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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1922)
"htoWcnl Soeioy. ST. JOHNS REVIEW II I III nf VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1922. NUMBE3K.48 High Bridge at St. Johns Time was when mention of a high bridge at St. Johns was treated ' aa n joke by many, and something thnt might materialize in the far distant future. Hut times have changed, and wiiat was once far in the future is now in the present. The need of such a bridge is being pretty generally felt. Traffic nt times is congest cd and then the wait on the ferry boat is oftimcs disagreeable and tiresome. The time when the fer ry boat is off duty for boiler cleaning is also annoying. The ferry boat has served its pur pose well, but now like the old horse car, has become inadequate in tltc march of progress. Mod cm times demand modern con veniences. It is time that the ferry boat at St. Johns be replae cd with a bridge. The west side of the river as well as the cast side is building up quite rapidly ana a connecting linage Juis grown to bo a necessity. Not only would it be less dangerous, but far moro satisfactory than the ferry system. Much com plaint Is being made of the con Rested condition of the present bridges over the Willamette, and a high bridge here would do much toward relieving that con gestion. It would afford a rapid means of reaching the business district of Portland, and would be the connecting link of one of the most sccmu driveways in the Northwest. Much business from the Tualatin valley would bo di verted hero by means of a bridge, and the auto travel over it would be immense. Now is the time to boost for this structure. Every civic organization on thu Penin sula should endorse and cooper ate 'in any movement tending to ward its accomplishment, and ev ery citizen should boost for it. Ah we understand the matter, the county commissioners can put the St. Johns bridge measuro up on the ballot at the November election. If they have the power to do so there seems to bo no real reason why they should not. There was enough money saved when former Commissioner Muck won his light for repairing Morri son street bridge instead of build ing anew to construct n bridge at St. Johns and have money to spare. The proposed bridge hero is a couple of hundred feet in heighth high enough for the tal lest vessel to pass underneath. As ATTENTION Owing to unsettled situation of COAL MINES we advise all coal users to order their coal at once for future delivery. Prices are Low NOW For Full Information Call ST. JOHNS ICE WORKS Phone Empire 0084 1339 Lombard Sltcel 1 SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $3.00 PER YEAR Leave yeur bonds, jewelry, valuable papers, etc. In eur burglar and fireproof vault. The Ideal place for your valuables when you go on your vacation. I Peninsula Security Company J St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grlce, Alanager OffiH, ELpIn 0527 PHONES Nigbt, Eiplre 0299 208 N. Jersey SI. Phone Empire 417 . 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand If you can't find what' you want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't got it. I will get it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR PETS, DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, STOVES AND RANGES. In fact, anything you wish in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything. Idols and Feet of Clay Is there no such thing as mar ried happiness in the real life of movie heroes and heroines! Do these actors and actresses fake romance so much that, thpy have lost their capacity for the genu iue article? Such a conclusion is forced upon us. Today we read of the marriage of two screen stars and a word picture is painted of 'their nuptials that re minds one of the fadeaway happy ending of one of their thrilling II I in dramas. Tomorrow they are in the divorce courts with stories of scandalous escapades, infidel t ty and cruelty hurled back and forth. Apparently there are few exceptions. A few days ago it was announced that Uloria iSwau sou and her wealthy husband had come to the parting of the ways. On the same page was the story of the estrangement of Marshall Neilaii and Blanche Sweet, who were married not many months ago. Yesterday nuws was flashed of the separation of Dig Dill Hart hero of a thousand western dime novel scenarios, and Winifred westover, his bride of a few months ago. And Winifred shatters the heroic conception of Uitr Hill by relatmir how he be haved like a caveman, knocking her down and dragging her about the rooms by the hair of her he.ul. Verily, one by ,oni', out- idols are revealing their feet of clay. Astoria Hudget. there would bo no draw, the cost of construction would be mater ially reduced, as well as the maintaiuance. If it Is up to the County Commissioners, let us have it on thu ballot at the No vember election. It will not be long until it will be necessary to construct a Hew ferry boat if the bridge is not built, and this sav ing together with the cost of op- ertiou would go far toward pay ing the interest on thu bonds. Certain it is that the people at tending the 1025 Pair should have the pleasure of. traveling over a high bridge at St. Johns. A fellow's best girl may not care much about the future, but it seems as if she is always quite ready for the present. Ex. Tho skirts won't bo much long er as long as they have two good reasons for wearing 'em short. Lxchange. RPIJEUS ROGERS. Furniture Store OBSERVATIONS (By our Unobserved Observer) Yu mcrrie hop pickers nre now wending their way southward seeking henlth, wealth nnd hap piness. St. Johns is not a good place for pessimists, and yet it is the very best place for anyone who wants to worry a lot and build a house on it. Piles of sand, gravel and luin- her do not add to the attractive ness of the Ntrcets. but they furn ish proof that we are returning to normalcy in a way that is very sutislactory. Tho number of nutomobiles and trucks carried across the river daily by the St. Johns ferry is aiii'in'iaiug nun nimcaics a sun stautial increase in business ac tivity. A great many of our city dwellers are starting on their va cation trips this week. Some are going to the coast, while others will seek rest "far from the mad ding crowd's ignoble strife" by sojourning for a few days among tho mountains. When will the high bridge be built? This finest ion asks itself continually and it may not be easily answered, and yet if tho people of the lower peniisula will but pull together, puttintr enerirv nnd hopefulness into the effort, tho great structure that will span the Willamette river at. St .Johns may soon begin to rise. The great benefits that come to a communi ty nre usually secured through persistent effort intelligently di rected. An eastern paper tells of a man who "named his automobile "True Love," because it doesn't run hiiiuci. and another who chrisfened his ear "hotta," with the explanation that it either was Hats and Caps THAT FIT YOUR FACE AND POCKETBOOK Wc offer a very High Grade Cap for $1.95. Us know values Wo now havo In stock 738 Dress Caps ranging In price from 95c to $2.50 which affords you a very good assortment for price, celor and design Men's and Boy's SUITS Men's, Boy's and Womon's TENNIS SHOES Men's Solid Leather Dress BOY'S SCHOOL SHOES $2.25, $2.75, $3.25 PA NTS, SHIRTS UMBRELLAS, RUBERS, RAINCOATS, NEKTIES, HOSIERY, COLLARS GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT PRICE R O G E RS THE RAINCOAT MAN orist 702 S. Jersey Street PHONU KMPIRK 0860 Beautiful Ferns and Palms Funeral Designs a Specialty i St. Johns Fuel Co. 615 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 Phone Empire 0348 Woodlawn 2119 Bartlett & Widenmann WOOD SAWING All Orders Promptly Attended 529 K. Mohawk St. Portland, Ore, j Big Load of Box Wood and Planer Wood Empire 1475 403 N. Jersey St. Piano Tuning ' Repairing ERNEST HAROLD Reliable Work Slut ! 107 V. Prk V Phone S32 M New Order of DctVlolay Peninsula chapter. Order of l)e Molny, was instituted and the of lieers installed at a meetflig held n Doric Masonic temple on last Thursday evening with Dr. 13. 1'. Hoi den acting grand master councilor and also installing offi cer. Following are the officers installed: Stuart II. l'agett, master councilor; Karl 0. Tor- mey, senior councilor; Clark t. Hriee, junior councilor; Kenneth JL. ditto, treasurer; llalph Fair eliilds. scribe; Alva J. Myers, sen ior deacon; Peter J. Toriney Jr., junior deacon; II. Merry, senior stewart; Paui F. Clark, junior steward; Louis II. Bittner. senti nel; Rutherford 1!. Unnid, chap lain; liugene t . Cannon, stand ard bearer; Donald (ircciic, al moner; Lloyd Franklin, marshal; William F. Carley. first precep tor; Lesie U. lJunce. second pre ceptor; Perim L. Pcnnish, third preceptor; Leonard W. Harring ton, fourth peceptor; Lawrence A. Ten I3yek, fifth preceptor; Haph II. Meyer, sixth preceptor; John (.1. Hoover, seventh preecp-i tor. The now chapter will meet each Thursday evening in Doric Masonic Temple. a "lotta" trouble or a "lotta" fun. Very few St. Johns men have chosen any such names for their cars, but it is said there is one whose favorite name for his wife is "Wevcngo," because she is sweet, and yet another who calls his wife "Delay," because she is dangerous. The worst thing about a vaca tion is the boss is linlile to find be doesn't need you. Wear HOOI3US' water proof Aprons when washing the ma- line. Shoes $4-95 FUNERALS The Family Sets the Price -f Our personal service and home like parlors extends the quiet dignity thnt is due our loved ones, -4-Our humane methods of em balming symbolizes the highest respect, which is a consolation and partial relief to every family. The Portland Mortuary W. E. Pegg Dewey L. Bristow Morrison at 12th Phoue Columbia 42 C. R. SEELEY Painter, Paper 'Hanger and Kalsomiiicr 101 N. Olyiijpiu St.. Cor. H. Charleston DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street LOLA MURPHY Soiriino Sololnt Toitoliur of Vo00 ml I'lttiio Studio 837 N. Kellogg Street Phoue Umpire 0216. G. A. R. and W. R. C. The sewing which was to hnve been held in Columbia Pnrk on August loth by the women of II. B. Compson W. IX. 0. was post poned on account of a little dainpnoss caused by a gentle shower the day before. II. 11. Compson (1. A. U. nnd W. It. C. nnd Ladies of Peter A. Por ter Circle O. A. H. will meet in Columbia Pnrk on August 31st for their annual picnic. So come one, and come all, and join us in a lark in our beautifully wood ed Columbia Park. For one day Cast dull care away, And help us add to the joys Of the Grand Army boys. This is only for one day in the year, So help to mnkc it full of cheer. Mrs. 1. McClcllan, who litis i been touring the 13astcru and Southern states with her hus band for the past year, has re turned to her home on 13. Rich mond street. She also made a visit in Almcda, Cal., for a few weeks, but says Oregon is the best place on earth. Comrade Peter Crone is very ill at his home on I3ast Richmond street. Press Cor. The Clark-Wilson Lumber Co. at Linuton is making prepara tions for a new pinning mill on a site adjacent to its present situa tion. The mill will cover about 100 square feet. New kilns will be built, sorting machines and au tomatic stackers will he installed, but the planers, which are now in use in the old mill, and which are modern, will be moved to the new mill when complete. The mill is expected to be lluished by the 1st of January. 110(1 HUS sells Underwear. "Stay ,7 With Stouw" Choice Ferns at Reason able Prices Floral Designs of All Kinds Artistically Arran ged SJBtcfett'a Greenftouaea 814 and 816 N. Kellogg St. Tlione Umpire 0401. THE 1 HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jersey Street WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Telephone Empire 1399 II, A, MANNING, Prop. St. Johns 18 Years Ago The follovingitoms were tnken from the second issue of tho St. Johns Review Dec. 'J, 1901 : Chan. 10. Hniloy of Wisconsin arrived Wednesday and has tak en n position with the St. Johns Land Company. Hen. II. H. Compson of Portland was in the city Tuesday. Gen. Compson bonrs tho proud distinc tion of having platted the first tract into building lots in Oak Park Addition, all of which were sold a year ago. Hev. W. B. Scott, Hon or J. C. Scott of this city, arrived here with his family Sunday morning, having just returned from a three years' stay in Kurope. Hev. .1. M. Cole, formerly pas tor of the Advcntist church here, but now in charge of the Salem congregation, was in the city this week visiting his mother. C. I). Titus of Michigan is erect ing a residence on Kichmoud street, near Iludsn. John Ilaggerlyjtf Stillwater, Minn., has purchased property in St. Johns Heights Addition and will build at once. 1$. 1). Ilurlbert has sold a block on Burlington at reel for $101)0. J. 11. Tollman of NVwherg was hero this week, lie is preparing to erect a modern home on corner Hayes and Charleston Ntrcets. St. Johns enjoys a distinction shared by few of the Oregon towns, and that is a lady physi cian, Or. Mary Maeliaehliu. J. K. Williams, the father of Mrs. M. Ij. ilolhrook, arrived in St. Johns Wednesday, from Wis consin. Mr. Williams is an old newspaper man, He will locate in this city. (J. W. Dunbar, formerly of Clreeley, Col., is considering tho advisability of starting a new and second hand furniture nnd auction house in SJ. Johns. I). S. Southmayd returned last week from Sheridan, where he attended the funeral of his half brother, Morin I. Potter, who was shot nnd killed by a man named Dickens. The murder was DURANTE, snfip" represents the cumulative know- ?M& ledKe of w c- DU KANT'S thirty- lt five years' experience in tho male- 'jL-S!. "e i.' !lir t KM JOUV A KKAI, OOOIt CAU Peninsula Garage RAYMOND F. FISHER Doalor for St. Johns nnd Vicinity The Peninsula Laundry 1032 N. SYRACUSE STREET Desires to thank their patrons for the support they are Riving this local laundry. Arrangements are beiiiR made to enlarge the laundry to take care of an increasing patronage. If you are not yet a patron, give us a call. Satisfaction guar anteed. We make a specialty of mending and darning hand finish work. Family Washing and Wet Wush Solicited, Hundles call ed for and delivered. Phone Empire 2192 cold blooded, and no chum Iff fftt known for the deed. A woman who, marrjes for mon ey works more than eight houw a day. says an exchango. f we all got what we are worth there wouldn't bo enough. Ex. HOQIOHS' PAXTS will fit you. Imultnomah TI1EATUK Thursday and Friday Aug. 21-2.") WALLY RE ID nnd ELSIE FERGUSON in "FOREVER" Paraniont. Saturday, August IMith HOOT GIBSON in "ST1CP OX IT"- rniversul. Sunday and Monday, Aug. 127 '2S WILL ROGERS in "OXH ui.omors day" Paramount. Tuesday and Wed.. Aug. POLA NEGRI in "THU FAST PAV.MKXT" mid a Reginald Denny picture. Thurs. and Kri.. Aug. :il-Sept. 1 BIG BILL HART in "TltAVKUNU OX" Pm. mount. Saturday, September '2 ALMA RUEBENS in "KIND Till'. WOMAN." Sunday and Monday. Sept. !l-l OONRAD NAGLE nml LEATRIOE JOY in "SATURDAY NIGHT' -I'm-amount. You'll like thU out. OOlce Mourn: ()cil KvrnliiK Httil 9 A. M. K VI M. nml SiimUy 1:30 !. M. to r T. M. Ily Ailiitmtnt DR. B. F. HUSSON DENTISTRY Kooiiii7-H, I'ciilimiilit lUnk IiMk. I'Iioiic Umpire HSIt ingof over two million automobile!. See for yourself Mr. Durnnt' fiunl achievement. The cur lms arrived In our Salesroom nt 212 211 S. Jersey Street. MODEL A-22 TOURING, $890 f. o. b. Lansing, Mich. Your home may be one that Is ust suited for (hit new type of furnace The "SIBLOCO" is Ivnsy to itihtall ami i-ty to care for; Kcotioinicul on fuel, yet limit the whole hnune; Low in price, yet hl(Mt quality thoii;ho4tt. When yi'U etui purchMe ft 'Slbloco' Pipeless Furnaoe l'or a hull- tnuru tlmn tk Cut of u gooil lii'HUng Jtovtf, then- u u H'umjii why )(i4 -.liouM nut cujoy )(ur nioilt-rii lionif. Currying w '.! up lium the la-.e-tuellt to a lieutltig kluvi' wiih it iiccoiiiuiiiiiik dirt, tlukt tkiiii lilt; risk U in the cUm h . uio thu kvrokviie ltui. Cm tou afford la go back le Ik oil lap Canjou aliordlobtwilkeula-SlllOtr.' ALEX. S. SCALES, Agenl Phone Cm. 1225 $02 FtswftdiR Si.