Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. KUIHAY, MAY II. IHHI. fcsVTIin wy to hullil up (rf(cnii illy Is to fire Ort'ifun Clly irrltt yonr yAlroiiUKf. Clneknmns Co. Directory. COI'NTY OCKICKHM. J. W Miililriiin rVlit ni Niurta, . (i.hi K Uornm H liar I IT. (.', W. naming ttmrtir, Treasurer,, Hi'IiimiI Siiprliitiiuiniit, Miirvctyur, Uoruuer, tJnwuilsslunera, H. M Ha in shy J. 1) Wvllinrvll J, V.. Hraillny II. H llllwnn HI'Iiik Hrnylh H. U llnlmall f Hli-liarrf M.'ott ('iininlliis Hair To Jlrct IIih Tlnici. Tlin KiiliM'rliilou price for llm Kntkh hik ihnIhmhi reduced to $ I. AO ht vitr ; 7.') ci' n In (or nix months, Cssli In ad Vrtiicu. KiiIiutIIhth pnylug at llio end of tlm year will hut lis iwtltl"d to lids r dut'llnn. Tim low prlco is inmlc to get tin' lint on ft 1'udIi liintm hiii Indue nil smlim-rils'i to ftty up, mill especially to jiri'Vuiit dead I m n l from lultliitf the Hr mnl not jwyiiiK for it ly reason of ttieir lnlti low proof. edured pries will only coiiiiiM'iini M'llli diilerif renewal. I'liia miikes I In- '.h rgHl'eisK 1 1 in elieni 'sl paper In ( 'Isrkunna roiinty cIkIi! 5 mites all Iidiiih print mul full of livit oral Ileus CHAT AnOUT TOWN. I'imi Cedar ('Miiiphor for moths. ('mill pnhl for oats, Tiuvich A Ai.t'KN. Coi-im-OiIIW K K. Williams. Hie Uroeer. lo m mm1 Miimiit liny Williams ami Indian I'lnlm. Mia Jims Clisnna'i swiii Watt-lies, i liM-k mul Jewelry repulrvd at Huriiieialer A Atidresen'. All work warranted. 4t Cedar Camphor for mollis at I'.'ic. pi-r I ootid ran la four times lieRer mul ler tlimi rsuiplior nt I.ano-1 4vid IruK 'o., I'orllsnd. Coroa-CoHi-e tnukes a delirious nixlit rap, as it worst hIiiiiiUt. Cull on K. K. Willliims, thii grocer, for sample tomorrow. Tlm lump drill, Hit" club Kwlnxlnif nml tint dumb Ml exercises Ht Mm. limy' entertainment next week Friday evening -mi not full to please. llniwiisvUIti limt oriinnixed n mill-rinn-ltu society inning t lie boy UMin tlm military plan, It la uid la bo piov- I II C llllt SUertWllI 1'ersoiis wIhIiIiik fin work in photo )xirirll or view i. Intoriorn nd oxlcrloni w ill vr Mioni-y liy xolnn lo I'utti'r'i pliolo pilor, Kimt ulrmrt, l'urllwnd. If Pmidruir in an cnnUiion from Hie piirrn of tlie m itlp llml uprcmU Hml ilricit foriuliiK MMirfH unit rmi'iiiK tlm Imir to full out. llnll'n Hair Uimii-wit cnri'K it. itt.M'k (i(cin kH jut rrci-ived at HuriiiDlHtur A Andii'Mn'ii, Oinmni'iiUl ami UM'ful, cinliriii l" all tlm IhIi'sI Jt aitim fiuin tho (liii'nl ov nx to nickel, Ferdinand Hatli of (icorKuaml Miclianl Siliimiilcr of hprin;tcr havo httn lra n to nerve upon lli federal irand jury wliicli will meet on tlm 2:M of tliia inoritli. Tlm bent pim o of atreet in Uirgon la on Main alreel in front of I'arker the bar- ber'a aliop, Inaide of which you ran vet the beitt nliave in the atate and know that a clean towel will I hi itervrd to each i'URtoinur. The poHlolllco at AiiiiihviIIu, Marlon county waa robbed lunt week on Wed nemluy and the olllco at reuiiiHiila, Multnomah county on Sal unlay night. The I'oi timid police lliiuk tliey have the AiiiiihvIIIh robber. Next Sunday evcniiiK the paxtor of the M) K. church will preach H'rmun to voiiiik K'oplu on the F.pworth ,eui;ue liiovemi'iit that date licinx the fifth annl vernury of 1 1 h oritiiir.utinii. It now nuiii Ura over 1KMH) wnior chapteia nnd 700,000 iiumiiIkuh. The old vtiteran, Captuii) Ilundy, Ima his new bout bointe all fitted up in run intf order and U now prepared lo fiirniHh at all timea the flnimt linn ofpleamire bouta to bo found in the Htiite. Prices reasonabln and the heat of treutment HR corded all palrona. Foot of lllh Hlreet. IiiHomniu ia femfiilly on the increiixo. The ruah and excitement of modern life ho tux the nervoua aynioin that niultitmleM of people are deprived of good and buIII - cienl Bleep, with lumouiiconpeiiuencegto the norves. It omomlior, Ayer'a Saraa ' parilU niukea the wenk atrong. It will cure you if taken in time nnd put freali enirj?y into the ayntein by milking new, rich blood. Tho Oregon Blood l'nriller baa no equal aa a prevent ative of any diauiiHO that is canned by impurities of the blood. It will purify the blood, reatore the bowola to their natural function and bring back tho lifu current to itfl normal condition. He wn ro of lml tut ions. Sold everywhere. Theamllinnfaceof Cupt. A. B. Urahain may aituin be found at the 0. C. T. Co'a. dock at the foot of Kighth atreot. T. P. Itundnll baaiiono buck na puraer loftheKumona und Jack Hoover attain ,' iiiinH"ttll clear air" from the deck of tbla l! pame populur boat aa in days of yore. I Moral. Whon you want a leaRunt ride f or form I'orthtnd tuko the Kumona, V o old reliable which K1'' there every rip on time. I TIIK JOI.Vf DKIMTK. Messrs. llrownell nnd Wurliweiilher .Meet In (lir riirciinlr Arcnii. On Monday eveiiintf 1'opu's hall wa lllli'il to lit iiliniwt capacity and maiiv had to turn away (or want of room, the occunlon Ix'Iiik tlm joint dehatft between Hon, (ieo. (!. lirownnll and Hon. W, A. Hliirkwoulher the candiilalea foraemitor iihim the republican and Mipiilint tlcketa. Mr. Klarkweulher waa to open and clone tlm delialn which waa to be upon the llnancial (pieation Mr. Klarkweather went back to the time of tlm rebellion and told ol the (('"at crimes committed then and advanced the populist visionary theories relative lo finance. Theoret ically he had It fl(ured out very nicely hut after Mr. llrownell had poured hot shot into his little sh'im h for an hour and asked him to produce the facts and explain some of his ofllclul nets he had lo admit that the populists had not K"l the money matter worked out yet, and lin litnoted tlm oilier motions or forgot to inske the explanation asked. As is apt to be the casa in Kliical discus sions the aruumenta were not confined to the subject agreed lisui but took a wider range. Mr. Htarkweuther let the bars down by assailing his opHneiit'a ixiii Cut inn and in return he got some ipierics proiMjiindcd to him Upon his ollli.lal career which he seemingly did not care to answer. It was evident from tlm tlm loud and repeated applause accorded Mr. llrownell that he had the sympathy of tlm audience and when he llnished fully two-thirds of IIhhm' pn-aent got up and left the hull. The gi-neral expression of those present was that Mr. llrownell had much the best of the debate, and even populists had lo admit that they were greatly disappointed in their candidate. This was the flisi of I series of four de hates which have la-en arranged to take place lie! ween these candidates the others lo be at Needy, Ppringwater and Handy. As one of those present remarked after the close of the debate, '"Mr. Mark- j weather made a pretty good speech but he kept telling his view s of w hat occurred thirty years gg mid applying those con ditions to llm piesent, and what we want to know is w hat is the mailer today ami the remedy " It was evident that he saw the fallacy of the arguments ad vanced by (he populist expounder and waa not lost in the i.isr.e of language adduced for facts. If Mr Starkweather has nothing better to knock Mr, llrow nell and republican principles out with than ha trotted out Monday night he might as well stay at home and saw wood. STATE 7K COHK.UIOS. Inlerrsihir Meeting Held at Hale-n May ii mid 21, 1UI. The Oregon Stale Sunday Hchool sssrs'lation held its ninth annual con vention in the first Methodist church of Salem, commencing last Wednesday at 2 o'clock P. M. and closing at noon on Friday. The large audience room waa well filled at every session and the Inter est good throughout. Ilundieds of neat programs had been widely circulated by the faithful secretary, Mr. F. H. Cooke, of Portland, so that delegates came pre pared lo share in uiscussions. The pro gram was adopted and followed with few exceptions. The oillcers chosen for the coming term are aa follows: President, II. M. Clinton, of Portland : vice-president, W. I. lteuolds, of Dallas; F. H. Cooke was re-elected secretary (or three years; A. A. Morse, of Portland, treasurer. An executive committee of six was elm-ted on 'he plan of rotation, two going out of office yeaily; for one year, Dr. J. S. Dale, of Portland, and Kov. C. C. Poling, of I-aFayette; two years, Itev. (i. K. Hawes and K. W. Allen of Portland; three years, (. II. Dimes and N S Dygert both of Portland. The first session opened with a hulf hour devotional service led by Itev. C, II. Curtis, well known to many. Tlm hearty welcome of the pastor, Itev. (i. W. Grannis, wna rcsponed to in a few fitting words by President Newlin of Newherg. Mr. Win. Itenolds, whose Held of lulior includes all the United States and Canada, spoke on the origin of the Sunday school idea. He was followed by Mr. Clinton of Portland who read a thoughtful paper on "The Value of tho Sunday School ns a State builder." In absence of Itev. Lyman of Astoria who was to speak on the Sunday School work in Oregon, Itev. Parrish was called upon, and said that he was Hist made a Sunday School superintend ent in Monroe county, N. J., seventy years ngo, had worked in Oregon since 1840, when there were very few white children and the work was chiefly among Indiana, teaching and giving away books. He rejoiced at the growth of the work. Mr. Curtis and Mr. Roberts pK)ke of new schools now being formed, eBpeciully in eastern Oregon, A jHjtilion for the appointment of chaplains for the slate institutions of correction was rend and teferred to a committee, and adopted with thuir re port later. Tho Wednesday evening service was opened by Itev, Poling of Lafayette, and Itev. Wulluce of Portland gave a hopeful outlook of the Sunday school of the twentieth century. Itev. Blair of Fugcne, opened the morning service on Thursday, in absence of Mr. Nool Jacks ol Portland. Rev. Wadhams assisted In tdnglng. Most of the forrnoori was occupied with rcorts ol ollicers, schools, and delegates Irom Chicugo, An interesting paper on the "County Convention" was rend by Mr. Hillings of Asl. land and the remaining time was filled by Hupt Kcynoi'Js in describing a "bwiil Institute". Mr. N, H. Ilygurt led the song service at the afternoon session. A series of papers on different departments of the tSrinduy school were presented by Mr. Hox ol Albsny, Mrs. Kanlnerof Cor vallls, Mrs. McCreery of Kalctn, and Mrs. Allen of 1'ortland, all of which were earliest and helpful. Itev, (rue of Cortland gave rapid but satisfactory answvrs t') about forty questions bunded in for solution by perplexed workers, l lm afternoon closed with three simulta neous conferences of workers, held in diir.Tcnt parts of the building; Mr. A. A. Morse of Portland conducting the one lor suH-rlntcndciita, Mrs. Allen, the one for primary workers and Mrs. Haves, of Kogiine, the one for intermediate w inkers. The delegates Improved the opportunity for comparing methods and oM'eriiig suggestions. Kov. Miller of 1'ortlani) conducted the song service Thursday evening and Hupt. Ileynolds addressed the convention on tlm "Kumiay Niiooi jnea in llm Home", The last session was opened by Itev. Hawes of I'ortlaml, and most of the fore - ins hi was oi-cupied with four excellent talks on plans for Increased usefulness, by Key. Wallace of Portland, Mra. Win ana of Halem, Mra. Kd wards or New berg aid Hupt. Iteynolds. After short seef lies by the new ollicers the conven tion closed witli a song, There are Kim Sunday schools in Oregon with ineinliers. and the past year has doubled the membership of each, 21 1 per cent ol the isipulation attend Hunduy schix'ls. Only aix stales show a better record. M per children of schools ae go to Hunday school. 4.ll school reMjrt Nil additions lo their churches this vear. II schools not repirted did aa well -'S-i joined churches. I37.M1 were reorted Sent by 431 schools. Average attennance in each Sclusil is 70. The deiiomlnai ions were represented as follows: Ilaptist 5H, German II. 4, Congregational 3(1, Christian 27, Pres byterian 40, Cumberland Presbyter ian 14, Methodist 75, Friends 34, Kvangelical (I, I'nited Pres. 2, lndeend ent Kvsngelical 9, Kpiscopal 5, Metho- dist Sou, h 2. I'nited Brethren 12. There - were 321 delegates from ten counties Clackamas county sending 14. The delcgsU-s visited the slate institutions, and had a most enjoyable time. K. M. Is.ifcAi.moK, County Secretary. Athletic Mass Fnlertaiiinient. Following is the program for '.he enter tainment to lie given by Mrs. J. W, Gray's juvenile athletic class on Fiiday evening May ISlh, (rum which it will be seen that an evening of rare entertain ment has been provided. Those partic ipating in the athletic exercises are from 1 5 to 14 vears of age and von will be surprised to see the skll which they have acquired in handling Indian clubs and dumb bells. IHOIIKAM. Piano Solo ..Selected Club Swinging Class Solo-"The Song That ReHchel My Heart" G. II. Bestow I 11, .nil. Ilutl . Duns Solo "On Venice Waters" Mrs. W. B. Wiggins. Club Swinging T'io .. "Those Distant Chimes" Mesdumes K. K. Charman, W P. Haw ley and Chas. Caufield. Hoop drill Class Solo Selected Prof. P Soulen. Club Swinging Miss June Clnrman and Muster Bay Williams. Solo Mrs. A S. Dresser Dumb Hell F.xerviae. . Miss Ella Cuirin Piuno Solo Selected Mr. Chas. K. Wrinkle. Pnx'eeds for benefit of the Congrega tional church. Admission 2") rents; children tinier twelve 13 cents. No extra charge for re served seats. Tickets on sale ut Hunt ley's Rook Store. The May Midland blossoms out in blue and gold cover, the corn stalk in gold. The beauty and simplicity of the design command general admiration. Among the many gnoj things inside the cover is a story by a niece of General Sherman, a pleasing installment of Rentrice, an inside story of a railroad wreck, an elegantly il lustrated article on Iowa College, Grin nell, a delightful picture of Scottish seen- erv, a thrilly story of Russia during the famine, illustrated with Russian views, an illustrated article on Dakota, an arti cle of rare historic value, and a group o London pictures. This is a surprisingly brilliant number. Chas. Holman, member of the state central committee for this county was in the city several days the past week. He says that Mrs. Holman is in Portland at her mother's under medical treatment on account of poor health. He thinks that Bhe will be completely restored in a couple of weeks. Warnor Grange is planning to give nn entertainment at Mew Era on tlie even ing of the 13th (or the purpose of raising funds. The entertainment will con sist of musical and literary selections to be followed by refreshments and a dance. SWETLAKirS KANDIES, You Morrison Hi Between 2d k 31 PortlM Maple Ijine rlepnbliean. L'nder the auspices of the Maple Lane Itepuhlicatl Club our school house was crowded to overflowing with as Intelli gent audience on last evening, May II. Among those present were a goodly num ber ol the candidates for ollice on the republican ticket. On the meeting being called to oider Hon. (iordon K. Hayes, our next connly judge, was Introduced, and in a thirty-minute speech partially outlined the policy he will pursue during his term of ollice. His remarks were frequently applauded. There is noquea tion about Ooroon's getting there with both feet. Hon. (ieo, C. llrownell, the next Ken-, tor from Clackamas county, was next introduced, and for one hour and a half held the Urge audience in wrapt atten tion Mr. llrownell made one of his grandest speeches, and it had none of the old worn-out campaign matter that is t' (dten brought forth on such occasions; but what waa ssul by Ih.Hi siM-akent indicated that they had minds that reached out lieyond the mere matter of mud-slinging so ofien indulged in by isilitical sneakers. Mr. llrownell was ireoiielitlv interrupted by outbursts of ! applause, and alter tlie adjournment 01 Hie meeting a lare iinmorr oi mo vm- ers witliout reganl to parry presseu around the candidates and gave them a hearty hand-shake. And now just let me predict that Hon. tleo. C. llrownell will Iss the next sena tor from this county by one of the largest majorities ever given in Clackamas county, and .Maple Lane win "",n. tlie banner precincts. The populists, l.ef,.r our eliih ..,,.niae.l. would not admit that we could muster over fifteen votesand freqmntly made assertions to I that elfect, and now they I ''? KluJ 'f they could keep the number MpteUne is all right, and with gl ,yHtematic work the whole ticket from top to Iratlom will be elected. Thesta'e on ' w." ever M0l!" l"r: ward. Three cheers for the whole ticket and McKinley ! lsonx. They Maul Mauie. The Russell Art Punlishing Co., of 028 j than those arranged for bv Henry Mel Arch street, Philadelphia, desire the drum, chairman of Hie county central names and address of a few people In ft"'"-. Ive n arra ;l by , . , Chas. Holmsn, stale central committee every town who are interested in works , man f(r , lll kttmil county. Tnese of art, and to secure them they offer to : meetings will oe addressed by some of send them free, "Cupid Guides the Iloat" jibe ablaut republican speakers of the . superbly executed water color picture, 1 ' Tlie Herman orchestra will be ' ' . , . . , . , . I preent at each meeting and furnish size 10x13 inches, suitable for framing, J T , , esis-cially in- ; and sixteen other pictures about i he ' same aim, in 'colors, to any one send - ing them at dress of ten once the names and d - , . , persons (admirers of fine pictures) together with six with six two-cent stamps to cover expense of mailing etc. 1 The regular price of these pictures is $1, j but they can all be secured free by any i person forwarding the names and stamps promptly. Note editor ol this paper has alreedv received copies of above pictures and considers them really "liems of Art." I'ncaa-ColTee Is absolutely harmless and is an elegant drink. Call and try a cup tomorrow. Y.. E. Wiluams. the Grocer. The Oregon City Glee Club held a closing social at the home of J. Williams in Falls View Tuesday evening, at which the members and their friends had a most enjoyable time. The evening was sent in singing, social games and pleas- ant converse. Kefrestimepts were i served and at a late hour those piesent I left. The club will not meet again until next fall, when they hopti to reorganize for another winter's singing. It is to be hoped that they will be successful in this as they have been a great help to social entertainments the past winter. I The Nonpareil, 331 Morrison street, I Vlliniiw, nan Jimi ir-n,v.t ail auiiiiciir stock ol eastern millinery. All tlie latest styles and novelties at extremely low prices. Sprays of French flowers 10 cents; garden hats, 19 cents; child ren's sailors, 10 cents; Knox sailors, 75 cents ; dress hats in fancy braid, 05 cents ; Misses hats trimmed with ribbon and flowers, $1.50; ladies' black luce hatd, (5. Hats pressed and retrimmed. Miss K. E. Hknkkhky, proprietor. Among the 85 names drawn to serve upon the United States trial jury for the coming term are the following from this county ; Alfred Luelling of Milwaukee, J. W. Ganong of Oregon City, and A. S. Lawton of Oregon City. Rev. J. W. Cowan found it impossible to leave his home in Tabor, Iowa iv time to reach here before Sunday oi; account of the illness of his children, It is hoped that he will be here some time next week. C. T. Toor.e of this county who is temporarily residing in Portland was up the first of the week. He intends to move to Oregon City in the fall. Joseph Kuerten an old resident of this place accompanied by his daughter re turned to his home in Salem on Tuesday. J. Lippitt of Colfax, returned on Sun day evening after a few days' visit to his little daughter Sybil in this place. C. P.Thore week from a Astoria. returned the first of the brief business trip to John Elliott of Elliott's Prairie was in town Monday accompanied by his eon Albert. II. Lee of Canby was shaking hands with old friends in town on Tuesday. Have Heard of THKE HOME Vi BOX. HepiibUcan Meitliigs. The f'dlowing dales have been set for holding meetings in the various precincts of ('Im kunms connlv (Inrini the cam- ,,-! .rwlmwl.-.eht.le.therarididates on the repnhlicsn ticket will address the voters on the questions of the day : Clackamas, May llth, 1 :.'K) p. rn. Milwaukee, May llth, p. in. Oswego, May 12th, 7:30 p. rn. Needy, May 14th, 7:W) p. m. Marquam, May loth, 1 :.'K) p. in. Soda Springs, May loth. 7:30 p. m. Upper Molalla, May loth, 1:30 p.m. Lower Molalla, May liith, 7:30 p.m. Milk Creek May 17th, 1 :30 p. m. Heaver Crek. May 17ih 7:.'J0 p in. Viola, May 18th, 7:.)0p. m. Hardings, May lirth, 7:30 p. rn. Damascus, May 21st, 2:00 p. in. Handy, May 21st, 7 :30 p. m, F.Hgle Creek, May 22d. 7-J0 p. in. Garfield, May 23d. 1 :.') p. in. Hpringwater, May 23d, 7:30 p. m. Highland, May 24th 7:30 p. m. Canby, May 2tith, 7:30 :. ui. Pleasant Hill, May 28lh, 7:M p. ni. Wilsonville, May 2!th, 7:30 p. m. New Fra, May 31st, 7:30 p. in. Park Place, June 1st, 7:30 p. m. Oregon City, June 2d, 7:30 p. in. The Seakers at each of the above nMned meetings will lie Geo. C. Brown-1 " el'. "Ves, Geo. O. Kinearson, F. II. Mintie and C. II. f-miih. Speakers wall continue to address republican clubs 'nlT''hrooghout the county during tho cam- paign, indeiiemlenl ol me campaign) n eTiinira . . . n . . IIenhy Mki.omim, Chairman Cential Committee. Gbo. L. Stoav, Secretary. Special .Meeting', The following special ui-e'ings other I yited to be present at the meetings. The 1 public regardless of party ia invited to lwnun,, ,n , nave to sav on the affairs of our country, Tlie uai aml dgle ar. as follows : .. ..L LI! I Marmot postollice, Sievera precinct. May 22d. Cherryville posloflice May 23d. George postoflire May 24th. Gartield May 25th. Springwater May 20th. Highland May 30th. Canvoii Creek May 31st. Meadow Ihook June M. I'ppei Molalla June 2d. Irregularity. Is that what troubles you? Then it's easily and promptly remedied by Dr. Pierce'e Pleasant Pellets. They regulate the system perfectly. Take one for a gentle laxative or corrective : three for a i cathartic. If you sutler from Constipation, Indi gestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious i Headaches, or any derantgment of the j liver, Btomach, or bowels, try these little piet8 They bring a permanent cure, Instead of shocking and weakening the system with violence, like the ordinary pills, they act in a perfectly easy and natural way They're the smallest, the easiest to lake and the cheapest, 'or they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. S ige's Catarrh Remedy are unequaled. Something .New! Cocoa-Coffee the great food drink. Call on E. K Williams, the grocer, Fri day and Saturday and try a cup. 11 Heals yd g Running Sores. I Cures the Serpent's Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all its stage com BLOOD POISON eradicated by 8. H. stinat tores and Yield to its healln? nnwers 'It remove Ui poison and builds up the avtteui A valu.b.. tr.AUM ga tha diMU and it ticitwcnt! .Ulleu UN. 1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Ii a Baking Powder that leadi all others In purity and leaven ing power. Ak your grocer for llat ot prliea. or wrlre to CLOfvSKT A DEVKR3, Portland, Ol. T IVEP.Y OCCASION, bread mad with. mm SJ 11' , Manufaatured bjr LOtiaKT A JSV1RS, Fort land, Oregon. v I pletlv'A i. VM ulcera'Al ! EXT pfj EP 4 WEST Uncle Srim Will Deliver Tliem Them. Anywhere. Teachers Examination Following are the names of the class passing examination before Hus)r'nten- i 'lent Gibson: V h. Kowton, 15ert A. Moehnke, J. II. Henderson, ChsB. I fuel, John Collatt, Itohert (iunther. Victor Hickey, I F. Warner, Chas. Klrey, Ittie L. Itodgers, Mattie Mautz, Olive Thomas, T. E. (ilass, (i. W. Stricklin, Itetarcca L. Y'rsler, Amos (ard, Vj. V. Hurfrfce, Lizie F.ngle, Matie GrKlfrey, John Johnson, llattie Wil loughby, A. J. Krigbaum, Iletwie Wells, Nettie A Olds, Mary Gutlridue, Francia Currin. Mary Talbert, J. A. Jennings, Mary Uavi". Eleonora Kedberg, Cassia Cumins, I.'ora Thiessen, Horton N. Graham, Lewis Thomas, F. L. Hkirvin, Annie Murnpower, Alice G. Williams. Farm for Hale. A farm of 66 acres on Pudding river 2 miles east ol Woodhurn, part cash, balance on lime to stilt purchaser or will trade for city prop-rtv. Apply to Jons Dhapkk, Cnarman llldg. or Hidniy Hmvtii. Have you seen those beautiful Indigo, oil red and Imht prints, outing flannels, satteens and trimmings just received from Chicago at the Bed Front .Stores away below any prices quoted in Clacka mas county before. Miss A. S. Jorgensen, Importer and Dealer in r ft rinnnL MIITTWnt-Tf J uu I 1 ullull l'lillll ulU . fWr! ,;. 1 " 1 1 3d st., bet. Morrison A 1 amhill. TanilSfffi EXTRAS AllAboutTft (jABEL 292 Morrison St., Portland Oregon. M. Steffen, Man'gr. MME. R. A. R0LFS0N, (Succeuor lo D. W. Ijm.) Artistic DRESSMAKER, The largest and most complete dress making parlors in the city. Full line of trimmings and furnish ings carried in stock. 131 Fifth street, Portland, Or. FKEEBORN & CO. DEALERS I.N Wall Paper & Room Mouldings. Fresh Stock. New Designs. Hard Times Prices. Call and examine stock 205 Alder St., cor. 5th, Portland. EMPORIUM OF FINE Millinery & Hair Goods. Large assortment of latest de signs of trimmed hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich feathers dyed and KID GLOVES CLEANED- Hat work in all its bran ches done with neatness and dispatch. SR. BECKERS 220 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, - OREGON. FAPED MACKINTOSHES AND ALL KINDS ol ladies' and geuta rlathlug dyed, cleaned aud lenovated at low price. U 8. Steam Dye Works, 106 Sixth street, Port laud Oregou. DR D. S STRYKER, DENTIST. HA8 RE moved toOdd Fellowa' temple 8. aud Alder, Portlaud, Oregan. DK. E. OBROWN, EYE AND EAR SURGEON Glaasei Fitted and Furnished. 169 First Street. Portland, Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE. I Tractaof CLACKAMAS FRUIT LANDS. Good houae. barn, etc. Alao LOTS IN GLADSTONE 1. K. liKUuM, Park Place. Oregon.