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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1922)
ST. JOHNS REVIEW r ! VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922. NUMBER 40 Death of Hubert Simmons Hubert S. Simmons died sud denly last Friday morning in his OBSERVATIONS (By our Unobserved Observer) There is a man living in St. trarnce. 719 South Jcraev street. ' Johns, who is thouuht to bolaSycry The family had planned to go to 'public spirited man and aboos Belnap and McCrcdic Springs on 'tor for local interests, and yet he the following Monday, and Mr. docs not know the names of more Simmons was overhauling the au than half the streets. Ho could to and placing it in good running not tell an inquirer where to And order for tho trip. Last January 'a florist or a blacksmith. He does he was overcome by tho fumes of (not know how many people ore gas while ho was trying out tho 'employed in our mills and facto engine in his garage and was un- rics, nor how many pupils at conscious for 3G Jioure. Evcrjtcnd the public schools. This since his heart has not been act- man's name is but no doubt the ing just as it should, and the con- reader has already guessed the tcmplatcd trip was planned prin-'nnmc. cipally in the hope that his health 1 Any one who cannot be happy would be benefited thereby. It is in Oregon when roses arc in bclivcd that bis heart was rcspon- bloom would surely bo dissatisfi siblo for his death lost Friday, cd in any other part of the world. As tho fumes of the gas from tho And now wo aro told that enii cngino began to arise, it is ncnt astronomers think (hey will thought that his heart action be- soon be able to prove that the came affected, and from the posi- Jplanet Mars is inhabited. IIow tion of his body it is surmised ever, unless it is discovered that that he attempted to reach the .the Martians know how to grow doorway and get on tho outsidol he very best strawberries, rasp when his heart action gave out, berries, cherries and apples, pcr and lie was unable to reach tho hops very few Oregonians will want to go there. Many autoists arriving from distant places report a great deal open air. Hubert Simmons was a well known and highly respected cit izen' of St. Johns and was honor- of in expectation that vegetables wotild come up and crowd them out. A few months go many of our citizens were .all "het" up over the question of choosing a site or the big Fair. Now some of ,1hcin ore asking whether tho pro posed Exposition will ever bo come a reality. Well, it may bo safely stated that arrangements ,vill l)! completed in duo time and that in 15)25 we may expect hun dreds of thousands of visitors from other states and many as ,wcll from foreign countries. The Fair will be a groat benefit to all (parts of the city regardless of ,which site may be selected, but of course the very best site that 'could be chosen is the one near St. Johns. There is a fot chance for many people to win praiso at this time (by removing rubbish from their ,vtt"ant iois. The growth of St. Johns this . i... . t i ..i i ' mm uui'ii 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and a majority of the now houses built are well const meted anil modern. The demand for build ings of the mail order type is growing less. tntf mini' nvmtrintiPiMi until . . v . xamiriiaavaawYi ( able and upright in his dealings fitorms, rough roads and steep with his fellow men. lie was a prades. For a thoroughly enjoy native of this place, having been ble trip they should go up or born hero about 12 years ago, and down tho scenic highway along was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Som- 1'ic Columbia river, or-through ucl Simmons. Ho 5s"urvivcd by 1 ic Willamette valley. They his widow, Mary E. Simmons, his vould find the roads excellent, mother, Eva J. Simmons, and d during tho greater part of thrco brothers, Gcorgo of Itidge- year Oregon weather is do field, Wash.; Bert of near Canby, hghtful. And here, . too, the Ore., and Norman of St. Johns; .charms of nature arc spread out and also two step children. The ho lavishly as to fill the tourists' .funeral took pluco from Cham- mud continually with tho joy of here Co. undertaking parlors on living. The scenic attractions of Tuesday: interment in Columbia , urcgou urc cquai io me uesi mai ccmotcry. Mr. and Mrs. G A. Roberts and son, accompanied by their noire, spent ten days at Manhattan Beach. They report, a fine time and tho road construction is pro gressing rapidly on the last part of tho Roosevelt Highway, which runs thru Manhattan and will connect with tho Seaside road at Wheeler, cutting oft about thirty miles. After returning to Port land tho Roberts family went to Seaside for a camping trip. This time Mr. Jack Robinson was their guest. Roads fine and big appo titcs wore tho main features con cerned by all. ROGERS sells SUITS. can be found anywhere in tho jirorld. How many residents of StJohns fully understand tho advantages of our geographical position! Portland is to bo tho great me tropolis mid leading seaport of tho Northwest, and St. 'Johns, sit uated as it is at the point of the Peninsula between tho Willam ette and Columbia rivers, must continue to bo tho industrial cen ter. Some people whoso' homes lire liero do not seem to appreci ate theso advantages, but in the years to come they may 'regret their shortsightedness. Tho condition of gardens in Home parts of tho city would scorn to indicato that some of tho gar deners may have planted weeds ATTENTION Owing to unsettled situation of COAL MINES we advise all coal users to order their coal at once for future delivery. Prices are Low NOW Fir Full Information Call ST. JOHNS ICE WORKS Phene Empire 0084 1339 Lombard Street SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $3.00 PER YEAR Ltavt yur bonds, jeWfelry, valuable papers, our burglar and fireproof vault. Tht ktoal place far your valuables when you go an your vacation. II Peninsula Security Company St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grice, Alanager Kfkt, Ecpki 0527 PHONES NU. Empire 0299 203 N. Jersey St. Phene Empire 417 ' 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand Furniture Store If you can't find what yon want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't got it, I will get it. I carry FURNITURE. CAR PETS. DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, STOVES AND RANGES. la fact, anything you wish in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sailor Exchange Anything. Mr. and Mrs. G.Turpson of IV11 dleton wore guests of Mr. and Mr. L. J. llarrett on South Jer sey street lnnt week. An Amazing Adventure Four persons have recovered from one of the most amazing ad ventures in the history of Wasco comity. Three of them, one after anoth'er.leaped into a ill) foot well on tlie raneh of State Representa tive A. S. Roberts near The Dalles, and, among thcm.suececd ed in saving the life of 12-year-old Arthur Roberta, who had fallen into the well and was facing sure death in the 15 feet, of water that it held. The lloherts hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorcu' Roberts, fell through a eanvas cover into the the well. His grandmother. Mrs. A. S. lloherts, heard lun scream and jumping in after him. caught the collar of his drew with her teeth while she clung to one of three ropes hanging down the side of the well and used to sus pend meat. Her cries brought her daughcr-in-law, Mrs. Loreu lloherts, and she, without hesita ting, jumped into the water. She was unable to do anything but cling to another rope. .lolin Seholtz, hired man, heard the commotion, ran to the well and he too jumped in. He grabbed the third and last rope. Mrs Kl in lloherts, another daughter-in-law, and Miss Until Stephenson, O. A. ('. student of Portland, who is isitiug the lloherts, rushed to the well but were warned awny by those already in. Mrs. Ella Roberts jumped into au automo bile and drove six miles to a har vest field for help while Miss Ste phenson tried to help those in the well. She had just succeeded in twisting a rope about Arthur lloherts and lifting him from the hole when Mrs. Roberts returned with her husband and two doc tors, who lowered a ladder into the well. Mrs. A. S. Roberts fainted as her son picked her up, but with the others was removed safely. Thomas Acres of Manila, Iowa, was a caller at W. II. Wood's home one day last week. Mr. Acres said that the corn crops were not as good this year as they had been the last two yours; that Inst year the corn crop was the best for many years. He also said that, times were good and plenty of work there. Miss Mabel Sueher of Cedar Kails, Iowa, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. H. Thompson, and of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Susher, last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Russell and two sons and Mrs. .1. N. Kdlcfscn and children have returned from a mouth's sojourn, at Cannon beach. SHOES, SHOES PANTS, SOCKS GARTERS, SUSPENDERS, OVERALLS, COVERALLS, CHILLY B. V. D. UNDER WEAR, NEKTIES, TENNIS SHOES, GLOVES, .BELTS, CUFF LINKS. . . . s Men's and Boy's U I T S GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT PRICE ROGER S THE RAINCOAT MAN $ Choice Groceries A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. We gives. & II. Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases L. Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers IHE TIN HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jersey Street W0 CALL FOR AND DELIVER Telephone Umpire 1399 B, A. MANNING, Flop. ffiorist 702 S. Jersey Street PHONK BMPIRK 08C0 Beautiful Ferns and Palms Funeral Designs a Specialty St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 Repairing Has Dropped I will half sole Shoes at these prices: ilea's heavy half wits , fl.SS Men' lih'lit half fcoles 1.00 I.mlics.' huavy soles 1.00 Ladies' light shoes. 76 Hoy's heavy soles 1,00 Bov' light soles 75 Girls' soles 75 Patching 15c up I use the best of leather that money will buy. I have come to stay and believe in living and let you live. C. C. HOPKINS Boot and Shoe Maker ' 513 Columbia Wvd. Near Filling Station. Phoue Columbia 42 C. R. SEELEY Painter, Paper Hanger and Kalsominer 101 N. Olyinjrta St.. Cor. H. Charleston DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Dividend No. 2 Another Red Letter Day July 1, 1922 was another Red better Day for the owners of our 7 Prior Preference Stock. Checks for thousands of dollars were mailed out by us to our Thrifty Customers and Patrons in payment of the Second Regular Quarterly Dividend on their holdings in this sound and attractive security. Consult our Investment Department at once and get on our Mailing List for the Neil Dividend on October 1st This Slock Yields 7.3 Investment Department Portland Railway Light & Power Company Room 6Q5 Electric Bldg. Portland, Oregon Jt With Slower," Choice Ferns at Reason able Prices Floral Designs of All Kinds Artistically Arranged BcAtf m Grmenfioue 814 and 816 N. Kellogg St. Fhone Umpire 0401. St. Johns 18 Years Ago The following items were taken from the second issue of the St. Johns Review Nov. 18, 1901: The festive cow still promena des the streets without drentl of the poundmnst(M Some of them arc decorated with bells, tho jin gle of which is not tho sweetest music to many of our citizens. 1). S. Snuthmayd, the painter and groiner, is the oldest resi dent business man in St, .lolius. lie has resided in this locality for !lf years. A ferry across the "Willamette is badly needed. Quite a lot of trade from the other side of the river might be diverted to this point if a ferry line was put in operation. The electric railway people in tend removing the rather un sightly car barns which occupy the most prominent location in tho city. Walter .lobes was badly injured while assisting in placing ma chinery in the new .lobes mill. The first brick building in St. Johns is in course of erection, be ing built by L. II. French a couple of blocks south of the school louse. S. W. Simmons, superintendent of road division No. 5, has done some excellent work this summer. F. W. Valentino sold tho prop erty on corner ofHattimore and Hayes streets to IC. Vandenieer last week for .$1100. The St. Johns baud under the cmlcrship of ('. O. Churchill is an organization of which the oily is proud. Mr. and .Mrs. (lilhert Wind of Oregon City have sold the lot at corner ol Kroailway anil Hayes streets for $1100. Mr. Ward im mediately purchased another lot at Ittirlingtnii and Kdisnu on which ho will build a residence at once. O. IC. Learned will pint the ten acre tract just beyond tho school house and put it on tho market in a few days. Messrs. ltiehard and W, Shop- ard have purchased a tract of three acres four blocks from Oak Park station and will place it 3ft the market at once. It will Be known as Oak Park No. 2 Addi tion. P. W. Ilinman has about com pleted a rooming hoiifte Ml Ivan hoe and Chicago streets. Cleo. II. Honvillo, the eleolri cian, has opened up a shop next to the Hoston bakery. Mrs. Jas. Tufta bought the house and lot known as tho Stark place last week: consideration $(if0. Mm. Tufts is recently from Algonia, Wis. Mrs. K. Carpenter, wife of ov genial merchant, is visiting hot' relatives in Mont ana. She ex pects to return about Sept. 1st. Light weight Tennis Shoes at cost, 83e up ROO ICRS' Clear ance Sale. MULTNOMAH TH13ATUJ3 Thursday and Friday, Aug. 10-11 HOPE HAMPTON in "ST A It Dl'ST" First Nil- j tional. Saturday, August l'Jth KATHERINE MAODONALD ill "TII1C WOMAN'S SIDH" First National. Sunday and Monday, Aug. 1 21-11 HARRY CAREY in MAN TO MAN" I'll iversal. Tuesday and Wed.. Aug. lfi-10 SEENA OWEN and MATT MOOItE in "HACK PAY" Paramount. And a two reel Iteginald Den ny Western. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 17-1S LITTLE RICHARD HEDRIOK In "Till-: SONO OF LIFIC" First National. Saturday, August lDlh RICHARD BARTHELMESS in TUB HHVUNTIl DAY" First National. DUR ANT sr represents tho cumulative knowledge of W. C. DURANT'S thirty-five years' exper ience in the making of over two million automobiles. Sec for yourself Mr. Diirnut's final achievement. The car has arrived in our Salesroom at 212-2M S. Jersey Street. MODEL A-22 TOURING, $890 f. o. b. Lansing, Mich. Peninsula Garage RAYMOND F. FISHER Dealer for St. Johns and Vicinity '('aBaP Price 5135 and $79.60 F. O. B. Silver ton, Ore. The question of tit writ at au economical and efficient heat ing plant will gladly leave to the Uavts who have mt out their good money for a "Slbloco." Thu felhnv. ing ure local owners: O. M. CORNI5LL, 014 Newark Strait W. J. GALLOWAY, 522 S. Ivanhoe Street MRS. J. II HARTLHTTlf. 102 S. Smith Aveinm JOF. CALLOWAY. n,r XT c.J. ALI5X. SCALKS. 502 Feacndu Stat Can refer you to five hiuifU red other satisfied owner in Multnomah County. INSTALL rURNACE NOW ALEX. S. SCALES, Ant Phone Cm. 122$ 502 FtSJtndtn St. Bring in your newB items. The Peninsula Laundry 1032 N. SYRACUSE STREET Desires to thank their patrons for the support they are giving this local laundry. Arrangements are being made to enlarge the laundry to take care of an increasing patronage. If you are not yet a patron, give us a call. Satisfaction guar anteed. We make a specialty of mending and darning hand fmUli work. Family Washing and Wet Wash Solicited, liiiudliw call ed for uud delivered. Phone Empire 2192