie with wuU-r and I ml, ia 15 ton, and it in rxpevtetl to dt-veloii a mxi-d of 100 mile had ridden down to Iii ranch and an ,oui ami have the imwer of a TV ton aimriiy alter iwo o i iot a wa auunic on eiml-ie. AIouthulla utile o( track on w there but that liewill hardly leave ni norae aiKivo a ii k mar iihj nver ; the Mount rn-otl line liaa tieen prre.l wai:hlit(( the Itamona In ml a he w ; hy yitK a thinl rail In the center ol the exiNMilliiK aoine ol hi folk to net off roadhfd. The tiicycW Hik-ine i eon- lug two rorivicl had a hi tie di'UK'ee liifiit over reudinu a newxpHper, hut when they went to hed nolhlng wa tlioiiKht of their ipiurrel, Whilii, aer vliix a term Irorn 1'iimtilla county, occu pied a lower hcrlh in Ihe amnu cell with J. II. Johl.'Mon, from Ore"il CltV. While fell aah-cp and wit awHkened hy Johmton, who wa on lop of him, hIuhIi ing at hi face and throat with a nlieet iron knife, which'convict are MTinit(cd to huve in their cell. White received mivurul aeriouM cut ahout Ihe face and hody, and In graMiing the knife, wa cut many time on the hand. The men Irnggled and rolled out of ld, While In tlio liiotthllinc, ahouling ''inurilur" at tliu top of hi yoicu. The tumuli hrriiight the guard to the reacue, and Uion oM-n-ing the cell door he found the men iiuht- iug on Ihe floor, one hleeding like a hog at a alaughU;r an. Juhnaon wa re moved to a dungeon, where he i til coidlm-d, while White wu luki n to a Itoapital, where he will he for Nome duy. Yofxu Clin K k. nh Uimmt llecenily Clarence l'o-ter proi-iired an inrubalor and proceeded to hatch out a lot of chick en. Hi artificial mother wa jnxt hatching Ihe fir ft lot of chicks, ahout neventy of the (K) i'ir pUced therein having produced a ( hick, when on Fri day luat he huilt a ah fd over the Incuha hutor, which Htood adjacent to the wial- ahed and hlackmith aliop. In the night ' he wh awikened liy aoine t range noiw and gut out in lime to ree hi wood ailed all in (litinea. He hurried out and auc ceeded in Having hi anvil and nothing more. The lamp lined in the Inculmtor had evidently hern M-t too near the wood work which hud caught fire and com municated to the ahrd. The Ion i alxnit $'.'(10. Fortunately the w ind hlew from the hotife or that too might huve been burned. DYSPEPSIA Is that miner experienced when widen mudo aware- that you Immwm a dmkilical Brrang(fineut called nLoniach. Ho two djHpcp tici buvo tlio eam-) predouiiimnt gytnptoms, lut whatever form dyHpetiiiii takc Tht underlying cauie it in the L1VEJI, and one thing ii certain no on will remain a djupeptio who will "fryr, It Will awmet Acidity of thm Stomach Eipcl foal iiM, Allay IrrtUHon, Atwlat DlKMtloa and at the ama tlma Start tht Liver working and all bodily aliments Will disappear, "t mar tha thfaa yaan I iiifTrl it fyfMa la iu won l furm. I tried acral 6'xum, but ticy afforded no rrhel. At hut t 'nol himmoaa Liver kcRuljtor, which Cured dm I. ahori lima. It la a good aidicinc, I wnutd no. ba w.iWt II" Ja A. Kuaaa, Pbilad'a, Pa. rETEIlT PACKACE-tt llu or 7. Wfamp In rr4 on wtanpir. 4. H. XavIiaH CO., t-IOladalpbla, km. r Li ') I IU ) 1 x "-'A I Wet Feet are Dangerous At any time especially at thin neap-on of changes. If you would have your children well ohod buy the RED SCHOOL HOUSE SHOES. -FOR PALE I5Y- Ai'i-oixtkii Too I.atk Trior to hi coming here Alf. Clow waa an applicnn! (or the Little Full. Washington, Hmt I olllce, hut a he hud heard nothing forj ome time he gave up all pxixvlation of ' getting it ant) moved over here and loca ted, l ast week he wuh much aurpriaed to weive a letter fiom Ihe Fourth aHiat ant piwlnnMer general infonuing him litat he hud Ix-en apointeil KiKtmaater at Little Fall. He aayt that he would have appnciatel the appointment when when the hank xuve way taurine th Mnaietl o It tun run on any almUud horae to lip and lumhlr, which hroke ignage road by Minily laying down a the allirupa, throw ing Mr. Morey with . middle rail, ronaideialile force to the ground ami ' ' aitiiinat n rotten loir on one aide i ' while the Intra., ti ll In the ! '''""' "melmlng of thret lion. Hi initiiie weie fntiml to Ihi I i-oiMiderahlu ml verv fit infill iio he wa i l'lM'intcd lilmed Fnti-.htainmk.vt. A com O. C lii.hhin, 8. (iodlrev and F. T. Hitrluw wa a ahoil. time aincehy Full mi lite lioul ami luougltl to lit i v " """ ' t'M,i'"' home where Dra. Catll ami So ,H W arranging Mr a Uierary nite.t,tii.ini-ni tlreaae.1 the woun.U. They found that nA m" iul ut ,ll,,ir ,,a11 ,'n aHiMuy he had Mialuined a fruclure olll.e , evening of thin week (or member of the hnmeroti juat Mow the ahouldor Joint l""' and their fumilie. lhepMram and had a wvere cut on the head in the i i"H,1"1 1' ample enleraiiiinent viclnily of the ten pie. Ileaidca theae he bud eoiun pevere In nice nKn (lit hioken arm and ulong hi tide. At lt account he wa getting along a w ell a could he exH'ctt'd. IKM(K hatic 8i'(AKiNi -Laat Monday the nominee for atitte olllce on thedeni cx ii; ticket were In the clly aa per ad vertiai ii ent to open the campaiitn. On account of the hull' being engaged for the evening for the joint debute the meeting hud to ho held in the afternoon and the attcmhinco wa not a largo a it would huve been In Ihe evening. The meeting wa called to order by Dr. V. K. Ourll w ho introduced the several apeak er. Thoixi prei-ent and who addreaHtHl the meeting were, Jndg.i Win. (iitlowiiy, caudidiitu for gnvenor; T. It' liuvidmni candidate for flute treuMier; J. K. Wi'tttlierfiird nouiineo foruongrt-HH, 1-V, R Held it li re for whuol upt inten- dent, and John (I'ltiien iiomuieo for ehtle printer. A llni Fn.i. The IuhI of the week Mt'ar llumtihuw &. liehui tiiu Main at reel contriictorribeKiin the work uf mak ing the 1111 ut the end ol Ihe treat le at the interaectioii of Momh atreet at the coligre gutlonul i liurcli. In order to provide a good foundation for the brick which are here to abut agnint the trcHtle it waa nercHMiry to 1111 well out to either idu mo a to iniike ample alope to prevent the hunk' giving uwuy. Tint Htono which uri being tiikon from the mirluce of the alreet art) being lined for the purpose ol mitking a wall to prevent euvlng and wishing on either Hide and between thcae wiiIIh it I being llllud with dirt. Thin w ill be nmde um aolid a il t un be beitton and rolled down before the gravel la hituled on. ami will prove very include come of the interesting aa it heat local talent. here and return to accept Mte place. Ansi'alIi. A. K. Kncami-mknt. The annuiil meelitif of the Department of the ! Columbia, (j. A. II., Womnn Helief Cori and Son of Veteran in in wanion .at Uoaeburg with a good attendance, '('apt. J. T. Ai'perKon, J. M. Taylor ami E. T. (itider went a delegate from Mead 1'oM No. 2; B. 8. Hellomy and W. K. Jobnaon went a repreHeniative of K. I). Haker ramp and Mr. J. T. Apiaraon ami Mm. J G. I'ilabury u lepret-enalivea of the Woman Kelief Corp. Wii.i.AwaTTR Company I-ohkm In the; suit of the 1'uget Sound I'ulp A l'apei coinnany agitiiiHt tlio Willamette Piiln & I'aiierompany, in the Unitetl State pnilrt lHfA.rmonf mt,m tM.l..M.I 1 1, a Alter nmeo preaeni nave naieneii to ine ., . , ... , , I pluintiffon Monduy m the sum of $I!K1S. innaij cm iLia i, i no w aula ui mo iiiiii-i (lo ai i , , i i .....'... ... 'i,.. ... i. .....J-2'tl,a vaU,e ofqnwHy of pulp tie- w ill be tteryed. Thi anciid i for niem Imt only a the aite of Ihe hall would not tieriuit othet to be invited, Tmk Statb Tax. On Tueiday IuhI County Treatmrer 8. 11. CulilT sent a drnft to the Htute trcanurer for 17,500 more of the tax duo from Ibl county. I'revioiiH to thi he hud sunt up $ltt,000 inuking tlio tolul paid to duto :,3,50(). This leavea $1750 yet to be paid. There yet remuina about ((10,000 ol the tux for thin yeur not paid in, over hull of which will ho utted in redeeming county warrant. Something like $14,000 of warrants huve been called in and re deemed beuidea ttione unod in paying tuxea, which are no inconsiderable amount. To Paatik-VK Tik The Aahland Tid ing note that a teciul truin of eleven car went north Saturday louiled with miu hinery ami improvement which the Southern Fuel lie i putting up a, corno liou, I!.'! mile from Portland on the went aide diviNion, for preserving lie. Here after all the tie lined on the road will be put through a proceee ol boiling and Nlc liming iN'fore being laid. It i claimed that a gieut euvlng w ill Ihi made thereby' if I (Ml ItcnurU 41100. Thu reader of thi puper will be lileus ed to learn thtit there i ut least one dreaded diHeitxe that Mciruce bun Uvn able to cure in all itH atngc, that is Ca tarrh. Hull' Cntnrrh Curo i Ihe only Htaiitive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a conftitiitional tliHeUMe, retpiire a coiiHtililtional treut menl. Ilttir CHturrh Cure i taken in ternally, acting directly iiton the blood and mucus Hiirfuccs of the ynti-m, there by ileNtroying the foundution of the din eune, ami giving the patient strength by building up theeoiiMtittitionnml iixriiHting nature in doing itH work. The proprie tor have no much faith 111 it curative liower, that they oiler One Dumbed Hollars for anv ciihh that it fail to cure. Send for lint of h rttiinoniala, Addr -hh, F. J. C'UKN Y A Co., Tolo.lo, 0. Aff"Sold by Driiggirit, 7'ic. For Sale. A fine brood mure, good to woik any where, weight about 1200 iKjunde, a fine family animal. AIho a gooil three-Inch Mitchell wagon, almoHt new. A flint chtri freHh milch cow would be tukuii in part payment for borne. W. F. llruyton. Maple Lane Kly Poalollice. Mid-Winter Fair excursion tickets, Oregon City to San Francisco and return, via Southern TaniHc Co's Shasta Route, will be placed on eulo January 21! rd. Kate $27.60, including five adiiiiHgions to the fair. Tickets good for thirty days from date of sale. tlie Cocoa-CoH'ee E. grocer. Williuma, the itroyed at Seattle in transit from former company to the latter. Laiiik. We will pay your round trip fare from Oregon City by boat or line if yon purchaae millinery amounting to three dollar or more. New store, new got la and the latent style. The LaMode Millinery Parlor, 100 Unimi Ave. (old h street eaeteide) Portland. The Milne Klllittt .Surprised. Thursday evening of Wt week about eight o'clock a Captain J. T. Apperaon, seated in kin parlor, wa perusing his daily paper, ho was Komewhat Hurpriee to hear a baud tui t up a autional air at hi doorstop. Ho walked to the door ami w aa mill more tun priced to s-e a bevy of youir ptople drawn up in a bulf circlo in front of hiri hoime. It proved thut the young eiple of Park Tluco had started out accompanied by the band, to give Mr. Apperaon's niece, the Misses l'eurl and Nora, a atirvrixe party. The yoting ladies were delighted and spared m pain to make tin urticular evening one to be remembered by their guests a one of their moat enjoyable (itimoH and charade were entered into with a r.esl that only fun-loving boys and girl can manifest and a general good time wa hud by all. At eleven o'clock refreshments, coin posed of ice cream and cake, were Berved, after which the young folks took their leave, thank ing the Captain and hia family for the courtesy with which they weie received. For Cniistiilile, Hist. No. 3. By the request of many friends I unnuunce myself as a independent candi date for the ollice of constable for justice district No. 3, Clackamas county, Ore gon. K. C. Lakin. tf PRICE OF PAINT. Are you thinking ahout painting your house this fpring? Do you want to use the very hed paint made? And do you want to get it for a very reason able price? If you do, come to our store and get a color card of Masury's , Mixed Taint and let us tell you alniut it. If you think of mixing the paint yourself or in other words using white lead and linseed oil you will surely want the Lest, and the right way to get the best, is to huy of a firm you can dejend on. 'e know of a wholesale house in Portland that put out what they claimed to W a pure linseed oil, and when tested by a com petent chemist it was found to contain almost fifty percent, of fish oiL The linseed oil we sell you I we guarantee strictly pure, and we also guarantee our price to he equally as low as that charged for the in ferior oil. Come and see us before buying. C. G. HUNTLEY, Scripture & Cronin. PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. THOS. CHARMAN & SON, Who have just received a new invoice, aIo a full line of the best fine shoes. We have the finest and Lest assortment of shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see. ladies ThePioneerStore THOS. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORXAMKNTED FREE OF CHAGE. ter LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOK THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. Particular attention given to formed and diseased feet de- Gcn'al Blacksmithing & Repairing Shop on Fifth street near Albright's meat market. OREGON CITY, - OREGOM. I fJ ... -Ai'-"' DA VIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would be pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Pnzaar. Columbias, Clevelands, Crescents. Ranging in price from $25 to $125. Sold on the installment plan at cash prices. , Wheels, Catalogues & Information , At Clackamas County Agency W.'A. HUNTLEY, Oregon City, Oregon. Next Door to Commercial Bank. The Troy Steam Laundry Have built up a gooil trade in Oregon City on the merits of their work which in giving general satisfaction. Give them a trial. They pay express eharges both ways and give you Portland prices. OFFICE AT F. A. Wiidilocks, . O. Iiullilliifr. Laundry left at the office on Tuesday will be returned ou Saturday. The latest in visiting cards at the En TKBPW8K Okfige. Prices to suit you. 1S00 nsiles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo- J.J. KHDDERLY, GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware. FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWORiC A. SPECIALTY. Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East PortlandOregon. kane, Taxima. Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 06 other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect on a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - Oregon.1 B EN. M, BARNEY, Test Medium and Psychonietrist. OEALED letters answered without breaking the seal, and life reading P From the same, $3.00; Private settings $2.00; Official Medium for the First Spiritual Society. Publio teei meetings every Sunday and Thursday evenings at Good Templars hall, corner Second and Yamhill streets. Resi dence at 269 First street, Portland, Oregon. When Writing Mention This Paper. A. W. LANDERH0LM successors to Landerholm & Gray, Dealer in and Manufactucr of HARNESS and SADDLES. JUSTREMOVEDt692 Unionave. East Portland. Repairing a specialty-Don't forget him. i