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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
TILE M BP FORD DAILV TB IB USE. MDF"ORD. OREGON'. FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1909. Medford Daily Tribune RECORD CROWD FOR Official Paper of the City of Medford. i OllliDI V Dill 01 ML" i tUnUAl UnLL UnML Published everr everdnif except Sunday. j MEDFORD PUBLISHING $ OK PA N'T j GaoaaE Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Cbsa Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATBS : TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Fair tonight. Light frost. Friday fair. A rare and MiubfiQU etmiate viil of remarkable erolMT beautiful scenery no an tains sto'ed riih coal, eopper uti pAi exteosire fereeU ilrwmi stocked with speckled beauties game ia abundaaee a contested, progrsive people (aeh is -he RegM River Valley. Average neaa teceperature 5i degrees Average yearly preipitaUoa 21 mehe THE (II MIT HI! AMES DM EST. Medford Setks Revenge for Defeat of Fortnight Aga by Hilt Team Parse of $150 Up. Attention is railed t Mayor Canon's published fist-where in this issni- rr-ardinp; the nei'f-ssity of voting for the rharter amendment, so tliat the -ity dis tributing system -an Ik- extended throiisjh ali arimi of the Baneroft a-t. To this end. the unm-il has passed tin following resolution: I "Jit it ltfslljvii), lilf tin fill inilinil nf tin fit If fif .!"- ford Thnl it i'v thf iiitt lit inn of tin imniril iixm In t nt h Jrfiiirti on in r trim '" "' mil ik.i'sxiiii nf nil nri-niint of fliii irnlir imiin. n ri rfifiriit i tin rr fur. nhirh shall hr' ri'Cfiri il in hi if iii il fnr irnti r fit unif tiiiu- thru nt'ti r nsi il Itfion xniil fin misi fnr thr full iimniDit nf xuiil pn imr h t. j inrliiilini mil in 1 1 rr '.' I Mayor Canon's artriiineiits may he sm i m ia i-izf . I brieflvj as follows : The i-it v needs lnoi i- water c-i.n.-miieis. to sei-ure as htrue a revenue as possible to meet interest on bonds, so as to re duee taxation. The i-ity will have a surplus of water. Onlv about a third of the po-si!,i nsuniei-s now use water. Water is: needed by everyone. There is no money available to extend mains. By the proposed amendment, mains can le extended with the re-' ceipts fiom additional sales of water. The cost of mains will be trivial to properly owners, j and the amount of cost will le refunded in water, and thei payment is spread over a period of ten years. There seems no reason why the amendment should not le voted, and the mayor and council are to be eongratulat-' ed on having found a way to extend the city distributing1 system on an empty treasury. ' .1 SEW M'I'f.E I' EST. Advance sale ! ticket-, lor the bail ;au betwe?:! Medford and I lilt in d:ea(tr th rervrd crowd of the sea- 7n for r.exi Surd ay V gaoie. The ;a-t ihai Medfnrd will play all the !d Ii:iet:' and be .-irui-er than for --.nil a-ns j-d-t is pnbably re--(-!.-'; f'-r the re-.iiai of iuteivs. sunt i- Ujn:g by ihe faithful. T'ur par-1 i- ai- a;i :h;it the L'au.e be for blood and thai a bail gum of mure than usual! i:ilre-l U as?ure.i- I Word in-in the Hilt team' thiil three hi-ur- reg'ilar practice j h;t- been had daily for two week .( 1 ! h ;i I they will eom to Med ford ! nbout 75 or 100 strong to bark their i Tt-arii. The local boys are out prac- J iirirg eTX eveuir.g and Second Bae :i an t.'iark ar.d In-hr I'rob-t. who eompacy at Ashland are practicing ui Ashland every eveiiiug. Tae Medr furd lireup Sunday will probably be a foHowt: Probst, ptteiter; Nichols, eaU'her: WHkiason. first; Clark, f-ec-or.d; M:!-. third; Eifert. short; Aa tie, left field; I--aarA. center field; Sabin. ritrht field. In order to send the Hilt team back Sunday afternoon, the game will be ea?!ed at 1 o'clock, and will, of --ure, be finished by 2:45. thus en abling eeryone to see it. The Medford eam has yet to pay lor the new uits and everyone should turn out and do his part. The bleach er ainu-sion will be 2T cents and the grandstand 15 cents extra. "I 'i' i HERE'S OUR RULE. Tojhave aualitv and ri w evenlv blended that tou wjj find it both profitable and D-a5nrable to have us do vour taiinrine work. Drop in and see our new arrine fabrics. Don't buy a hand me down when voo can ret a tailor made nit at the same price. W. W. BTFERT tkx rsoouiaarrx rAXLn THURSDAY'S BASEBALL. ( OAST LKAGCX. Portland .). Uakiand 1. Sail Krancaoo '2. Sacramento 3. ji Ai.srries 4. "ernou 3. xoi!Thwkst leaglt;- Skanr S. Ponland 6. St-attie 3, Tacoma 2. Vancouver 1. Aberdeen 6. AMERICAS LEAGIE. Bo-ion 10. Sew York 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE, i 'ineir.nati 4. Chicago 5. Cincinnati .'". Ohw-ago - ("'ond G State ! pjsitiry spital asd Sarplw 114,094 Highest Attalnneit ia Systematic Banking Service Tiia Jaekfos County Bank repfttflW olkitt Tour iccoudi, subjeet to ytar check, with th ttroogest ffuarnntee of Mfty and efficieccy. We offr the highrtt ttaianent ia nrtefuatic banking aervire, which aa iuria tb- greatest eare in erery finaa ci:il traasactioc. with this obliging ia-titutiAa. W. L TAWTfiB, Praaideot. & ft. LDfDLaTT, Caaher. are m the employ of the Telephone ' amei. An artiele in the M;iy ( lutinj; entitle.! "The Battle With the IJitfjs." is interesting t Iix-ai oreliar.iists. although most nf the )ests are unknown in the Roue River valley. A new pi-st is deserihed as follows: "The apple seah. triape srali anl other tonus of funtrus disease show themselves in midsummer and require the prompt and pei-istent work with Hordeaux mixture. Meanwhile, through all this hot weather we have at work in our orchard a rather re. ent pest, ealh'd the tripeta flv. This ts the wor-Jt enemy that the hort ieult unist .just lmw has to deal with. This fly works all summer, and it stinir rieht throuuh the skin of an apple, at any seas,,,, ,,f jfs -r,,wth. The e-ns pr.Mluep the most insicnifieant worms in size, hut they tunnel the apple until the whole e.,ntent is of Hack enimr ulp. "Vou will sometimes know lmthim; at all of the mis chief iroint; on utitil a eustom.-r .-hartres y,,u with sellini: rotten apples. S,,me eir-s hateh in midsummer, as soon as laid, but others lie dormant until midwinter, when they will hateh out in your cellar, and eo on with their ruinous work A practieed eye ean generally tell of the presence of larvae by dark lines on the skin nf the apple. "Some varieties are exceptionally subject to this pest. The only remedy is to keep all dropped apples picked up and destroyed. If possible, make a sheep pasture of vour orchard. The fly likes shade, and for that reason rasp berry or currant bushes under your trees will encourage its work. Spraying will do little or no good, for we cannot reach the flv at its work, nor the ecs that is thrust through the Pkin." In this connection it is well to remark that of the many hundred varieties of pests that bother the fruitgrower, but 20 are as yet known in the Rogue River valley. Great May Sale OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR We have just bought at a great discount a large shipment of Muslin Underwear from an eastern factory. This is "over production" goods, which is of fered at a price much lower than regular lots. Dainty corset covers, drawers, skirts, gowns, etc in laces, insertions and embroideries. OME GARMENT OF A KINO. We offer the complete lot at V4 off the regular price. Gowns, skirts, corset covers, etiimosettes and drawers, all at 'i regular price. Regular ; .-. .,:. Skirt $3.63 3$Y.r3. :.. .. ae.t SUrt- $1.89 jWfi I ."-.n (;,!- .n1 Skirt--. $1.13 i WJ ,IJj I "--..! Skir,- 75C M (j v. ,-,.! -,-,- 53c fi:;i Hfesft Regular il'.'ili f .-,, rrt Curs & nr.r 38C '. -1 " " 75c VAN DYKE'S F. . 6ummln$s T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummings iSivil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports. Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bkf. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Tjpatairs 3Ttrs. ren Tfamf ton Isaacs Instructor of "pUno. "l.Ut UBttto& ' Xmuk. Xttft OiM4 Strut P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kmd and style of windows. We wiry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. WILL SHOW YOU ORCHARDS or FARMS ith better soil, belter location, and LOWER PRICES than any- you win lind elsewhere. THE KING REALTY CO.. Myrtle Creek. Or. Oept B. WE ARE GOING RIGHT UP your way today. Why not hav ns stop in and give you an estimate oi the cost of wiring your house for all kinds of electrical service. Well d the wiring reasonably. If yonr honse is already wired bear in mind that e keep ail sorts of electrical sup plies and deviees to help you get tWe t ill use of your wiring. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. 23 South Central Avwe.