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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
THE MEDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOBI), OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. that we carry CEMENT. Our CROWN HARD PLASTER has been tried and found true in this city. All kinds of BUILDING PAPER, Oak and Fir Front Doors. TO Wn UXURI3US VACATIOH FOR BLANCHE BATES N'KW VOltK. April Mi. .-- Kwrv 'iiiloi-l of .1 li"in in ii(hliliin In ill laiHt il' i imxlt'i-M Imtcl i -;n1 i' included ii: I lit1 tMuii!i)(M!t "(' I he Inurii'ii in v.Iii'-li llhuicht' lilies In ;i U( ji ii (-111 inn I rip 111 1 tut. 'oikii'r " ill l' 1ihh by oli'ctriritv ; lcre will be iiu elerlri' ruffe nwkor. ni' ?.'M i- lil' i ur nn jiiiit' icms- ;tl will hi' rjMTHMt, mm (Mi'rmc Hiiius r,.y MUm,.M-. ll c. i'ii vliisn'ivi1 t!mt I ho 'ii iijiii' fttiiini'iil will include t'lec nil- i-;ii li'. initio. nuH-liincs jiml I'n.ii AiirmiT-- jiml ;im ekctrii eijjiircUc lihlcr i'nr tlit.M' tn whnin sui'h nn nrijii iri'incMt wmilil prove u conveni ence. A riulin-u irclc-s telephone r lift ini'iitimied ;is n pn.ssilnliiy. Nurwjiy' fil;iricr liciruii ! jmImiihm' iiiiin ill , u-il'l speed. Levulnse. ii sMi;jir rmtde t'nmi ilnli-lia-. -elU nl $1 ii pm.hfl H u s sey It's the place to l.'iy Hosiery if you want the boat for the' Ion st. nionev Hussey's Its the place to liny Tin ware, Enamel wn re, etc. ' Hussey's Faix'.v Oliini. (il;i.ssiuv, etc. cost less here tlnn ."''ewherc. Hussey's The only up-to-date Glass ware assortment in town is here. Hussey's Tost Cards of 'oinse. Floral. Birthday. Oregon ond Bed ford views, the hest any where, here, all kinds, at each 1" THE AUDITORIUM. The Alaska-Yukon. Pacific BxpoHlllon at Seattle, occupying 250 acre of the campus of the (Jnlvenlty of Washington. vlll result In benefits for Washington's seat of learning that the University could not hare hoped to secure In many years, had not the great fair of 1K09 been planned. So the exposlllon that will exploit Alaska. Hawaii and the Philippines and emphasise (he Importance of the growing trade with the Orient will leave, after Its gates have closed, a large number of permanent structures to constantly remind the people of the- Northwest of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclfic Kxpositlon and the place It will occupy in the history of the Pacllle as the medium through which one-half of the world was brought In such close touch with the otta.r snd a tremendous Impetus to commercial in tercourse given. Seven buildings on the exposition grounds will be left for use of the University and the auditorium, on. of the Bnest of this group, cost th. State of Washington more than $300,000. While the exposition is In progress thlB building will be used for conventions, congreesns and con ferences, and Its hundreds of seata were In place and the building turned over to the exposlllon management (hreu months before the opening data of the fair. AMBASSADOR WHITE ABSENT ABSENT FROM WEDDING I'AHIS. April Despite the ef forts of both families to obtain per mission, llie Catholic, authorities have forbidden a I'roteslant eereniony for tile marriage of MissMiiriel White, daughter ol' the Alneriean umhasa dor. ami Count Herman Seherr Thoss. As a result Amba.-ndor Hen ry While has announced (hat he will I nol intend the seriees to he hehl in the Woman t'atholic church, but only the civil ceremony. The Whites, therefore, were coni pelcd to give up their plan. Il was announced today that the civii mar riage nece-snr.v under French laws was performed at the office of the Mayor oj' the Kighth Arnndissment yesterday., and the religious cere mony loday was held tit St. Joseph's Kouian 1'nthnlic church in the Ave. one Hoche. Only near relatives of the yonug couple were present. Miss Margaret Rutherford, daughter uf Mrs. William K. Vnntlerbilt. and Miss l.usv Hucklcr, daughter "f the Seere- 'tarv ofthe American Legion at Mn- ilrid. were the bridesmaids. The average velocity of chimney i,-c- is lino feet n tin-i.te. The little known I'l.utc.b of Abys inia has t.non.nim udheients. THIS IS RAISIN DAY: EVERYONE ASKED TO EAT FHKSXO. Cal.. April .'111. -This is raisin day, eslahlishcd hy the Fresno inly chatnhcr of comiacrce. I'res- ideul Taft anil 'ice-Presidiuit Sher man received today complimentary boxes of lu-cious Fresno raisins, pre--cuIimI by the congressmen and -nn-"f ' ailinrnia. and all eongress gn men received carious of the -una', all to he eaten lodav. All the ....:i i i . , ' "OS ' iiii'ii in keep raisin day and rai-ins from California, so Ihon.iiL'li bus been the work of dis tribution, nre expected to grace the menu of every 'lining car and every considerable hotel in the country this day. The Inhabitants of liriti-h Amer ica ami Mexico are also eujoviug tin- feast today. CHICAGO ELEVATOR IS DESTROYED BY LIGHTNING t.-y u i k ukm ' f "SV 7 1 A On a Spring Stroll you can always tell the cutaway or frock coat suit made by Kreurer. It is always ao exclusive in style, and its mako, fit and finish are so elo pint and perfect thnt it is always a subject of admiration. When you want n swell suit of clothing have it made, by : .. l ; : ;..i J. A. Kreuzcr 6 Co. Importers andTailors Upstairs, Palm Bldg., Medford, Or. ("IIK'AfiO, April :i0. One fireman dead, two missing and propertv val ued nt 'J"i0.non was destroyed as n result of n fire destroying elevator B of the llltnoi- Central railroad today. Four hundred and ninety-one thou sand bushels of Hheni nnd half n million bushels of corn were destroy ed. The fire started in the midst of a heavy rain storm. It is supposed that lightning started the blaze. LACE CURTIN SPECIALS For the next few days only we otter aur entire sto elf of Lace C it tains, in both ecru and white, at one-fift h off regular prices. Wash Suits Fine Assortments Our lines of these most popular garments are now co mplete and the prices very attractive $3.50 TO $2.00. SEE THE WINDOWS. Medlord's Largest Exclusive Ladles Store Baker-Hutciiason Co. Central Ave., Just North Jacksoa County Bank Take the Tribune for ?kws