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About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902. Oregon CityCourier-Herald BY A. W. CHENEY Brttered li Oregon ily Puatofficeas 2nl-class matter SUBSCRIPTION BATES. P"ii(l in advance, per yeer . i:r flonths Cnree raonths'trfal flSfThe ilatp opposite yonr address on the If thin notice is marked your subscription i due. OREGON CITY, JUNE 6, 1902. Lmxtati in butter, or oleomargarine, is produced at a c rat of 4 cents a pouDd. Among the tenement populni'on of New York city are nearly 30,003 inflict ed ith tuberculoma. Wliat to d with tLfsa victim i of sweatshop existence is an appalling problem. One per cent of population owns as much wealth a the other 99 percent That is to say, 760.000 people own $40,- 000,000,000, and about 74,000,000 people own another $40,000,000. It is easy to see how and v, iy an oligarchyof mil lionaire8 rules the country. Mohgan's steamship merger includes 118 ships with 891,003 tounage and a couple hundred millions of capital. Other lilies not directly in the merger affiliate with it. Justly, the Britishers are alarmed over this Yankee invasion of Europe. All of the real and personal property in this country is valued at $81,000,000, 000, and 3828 millionaires own $16,000, 000,000, or one-fifth of it. The financial interests of these 4000 rich men control the actions of congress, and that is why it is so averse to do any legislating for Ceba or the Philippines or the proposed isthmian ship canal. Tne cost of operating the fleet of 43 transport tteamers plying between San Francisco and Manila during the first 16 months of the Philippine war waa nearly $11,(100,000, which was about five times as much as the cost of operating a simi lar fleet of passenger and freight Bteara ,ers. The contractors, therefor, stole over $8,000,000 in the 16 months. In Great Britain the average life time of a luboror is 29 years, while that of the man jf means whom he carries on ilia back is 65 years. If a laborer of un commonly rugjed constitution happeu to.reach old age, the man whom he has v carried on hia back chucks him into the poorhouse, to straddle another able bodied bumpkin, 'U this Mr. Rockefellers' church?" 'No air; this is not Mr. Rockefeller's church. This is the Fifth Avenue Bap tist church, of which Mr. Rockefeller is member." This question and reply can be heard jevral dozen (imes every Sunday morning at the door of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church, New York city. ' i The latest municipal hold-up took place at New Haven, Oonn. The city gave to certain genteel footpads a water franchise worth $2,000,000, not to be taxed in all eternity, and conferring the privilege of charging 25 per cent, more lor water than the rates in nearby towns. If Oregon City or CluckamaK county has any more valuable fran chises todonate, this is a pointer. N. O. Nki.hon, millionaire, has for 12 years successfully conducted a large co operative factory at Leclatre, a village 18 miles from St. Louis which he founded. The extensive business is conducted on democratic plans. Nelson lives in a cot tage among Ids employes, and strikes never take plate at Leclaire. Every Lody is contented and does what he pleases lit cause he pleases to do right. PiutiDBNT Schwab tells us in his re port of the Steel Corporation's first fis cal year, just issued, that the market value of iu product for the year waa $ 159,000,000, its total wage payment to its 158,000 employes neaily $113,000 000, And its net profits $31,500,000, after ap propriating $24,5 )0,000 for "repairs and "maintenance." This "infant" sella eteol to the English $6 per ton less than to home customers. The common laborers at II err Krupp'g mammoth steel and iron works in Ea Bv'ii, Germany, receive a dollar a day nd pay .20 cents a day for board and lodging. As their job lasts a life-time . ond many privileges are thrown in with the wages, which have been procured Vy the munificent proprietor, they are really better off than an American la borer who rceives $1.50 per day, but fur ther little thought or consideration from Ji is employer. On u of the worst results oi the domi nant commercialism Is the employment of women, which is detrimental not only to them in many ways but also to the male workers, their wages being lowered in cousenueuce. By compari sons taken from government labor and wage tables it is shown that in many manual mid mechanical employments women now perform the same Borvice, yetting the same results, for one-third to one-half the wages formerly paid to men, while the raw materials cost even leea and the unfinished proluct is sold lor the same, or better, prices. Boston ha.i a population 'f nh ut 450,000, a Utile greater than that of Ore gon. It ha9 a public-owtiec ship print ing plant, in which all th - Hub's printing is done. Ib five years' time the ex pense of this Bervice v as $40,128 in ex cees of what it w uld have been if per formed by a private-ownership print shop. It will save money to the people of Boston to go out of the pr'mtin g bui ness, and to the people of On gin tuo. Germany means, if die can, say the London Spectator, ''to pull down the British Empire and erect on its ruins a Teutonic world power, just as she hopes to build up on the ruins of the Austro Hui giirian Empire a European state which shall embrace all German-speaking Europe. The intenEe popular ani mosity felt in Germany toward England is not sentimental, fictitious or unreal. It is deep and genuine or, us a German philosopher would say, positive and cate gorical." The coal n-gions of Virginia are under the despotism of capitalism. The school houses are never opened in order that the children of the miner may receive a smattering of education: they must work to awell the profits of the owners of the mines in New York or in Paris, perhapa. Little boys work 14 hours daily in the coal mines, for 6Q cents a day. Tuey grow upiu them becoming, at maturity, stunted in body and mind. The black HbI excommunicates any miner that dares to i-ay that his soul is his on. Negro slavery in its worst form was never more inhuman than this white slavery. PaoTiscnoN has put a prohibitive tar iff on the cattle and sheep from Canada, Mexico and South America, and the great packers, who poured their hun dreds of thousands into the Mark Hanna campaign chest, now control the cattle markets of this'country . They own the great packeries, nearly all the storage plants for meats and perishable food producta and the refriger.Uor cirs by which alone ttey can be transported to the consumers of the nation. Is it any wonder that with its six-finuered hand of protection-mailed power on the throats of the people the beef trust should levy on their Uvea the heaviest taxes and tributes that the tables and stomachs of the consumer will bear? M. E. Inqalls, president of the Big Four Railroad, said in an interview in Chicago: "It is time that somebody or something called a Jhalt, else who can tell how far our Caesar's ambition may lead? If this thing of merging railroads keeps up and the logical end is reached, it means one-man ownership of railroads. That intolerable condition would neces sitate the government buying out the roads, and government ownership would be a calamity." That "c ilaraity" would lead to more "calamities." If the railroad-magnates sold out to the govern ment, would they not absolutely mo nopolize several principal industries by investing their idle billions in them? They are steering the country rapidly into the unknown ocean of socialism Huqo Pr Vkiks, profeBsor of botany in the University of Amsterdam, has originated, within a few years' time, three new constant sptcies of plants, viz.: A five-leaved clover, a double chry santhemum (from the grandiflorum variety of the golden corn flower), and a gigantic evening primrose. By scientific cultivation under conditions most favor able, De Vries accomplished evolutions in the production of these three plant which unaidhd, in a state of nature, would have required ages. He finds that man cannot make the varieties from which newspe;ies are produced, but can only" direct them, and that they come at once, spontaneously, complete. Careful culture is selection itself, for selection is the choice of the best nour ished. It Is positively asserted by those who have critically Btudied the Chinese ex clusion act pasBed by congress, which went into effect May 5, that it. haa men so cunningly and loosely worded that Chinamen can enter the United Statee through the Philippine islands or other foreign countries, as Mexico or Canada, inun'imited numbers. The senate ab solutely refused to pass any bill more stringent than the one which has become a law. The pro-Chinese lobby is all powerful at Washington, and it i gilded palm has pursuaded congress to betray the American people. Greed holds ty rannic swsy at the nation's capital. The republican party must be held re sponsible for this piece of wicked legisla tion. Graduating Exercises. Editor : Anyone who attended the graduating everoises Tuesday evening must have recognized the excellent quality of the entertainment generally. It is to be re gretted that eo few were present to en joy it. The empty Beats were more con spicuous ' than the occupied ones. The graduating exercises are but a part of our public school systom, a beau tiful and impressive part, whose areat- eat usefulness lies in keeping interest in j me nigiier uepanmeni 01 our scuooi, and in being a goal for pupils in the lower grades. It. can accomplish its end best I had almost 8 od only when a large number of our people are iu ac tive cooperation. To charge so large an admission to a function so obviously for the people, that the people feel unable to atti nd ito defeat the very or jcct for hioli iheixercises are intended. - The lust entertainment was well worth 25 rents, but when that i too much to permit even Shively'n hall to be filled, some other atrangement should be made sn the inspiration of the occasion mav reach those who most need and perhaps most desire it. The college towns al 1 over the valley make commencement wetkavala week, a season of gaieties and festivities And here we vif)h no h'gher insti'uijon to lemand our active interest, can not have more enthusiasm Idisplayed than a half filled hall on one evening. On behalf of the school children and I appeal fur a heartier dem onstration. On behalf of the public, I appeal for such an arrangement as will make possible a large attendance at the exercises.' One Much Intbested. 0;egon City, June 4, 1002.C BEPUBLICAX LANDSLIDE. Enire County ticket Elided by Majorities Banff ing from ' 100 to 1500. As a result of Monday's election after July 1st, the Oregon City court house will be entirely occupied by republican officials, first time for six years. Every body has excuses and reasons for tile defeat of the citizens ticket. The writer believes many votea were lost on ac count of the personal campaign made against one man, who beat the strongest candidate the opposition had by a large' majority. One act that lost more votes than any other was tha getting out of a campaign sheet called the "Good Citi zen" at the eleventh hour; others were the day's sojourn of Col. Hofer,of Salem, in Clackamas county, and the sending out of speakers that should have stayed at home. The Courier-Herald tried to have a campaign without mudslinging conducted and had njthing to do with the printing of the "Good Citizen" and knew nothing about it till it was mailed. Maybe eome of the enthusiastic cam paigners realize now that the writer was nearer right that he was given cred it fir on several occasions when these matters were brought up. He haa al ways tried to do his duty and dil w hat he thought waa best and is satisfied that several "citizens" would have been elected had his advice been followed. We do not wish to ceisure anyone but we have been criticized and wish merely to state our position. It is the opinion of many that a straight demo cratic ticket would have polled more votes. Look what was done in the state a straight democrat elected gov ernor in a ranK republican state, and with no fusion either The citizens ticket was one of the cleanest and best t ckets ever put up in Clackamas county ami its defeat wis not a bio w at the in dividuals but at the methods employed to elect. The republicans now have all the reins of the county government and we look for them to "overdo it" in two or three years to such an extenfthat we'll no doubt have another change by that time. See the fine line of shirtwaists at the Racket Store. Battenberg supplies and fine 'finish ing braids at the Racket Store. ur Special ffer For the next 30 days we will sacrifice the following items in order to make room for ne.v goods: A $3.00 Men's Welt Shoe in Vici Kid and Box Calf, to go at $2.1; and $2.00; full stock working shoe at $1.50. A $3.00 Ladies' Vici and Box Call Shoe, latest style patent tip, to go at $2.00. We shave also 150 pair Ladies' Good Calf Skin Shoes which we formerly sold at $2.03 and $t ;5, to go at $1.35. Children's fine $2.50 and, $2.00 shoes to be sold at $1 40. Here we will quote you you a few closing out specials in our Clothing and Hat line : 25 suits, all wool cheviots, formerly sold at $15.00 and $, to go at $3 25 ; 40 suits in nice worsted, former price $10.00, to go at $6.00. Our $2 00 and $250 Crushers and Fedoras to go at $1.40. We also have the agency for Hamilton Carhart Union Made Working Clothes and Over alls. . Sole agent for W. L. Douglas Union Made $300 and $3.50 Shoes for men. Don't miss this opportunity but take advantage of this offer. r J. M. PRICE, One Price Clothier. Next to Bank of Oregon City. To Our Customers : On account ol the increase in pric of meats and labor we have been compelled to raise the price of meals from 20e to 28c. George Bros. Restaurant. Closing Out Sale aiblei02St i I hai?e dicided to move to Portland and I invite all the people of Oregon City and Clackamas county to examine my prices and I have no doubt you will be surprised to ste every article MARKED WAY DOWN. This gives you an opportunity to buy good clean goods cheap. If you delay you may not gtt what you want. What remains ot the stock, which consists of Ladies', Gents' and Boys' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, I will move to Fortland. w: YAKEDA, Tne lome. off Pe-fteia As Is well known, Dr. Hartman Is the president of the Hartman Sanitarium, an Institution which has a department devoted exclusively to the treatment of female diseases. He is thus brought to see thousands of such cases every year, the most of THE GREATEST OF AMERICA'S : SANITARIUMS. whom return to their homes to be treated by corre spondence. The principal remedy be relies upon In such oases is Peruna, which every woman should have, who has any affec tion of this kind. In view of the great multitude of women sufferings from some kind of female disease, and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned gynaecologist, has announced his wil lingness to direct the treatment of as many cases as may make application to him during the summer months with out charge. Tha treatment will be conducted by correspondence. The doctor will pre scribe all medicines, applications, hy gienio and dietary regulations neces sary to complete a cure. The medicines prescribed can be obtained at all drug stores. This offer will prevail during the summer months. Any woman can become a regular patient by sending a written statement of her ago, condition of life, history and symptoms of her de rangements. All cases of female diseases, Including menstrual irregularities, displacements, ulcerations, inflammations, discharges, irritation of the ovaries, tumors and dropsy of the abdomen, should apply at onee and become registered as regular MAIN ST., BET. 7 AND 8TH CAU FIELD BUILDING The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. patients. All correspondence will be held strictly confidential. No testimo nials of cures will be given to the public except Dy the express wish of the patient. No one knows better than Dr. Hart man how much the women suffer with diseases peculiar to their sex. No one knows better than he does how many of them suffer with such diseases. Pa tiently, hopefully, wearily, and often silently, they eke out a miserable exist ence year after year. A woman confined to the house sev eral years with a chronio female de rangement , DISEASES had finally PECULIAR TO THE FEMALE SEX. given up all hope of being cured. She Viasl -iVi tt sleien after physician, and remedy after remedy, without any permanent im provement. Her treatment had cost her husband, who was a poor man, hundreds of dollnrs. 'i'hev had been obliced to deny themselves many comforts of life In order to get mo-iey enough to pay the physicians. Picking up the paper one day she hap pened to read an item which contained the news that Dr. Hartman would treat such cases free of charge by letter. She Immediate! t wrote the dootor, describ ing her case, and giving him all her symptoms. She soon received a letter telling her exactly what to do and what medicines md appliances to get. She began the -eat merit (the principal rem edy being Peruna) at once, and in a few weeks was well and strong again and able to do her own work. RED Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore. Look at This! For the next 60 days for Cash, we will give 10 per cent off on Pry Coods, Boots, Slices Furnishing &oods RED FRONT TRADING CO, COURT HOUSE BLOCK POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr, Drills and Hoes, Spray Primps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor, Fourth and Main St?. OREGON CITf MM da R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker P'U'154 476 and 305. Two Another woman who used Peruna without becoming one of Dr. Hartman's regular pa tients had the following ex perience . Miss Ida Green writes ONE OF THE 200,000 WOMEN HELPED LAST YEAR. : from Baldwinvllle, Ga.: "Peruna is wonderful and good, and a certain cure for female weakness. I have been ill and have been taking doctor's medicine for several years, and found that none did me any good. "Every day It was a worry. I was always sick. I had come to the con clusion to give up, and not use any more medicine. I was sick Indeed tor the past two years. Just before I began to take Peruna I was very weak, be sides I was bilious and constipated. " I had pains in my back and side and falling of the womb, with bearing down pains. "One day while reading my news paper, I came across an ad., read of the book for women entitled. "Health and Beauty," and sent for it. Then I began to use reruna. After using several bottles I am now tboroutthlv cured." MISS IDA GREEN. Mrs. Theresa Keller, of Fremont. Wash- writes : " Peruna not only cured me of remain trouble but prevents me catchina- anv cold, and as long as I have a bottle in the house my family needs no doctor.' Mrs. Theresa Keller. Send for free book entitled. "HnalHi and Beauty." Address Dr. Hartman. Oolumbus, Ohio. AND- OREGON CITY, ORE. We carry the Wit stock of Castets Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas con n ty , We are the only undertakers in the county owning a hearse, which we fur nish for less than can ba had elsewhere Ae are under small expense at:ddo not ask large profits. OalU pro notly atteaial night or day Doors South of Court H FRONT ouse.