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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1922)
Hist Socey. ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1922. NUMBER -II High irldge at St. Johns When will wo sco the most cs scntinl improvement proposed in Oregon t Petitions have been cir culated and placed on file witli the County Commissioners. Var ious organizations have endeav ored to get this great question before the public. In getting in formation regarding the ways and menus people have used in crossing the Willamette river since J 879, wc find that swim ming, row boats, launches and ferries have been utilized. Since that time tho Willamette river has been jovered with ice of suf ficient strength to carry horses and wagons. Wc find that the safest way to cross the river at this time is on a bridge. In the center of the city wc have several bridges which are hardly able to handle, the trafllc from one side of the river to the othor. Hut there are two more bridges neces sary and they are needed one in the south end and ono in the north end. The necessity of a bridge in St. Johns, or the north end, is more essential for var ious reasons, a few of which should convince every one. Ev erybody will agree that St. Johns is tho industrial end of Portland. There aro moro "industries in this particular section than in any other section in the city. Here you will find saw mills, venuni' plant, dry docks, cooperage, foundries, planing mill,, and oth er industries, besides U. S. sup ply yard and municipal terminals Nos. 3 and 4. Terminal No. 4 Is one of the best equipped in the United States. There aro thou sands of men and women em ployed in thoso various plants. Directly across tho Willamotto river arc saw mills, box factories, Standard, Shell, Union and Asso ciated Oil Co. plants, government moorings, gas plant, and tho new railway terminal freight yards. Tho plants on tho west side of tho river nro all on or ncur the Lower Columbia Highway, otherwise known as the Linnton Road. There is only ono road west of the Mississippi river that has a larg er traffic than tho Linnton Road. Thcro is only one ferry that bun dles all tho traffic between Kast Portland and Wont Portland north of tho Broadway bridge. This ferry has been proven to lie inadequate, as well as unsafe. In tho post few months' there have been several sad accidents. Tho last one occurred just a few ATTENTION Owing to unsettled situation of COAL MINES we advise all coal users to order their coal at once for future delivery. Prices are Low NOW For Full Information Call ST. JOHNS ICE WORKS Phone Empire 0084 1339 Lombard Street A 6 $ SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $3.00 PER YEAR Lave,yur bonds, jewelry, valuable papers, etc. In our burglar and fireproof vault. The Ideal place for your valuables when you go on yeur vacation. I Peninsula Security Company St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grlcc, Manager tffkt, Er.piri 0527 PHOHES Kigkl, Entire 0299 208 N. Jersey St. Phone Empire 417 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand If you can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't Kot it. I will get it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR PETS, DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, STOVES AND RANGES. Ih fact, anything yon wish in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sail or Exchange Anything. weeks ago, and would not have happened if there had been a bridge instead of a ferry, which undoubtedly was loaded with all the vehicles that could be placed upon it. Place yourself in the same position as the agonized father and mother, who recently lost three of their loved children. Think of the frantic family of tho late truck driver who was struck bv a train as he was headed down tho hill to get onto the ferry. These few sad facts alone should convince any person with a heart in their body the real necessity of a bridge. Dollars and cents ore nothing compared with human life. A dollar goes but will re turn, but n human life can never be brought back. A high bridge at St. Johns will take a great deal of tho trafllc from the Linnton Road, thereby eliminating the congestion to a great extent on the down town bridges. It would also connect the industrial section of the cast and west side. It would shorten the distance from tho center of the wholesale and retail district with Terminal No. 4, where most of our imported mutcrials arc lauded from tho foreign coun tries. A movement was recently started to get the county authori ties to take the necessary steps to get this proposed high bridge started at the earliest possible moment. This is the time to get behind the greatest necessity in Oregon. Forget personalities and individualities, hut DON'T FOUGHT to boost for the High Bridge at St. Johns. A Rooster. If you have guests nt your home, if you have been away on a visit, if you have a parly, a wedding, a birth, or accident of any kind, and tho fact Is not men tioned in the home paper, do not blame tho editor you are to blame. The editor is not n mind reader, and unions you tell him ho doesn't know. He wants all news he can get. So it is up to you. Don't expect the neighbors to do It all. Scud in tho news yo'irsolf, If we print and deliver tho paper to you, you ought to do yom1 share toward making it newsy. livery day Dr. Frank Saudifur is helping people to hoc well. Huvo him examine your eyes and help you to better and more com fortable vision. Office Ronham & Currier Rldg.; phono Empire om. Furniture Store The Weed Campaign The weed campaign in the city !h an item of interest to those lmv ing benutiful lnwns mid gardens. It is not so interest inir for those who hnve property thnt is vacant or property that is not taken euro of. The 1922 campaign started on July 10th nnd over 17,000 lots hnve been listed in one month nnd fl.OOO hnve been posted and the owners notified. There hnve been a great many nrrosts made nnd n lino of $20 nnd a sentence of two days in jail was given n man for not taking the time to cut weeds as the notieo called for. Ho said: "Judge, it is spite work." The judge was very curious to see whether or not the facts of tho ease were correctly presented, so he adjourned court and investigated for hint' self and declared upon his return thnt it was tho dirtiest piece of property in Portland, and sen tenced the man ns stated above. The authorities in charge of the weed campaign are not nnd will not persecute uny one, but will prosecute those who do not com ply with the ordinance that cov ers the abatement of the nui sance. The city has been divided into eight district and the entire city will be covered by inspectors i i ti.i . wim as iniicii spceu as posnoic. a PRICE IS REGULATED BY Supply and Demand In some lines of Summer Merchandise carried by us, our supply Is too great In fact exceeds tho demand. To overcome this wo will offer them to you at Cost Price rather than carry them over. Under such cir cumstances it is truly permissable to use tho distribution term of--- CLEARANCE Tennis Shoes at Cost - 85c, 95c, $1.25, $1.35 PANAMA HATS - 95c, $1.50, $2.50 Treat yourself to the best. You deserve a good cool durable work hat. Thoy are bargains and many of them good enough for Dress Wear. Ladles' Overalls, Only 85c Men's Hose 15, 2 Pair 2ftc Boy's Suspenders 25c Hoy's "Cowboy" Suits $2.00 All Starched Collars.. 20c. 2 for 35, 3 for fiOc Good Men's Overalls $1.25 Men's Dress Caps, worth more 05c Cotton Gloves 15c, 2 Pair 25c Men's High Grade Dress Caps . .$1 50. $1.95 Cotton Gloves. Leather Pace 25c Men's Dress Shirts .. $1-35 up Artificial Silk Hose 00c We have taken an awful Slash at o II I T O MEN'S and BOY'S O LJ 1 I O GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT R O G E THE RAINCOAT MAN 'WWW Choice Groceries A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. We give 5. & II. Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases L Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers onsl 702 S. Jersey Street PHONE BMI'IRE 08C0 Beautiful Ferns and Palms Funeral Designs a Specialty St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 Those who do not comply with ordinance will be arrested and work will be done and cost of the same will be assessed against the property. There have been quite a number of people who have said "It's all bunk," but chang ed their attitude as soon as a war rant was read to them, telling them to appear before the court at n certain time. People of the city should realize that there is no'"bunk" attached to this cam paign. We suggest to every one that they cut their weeds before tlie inspector gets around in your neighborhood. A progress map is being kept in Room 118, City Mall, which will gladly be shown to any one inquiring what has been done. It is impossible t investigate every individual com plaint, but they aro given to the inspectors of the districts who look up complaints as I hey reach them. It is the endeavor of tho Depart nieiit to please everybody. Wo are enforcing the ordinance without fear or favor. There is but one thing to do and that, is Clean l'p Portland. The abate ment of this nuisance is a hcncllt to everybody. The person who has properly for sale will lind it a great deal easier to sell proper ty that has no weeds or noxious vegetation on it. The man that has a nice lawn will not be trou bled with so tunny weeds, but the ?- ( THE TIN HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jersey Street WO CALL FOR AND DELIVER Telephone Empire 1399 H, A, MANNING, Prop. Repairing Has Dropped I will half sole Shoes at these prices: Men's heavy half soles f 1 .25 Men's liKht half soles 1.00 Ladles' heavy koles 1.00 Ladies' light shoes 75 Hoy's heavy soles 1,00 Ilovs' light soles 75 Girls' soles 75 1'utclilng 15c up I use the best of leather that money will buy. I have come to stay and believe in living and let you live. C. C. HOPKINS Boot and Shoe Maker 513 Columbia Blvd. Near Filling Station. Phone Columbia 42 C. R. SGELEY Painter, Paper Hanger and Kalsominer 101 N. Oly in iiia St.. Cor. JJ. Charleston DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street greatest benefit will be the elimi nation of a great fire hazard that may he the cause of the loss of life or property. Reported Some robbery has been going on in St. Johns of late, and the thief or thiefs seem to specialize in ladies' apparel. While Mrs. Mclvcallum of 814 N. Syracuse street wns nt Canity, Oregon, Au gust 7th her home was entered and a quantity of lady's clothing and jewelry and her son's revol ver was taken. On the same night the clothes line of Mrs. Waite was stripped of ladies' npparel and a bicycle was stolen from the .ink home. It is said thnt other clothes lines were nlso visited. A good plnu to watch out for the clothes line robbers. The old St. Johns ferry boat has been sold by the county to the llelscr Machine Works for :i(!2.r0. The boat, which was re placed on the St. Johns run more than live years ago, has been of no use to the county. It is re ported that she is to lie repaired by the llelscr Machine Works at u cost of approximately $7,000 and placed on a cross river run at Rainier, Oregon, for a private corporation. HOtlHHS' SALM Saves you kale. SALE PRICE R S Dividend No. 2 Another Red Letter Day July 1, 1922 was another Red Letter Day for the owners ol our 7 Prior Preference Stock. Checks for thousands of dollars were mailed out by us to our Thrifty Customers and Patrons in payment of the Second Regular Quarterly Dividend on their holdings in this sound and attractive security. Consult our Investment Department at once and get on our Mailing List for the Neit Dividend on October 1st This Slock Yields 7,3 Investment Department Portland Hallway Light & Power Company Room 6Q5 Electric Bldg. Portland, Oregon Choice Ferns at Reason able Prices Floral Designs of All Kinds Artistically Arran ged H$cktf m Grtenhouset 814 and 816 N. Kellogg St. Phone Umpire 0401. BrinK in your news items. St. Johns 18 Years Ago Tho following items were from tho second issue of tho St. .Johns Iteview Nov. 'J.'t, 1001: N. A. Gee is building u homo for .John Oliver in St. .Johns Park. In three years St. .Johns has in eremied in population from U."tO to 12000. 1 M. Shadduok of Fort James, fill., hits purchased lots in St. Johns Heights and will build it home, becoming it permanent res ident. Chits. Hredeson returned from Browning, Mont., where he has been engaged in work for the government on the Hlaokfeot In clinn reservation. Lots advertised in Shepnrd's Addition for $(!.. on easy terms; $.) down, $T per month. The infant ehild of Mr. mid Mr..l.A.('niT who reside at Point View died hist Monday. (loo. A. Hyson of Kugeito pur chased the lot 100x100, corner of .Jersey and Haltimoro for $1800. The Women's Civic Improve ment League has hucit consider ing the utilization of the block on which now stands the street car barns and the council cham ber (Peninsula Hank corner) for the purpose of a park. .Juntos Oliver and wife, original ly from Ohio. but have spent some time in Idaho and Washington, are recent arrivals in the oily and building a home in St. .lohns Park. Knrollinent of Si. Johns public school has reached 1208. Teachers tin's J. Toucher, principal; Miss K.lith Van (licet. Miss Kminn Os tium!, Miss liillian Waters. Miss Dorella Shivers, anil Miss Kli.n belli Itivette. W. II. King is building it two story olllco building between St. Johns market and the Friedman block, on Jersey street The following ollloers were elected at the last regular meet ing of St. .Johns Camp No. 7711. W. O. W.t Past consul, F. S. Mndle ; consul, l(. C. Clark; ad viser, (I. Mnllolt ; clerk, Waller Coon i banker, II. It. Hickucr DURANTE mm.. jrtr a KKAi, noon cau lit it. 0m Peninsula Garage RAYMOND F. FISHER Dealer for St. Johns and Vicinity i : 7 H8H The Peninsula Laundry 1032 N. SYRACUSE STREET Desires to thank their patrons for the support they are Rivlug this local foundry. Arrangements are being made to enlarge the laundry to take care of an increasing patronage. If you arc not yet a patron, give us a call, Satisfaction guar anteed. We make a specialty of mending and darning hand finish work, Family Washing and Wet Wash Solicited. Hundles call ed for and delivered. Phone Empire 2192 escort, Kichard Southwell: gen try, Peter lloliimn; watchman, J .M. Moore ; ninnagers, Ilotrt. Anderson, Clyde Heath nnd I, 15. Fo raker. Chris Ltihns sold the comet next to tho millinery store to M. h. Ilolbrook for $1100. This is n clear gsiu of $(110 in four Months. It is understood that Mr, Ilol brook will enver tho entire lot with a business block nt oneo. HATS AND CAPS that lit v.ur face and pnoketbook H-O-0 K-K s. MULTNOMAH THEATRE Thursday and Friday, Aug. 17-18 LITTLE RICHARD HEDRIOK In "T1IK SONO OF lil FIS" First National. Saturday, August 10th RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "THU SHVKNTIl I)AV First National. Sunday and Monday, Aug. 'JO-21 CONSTANCE TALMADQE In "A WOMAN'S PLAOU" First National. Tuesday and Wed.. Aug. '2'2-'H FRANK MAYO in "OFT OF Til 14 SII.KN'T NORTH" t'nivorsnl. AU "Lcnther Pushers" No. 0. Thursday and Friday, Aug. IM-CTj' WALLY REID tuul ELSIE FERGUSON in "FOREVER" Pnrnmoul. Saturday, August 'JOlli HOOT GIBSON in "STKP ON IT"- rnivciiwil. Ollire Mourn: 0m.ii l(venliig ml U A. M. in 12 M. anil SioiiUy 1:!H) 1. M. to 5 1. M. Ily Ax'hiliiionl DR. B. F. HUSSON DENTISTRY Kooiiik 7-H, IVnlnnilu IMnk IIM. l'hoiiu ltiiiite 11 Hit represents the cumulative know ledge of W. C. DURA NT'S thirty five years' experience in tho male ingof over two million automobile. Sec for yourself Mr. Durant's final achievumout. The car has arrived in our Salesroom at 212 2M S. Jciscy Street. MODEL A-22 TOURING, $890 f. o. b. l.aiiKiug, Mich. Price $135 and $79.60 F. O. B.Silvcrton, Ore. The question of merit m an economical and efficient bent ing plant will Udly leuve to the users who hnve paid out their khmI money for "Sibloco." The foliew. iug are local owners: O. M CO UN KM.. )l I Newark Street W. J. GAM.UWAY, fi22 S. Ivanhoc Street MRS. J. K. HARTMtTTlt, 102 S. Smith Avenue JOP. GAM,OWAY. J1G N. KellojiK Street AI.HX. SCAI.KS, f)02 Pofeuudttu Street Can refer you to five hund red other satisfied owners in Multnomah County. INSTALL FURNACE NOW ALEX. S. SCALES, Atnt Fhont Cm. 1225 502 Fcnendcn St.