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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
t 3 n j I IDEAL CONDITIONS l OF ROGUE VALLEY j I Commissioner Carson Writes of Fruit ! Conditions in the Valley for the Fruit grower. Jackson eounty is the largest I eounty in the Rogue River valley. The Rogue River valley in this coun- try has a width of about sixteen i miles, and is twenty-five miles long. iThe .land in this expanse of valley faro a rieh alluvial deposit that in J early days was devoted to farm pro ! dtiuts. Wheat when the soil was new, j yielded from forty to fifty bushels I to the acre; corn, forty to sixty bushels, says A. II. Carson, horticul tiiriii fiommissioner for Southern Or- I eeon in his annual report. 'j The adaptability of this rich val ; jfy to the growth of all kinds of hor ' cultural products has made the land f this valley too valuable for grow- X of farm products, henoe at pres ent but little fanning is done. Year y year the planting of orchards is creasing, and a tew years more will ee this valley a vast orchard of ap ples, pears and peaches. Today, Oct., 1008) there are about twenty ive thousand ncres planted in ap ips, twelve thousand acres in pears, nd six thousand aores in peaehes i Jackson eoutny. ' Medford is the ,'uter uf the apple and pear iiidus ry, on the main line of the Southern 'ucific railroad for shipping facili ics. In all directions from Medford re apple and pear orchards, varying i size from ten to four hundred ores. Ashland, twelve miles southeast of "Medford, on the Southern Pacific, is cited on the edge of the valley at he beginning of the Siskiyou range, bn Ashland creek. While many ap- 4le and' pear orchards are in the vi- iimty of the cit5 as a peach-grow- g section it is the largest in the dis- .t Tho r,inthi s nrnnnd Ash and Kire all in peach orchards and the ainmnii chtntnpttts nt" npaches from Shis city run into the thousands. Jacksonville, the county seat ol Jackson oountv, is four miles west nf Medford at the beginning of the oothills. Fine aple, pear and peacu Sand adjoins the town, and the foot iills are the very best for growing kinds of European grapes. Whatever may have been said of Ilosephine county as a grape-growing frtiatnet can in tram oe snm 01 ,iuok- Jhon countv. Jackson and Josephine onnties are both in the Rogue River valley; climate and soil conditions re identical. The winters are mild; tlsnow rarely falls in the valley. It is unusual winter" that the ther mometer goes as low os 18 degrees above zero. The orchardist and the farmer does his plowing, planting and seeding in the Rogue River valley during the winter months; rarely does freezing weather occur. The Rogue River valley is rightly called the "Italy iif America." Trout are unable to ascend Evans ! creek because of lack of fishways over dams. NOTICE. At the M. E. church, South, May 2, it 11 a. m. special Pythian service. All member of the K. of P. and Py thian Sisters and the general public are cordially invited. The sermon will be in demonstra tion of the principles of the orders. ; all members of both orders meet 'at Castle hall at 10 a. m. and march fto the church in a body. By order 37 CHANCELLOR COMMANDER. i California Raisin Dav. California invites all the world to eat i,aiiroraia raisins on Apni ov ipvery day for that matter, but partic ularly on April 30, which has been added to the calendar of festival oe jweaaions as a day of rejoicing. Kut f;CeJifornia raisins on California day. April 30. ST NOTICE. Notioe ia hereby given that the un dersigned will apply at the oeit rejru iRr meeting of the city council, Mad ford, Oregon, Tuesday, May 4th, for license to sell malt, vinous and Bjrir itoas liquor in teee quantities than ne ballon, at lot 7, blook 2L. in Med 'ord, Or., for a period of six months. Dated April 21, 1909. GEO. M. BORDEAUX. gMEDFOBD DAILY 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS DIRECTORY I t,H4ttt TRIBUNE WANT ADS BUSINESS PULLERS 4- " No matter wh.i! it is vou want or need, The Tribune will help you seoure it. If you have something you want to sell and something you want to buy, a want ad will bring the trade about. WANTED. WANTED Poultry and eggs; top market price paid in cash. Rogue River Fish Market. Chicken yard 134 South Ivy street. 37 WANTED A girl for general house work, who ean sleep at home. Apply at No. 627 South C street. WANTED Kirst-clas solicitor in sell orchard tracts; man with suto tnobile preferred; good salary to right man. P. O. Bo 418, Medford, Oregon. WANTED A chambermaid at the I'lunco-American hotel, Yreka, Cat, Morrison & Lash. 34 WANTED Man to work on ranch, who understands market gardening. Address P, O. Box 225 WANTED Stenographer, for office work. C. Tribune office. WANTED Good pasture for horse. No wire fencing; plenty of grass and water; no horse taken for less than one month. Walter Moore, Phoenix, WANTED An improved acreage place close to Medford; must be a Imrguin and immediate possession. Address A. P. C, cure of Tribune. 42 WANTED Girl for general house work; one in family, lady. Inquire at Exhibit building. FOR RENT. KOI! RENT To a party of 8 or 8, a modern suite of rooms, with sit ting room and bath; also large porches for comfort. Call at 804 W. 10th street, near West school. FOR SALE. VOR SALE 18 lots in Bryant addi tion, city limits, five of the lots are on 7th street, which is just about to be paved, balance on 6th street, $1)500 takes them all. J. E. Payette, P, O. Box 435. IWANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and ticrwood. Address r. O. Box 418. FDR SALE Choice business proper ty nl a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Two and one-half acres in city limits, main street, two-story house, outbuildings, water tank and gnsoline pumping plant, good family orchard and garden spot ; most de sirable location in the city; almost at your own price. Jacksonville Real Estate Co. Adolf Sehulz, Mgr. FOR SALE Cheap, easy terms: One seven-room house and one acre of ground, close in; prioe $1800, $500 cash, balance in one year; will take "United Wireless Telegraph stock j for all or part of value :it $25 ie' ! share. C. E. M, Bo72I, city. 58 j FOR SALE You can't beat this 130 acres, 75 in cultivation, 14 in ' prunes, 2 in apples, all in bearing;; all fenced; 25 acres in wheat and oat hay; crop all goes if taken at j once; good house, barn, etc.; 14 1 miles from Myrtle Creek on county J road ; price $4500. The King Real-1 ty Co., Myrtle Creek, Or. 39 WOR 8ALB 20 aerse a oun( ir cbard adjoining eity limit, on coun ty road; fine loeaicn; deep lav loamy toil ; Vi aula from poetoffioe, eoorthooee, high loboot ; hading va riety of fruit; 6 aaraa paara, 10 acre apples, 2 acre peachee, eorae TRIBUNE, MEDFOBP, bearing treea, alfalfa and gardes patch; good 4-room house, bars, outbuilding, household foods, fam ing tooie, 1 eow, 20 chickens, 3 wells to irrigate portion of land if necessary; S50 per acre, terms. Jacksonvill Real Eatate Co., Adolf Soliulz, manager. FOR SALE No. 13. 6 7-8 aores, 8 miles from Medford, 4 miles from Central Point, across the road from Van VIect place; slopes to north, hill on south end ; following on place 40 apples, mixed, 40 peach, 300 To kay grapes, 40 pears, 1 acre brush, free soil, no rock, one-room cab in, small stable; price $1100. List ed with Benson Investment Co, 36 FOR SALE No. 16. 80 aeres, 8 mils from Medford, 4 miles from Central Point; 50 acres suitable for orchard, small house, good barn, granaries, etc; subject to irrigation, Fish Lake ditch; price $0000, $2000 down, balnnee terms of years at 8 per cent. Listed with Benson In MWtment Co. 36 FOR SALE- No. 18. 30 acres, 2 miles from Medford; 25 acres in Xewtmvn apples, trees 6 years old; ood 3-room bungnlow, nice large barn, water tower, cement sidewalks chicken house, woodshed, 1 team, 1 wngon, 1 surrey, carl, truck, 2 cul tivators, 1 iron drag, 1 Jersey cow, 25 chickens; price $20,000, half cash, balance on or before 2 years. Sec Benson Investment Co, 36 FOR SALE No. 1. 12 acres, mostly 10-year-old orchard, 1 miles from Medford depot, about mile from city limits; trees on place about 2('2 Teet apart, 204 trees, Newtown Pippins, 84 Ben Davis, 84 Spitzen bergs, 182 Cornice pears; land lays almost level, very gentle slope, deep black soil, sub-irrigation; can get water within 6 or 8 feet; price $12, 000; terms on 12 acres, $7000 cash, balance fl years at 6 per cent. See Benson Investment Co. 36 FOR SALE No. 2. 10 acres of 10-year-oid orchard, with buildings, fine new 8-room house, good new barn, chicken house, etc; 261 New town Pippins. 72 Ben Davis, 72 Spit?.cnbcrg, 60 Cornice pears, 52 d'Anjou pears, 6 Howell pears; price $10,000. See Benson Investment Co. FOR SALE No. 3. 30' acres, 2 miles from Medford, all first-class land, no waste ; no buildings ; this adjoins the famous Ilillcrest orchard; on this 15 acres are in apples and 15 acres in pears, also a few peaehes and apricots. The apples are about equally divided between Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, with 2 rows of Jonathans and a row of Bennett seedlings for pollenizatkm purposes. The pears are Cornice, Bosc and llowells, about 5 acres of each. Along the line north of the tract there is a shallow ravine in which there arc two good springs, which furnish good water for spraying or household purposes. The springs are high enough so that if buildings were put up on the northwest corner of the tract they would put water into them. The trees are 5 years old and nvcrnire exceptionally large for their itge. They will have a sprinkling of fruit on them this year. Price for the tract, $15,000, half cash. See Benson Investment Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Amusements, SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou street; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER - West Seventh st. Continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures and illus trated ballads. Entire change of pro gram Munday, Wednesday and Fri day. Admission 10 cents. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 113 North G street. Brick and Cement, MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK CO. are prepared to fur nish cement brick. Better than press! OREGON, FRIDAY, APBIL ed brick and just as cheap. Investi gate before contracting. P. O. Box 118, Opticians, PR, GOBLE -The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street and raitrood. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye specialist, when others fail. Offiee in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'Anjou. Underakers, MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J, H. Butler 148. Physicians and Surgeons DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart Build ing. S. K. KBBLY, M. P. Physician and Surgeon, Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours; 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DK. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 2SI1, Medford. Furniture LET THE MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece of furni ture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor, of 8th and II strets, MORDOFF & WOLFE Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture, Bads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 01, Medford, Or. Attorneys. COLVIG & REAMS W. M. Colvig, C, L, Reams, Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Ground Floor. ' Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank BuUding, Medford, Or. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. DR. WALTER R, STOKES Dentist. Successor to J. M. Keens. Billiard Parlors WASCHAU & BROWN Wish to an nounce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young & Hall building. Bil liards,. Cigars and Tobaccos, Tea and Coffee MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of din ner ware and fancy dishes. 2ij W, Seventh St., Medford, Or. Nurseries EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Orow trees Unit sell, sell trees that grow and fruit true to lnhcl. C. F. COOK Sells trees that grow Office: R. R. V. Depot, P. O. Bos 841. Phone 593, Medford, Or. Pawn Brokers MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE For good bargains in watches and jew elry, pistols, musical instruments. Cor. Main and Central avenue. Lunch Counters. THE U. R. V, LUNCH ROOM Fin est cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. II, II. Ijorimer, Prop, Garbage A, C. MUNCH will call for Rubbish nnI dispose of same at any time at a reasonable charge. Address Med ford Postoffiee. C. Sweenk and Jack Neft of Portland were in town for a few days during ths week looking after busi ness matters connected with oil and gnu leases. 30, 1909, I Medford Iron Works I , E. 6. TR0WBRI06E, Proprietor, I Foundry and Maehiuist i AH kinds of Engines, Spraying tewnery. Agents In souther Oregon for FAIRBANKS, Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler for Diamonds HEAR P0ST0FF1CE Before You Invest -IN - ' City Property Orchards Unimproved Lands or Mining Property VISIT THRIVING ASHLAND AND0OU3ULT JAMES M. POTTER Mills-MeCall Building APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commrwial Margery in toe Pciik North west. Not in the combine. I'wnpetm wilt all first-class Buneries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OEIOON, LADIES SHOES S. H. Duffield & Sons Medford Iron Works 1. (. TROWBBIDOB, Propriator. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS AM kinds of Engines Sprayiiig Dniitts, Fauj, Boilers and MadilrierT. Agents in Southern Oregon few FAIRBANKS, MORSE OO. Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ha MORSE & CO, MEDFORD, OR, The latest styles and materials In plain and fancy Shoss, low or high, in various hue tho Mason's novel ties in shoo wear, OXFORDS and Summer Foopar for ladles, mm and children at th right priew.