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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1922)
THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. VV. Mnrkle Rdltor Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. ' Phone Col. 321 Suhsorlpll on prlo 1.69uPrJf? Tnit Rsvirw li entered at post olTicc In Portland, Oregon, as mail matter ot the tecond class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Baby Flannel Cloth Cloth that is generally used for Babies Clothes in Cotton nncl Wool or Pure Wool. 58c and 70c Yard Dark Outing Flannels 25c, 18c Yard Camisole $1.00 Satin Camisoles Trimmed with Vol Lncc nnd Crepe de Clienc inserts. Women's all Leather Work Gloves 69c The Glove for the Hop Field Mill or Infants' Silk and Wool Hose 70c The St. Johns Community Club will convene after tho Summer vacation on the first Tucsdny ovening in September. People will then hnvo relumed from their vocations and will be in fine shape to put their shoulders to tho wheel ond boost this sec tion ns it should he boosted. In dividual effort hns but little of feet in community life. It is the strong organization that is re-aptvlt-d and hn.s n pov cr and in fluence Hint Is far renc'iinr fliid effective in Rotting results and acquiring them quick. The pow er that bo rcnlizo that such an organization in 11 force to be reckoned with not oily from a political standpoint, but in a gen eral wny bh well. They know then that the people are united in the things thoy ask for eivii'l.v. am pay heed to any matter brnii'fbt to their attention through the 01 gimiatiou. Why not make tin Club 10011 Hlrong this Winter ll can bo done if a little effort In put forth by each member. With out a community organization a community is helpless. Tho eity ofllcials do not know our needs as well as we do ourselves and I hey are not coming out to find out . wuat we require, ll is up to us to make known our wants to thum.and only through an organ ixntion can this be done effect ively, and tho stronger the organ ization the more effective it be comes. The next meeting of the Coin mutilty (Jlub will be held in the Y, W C. A. building Tuesday even Ing. September Ctli, when a full at tendance is desired. More concern 1 11C it will uppenr next week. That the Pacific Northwest has nt Inst attained a fixed place in tho galaxy of national summer resort and that its fame him reached uven the most conserva tive centers of tho Kastern state is shown by the way it is being featured this season by (lie estab lished touring companies and the summer resort guide books. "Whcru formerly the big tourist guides issued in tho various east ern cities only included the pla ces of ensy access, they are now regularly duvoting considerable space to this rcirion. An instance 5h tho Summer Kesort (luide ismi-( (!0ntont, climb and explore, rump WJ. !. . .I'''"!"". P 11,0 'I'ibidel- and rest. Through its unrivaled pnia riiDiic ledger, which con tained several pages bearing on this district. More than one full pngo is devoted to an illustrated W. JOWER MEN'S HATS $2.50 Good Felt Hat in Black or Brown Color. A Better Grade than you would expect at this Popular Price. Men's Slippers, Pair $3.25 A slipper tbnt will give you about three years of case and comfort before being discarded Corsets $1.00 Cotton Bats, 25c, and $1.00 30c Crepe Bloomers, 65c and 50c Cotton Blankets $2.75 Bed Spread $2.60 transcontinental railways and a number of national highways for' automobile travel. A vacation in this land of wonders is the a ai it I I 1 i aemi) ol climatic ueiiirui, as u rarelv become warmer than 80 degree in the middle of the day while cool, healthy, sloop indue inir nik'lits prevail. In its forest and meadows poisonous reptiles and iiihccIn are alike unknown The mountain nuiiiiiiiIh are lilgli enough and climbs ruggci enough lo satisfy the most exper ieneed Alpinists, while comforta hie camps ami hotels, nestling be side highland lakes and river gratify the taste ol those who prefer to iro mountaineering de luxe. In this wonderland 0 mountains you will see rushing river thundering down from the mountains; mighly water falls hundreds of feet high, like rib lions of beaded foam; transliicen hikes mirroring their lofty peaks and I ringed with carpets of green; meadows like cultivate! parks with gorgeous wild flow er. Here in the warmth ol sun shine you can snowball like chil d icn and coast to your heart s good roads the l'acilic Northwest oilers easy access from the large (Hill's to sea beaches, magnificent mountains, great spreading In lies, virgin piuu forests, smiling valleys, rolling hills and extinct crater." description of this "land of al lurement" as it is called, which portrays vividly tho delights of a vnontiou spent in Oregon, Wash injrioii and iiritwii Columbia. ()nu himtlrod first cIiihh envoi ...u ilium i mi' 1 aei 'ope Willi yOlir 11111110 IUIU IUI fio Northwest," it states, "lead neatly printed on tho cor from mountains to seashore, each nor for 0110 dollar at tho Koviow idling li own interesting Hlor.v ollico. Additional 100 for 75c or beauty and grandeur, any one Tho poHtolllco department ad. or them furnishing a.i adequate vises tho uao of printed return auni ior a vacation 111 this great envelopes. summer playhouse of the Ameri-j Typewriter ribbons for sale nt can Continent. Autoinobiliiig. 1 this ofllco Oliver, Underwood, camping, tlslung, hunting, motor .Smith and lteniington. Kaeh boating, sett bathing, canoeing. 7f, cunts. You can do hotter and golf, yachtingall these inav be . more prweutablo work with a enjoyed hum amid siirouudiugs 1 mm- ribbon. iiuequalcd anywhere in the world 1 1 , .1 1 .5 for mnicstiu h.mntv ti. . Cards of thanks notices arc good roads, magnificent seenerv, ! c,m,ruu .,or , mu l , including glaciers, mountain's ?ntS CaC,,,i orBona (Icslriim to forests, water falls, lakes, rivers h.,,Vti 8"Vh ot coa, piiblished sea beaches, fjords anil i.aslora hmM mi,ko " Mote of thi- sct'iu's that will bring n thrill of Mrs. Vinson doos hemstitch wonder to tho most blase globe ing at 528 South Ivanhoo; phone trotter. And the entire region, Columbia 1011. tf vast ns an empire, is easily aecos Tyjiewriter ribbons for sale at sible, for it is served bv nine this oflico, 7.1c each. r Vrv llE t The Basis of CIVIC PRIDE Is HOME TRADE Give tho HOME MERCHANT a ; ; chance to fill your wanti. :: Eliow that you havo ItEAL OrVIO PniDE by trading In I twn. You Can Buy ANYTHING In Ihi I own. Cars ovorhnulcd nnd repaired 11 your garngo or niino. Albert luckles, 521 Tioga .street, or call ol M il evenings. Typewriter this ollice. paper for onlo Hair Work; switohe made to order. Mrs. Hill, Glf K. Tyler St. Warranty deed blanks nnd ontracts of sale at this ollice; Co each, or f0o per dozen. l'cr Sale Cheap and sightly DtiiKHiig lots. Sec J. S. Downey nt once, 933 N, Syracuse. iac Hag rugs woven, all sizes; sat- faction guaranteed Call Km ire Jl lli HUM K. Al e henv St. Men Wanted The Northern Pacific Railway Company will omploy men at rates prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as follows: Machinists 70 cents per hour Blacksmiths 70 cents per hour Shoot Metal Workers 70 cents per hour Electricians 70 cents per hour Stationary Engineers Various Rates Stationary Firemen Various Rates Boilermakers 70 and 70c Per hour Passenger Car Men 70 cents Per hour Frolght Car Men 63 cents per hour Helpers all classes 47 cents per hour Mechanics and Holpers aro allowed time and one half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day Yeung men who desire to learn these trades will be employed and given an opportunity to do so. A strike now exists on tho Northern Pacific Railway. Apply to any Round House or shop, or to Superintendent Northern Pacific Railway At Tacoma, Washington ECONOMY REAL Mt0r W WITS M In the Kitchen USE CA LUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER A fiig Time and Money Saver When you bake with Calumet you know there will be no loss or failures. That's why it is far less expensive than some other brands selling for less. BEST BY TEST Don't he led into taking Quantity f or Quality Calumet proved best by test in millions of Bake-Day contests. Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredi ents as have been approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. The World's Greatest Baking Powder OT MADE IT A MUlt HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS Or PYTHIAS Mcett every Friday ujght it to o'clock la 1HCK.NUK. Iall. Visitors nhraya nel come. K. PHILLIPS, C. C. A. CART. NKf,SON, K. K. S PENINSULA CHAPTER No. 43 A. A. M. . Stated meetings on the Grit Monday of eacli month in Ma sonic Halt. Visitors Welcome, j. d. witisTim.K.u. r. . ir. LHHON, BecrcUty. 4g&Laurel Lodge, 1. 0. 0, F. No. 180, 81. Johns. Orvpon Meets each Monday evening in Odd Pel lows hall at 8:00. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers. ltd.V. anile. N. O. C. W. Mtton, V.O. 8. J. Durrouthi, Rtc. Stc.t O.W.Nortac, Pln.Btc II. I'. CUtk, Tfr.i. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance ot our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4th Thursday evening. A. S. Berry, Ii. H. Triih, Consul. Clerk. 202 It. Polk St. 417 B. Chlcsgo St. Woodmen of the World St. Johns Camp 773 OooJ.tltrt mtclluit every Monday (venial In Illokner 1111, nutiliiglou nd Jettey treet. VUlloritlwiji welrome. Old membwi coma out and ee a lire camp you belong lo. It. I'iiTKKB, C. O. W. A. TROUT, Clef k. fit, DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month In Masonic Hall. Vll- tors welcome. Johu M. niair, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. The Fraternal Boosters Meets every First nnd Third Wed nfcsday in the Odd Fallows' Hall Join nnd Help Boost Office Umpire 1822 " Res. Kmp. 0477 Dr. E. P. Bordon DENTIST Painless extraction of teeth under nitrous oxide gas Peninsula DanK Dldg. St. Johns, Portland, Oregon tT : Portland Manufacturing Co. I MANUI'ACTURKRS Ol-'- R. O. Muck Phones Col. 1284 Hast 8631 007 I'csseuden Street A. A. Muck Phones Col. 118 Main 4001 I Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex-1 ceisior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, i and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHAIOND STREET t............. ........ Cation Ranch Dairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City I lealth Department nnd the Cows arc tested for tuberculosis every six months. Phono Col. 321 for orders St. Johns Lumber Co. Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Members of the Builders' IUchange Phone Empire 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO.. Inc. Electrical Engineers and CoQtr&ctors WIHINO 1'IXTUHKS AN!) SUI'I'MltS General Kciutlr Work 109 S. Jersey Street. Portland, Oregon Legal Guarantee Giveru N ' ( KnUtna pain coallaue wwk. M.a w m uihniu mo irMUBtai. Currxi'H lTar Druun St. Johns, Oregon I Luy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. U A V IS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me If you (I esire to sell quickly Wholesale and Retail OLARK-WHSON WOOD SInb nnd block wood mixed. $5.50 per load ; four foot lnb, $5 cord; planer wood, $4.50 load. W. O. orOK, 010 W. Hudson St. near i essenucn. Empire 0631 C 1 101 Foot of Burlington St, CENTRAL CASH GROCERY 108 Philadelphia St. - W. J. FORSYTHE Opposite Masonic Bldg. Phone Empire 1588 The Store of Personal Service WE DELIVER FREE "Wanted Men or women to take orders for genuine guaran teed hosiery for man. women mul children. Eliminates darnincr. 1U a WceH lull time. SI on hntir sparo timo. Experienco unnecea. aary. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Typewriter Daner for sala at this ofiice. Price 26c ner hun. Id red eheets.or 500 ahee'ta for one dollar. Patronize tho homo merchant PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT A REALTT CO H. HENDERSON, M.nae.r 402 N.JersaySlrott Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Itxamlned Phone Umpire 0255 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Vim Eaplu 0308 206 N. JERSEY 3T Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Cmp. 0807 Res. fmp. 0391 All Kinds of Truck and Team Work, Furniture Moving, Basement Digging, Sand aud Gravel; Wood for sale Cordwood $7.40: Planer Trimmings $5.5o. W. S. JEANS Empire 732 510 R. Polk St. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Phone Umpire 0302 Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Bldg, St. Johns. Geo. W. Muhra Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications furnished Free where I build. Residence ad. dress 108 Smith ave. Empire 0062 Friday, Saturday and Monday Spocials FLOUR PRICES TO SUIT ALL POCKETBOOKS 49 lb. Sk. Hard Wheat Flour $1.50, $1.60, $1.75, $2, $2.10 money Back Guarantee White Vinegar for Pickling, Gul.30c Kvln r? -.,! (. II. or. Central lllcnd Coffee, lb 35e St, Johns KgKS(Guarauteed)doz 30c 100 lb. Sk Scratch S2.G5 12 cons Darunailc Milk SI. 05 rostum Cereal nk 20c Komaii Meal pk 85c 3 lbs. Diamond Coffee. $M0 1 qt. Jar Mustard 45c 1 Urge Pk, Bird Seed 10c Jersey Corn Flakes, pk 10c Indian and Ceylon Tea, lb. ..60c (Uest that Money Can Buy) Sea Foam, 2 pks, 45c Hires Root Beer Extract, bot,..25c Parowax, Package 15c Large Shopping Bag Given Away FREE with $1.00 Worth of Groceries SBc hop 1 )oi KJoncOarberCii CALDWELL & SON The place where cood service ami couitcous treatment prevail. Children's hair cuttlnK receive special attention. tua BURLINGTON STREET isx i'u it i ha cms n Designer and Draftsman Architectural and Mechanical Al'. II If It 1 1 vn 626 Ii. Richmond Street JUHihHS sells SUITS. ' Best Cord Wood Per Cord $7.50 St. Johns Transfer Co. USEFUL FUBMTUSE N0VEU 1 89 E. Burliajioa St. FECB Empire FEU Keys Made, Lawnmovrers Sharpened, Daws r lieu J. L. LUND Expert Lock and Gaualtk Umbrella Repairing, Locks and Guns Kciuircu, iioi Water Bags Mended. 1031 S.Jersey Street Boys' Suspenders 25c,IiOQERS1 IT'S TRAVEL TIME Round Trip Fares afford great savings In travel costs this year t Tillamook County Beaches Newport by-theSctt Crater Lake National Park Oregon Caves Nat'l Monument Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Monntain Resorts Shasta Mountain Resorts Yosemite National Park San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego and to BACK EAST CITIES Through California "The Way to See More of the U. S. A." "Oregon Outdoors;" "California for the Tourist" and other beautiful folder will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST For fares, reservations and other particulars, ask agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agest.