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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
TUB MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE.' MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRILjOJMgi 4. CITY NOTICES. - CITY NOTICES. ' ' 4 4 t!(' OKDINANCK NO. 1'Jl. In ui'iliiium-e piovidine ior the ex eculiuti of contracts with th War ren ('on.'tlruatiuii Company, a Wash incton f'onrrulioD, for the paving of tJ'Anjim street from the Houth line of Mxth Hlreol to the north line of Kitrhlli Htront. in the city of Medford Oregon, und for the maintenance of naid puvfrment wheu laid for a pe hod'tft ten yearn, and providing the terms of Haid contract. The ftitvof Medford doth ordain as follows : Section 1. That the propoHul of Warren Conntruotion company. WanhiiiLo" corporation, for paving iJ'Aniou Htreet. in the city or Med ford. Oregon, from the south line of ttiith utreet to the north him Ql Kiefath Htreet, and for maintaining ha id pavement when laid for a period of ten years, be and tho same here by ih accepted, anu (lie mavor and reoorder of said city lire berehv au thorized and instructed to enter into contrnets with said Warren Con struction company in the form fol lowing, and such acts by said mayor and recordor are hereby expressly authorized, ratified and confirmed Pavina Contract. Memoranda of un agreement made and entered into this day of 1U0U, by und between the ity uf Mudl'urd, hereal'tur design ut ed tho city, and tho Warren Construc tion Company, a Washington corpo ration, hereafter designated the con tractor, witnossoth: Said contractor hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all material and labor for excavating, filling, in stalling inluls, and ull other work and things, and paving on D'Anjou street, in suid city of Aledi'ord, from the south line of Sixth htreet to the NorLli line of Kighth street, except ing that portion of said street at its nterbeotion with Seventh street which is already puved, said paving to be laid to a width of forty Icet, and to furnish all such materials and do ull such work in a first-class, substan tial and workmanlike manner, strict ly in accordance with the plans and Mpecii'icatimiH for such work on file ill the office of the recorder of said city, which said plans and specifi- cations ure hereby expressly referred to and made a part of this contract, and to do all such work under the direction and subject to the approval uf tho city engineer of said city for the prices hereinafter set forth. Said city hereby ugrees to pay for said work tho following prices: Kor excavation, per oubic yard $0.90 For bituminous crushed rock foundation. Per cubic yard.. l.f0 For bitulithic surface, incluuing surface finishing course, wv square yard '-.00 It is agreed und understood that tuid contractor shall commence said work within twenty days from tho dale of thi contract, and shall pros ecute tho name with all reasonable fepocd and diligence to completion. It is further agreed and understood that this oouliact shall not be taken to include the luyiug or construct ing of any curbing on said street, and that as to such portion of said work the bid of said contractor has, with1 the consent uf all parties, been re jected. If it is found at any time during the prnutvNS of the work or at anv time hereafter that the plans and snccil 'icatioiih differ in any particu lar item or point or in anv way con flict or do not harmonize, it is untlei -Htood that in Mich case the sikm'i fications shall in each and c crv case us herein indicated prevail. Th contractor hall look for pay ment onlv to the iiuid vi'tT I'd. i-o-leclcd and paid into the city treasury lor that tmtp"M tw will not rc ttuhe the cilv of Medford bv anv 1r ral proce- or olherwl-e to pav the same out of anv otherwise to pav the same out ol uny other fund, except as provided bv the charter, unless said cilv rOiall l;u! or neub'ct t nr.t- ide siii'li tuiul li v alul asscsMiieut upon the property aflccleil. The contractor shall furnish a good and sufficient bond in the sum of sccm (houaial live hundred dollars, to be appro Md U the cil council with sonic Mil ct rotnpan . a nlhor- icd to do husinc .s m I lie laie o Orciron. as mi ret . cuarnnt cemg in pmpfit f-'im the Inn and lailhlul pcrforniam c bv llic mid motor o mo the terms and conditions o this con tract on its pari to be performed. In uilue- u hereof, the Mini par ties haw cau-ed these present- lo be signed in duplicate by their res pective officers', and their respec tive corporate seal tn be hereto at tached, the dav and year first above written. Cilv of Medford. Hv Mavor. Attest. Iieconler. Warren ( "ou I met ion t'oiniaiiv. Hv Vice-President. Maintenance Contract. Mftnoruiiriii of an agivement, made CITY NOTICES. and entered into this day of April, A. li., JJIOfl, by and between t'itv of M ltd ford, hereafter designat ed the city, and Warrcu Construc tion Company, a Washington corpor ation, hereafter designated the con tractor, witnesseth: Kor and ut consideration of the navmeiitH hereinafter provided for to be paid bv the city, the contractor hereby- itovenauts and agrees that it will, at its own proper cost und expense-keep und maintain in first class, and good and serviceable con dition for u period of ten years the pavement on D'Anjou street, in the city of Medford, between the south lino of Hrxtb street and the north line of K ii;h th street (exclusive of the intersection uf Seventh street, al ready paved ) which contractor is about to lav on said street hi pursu uuee of a contract then for of even dale herewith. It is understood and agreed that said term of ten years -hiill betriii with the date of the ac ceptance of said paving by said city. It is further agreed that said pave ment shall he so maintained that at the end of said term the same shall be in good condition and free from anv defects that will impair its use fulness as a roadway. In consideration of the premises and of the work to be performed by the contractor as aforesaid, the city agrees to pay (lie contractor in lull therefor the sum of two und one-half cents per square yard of said pavement per year, said payments to be made annually at (he end of each vear during said term. The contractor agrees to furnish a uroo(l and sufficient bond, to be ap pro ed bv the council, with some Mirety company authorized to do business in the stale of Oregon as surely, in the sum of one thousand dollars, guaranteeing the faithful performance bv the contractor of all the terms of this contract on its part. This contract may be cancelled bv the city at the end of any year by giving the eonlructor ninety days' notice in wrilinir of its intention so to do, said notice to be mailed to the contractor at Portland, Oregon. In testimony whereof, the parlies hereto have caused these presents to be executed on their behalf bv their respective officers, and their respective seals to he hereto attach- d, the day ami vear first above written. t'itv of Medford. Ilv . Mayor. Attest: Recorder. Warren Construction Company. Ilv Vice-President. The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the city council of the citv of Medford. Oregon. April 'J7th. 1!MM. bv the following vote to wit: Welch ivc, Merrick ave. Kmeriek aye, Wort- inaii ave, hiterl ave, and Detnmer aye. Approved April 27th. 1!HM. W. 11. CANON. Mavor. Attest : I!. M. COKLINS. Citv Recorder, j ORDINANCE NO. 1(V J Aw ordinance providing for the ex- eeution of a contract with R. Dos-1 well for (he construction and pine-' ing on I)' A n jou street, between the south Hue of Sixth street and the ' north line of Kighth street, in the t'ily of Medford, ol' concrete curb, :iud providing theterms of said con tract. The city of Medford doth ordain is follows : I'etion 1 . That the proposal of R. Doswell for the construction of a ouerete curb on D'Anjou street, in the citv of Medford. between the south line of Sixth street and the north line of Kighth street be and the same hereby is accepted, and the mavor and the recorder of said itv tire berehv authorized and di rected to enter into a contract with said R. Do-well therefor, in the form following, und such act bv said mavor and recorder is hereby e "i. lv authorized, ratified and con firmed. CONTRACT. Meiu.oanda .if an agreement, made "'d entered into tin- ,lav of bv and between of Medford. Oregon, hereafter lesj.-M.-ited the .-ilv. a-d R. HoweH, heivafter designated the contractor, witnesseth : The s;iid contractor hereby cove nants ;hh1 agrees to construe! and between the south line of Sixth treeihetwern the south line of Sixth treet and the north line of Kigliih treet a concrete enrb, and U furnish therefor all taterinR labor, tools and MtniMiieiil Said contractor hereby igtve to' construct said curb strict ly in aecordanee with the plans nud itei il'ications therefor, on file in the t ' it e of the citv reoorder, which -iid stvrii'icat io-:s :m.l plans are hereby evprv-slv referred to and made a par) of this contract, and to fiiinish all said materials ami do all -aid work in a first - class-, sub start - tial and workmanlike manner, under the direction and subject to the ap proval of tho citv engineer of said eitv, and to do and p or form all of the aforesaid in consideration of the payments hereinafter mentioned and provided for. In consideration for the aforesaid, tho said citv hereby covenants and agrees to pay the contractor in full for all of said labor, material and construction the following prices: For all straight concrete curb per lineal foot, $0.45. For all curved concrete curb, tier lineal foot, $0.55. Said contractor agrees to com nence said work forthwith and to iroseeute the same with reasonable speed and diligence to completion The contractor agrees to furnish the citv a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the council in the amount of five hundred dollars, with sufficient sureties, guarantf eiug the faithful performance by the contrac tor of nil the terms and conditions of this contract on his part to be per formed, and saving said city harm less from all claim for labor and materials entering into said construc tion. In testimony whereof, the said citv has caused these presents to be signed on its behalf by its mayor and recorder and its seal to be here to attached, and said contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the dav and year first above written, ('itv of Medford. Ilv W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: D. M. COMJNS. Recorder. (SEAL) II. DOSWKI.T,. Contractor. I he loregoing ordinance wa.s passed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford, Oregon, this 27th dav of April. 1000, bv the following vote to wit: Welch ave. Merrick, ave, Km eriek, ave. Wortmun ave. Kifert ave. and Pemmer ave. Approved April 27th, l!0fl. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest : D. M. COLLINS. Citv Recorder. BIG HOMESTEADS FOR PEOPLE OF THE WEST 'WASHINGTON, April :t0. - Secre tary Hat linger today designated L"7. 170,800 acres of laud in state to which the ;120 acre homestead law applies, as coming within provisions of the law. The states a fee ted arc Oregon. Washington. I'tah. Wyoming. Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Included in the lain! designated, arc 7.HM.0II0 acres in Oregon, ;t.."i7li.!H; in Washing Pm. 1 iagrams showing lauds subject to entry are being sent the local land offices. It is be lieved that forty per cent of the area ilcsignated. except in Nevada, is held by individuals. If all the land was suitable there would be -W2.000 homesteads. ROCKEFELLER CARRIES BABE UP MOUNTAIN HOT S1MHNOS. Va.. April :10. John I), b'oekefeller, the richest man in the world, on the verge of three score and ten years, is resting today after carrying his granddaughter, Mathelda McCormick. two miles up t he ruggedest pa rt o f the Wa rn m mountain trail yesterday. The child became tired. TORNADO RUINS FRUIT IN OKLAHOMA DISTRICT TITKLO. Okla.. April 30. -The fruit crop has been severely dam aged as the rest ult of a tornado hit ting this vicinity last night. A num ber of buildings were wrecked and tel ephone and telegraph wires down. Prepaid Railroad Orders. " Sonii'thitijf which i of oonnidrnhlf interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now m effect between stnti ns of tho Southern Pacific company and ell points in the Onited (Utiles. By uittaiis of this system tickets amy be purchase, at Madfon from any place iu the t'uiud States and mailed or telegraphed direct Is the pal ly wishing tn cvwm here. Sleeper ar .-oicmodntKin an small amounts of rush in connect ton with these tickets may also he forwantd at the same 'm: tf Main Street From Helman to Third and Fourth From A to East Main to Be Paved. FOR SALE . Ashland city council has decided lo pave Main street from Helman to Third .-.treet and FWirtt. street from A street south to East Main stree the territory including the Plaza wilh bitulithic pavement, cost of iu?m except intersections, to be dc !r:i ed by individual property own ers. . The matter of loaning, the street roller to Medford was brought up, u request having been made for the same, which was granted. Medford to pay $.") per day while the same N in actual use. It is to be used iu connection with paving work here and in addition to the charge for its use, Medford is to bear all expense of transportation and return it in good condition v hen needed here, though it is not thought it will he needed here before t.Iuly 1. In loan ing this machine at per day, the council did not see fit to insist on iMvincnt for days when tin- roller could not be used on account of rainy weather. The motion to loan it was unanimously carried and a pledge is given that it will ho returned in good condition. A Fair "Notis." A correspondent sends us the fol lowing notice found posted by a far mer on n tree near Monmouth. Illi nois: "Xotis- Trespasers will It proe kntcd to the full extent of mean inungrel dogs which aiut never ben overly soshibul tu strangers and I dubhel barl shoto gun which aint loaded with soft pillors; dam if I 'lin't ettin tired of this hel-raisiu on in v farm." Case and Comment. T. K. Hostwick and Elmer .Johnson have left on n prospecting tour in the mountains. Spielers Perfume 35c THE OUNCE Toilet Water, 25c kind 15c Toilet Water. 50c kind 25c Toilet Water, $1.00 kind 50c for a short tlnw only. Medford Pharmacy Ner Postoffice. Medf ?rd Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 80 acres of best farming land in Rogue River val ley, all free soil and under irrigation ditch, with deed right to water. Two miles from railroad station, quar ter mile from schoolbouse, on rural delivery route. Land now in a'falfa and grain. Will make an ideal orchard. Price and terms reasonable. For information call at I NorthbooBiT No. 18Oregon Eipren, 5:24 p. m I no. 14t'ortlind BzpreiB H:4!i. m Southbound No. 15OaliforQiji Erpren,.. . j 10: :t3 a tn N. 131311 Francisco Exp.. . j 3:20 p in No. 225jFrom Grant, Pi.... 9: 15 p. m No.225For Aikland 10:15p.m EOOtTE EXVEB VALLEY RAILWAY Ns. 2Lavi MxMora1 10.45a.m No. 4LaTM Mtdford 6:35 p. m MotorLeave, Medford 2:00 p. m MotorlLeave, Medford j 0:00 p. m No. 1Lmtm Jrk.ooTil. . . t:00 . m No. 31ti Jf ktomille. . .1 1:10 p. m MotrLTn JkoTiH,. .1 l.-30. m MAIL 0LOBB8 A Good Friend in Tim tf Need, j MotortLT j.kMTiii,. . 7.ioP. n N otif run have a bottor fruvid whivi troiihM with o.!ii' or diarrhea tlmn Chanit'i-rhiin's ("ulii". Chnl.ra :iml l)inrrh"oa Hom.'Jv It always . ouro. F'or sale hy toti N. H:ikt!i Phnrniacjr. " j Northbound ; MutkVooBd . I, Pout . JxkMITU!, i..ti.r. m I :1M 4:5( llTli 8:5 I 7:501 :0f 10:M S:M Tribune Office SALBM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern alifornia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern j rvxIiK-t. All beers are good, but some beers arc liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer.' Tf you wish to be convini'ed, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Tee & Storage Co. Summer Rates East DURING THE SEASON OF 1909 via the Southern Pacific Co. from MEDFORD To OMAHA and return $69.90 To KANSAS CITY and return $69 90 To ST. LOUIS and return S77-10 To CHICAGO and return $82.40 :iiiil to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low lines. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August II, 12. To DENVER and return $64.90 On Sale May 17, July 1, August II. GuiiiK transit limit 10 duys from date of snle. final velum limit Oi loher 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, und choice of routes; thereby enabling passenger.-, to make side trips to many interesting points eu route. Hunting on the return trip through California may be had at slijiht advance over the rates quoted. Kail particular, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur-lii-hi'd bv any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McMURRY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. New 1909 Model Electric Irons Now $5.00 Why not iron in eonifort this summer 1 The Electric Iron heats in three minutes no wait ing, no changing irons. We will send you an Iron FREE on ten days' trial Write, telephone or call at our office, 206 "West Seventh street, opposite the Big Electric Sign. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water I Ptrwer Co. K