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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1904)
VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON, SATURDAY MORNINd, APRIL 9. 1904 NUMBER 132 A LETTER WRITTEN ON THE HIGH SEAS R. D. Hamilton, Who Left La Grande, Tells of the Delights of His Ocean Voyage. - . Rev I 0 Walker, ol the Methodist cuurob, received a ' le ter yester-tay, Irom B O Hamilton, who lelt Lt Qrande few wlw mgn to go to Jar usalem to attend tbe I iternationai Sunday Bobool, Ojov-mtion. Tbe letter it dated 11-irob 20, Med iterranean 8ee, about 160 milee Irom Gibraltar, heading fjr Algiers Africa, and reads ai followa: Dear Mr Walker: I thought I would write you a few lines tin beau tilul Babbatb morning. The "Grower Kurfuerst" la one of tlio floest, pilaoea that Boat upon the sea. Wa hav had a remcrmbiy inooh sea For nur tup to Jerusalem. Our dalegitea ol WE HAVE PLANNED FOR AN IMMENSELY INCREASED BUSINESS THIS SEASON IN Men s Superbly Tailored Suits and Topcoats To a coinpllsh this we rfnlize that, we tniiBt plate this Sloie llrnilv in the ininils of still greater numbers of men as the safest, plnce In the stnte lo puruhiiM) clollios. 'the lines I. live, bien iwrcftilly relectcd after a thorough, personal Inspection of the most ralmbh p'o Itiotiona of trustworthy ul,n if ictur rs. Culm. Wainpuld & Co'e. superb l:ne is our leader. The values have ben nnil nhsolntelv greater and more, iippm-giit tluin ever before for the wires. Kohby Pinche ik worsted m,t lliiKirt l li'mik lhilx'1 "" Srtell S. n.uh I weed Bint:' Smooth-finished Casn mil" Uood Washii glon I in u I m'f Black clay ..rleJ m An enorinoii" pathi'ini - of th dreasle t aeav e f oiiect pring and summer r hi-. CoatS OUl ill till! I.L'K .1 1)11 t'Ul and 4-biiti u sa ks. Al tlns.o and double biuartrrt. Eviry giirnient i of linost cus tom tailoring sort, nn tropi-liian styles, hlgh-i-las- finishing". In fit every minue-m itinfinnf to the figure, no mutter u Im position y u a-stuue 8tlU-hli g. sen s and butlon holes m:ide to aillisuml 8t:ere strains, long ai.d i-ei'tcnt w ar. THE CHICAGO A COUGH SUGGESTION This is the eeason when clinmic throat and lung troubles get jlicir . Blart. Auy cough is ternus enough to have prompt attention and it is also important that tbe bast possible remedy is secured. We . hope you will try our WHITE PINE COUGH BALSAM We feel that this is in miny reHpeds a superior remedy and thut once familiar with it, you will rely on it its jour general household cough cure. It is pleasant to take and curas a; quickly as auy safe remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents. " NEWLIN DRUG CO. 800 people are jo fine spirits, except ing a 1-tw that have been aisle. We had to leave one of O'tr number at Gibraltar. As lor mvself, I lend the crew to breaklait al ni'. every morn ing. We (nun I vary lint watber in Palisline unl Kgypt. Our stop in Maderia Wis one long to he remember eel. We left MadnrU Mitch 1!) .at 9 a m. Gibraltar is one of '.ho strongest forts In the world L'ne bay is lion Spam, lying J isl to tbe north, ifl heaiuilul. The wIhhU is green and tljwe-rs are in bloom. Tbe German em.iernr w-in Gibral tar but I dtd r.o. g -t 1 1 ee him. We hard hund.v on Suuday iSr&J' .1 I AmMU'B wow I and lectures every evening and the band plays aou evening. ; Second hraakfast is in progress, wbieh nausea such a racket I will not try to say much about our trip now but if my memory don't (ail me I will dime back to La araudo loaded. I will re turn just as soon aa I can, (or while we are having a delightful trip, there ib no place like home, and Amenoa is the boat place on earth . We will be in Algiers in t morn ing March 21, next Sunday we will be in araece and Mara ' Hill. Our orew ranges in ago from 8 to 79 yeara : Pleaching at 10:30 a n by lir Hen try of Philadelphia. Praise ood from whom all Blessings Flow la the sentiment of tbe entire delegation. : R D Hamiltno Small Hope Now York, Anril 7 There seems tt, be no prospect of an e rly settlement of the Panama Railroad , according to a Herald dispatah Irom Panama. Considerable ineouve menos already uas been caused to eLipptrs. In Panama Bay eight steamers are un able to load or unload tbeir cargoes, and more vaseels are arriving every day. Supplies which reoeutly arrived for the warship are being bandied by bluejiekets. . Fancv atnpo wort ted smta Mxtl Knh-li woi-dtii. finis 1 qintrUir htiwl Iimiiio- Fpnii suns. i' on cr.ih c alR ami IroiifitMH Fine covert rtoth topnmta 1 he i wtn in the picture is wear I gn s l' Identical with the onus we aie selling. . - . The arttct dnw I his cture of a nun wnnri g onn ol our gannonis aoafitophoiv you the 'xa-t Rf P'-nrrinre if i his enil in u trying i pop it 1 -II, I ou do not have lo lie of rrtfii- i Inr p oportio iff for ns to lit you, Our pizi'S run In Ioiiks slims I and st -utH, Bt tlmi, w iAn meet i i'.t mpiif in tte of your figure Hh i well qp any tailor. A II our igirnientf hear the Union ; uihel the fymlol of euniUry and uoiMiy oi.m)8. 1 Mt u suits mid topcoats f 15 to $18 STORE PRISON FOR LIFE Jury Finds Mrs. Botkin Guilty of Murder in Fjrst Degree and Fixes Life Sentence. San Franoisoo, Xpnl 8 Mrs Cor delia Botkin accused ol killing Mix John P Dunning of Dover Del, by sending her poisoned oandy through themailewas tonight convicted (I murder In the first degree with th penalty fixed at life imprisonment. RECALL'05 BILL to be Recalled for Consideration in the House After Vote on the Philippine Bill. Washington Aprll8 Speaker Cannon this evening Instructed Representatives Daliell, of Pennsylvania, ranking Be publican member of tho committee on rules, to call up in the House tomorrow the eiecial rule authorizing oonsitlera lion of the Lewis and Clark Exposition lull immediately nftnr the vntuon the Philippine shipping bill Is inken. Died Keiini'ily fn (Vve Oregon April 0 i)IM Mrs M k Kounedy aged 70 yraie The luner il took plaoa yesti rday alteroon tlio Kcv Urikcr of Union ofhciitting. She le.ivcs a daughter VI ra T W Dib'ird of Umatilla who oame over and made all arrangement for thn funeral. OSTE-OP-A-THY The tendency of the aue Is against nigs. IVopIo are striving" for some tiling better, and It ititieinjc UcmonttrRt ed to them daily that ohtnopnthy Is sound in pluctplu unliannful in reac UoDt liberates thf life forces of Nature, utilizes them agmnst (he ravHges of ills ease and thus restores u) hotith multi tadesof so-culled "inuurAbles, The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a vibH to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot alfbrd to overlook the advantages oflered by the Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on account of its varioua routes and gate ways, baa been appropriately named "The World'e Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take the Missouri pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of cither going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to bt, Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including clcctriu lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily train between Kansas City and 81 Louis. Write, or call on W. U. McUrlile, General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literature. . tf. Congratulations. Mr, John H. Cullom, Editor of tbe Garland, Texas, Newr, baa written ai facturea congratulations to tba menu- letter of of Chamberlain's Oougb Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our first obild was a baby be waa subject to oroupy spells and we w- uld be . very uneasy about him. Ws began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, ant! finding it sncb a relUble remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without It In the nouse sines mat time. We have five children and hate given it to all of them with good results," For Bale by ail druggists. Committeemen Tbe following preolnct committee men to serve for the next t.o yeais were seleoted by the Bepubliaao ooun ty oonventioo. Alioel P A McDonald : Autelnpe O S Pretcoi Cove Judd deer Camp Carton '.Vm Mull' Elgin NO A Galloway Elgin 8 U lias Hallgarlb ; Island City W h Tucker Kamelt W 1) Adams North Powder J M Gilkinaon 1 I Grande No I Jul nil Fisher La Grande No i G M Rlchey La Grand No Ktlpatriok La Grande No 4 E Staples Sumroervllle H O Rlnehart . BUrk' y O Burnett Union No 1 L A Wright Uoioo No 8 A I Gale 1 Perry Alex Nibley Medloal Springs R M Duucan Hilgard No selection Attempt i n King Alfonso Madrid, April 8 .An offioat tele gram from Bucelona slates that as King Alfonso was leaving tbe ex hibition, a 001,10 exploded, injuring two peasants. One arrest waa made. Boundary Quarrel CORVALL1S, Or April g-Alfrad Huard shot Edward Kimball In the faee with a charge of blrdshot yesterday In Alsea Valley, .10 mi'es southwest of Corvallla. The two are neighbors, and quarreled over a boundary line. Kim ball's Injuries are not lalal. The Glee Club The entertainment given by tbe Willamette alee Olub last evening was deserving of a much laiger bouse tbao that witb which they we: e greeted Tbe :lub la ell seleoted and they render lomfl really exoellenl uiuilo. Cer tainly none who attended the enter ta i.mont will have oausa to regret the mall Am charged lor rdmlasinn. Social On rimmUy evening the Ka'hbnoe Sistora will give a social In their lull o which aciirdial luvitation is exten 1ed In all Kninht and their wives fho feature of the evening ' will bo ilauciug and oard playing. FOR RENT A furnished four room cottage. In of Mrs Zulwr. tl Extraordinary Values in Boys' Clothing I If you have not visited our boys' department lately ycu can not realize the purchasing power of your dollar. We CAN, AND DO, give more REAL value in boys' wearing apparel than any house in Eastern Oregon. This coupled with the largest in all lines that are necessary for the dressing of the coming man easily makes us the Boys' Outfitters of the season. BOYS' NORFOLKS (I 60 This is not a leader but a true index to tbe large as sortment open for your mepeoiion Id cur boys' de partment. Neat dark mixed patterns made in Norfolk style l.fi0. ARMY NOW MAY SOON STRIKE Kouropatkin Has Force dent He Has Enough Men to - Succeed. , , : , -t 8t Petersburg, April 8 A Parisian who has just reached bt Petersburg from the front docla e that the opinion ammg the Russian chiefs at Harbin la that the war will anrely laal two years. There are, he declares, ouly about three months In each year in which army op erationt are feasible, from June until the end of August, he Bays fierce flpbt Bound Over Obaa Ellsworth, who waa tried in Jusiioe Grant'aoourt Friday morning oiarged witb stealing a load nf wheat from the Frasier warehouse, was held to the oircuit court and In default ol bonds was taken to Utron last night by special ofUiior MoLvshleu. Sues Subscribers ' Dan J. Malarkey, aa attorney for tbe Lewis .and Claik - Fair Corporation, filed suit today against auosoribwa for lock in tbe fair who have failed to pay the amouuta they have subscribed Following is the list of subiioribers with tbe uDioume for which t bey are being sued; i. D. Wilcox, . 100; Alex, and ObarUs Sqairef, If 1W; Lucius J Hicks tnd We ley Uhatten, f 1(H, John P Obnstenson, 7100, Judgment has been secured by'lnm from W, F. Morrow lo the sum of f 100 nn a similar com plaint, : . 1,... SOMMER HOUSE ltd Smith Union Mrs ItSl Avars do Johh I nrain .. , St Lonla L O Lnkiin . ' ' J'orllitml ired Ol'un ?- H f H Sul on . . do - Mra I W Simiiia Walla Walla FH J.ibneon (IrHiitCo K.I O Allan . , -. Fox Kubt llliliuciifltelii : Klgin 11 Millar hpoknne il II Slioritt . ' . do . BLUE SERGE. 3.75. SUITS Made in the Norfolk etyte .-Ibis suit is all wool, a garment of real met it, such ai you have always been in the habit of paying 4.50 to $5.00 for. We have priced tlmin at 13.75. I snort tuva t - : , u READY Collected and is Confi .. - .1. . 1,-5 .i -4 II . 4..,,. Ing may be expected. . General Kooropatkin waa promised be fore ho departed for the evens of boa llllllttea that he should have al' of the men he des red before serious opera lions would be expected. ' It is not re ported that the force which General Kouropatkin declared waa necessary to assure aucqesa is in Manchuria. - ' April Fool Party . ' The best yet was tbe verdict of those' -who attended the April fool party on . Thursday evening. A good time, a-- merry time and a gayo!d time appeared -to be tbe motto of all -present. And this they surely had. Judging from the - merry peals of laughter , which issued ' : from the Armory hall during the entire evening. Frank Baf assisted bt Miss -Olive Crawford had charge of the pro gram and reflected much credit opon them'el os fur the very able manner In -which they conduetei the affair. The good order aoi deportment which always prevails at these aaaem . -blys glvon by Prof and Mrs Simpson da . serves special mention. ; Temperance Meeting Dr. E L Tiffany of New York will -address the people of La Grande Thura diy evening April. 12 at Central 0 luro'i on the theme of Prohibition : from a financial standpoint." The . proposed local option law to be vrted on at the next June election will also rocuve attention. . '- Admission fres, .' , : J L Reavis - . . Notice to Water Consurtiers .. ' All parsons nning oily , water will ' pay their water rent into the office of Wm Miilur,-Recorder: b?fore the. 10th day of each month, otherwise their t' water will be shut off, and a delin qii?noy fine ansessed, . ;s . : ; r; - - By order of tiia Mayor and Couucil " of the City ol La Grande, Oregon. - I long pants suits $5 . In fanov mixed wool soi iuga, caRsiniere and chr0S,TJr ranging from agei J.leanurT suits that hrfeJineo,(, been regardr 0n ttl$j&"' -valuea-Btmt. ' .j,: ,' a T ' , rt luonij 'llrV lo it r 7 mwt ' - - - ' n: tniiiiiiiiitimiimitoMiiiinnttiiiiiiiiimtf ti,,,tl ass,