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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1904)
1. '.V , v s V. if' ' " WE WILL OFFER The Thompson Jewelry Stock Wbioh we purchased at SO $enta on the dollar at prices unknown in Eastern Oregon. Jm Bom JO year opeo.laerd gold-tilled 18 tize rases, 113, now 16.50 0 fto ladiitC lis banting caw, 20 year rue worth f 10, now 6.26 17-Jewaled' floated Bath Thomae moiement complete In nickle eaaa, 6.75. . 7-Jeweled Wtttbam and Elfin movements, 18 die M Diamond riDR worth 120, now 14. Elk teeth mounted worth I2 ow 17.80. ' Cuff buttons worth 65c, 60c, 40u, now 85u. Thy above quotations are'ouly a few of our great bargaina. Remember tbeee goods are no humbug, or trash we guarantee every article and will refnud yeur ney'a free as we take it it these goods are not as "represented."- The Rainbow Store AN IIWrTAION TO YOU, I THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. , We are receiving dairy many now designs in Wall Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to' yon and your friends to call and see them. We are anxious to have you see our line and we fee) sure you will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, & PAINTS. 0I12S Paper Is Cheaper Than Coa! and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered . jour fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Taper .Hanging at dricea you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1566, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 . i. i ....... J. H. Peare, Kreih - 'hncolales Fret i Bon Bo us Freiih Nougact Fresh Carmels' Fresh Taffey Fresh Sailed Peanula Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Freali Fruit GREENE & CO. m was ALWAYS I ON TIME Wh ir yi o idci groceries trnm ua yro ara aura to have ER THING Cfc to be had. V J V..;-tr.iV .'s,jron are Bit 01 1 vO U jC-t. A ' "l-riVial line of vy BACON I cziwmcSJED MEATS I - McLachlen AND GLASS IF BROKEN HEARTS oould be mended ae neatly, quickly and thoroughly I can repair your jewelry there would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether It be a watch, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin- dear Irom asso ciation need repairing, bring it to me and it will be mended so you oannot tell it from new. My peoialty it watch repairing. Bring it here and have it done honestly, inertly and cheaply. the Jeweler them'rlulivered on time irdar irroceriea from ua von nrn hiik In We keep only the best our store fM . LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS, Editors and ProprietorjT- ifioterod at the Port Office at La Grande, Urcsnn, aa Second OUaa Kail Mattel. ; .. . .: ' . ', Published Daily oe Tear in Advance dix Months in Advanoe .. 16.60 . . g3.50 SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 9. 1904. The contest between Mr. Lo-j max of LMion and Mr. Moore of. Baker City for the nomidation of district attorney, at the pres ent time is believed to be uery close. Baker bus 14, Union 10 and Wallowa 6 votes, 16 being necessary for nomination. Both men are confident of victory. The result will be is no so on tlit) 14th when the - state con vention meets. The state dele gates of the tlireo counties in terested make the nominations for the prosecuting attorney and joint representatives. Next week the Williamson" Moody question will be settled and it will certainly bn a great relief to many of our citizeut whoee personnl inteaests will not be affected in the least one way or the other, no matter what the result may be, but who nevertheless are arrarently as much interested as if they were near relatives, tlMDifitroua For Women. It la the iDcllnntlou of udvnnclh,: feurs to at Irk responsibilities, and :i vry dangerous tendency It bus prot il to be tor women. When the chnrur or youth has disappeared there is a great er need to keep the public eye from noting the loss of each yeur. It Is all very well to moralize uliout accepMna Old agefrankly, there la nothing hut regret for any of us In parting with our youthful attractions. Certainly there should be no shame In striving to retain them us long ns possible oi hiding their Ioms from the eyes of the world. There Is something repulsive In the havoc time mnUes with bum:tn flesh, and any truthful woman will ni' mlt It. If care In bathing, in out Ins. ii. eleeplng. In dremiug. In fact. In II tin departments of life, will allow us t be attractive to the eye, prny let 'if practice It to the very limit of c:ip:f Ity. Boston Traveler. A Good HouNclioItl Contenl, An excellent cement for mcnilltiii a a09t anything may be made by inlsiii together litharge and glycerin to I!., consistency of thick cream or frc.-it putty. The cement -is useful lu ui.'iio Ing stouo Jars or any course enrthci wurc, stopping leaks In st'.-ttns of t; pans or wttsh boilers, crac!:-3 anil hole In Iron kettles, etc. It mny also 1 used to' fasten on lamp topi or tighter loose nuts, to secure loose boltB whos nutrnre Inst, to tighten loose Joints ol wood or Iron or In many other ways about the various kitchen utensils, tl.i ciuiKO, sink and In pantry littlngs ir all cases the article mended should not be used till the cement has hardened which will require from one day to n week, according to the quantity of ce ment used. The cement will resist tin action of water, hot or cold, acids nrtii almost any degree of heat. Couch Cover. Here la a gorgeous thing In the waj of a couch cover. It Is an Improve ment upon the old time nfghnn. It la crocheted In four broad strips the length. These are put together with bands of heavy linen lace Insertion wide, but not quite the width of the crocheting. The whole Is lined wlti ntin, which shows through tho open work pnttcrn of the lace and the rohr It Is too elegant by this time to cne It anything else Is flnlshed around tic edge with n deep edgo of the luce. T'w one In question Is crocheted of lw shades of olive green. It Is really han:l aonia. A Cnae of ftlutnal tntereat. The three days' nutlonul good roi.fl convention held In St. Louis wits one of the most noted gatherings ever held In the western country, suj 1 t'ountrj (ientlentnti. The problem of umklnx good roads is one that has been leforr the people In Its manifold forms fur many years. All who are interested In this subject will he pleased to sei that this convention struck the key note of the situation and that there t a moral certainty of a marked result The ditllculty In the past has been In an attempt to pnt a tax on the fanner for making kikmI roads. It was well an Id nt the nicotine that If the farm era pay the taxes for building govern, ment buildings In the city the real, denta of the city should not object to ptiyluK taxes to build good roads foi the farmer In the country, ss the lu torest In IhiiIi eases would be mutuil I DO YOU WANT I I I CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? J If so, we can. locale you on some fine claims in " Wulbwa Countv. Exupi aionday. i Per Month.'..,'... 1 BiDRle Copy ...... .66 .OS There yet remains to be nom inated an the republican ticket a joint senator and a joint rep resentative for Union and Wal lowa counties to succeed Sena tor Wade and Representative Buileigh and a district attorney lor this judicial district, ; com prising 1 he counties of Union, Wallowa and Baker. The reception given the Re publican convention aV Elgin was appreciated by all the dele gates, and the demooratio con vention which meets ihere next Thursday will be the recipient of similar courtesies. . . Every indication at this tjme points to a clean campaign. The strongest party will uatur- allv eleot their men. ,Next Thursday the Democrats hold their convention and then the campaign will be on. BLOOD CIRCULATION. Jreftthlna; and Its Relatlom to tlie Seoret of Good Health. The secret of health, as every latent gent physician knows, Is free and full circulation of the blood, and this drcu- (aUon la dependent absolutely on tbn? ougn oxygenation. In many cas where erroneous habits of living have been so long continued that congesting has become chronic In one shape or an other-obesity, gout, rheumatism, con stipation or tuberculosis having tumped in the system aud crippled It - the patient is not apt to be In a condl to rendlly assimilate a sufficient quantity of oxygen direct from the at mosphere. The breathing apparatus must first be properly developed. that the patient shall be able to grad aally Increase the supply of air to the system, until at last he -recovers the normal power of deep breathing. With the building up of the lungs through proper brenthlng there la metabolism of oil the tissues and or gans, so that for most men. brcatbltia exercises are more Important than any mere muscular exercise. Not only the lungs, but all the internal organs are brought Into play by correct breathing. It develops the heart, stomach, liver and kidneys directly and Indirectly and nourishes all these organs as they should be nourished by more blood and better blood In constant and regular circulation. Breathing, therefore, Is a aoverelgn -remedy for our national dla ease of nervous depletion. It might well replace the countless tonics, stlm alants and nnodynes now so commonly resorted to, where results are nothing less than tragic In thousands of cases Maurice Maiming. M. D., In Vim. Greek Wosea, We learn that the nose of Socrate was not Greek, but such as Greek art tsts usually assigned to satyrs. Occa aloaally, us In a benutlful group of ' eatyr playing dice with a nymph en a bronze mirror, they gave satyrs nnoth er kind of noae. The noses of the la dies In the Tnuagra terra cotta are 01 all agreeable orders of nose, not neeet earlly Greek. Tho chances are that thf Greeks vnrled aa much as we do In their noses, while the tradition of tbelt art preferred the conventional straight nose. In the same way the kind of lto- ninns who hnd their portraits doae on coins and gems were Just the sort 01 energetic, conquering people who have Roman noses everywhere, like William of Orange and the Puke of Wellington London Saturday Itevlew. The MlatrriM' character. The London Globe prints a "char ecter" which nn IhiKllsh servant leav ing kindly gave her mistress: "In an scr to your letter. It's not 11 bad place tile Mi-a limlrqt(,n,la Itnr (Intra .! I. slvel nnd obliging, but troubles about getting up early In the mornings. There U nlnnfr nml if v.m't mtti.l a ,lnnA where only one other young lady Is aept ncsiiics yourseir, you nilKlit glv them a nnintli's trial. I like more so eh'ty, which Is why I am leaving." Hln .nrrow Logic. "If I hnd my way." said the ninn of Ugh principles, "there would bo no money In politics." "But." said Senator Sorghum. "If yon didn't put any money in politics It Ian t likely you could have your way Washington Star. STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, April 13 A Spectacular Production of the Beautiful . . .Southern Drama - . "In Old Kentucky" Presented by local talent under the auspices' of the Forresters of America 9 a a. PRICES 25, 35 a id 50c Sunday Morning. RIIIIIIOBIRaillllflBaBB I CALIFORNIA PRIVET. Makes a beautiful !ence or screen for city lots. IU foliage is so dense as to shut out all wind. It is an eve rg 1 eeii and can be cut to any shape or form, It in hardv and grows on any soil. Also fine for cemetery lots. Ftuit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses, ttc. Let us know your wants we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1161. . - - . QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE THE Laundry Is now for With our 1. Position tot Order wnk Call us up 111 I A B C LAUNDRY ! ; PHONE i85i m WHITE ROSE : FLOOR .Ts n.illt'tl with the idea of pleasing every dealer's high ola8S trHde-cuslomers who appreciate quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re liability and highest grade in every sack of flou bearing tho White Bose brand. P;oneer Flouring Mill Co. i & 1 aEBiHGsrraiiH on agBaBBBaaaDoaaiissa'naaassstiai j Union Steam- Laundry. Will Open Monday. We have purchased the Union Steam Laundry, which we will commence to op erate Monday, April 4. This plant is one of tl p hett eqiu.ipnl in Ea-tem Oregon. All our work ; guaranteed '.o give perfect satisfaction at the !oe- price?. Our wagon is at our s. r vc,:. Telephone Number 1 98 1. Your Tr.ide Solicited Jeuiisou r n B n n H B t H H n m B B I ft Seats on Sale at Van Btrcn's Doors open at 7:30. m 1 a 1 -e IS ABC Radv, BusinesnSi w up-'f- Uue Plant we are in a rn out l.i best of work. Shor a spei .ii(y. Phone No. 185 I our w.igoti Mill call. a n H B a a B a g n rj a n ?! e: o t a .1 a n NEW MARKET StlilWBll Wish to Hiinoiint'e lhat on ; Suturday February . 27 ; they will open a first class ; Moat Maiket in the old Stand ; "THE BOSS" ; Coiner Railroad & Fir Str- We will always keep on i . hai.d a good stock of fresh 1 and r-moki'd meats, sau- sage , tiBh and poultry, ' and will beglad to meet ', nil my old patroiis and 1 as niauy. new ones. AIL orders will receive our " prompt iittention, t Phone 48- Four oi b kind is n p etty good hand at ranis. But nt thn but her'B its the kind that count r, not the four. We keep i)ty one kind of merit, the kind that's fresh, healthy, tender and uiuy. Buy your etortki anl chops here, and they'll always he right. Our stock is well-fed and pjoprly rared for. Conse quently our ment has a deliciouB flavor. Bock & Thomas Early R isers THE FAH0US LITTLE FILLS. rw iuiun iiuiii Diuvuauow. n Sick Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun nj dlco, Diizlness, and all troublea arla from an I n active or sluggish liver, DeWltt'a Utile Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that Ills a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They ' are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonlo the liver. raiPARBD OM.T sr K. C. DsAVltt & Co.. ChicBrfn Fin Sn!e by all Druggists NOTICE: ees I woulj like all my old frleiidx and enstorr era to know that I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.i feed b.;f for LIVEKY PURPOSES and will be found tl.ere for buslnces with llret-i-lasp riBsatid good arcomo dations, I HI alao board horses by lire month. HoreeB boui;!i, sold and exi-haned. G. W, ALLEN ADAMS AVE. Phoue mi- Like IS in the sky cornea ine star oi neaitn famoxis remedv to the weak and does lor the stom ach that which It weary despot aentayspeplto. Is unable to do for curing all Itself, even if but slightly disordered a l o m ao n troubles and or overburdened. digestive disorder. Kodol BUDollM IKm nat..,. tuicesof dicrMiinn .j 1 does I ha wnrlr ( ik. stomach, relaxing tho the Inflamed muscle,! I ana membranes of that Orean ara ).-.. .,-1 rest anrl hail i . Indigestion, flatulence, ' palp.uuon of the heart, nervous dyspepsia and a an itomach tioublea h 1 cleansing Durirvir-av ... Si StrenPtheniner, i j. i Q membranes o( the stom-' p "en ana aigestive organs. IKodol DvsDcosIafiHp! 9 - ' r "-" .t 7 Company, STK.-ET. McDanlel &, McDonald, ! T.rD-.l..e..SiilTTw.. I BU. .r. l:.0fl Sim k.o- ... 1 742 FI -WALLOWA, OREGON inajBjJ a fraaaratai !.. v ajnu. For Sale hy all DrnggiiU k. ilaA'IWfcllil,, , V. 7 m laj -