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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. 4HJ Social and Persona Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore left on Thursduy evening for a week's viit in I'orllund. No. 40. The Benson Investment Co, bag for sale 20 acres set to orchard 1 year old, 42 miles from Medford, on macadamized road. Soil is black Micky.' Place is surrounded by some of best bearing orchurds in the val ley. Price, $240 per acre, half cash, .balance 42 years tune at b per cent. 30 The M. B. Signs residence hag been sold to 11. A. Hanscom of Talent for . $2100. ' Orders for sweet cream or butter milk Drumutiv filled. Phone the creamery. f No. 47. Some nice 10-acre tracts within a mile of Eagle Point in sight of the famous Bradshaw orchard, $1400 each, $100 down, balance monthly payments, or your own terms, are for Bale by the Benson V investment Co. 30 Oscar K. Stewart of Bonanza is wsiting his mother, Mrs. E. Stewart Ella Oaunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. Game Warden Charles Gay has re turned from u trip of inspection on the Little Butte und reports ditch uwnors complying with the law by screening ditches. No. 32. 293 acres under Fish Luke ditch, 9 miles from Medford, V2 miles from Central Point. Land is level and can be cultivated. It is bottom land on the Kngue river. Soil and other natural conditions make this an ideal tract for peaches, pears and grapes. Price, $1H,000, one-third cash, balance term of years at 0 per cent. For sale by Benson In vestment Co. 30 S. S. Cole, former night watchman, has left for Ardmore, Okla. Ho ex pects to return with his family. Phone your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the creamery. Louis C. Sifors of Evans Creek, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stroeble of Cen tral Point, E. L. Wick of Oalice were recent Medford visitors. No. 33. We have some splendid 10 acre tracts, subject to irrigation, at $100 per acre, within 4 miles of town. To non-residents we agree to have trees planted at cost, under supervision of an experienced or hardist. Price $100 per 10 ncres, $300 down, balance monthly, interest S per cent. Sep Benson Investment Co. 30 Dr. H. K. Atkins and R. II. White . head, the Medford capitalists, have "returned from a fishing and camping trip near Lakcview. L. B. Kent nml S. L. Bennett were with the parly. They reKrt success in angling. Our messenger boy says it's safer to harness a horse from head down than from the tail up, since he tried , it. Phone the Exchange, .101, for this boy to do errands, for express service and all kinds of jobs you may have to be done. 3f II. W. Cantielil. late road expert of the department of agriculture, is here to investigate the Crater Lake high- HARRINGTON LOSES IN SUPREME COURT A phone message received by W. Estell Phipps from the clerk of the supreme court Friday afternoon states that the court has decided in fa vor of his client, Mrs. Sny der, in the famous case of Snyder vs. Harrington. The appeal mude by Harrington is ordered dismissed and the judgment of the circuit court sustained. MISS Hffi COSS nun jit fRisco Becomes Bride of Max Rosenfeld and Is Presented With Elaborately Furnished Flat. i way. No. 41. 10 a eves adjoining eity; 7 neres set to 2 ami 3-year-old pears and apples, 3 iutik in alfalfa. This is n splendid little trnet mid will be come erv valuable on aeeount of both its intrinsic vulije end near nesM to the pity. Tripe $t.ri00. IMaee for mi It liy Kenson Invpstmpnt Co. 3li A, Moore of Persist, Or., is a vis itor in Mi'dl'ord, No. '. ueres. ." miles trnm Medford 4'onld bp rlemed at small j expen-e. Thi plaee i- on hillside, j 110 neres ueiilly slopini;. Ii;i;ne steeper, but splendid impe land. Soil ; i smidv loam, Mih -irrigated Land ! adjoining this traet with ynimt; or- i phard sells for f00 per a.-i.v We ! consider this a rpal ha ma in. Prire i $'jr0rt eash. See the Hennn 1ne-.t-! ment Co. 'tf 1 J. T. Mullen of Trail spent Friday ! in Medford. No, 'AT. 10 noi'ps 1 mite from Kittle Point. This latid is in s-ht of the famous llradshaw orchard. iYiee $S00: $'MW down, balance $l month ly. See Itenson Inveitmnnt Co. 'M Mrs. T. K. Daniels, who has been visitinj? her pn rents in Santn Ann. OrI.. will lenvn that plaee the com injr week for a short tour in Mniro, potm? from Kl Paso. Ton., to flimd- AlMrn. Me., unci 1mm (Here to .Mex ico Pity. She will be aivompanied by her father. Krnnk Monachal, who visited in ModfWd recently. Mr. Daniels will probably be back in Med ford tbfl latter part of May. J (.. K. Warren of Kenneth is a i cut Medford arrival. It. It. Woolroaii of Delamur is visitor ut. Medtord. About 'JO Jacksonville ungleru have joined the Kogue fCiver Protective as sooiation at the solicitation of John Orth. A greater number have joined in Medford, due to the work of Jeff Heard, Judge Kelly and Dr. Buudy, the Kociliting committee. The Holicitiutf committee of the Commercial club is still at it, meet inK with good success. Hut few citi zens so lacking in public spirit that they refuse to contribute-, have been encountered. II. M, Shaver of Kugene is a visitor in Medford. No. 41. XI uures adjoining city; old house and new barn. Price $8000, terms. Place for sale by Benson In vestment Co. 36 K. It. Van t'!eae of Keho is a Med ford visitor. So, 38. 10 lots of cleared, plowed orchard land, ready for setting out trees. Situated within 1 mile of Ea gle Point. Price $110 per acre; $30 per acre down, balance in $10 month ly payments without interest. These ots are in the hands oi Itenson In- estment Co. 36 II. Jt. Hall of Portland spent Kri- lay in Medford. See Pennon Investment Co. about No. 31 190 acres, red free soil, acres clear, U acres in small ousn, few stumps. Hest i fine timber; would bring $r0 acre us wood. Three room house and good barn; 70 acres uitablc for orchard, such as apples, pears and prunes, t rice 1 per acre. Ju Superintendent Caruaban of the Blue Ledge mine paw a California mdor in the hills Thursday while turning from a I rip to Seattle Har. The California condor is the largest bird on the North American continent uid is almost extinct. No. lli. JS1,-' acres, miles from Medford, under plow; would be splen did orchard land, sub-irrigation; no buildings. Price $li000, half cash. See Menson Investment Co. 30 A. C. Randall left for Portland Thursday evening on a business visit. No. 40. ft'L acres adjoining city limits; new 7-room house and new barn; cost of buildings $2300; 4 acres set to Newtown Pippin apples, 1 years old. Price $."000, half cash. Kor sale by Benson Investment Co. 36 B. Connor of Table Hock spent Fri day in -Medford. No. 30. li acres on South M street, inside city limits; new 8-room house, large bant, - good wells. One acre set to pears, peaches and cher ries, 1 year old. Price $3000, half cash. Benson Investment Co. 36 Harry Hick- is spending a week at bis brother's quarry. No. 3"i. ISO acres 1 U miles east of Medford; '.!." acres under plow, in w heat and hav : SO acres would be 1 .nil v for pasture; 150 acres Miss Mabel Coss of Medford was married iu San Francisco Tuesday noon, April 27, to Max Koseufeld, according to an announcement in the San Francisco Examiner. Miss Coss has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Colby, at Globe, and was married upon her return. The marriage was a surprise to her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Coss, who knew nothing of the event. Mr. Coss has received a letter from the bride, who states that the groom's uncle was the only witness at the ceremony, and he surprised the young couple by escorting them to an elab orately furnished flat, which he pre sented as a wedding gift. Miss Coss is well known in Med ford, where she has resided for the past nine years. Her sister, Miss Helen Cosa, was married, last year and resides in Globe. CYCLONE KILLS FORTY IN SOUTHERN STATES MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 30. For the sixth time in a year, the cyclone belt of Tennessee, Missouri, Arkan sas, Mississippi and adjacent states was swept by a serious storm last night, leaving 40 dead, hundreds of injured. Six hamlets were destroyed ind property amounting to $1,000,- UUU. At Uolden, Mo., lour were killed and every building there lev eled. The same number are dead at Horn Like, Miss., which was destroy ed. Five are dead at Young's Cross ing, Tenn. Church Rally Day. Next Sunday is the second church rally dav at the Tabernacle. The first was very good, but next Sun lav must be better. The attendance ought to be much larger than usual nd the interest ought to be intense. Special music will be rendered. C. F. Swander, corresponding secretary of the Oregon Christian Missionary so ciety, will speak in the morning. Mr. Swander is a Portland preacher and will bring a message all will be dp lighted to hear. Missionary day is always a great day. Don't fail to attend both services. The evening subject will be a splen did one, vijs.: "The Holy City Com ing Down." Let every member and friend of the church plan to attend every service next Lord's day. Tabernacle Bible School. Don't forget the growing enthusi astic, sueopssfu! Bible school which assembles every I-ord's day at the Christian Tabernacle. Over 200 are enrolled and others are coming. Ev ery Sunday some new scholars are enrolliMl. There is room for many more. Don't let anything keep you from attending religious services on the Lord's day. No one is so good but that he needs the help that comes from attending worship; no one is so bad but that he can he helped to a better life if he will give serious attention to the development of his religious nature. SPRING UNDERWEAR 'TIS TIME TO DISCARD YOUR WINTER UNDERGARMENTS AND. LIKE NATURE, DON FRESH APPAREL. THE DAYS ARE GROW ING WARMER AND YOUR OWN COMFORT WILL SOON FORCE YOU TO WEAR LIGHTER APPAREL, AND THEN YOU FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. WE HAVE LINEN, COTTON, LISLE, SILK, IN FACT ALL GRADES AND WEIGHT ATREGULAR PRICES. Flaxall Absorbent Mesh THE UNDERWEAR EVERY THREAD OF WHICH IS PURE LINEN SOLD ONLY AT THIS STORE. Ecru Cotton Rib, the garment 50c Ecru Balbriggan, the garment 00c Black Cotton Rib, the garment 50c Oxford Mixture, the garment 50c Pink Silk Finish Balbriggan, the garment 75c Ecru Silk Finish Balbriggan, extra fine value, the gar ment .' $1.00 Cooper's Form-Fitting Derby Ribbed, the garment.. ..$1.50 In colors Duofold Health Underwear, the garment $1.50 Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh, the garment $1.50 A complete line of the celebrated O. & M. Underwear. Best line of Underwear in the city. The Toggery MEDFORD S FASHION STORE FOR MEN. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain mi- called for at the Medford, Oregon, postoffiue, April 29, 1909: Nip Asbpole, Fred Branson, Stella Clark, The Davis Nursery Co., Mrs. T. Buff, J. A. Krdman, C. H. Elmore, Harold U. Harvey, J. 11. Hearde, Dun W. Horst, Mrs. A. W. Lacy, John l.umsdeu, Miss Mae MuZenzie, Oliver 1'age, W. L. Purdy, A. M. Simmons, K. II. Sickafoose, V. A. Stevens, A. Tuuly, J. M. Tuylor, II. H. Vreeland, Kichard S. Whitney, Chas. V. Wood-riek. A charge of one cent will be made upon the delivery of any of the above letters. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. FOK SALE Grain hay at reasona ble prices. S. P. Barneburg, Med ford. 42 A I HOTEL ARRIVALS. the Nash -A. I.. Dnvid. San Knini-isco; J. F.. Meohnn, New York; Y. 11. Vim rie.'ivi's. Echo; Charles A. .Tones, San Francisco; William C. Knnack, 1'ortlain!: ,l.te Thomas, C. V.. !ais. Sjtokane; M. A. Cohen, Port land; Qport A. Lewis. Cincinnati; .1. T. Brooks. Boston: C. J. Tvler. H'Jit coul, i 1 ,'leared 1'or less Mian jlll .cr acre. all. suitable for or-lialil cv.-.'i.l the SO acres; ciijllt- r n lion-,.. In rtr. barn, good well. (Icnty of water. It sjirinirs which won't i;o dry. Nearly lOlt ncres un 'ler the Hamilton ditch; pipeline to Meilford runs through this place. Soil I'.o-ion: .1. M. Baird. Chicago; H. M is 1 :. black sticky, balance red sandy i shaver, Eugene; .1. B. White, ,T. Lick, !o;in. Some rock on biuMi land, very li K. Warren, Kenneth;.!. II. Adams, little on balance. Bond on each sidej.-ity: Itomlinot Conner. Table Bock; of it. Tract is mile wide. Price ; K. II. Morse. S. Black, L. 11. Levy, fCi per acre: one-third Pftsh. balance 1 New York: II. B. Ilall, Portland. t..nn lears. This place tor -ale by At the Moore O. W TO THE LADIES. Mart Miaaion Furniture Work niak yoa a cedar chest in whioh to place vour winter clothe. Thase chesta will keep the gaamenti free from moths and dust. Shop on cor ner of Rigath and Holly sta. FOR SALE. For phoenix town property, both improved and unimproved and three L-ood orchards, see Matt Calhoun, Phoenix. Jackson county. Oregon. Benson Investment Co. afi THOMAS EASILY WINS BOUT WITH LA SALLE ii lhi wrvtline '"'ill ;it ,itf op era linnsp Thnr1:iv mciiiinf brftiri 11 "0 pnuniN If-; thnn :mtiti;'tiit .itnl wns Oiitcl:io! fp-n. tho -t.irt. Tht first fall '0 w.voml-. .ut.l Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which is of consiilcr :iblc interest l the public generally ;itni which is i mm Imps not generally known is the system of prepniii or ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company ami all points in the Tinted States. Ity means of this system tickets may Ktlwanls, he purchased at Medford from any place in the 1'nited State and in ail - Sii.-iitmento ; Joe La Salle. Kugene I.. I.. Htcede and Chester T. Proeb-M'd r telegraphed direct to the party -tel. San Francisco; C. H. Merrill and j wishing to come here. Sleeper He wife. Sun Francisco; T. P. Pre-tun j couinmdations and -mall amounts of ;i:m! wife. Angeli-.; (irdnti Fra - ca.-h in ouiueetion with these tickets rial and wife. San Franei-co; H. It, ;"iny also he fomarded at the same W.tithrnn. e Lamar; A Moore, Per- Order Now Extra Heavy Manila Clasp Envelopes For- Medford Commercial Club Pamphlets PRINTED WITH YOUR CARD AND ADDRESS PRICE 100 Envelopes $2.00 250 Envelopes $3.50 500 Envelopes $6.00 1000 Envelopes $10.00 The Tribune Printers for Boosters -isi : .1. T. Malic W. W. Wil'iai" laic Hr .1 llinkle A. Mee III., first .Yfiile '...'Mtc i Trail. nH-ip-law of til -ite.l Miss Marv if the week, this section. lief- Bicycle Lost. The party who took n l.ii velp from i he Nickell aiMition had ticttur retnni to Orcein tlranite t avoiil tronliic. Coinpativ anrl 3r, SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT Ad SATURDAY THE IRONWORKERS A thrilling melodrama of the iron mills. A BASHFUL YOUNG MAN -Ah. linp Innirhoraph. MINNE-HA-HA DONAHUE ILLUSTRATED SONG ONE DIME V -"i X.VJ- enartfnent. "7" ""