Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
2 ORECON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902. aooooooooooooooooocoooooo I C0MSP0IKDNCE Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mountain View. There is some sickness in this burg. Mr trout is again able to be out. Miss Ethel Cummins, of Shubel, who nas been newing for Mrs Harrington, is sick with pneumonia at the home of tieo Stephens. Dr Stuart is n in attendance. About $5.35 net gain was made at the ice cream stand at Ely's .old store on Decoration Day, and the same was given o Rev 8 A Arnold on Sunday at the -:loee of the meeting. Hugh Nisblitt, of Portland, was call ing ou Mr and Mrs Beattie last Friday. They had not 'seen him for 20 years. T Roberts, of Ashland, was the guest sf his uncle, 0 B Jefferson, over Sunday. Mies Richter, of Portland, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs Ginther, the past week. Mrs Seely and son, Glenn, of Wash ington, are visiting relatives here. Mrs B Smith and son were visiting the former's aunt, Mrs Freidrich, the pst week. They returned home Tuesday. Ferd Curran Btarted to California laBt week to work in a woolen mill. He has accepted a posiiion as foreman in the mill at Nap pa. W W May and family, of Cams, have moved into the Adams house at the head of Seventh street. Grandma Bacon's daughter from Ida bo ia visiting with her this week. Grandma Dodson Is home again. She has been ataying with Grandma Jones (Yalkerfor two weeka. Another Ipioneer gone Grandpa Tay lor died June 4th at 3 o'clock a. m. He was very sick a few months ago, but lately he was quite well. R T Beattie has sold his property to W W May, who will take possession soon. Sauna. Liberal. week The weather haa been mixed up thia like the politic not Rood. How does It feel, Brother Citizens? When we pops were trying to fight for reform who downed i? Turn about Is fair play. I mean some of the leaders. I, for one, congratulate the socialite for their showing tills election. This is hard weather on the fa-mer, The weeds are growing faster than the garden truck. Mrs Martha Peterson, of Mlnneapalis, Minn., is visiting her sister, Mrs H L Barnes. They have not seen each other for 10 years, tine will probably re tide here. H Vorpahl and Mrs 8elz and family, of Canby, were Tisltiiig Grandma Wright Sunday last. 81m Helple, of Ourrlusvllle, and 0 Williams, of Oregon City, deputy assessor, were pleasant call itt ou ye acrlbe bundny. Come again. Win Husband went to Portland with his wife Mon..ay and left her at the Portland Banitailum for medlual treatment. H Abbott brought his wife home from the hos oltal atl'ortlttiid last Sunday, much Improved in health We are glad to say. Mrs Graham, of Sollwood, Is visiting her mother, Mrs Abbott, this week. Prunes seem to be dropping badly. This weather ia rotting tho stems oil'. Beans, notatoes and norn Is a general com plaint of rotting in the ground. Brother Is the time to fatten your hogs. Look at the price for dressed pork. Sylvia. Wilson vllle. Elootlon Is over, and everything 9 settling down to normal conditions, Mr and lira Balder are visiting at Ira 8ely'a home. Most of the people of Wllsonvlllo spent Decora tion day at Hood View cometory. Work will begin this ;week on the A 0 0 U hall t this place. MrPallett of this pUoe. and Dave Wagner had Home dlllleulty TuesUy. Result was that Mr Pal let was hned 8. Wilsonvllle people are happy over the election rf Mr Broost ( jr oouuty Oinmilisilimor. Bhobty. Maple L'ttie It ruins and It halls, And it's cold stormy we ilher, ' But now that eleotion ta over We hope for better weather. Measles are all the rage lu this neighborhood. The carpenters who are working ou Josl Sclierruhle's liurn have beon laid otf for a few lays on aeeouut of not being able to get the nec essary lumber, ffoplila llauinaun ia working for Mrs Ohrla Hurt man In town. Tom Davis, Jr, leaves today Matvj on a sur veying trip with Mr KanJs. Mrs IMlike'a father and mother, of Highland, are visiting her this week, Maple Lane wun well represented at Ihe danoe it Heaver Creek Inst Friday. Mr and Mrs 0 B Noe. of Nendv , were guests of J V Glblis and family Sunday and Monday. John OafTnev left .on Tutsday for The Dalles, whore he will remain for the summer. Miss Laura Williams has some celebrated geese Who are Inclined to cat! on Mrs Jackson's geese, hereby causing nor much anxiety and trouble by laving todrlve ;them home so often. Mr Schilling vent to Portland' Sunday to make irranuements for his brother, who is coming from the Kast. Chaa P Tallman, of Clarkes, dined with 0 F II bus and family Wednesday Pansy Blossom. darken. Mrs Robeson Intends to start for Washing ton Thursday, where she will visit with her son, Charlie, for awhile. Frank ltobeaon eame home Suudro to put In his vote. Mrs Kdgfonib and IUchel were vinlting at Mr baterty's Sunday, Lew Wallace attended (lie dative at Colton Sat urday. Miss Lulu Garrett was out bloyolo riding Sunday, The hop yard boss and one of the glrN were seen last Saturday under a l 'i l luc to keep off the rain. We bad ourey u I'lOtii, She was norseback, Miss Mario Edueeomb and ivri Wills called at Mrs James' Sunday. John Laforty, of Colton, was seen In s burg Tuesday. R E Yoder Is at h' me for a few weeks' vaeatirn 1 Miss Klora Yoder is on the Bick liBt, but is eluw ly improving. I We are glad to see Moggie and Mabel Schwartz at home again. They Cuueup from Portland to Oregon (,ity on luo'-day and sneni several days at their father's new farm near Viola. J Schwartz and his two son is were working on their new farm several days lat week. JeffLantz and family, frm nr Woorlburn, were visiting friends in this viomiiy over Sun day. They will be our neighbois when Jlr Schwartz moves away. Mose Yoder and son, Walter, of Oregon Cl'.y, took dinner at J S Yoder's Saturday. Strawberries are beginu'iig to lipen, and If we have a few dHjs' suusliuie they will souu;be pleuU-ful. The rain continues. 0. Mackabtirg. Maccabees Attention A grand picnic will be given at M.tcksriiir June 11. U I) Dimiek, of Ore gon City, and Mrs Nellie H Lumbsoo will address the peoplj. A grand parade from the Muccabee hull to the grounds. The I. O T M will conduct a lunch counter and ice cream Stand. A good program ha bf en prepared and a ball game ar ranged. Come everybod . .and enjoy a good time. M M. Midln o. Mr Carlson haa been sick the past wees. Mrs, sister of Mrs Murphy, and her husband, both from the East, are visiting at the Murphy home at present. A Dougan made a business trip to Salem last week. H Perry and family and Jot Mullatt and Elva and Pearl Eriokmn were visit ing at the home of I Davis Suuday. Mr Paine was visiting hia daughter seem tb the e.eciioiitering done by the republicans as utual. A J Krigbautn took Mr 0tttield'a team and took Uucle Beu Porter to the pol s. MrOatlield took him back home. Woodburn. A farewell reception in honor of Mrs M A Wright was given at. the home of Mrs DA McKee Thursday, May 2'.tth. Those present were Mr and Mrs C G Boynton. airs M A Wright, Mrs R A Brown, Mrs Carter, Mrs Mary Armes, Mrs BJ Bouncy, Mrs DO Thompson, Mrs Sylvester, Mrs C M Young. Mrs H Overton, Mr and Mis DA MoKee, Misses Ivy and Minnie McKee Beaver Lake. Web foot weather is with us again, and I guess it haa come to atay, G Wyland hsa purchased a new wagon. A M Grrshong hss sold his team. He intends to go to Eastern Oregon to purchase anotlur team. A Pluard had the misfortune to have his thumb badly mashed a few days ago while working the big flood dam now under construction on Coal crtek. Say, Bert, what about your pack horse? George Groshong, a well known logger of Butte Creek, was seen passing through this burg a few days ago, day, Luther, what seemB to be the attraction just over the way. . Slim Jim. Varus. W W May, who has sold his farm here, has moved to Oiegon City, where he will reside. Mr White, of Portland, will take possession of the place this week. Mrs C Green, of Mllwaukie, visited her sister' Mrs Stedham, a few days last week. Miss Hilda Erlckaon, of Portland, visited her parents here Friday aud Saturday. Routid Trip Excursion Bate to Clatsop and North Beach Points via Astoria & Columbia River Railroad be ginning June 1st round trip excursion on tickets will be placed on sa'e at A. & C. K. R. ticket ofiice comer Tbird & & Morrison Bts. and Union depot, Port land, to alb points on Clatsop Beach via ra'l direct and lo all beach points ou I. B. & N. Co 's line (except llwaco) vt A. & 0. K. B. to Astoria and s and rail from. Astoria at popular, found trip excursion rate of $4 00, ftn(j rom Portland to Flavel and r,tOTn $3, for return passage un'.d October 15th. Similar excursion tickets issued by tne O. B. & N Co., Vancouver Transporta tioni'o., and Columbia River & Puget tnnul Navigation Co. to points on Clatsop Beach (exrept Flavel) and points on North Beach (except llwaco) will be hono-ed on trains of the A. & U. II. R. in either direction. Close connections made at Astoria with steamer Nahcotta to and from North Beach points. The above rate includes tiansferof baggage betwecen depot and deck. aLatSlitl rV ri 1 11 Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been i!i ir.e for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of js and has been made under his per CAfT,frfrf. sonal supervision since its infancy ' ' Allow no one todecelve youin this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR. A Castor ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms rnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CEflUSWE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They cieanse the stomach and reflate the liver and bowels, effectinu a quick and permanent cure. For sale by .. A. Harding. Bauvtht Slgnatu of OA STOniA, me Mud you Have Always , me mud 11 (QfcfoU BUGGIES. ' Give better satisfaction than anything; on the market at anything like the price, be cause they are made of good material, to stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on bodies, braces on Bhalts, heavy second Krowth wheels, screwed rims. If you want tofeelsnre that you are getting your mon ey's worth, aslc for a "Bee Line" or a "Mitchell" (lienuey) Buggy. We gua autee them. Mitchell, Lewlm at Stavor Co. Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or. The Star of Stars iiiii Wind Mill Has ball bearings In tnra tablo. Turns freely to the wii d. Ball bearing thrust lu wheal, insuring Ugliest running qual ities, and reserving greatest amount, of power for pumping. Galvanized after making Put together with galvanized bolts, double nutted, no partoan rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with eve -y change of tempera ture, and grow weaker wit(ye. Repairs always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Theuwhy not buy a Star. Wagons - aiaU'jjjaaaflCTi.Ti m -1- Best possible to build No wagon is or can bo better than a Mitchell uci-nuorj tnc crem ui wuuu biock is uin, only ar ' er beinsr thoroughly seasoned. The waiion is wel auucu, net i-atiitou, weu jjrupuruonea, aua runs the Ugliest of any It 1b nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wnic, nn WAR hllih anri Hiotr huiru KnDn K.,n. u...?' . !"' "mo iou utiiii wiiuinr ously eversinne by the Mitehella. When you buy a juiwucu jfuu gei tue oeueni 01 tnis 70 years' experience. Send for Special Catalogue Free MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. . First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. .. m iwiia .IH' 1"'' """nH''' n tit. wiwyork errv. Good Literature 11 A iTYirkOf iomers. DookletP, etc., are - -T.A11HJJJ I- tasteluily notten dp anJ are valuable for nuai iiif-y contHln itie iNorthern Paciflf isriot Pfi anioriB railwnva fur ita arivertifinu malter. Its IVn'Ml 1 n IT of what MR- CHAS. S. FEE, Oei llUHllllJ' Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will pe , mailed, upon recoi 't of pries gW Help, if a naitini lift cneral Passensrer pent) out. careiullv . , wj.h irtn'ii ui price yi'ven Ativ t'nnibt- ZnZrT T,,,T; ' af u,0"e''or e.x88 "Ivm or stamp; ill he Wonderland 1901 hHlf'Jm,?1 E?')lil!,iti,;n' beHutifully illustrated in color and 1 lh VnrtLl us ",n!hy ,ri'"t" l'rHenla'ly of the history of S n StavrdW,ilirXv9 U8,er Bttlea"" Cent. Miniature Wonderland ""S PuUlMtlon containing a complete history I,"..,,,- ".'"""'J iTHiBmark. The artistic oovers of S-nrf Mention this Paper AMERICAN CRFAM SEPARATOR Fully Uuarantetd Easiest I 1 Cloaned f ; - I of Any -tMuii ' ".. '3 Close I J jf , " I Skimmer -$M Durable JM 1' Catalogue fhW fif ill! 1. S if inJ.Ml Simple Stover a -...-vAt.,..iu,i. fun Gasoline Engine 1M. 3. 4 nd6H. P., Plain atid Pi mpinjt. Simplest En dine mnde. More eaBily un derstood than any other. Catalogue Free. Champion in name ha mpion in the field DRAW cut . i 1,1 n .0jrss 11 ' DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's all there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalogue Free. Mra Dell Trullinger lant Snnd v . MrBldaDoditewaaviailii.): her mo her, Mra WoodHide, last wnek. Fred Wallace ia on the rick Let. Bertha Herron ha b. ui a vieitoi here the. pant week. II Selizor wasviaiting Htiouuher Sun day last. Delia Glover, who lias beeu visiting her aiater, Mrs Triilhngi-r, for some montha, haa returned to her I ome at Eajtle CreeK, bk her mother tnti nda to go to Iowa in a rhort time. Aildte Chrivteneen, who haa been There was spraklne held at Mr Qreitorjr'a hut lt TUuraoay ulglit ty tlia republicau candidatea. a mrgecrowa was present. Mrs B Juirgar, of Oregon City, is visiting Frank Jaggar aud family. Fred E?ana, of Portland, who haa been Btaying with his jtraiulpareitts for the past six weeks, re turned 10 hia honieSundiiy. Mr Gardner and Fred Llndsloy have returned from the seaside, where they hare heen tending tu thulr timber claims. Mrs D Tlioiraa and daiiuhtor, Blodn yn.of Reaver Creek.were calllag on friends of this burg Friday Misa Katie Jone, of ents here last week. Portland, visited her par- Mr and Mrs C Spenoe attended the 8:ate Granxe at Saletu last week. Volion, I'hoer up, ollli'p so.'kera that are snowed under this time. Tlieie's another electiou ooiulng In a louplu of years. Turn your coat, ehanire (tarty and try owe mure, l'orlmps you had ou tlic wrong kind of snow shoes this lime, Mr and Mra (Jorliett visited lu Highland last Sunday. Joe Carls 111 had tho nil. fortune to loao a fine olt hut week. Joe and Johnnie Arqilett and Frank linker went ou . Ilshlnir trip uptiteru knnirs lust week, lut ihey did not have very good luck. Fred Buyer lost one of Ills work hnraei on the tire'. It wis staked out, Hint having tucouie tangled, oliokod lo deitti. Ecvryrecn. The.e was a atlon.latu'O at the Smyini chinch ou Sunday lo listen to the Children's day xendsea. Tl; piogram was good, ami the lit tle outdid ri'iinrkably will on their parts. After the rierelses tlie Hiinday seliool superintendent treated the infant aud primary elae to orAiiges, which pleased the little ours very uiuoli. Revival lueetlngs will begin at the Smyrna .chureh next Sunday evening, June 8th. All are Cordially invited to attend, lAwrenee Hein with hia wife bibe had a light runaway while eroaslng tli. Kook Creek tiridg. ,ueax Hariou Samaou'a. No one was hurt, only some part of the harness waa toru to they had to walk part of the way,. O P Yoder waa up from Portland on his wheel a week ago last Sunday to visit his parent.. 1.1 1.. 0..-.1 1 r,. - 1 nrs.... i,.r,o...u.oi..u,ei,iie uaa (,,,,. la8l WMk one of Mr vn(,erHt,e., returned to her home a' Union Mill. horses was so hadly hurt by running lu the pns Aiitief Wallace waa vititinir frienda at tore thai a horse doctor laadto be summoued Beaver Cieek last week. ChatluN and Ida buytitun 'ml Mrs Wallace made liutdm a' trip to 0r gou City thia week. ' Ainel llornarhnh and Hett Cummins were visiting at the Wallace hon e here Monday, Clyde Smith was viaitinu Kmet Da vis laat Sunday. I'KAltt.. from Portland Sunday, Garfield. It anowed until the (tr mud w ia win on the hilla above Slieriiutii Ciips alio n aix miles east ol heie l:a.-st week. Kosa 1'inkley. sou 01 Mr and Mrn Jo seph l'inkley, died last Friday at hia father's residence near U.irtield. The funeral wan hold at M.vmc Zhih church Sunday. 'Kev Kxoh oiliri ited The at tendance was the largest ever seen in Uartield. Hoas waa a wood boy and waa liktd by everybo ly. The lel.itiiea have the smpathy of the entire community in the sad hour of their allliction. A surveying party is enrvevtnc town ship 3 south, ratiife 6eut. This town ship hud never luen sectionixHil, The election went off quietly. All seemed in a good way, and there did no How to Avoid Trouble. Now ia the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is ulmoft certain to be needed before the summer ia over, and if procured now may aave you a trip to town in the nittht or in your Inifieat sea son. It is everywhere Admitted to be the mot successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be with out it. For aale by U A. Il.irdtng. For Over Sixty years s Mra. Winalow's Soothing Syrnn has been used for over sixty years by million ol iiioliieiH lor their children wtult teething, with period duress. It soothes tlie child, softens the gums, allays all p.iin. cureb wind colic, and is the liest remedy lot piairhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by liruiiists in everv part ol the World. Twenly tivr ceinsa linitle. It value is tncalcu able. Bestire and asu f"r Mrs. Wins lnw'soothinrf Syrup, and take no other kind Happy Time In Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevill, Old Town.Va., "wten Bucklen's Arnica Salve whollv cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all wiio use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25o at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Smith's Dandruff Pomada Cures dandruff,eozema,itching scalp and stops falling of the hair. One applica tion stops itching scalp, three to six applications removes all dandruff Doctors and druggists regard it as the only standard remedy for dandruff and all itching, scaly skin disease; price 50c, at all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address t-mith Bros, Frjsno, Cal. Four Cent. Send Fifty Cent. the Wonderland, 1901 are used in minlntnno Wild Flowers from Yellowstone ihJl?!,' PTpd wlIlJ 'i06 from Yellowstone Park, showing he real fl iwer. in their natural colors. A dainty f, 0 ITJL In 1 ?on,yeir-' specimens of flowers and six full p.ige illustrations of Park seenerv. Yellowstone National Park i?ieW 12 paif book '? 8tro"K' flexible covers, good paper, plain type, i lustr nted. no-ket siM, a compendium and descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Climbing Mount Rainier An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 paires, in strong flexible Send Twent' Cent. five Wabash Niagara Falls Short Line -OFFERS YOU: TiiPoa Trains Daily from Chicaao T( niirniA 4 ThrousSi Traiiis Daily from St. Louis i I U DUrrALU 4 Trains Dally from Kansas City ( And Points Beyond. EOUIPMENT ReclininS Chair Cars (frp '"Uman Palace Sleepers--..J... . . 7 . Di.nil8 a"d Cafe Cars m. all t,h,ns. Polite train. m , ,cl roanm;a. snortest bed and qu ckest time. Tourist cars lnnd and Thursdays; 2 hours Chicago to Boston. -Mondays C CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. ROSs c. CLNE, P. C. P. A.. Los Anjreles. f m.iifiiMW'T' RJ PANS For years I had been a sufferer with cli route stomach troubles, pressure of gas and distress of my bowels. I con tracted what the doctors pronounced a low type of malaria. I c mid uot take solid food at all, and only a very little of the lighlest of diet would create fever and vomiting. The drug gist sent uie a box of Ripans Tabules, saying he sold more Kipans than any Ihini? else for stomach troubles. I not ouly found relief, but believe I hare been permanently cured. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for n or dinary ocssion. The family bottle. 60 cents, contains a supply for year. Too much housework wrecks wo man' nerves. And the constant care ol children, day and nigbt, is orten too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and wothor. Deranged menses, leuoorrhoea and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep hor sensitive female organs in perfect condition. is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter : Olendeane, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901. I am so glad that yonr Wine of Cardul 1. helping me. I am feeling better.than I have felt for years. I am doing my own work without any help, and I washed last week and was not one bit tired. That shows that the Wine Is doing me good. I am getting fleshier than 1 ever was before, and sleep good and eat hearty. Before I began taking Wine of Cardui, I nsed to have to lay down five or six time, every day, but now I do not think of lying down throngh the day. Mas. Kichakd Jonu. 91.00 AT DRUGGISTS. ' for adrlce uid llteratun, tddmi, giving symp tom., "The Ladie.' AdyiioTy leiartnieut ", Xb. Chetuuioop Medicine Co., Chattuoota, Tenn. Constipation Does your hc-d ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggist!. Want your moiisinche or beard a beuutiiul f brown or rich black? Then use I BUCKINGHAM'S DYEffl&r. I A Complete Line OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for wear, quality or style, and our women's fine $3.00 shoes ' " are the acme of comfort ''. and graceful outline. Our v. prices will suit.