Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902. -n"3T y: t Golden mm azaar Oregon City's Big Cash Store ' Extraordinary Bargains Extensive Offerings in all Departments ffimbroiderieS-1500 yards of fine nainsook embroideries, with extra fine work, fully worth 2c, tomorrow price ILadics' Black ILace Mose, just the a v thing for warm weather, extra fine quality, per pair, Outing SliirtS-Made of' good quality covert cloth, in tans, browns, blues and grays, each, LaCC-J000 yards wide torchon lace, some are worth JOc yard, your choice for Ladies' Vests and Pants Light sum- mer weight, in white and ecru, each Shirt Waists. -In white, blue and pink, elegantly trimmed, regular $2,5 value, 1 35 75c Alarm Clock-Western Clock Go's first quality, regular $1 value Mirrors-French Plate Glass, just 22c the thing for a shaving mirror, Large Stock of Hats, Sweaters, Base Ball Goods and Fishing Tackle Just Received Shoes-Ladies' "Queen Bee" Shoe $215 Regular $2.50 value, ( Copper Tea Kettles -8 oz. Cop- $ 1 per, heavily nickel plated, large size C. S. SEAMANN, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Oculist Office in Barclay Building, Cor. Main and 7th 8t$.' Calls Answered Prompjly Day or Night OREGON CITY, OREGON See Charman & Co.'s new advertise ment. It will save you money. 100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa per at 5c per double roll at W. L. Block, The Home- furnisher, opposite P. O. 4 Close Buying Swamp Root, 75c, 40c Red Seal I recently saw an eastern druggist's ad. which explains the pint regarding large buying and cash payment s much Visiter than T pwr haw. keen aW?. r An 7c that I give the ad here exactly as it ap- Paine's elery ompound, 80c Baker's and peared: "A certain patent medicine which is quoted at $8.75 per d zen can be b ught in 3 dz en 1 ts at wholesale for $7.50 per 4 eier y Kola, 20 oz. bottle 75c Hires Root Beer, 1 5c J 00 2 gr." Quinine PUls, J5c Warner's Safe ure, 85c dozen. One gr ss (12 d zen) costs at wholesale $6.75 per dozen. Then if spot cash" is paid an additional 5 per cent, discount is allowed which brings the cost down in gross lots to $6.41 per dozen. Small stores which buy in one-fourth and one-half dozen lots pay at wholesale $8.75. We pay in gross lots $6.41. Hence you see that we can sell at a pro fit for the price that the ordinary druggist Beef. Iron & has to pay his wholesaler for the goods." Wine, 50c . , This covers the situation so thor- oughly that comment is unnecessary. However, I promise you if you come to me for all you drug store goods that at the end of the year you will find you have saved many dollars by trading at the store- where things are bought by the gross instead of by the dozen. Lyons' Tooth Pow der, 1 9c All 50c. Face Pow ders, 35c All $1 Hair Restorers, 85c y C. G. HUNTLEY, Popular Price Druggist. Among Tbe Best Our facilities for handling checking accounts are a mong the very best; and we invite you to place yourself in position to en joy them. Bank of Oregon City Oregon City C. B. Clements, formerly a well known resident of Oregon City, was here froru Eugene yesterday. He has prospered since leaving here, and is ex tensively interested in mines. E. P. Dedman, of Clackamas, was in town Saturday, and reported that the Italian prunes were almost a failure in his neighborhood,"and the petites aould be a short yield The peach crop, how ever, gives promise of a good yield. H"n. B. F. Mulkey, who is promi nently mentioned as the probable new president of the state normal school at Monmouth, will give the cUss address at the commencement exercises of the Parkplace school, to be held in the Gladstone park auditorium tonight. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Purdora arrived from St. John's, Wash., Wednesday, where he has been railroad statio" agent for some time past. Mr. and Mrs. Purdom have again become residents of the city, and are occupying rooms in the Morey house. They expect to oc cupy their own houBe again, as soon as Register 0. B. Moores and family can find a suitable house. J. W. Berriam, superintendent of the Rogue rivei hatchery, arrived Tuesday for a short visit to ins old home. He was accompanied bv Sol Wheeler, who has been employed at the hatchery for some time past. Mr. Berriam will visit flew York city, before returning to the hatchery, and aleo will go to Nashua, N. H., to visit W. F. Hubbard, former superintendent pf the Clacka mas hatchery. Mr. Berriam has com pleted the Bsason'B work at tbe Rogue river hatchet y, and has batched out 6,800,000 of chinook and steel bead sal mon eggs. , The Misses Broughton, of Portland, were visiting relatives in the city during the week. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS PERSONALS 00800099090900080098949009 s QBB0000000ot5B000a0000088 , Ladies' hats at the Red Front in styles and at prices to suit one and all. The salary of the Oregon City post master has been advanced by tbe de partment from $1800 to $1900 per an no in. The Saturday Club ia making arrang ments to give an international straw berry fete in Willamette hill, Wednes day evening, June 18th. Remember the date of the "Ah-mo-teh FieBta" June 13th, at Rose Farm (Mount Pleasant). Viola Morris Godfrey, wife of W. H. Godfrey, and one of the newly elected teachers in the city Fchool, will grad uate June 18th, from the State Normal School at Monmouth. She is one of a class 24, and is on the program for an oration. Willamette Falls Camp, Woodmen of the World, will hold memorial serviecs and unveil monuments in honor of Morris Broderick and D. E. Shepard at Mountain View cemetery, Sunday af ternoon. ' Judge T. F. Ryan will be master of ceremonies, but the orator has not yet been selected. About 30 members of Meade Post, G. A. R.. and the Relief Corps went to Astoria Tuesday to attend the annual encampment. Considerable interest centers in the encampment from Ore gon City this year, as it has been de partment headquarters for the Corps dnring the past year. Mrs. William Galloway ia president, Mrs. George A. Harding is secretary, and Mrs. T. W. Fouts, treasurer. G. Vorhies, of Portland, started to Medford last Sunday with a chartered car, containing a lot of household goods, a horse, Shetland pony and two dogs. The freight train made a temporary stop on a sidetrack here, and while all hands were at supper, the car was dis covered to be on fire. The horses and dogs were bustled out without serions Injury, and tbe man returned to Port land on the following day with his damaged goods. The fire department extinguished tbe flames. The mbmbere and friends of the Con gregational church are looking forward to the coming Sunday with keen inter est. Two speakers of national reputa tion will speak t the various services. Missionary Superintendent Dr. Broad, of Kansas, Is one of the noted workers in Congregationalism, and bis wife, Mrs. Caswell Broad, has no equal in describing the power of the gospel among the Indiana, miners and fron tiersman. Mrs. Broad will speak at a children's rally at 4 p. m. The oppor tunity of hearing such speakers comes but seluom, and all are invited to these services. - The "Ah-mo-teh Fiesta" to be given at Rose Farm June 13th promises to be a very novel entertainment. Everyone should avail themselves the opportunity of a pleasant drive and a visit to the his toric old home. VVWNV, FOR Reliable Druggists New Drug More We beg to announce to the people of Oregon City and Clackamas County that we have opened a first-class Drug Store in this city, opposite I. Selling's, where we are mak:ng a specialty of preparing Physicians Prescript ;ons. "Necessity is the mother of invention" "Dissatisfac tion the father ci progress" the enormous prices which the people of this vicinity have had to pay for Drugs, especially for filling prescriptions, has ne;essitated the opening of a New Drug Store where this work can be promptly and accurately prepared at a reasonable price. It is a well know fact that we have always advocated a lower scale of prices for all Drugs and Medicines than has existed between the druggists ot this town, consequently our advent into the Drug business has caused a great shaking and tumbling of high prices in patent medicines although there has been a reduction of io to 50 per cent in some cases they are. not yet low enough to meet our idea of modern Drug prices and down they go about 10 per cent lower. Our fresh stock of Drugs is not to be compared with the old pioneer stock now offered in this town at clearance sale. However we will meet any cut made in the Drug Line, and in some cases can go a little lower than all other prices. Better trade where you know thef stock is all fresh and pure . Remember this is the only drug store which delivers all goods sold to any part of the city. HOWELL & JONES THE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS the ground of desertion, and the plain tiff was awarded the cu Jtody of the mi nor children. ' . The suit of T. H. Smith vs A. M. Yo cum, et al, was dismissed. Several attorneys, on filing the proper affidavits, were granted rebates on the $10 district attorney fees, paid in di vorce suits,' the supreme Court having recently decided that such fees were not legal. "Bob" Gardner is having a jury trial in the circuit cou't on a charge of hold ing up "Captain Jack" Miller. Neely, was in the Springwater, was Mrs. H. Grim, of city Wednesday. C. H. Guttridge, ot in the city Tuesday.. A. M. Kirchem.of Viola, was a visi tor in the city Tuesday. S. T. Roman has returned from a "visit to the Sound country. J. H. Revenue, of Sandy, who was re elected toad supervisor, was in the city Wednesday. Jefferson Haines, of Rising Sun, Md., is visiting his cousin, J. A. Roman at Mount Pleasant. Jacob Miley, a well known hop grower, of Union precinct, was in Ore gon City Wednesday. T. G. Jonsrud, of Kelso, who was re elected justice of tbe peace, after serv ing successive terms, was in town Wed nesday. C. F. Buchman, of Damascus, has enlisted in the service of the United States navy, and left for San Francisco last night. Willard W. Austin, now a promi nent school teacher at Hamilton, Grant county, arrived yesterday, and will visit friends in the county. Charles V. Galloway, son of Hon. William Galloway, receiver of the local land office, was elected representative on the democratic ticket in Yamhill county. E. P. Carter, of Portland, formerly of this city, was awarded a prize in a state grange literary contest. His pic ture occurred in the last issue. of the Nothwest Pacific Farmer. SOCIAL EFEX1S. Several Interesting Functions Dar ing the Week. MISS JDNB CHARMAn'b BIRTHDAY PARTY. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Charman last Monday evening, was made merry by the event of their daughter June's 15th birthday. Some of the amusementB of the evening were crokinole, table croquet, ping pong, etc. In tbe guessing contost, Miss Sadie Evans won the king's prize, and Mas ter Ralph Miller, tbe consolation prize. Miss Charman was assisted in receiving the guests by her cousins, the Misses May Wiahart and Antoinette Walden . Thoie present were: Dillie Prat, Pearl Wood, Amy inomas, lena uainu, liasie Block, Mamie and Winnie Roake, Mary Belle weiunim, mien muinger, JVUbel fa sey, Sadie Evans. Geraldine, Louise Walker, Clara Nehren, Flor ence Hamilton, Carl Moore, Ralph Miller, ltay Williams, Harold Brough ton, Charles Bollinger, Norwood Char man, Willard Ilawley. Earle Latour ette, Norman White, Emrys Thomas. Circuit Court. JudgiT. A. McBride is holding an adjourned term of circuit court. Un Wednesday Bert Jewell pleaded guilty to assault and bittery, and was nnedfoO. He had cut a nun with a knife, during a quarrel a year and 1 hall ago or longer, and the matter had been dragging along in the courts sines that time. A decree of divorce wai mnted in tbe suit of Emm vu. T. W. Oilharn on BEFORE AND AFTER . ELECTION ANY PRICE YOU SEE On any thing in the drug line is quite apt to be a little higher than our price. ' Our first aim is to see that you get good goods and get what you ask for. Our next aln and effort is to Save you something on the COST. ' f No one ever will or can sell you for less than our Prices. We save for you not only on a few loudly heralded items but on almost everything druggists sell. Mint Drops, J5c lb. Fresh Vaccine, I5c 2 for 25c Hot Water Bottles, $J regular Now 64c Fountain Syringes, $1 regular Now 65c Aprobar JOc Cigars, Now 5c Every Day Prices Cut Prices on Patent Medicines flPeruna.... 74C $1 Hawley 's Catarrh Cure 70C $1 Swamp Root 80C 35c. Castoria (genuine) 24 C 25c. Carter's Little Liver Fills ... . 1 5C 11 (1 Asthma Cures 85C $1 Pierce's Golden Discovery ' ( (1 Pieice's Favorite Prescription. 75C 25o. Porous Plasters 1 OC 1 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp'nd 74C 25c. Pierce's Pellets .... 15C f 1 Shoop's Medicines 85C 25c. Fears' Soap 15C $1 Paine's Celery Compound 80C 30c. Fry's Squirrel Poison '.. 20C 50c. Waklee's Squirrel Poison .... 30C (1 Wood's Sarnaparllla.'. only 55C $1 Red Line Sarsaparilla . . . .only 60C 25c. Condition Powders 20C $1 Tansy Pills 85C 25c. Cuticura Soap 18c 50c. Electric Bitters 40C $1 Electric Bitters 80C Snaps in Cameras and Supplies $8 Cyclone Magazine, almost new 5.00 (1 Brownie Camera 80 20 Premo"A" 15.00 Stamp Card Mounts per doz. 5C Brownie " " extra fine, " IOC An endless variety of 4x5 and 5x7 mounts all colors, at special prices. Druggists' Sundries Sponges, usual price 5c, cut price 4C Sponges, 10c regular now 5C Tooth Brushes. 10c. 15c. 20c, 25c 85c. regular; now 5c , 10c, 15c, 25c. Knives and Razors, reduced from 10 to 20 per cent. See our Guaranteed Razor 1.50 Sulphur, 5c lb. Jelly Beans, 15c lb. MotK Balls, 10c lb. Toilet Paper, 4c roll 7 for 25c Box Stationery, 10c box Envelopes, 2 pkg. 5c CHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE CUT PRICE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Phone 13. Mail Orders Solicited.